01x01 - One

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent". Aired: September 30, 2001 – June 26, 2011.*
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NYPD detectives of the Major Case Squad use unconventional methods to solve crimes.
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01x01 - One

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: In New York
City's w*r on crime,

the worst criminal offenders
are pursued by the detectives

of the Major Case Squad.

These are their stories.

Man: 68 East 74th. Here you go.

I need some photo ID.

You can have it back
when you return the plans.

Cooper Union.

- My daughter's
thinking of applying.
- You like it?

- Do you have a photocopier?
- 12th floor.

Five cents a page.

You need to have these
back by closing time today.

Thanks, pal.

Don't be stupid.

Ah, ah, ah.

Mikey? Jake.

Oh, yeah. Yeah, what's up, man?

I'm over this way.

I'll take that from here.

Hey, man, you got a fiver?

All I got's Canadian.

You know, for him.

Forget that, man.

Here you go. Come on.

Oh God, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, my fault.

It's all right. You okay?

Yeah, sure. Sorry.

Meet Mr. Morris, Mr. Crane.

- Everything okay, baby?
- Yeah.

- Here, give me the wig.
- Hey, partner.

- You up for some fun?
- All the time.

Welcome to New York City.

Put 'em on.


This is all right.

Didn't I tell you I'd
take care of you?

Dress for success, yeah?


Okay, on to work.

Here you go, Mr. Morris.

If you would just sign
where I circled here?

It's space number
three. The gray Cadillac.

Here, let me get
that for you, sir.


A chimp could take better
pictures than Ansel Adams with this.

I'll take it.

Credit card and
driver's license.

(drill whirring)

We're still under their radar.

Time to leave New York, partner.


Girl: Don't worry.

They're not gonna be
home until tomorrow.


Isn't this better
than the dorm, huh?

Man: Come here, I want you.

Come on. My old room's here.

- Where are you taking me?
- (giggling)

Girl: Oh my God!

Hey! Take it easy. It's cool.

Just take it easy.

- Girl: No!
- (stutters)

This isn't good, man.

- Man: Take it easy.
- What's the problem?

- No, no. No, please!
- (Screaming)

Oh God! Oh God!

(body thuds)

Let's go!

(theme music playing)

Sergeant Finley?
I'm Detective Eames,

this is Detective Goren.
We're from Major Case.

Tell us what you have here.

The perps broke into this
apartment over the weekend.

They dug through the sub-basement
to this jewelry store over here.

We've got one body in the safe
room. One of the perps, looks like.

We got two bodies
in the apartment.

College kids... boy and a
girl. Wrong place, wrong time.

- They live here?
- No, the girl's parents,
the Kerstens.

They're inside.

So which crime scene
you want to see first,

the apartment or
the jewelry store?

The parents first.

When did you get this letter?

It came in the mail Monday.

Sweepstakes winner.

Weekend at Atlantic City.

Limousine. Free accommodations.

All expenses...

This phone number
here, did you call it?

Yes, to confirm.

A girl answered.

She wished us
luck at the casino.

Damn them.

Eames: Your
daughter lived with you?

No, no. Sophie was
in a dorm at Columbia.

She wanted to be
independent, you know?

We were so worried for
her when she moved out.

Mr. and Mrs. Kersten,

I can't tell you how sorry we are
for what happened to your daughter.

But we will find the
people who did this.

Your sergeant said
they were professionals.

The chances of
you catching them...

Mr. Kersten, I
give you my word...

We'll catch them.

It's a nice thought, but how can
you make a promise like that?

You don't get to do
this for a bunch of rocks.

Man: Over there were
the Russians, 127 carats.

D and E, white, flawless.

There it was Canadian
pieces, 78 carats,

not the best
quality for earrings.

And here, uncut stones I'd just brought
back from London two weeks ago.

One piece was 22 carats.

- Altogether, 300, 350?
- Maybe. I cannot be sure.

Well, let's call it 300 million.

