01x46 - Clash at Kardia Cathedral!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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01x46 - Clash at Kardia Cathedral!

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, everyone watching!

Whenever you watch Fairy Tail,
be sure to turn on the lights in the room

and sit away from the TV, okay?

Previously, on Fairy Tail...

Natsu and the others joined
in on the Battle of Fairy Tail

and wiped out Laxus' Thunder Legion.

All that was left was to
stop Laxus' Thunder Palace,

but then our master suddenly collapsed!

Yo Ho let the rudder go, turning hard to port

Yo Ho frantic confusion makes for a snazzy life

We'll have a farewell party when the sun sets

No need to be sad;
if we live we'll meet again somewhere

We journey forth, pushing through the headwind

Tears, tears... A real man
will act tough until they dry up

My friend, my friend... Someday we'll laugh

as if making sure of our strong, strong bond

Now reach out and grab
the map of our shining future

Look, Lucy!

"Fried versus Mirajane:
both have lost the will to fight..."?!

That's what that light was after all!

The She-Devil, huh...
I can't tell if I wish I'd seen her or not...

In any case, the Thunder Legion
has been wiped out now!

Oh, they are?! But...


There's still the Thunder Palace--

all the lightning lacrimas that'll attack the city...

What do we do about those?!

As long as they're protected by body link magic,

any att*cks we make on them
will damage us instead.


There's so little time left,
and we can't even evacuate the citizens...!

Are you okay, Lucy?!

Yeah... Thanks...

You haven't recovered your magic yet.
You can't push yourself too hard.

Still, there has to be something we can do...


Natsu... Erza... Where are you guys?!

"Clash at Kardia Cathedral!"
Clash at Kardia Cathedral!

Where are you, Laxus?!

Where are you, dammit?!

Show yourself, Laxus!

The Thunder Palace is
the judgment of the god of thunder...

Only ten minutes until it fires...

Is Laxus actually serious about this?

But things will work out!

We still have Erza and Natsu, not to mention Gajeel!

Oh, yeah! There's Mystogan, too!

Although I've never seen him...

Who could be visiting at a time like this?

Where is that insipid fool?

M-Ms. Porlyusica?! Why are you--?

I asked where he is.

Oh, back there, in the infirmary!

I-I don't mean to be rude, but right now he's...!

I know. That's why I'm here.

Oh! You're here to treat our master?!


--Bring Laxus here.

Bring that child here; he's out gallivanting around

ignorant of his grandfather's grave condition.

G-Grave condition? Surely it's not that bad...

Please, just do as I ask. He hasn't much longer...

Laxus! Laxus!

I promised to watch the Fantasia
parade with you this year, remember?

What do you think, Laxus?!
Those are Fairy Tail wizards!

Why am I reminded of such
petty things at a time like this?

Laxus. You're not going to
participate in the Fantasia parade?

How can you even ask that, old man?!

Ever since I was little, people have
looked at me from a skewed viewpoint

just 'cause I'm your grandson!

Nothing I do ever earns me proper respect,

just because I'm the grandson
of Makarov, the master of Fairy Tail!

That's only how you see it.

I doubt anyone in this world
feels they've earned proper respect.

Things were uncomfortable enough already,

but then you had to shame me even more!

That wasn't--

Do you not have a heart at all?!


Why did you kick Dad out?!

Say something!

He-- Ivan-- caused harm to the guild.

Yes, it's true that everything he does is stupid!

But he's still your son! He's family!

I cannot let anyone--
not even family-- remain in our guild

if they continue to endanger fellow members' lives.

That is how our predecessors preserved our guild.

That is how Fairy Tail works!

Then are you gonna throw me out too?!

If you do, I'll join Dad's
new guild... and destroy you!

"New guild"...? You know where Ivan is?!

What's it matter to you?
It's obvious you don't give a damn...

Wait, Laxus!

He left with information that
can be used against Fairy Tail!

Fairy Tail is in danger unless we find him!

Funny hearing that from
the guy who kicked him out.


Someday, I will surpass you.

Not for Dad. So I can be me.

So I can be a man who stands on his own!

The time has come...

I'm going to surpass you, old man!

Six minutes until the Thunder Palace fires...

No intention of surrendering, huh?
You're still as stubborn as ever...


So you came?


I never imagined you would join in on this game.

If you take down the Thunder Palace at once,

it could be explained away
as a part of the entertainment.

How simpleminded.

You know that people have been saying

the title of strongest member of
Fairy Tail belongs to either me or you.

It makes no difference to me,
but you're forgetting Erza.

I'm not. She shows promise,
but she's still too weak.

Erza, weak? Just how blind are you?

I acknowledge your skill, Mystogan.

The title of strongest belongs to one of us two.

If that is the only way you can see things,

then perhaps you're the simpleminded one.

Let's find out who's strongest once and for all...

Mystogan... No, Another--

The church?!

Kardia Cathedral?!

Where did you learn about that?!

My, what a rare treat it is to see you flustered...

Where did I find out? Good question.

Maybe I'll tell you if you can beat me.

You'll regret it, Laxus.

You're about to witness magic
you've never seen before!

Oh, I'm shaking in my boots. Good luck with that.

I'm gonna show you we're
on completely different levels!



Impossible! The entire church...?!

