01x01 - Dio the Invader

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Aired: October 6, 2012 - present.*
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JoJo, becomes involved in a battle against his stepbrother, Dio Brando, who is intent on taking control of the Joestar fortune.
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01x01 - Dio the Invader

Post by bunniefuu »

England 1868 Look over here! They took a tumble over the cliff! This poor bloke's a goner.

The horses lost balance on the muddied slope and fell here.

This one here appears as a real nobleman.

Even died with a smile.

Dario! The woman inside the carriage passed, but her baby's still alive! She must have passed in its stead.

Leave it! Babies aren't worth a single quid! Dario, what are you doing?! Robbing the dead, woman! Take anything that looks noble! A case? That's an eerie mask.

Toss it.

Woman, lend a hand! Pull their front teeth out and we'll take it to the jawsmith's! They'll fetch for fine coin! S

-Sir Good sir, was it you who salvaged me? You have my gratitude.

Mary Where are my wife and son? How do they fare, good sir? She di— No, I'm afraid your wife passed, and the driver as well.

However, the baby fares well.

Wrought with woe, I am I am Joestar, good sir.

I shall be indebted to you for our salvation.

Do give your name, before I lapse into slumber once more.

The toff believes me to be his savior! The fool! He shall know me as his savior! Lord Joestar, I am Dario Brando.


Brando I shall never forget my debt to you.

Good boy! Father, I'll be off! Watch for carriages, Jojo! Danny, come! Dio! Come to me, son! Dio! Come to my side! What do you want? Medicine? Don't be a ninny! The medicine does nothing for me! Whiskey! Use your quid on the whiskey, not medicine! Jojo, table manners.

Forgive me, Father.


Take it and shove it up yer arse, laddie! Return my doll to me, now! Come and get it! Come now, Erina! Did yer daddy buy you this doll? He's a damn mountebank, but makes good coin! What do you say we have ourselves a look

-see underneath? Will it look the same as a real lass's? We made her cry! Crybaby, crybaby! Erina's a crybaby! Enough! I'm taking her doll back! What's it to you, chap? Do you know her?! No, but a true gentleman assists any lady in need! You tosser Trying to impress her, are we?! My, this chap's a wee bit on the brittle side.

Pathetic, I say! You failed to impress the lassie! He's the heir to that toff nobleman, George Joestar! I bear the wealthy no grudge, but I do despise them! Don't you dare belittle commoners! Take this! Dio, I don't have much longer.

I just know it.

When I'm gone, send this letter to George Joestar, and go live with him.

The bloke's indebted to me.

Dio, you're a cunning boy! Study under George Joestar, and you'll be the richest gent around! Keep yer wealthy arse inside yer damn estate.

Let's leave.


-Are you Please, don't tend to me! Leave me be! I did not exchange blows to earn your gratitude! I strive to be a true gentleman.

True gentlemen defend the honor of any lady in need.

Though I knew prior that I would not emerge the victor, true gentlemen stake their bravery to defend any in need.

One day, I shall emerge as the victor.

You made my mother suffer until the day she passed, you loathsome, deceitful, putrid scum.

You want me to be richest gent around? I will, but not for you.

I shall use anyone and anything I can to meet that end.

Including this nobleman, George Joestar.

Damned pissant! For my sake, I shall be the best.

Jonathan Joestar This bizarre adventure encompasses the lives of two boys whose fates are twisted and intertwined by a mysterious stone mask.

Episode Dio the Destroyer Who is he? Wait, you must be Dio Brando.

Which makes you Jonathan Joestar.

Yes, but everyone calls me "Jojo.

" I hope we can be friends.

Danny! Dio, meet Danny.

He's my loyal friend.

Oh, and don't worry.

Danny never bites.


-What did you do that for?! He did nothing to you! So, he's the heir to the Joestar Estate.

Indeed, he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

If I can break his spirit over time, then taking over as heir to the estate will be What's going on here?! Are you fighting? Apologies, sir.

I reacted instinctively when the dog leapt onto me.

Welcome home, Dio.

