01x06 - Terra Nova

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: Enterprise". Aired: September 26, 2001 – May 13, 2005.*
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Set in the 22nd century, a hundred years before the events of The Original Series, it follows the adventures of the Enterprise, Earth's first starship capable of traveling at warp five, as it explores the galaxy and encounters various alien species.
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01x06 - Terra Nova

Post by bunniefuu »

This was their first view of it.

If you didn't look too close,

you'd think it was Earth.

Breaking ground
on the Town Hall.

Is that Captain Mitchell?

No. I think that's Mitchell.

Are we there yet?

Three hours,
17 minutes to go, sir.

Travis has been digging

through the archives.

There's ton of data here...

Crew manifests...
survey photos...

weekly status reports.

I was hoping to find something...

A clue to what happened.

You'd be the first.

I've been fascinated by Terra
Nova since I was a kid, sir.

I always thought

lost colonies affected boomers

more than anyone else.

Something about people
who choose to live off-world.

Captain... do you think
anyone's still there?

I'll let you know...

in about three hours
and 17 minutes.

♪ It's been a long road ♪

♪ Getting from there to here ♪

♪ It's been a long time ♪

♪ But my time is finally near ♪

♪ And I will see my dream
come alive at last ♪

♪ I will touch the sky ♪

♪ And they're not gonna
hold me down no more ♪

♪ No, they're not gonna
change my mind ♪

♪ 'Cause I've got faith ♪

♪ Of the heart ♪

♪ I'm going where my heart
will take me ♪

♪ I've got faith to believe ♪

♪ I can do anything ♪

♪ I've got strength
of the soul ♪

♪ No one's gonna bend
or break me ♪

♪ I can reach any star ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ I've got, I've got, I've got ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ Faith of the heart. ♪

"Terra Nova"?

I'm surprised
you've never heard of it.

I'm not familiar
with the early years

of human space exploration.


Every schoolkid on Earth
had to learn

about the famous
Vulcan expeditions.

Name one.

History was never
my best subject.

It was called
the "Great Experiment."

Could humans colonize
deep space?

They'd already built
New Berlin on the Moon,

Utopia Planitia on Mars,

even a few asteroid colonies,
but all within our solar system.

When they found
an Earth-like planet

less than 20 light-years away,
it was hard to resist.

Took them, what,
nine years to get there?

Nine years there,

nine years back,
but they made it.

My grandfather remembered seeing

their first transmissions
when he was a kid.

What happened to them?

People have been trying
to answer that question

for a long time.

No one's heard from Terra Nova
in over 70 years.

After the colony was built,

relations with Earth
became strained.

The Space Agency figured
nothing succeeds like success,

so they decided to send
another vessel.

The colonists protested.

They'd been there five years.

This was their home.

They didn't want
another 200 people arriving.

But the folks
back on Earth argued

that there weren't any other
habitable planets within reach,

but the colonists
dug their heels in.

There were a few angry messages
sent back and forth,

and one day...

nobody heard from them again.

Why didn't you send a vessel
to find out what happened?

Nine years there,
nine years back...

It would have been
a pretty long trip.

A Vulcan ship could have made
the journey in far less time.

Why didn't you ask them?

Asking favors of the Vulcans

usually ends up carrying
too high a price.

My experience with humans
is limited,

but I've come to learn
that they're quite resourceful.

Terra Nova may still
be there, Captain.

200,000 kilometers.

Let's see it.

I promised my dad I'd
see this place someday.

Put us in orbit over the colony.

Terra Nova Colony,

this is Captain Jonathan Archer

of the Starship Enterprise.

We've come from Earth.

Please respond.

No answer, sir.

Any bio-signs?

No, but the colony
appears to be intact.

I'm also detecting

low levels of surface radiation.

From what?

I can't tell.

Let's take a look.


Looks like a ghost town.

Let's hope the ghosts
can give us some answers.

How bad is the radiation?

Less than 800 millirads.

A few hours of exposure
shouldn't pose a risk.

Trip, take the Bridge.


A housing unit.

No sign of weapons fire...

only rust.

Whatever happened,
I got to believe

they tried to let
Earth know about it.

We've got the schematics
for the communications tower.


