06x159 - Lucy vs. Flare

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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06x159 - Lucy vs. Flare

Post by bunniefuu »

Raven Tail's...

...Make magic wizard...

I will pay you back for this. I swear!

A simpleminded but purehearted person

was always seen in those eyes

What's important, what tomorrow holds

What true strength actually is

Remembering you has made
my paltry self go crazy

I'll toss everything aside and make
a miracle happen, just you watch

Race forward, forward,
forward with everything you got

The fateful moment is when you think,
"This is how it's gonna be."

So keep fighting it, with all
your voice and all your soul

Because staring at books isn't
going to get you anywhere

Today is the first day of the
Grand Magic Games' main events!

Today's competition segment has ended

with Fairy Tail's Team B
in 7th place with 1 point

and Team A in dead last with 0 points!

Yeah, that Rufus guy was insanely strong!

Raven Tail's pesky obstructions kept
Fairy Tail from fighting effectively.

There's still one more part to
today's events: the battle portion.

As its name suggest,
it consists of 1-on-1 battles!

A victory in the battle
portion is worth 10 points.

A loss is worth 0 points.

A draw is worth 5 points for both sides.

We can still nab a top spot if we win this!

The competition has only just begun!

You can do it, Fairy Tail!

Lucy vs. Flare.

Did you watch the competition, Sir?

Yes. On the lacrima-tron.

The battle portion is about to begin.

I think I'll go watch it in person.

It looks like this year's harvest
might surpass expectations.

Day 1, Match 1 will pit
Fairy Tail A's Lucy Heartfilia...

...versus Raven Tail's Flare Corona!


Lucy! Show us the results of your training!

A win here will keep us in the running!

Yeah! Wallop her!

Raven Tail...

They hurt Wendy... just as a way to say hello?!

And in the last game they focused
more on stopping Gray than winning.

Now I'm mad!

I got this, guys. I will win!


That's an excellent look in her eyes!

Lucy's really serious about this fight.

Yes, because she's up
against Ivan's moronic guild!

Tear her to shreds!

What's the matter, First Master?

What exactly is this Raven Tail guild's goal?

To humiliate us, obviously!

They're irritating to no end!

Let's just hope it's something that petty...

I hear the masters of these two guilds
are father and son, Mr. Yajima!

Well, if they bear different guild emblems

then their family relationship can't mean much.

This is so dramatic!

I'm getting chills!

Competitors, step forward!

This entire arena will serve as the b*ttlefield.

As such, your teammates have
been moved off the field.

You have a 30-minute time limit.


I refuse to lose.

Incapacitate your opponent
before time is up and you'll win.

Now let the first match begin!

Here I come!

Open, Gate of the Golden Bull!

--Fierce Moove!

Oh, my! Celestial spirit magic!

And with a Zodiac spirit, at that!

Open, Gate of the Scorpion!


We are! Let's do this thing!

Two celestial spirits at once?!

Whoa! When did she learn to do
simultaneous gate openings?!

So cool!

Sand Buster!

Her hair grew?!

She's actually defending with it?!

Taurus! Scorpio's sand!

Say no moore!


You got it, Taurus! We!


Sandstorm Axe...


The sand's in my eyes!


Summoning two spirits at
once is impressive enough,

but now they've unleashed a team attack!


That gal has certainly improved;

she's nothing like she was seven years ago.

Good work, you two!

--We are!


Hair Shower: Wolf Fang!

Her hair turned into a wolf!

--Her hair?!
--Her hair!

Her plentiful hair! Her long, luxurious hair!

Be quiet.

Open, Gate of the Giant Crab!


My... hair...!

Nice, Cancer!

I'm a haircut expert, shrimp!

Curse you!


Take that!

My red hair flows freely, without restraint.

Actually, my Fleuve d'étoiles...

...does too!


Oh, my!

The very first match begins with
an adrenaline-charged battle!

These two girls square off in
this father-son guild showdown!

Both sides stand their ground!

It looks like Fairy Tail might
have an ever-so-slight advantage.


What's wrong?

Whoa, look at Lucy's feet!


Have a hard time standing?

My red hair's injured your feet.

That red hair!

It injured her when it grabbed her?!

Stray strong, Lucy!

Stand up!

Sheesh. I really liked these boots, too!

My hair... My scorching red hair...

...caused such little damage?!


Looks like she's off to a great start,
wouldn't you agree?

Yeah. It's impressive.

She's really something.

You wouldn't think she spent the last
seven years in stasis on Tenrou Island.

We once fought alongside
her when we battled the Seis,

and I measure far more magic power
from her now than seven years ago.

According to Sir Ichiya,

their magic power has increased
even more since the Zentopia incident.

But this redhead is pretty proficient, too.

Who knows what she'll try next...

Wh-What? Are you going for my legs again?!

She's barefoot now.

There's no avoiding damage
if she gets caught this time.

Be careful, Lucy!

Strange. I don't sense it at all this time!

Where's it going to come from?!

What is she doing?

Come on! Keep attackin' her, will ya?!

Wipe the floor with that Raven chick!

Seriously, calm down!


Get it together!

Get Up Dance!

I guess her legs were seriously hurt?

Be silent. That is an order.

Even an airheaded blonde like you

knows what'll happen if you disobey, right?

This is a dirty trick!


I didn't know you were watching from here.

It's bearing fruit.


It's now bearing ripe fruit.

It might finally reach completion this year.

Just you wait...

...Sir Zeref.

What is it, Master?

Perhaps it's my imagination, but I
thought I sensed an odd presence...

Must be your age.

--Hey, now.

Old mustache geezer!

No one notices.

No one will notice.

