2x01 - Summer, Kind of Wonderful

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Gossip Girl". Aired: September 2007 to December 2012.*
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Privileged teens living on the Upper Eastside of New York City. You know you love me. xoxo
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2x01 - Summer, Kind of Wonderful

Post by bunniefuu »

Gossip Girl: Unlike us, sex, lies and scandal never take a vacation. Once summer shows its face, they take the expressway to the Hamptons, where a considerable amount of work awaiting them throughout the season ... Imagine the atmosphere of Park Avenue with tennis outfit and swimsuit ... The players are different, but the game remains the same.

Nate: I dreamed about that all day.

Catherine: You're sure Serena is always willing to cover you, I found a little cold.

Nate: Do not worry about that.

Catherine: You do not say anything to him for us.

Nate: All she knows is that I see someone and I do not want to shout from the rooftops for now ... or forever. Listen, it is not yet really recovered from her breakup with Dan ... so I also cover in some way.

Catherine: Let's go home before someone sees us.

Nate: In your house? ... It is not forbidden?

Catherine: It was a home for the guests.

Chuck: Girls, thank you from my heart for making me discover the joys of geometry in my daily life ... I love it!

Gossip Girl: Preview! Blair Waldorf at Charles de Gaulle, on the way home. What may well push the Queen B. to abandon her two dads, just as the holidays are not complete. I bet Chuck Bass would like to know.

Girl: Mr. Chuck! Feel free to tell us if you need something.

Chuck: Actually the only thing I need is you ... you ... and you.

Gossip Girl: Preview! Also, Serena Van Der Woodsen on the beach alone again ...What are rumors as the temperature begins to climb between her and Nate Archibald, and usually when there is smoke, the fire is not far. But if the rumor is true. How is it that what Nate escapes our radar and Serena is still playing the solo.I wonder what his reaction would be if she knew the boy was no longer lonely that much.

Harris: It's possible! People can change.

Dan: I was assistant to Mr Harris all summer. How did I not see you for?

Girl: But I was in the room when he gave his lecture in June.

Dan: No, impossible! I would have seen if you had been there.

Harris: This is to serve justice. Two options available to you. On the one hand, v*olence. The other, reconciliation.

daughter: From now on we will be ... whenever you want.

Harris: You have questions? ... You have any views on it?

Dan: I think she has not noticed.

Harris: And did you notice that I chose to read your favorite chapter?

Dan: Yeah, and I heard so many times, I feel that it is me who is writing.

Harris: Well, about. You've finished your paper? You know the one you have to go to the end of your internship.

Dan: Yes. It's coming soon.

Harris: Too vague. Try to be more accurate.

Dan: I'm putting the finishing touches. It's ... almost finished.

Harris: Noa Shapiro, of Paris Magazine said he was eager to read it.

Dan: It's really nice of him talking to me. Really. Thank you.

Harris: I said that your next paper would be better than what you wrote for the New Yorker. Try to not disappoint me.

Dan: It will be on your desk tomorrow at the first hour.

Harris: And if you ended up tonight?

Girl: Hi!

Dan: Hey!

Girl: Where do you hide? I thought we would be here?

Dan: I know, but actually I'm sorry, I ... I'll have to go. Do it again tomorrow? ... I'll catch up promised.

Girl: Okay.

Gossip Girl: Oh, well, well. Talk about a lonely boy. Finally, it has served you go out with Serena and drop. I have a feeling he is so find yourself a new nickname.Why not "play boy"?

Laurel: Oh, everybody. I panic here! Eleanor returns next week and it is far from finished. In addition, I have a big party this weekend, so I'm not there and therefore neither should you. I recommend you engage the mega turbo today or else you'll really regret it.

Gossip Girl: As for the little Jenny, she had been a very studious, no slippage to report.

Laurel: Do not tell me you've finished. It is impossible that you're already over what I asked you. You have no life outside of this workshop, Jenny?

Jenny: Well, actually, I wanted to show you something on which I worked.

Laurel: We're not in school here, you do not have to show me your work.

assistant laurel: I was an intern too. You'll see get fixed!

Laurel: What is it?

Jenny: Oh, it's a dress that I created for the white party.

