01x09 - Natsu, Eat the Village

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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01x09 - Natsu, Eat the Village

Post by bunniefuu »

The Fiore Kingdom.

A neutral country with a population of 17 million.

It is a world of magic.

Magic is bought and sold there like anything else,

and is deeply ingrained in the people's lives.

There are even some who
make a living using magic.

These people are referred to as wizards.

These wizards belong to many different guilds

and accept jobs brought to them.

There are many guilds in this kingdom,

and there's a certain wizard guild
in a certain town...

A guild from which
countless legends were once born--

nay, one that will continue to
create legends well into the future.

Its name... Fairy Tail.

Fairy, where are you going?

I'm going to gather up all
the light and illuminate your tomorrow

Oh yeah can you hear my voice?

Oh yeah even if I go hoarse I'll keep shouting

Oh yeah until your heart can hear it

Oh yeah Oh yeah

The moon and the sun high-five

You haven't forgotten anything, have you?

It's strange, without you

I can't even find something to want

Snowing, I was able to open up and give a smile

because we have time to
snuggle up and be together

Fairy, where are you going?

I'm going to gather up all
the light and illuminate your tomorrow

Don't say goodbye

Previously, on Fairy Tail!

--Why do I have to team up with you?!
--Then don't come!

"So much stuff"

I want you two to help.


We have to stop their plan.


The cursed flute, Lullaby!

The master's in danger!

This is the Lullaby's true form?!

You went too far!

These footprints... No question about it.

They passed through here two days ago.

They should've definitely reached
Magnolia by now, then.

I wonder if something happened...

Yeah. For now, let's return and give our report.

We're not going after them?

This woman is Bisca Mulan.
This man is Alzack Connell.

Both are Fairy Tail wizards.

Oh, this is a dilemma.

A message from the council has arrived, too...

Don't look at me. I wanted to follow them.

No, we couldn't have.

Not even experienced members of hunter guilds

can find their way out of
that end of Clover Canyon.

It's a natural labyrinth...
Why would they go there?

They must've had a reason.

The master's with them,
so they should be okay, but...

"Natsu Devours a Village"
Natsu Devours a Village.

"Urgh! Geez!"
Urgh! Geez!

Come on, Happy! You're lost again, aren't you?!

We've been walking forever
and we still haven't reached Magnolia!

You dumb cat!

This is Web Valley,

filled with countless fissures
produced by ancient earthquakes.

As explained previously,
it is said that countless people

have strayed into this valley, never to return.

What do you mean "again"? How rude!

I didn't get lost before! This is the first time!

First or not, we're still lost!

I'm starving...

Quiet. You'll just make us even hungrier.

--I can't help it if I'm hungry!
--Quit talking about it then!

Indeed... I'm famished.

Weren't you just listening?!

Stop it.


Your stomach just grumbled.

It did not. You're hearing things.

Th-That's a crazy excuse if I've ever heard one...

--What are you so excited about?
--Natsu! Look down there!

--I can fly!
--You can fly!

Can you fly?

Wingfish! They're a legendary delicacy!

They're super yummy!

Yum! Yum! Yum...!

Legendary delicacy?


Sounds tasty!

Well done, Happy! Thank you for finding them!

You're all too hungry...


--You too.

All right! Let's fish!

Man. They're harder to catch than I thought.

Man. They're harder to catch than I thought.

I'm gonna try hard!

They don't look that tasty to me...

Be quiet and fish. Anything edible will do.

You're that hungry?!

I wanna eat a wingfish! They're delicious!

They're a legendary delicacy!

--I give up.
--So weak-willed!

But we couldn't catch any at all...

You're hungry, right? Then you should keep at it!

Don't give up!

You're so mean, Lucy!

What?! I was cheering you up!

--That sure was hard.
--We only managed to catch one...

You eat it, Happy.

But it wouldn't be fair...

It'd only make us hungrier
if we split it into tiny pieces!

Don't hold back! Eat! Eat up!

Really? Okay, thanks for the food!




You really seem to be enjoying
that weird fish... It must be true bliss.


It's bad?!

--I'm starving...

Boy, am I hungry...

A village!


--Then there's probably...!

There's no one here.

This is a really quiet village...

Maybe everyone's taking a nap?

Hey! Anyone here?!

We're starving like crazy!
Someone please give us food!