You can beef it up
later for the insurance.

I need a shot of his right hand.

The genius who tapped
into the security lines

had to be working with
two computers minimum,

using custom software.

- Here's your genius.
- How do you figure?

There are fragments
from the copper wiring

embedded in the
tips of his gloves.

The question is, what did
he do to get himself shot?

His buddies got
greedy. Or he did.

No, it's too personal for that. I
count four entry wounds in his skull.

- Overkill.
- Do you notice his shoes?

- Brand new.
- Same with the rest of his clothes.

His jacket pockets
are still sewn shut.

He went out big...
300 million. They're not

going to move that much
merchandise overnight.

We've got a week, assuming
they're still in the city.

We'll put a description out to
every jurisdiction in the tri-state.

It should be in NCIC
by end of business.

On the chance these cowboys
have some heavy hitters backing them,

we brought OCCB into the loop.

Make sure they stay
two steps behind you.

Get a workup on every known ice
crew. Their whys and wherefores.

An established crew would
never leave one behind.

Kid was an amateur. Might've
been worried he'd squawk.

You wait, deal with that problem
somewhere else... with one b*llet.

Whoever ran this show was
impulsive. Organized, but impulsive.

I realize how unstimulating
police procedure

can be for a
right-brained guy like you,

and I say this with all the respect
due a Detective First Grade...

Touch all the bases. What else?

They probably had to pull blueprints, so
we'll check with the Building Department.

We ran down the limo company
that took the Kerstens to Atlantic City.

- We're waiting to hear back.
- Very nice, Alex.

Give me a status at 2:00.

East 74th. Here it is.

Plans issued two weeks
ago to an Anna Hutchinson.

- Did you get any ID?
- Student ID from Cooper Union.

Oh, yeah. I remember her.

What did she look like?

Good looking young woman.

Slim, dark hair...

glasses, black rims... you know,

the art student look.

What was her demeanor like,
the way she spoke... friendly or not?

Not. An honest to
goodness ice queen.

We'll need you to come down
later to talk to our sketch artist.

Thanks. Using this girl, that's not
standard procedure for a burglary crew.

- (cell phone ringing)
- It's most likely
the boss' girlfriend.

- Anybody else wouldn't be trusted.
- Eames. Put him through.

Yes, this is Detective
Eames. That's right.

I'll need the card number.
Get back to me, please.

Dispatcher from the limo
company. The car was

ordered over the
phone with a credit card.

Name of Justin Crane.

I used it to pay for
groceries at D'Agostino's.

I was getting into my
car to go up to Vermont

when some guy bumped
into me... some jogger.

- He must've picked my pocket.
- What did this jogger look like?

Blond hair... long
blond hair, sunglasses.

I didn't get a good look at him.

- Maybe your friend did.
- My friend?

The ski reporter
on the radio said

it was bright and
sunny up in Vermont.

For someone who was
outside all weekend,

you look as pale as I do.

Spending all that time indoors by
yourself wouldn't have been much fun.

So can we talk to your friend?

Long blond hair, right.

We'd still like you to
talk to our sketch artist.

We'll give you a
call. Thank you.

She didn't do any
better than her boyfriend.

- Cooper Union?
- No Anna Hutchinson
on their student roster.

Charges on Mr. Crane's
credit card since it was stolen.

Our thief's been living it up.

Friday, 4,200 at Tourneau Watch,

- 2,200 at Prada...
- That's John Doe's new clothes.

He spent two grand on
clothes for a jewelry heist.

New job, new clothes.

Saturday, 300 at a camera store.

More charges Sunday, today.

You want to hit
some of these places?

Does it bother you that the same
people who just jacked 300 million

- are maxing out
a stolen credit card?
- Once a thief.

You said yourself,
they're impulsive.

Okay, if it doesn't bother you.

Man: That was good, baby.

What did I tell you?

Cut the attitude, eh?

I got you off coke,
I'll get you off those.

That's good, partner.