See if the data buffer's intact.

We might be able to access

their last transmission logs.

Aye, sir.

Walk the perimeter.

See what else you can find.

Judging by the isotope decays,

the radiation level 70 years ago

would have been lethal.

If that's what k*lled them,
where are the bodies?

Maybe they left the planet
before it could affect them.

That would have been difficult.

That's a bulkhead.

They designed their ship
to be disassembled.

That's how they built
the colony.

It was a one-way trip.


We're not alone, sir.

There's someone in the forest.

We're on our way.

I believe he went in there.

Did you get a look at him?

Yeah. He appeared to be
a couple of meters tall,

biped, odd-looking scales...

This leads to a
network of caverns

that extend for
several hundred meters.

Archer to Mayweather.

Go ahead, sir.

Get back to the shuttle,
and grab a pair of flashlights.

Make it quick.

Yes, sir.

It'd be best
if I went first, sir.

After you.


My name is Archer.

We're looking for some people.

I was hoping you could help us.

We're not going to hurt you.

We're just trying to find out
what happened to them.

Which way?

T'Pol to Captain Archer.


We're under attack

and I think we just took
a wrong turn.

We could use a little help
navigating down here.

Just a moment.

In approximately three meters,

a tunnel will branch off
to your left.

Take it.

I don't see a tunnel.

Correction: ten meters.


I'm all right, sir.



Where's Malcolm?


Take us up!

If those aliens
k*lled the colonists,

they could k*ll Malcolm, too.

Those weren't aliens.

They're human.

I don't get it.

If they're human,
why were they sh**ting at us?

Archer to the Bridge.
What have you found?

We've got a pretty good

picture of those caverns,
and we've picked up

52 bio-signs so far... all human.

The only one I'm interested

in right now is Lieutenant Reed.

We've got to get him
out of there.

Have you found him?

Yes, sir, he's about 90
meters below the surface.

He's not responding to hails,
Captain, but he's alive.

Have Dr. Phlox join us
in the Situation Room.

Aye, sir.

If these are the descendants
of the original colonists,

they've never seen
other humans before.

Maybe we looked as strange
to them as they did to us.

12.6 kilometers worth
of tunnels.

Looks like they even
dug a few wells.

The geology's a little shaky.

Some of these passageways
have collapsed.

They may have been driven
underground by the radiation.

Have you figured out
what caused it?

Not yet.

What do they do for food?

Many species feed
on underground fauna and flora:

tubers, fungi, insects.

They also hunt
some kind of burrowing animal.

Where's Malcolm?

Right here, sir.
There are two people with him.

Can we use the transporter?

He's too deep.

A section

of this tunnel is collapsed.

It's empty.

If we could get into it,

we could clear the obstruction

with phase-pistols.

We'd be less than 20 meters

from Lieutenant Reed.

What about these two?

We have to assume they're armed.

A stun grenade would solve
that problem.

I don't want to risk
any more casualties.

Despite how they look,
they're still human.

We've got to find
some way to talk to them.

They didn't seem
too eager to talk.

If I can't make first contact
with other hu...

I don't have any business
being out here.

Malcolm was shot.

Grab your medical
kit and meet me

at the Launch Bay.

Right away, sir.


Try to find out

what irradiated the surface.

You and Hoshi, get to work
on that data buffer.

I want to know if they tried
to send any messages to Earth.

Do you think they know
we've returned?

Hard not to hear

a shuttlepod
landing on your roof.

I'm unarmed.

I just want to talk.

I'm concerned about my officer.

I'd like to see him.

Fancy meeting you here.

How's the leg?

I've lost a bit of blood, sir,

but I don't think
it's too serious.

May I have
my medical supplies, please?


That's right.

What's that?

My name is Phlox.

I am a Denobulan.

I am Captain Archer's physician.

You tracked from Earth...

on a Sky Ship.

It's called Enterprise.

To do what?

Gut the rest of us?


We're here to find out

what happened to the colony.

We came to help you.

Novans have had
enough "help" from you.

We're not so easy
to hunt as Diggers.

Go back to the Overside,
or we'll seal your passage.

I told you.
We're not here to hurt anybody.