Henceforth, you are a part of the Joestar's.

Servants, Dio is the son of the man who saved both Jojo and I.

Treat him as you would Jojo.

Very well, Lord Joestar.

Dio, you may treat this estate as your own.

Lord Joestar, you have my utmost gratitude.

Like yourself, Jojo's mother has passed on.

And both of you are 12 years of age.

Be good to each other.

And Jojo, forgive Dio for kicking Danny.


I too would've been shocked if another dog had done the same.

It's water under the bridge.

An apology from Dio would have sufficed, but I want to be good friends with him now that we're living together.

Dio, follow me.

I'll show you to your room.

Yes, sir.

What are you doing? Never touch my things, ever.

Keep your filthy hands off my belongings, you tosser! I was only trying to help

-! I need no help! I'll have a servant carry it.

Listen well, Jojo.

I'm going to be trouble in your life, so let's clear one thing.

I adore being the best! Being number one! And I won't let anyone take that from me! Why would you do that?! I want to be friends! Another thing.

I despise dogs.

Not due to fear, but because their subserviant nature sickens me! So keep your damn mutt away from me.

What are you both doing? Do come up.

Yes sir! From the moment Dio set foot on the Joestar estate, Jojo's joyful life began to diminish into anguish.

Incorrect again, Jojo! Dio's is perfect! He answered all twenty problems correctly! Jojo, you dare strive to be a gentleman, yet you have no table manners! Remove Jojo's tableware.

You are excused from dinner tonight! Until Dio arrived, I've been spoiling you rotten! I am ashamed to have not realized it sooner! Dio has perfect table manners in comparison! Buffoon.

Ladies and gentlemen, up next is Jonathan Joestar! He's grown some brawn recently.

His opponent has been changed.

The newcomer to town and Jojo's new friend, I

-Is that Dio Brando, will be his opponent! Gentlemen, the first to land one clean punch to the face wins.

Box! Beat him, Jojo! In the face! How can he dodge those punches?! I've never seen such swift movements! W

-Why can't I hit him?! Jojo has good control and force in his punches.

No matter I want you to taste the boxing techniques of rookery rogues! Savor it! We have a winner! Jojo loses! But I'm not done with you yet, Jojo.

I'm going follow through this punch, by gouging your eye with my thumb! D

-Dio's incredible! Dio! Dio, your technique's quite refined! How did you beat Jojo? I simply used a new defensive technique.

I could teach everyone how to use it.

Really? Only if you keep it secret from Jojo.

He's the kind of chap who'd telltale anything.

He is?! I had no idea! Why would you even say something like that?! A man bereft of friends is a social outcast.

But I shall cast Jojo as a leper.

I shall take away everything he possesses.

And when I am favored as the heir, everything he owned shall be mine! Damn Dio I'm miserable.

It's as if he's destroying my life Laddies, let's make haste! Where are you off to? Why don't you come up and join me? Anyone hear the voice of a tosser? Pay it no heed.

He's a telltale who'll tell everyone else.

What did you call me?! Stay there! Who's a telltale?! Let's be off.

You're a telltale, Jojo! You can't keep anything a secret, not from anybody! You stupid git! Come back this instant! When have I ever failed to keep a secret?! Jojo's a telltale! Dio It was Dio! Dio's feeding them lies, and it's spreading like the plague! It's as if Dio's been trying to destroy my reputation from the beginning! Damn you, Dio! Dio! Dio, Dio DIO! Ever since he came, Dio's made my life Hell I need someone to talk to Danny.

Dio could never turn you against me, right? Who could that have been? I could swear I've seen her before My handkerchief! I see! Thank you kindly for the grapes! I'll be here tomorrow as well, so stop by if you can! She left without saying a single word.

Girls like that are such sweethearts.

Romance! It thoroughly engaged Jojo's youthful curiosity.

Neither of them had any friends to say, and Jojo quickly grew attached to his sweetheart.

Her name's Erina Erina Pendleton.

She's cute as a button! Jojo, are you carving out a picture? You're so naughty! Bad Jojo! Good night! Bye! Evenin'.