Stop, starving cat! You're being too frank!

Are you sure they're napping?

That, or everyone got drunk and passed out.

You're thinking of Fairy Tail...

That's a good point!

Bah! This is annoying! I'll just take
whatever food I can find by force!

Hold on! That's basically robbery!

So?! You have the same idea!

Hey! Anyone home?!

Give us something to eat! Please!

Nope, there's no one here.

But, hey! There's food!

All right! It's still good!

--Down the hatch!

Oh, come on!

Something's not right.

Yeah. It's like people were just eating here.

Where did the people
who live here disappear to?

How should I know?

--Let's just eat for now, Happy!

--Y-Yes, Ma'am!

We need to investigate this village first.

We held out for this long.
We can hold on for a little longer--


Erza. Your stomach is really rumbling.

Indeed. You aren't convincing at all.

Natsu! You guys will look
for mushrooms or something!

Don't touch the food in the village!

Master and I will investigate
the village in the meantime!

Yeah, yeah. Let's go, Happy.


Why mushrooms?

That food looked really good, too.
Mushrooms won't fill me up at all.

--Oh, wow! They look great!

Why mushrooms?

--I recognize this.

Natsu's gonna eat poisonous mushrooms,

like "Laughing Mushrooms" or something!

It's a cliche gag!

What are you talking about, Happy?

I'd never do anything that stereotypical.

--N-No! I was just investigating it!

Mushrooms aren't very filling,
but this many should hit the spot.

This is known as a "setup."

Just hurry and pick some!

Natsu! Are you okay?!

Here it comes!

--I'm shocked!
--No, I'm shocked!

--I guess they weren't Laughing Mushrooms...
--You're depressed about that?!

What are you making a ruckus about?

Guys. Your heads.


What's with that mushroom on your head?!

No, what's with the stupid
mushroom on your head?!

Why aren't they worried about themselves?


Hey, droopy-eyes. Did you just laugh at me?

You grinned at me like a moron!

Don't fight with mushrooms on your heads!

Any luck?

There's no one here after all.
This village is deserted.

Still, there are signs that people
lived here until very recently...

What is this line?

It doesn't appear to be an ordinary crack...

It was clearly dug this way on purpose.

Come on! You're acting really stupid!

Lucy! I found a jumbo-size one!

Y-You did?!

But doesn't it seem strange somehow?

Let me see! Oh! It's huge!

Just one of these could last two days!

Shouldn't you do something
about the ones on your heads?


No, Happy! You know better!
It could be poisonous! Spit it out!

But it's yummy!

I guess this happens to everyone who eats one.

How did the villagers eat 'em?

They were probably all like this too!

I bet it was called Mushroom Village!

It's not funny the second time!

That's not the problem here!

Hold on!

Is it me, or has your mushroom grown?!

That's not fair! Natsu gets all the good gags!

There's another line here.

What is that?

--What is that?!

Oh! Our mushrooms are gone!

Happy! Yours is still on!

Erza! Gramps!

I guess it's funny, but I still don't like it!


--Be careful, Happy!

What is this?!

Wh-What's happening?!

I've never seen houses move before!

That's what you're focused on?!

My word...

Let's do it, Gramps.

--What for?!

We need to get to higher ground.
I want to check something.

Come, everyone. Stay close!

Whoa! This makes no sense!

Master. Could it be a magic circle?

Yes. Those lines you found
were part of a magic circle.

And this particular magic circle is used
for a sealing spell banned long ago...

The Alive magic!


See for yourself. It's clear as day.

It's a spell that turns inanimate
objects into living creatures.

The villagers must've
activated that forbidden spell,

only to be eaten by these monsters themselves.

But why would they do something that risky?

--This is a dark guild's village.

I found numerous magic tools
when I checked a shed earlier.

None of which are intended for good purposes.

Knowing the dark guilds,
they were probably cooking up a vile plan

and wound up destroying
themselves in the process.


There's one thing we should be grateful for!

What do you mean, Gramps?!

As I said before, they're living creatures.

And most living creatures...

...can be eaten!


Why are you half-naked with
a creepy smile on your face?!



--All right! Let's eat!
--Yay! It's time to eat!

At this point, it doesn't matter how they taste!

Wha...?! You're that hungry, Erza?!

All right! Food! Food!