Take that one, and
don't track back.

All right, but he won't be able

to get through these tunnels
on one leg.

My doctor needs to treat him.

What makes you think
we're here to hurt you?

Humans hurt Novans.

Why do you think that?

They gutted us.

Our families.

Our before-families.

I don't understand.

The Poison Rain.

I was no taller than a Digger,

but I can still see back.

We lived on the Overside.

Then the humans dropped

the Poison, burned our skin,

gutted the grown ones.

There was no place
to go but here.

To the... "Underside."

I think I know what
you're talking about.

The Poison Rain.

It was some kind of radiation.

I don't know what caused it,
but I'm sure it wasn't humans.

He can walk...

more or less,

but I'll need to get him
back to Sick Bay

to remove the projectile.

I know this will be
hard for you to accept,

but you're the descendants
of human beings.

Your ancestors
colonized this planet

over 70 years ago.

They came from Earth,
just like I did.

I don't know what happened,

but maybe we could work together
and find out.

He speaks in shale.

If that's your way
of calling me a liar,

give me a chance to
prove what I'm saying.

My... "Sky Ship" has
tools that can help us

find out what happened here.


Are you aware
that your mother is sick?

This is one of the tools

the Captain spoke of,
which can tell me

all kinds of things
about the inside of your body.

She has an illness
that we call "lung cancer,"

but it's easily cured.

Dr. Phlox can
make her well,

but she'd have to
come back to our ship.

This is shale.

They want to trap us
on the Overside... to gut us.

How long of a day would it take?

Not long.
A few hours, at the most.


She'd be back

before the sun rises
on the Overside.

Let us help you.

We track together.

This one stays.

He needs to be treated, as well.

He'll be fine, for a few hours.

Don't worry about me, sir.

I was just getting
used to the place.

Probably best
if you lead the way.

That's Enterprise.

It's a lot like the ship

that brought the colonists
to this planet.

It was called the Conestoga.

Maybe you were born on board.

Or were you born
after your parents got here?

My parents were Novans.

They came from the Overside.

No more!

Let me out!

Open the passage.

Just a few more seconds.

Open it!

It's all right.

My apologies for any discomfort.

Is she healed?

Not quite.

First, we have to determine

how far her sickness has spread.

That is you.

The inside of you, anyway.

This picture will tell me

what kind of treatment
you'll require.

Ah. Interstitial tumors.

The malignancy has spread
to her lymphatic system.

She'll need a series
of cytolytic injections.



He's just going
to give her some medicine.

I'll need a few minutes
to synthesize it.

I've got some other pictures
you might like to see.

One of my crewmen

found these in our database.

They might help you
remember what it was like

living on the Overside
before the Poison Rain.

It's human shale.

They're confusing our path.

You'll lose your tracks in this.

I'm just trying to help you see
how you got here.

All I see is Digger filth.

Well, look again...

because whether you want
to believe it or not,

we're both human.

Bury your drawings.


keep me posted.

Captain's Starlog, supplemental.

Subcommander T'Pol
has discovered

the remnants of an impact crater

that could explain
the radiation.

How far away is it?

About 500 kilometers north.

How deep?

It's been partially filled in
by erosion over the years,

but I'm reading impact fractures

down to nearly 2,000 meters.

Comet or an asteroid?

An asteroid; a large one.

The tectonic analysis
puts the impact

at approximately 70 years ago.

The Poison Rain.

The geology was comprised

primarily of beresium ore.

The thermo-shock

would have created
a radioactive cloud

that probably covered
the northern hemisphere

for more than a year.

They spent all those years
getting here...

and for what?

That's an old MK-33, isn't it?

Or is it a 34?

Impressive body armor
you're wearing.

Did you make it yourself?


I don't suppose
there's a lavatory

on the premises, is there?

I wouldn't mind
freshening up a little.


Didn't think so.

Is your belly hollow?

That all depends.

What's for dinner?

Digger meat.

Looks a little, uh...

Humans are like damp moss.

They rot on the Underside.

Not bad.

Come in.

It's a transmission, sir.

It's the last one anyone made
as far as we can tell.

It was still in the buffer.

It's Captain Mitchell.

