02x11 - Love Monsters

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teen Titans Go!". Aired: April 23, 2013 – present.*
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Animated series that follows the adventures of the young Titans: Beast Boy, Robin, Cyborg, Raven and Starfire.
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02x11 - Love Monsters

Post by bunniefuu »

Oh, stupid rain.

Getting everything so moist.

How I miss Mr. Sun's
silly smiling face.


Oh, there you are.

Oh, no. Has falling sky liquid

once again caused you the sadness?

This will not do.

It's fine, Starfire.
Just leave us alone.

Oh, okay, okay.

I want to be alone with my sadness.

Come on, I'm trying to mope
so hard, right now.

I actually feel a lot better.

Girl, you just raised my
happiness level a whole giga smile.

I feel like I just
ate a whole box of cookies.

That is why proper distribution
of affection is important.

- Raven!
- Hey, hey!

- You may also receive the affection.
- Careful.

Why will you not let me up your cheers?

Because in this box, are the
twin destroyers of Azarath,

harbingers of doom,
purveyors of exquisite misery

- and endless pain.
- I thought it was the lunch.

I need to collect spell
ingredients to banish these

demons back to Azarath and
I can't take them with me.

Keep an eye on them, while I'm gone.

Can I trust you all
not to go near them?

- Of course.
- Obviously.

Sit around and
don't do anything? On it.

Hugs and kisses all the night long. Yes.

Hugs and kisses don't solve
every problem.

I thought you already
learned that lesson.

Everyone stand back!

Please don't explode.

Not everything in the world
deserves your affection,

- especially these creatures.
- I understand. No hugs or kisses,

- only light tummy tickles.
- No.

I see. They can have the
strawberry shakes after dinner

but no the whipped cream.

- No!
- Surely I can stroke under the chins.

No tickles! No shakes!

No chin stroking!

They feed on love and affection.

Give them too much and we're
all going to have a bad day!

- Got it?
- I have gotten it.

I will not touch the twin
destroyers of Azarath,

no matter how much they
may clearly need affection.

Thank you.

Don't open it!

Seriously though,
don't open it.

Oh, that is the cute noise.

Do you not all feel
compelled to cheer up

those that are sad,
no matter who they are?

- Nope.
- Eh.

Depends. How cute is she?

I cannot help it! I must give the hugs.

Starfire, no!

Just one snuggle!


The twin destroyers are ...

Hello, new friends!

Uh, hello.

Thank you for not sending
us back to Azarath.


Here there is love and
happiness in new faces.

Oh, that is most kind.
Your faces are also nice.

- Raven said not to touch them, Star.
- But, they are so cute.

That sure was fun.

Get back in the box!

- What?
- Don't give me the eyes.

- You heard me.
- Robin, what are you doing?

It's called tough love, Star.

Remember, these guys
feed on affection.

Because, they like all
creatures thirst for it.

But tonight, their throats
will be parched.

Back in the box!

Just one goodbye kiss.

What did you do?!

Oh, an egg.
That's not so bad.

- Raven's back!
- What are we going to do?

I got this!

Way to think
on your feet, Beast Boy.

Now quick, act natural.

You opened the box, didn't you?

- What... why would you...
- What?

- Of course not.
- Yes, that is correct.

- Well, we're doomed.
- No, we are not the doomed.

I gave them so much love,
they became the harmless egg.

What's happening?

The egg is hatching!

Your love turned them into
a monster, Starfire.

- Can't you just banish 'em, Rave?
- No, only the one who

empowered them with
love can defeat them.

Starfire, you're going to have
to be mean to them.

But, I cannot!

Then we're going to have
to do this old school.

Titan Robot, assemble!

Left leg, power on.

Left arm, power on!

Right arm, power on!

Right leg, power on!

Head, power on!

Titan Robot, go!

All right, Titans, let's do this!

Right arm, left arm.
Sonic combo!

Left leg!
Blazing leg saber!

Let's finish them off!
Right leg, hammer kick!

There, there, formerly tiny people.

Surely you only rampage
because you are scared.

Starfire, you're only
making it stronger.

My distributions of affection
have ruined everything.

I suppose not everybody
deserves the love.

We're trapped in here, Star.
You're our only hope!

For the sake of the world, can you be

- mean to that thing?
- I can try.

Twin destroyers,
you may be big

but you are also so very cute.

Even her insults are compliments.

Mean might have been a stretch.

Can you handle aloof, Starfire?

- Aloof?
- Just turn away from it.

Cross your arms and tilt
your head up!

Ah, yes!
Yes, like you do all the time.

Yeah, like I do all the time.

What's the matter?
Do you not like us anymore?

No, I do not!
You are the butt.

- What?
- The butt?

The butt and you smell
like celery.

Oh, snap!

Your mother has the
weight problems so severely

that the doctors comment
she should eat more

of the fruits and vegetables.

She brought mamas into it!
She brought mamas into it!

I do not like you!

My feelings!

It's working. Keep it up!

Um, your kerpoffin is like
glorvek on a barkinesta!


That was mean. How could you?

I do not wish to hear it.
Back in the box!

Girl, I did not know
you could be so cold.

I'm proud of you, Starfire.

I know being such a horrible person must

- have been tough on you.
- Thank you, Raven.

I could not have been
so cruel without your help.

We will always remember your
sweet kisses.

Oh, and they will remember you.

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