Laurel: To the feast of vitamin water? ... Who invited you? Oh, lace! And besides, it is not even white, it is ivory, not to mention the fact that you will float in it. You could at least adjust it! It is huge.

Jenny: Well, actually, it's not for me, it is for you. I'm not invited to the party so ...

Laurel: So you thought that I would agree to wear a Sunday dress crafted by a student eager to see his model on the fashion pages of trendy magazines. There is nothing worse than the ordinary custom. It does work!

The assistant: Well, what you asked Laurel.

Laurel: Since you're so good at tinkering with old rags lying around. I sort all these buttons ... and stores it to me, this color gives me a headache.

The assistant: I'm sorry.

Dan: We could perhaps order a little something for dinner. Want to eat Indian?

Jenny: Oh, it's too hot for the Indian. And if we take the ice? And where is mom?

Dan: She went to a room with Alex. What is all this, homework?

Jenny: Have you finished your new?

Dan: Almost.

Jenny: Great! Maybe it will help me understand why you and Serena have broken.

Dan: Yeah ... Yeah me too ... Good going Jenny, I'll look for food. I have not for long.

Serena: This is the first time this year, as I see you look in the mirror. It's going you're not too scary? I wonder what is the reason that you got pushed to take such a risk.

Chuck: Very funny, sis. I'll just take a look, if you want to know. Now that the triplets are distributed in Rio, I will continue my journey from South America towards Argentina.

Serena: And the flowers, what is it for? You should not accidentally intercepted a telephone conversation I have had with my best friend, who mentioned his arrival by bus today.

Chuck: What are you talking about?

Serena: I conclude that the answer is no and I am delighted ... because you B.ne never forgive what you do to her.

Chuck: And that's your boyfriend, Nate, who you've passed on this information?

Serena: Nate did not say anything at all.

Chuck: So much the better because it would not be very smart of you to follow the advice of someone who pretends to go out with you. Not take me for an idiot! ... I wish you a wonderful evening alone.

Serena: Good luck on your su1c1de mission.

Gossip Girl: Preview! Chuck Bass waiting for the bus, a dozen roses in one hand, and his heart in the other.

You know what they say? Coming home to find a man, that's cool. But coming home with a man ... um, it's even better. Life can be a real bitch, especially when it takes its cue from Blair Waldorf.

Blair: So, that way you've done nothing all summer? Please do not tell me you spent your time doing crossword puzzles and you goiffrant of junk.

Serena: No, I did some knitting.

Blair: And what's all these rumors about you and Nate?

Serena: This is pure disinformation, but it allowed me to make my small depression in peace and Nate was free to do what he wanted and it worked for both.

Blair: You're telling me that you do not find a single guy with whom to have fun.

Serena: I'm ridge dredge by a lifeguard enough g*n, but I rembaré.

Blair: What, you a crazy but! The lifeguards were invented for that, you use them, then you throw them. You can not ask for more to rebound.

Serena: Yes, but I think is ready yet. Dan I still miss a little, then a little more, enormous.

Blair: The only thing that no longer go out with Dan Humphrey, is to regret not to go out with him. And if you stay prostée your chair, it's because this year, you do not have your little flirtation summer.

Chuck: Yes, the triplets are divided, but I must admit that the Brazilian, there is no better way to make progress in language. A more.

Blair: Honestly, the guy James is the classiest I've ever recontrée. I swear. He does not drink as wines, he speaks six languages and then he offered me a sublime necklace with a gold B on the clasp.

Serena: I thought it came from your father. Who is James? ... Oh course, I'm stupid.You have one of those chances. The last time we had spoken, you had not even met, I think.

Blair: That's crazy? There are so attractive, that I scrambled to the second, besides everything he says ...

Chuck: You're lying!

Blair: Not at all.

Chuck: When you lie, your eyes say the opposite of your mouth.

Blair: I did not know robots could be jealous. Someone humanized your software?

Chuck: Excellent! We both know that you are using this guy to try to hurt me ... as I've done.

Blair: You did not hurt! ... Well ok. I admit that the first days I spent waiting for you in Tuscany, were slightly humiliating, but when I realized that you were not coming, I was fortunately regained the lead and I got a buddy.