- Now what?
- Nothing.

I want a steak.

We don't have any.

Well, the Palm's just
two blocks away, honey.

I'm sore. I can't walk.

If you love me, you can walk.

Yes. Mr. Crane. I
remember the sale.

He spent two minutes looking
at the camera and bang... sold.

- What did he look like?
- About six feet.

Medium height. Red
hair, short, mustache.

- Tinted aviator glasses.
- Did he show you
a driver's license?

- Of course. We ask
for one with every purchase.
- Was anybody with him?

- No.
- Did he know a lot
about cameras?

- (pager beeping)
- He knew what he was looking for.

- He asked for one
with good low-light resolution.
- What did that tell you?

Low light... boudoir photos.

90% of these instant cameras,
people buy them for intimate portraiture.

- Man: Excuse me.
- Excuse me a second.

We got a pop on the credit card.

The 3-6 has a
suspect in custody.

Officer: Rise and shine, Sharif.

Eames: He was using the
Justin Crane credit card?

He was busted buying
Metro cards for his homeboys.

- Where did you get the card?
- I told them a white dude
gave it to me.

- When?
- On Saturday, outside
the camera store on 23rd.

- Goren: What'd he look like?
- Red like an apple. Red hair,
red lip bush.

- He just gave it to you?
- Yeah. I didn't know it was stolen.

- He said, "Help yourself."
- Then what, he got in his sleigh
and rode off with his reindeer?

No, just his big gray Caddie.

Ho, ho, ho.

That's him.

This one from the kid.

This from the camera salesman.

See a family resemblance?

These two could be this mutt.

We had the witnesses look at mug
books, but nobody jumped out at them.

- The gray Caddie?
- The kid remembered a couple
numbers from the license plat e.

- APB's out.
- What am I looking at?

Our John Doe... The
stiff from the crime scene.

It's homemade. It
could be a prison tattoo.

How'd he get to prison
without his prints in the system?

How'd my luggage end up in Amarillo last
Christmas? Where are we with matching MOs?

- Doesn't fit any
crackers in the database.
- Try a bigger database.

Our boy is an extrovert.

He's brazen,
self-confident, charismatic.

He imposes his
girlfriend on the g*ng

and he's holding them together

even after k*lling one of them.

We should look at armored
car heists, bank jobs,

anything with public
displays of firepower.

Okay, we wasted time chasing down
this credit card. Let's make up for it.

The jewelry store sent over
surveillance tapes for the last month.

Our perps could be on there
casing the premises. Any volunteers?

The ice queen?

You notice anything unusual?

Not really.

It's just that she's putting
lipstick on her eyeball.

She's taking a
picture of the safe.

Am I missing something?

- I just like to watch.
- I like to listen.

I'm meeting a snitch
down at the Coronet.

So if you have 300 million in
hot stones, who do you go to?

Whoever gives you the best price.
Maybe you get 30¢ on the dollar.

100 million. Still a
nice piece of change.

- So who? The Russians?
- They don't need them.

They're choking on diamonds
from the Kremlin vaults.

Maybe the Chinese.

This is hand-tooled,
not machined.

This X-brace was
left welded to the safe.

I might know a man in Brooklyn.

- It's not one of mine.
- The question was,
did you make it?

- Your partner is deaf?
- Maybe you are.

She asked you a
yes or no question.

Then the answer is no.

Mr. De Santis, our
crime lab can match

the unique marks on this piece

to the characteristics on
the tools you used to make it.

Of course, we'd have to
confiscate all your equipment.

Might take months
to get it back.

We'll take that as a
yes. Who ordered it?

Some guy. If I never saw
him again, it would be too soon.

- Goren: His name?
- I don't know.

Serbian? Croatian? A bald guy.

There anything else?

Yes... you're
closing early today.

You got to think about this.

Here we are, 15 years old,

selling boomboxes to one of Big
Paulie's fences, and Danny's just...

He's playing him.