What kind of magic is this?!

What a joke!

Did you think you could beat me
with such pathetic illusions, Mystogan?!

Impressive. But you realized it one moment too late.


Sleep! Five-Layer Magic Circle: Sacred Song!

I'd say you're the one who should pay attention.

Oh, no!

He slipped through?!

Not bad.


--Natsu! You got out?!

--So, who's this guy?

You're wide open!



Jellal... Y-You're alive...?

Oh, you recognize him?

Wh-What's going on?!

Mystogan... is Jellal?!


Erza... You were the one person
I wanted to keep this from...

I am not Jellal.
I know who he is, but he is not me.

I'm sorry. I leave the rest to you.


Man! I'm so confused! But never mind that now!

Laxus! I'm here to fight you!

That okay with you, Erza?! I'm gonna fight him!


That expression doesn't suit you, Erza!

Bring it on!

Laxus! I already said I'm gonna
take you on, you bastard!

Oh, I didn't notice you there, Natsu.

I've had enough of your mockery!

Fight me, Laxus!


Your stupid, headlong approach
is the most annoying of all!

Get lost, small fry!

Fire Dragon Talon!


No worries!

You're not going anywhere.

Me, run?!

This is just what I was waiting for!

Now I'll destroy you!



I need to forget about Jellal--
no, Mystogan-- for the time being.

I need to focus on Laxus now!



What are those things hanging in the sky, Laxus?!

You've heard of the Thunder
Palace before, haven't you?

Don't tell me you intend to attack Magnolia?!

It's a new rule I added.

Honestly, it pains me greatly, too...

Curse you...!

Two minutes to go.

Natsu! Destroy them all!

I can't!

Actually, it's more like,
if I destroy 'em they'll take me out too!


Does that mean you used body link magic?!

That's right. No one can do
anything about those lacrimas.

You're despicable!

Now my lightning will eradicate you too!


Thunder Empress Armor, huh?

Do you honestly think that can stop my lightning?!

It does more than stop it, Laxus!

Try stopping this, Erza!

Not bad.

When two people with
the same type of magic clash,

what determines the winner is...

...their amount of magic energy,
technique, and experience, right?

And heart! Our master taught you that as well!

Yes, he taught me. Taught me that
strength is what matters most.

You appall me...!

Erza! Why are you so raring to fight?!

I told you I'll handle Laxus!

I put my trust in you.

H-Hey! Where are you going?!

Don't tell me you're going
to stop the Thunder Palace...?!

It's no use!

Just destroying one can mean death!

And there are who-knows-how-many
of those lacrimas up there!

You're also out of time!

I will destroy them all simultaneously.

Impossible! Even if you could,
you'd still be a goner!

But it would save the city.

Stop Laxus, Natsu!

Damn it! Are you trying
to break the game's rules?!

Can I put my trust in you too, Erza?!

I'm not talking about whether it's possible or not!

I'm talking about you making it through alive!


You've saved my life before.
I'm not going to throw it away now.


Fire Dragon Roar!

I will beat you!

Pesky little brat...!

Swords. Lend me your strength
to protect this land of Magnolia...

And, everyone in Fairy Tail...
Lend me your strength!

Hey, is it just me, or did
Erza just say something to us?!

Yeah, I think I heard it too.

--She asked us for strength...

Lend you our strength?
That ain't like you, Erza...!


If Erza's voice can reach everyone
else like it reached me, then...!

We need Warren's power for that!

Fire Dragon Brilliant Flame!

You know just as well as I do, Natsu!


You know just how spineless this guild has become!

I'm going to transform this guild!

But first I need to become its master!

Where is everyone?!

Of course this is the one time
we can't find anyone at all!

Warren Rocko! Are you here, Warren?!

"One minute, thirty seconds
until the Thunder Palace fires..."

What are you doing, old man?!

Don't you give a damn about
what'll happen to the town?!

No need to feel so hard-pressed... Laxus!

It's obvious nothing's gonna happen!


You have nothin' to gain from destroying the city.

You're just flustered now
that it's too late to turn back.

Don't worry. Erza will stop 'em.

It ain't easy sticking to your g*ns, Laxus!

I'll teach you to act like a know-it-all!


Still not enough...!

Here I come!

Back then, when we laughed together
about how alike we are

you gently overlooked my little white lies

It won't matter to me if
we don't have a place to return to

because I'll protect that smile of yours

There are countless
encounters and farewells waiting

Not to mention many things I don't want to lose

But I don't feel any need for them anymore

All I want is to be by your side and gaze at you

through happiness, sadness, and everything else

Let's start right here and now

Let's start our future

Let's be true to our feelings

Like flowers swaying in the summer breeze,

let's use this moment to bloom in our full glory

"Fairy Tail"

Natsu! Another Dragon Slayer
is supposed to appear next week!

Come on, now! I'm more than enough on my own!

It'll only weaken my presence
if we keep getting more!

--It already is really weak.
--No, it's not! I'm kicking plenty of butt!

Oh? You're weakening it yourself?

"Next Episode: Triple Dragons"
Next Episode: Triple Dragons.

There's me, there's Gajeel...
Who's gonna be next?

Oh! I bet we'll find out
I really am a Fish Dragon Slayer!

In your dreams.
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