Chuck: Well, the menial service. You mean the employee of my father. In fact, I did it back just for you.

Blair: I owe him everything anyway. It was he who introduced me to James. I think it's the right number.

Chuck: Prove it.

Blair: I not show you anything. But if you want to learn more about James, he will be with us tonight. I bet he'll like as much as me.

Chuck: If by that you mean it does not please me at all, then you're right. See you this evening.

Blair: Well, what if we tried to find your lifeguard. But first I must pass from Nate, I have something to recover.

Jenny: How are you doing in Vermont?

Rufus: Great! Vanessa and her parents came to see us play yesterday. I knew that she was in the corner and when I asked him how was Dan, she did not respond. I had hoped it would help him forget about Serena but this summer ...

Jenny: I did not feel he needs help for that, and I think Vanessa is realized.

Rufus: He still chaining rencards?

Jenny: Well, a different girl every night, it's even a date. I'm starting to worry for him.

Rufus: Is he here?

Jenny: It still asleep, he came home late last night.

Rufus: Tell him to call me when he wakes up! By the way, how did it go with your dress?

Jenny: Uh, it went wrong. Uh, Laurel refused to wear it.

Rufus: Why do not you carry yourself?

Jenny: Dad, it's very nice to want to encourage me to do connaitres my creations, but the white party, this is a VIP area with its own. If you think they will invite an intern. Last year they even repressed Jack Johnson.

Rufus: What is a good taste!

Jenny: Dad!

Rufus: Well, I'm willing to bet that Van Der Woodsen are invited. You in to talk to Eric?

Jenny: Well, I ... I dare not call it too, since the last time we had spoken, I said unpleasant things. I have done better to spend the summer with you. Eleanor has spent most of his time in Paris and suddenly, Laurel was kind of mega stressed.And if I had gourée?

Rufus: You can not know before going after. Eric is already beginning to be known, then you aviseras.

Jenny: Thanks Dad. See you Sunday.

Rufus: There is interest.

Jenny: Okay Hi.

Joe: Not today son.

Harris: No it's okay, Joe. He is with me.

Joe: Okay.

Dan: Sorry to bother you at work.

Harris: You would not have bothered me if you had turned up on time. Something tells me that you come empty handed.

Dan: All I need is one day. One more day.

Harris: What? The sixty days you do not have enough.

Dan: I'm sorry, but I ...

Harris: Do not sit down, you do not stay! You told me you'd be serious about writing.

Dan: I know, I tried to write. Really, but every time I sat, my mind was going elsewhere. I could not concentrate ...

Harris: Your ridges are poor excuses for the unemployed which you belong now. If you are not damn to your work, me neither. You can sit on my letter of recommendation.

Dan: No, it means a lot for me to work for you.

Harris: And you did that prove me wrong since day one. Lay my spare key to the mail, that I'm sure you will have time to do so.

Eric: If you call to say sorry, you're three months late.

Jenny: Eric, waiting.

Eric: No, do not tell me anything, you need my help.

Jenny: Uh, yes ... it's true. Uh, is that at least you appreciate my honesty?

Eric: Not really.

Jenny: Look, I know I behaved like the worst b*tches, last year, but what you know, I'm wanted all summer. You're the only person who was cool with me and you've taken it on the chin.

Eric: Well, it's true that you spared me nothing ... Finally, I have not seen a crowd of friends myself, I want to wipe out all the lies, betrayals all or other s*ab wounds that I received. What do you want?

Jenny: And Ben, I wanted to know if you were in the Hamptons, right now?

Blair: Well, I do not expect a horn. It's not classy!

Serena: In addition, the car is downright cheesy. And worst of all is that it looks great pride.

Blair: my beautiful track. Good luck.

Serena: A too. And if you ask me, I'm with Nate. Ok?

Blair: I do not know why, but okay. Where is he hiding anyway?

Serena: I know. Salvation.

Catherine: I'm sorry, but I could not free myself of the day. I do not feel that the summer ends, I broke out like crazy.

Nate: Nothing prevents us continue to see us you know.

Catherine: Yeah, but I must be very cautious.

Nate: I can be very discreet.

Catherine: Discretion is cute at your age. But mine, but it is much less. Let's talk about it later?