No matter how angry

Logan's threats may have seemed,

there had to have been a way
of dealing with this

other than attacking us.

Nearly half the adults are dead,
including Dr. Tracey,

and everyone else
is getting sick,

except for the younger children.

If they have
any chance of surviving,

the least you could do

is have the Vulcans
send a ship for them.

But for all I know,

they were the ones
you talked into attacking us.

You wanted Terra Nova
enough to do this?

Well, it's yours now,

but I doubt
you'll be very pleased

with what you find
when you get here.

Mark Logan was the
head of the opposition...

The ones who were against
a second wave of settlers.

Supposedly, he
threatened to fire

at any ship that
came into orbit.

The irony is that
Captain Mitchell's message

never reached Earth.

The debris in the atmosphere
was too dense.

So, for some reason,

the young kids survive
and begin living underground.

Their last memories
of their parents

are hearing them blame humans

for destroying the colony.

The idea that humans
are the enemy

has been embedded in them
for more than two generations.

This isn't going to be easy.

Sick Bay to Archer.

Go ahead.

Would you come see me, please?

Is everything all right?

Nadet's cancer
has been eliminated.

Nice work.

But I found
something quite troubling.

Both she and her son
are showing signs

of microcellular decay
in their endocrine systems.

Their underground
water supply has probably

become contaminated.

I don't have any medication
to treat this,

and it's only going
to get worse.

Would bringing them
to the surface help?

T'Pol says the soil and foliage

is going to remain irradiated
for at least another decade.

How's she doing?

She's as disagreeable as she was
before I treated her.

Bring them
to the Situation Room.

We are not leaving.

It's not safe for you anymore.

When the asteroid hit,

the fallout contained
certain poisons.

Humans under the
age of four or five

can usually build
an immunity to them.

That's why they survived.

For the last two
or three generations,

that immunity
kept you all alive,

but now the poisons have gotten
into your water supply.

As Captain Archer says,
it is no longer safe.

You humans tried
to gut our go-befores

when they lived on the Overside.

Now you're trying to gut us.

Dr. Phlox just saved your life.

Perhaps you should give him
the benefit

of the doubt.

After all,

he's not human.

Neither am I.

Giant rocks
falling from the sky.

Shale! It's all shale!

Take us back!

I went through about

200 to 300 photographs
before I found this.

Look familiar, Nadet?

It's the Overside...

before the Poison Rain.

And what about the people?


What were humans
doing in your colony

before it was destroyed?

I think I can help

answer that.

You're sure none of these people
look familiar?

From the data we retrieved

on this photograph,
we're pretty sure

this woman's name was...
Vera Fuller.

Ring a bell?

It's the medicine
they put in you.

They're confusing your path.

We need to leave.

Look closely.

Vera Fuller.

What do you remember?


They're trying to trap you.

Vera had a daughter
named Bernadette.

She'd be about 75 now
in Earth years.



You say this is me?

They're trying to make us

leave the Underside.

If we're not back before day,
your crewman will be gutted.

Take us back.

Is her treatment finished?

I should take one
more thoracic scan.

Fine. As soon
as you're done,

bring them to the Launch Bay.


There are 58 human
beings in those tunnels

and they're all going to die

if we don't get
them out of there

and what do they think?

They think we're a bunch
of hostile aliens

trying to take
their colony over.

Stun grenades.


Commander Tucker
has continued to enhance

the sensor resolution
of their tunnels.

We could transport stun grenades
to specific locations,

detonate them,
and use both shuttlepods

to bring them back to the ship.

And then what?
Put them in chains?

I'm sure Mr. Reed could devise
appropriate restraints.

What the hell do you think
this is, a sl*ve ship?

We can't relocate them by force.

The alternative was made
quite clear by Dr. Phlox.

We have to convince them

that returning to Earth
is the right thing.

We can't take them by force.

Are you certain
it is the right thing?

What are you talking about?

When you get them back to Earth,
what will you do?

Send them to school?

Teach them to read and write?

Wear human clothing,
eat human food,

teach them to live
on the surface?

Enjoy the sunshine?

You're damn straight.

They're human beings.

It's their birthright.

It might take a little while,
but they'll adapt.