I'm telling you,
your brother Danny,

rest his soul, had big ones.

Excuse me.

I always had a thing for Gia.

But never, out of
respect for Danny...

I admire your discipline.

She mentioned you
had a piece of business.

- Not here, Jimmy.
- No. Sure.

How big a piece?

100 million big.

INS sent these over.

Every man, woman and child who
entered the country in the last year

with a passport
from the Balkans.

- And that's for
the year before this.
- (Phone ringing)

Goren. That's right.

What lot? Tell them
to stay away from it.

We'll be there in a half hour.

Gray Caddie turned up.

The car's a rental. We're
waiting for an ID on the driver.

Pop the trunk.

James Randazzo. It's
a Bensonhurst address.


There's a Jimmy Randazzo

who's a soldier for
the Masucci family.

All that glitters.

About 40 carats worth.

Let's round up the
usual Masuccis.

I want a full court
press on the Masuccis.

Our informants have been
telling us the Randazzos

have been on the outs with the
Masuccis since three months ago.

Some dispute over
liquor distribution.

Now the dispute's over diamonds.

This is not a mob thing.

It's a sucker's game, Captain.

This guy's just buying time.

He's paying a big premium.

There must have been, what, a million
bucks worth of stones in Randazzo's pocket?

Lot of money just to
send up some smoke.

Goren, it's for you.

- Friend of yours?
- I sure hope so.

I showed Randazzo's
diamonds to our jeweler.

They were grade F...
Slightly flawed, gray color.

The worst rocks of the bunch.

You were right. The Masucci
angle's a lot of smoke.

This guy... bad enough
he sh**t two witnesses,

now he throws a body in the
trunk just to throw us off his trail?

Put yourself in his place. He is
trying to lock in a $100 million payday.

Don't equivocate.
He's a bad guy.

Bad guys do what
good guys dream.

I got a hit on our John Doe.

I sent his prints up to Canada.

- Michael Carson.
- That tattoo he had? Prison tattoo.

A Canadian prison...
Archambault, up in Montreal.

Carson spent two
years in cell block D

for possession with intent.

That's why he was
wearing new clothes.

Whoever shot him didn't want his
old clothes traced back to Canada.

How did you...?

The guy with the body art?
He's got biker friends up there.

Carson's parole
officer hasn't seen him

since a week ago last Thursday.

Meaning he came down
here Thursday night or Friday.

Being a felon, he would've avoided
going through customs at the airport.

That leaves the train, where
inspections are more lax.

He would've arrived on
the train from Montreal

last Thursday or Friday

with luggage, computer
equipment, that sort of thing.

Yeah, I seen this
boy Friday afternoon.

Helped him with his
bags. Black canvas bags.

He would have been a good
tipper, but he had this friend with him.

- He was traveling with somebody?
- No, somebody met him.

- You catch a name?
- Jake. Pretty sure it was Jake.

Thank you.

There he is.

Jacob Nathan. Forgery,
possession of stolen goods, larceny...

And tight with his money, too.

- Where are we?
- We struck out on
his last known.

- He hasn't lived there
for at least two years.
- We will, ma'am.

His ex is looking for him, too.

Owes her a brick
in child support.

This bail app from
six years ago?

His mother put up the bond.
There's an address on her.

- Let me see that.
- Have her social there?

The feebs have been notified. They're
taking care of Interpol notification.

Give me a status in an hour.

- Mother Nathan,
deceased seven months ago.
- Poor guy's an orphan.

Somebody forgot to tell Con Ed.

The power bill's
paid up and current.

Come on, move it!




- Check the trash rooms,
the dumpsters.
- Yes, sir.

Let's go, guys, move it!

It's a laminating machine.

Forger's friend. Nathan
must have left it behind.

- Serial number's still on it.
- We could trace it to the store.

I can't find it, man!

I looked everywhere.
Damn it, I'm a jerk.

- I must have left it behind.
- Can't you get another one?

I need it, man! I need it
to make the passports.

