03x46 - Booty Scooty

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teen Titans Go!". Aired: April 23, 2013 – present.*
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Animated series that follows the adventures of the young Titans: Beast Boy, Robin, Cyborg, Raven and Starfire.
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03x46 - Booty Scooty

Post by bunniefuu »

"Booty Scooty"

Guys! Guys!

Yo, it's Robin.

You'll never believe this!
Let me in!

First do the Booty Scooty.

- Come on, do I have to?
- Well, you ain't coming in

till you feel the shame of
that Booty Scooty, son.


♪ Booty! ♪

♪ Scoot your booty, that booty
Now do the booty scooty ♪

♪ Scoot your booty That booty,
now do the booty scooty ♪

♪ Scoot your booty, that booty
Now do the booty scooty ♪

♪ Scoot your booty That booty,
now do the booty scooty ♪

♪ Scoot, scoot Scoot
that booty, booty ♪

♪ Scoot, scoot Scoot
that booty, booty ♪

♪ Scoot your booty, that booty
Now do the booty scooty ♪

♪ Scoot your booty That booty,
now do the booty scooty ♪

♪ Booty! ♪

You've been sufficiently shamed.
I'll open it for you.

Come on, I have news!
Just open the latch!

The machine of golden rubes

will handle that
menial task for us.

These things never
work in real life!

Huge news, guys!

Some rich land barons are
planning on tearing down

the Titans Tower and turning
it into a shopping mall.

- I like shopping.
- Cool.

It is not cool. We
have to stop them.

But how, Robin?

The rich land barons
have all of the monies.

There's only one way
to fight money.

With more money! Follow me.

What is the object
of our attic search?


You brought us up
here for an old map?

This is no ordinary map.
This is a treasure map.

A rare historical artifact like
this has got to be worth a fortune.

In fact, this whole attic
is filled with valuables.

We can sell them for cash
money and save the tower, yo!

Yeah, seriously, let's
just have a yard sale.

We're not selling the map or
any of these other valuables.

We are going on a super
dangerous adventure

- to find the treasure.
- Super dangerous?

- You mean, we might die?
- It's highly probable.

So, the map says the treasure
is somewhere under the Tower.

Titans, go!

What was that?

Oh, that's just the freak I
keep chained up down here.


Freaky Face!

- Oh, man, he's nasty.
- I know.

That's why I keep him
chained up down here.

Why is he so angry?

Don't know.

I bought the most
expensive chains.

I keep the TV on the
same channel 24/7.

And once a day, I deliver food and
put it just out of his reach.

- Uh, uh, uh. So ungrateful.
- He truly is the monster.

Guys, I think he
just needs a friend.

What up, freak?

Ooh, vegetable.

Oh! You want the turnip
I keep in my pocket?

Oh! Oh, oh, oh. Mmm.

See? He's a good dude.

Actually, he's a violent
and unpredictable dude.

Yo, freak! You tell these
knuckleheads we're best buds?


Aw, sorry, dude. That
was my last turnip.


- I think we lost him.
- Aw, man, is that piano

made of bones? What's
wrong with people?

I've seen this before.

We need to play the piano
to open that door.

But one wrong note, and...


The pressure is intense, I know.

But one of you must
volunteer to...

I'll do it.

- All of you?
- Yeah, man. We all play the piano.

- We're really good at it.
- You would know that

if you had bothered to
come to our recital.

It's working! Keep it up!

Oh, yeah. Let me get some!

- Beast Boy!
- Uh, my bad.

That's what's up.

A ladder. But where
does it lead?

- To the living room.
- Wait.

We could have just
climbed down the ladder,

and skipped the freak and
the deadly piano thing?

Yeah, but where's the
adventure in that?

I don't want no adventure.
I wants my couch!

- Yeah, actually, I agree.
- My buttocks too craves the soft sofa.

Yeah, I'm gonna take couch
over adventure this time.

But what about the treasure
and saving the Tower?

- What about not dying down here?
- Don't you see?

You may live up there,

but down here you might die.

Up there is a comfy
couch and a TV.

But down here there's a freak.

Down here there's a bone
piano and other horrors!

So, who's with me?

Yeah, no thanks.
We're going back.

Now, who's with me?

- Freaky Face.
- Freak!


The giant octopus!

If we want that treasure
we have to fight it.

Really? We're kinda
running short on time.

I feel like we should
just go around this guy.

Fine. We'll skip the octopus.

Apologies, my
eight-legged friend.

There it is!


Keep those diamonds, yo!

Forget the diamonds,
look at those ducats!

Those are some sweet ducats!


We're rich!

Yeah, we are. Now,
let's get out of here.

This is for you, dead guy.

One gem? You steal my treasure.

And all you leave me
is one single gem?

I was being thoughtful.

What am I to do with one measly gem?
Please, tell me.

In all fairness, we
thought you were dead.

I was! Dead and happy!

Look, I am fine with
someone taking my riches,

but did you have to insult
me by giving me this?!

One single gem? Now, give
me back my treasure!

Ah, these things. They
never work in real life.

I can't believe it. We
didn't get the treasure.

It was right there.
I guess I should

have been more generous
with that dead guy.

I'm sure gonna miss this place.

A shame we will lose it to
those despicable land barons.

Wait a second. Wait one second!

Why don't we sell this
extremely valuable map?

It's worth a fortune.

That's what we said
at the beginning!

And you insisted that we go on
that super dangerous adventure!

We'll sell the map! Why didn't
I think of this earlier?

Then the Tower is saved?

We are going to live
in this Tower now

and for the rest of our lives!

Oh, yeah. You hear that, freak?

You brought him in the house?

Yeah, mama. Like I said,
we both love turnips.

So, we're best friends.

Well, if he wants to stay he's
got to do the Booty Scooty.

Oh, come on!

- Sorry, bro. Tower rules.
- Right.

♪ Booty! ♪

♪ Scoot your booty, that booty
Now do the booty scooty ♪

♪ Scoot your booty That booty,
now do the booty scooty ♪

♪ Scoot your booty, that booty
Now do the booty scooty ♪

♪ Scoot your booty That booty,
now do the booty scooty ♪

♪ Scoot, Scoot Scoot
that booty, booty ♪

♪ Scoot, Scoot Scoot
that booty, booty ♪

♪ Scoot your booty, that booty
Now do the booty scooty ♪

- I love you, freak.
- That's what's up!
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