It's a hell of a lot better

than dying
down in those tunnels.

They've lived in those tunnels
for three generations.

You can't just pluck them up

and bring them
to a strange world

and hope they'll learn
to conform.

You'd be

destroying their identity,

destroying the Novan culture.

Archer to Tucker.


Get up here on the double

and bring your maps with you.

The debris cloud
reached to about here...

Ten or 12 degrees
north of the equator.

Southern hemisphere?

Unaffected by the asteroid.

Captain Archer?

Go ahead, Doc.

The two Novans
are in Shuttlepod 1.

Will you be escorting them
back to the surface?

I'll be there
in a couple of minutes.

There's got to be similar
underground topography

on one
of these southern continents...

Caves, caverns.

Find them.

Put that on a padd for me.

And it wouldn't hurt if they
were crawling with those...

Oh, what do they call them?

Your planet has three
large islands to the south.

We call them continents.

The climate is nearly
identical to your Overside.

We don't know how similar
the Underside is,

but my people
are working on that now.

The important thing is,

the Poison Rain
never fell there.

You'd be safe.

Your children would be safe.

You could even

spend time on the Overside,
if you wanted to.

If our tunnels are infected,
you wouldn't want them so badly.

We don't.

We only want to help you,

make you healthy.

Was that photograph

of Vera Fuller
and her daughter shale?

Do you really believe
that we created it to trick you?

You're human.

So am I.

Humans help each other.

When we track back
to the Underside,

we'll return your crewman
only if you promise to leave.

I've got the landing site
locked in, Captain.

Would you
at least talk to your people...

Tell them what I proposed?

All thrusters are down.

Fire them up again.

Pod 1 to Enterprise.

We've got an emergency.

Is anyone hurt?

We're okay,

but getting out of here
is going to be tricky.

Can you give us
the coordinates...?


I think we're done dropping.

How far have we gone?

You're down about eight meters.

Looks like a couple of the
abandoned tunnels gave way.

Open it.

Open it.

Hold on.

Trip, if I open the port hatch,
what am I going to find?

Open it!

You're on the floor

of a stable tunnel...
You should be okay.

You're going to have
to build a rig

to get this pod
back on the surface.

Aye, sir.

We're in the down-slope passage.

We need to pass the cut-through
to get to your crewman.

Give me your p*stol.

What are you talking about?

If you want to see
your human alive,

you'll give me your p*stol.

Stay here with the shuttle.

Keep your com open.

Hold on a second.

Do you hear that?

Help! Help me!

It's Akary.




He must have fallen when your
Sky Ship quaked the tunnels.

Are you hurt?

I'm leg-broke.

The wood has me sealed down.

Would you risk your bones
to save a Novan?

I'll do what I can,

but I doubt
I can make it down there.

We'll track together,

but you'll need to trust me.


The water's rising.

We have to hurry.

I need you to give me
my phase-p*stol.

My g*n!


So you can go free your hostage?

So I can free this man.

It's your turn to trust me.

Give me a hand.



How are you holding up?

Not badly, all
things considered,

but I really wouldn't mind

getting this b*llet
out of my leg.

Tell them.

Tell them what Archer said
about the islands to the south.

They promised to leave.

Let them go.

We'll be fine here.

We're not fine.

None of us is fine.

We're rotting... all of us.

They've promised to leave.

I've seen back.

Vera Fuller was my mother.

That girl in the picture was me.

A human girl.

Our go-befores
shared the same path.

We should listen.

Ever heard of Judge Crater?


Disappeared in
the early 20th century.

How about Amelia Earhart?



Never found a trace of her.

A lot of people
spent years... decades...

Trying to figure out
what happened to them.

But neither of those mysteries

holds a candle to Terra Nova.

And we solved it.

Did more than that.

Those people were a year or two
away from extinction.

We didn't just find them...
we saved their lives.

All these years wondering
about that colony.

I never thought
I'd become a part

of their history.

Tell you what, Travis.

Why don't you put together
the report for Starfleet?

If I'm not mistaken,

it'll be headline news
back home.

"The Terra Nova Puzzle:

Solved at Last... as told
by Ensign Travis Mayweather."

Thank you, sir.
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