Man: Don't even think
about it. Buy another one.

I'm not spending another 500
bucks on something I already bought.

You listen to me,
you cheap bastard.

You go anywhere near that place,

I'm gonna put a
b*llet in your skull.

You got a quarter share of a 100
million coming, you can front 500 bucks.

All right, but when are we
gonna see our dough, man?

I gotta get out of here.

I am working on the
problem. You work on yours!


Can I help you?

Yeah, I called about the
laminating machine. Name's Jake.

Oh, yeah, sure. I got
it in the back. It's 549.

I bought one here
a month ago for 500.

And now it's 549.
Think about it.

(grunts, groans)

How you doing there, Jake?

Death penalty?
What the hell for?

Do I need to explain the felony
m*rder statute to your client?

I didn't k*ll anybody!

The Kersten girl
and her boyfriend.

- Michael Carson,
Jimmy Randazzo.
- That wasn't me.

- And who the hell
is Jimmy Randazzo?!
- Funny thing, the law.

Right hand commits the m*rder,

left hand pays for it.

How can my client
help himself here?

Names and addresses,

I take the death
penalty off the table.

Life without parole?

That's pretty steep. He's
got no record of v*olence.

He does now.

And the offer's
not going to hold.

We found him,
we'll find the others,

with or without his help.

Life, death,

you choose.

It's Atwood.

It's Carl Atwood.

The other guy I
only know as Ziv.

But he's the main guy,
Atwood. He's got the goods.

- Where can we find him?
- I don't know.

He lives on the Upper
East Side with his girlfriend.

Her name is Gia...
something Italian.

I got a cell phone
number on him.

The number.

Atwood and the girl,
they been together long?

Yeah, I think so.

They got some act, those two.

Carl Atwood, 38,
priors for armed robbery,

as*ault, home invasion robbery.

Convictions in New York State,
Pennsylvania, Florida and Montreal.

- Archambault prison?
- 18 months for attempted
hijack of an armored truck.

- Same timeframe as Carson.
- Atwood was deported back here
six months ago.

- Thank you, Canada. What about the girl?
- Nothing in the file.

- That cell phone number's cribbed.
- Carver: Can we use it
to get Atwood?

The phone company can
triangulate a call to the phone.

- We'll need a warrant.
- I'll handle it.

Hey, it's me.
Passports are done.

- Okay.
- They look good.

So when's the deal going down?

Cell M67. East
Side, north of 57th.

East Side, north of 57th.

Atwood: I said I'd page you.
What're you doing calling me?

I'm watching Oprah and
eating Cheetos all day.

- I just need
to know how much longer.
- Atwood: Couple days.

East 62nd, 100 block.

Officer: East
62nd, Park and Lex.

- Get off the phone.
- Wait, wait, wait.

I need to know what birthdate
to put on her passport?

I thought you said
they were done.

Well, I need to
know what birthdate.

136 East 62nd.

Figure it out.

These two, where do they live?


Eames: The place is empty.

Check the stairwell
and basement.

Stay here. Officer: Okay.

Don't move. Up against the wall.

He left you in the lurch, Gia.

He left you to take the
rap for four murders.

That's a needle in your arm.

You're letting him run?

You didn't run, did you,

when he was in
prison up in Montreal?

In prison with Michael Carson.

(knocking at door)

- The autopsies just came in.
- Thanks.

Sophie Kersten.

The daughter of the people
who lived in the apartment.

19 years old.

Your boyfriend put
a b*llet in her brain.

This is her boyfriend.

We think we was shot
while trying to protect her.

That's what boyfriends
are supposed to do.

Michael Carson.

The Medical Examiner found...

evidence of frequent a**l sex.

This is Atwood's preferred
sexual act... isn't it?

It's his way of
dominating his partner.

Have you been tested for AIDS?

Why should I?

Michael Carson was HIV positive.

According to this,
for at least a year.

During time he and Atwood
were having relations.

