06x10 - Sooper Poof/Wishing Well

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Fairly OddParents". Aired: March 30, 2001 – July 26, 2017.*
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Series follows the adventures of Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy with two fairy godparents named Cosmo and Wanda who grant him wishes to solve his everyday problems.
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06x10 - Sooper Poof/Wishing Well

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Timmy is an average kid

♪ That no one understands

♪ Mom and dad and vicky

♪ Always giving him commands

Bed, twerp!

♪ The doom and gloom up in his room ♪

♪ Is broken instantly

♪ By his magic little fish who grant his every wish ♪

♪ 'Cause in reality

♪ They are his oddparents

♪ Fairly oddparents

♪ Wands and wings

♪ Floaty crowny things

♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪

♪ Really mod, pea pod, buff bod, hot rod ♪

♪ Obtuse, rubber goose, green moose, guava juice ♪

♪ Giant snake, birthday cake, large fries, chocolate shake ♪

♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪

♪ It flips your lid when you are the kid ♪

♪ With fairly oddparents

Yeah, right.

Come on, poof.

Show me tree!

Well, "bee" rhymes with "tree".

Poof shouldn't be out in public like this

Until he has more control of his shape-shifting!

Don't feel bad, poof.

Daddy used to be a terrible shape-shifter,

But now watch me turn into a ping-pong table.



Blimey, I caught a rare green lion!

To the zoo, lads.

Wanda: well, he's getting better.

At least he has legs this time.


Help me, timmy turner.

My fake-i-fier is, like, defective,

And my hope is, like, that your powerful floating friends

Might, like, repair it!


Oh, shya.

Blimey, again!

A talking octopus with a glass-covered brain!

To the aquarium, boys!

Looks like we're going to the zoo and aquarium later.

Ok, poof. Change into a bird!

He's getting better.

Birds and rockets both fly and have wings.

Was that an exploding bird?

Yes. No!

It's a baby!

And he can float!


And he has a freakishly powerful

Gastrointestinal system!


We've been chosen to raise a floating,

Burping alien super baby!

I'm back. Heh. Yiiihh.

Tranquilizer darts rock!

Cosmo! Timmy's parents found poof!


Those two have no idea how to raise a child!

No offense, timmy.

None taken.

Come on. Let's go get your baby back.

A bouncing baby boy who really bounces!

Remember how we tried this with timmy?

He never bounced back.

Hi, mom. Hi, dad. What you got there?

Wow! A baby. Cool!

I'll just take him back and find his real parents, bye.


But we're his parents now.

Timmy, meet your new super-powered brother!

Nice to meet you super-powered baby

That I've never met before.

Oh, we should give him a name.

Like new timmy!

Or what about better timmy?


Those are terrible names!

Ooh. Maybe jealous timmy is right.

Then, how about super baby!


Uh-oh. I think it's nap time!

I'll get the binky!

Well, that was easy.

Ok, poof, just shape-shift into a fish

So you can go back to your real parents.

Close enough.

Hurry up, timmy!

We miss our baby!

I'm trying, but he won't go in!


Don't cry, guys. I'll get him in!

It's not us crying.

Super baby's gone!

We loved super baby so much!

Where'd we get this picture?

Ok, I wish my parents weren't sad

And they forgot all about poof.

Oh, no.

Your parents fell in love with poof,

And according to da rules,

We can't unwish true love!

But there's got to be a way to fix this mess

And get poof back to you.

Da rules say we can get poof back if your parents

Give him up "willingly".

Then that's what we'll make them do.

I wish poof was on the couch.

Super baby is back!

Hooray! We can be parents again!

That's why I made him this!


Now let's see if this baby can fly.

Why don't I just take you to the aquarium

Like I never took timmy?

Super baby away!

The aquarium?

I asked him to take me there

Like, a million times!

I mean, to the aquarium!

[Dolphin chattering]

And this is called a seal.

Oh, excuse me.

A seal with an attitude.

Hey, dad.

Weird running into you here, huh?

Hey. I think it's time for me

And my new brother to bond.

I don't know, jealous timmy.

Can you put your unbridled rage aside

To care for your new super baby brother?

You bet!

I just want to show him some totally cool fish

Around the corner, so could you please

Willingly hand him over?

Sure, non-super son!

Glad to see you embracing your super sibling!


We missed you so!

Ok poof, shape-shift into your little goldfish self.

I'll tell dad that you took off for outer space

In search of your real--


You've got to get me out of here, bro,

And, like, fix my fake-i-fier, yo!

I told you I'm not that in to you.


No, no, poof, no fishy!




Poof, no!

You're not an octopus.

You're a baby! A cute baby!

Eh! Timmy!

This looks bad, right?

Stay here, away from your awesome brother,

And think about why you can't treat him

Like shark food!

And speaking of food, time to go shopping,

But where do we buy food for a super baby?

Both: at the supermarket!


Tell us you have a new plan!

Oh, yeah!

Poof's really getting his shape-shifting down,

So all we got to do is get him to shape-shift

Into something that will really scare

The heck out of my mom,

Then she'll willingly give up poof.