Nate: If I'm so cute, let us go immediately.

Catherine: And if I found a way to make you shut up?


Chuck: So James, I guess you had the opportunity to meet with Harold ... and what is the name her boyfriend already?

James: Who Roman? I've met very quickly to the castle. I also met Cat, which was not particularly welcoming. I have the scars to prove it.

Chuck: You seem very close to people who have just met. Is that B. has had time to show you his three favorite movies? Roman Holiday, Breakfast at Tiffany's and Charade course.

James: It's not funny little face, the third?

Blair: Gagne. I hate Charade! Relented, Chuck.

Eric: Yes, uh, the QCM on Blair Waldorf does not represent any interest for those who already know the answers.

Cece: And that lack of subtlety.

Chuck: Thank you grandmother.

Cece: Why is it that in your mouth, the word sounds like an insult?

James: Well, I do not feel harassed. On the contrary, the more I learn about Blair, I am more happy and ... it is there better than learning a quiz?

Chuck: First, you should have taken a limousine, rather than the bus! I do not know if you have said but B. is crazy limos ...

Blair: Treasury, you can pass the salt and pepper, please.

Chuck: I'm sorry, I just suddenly lose your appetite.

Blair: I for one minute.

Blair: Chuck!

Chuck: I know the story of this pin. You had given Nate when you told her you loved her.

Blair: And I asked him to make. I wanted James the door.

Chuck: Do ... do you feel about this type, what you felt for Nate?

Blair: I think so.

Chuck: I'll see you in high school.

Blair returns to table.

Blair: Well gosh, my pin has foolishly entangled in your sweater.

James: It's funny, I had not noticed.

Blair: I do not either.

Catherine: Well Nate, you have a choice, either in bed or out the window.

Nate: What?

Catherine: My husband just to park.

Nate: Your husband? I thought he was going not until next week.

Catherine: It seems he is ahead.

Nate jumps out the window and crosses the street in his underwear.

Serena: Nate!

dude: What is it crazy?

Serena: I have no idea.

Blair: Chuck is an assh*le! He is absolutely right, I have nothing to do with James.

Serena: Oh thank you bah, I was thinking too.

Blair: If I go out with him is only because I did not want to take the plane back on its own. It k*lled me that Chuck is realizing that he messed my vacation.

Serena: Oh B., I'm so sorry. It was that hard?

Blair: I was in my bungalow at the Hotel du Cap and I thought only of him. Right in the fireworks of July 14, all I could see what the bastard is Chuck.

Chuck: My limo takes me back to New York in an hour, if you want to enjoy the trip?

Nate: What, do not you come to the party white, with all these beautiful girls in light dress?

Chuck: Unless it is done sprinkle head to toe, I'm not interested. And then, the city will still be full of tourists as easy prey.

Nate: Yeah?

Chuck: Okay. And I must admit I have no desire to see B. playing with his dog all night.

Blair: If only I could find a replacement more fun than James. It's really hard to find a fake boyfriend, at the last minute.

Serena: But I found it nice and intelligent, when we drank tea yesterday and it's pretty cute in its way.

Blair: That's the trouble lies. You know Serena, it fulfills its function. Now that Chuck has decided to return to New York, I'm going to let go of James, and enjoy the party as a bachelor. And your hot date, anyway?

Serena: It made me feel like drowning myself than anything else.

Blair: One step at a time, darling. One step after another.

Chuck returns near them.

Chuck: Well, in fact, Archibald, as summer ends. I can finally say I've never believed in your love affair with my sister can ... It's going to Waldorf?

Blair: It was going so far.

Serena: Nate, why are you not reminded me this morning?

Nate: I can not speak here!

Plan B & C:

Chuck: So where is Princeton? I thought you had him on a leash.

Blair: James studied at Georgetown and contrary to what you believe, out of sight, does not mean out of mind.

Map of N & S:

Serena: When you told your girlfriend was hysterical older, I thought she was in college myself, not that she was married.

Plan B & C

Chuck: You had to have his head also, because your little darling told us he was at Princeton. We are talking to you when you played dress-up with Serena last night.

Map of N & S

Nate: Catherine dumped me last night.

Serena: What, tell me bah.