Might you be Erina? You seem awful friendly with Jojo.

It was k*lling me.

How he could be happy after everything I've done to him? H

-He did it! Daring Dio! He may do all what we would never dare to! I have nothing but admiration for so daring a chap! You haven't kissed Jojo yet, have you? You haven't, have you? How fortunate that your first kiss wasn't with Jojo, but with me, Dio! No matter the method, the result remains relevant.

I was the one who kissed her, not Jojo! Now, she can't bear to face Jojo anymore.

I will see that he never he makes any friends again! D

-Dio! Wh

-What is she doing! What's wrong with her?! She's washing her mouth with muddy water! How could she do that to herself?! There's a creek nearby she could've used! Y

-You bitch! How dare you wash away my kiss in defiance! Curses! I lost my patience to a mere girl! Enough! We leave.

Hello Erina! Erina, wait! She's avoiding me Did something happen? Chaps, Jojo appears indubitably perplexed! Do you want to tell him the reason for Erina's avoidance? No, good sir.

I do not want to see his tears.


-You curs What did you do to Erina?! Dio!!! You will address me by my full name, Jojo! You've gone too far this time! I can tolerate anything you do to me! In fact, I don't care what you do to me! I take it you've heard about my kissing your sweetheart.

And you'd fancy fisticuffs in retaliation, is that it? I will not forgive you for tainting her honor! A man wrought with jealousy is no man! Would you care for another eye

-gouging? You damn buffoon! H

-He's too skilled but if I don't take a stand, I'll be living in fear of his very shadow! Moreover, I must restore Erina's honor I must stand and fight! I'll beat him into a bloody pulp in a gentlemen's duel.

When Jojo realizes that he cannot defeat me, he will fear me, and I shall teach him so! I shall best him in everything! En garde! Yes! I can taste victory! Y

-You used my kick as an opening to seize my head?! Well then, let me kick you again

-! Dio! How I'll beat you could until your tears flow! I be struck by this scum! H

-How dare you How dare you How dare you strike me! You're crying You goddamned buffoon! Boys, what's going on?! Father! Boys may have an occasional exchange of fists, but you, Jojo, appear to be assaulting a defenseless Dio! An aspiring gentleman would do no such deed! Y

-You're wrong, Father! Enough, Jojo! Both of you, go to your quarters! I shall discipline you both later! What's this box doing here? Rubbish, I suppose.

Another maid's doing, no doubt.


-What's that sound? Is that banging?! I

-Is there somebody inside the furnace?! Good heavens! They're being burned alive! Erina Damn you, Dio! Your damned kiss forced a wedge between Erina and I! I can't even call out to her! Danny's remains were far too gruesome to have you witness.

Ergo, I had him buried posthaste.

The authorities believe a thief may have trapped Danny in that box during a robbery attempt Dio Lord Dio? I believe Lord Dio is presently at the academy.

Jojo returned to his quarters, and slept for two hours.

Shortly after he awoke, he came to accept Danny's passing, and wept.

I've redeemed my humiliation by disposing of the mutt, but at least I know of Jojo's true strength.

A grave miscalculation on my end.

He quickly learns from his mistakes, and I pride my confidence in excess.

I shall mend this error by learning to control my emotions and demeanor, lest another blunder occur.

Seven years have passed since that duel.

I'll be the round about The words will make you out 'n' out I'll spend the day your way Call it morning driving through the sound and In and out the valley The muses dance and sing They make the children really ring I'll spend the day your way Call it morning driving through the sound and In and out the valley..

In and around the lake Mountains come out of the sky and they stand there One mile over we'll be there and we'll see you Ten true summers we'll be there and Laughing too Twenty four before my love you'll see I'll be There with you Next Time Seven years have passed! Jonathan Joestar has caught the ball! A most terrifying thought occurred to me just now! You don't care if you lose your fingers, do you?! Doubt me, and we won't be friends! I shall defend my father and the Joestar Estate! Episode A Letter from the Past
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