I can take out that brat
in an instant if I want to...

This girl's insane!

The battle segment continues
with exhilarating combat!

It's Lucy Heartfilia versus Flare Corona!


Back when you were on
the Council, Mr. Yajima,

Fairy Tail had quite a different
reputation than it does now, correct?

Indeed, it was well-liked, supremely skilled,

and, much to our dismay,
caused nothing but trouble.

Yes, that likely comes as a surprise
to many people out there!

I can't believe how underhanded she is!

Be quiet. Stay still. And no using magic.

Disobey, and you know what'll happen...


Has her simultaneous
summoning backfired on her?

--Did she run out of magic?
--No, she ain't running!

That's not what she meant.

Lucy! What's happened?!

She was fighting on equal
terms just a minute ago!

Lucy! What about your celestial spirits?!

I can't watch this!
She's getting slaughtered out there!

Endure It Dance!

Is she conserving her magic power?!

I dunno what's happening,
but if this keeps up...!

--What's goin' on?!
--She suddenly sucks at fighting!

Get it together, Blondie!

Just what has happened?!

The intense fight just moments ago has
suddenly become a one-sided battle!

You can do it!

Take this!

And this! And this!




I'm sorry...

I surrend--


Maybe she's so hungry she can't move?

Get real!

Who said you could talk...


I won't let you give up the fight.

Because I'm about to have
lots of fun with you now.

Now, I don't even want
to hear a peep from you.


...you are allowed to scream.

Now, let's see...

What should I have you do first?

Peeling those clothes off of you might be nice,

right in front of everyone here.

That sounds nice and all, but I
just got an even better idea.

I'll brand your body with
the Raven Tail emblem.

And it'll stay on you for the rest of your life.

Where would you like me to put it? Hmm?


You want it on top of your
Fairy Tail emblem, huh?

Please! Anything but that!

I told you not to talk!

No! Anything but that!

Something's not right about Lucy!

Where is Natsu?

Huh? He was here a minute ago...

I got good ears!

I heard her loud and clear!

She said, "Asca!"


Why are you here?!


Lucy! Now!

Thanks, Natsu!


Let's do the spell!

We still need more practice.

We're not sure we can do it.

Just transform into me!

You got it!

Why are you dressed like that?!

We can't help it. This is the outfit
you had when we copied you.


Oh, right. That was right
after my bath yesterday...

--Hmm! Hmm!
--Don't look!


Wouldn't it be better for Gemini
to transform into Erza or Laxus?

They can't.

They can only copy people with
magic power similar to Lu, their owner.

I see.

That means they can't copy our
master or our first master, then.

But I bet they could copy
our wimpy ol' fourth master!

Shut up! You're no one to talk!

My, oh, my! What a lovely turn of events!


She's got curves, all right.


Still, what does she need two of herself for?

B-Bath towel!

Quit using telepathy for every little thing...

E-Excitement Dance!

Quit dancing! It's getting annoying!

And cheer her on more
seriously while you're at it!

There are now two Lucy Heartfilias!

And one is wearing a bath towel!

They must be Gemini,
the twin Zodiac celestial spirits!

Stars far and wide that measure
and open the heavens...

With thy radiance, reveal thy form to me.

That spell... It can't be!

Now I see.

She's using her two selves
to increase her magic power.

Incredible. She's actually mastered
that ultra magic spell of the stars!

Even with two of me now

I can't unleash as much power as I did then.

But... I'm going to show her!

Wh-What is this?!

Open the raging, tumultuous gate!

This is Fairy Tail!

I'm placing the pride of
our guild in this one attack!

With all 88 heavenly bodies...



A starry sky?! What is this?!



Huh? What?

What's going on?

Gemini's gone, too.

I-It got neutralized?


Was it you?!

No way...


What happened?!

The spell just vanished?!

Uhh, that appeared to be
a major technique, but...

Was Lucy's spell a dud?

Mr. Yajima! What's your take on--

M-Mr. Yajima?

Oh, my! Lucy is down!

The match is over!

The winner is Raven Tail's Flare Corona!

This isn't right!

It didn't seem like that
redhead nullified the spell.

She had outside assistance.

Those guys play dirty!


Are you trying to start an off-field fight?!

Are you?!

I-I win.

That'll teach you, Blondie!

You're pathetic! A disgrace! A loser!

What was with that spell?! It was just a dud?!


Now Raven Tail has 18
points while Fairy Tail is...

...stuck at 0 points!


"It's not a breach of the
rules if no one notices."

There's nothing more cowardly than that!

I feel a little bad for her...

They only won by resorting to illegal tactics.


That was a wonderful magic battle!

Don't cry, Lucy.

I can't help it...

It's just not fair...

Let's save our tears for when we've won.

You were amazing.

It showed that we do have
a fighting chance after all.

0 points? Sounds great to me.

We get to make a comeback now.


I'm fired up!

I'm crying because I'm just so happy

I'm crying because I'm just so sad

Yes, living true to myself

is what lets me be myself

There's a whisper in the breeze

that says, "You're fine just the way you are."

We stay our true selves

and each embrace our own happiness

as we walk forward

Every time the sky changes color

the sound of my quivering heart rings out

What you gave me

Welp, today's Team A match is over!

We get to cheer Team B on next!

Oh, it sounds like Jellal's
gonna fight for Team B!

He's strong! This is gonna be great!

No, we need to call him Mystogan!

But it is Jellal.

We'll be disqualified if we
enter a non-Fairy Tail member!

Plus, he's an escaped convict!

Next Episode: Portent.

Oh! His opponent is Jera, huh?

No, "Jura"!

You're messing up on purpose, aren't you?!
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