Blair: You've misunderstood, Chuck! In addition, he talks all the time its gourmet cafeteria and its rowing club. Georgetown no doubt.

Chuck: I'm sure he told Princeton.

Blair: Georgetown

Chuck: Princeton

Blair: Serena ... Georgetown, is we're going!

Serena: Well, it reassures me that Catherine has put an end to all this. We hear about it later.

Chuck: Eric, it's me. You were there last night, tell me. You remember what factors studied buddy B. ? Yeah ..., bah it's not what he said to Blair! Try to find out more, junior. I'm in the mood to be right.

Dan: I manage to get a job with my favorite author, and ... and, and I'm throwing. I'm waiting all he asked me to take care of his dirty laundry, until befuddle be drunk before noon, which was, believe me the utmost I never hard ridge.

Rufus: Harder than finishing your news?

Dan: I can not write, Dad! I, .. I do not know why.

Rufus: You're talking to someone who has not finished a single song in twelve years, so I understand. What's your point? Talking about.

Dan: The end of a relationship between two people from two different worlds.

Rufus: Pure science fiction?

Dan: Um ... yeah.

Rufus: Well if I can afford to offer you a fatherly advice, what ... 400 distance markers ...

Dan: I can not finish my story, because I can not understand why I'm with Serena.

Rufus: That's what I was about to say, uh ... if I had time.

Dan: I'm doing everything I could to spend the summer without thinking of her, because I was scared to see ... The funk that I'm doing something stupid, so, I leftspin, I'm just anything.

Rufus: Well you spent your summer escape. I think it might be time for you to face reality.

Eric: Not only James Schiller is not enrolled at Princeton, but it is not to Gorgetown and according to my research, there is no advantage to large universities.

Nate: Since when do you think you're Sherlock Holmes?

Eric: So you think James is ...

Chuck: a bad replay? When you go to enter into high society, there is nothing better than fooling a woman alone. We're going out the big g*ns! Mike ... I need you informed of one James Schiller.

Eric: It has a private number one favorite.

Serena: Nate!

Eric: I know that face. Good luck buddy!

Serena: My grandmother just told me you'd be my white knight to the party tonight?But if you're more together with Catherine, why you want me to cover? Oh ...!

Blair: James! These six days were totally up to my expectations.

James: Me too ... and I wanted to tell you that ...

Blair: Me first! ... Sorry. (Eventually I'll see you tonight on the arm of Princeton.)

James: What's the matter? What you wanted to tell me?

Blair: I was wondering if you would be willing to accompany me to the white party tonight?

James: Of course ... I'd be delighted.

Nate: I know I should not have me use you after the conversation we had this morning.

Serena: No! I understand that you wanna see it, but be frank, that's not why you want to come tonight, will you assess the competition.

Nate: No! I just wanna ... I just want to see her with her husband, just once.

Serena: Yes, that's what I call evaluate the competition, which is pretty stupid and potentially dangerous, Nate.

Nate: Yeah, you're right.

Serena: But since I myself have acted stupidly and dangerously in the past ... Oh I'm in no position to make you moral and anyway, I'm not really expect to meet the prince charming in the evening. Meet at 5:00?

Gossip Girl: Sometimes the stars align to help two old friends to meet ... But they can also be aligned to rekindle a dying love.
Dan: Hey! You can take me to Sandpiper?

Taxi driver: Yeah

Dan: If possible.

Driver: Yeah

Gossip Girl: I wonder what heaven will offer Serena tonight. Friendship or fireworks?

Jenny: Hey! Thank you for giving me a second chance.

Eric: Thank you to be worthy. You know you're still in the trial?

Jenny: Yeah.

Laurel: Yes, it will be his best collection ...

Serena: Well you seem like, do not hesitate to visit us, chao.

guy: Ok, hello.

Catherine: Excuse me a moment ... You try to break my relationship?

Nate: I'm thirsty!

Serena: I'll go with.

Cece: Daniel Humphrey! This for a surprise, it's a surprise!

Dan: Is Serena's there?

Cece: No, she went to a party at which I myself am invited. I am very late, could you please ...?

Dan: Oh, yes of course ... If you really want ... And voila!

Cece: Thank you.