That's not true.

Page four.

Would you like to get tested?

You are aware they had
a sexual relationship?

Your boyfriend was in prison

a relatively short time...

but he couldn't control
his sexual needs.

You blamed yourself, didn't you?

That you couldn't hold
onto his loyalty and desire

for 18 months.

If I'm wrong in my evaluation,
Ms. DeLuca, please tell me.

He's betrayed you
before, hasn't he?

But he always came
back. And you told yourself

it was because you're
the one he loves.

But he's never told you
that he loved you, has he?

Not in a way that would
make you believe him.

He makes demands on you.

Demands during lovemaking.

Demands that
leave you unsatisfied.

And you always submit,

which for that reason
he trusts you completely.

You submit...

because you hope to
earn his love and loyalty.

Those hopes can
only remain unfulfilled,

because Carl Atwood

is a narcissist.

He's incapable of loving you...

or anyone else.

He seeks out partners
to satisfy his needs.

Ms. DeLuca, I have
to be honest with you.

There's virtually no chance
that you're not infected.

People with AIDS rarely
survive long prison sentences.

The treatments in a maximum
security prison are limited.

But if you cooperate with us,

we can take steps to
improve your long-term outlook.

You have given him everything...

and this is how he repaid you.

This is Ms. DeLuca's attorney.

I want to talk to her alone.

- Deakins: AIDS, tough break.
- Tougher if it was true.

You think she believed it?

We better come up with
another way of finding Atwood.

We searched the
apartment, her purse...

No leads to him
or the merchandise.

What about the other
one, the Serbian?

Casten Zivkovic. He's
overstayed his visa,

along with a million
other people we can't find.

Deakins: Release his and
Atwood's picture to the media.

Put some pressure on
them, hope they slip up.

We got her.

That's her blink.

You get in any
trouble, you call me.

Gia, you're not out
of the woods yet!

- You released her?
- We made a deal with her.

She gives us Atwood
and the diamonds,

she gets five years minimum
security with full medical treatment.

- What's wrong with her?
- Detective Goren convinced her
Atwood gave her AIDS.

- That's how we flipped her.
- But you have her under

No. She'll contact us.

It was the only way we
could get her to cooperate.

She won't run, Ms. Lewin.

Do you trust his judgment?

On this, yes, I do.

Should I trust yours?

54th between 6th and 7th.

- They didn't plant
nothing on me.
- Shut up.

Stupid enough to get pinched, stupid
enough to let them put a signal on you.

What are they waiting
for? Baby, trust me.

They let you go, you bitch.

What'd you do, get on your knees

and give them a hummer, huh?

I told them what
they wanted to hear.

It doesn't matter. It
got me here with you.

They're police. They set you up.

They tried... they tried
to mess with my head.

They told me that
Carson's got AIDS...

and that you got the bug from
him and that you gave it to me.

They think I
bought it but I didn't.

I should get out now.

- I should leave you
right here and get out.
- Don't be like that, baby.


Whatever you want...

I'll do it.

Come here.

You say you don't believe them?

Prove it.

Come on, baby.

Come on.

(phone rings)


They'll be here in 15 minutes.

Banco Nazionale.

That's got to be more money
than that whole country's worth.

Your turn.

The furthest south I've
ever been is Cancun.

I found some damned
lizards in my hotel room.

Maid said they were good
luck. Must've worked...

'cause if this isn't luck,

I don't know what is.

I may not spend all this money
in my lifetime, but I'm going to try...

Drop the g*n and
the bag. Drop it!

You're under arrest, Atwood.

- You have the right to remain...
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- You stupid bitch.
- We're both dead anyway.

You k*lled us.

Think again, Gia. You got a
long and healthy life ahead of you.

I lied. Sorry.

Let's go.

Once she got her hands
on this, why she didn't run...

It wasn't about that.
It was about him.

Men come and go, but diamonds...

Diamonds don't keep
you warm at night.

(theme music playing)
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