--Save some for me, too!

Hey, you guys! Know who I am?!

I'm the best flambe chef in Fairy Tail!

Fire Dragon Iron Fist!

Cook it thoroughly first, and then...

Fire Dragon Iron Fist!

And then...!

Cover it and let it steam for a short while!

I know it's not good to rush
right to the dessert, but oh well.

Ice Make...


Sherbet's ready! Time to eat!

I'm not sure which would taste worse,
wingfish or a chair, but...!


Get back. It's time to cook.




The trick is to cut them five centimeters long
and four millimeters wide.

Don't you think that's
getting too carried away?!

Plus, that outfit...!

Fire Dragon Iron Fist!

Ice Make: Knuckle!

Boy, am I hungry... What's taking them so long?

Time to eat!

What's he doing?
You can't eat a chair...


--You try some first.
--Forget it!


Get real! Why would you make me eat it first?!

--Wh-What's he doing?
--He'll manage on his own.

Here goes.

H-How does it taste?


All right. Let's have a taste.


What the heck?!
We can't eat that stuff, Gramps!

There's such a thing as too disgusting!

Yes. It isn't edible after all.

Don't say that after having me try it!

Hey! Your mushroom came off!

Never mind that!
Why didn't you try to help me?!

You're so mean, Natsu! Why didn't you help?!

--You weren't playing?

We're at a real loss now.
We can't eat this, however hungry we are.

Well, we were trying to eat monsters.

Damn! I'm really hungry
now that I know we can't eat 'em!

"Friendship" "Camaraderie"

This is the worst...
Friendship and camaraderie mean nothing...

--Look out!

--These disgusting bastards!
--They make my stomach squirm!

I'll blow you all away!

Fire Dragon Wing Attack!

Ice Wall!

Don't forget me!

Open, Gate of the Golden Bull!



You always have such a nice body!

Uhh, sure. They're all yours.

My pleasure! Fierce Moove!

There's no end to 'em!

N-Now what?!

--A magic circle?!
--What in the world?!

--Ooh! Pretty!
--That's not the issue here!

Why do you keep focusing
on all this weird stuff?!

Is this...?


I'm seriously starving...

I can't walk any more...

Stop using your wings to show off!

I don't know what's going on anymore...


I'm not convinced by your explanation.


What were you guys doing?!

We created a magic circle,
but monsters appeared and took over us all.

Then you were inside those monsters?

Eep! I ate a little bit...!

The magic circle activated when
you outsiders entered the village.

That magic circle will never activate again.


Why's that, Gramps?

The details don't matter!

But you should be grateful that
you were freed from your possession!

If you swear to learn from this
and to never try anything bad again,

I won't report this to the council!

What do you say?!

We never want to go through
this trouble again! We apologize!

We'll never do it again.

When we defeated the monsters,

something inside the magic circle activated
and tried to destroy everything.

But then...


In that instant, you saved us,
lifted the dark guild's possession,

and destroyed the magic circle itself.

Isn't that right?


But, anyway...

I sure am hungry!

Ready, go!

Take me away somewhere!

Just the two of us, riding a tin horse

(Go! Go! Let's go! Romance)

My beloved dolls can't talk back

so it can get painfully lonely

(Go! Go! Let's go! Romance)

I'm a crybaby and get tears in my eyes

every time I think of you...

On nights when the moon is out

I'm always

looking for the rabbit in the moon

I'm so at a loss for words

that it's like a spell's been cast on me

I can't wake from this dream

This love is a soliloquy

I'm so at a loss for words

because I really, really love you

What magic words can I chant

to let you know that?

I'm at a complete loss for words

I'm at a loss for words because of everything

because I love you like crazy

Someday I want to make you say

"I'm at a loss for words!"

back to me

"My place!!"
I'm at an utter loss for words!

"Fairy Tail"

What?! Natsu and Erza
are really going to fight?!

That's right!
Natsu's always hated losing, you see...

--Shouldn't we stop them?!
--It's fine! It happens all the time!

Anyway, who do you think will win?

Erza, I guess.
But I don't want Natsu to lose, either...

"Next Episode: Natsu vs. Erza"
Next episode: Natsu vs. Erza.

You should fight Erza to become
the strongest female wizard, Lucy!

Forget it! But I bet I could beat Happy...
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