Dan: Oh, you, you seem ... I dunno, different.

Cece: Some things are in remission Mr. Humphrey. And therefore, the way I see things too, when you cross what I went through, I assure you we see life differently.

Dan: Yeah, like what?

Cece: Well, as is to realize that the recipe for happiness is not necessarily the same for everyone.

Serena believes fooled me see this summer, but I'm not blind, you are always in his heart, Daniel.

Dan: I had Goure home!

Cece: The party to which you will accompany me to a strict dress code.

James: Well, getting back to what I wanted ... that I tried to tell you just now, well, my feelings for you have changed and I keep telling myself that I'm doing something really, really stupid, that you do not deserve ...

Blair: What you can be funny!

James: I'm sorry.

Blair: I get tired of listening to you.

James: I say something funny?

Jenny: A vitamin water.

Server: You want what perfume?

Jenny: Uh ... rescue, please.

Server: Ok

Laurel: Put two.

server: Immediately.

Laurel: So Jenny, how you have managed to go? And with this dress and more. I went to the entry and your name was not on the list. I was told you were there because you went with someone. But I can not believe that a girl like you can know a single person here.

Jenny: Oh, look there is just someone I know happens.

Eric: Jenny, I present Tinsley Martinez, a friend of my mother and Tinsley, that's my friend Jenny, whom I have spoken and now Laurel.

Tinsley: Pleased to meet you Jenny.

Jenny: Nice to meet me too. It's crazy, I got a book with pictures from magazines that I cut and you are on each one. I think you are insane.

Tinsley: What it is nice, thank you. Eric told me you wanted to be a stylist, you wear one of your creations?

Jenny: Yes, it's me who designed this dress is.

Blair: What's happening?

James: You've used to make Chuck jealous.

Blair: Anything!

James: It's no wonder you hate Charade. It touches you too closely.

Blair: You know nothing. Chuck is somebody who's bad, he makes horrible things and uses people.

James: And you think you are different? How could I be so stupid? You like me at all actually.

Blair: No, that's not it, finally, you're, you're a bit boring.

James: Really? Or is it that you're too obsessed with yourself for you interest in others? You go well together!

Chuck: You know support where it hurts. I really admire.

Blair: It's all your fault ... I never needed a James if you do I had not stood up at the airport. You've forced me to use him.

Chuck: I've have nothing at all. It was your idea. Do not you see it the same? You can not fight against that.

Blair: On the contrary, I will fight against it, until my last breath because I could not bear to look you in anything.

Serena: Nate go, okay, it's good, try to do another head.

Catherine: What are you doing still here?

Serena: What she just said?

Nate: She asked me what I was doing there yet.

Serena: Oh no, this is too much, I put it officially on the door of the club.

Nate: I do not know what I was thinking.

Serena: No, stop blame you. Look, it's his fault, if things are where they are today.

Nate: Yeah I know, but it is so con it all. What I love here is that it is as bad as me right now.

Serena: We can fix that!

Gossip Girl: Preview! Serena and Nate kissing passionately before an audience dumbfounded.

Dan: Sure.

Gossip Girl: The problem is that Serena did not expect at all to what Dan Humphrey is part of dumbfounded.

Serena: No! No, No, No, Dan, look!

Dan: No thank you.

Serena: No, No, I expected not to see you, you ... you ... well, I'm really surprised.

Dan: It's weird, because I was not surprised. Nate ...! I guess the bad stories are repeated.

Serena: No, it's not what you think.

Dan: Let me guess. There is an explanation?

Serena: Yes, of course. I was just trying to help him make a girl jealous.

Dan: Who?

Serena: Well, that's tricky.

Dan: Why? Surely you can not tell me either.

Serena: No, I can not say, but this is not the problem.

Dan: If that's the problem. There is never a simple answer with you, you can not say: "I kissed Nate," it has to be "I kissed Nate because someone I can not name, would we see, for some reason I can not explain. " It's always the same scenario here or elsewhere ... Oh, what are you doing here?

fille1: I came with a friend and it is a chance.

fille2: Because as I know his friend, he introduced us to each other.

fille1: And over the conversation, we discovered that after reading Harris, when we were kissing.

fille2: You were supposed to be with me. Oops ...!

Serena: No! No! No! No! Let me guess. This is not what I believe.

Nate: Catherine, what are you doing?

Catherine: Why you kissed Serena?

Nate: You told me it was over.

Catherine: I can not believe you're trying to make me jealous for my husband and our friends.

Nate: And it worked?

Catherine: Totally.

Dan: I confess that I have .. a little out of line.

Serena A little?

Dan: Yeah, that's right, I screwed up and I should not tell you, but ... it is not .. not the first time this kind of thing happens to me ... I ... there's not had a day where I have not thought of you ... I was hoping somewhere. . that I saw you ... I know we had made the right choice .. but ... it's not that I feel ... it's not what I feel at all.

Serena: Well, I .. I have not really want to talk about that now. For now, I just want to make sure the costume of my grandfather is not completely ruined .. although this suit was already totally ruined in the 70s.

Dan: If you knew what I miss your laugh.

Serena: Shh, shh .. just.

Dan: Ok

Gossip Girl: When words are too many, there remains only one thing to do ...

Dan: We're going from here, would you?

Serena: Yes ... Oh, you just want me to say goodbye to a dozen people before ... uh, what you ...

Dan: Yes, go ahead, I'll wait on the beach.

Serena: Great!

Blair: You were right ... I used your help to get back at Chuck. I did not need you to be interesting .. then the sudden I'm not interested in you. I just wanted you to be canon. What you are.

Chuck: You fall well! So who is behind this impostor?

James: I'm afraid that we have something in common.

Blair: I too am a g*n?

James: Not just ... uh, that's what I was trying to tell you earlier ... I .. I have not been honest with you.

Blair: Go ahead tell me.

James: I'm not going to Georgetown or Princeton, or in any major universities ... and there something else I have to confess. That is, in fact ... my name is Marcus Beaton, I am English and I am Lord.

Blair: Sorry? Why me ... you have not said before?

Marcus (James): Most women I meet is only interested in my title. That's why I wanted to make me look like an American ... just to see, but after a few days with you, I was afraid that revealing the truth tee, you're furious with know that I lied.

Blair: No, I'm not angry Lord ... um, finally your title here is great, but what would please me above all, it's a bit of honesty to change and it is for us both.

Marcus: When you told me you found me annoying earlier ... someone had told me before and I liked it ... Tell me, what do you have other against me?

Blair: Fewer and fewer things, but I'll make an effort.

Eric: It's very good.

Laurel: So I heard that Tinsley had offered to help you find a new course.

Jenny: Yeah, it's true. I thanked him, but I learned a lot where I was and could not leave you now.

Laurel: Well, then spends a good end of weekend ... Jenny. See you Monday.

Jenny: I'm looking forward to it.

Eric: You think she was sincere?

Jenny: No, probably not, but at least it scrapes over my name.

Blair: Chuck! Will you stop ruining my evening.

Chuck: I should never have abandoned you, ... I knew I had made the wrong choice as soon as I saw the plane took off. I put my head upside down all summer.I thought it will help me but I was wrong

Blair: And?

Chuck: I was scared ... I was scared that if we spent the summer just the two of you ... it opens your eyes.

Blair: What?

Chuck: About me ... Please do not go with him.

Blair: Why? Give me a reason and a reason that makes sense.

Chuck: Because you are not wanted.

Blair: That is not enough!

Chuck: Because I have no desire.

Blair: Still not enough!

Chuck: What do you want more?

Blair: The real reason ... the one that keep me going ... and you turn your back ...three little words, seven letters ... tell them .. and I am yours.

Chuck: I ... I ...

Blair: Thank you ... that's all I wanted to hear.

Gossip Girl: It seems that the holidays are often flirts with no future, but sometimes some adventures turn into true love story ... a simple night on the beach may be sufficient to clarify the spirit and open hearts to write a new ending to an old story .. ... Those who burned their wings, trying to erase their memories, to start anew ... While others would like to see some moments lasted forever ... Anyway, one thing is sure, the summer comes to an end ... the days get shorter, fade and we get rid of the last grains of sand ... but the end of summer c is also the beginning of a new season, then we look to the future ... You have not seen anything yet. Kisses, Kisses. Gossip Girl.
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