Good plan.

I wish this aisle was full of boxes

Of super fortified terrifying monster o's.



Oh, ho, you want cereal?

Let's see if there are any harmful ingredients.


Perfect, when your mom sees this,

She'll definitely give up poof.


Huh? Raaaa!

Let's see. Sugar, fangs, venom.





Woman on p.a.: Gruesome monster clean up, aisle .

Hello, look behind you!



Look behind you!



Hey, I think he's coming to give us a hug!


Or not.

Timmy! We got to stop poof!

Poof! Stop!

You're gonna hurt someone.

Possibly me!


[Timmy screaming]


Man, I can't win today.

I know it's hard accepting a new member

To the family, but come on.

A deli slicer?!

Now I don't want to see you trying to

Thinly slice your brother again!

[Children giggling]


It's ok. He's a super baby from outer space

Sent to protect us.

Ok, timmy.

We've been very patient,

But we want our baby back!

I'm sorry, wanda.

I know if my mom could see she's breaking

Another mother's heart, she'd give up poof!

But she thinks he's an alien.

Where are we going to find an alien mother

That your parents will "willingly" give poof back to?


I have e-scaped from the fish prison!

Can you please fix my fake-i-fier?

I will do anything you ask

If you will only, like, help me, ok?

What's with the creepy smiles?

[Doorbell rings]


Uh, ok.

Greetings, earthlings.

Please help mend a mother's broken heart

And return my most precious alien baby.

Wow, he's really good!

Oh. Are you super baby's mother?


Oh, yeah.

And a very distraught mother at that.

Come home with me, my little baby!

Oh, honey, we have no choice.

We must give super baby

To his hideous real mother.

It's the right thing to do.

All right!



Ooh! Our baby!

We have our baby back!

Someone needs a diaper change.

And it isn't me this time.

Now I wish mark's fake-i-fier was repaired!

Oh, mark--i mean, justin jake ashton,

Is their anything we can do for you?

I'll take that diaper to go.


Ok, time to repair my mom and dad's

Broken hearts.

So super baby's gone, huh?

He's where he needs to be.

With his real mom and dad.

I guess this mom and dad will have to settle

For just one super son.

You guys think I'm super?

Oh, ho ho!

The superest!

Which means you need a super outfit

If you're going to fight crime.

So I made you something that will go

With those super teeth of yours!

I hereby dub thee beaver-boy!

Nobody takes a bigger bite out of crime!


I'm a super son and a superhero!

Blimey! A giant beaver!

Good huntin' in these parts there is!

Look, honey, it must be nap time!


Diapers rock! Ha ha heh.




Timmy and poof: ooh.

Ahh. Ahh.

Wahoo! Wahoo!



Yeah! It's a new record!

Wishes in minutes!

Bed...sleep... Need...now.

If...we...could... Just...nap.

Got it! Pizza, escalators, octopuses,

All at a secret swiss alps tower ski house



Having godparents rocks!

I wish I had a super-turbo, fat-free, chocolate snowboard!


Turner, your wish activity meter is off th charts.

Look! You are all the way up

To wishy mcgreedypants.

Remember, your fairies are here to help you when you need it,

Not act as your private wish butlers.

Yeah. I wish jorgen was gone.

Nice try. Now where was i?

Oh. You are weak, undisciplined,

And are working your fairies much too hard.

Am not! Just ask cosmo and wanda!

Working me too hard.

See? Denial.

Yet another symptom of o.w.d...

That is why you must go to wishing well.

Wishing what?

Wishing well

Is a new state-of-the art retreat in fairy world

Where over-wishing kids learn how to take care of themselves

And stop wearing out their fairies.

I do not have o.w.d.

I wish jorgen was a soccer ball

And I had a bionic foot!

Like that will work.



Nice kick. Now off to wishing well!

Oh, I'm sure timmy will be fine.

Yeah, and now we finally get a chance to relax.



Not relaxed!

Welcome to wishing well!

Hey. This place is kind of nice.

Oh, wait. It gets better.


Now say hello to the other two members

Of the inaugural class.

Give it up for molly and dwight.

I wish you would all go away.

I wish my fairy irving was here.

I wish you would shut your trap.

Yeah? I wish you'd shut your attitude.

I wish those alarms were off!

Oh. This is going to be tougher than I thought.

Poofy, stop crying.

Maybe he needs a new diaper.

Ooh! That's a yes.

Be right back.

Success, but we're gonna have to repaint the nursery.

And poof's still crying.

Wait. I have another idea.

Here. You hold poof for a second.

Cosmo? Cosmo?

Not funny.

Step one on your road to recovery--

The wishing well funhouse,

Where inside you must confront your biggest fears

And try to conquer them

Without wishing.

What's with the anklets, jarhead?

Somebody make a wish and find out.

I wish you were covered in fire ants.


A fruitcake?

Who hits someone with a fruitcake?

Jorgen: oh. I almost forgot.

Your anklets will trigger our massive alarm system,

Which shocks you if you try to escape.

Ok. Now let the stop wishing superfun training begin!


Ugh! Unh!

Aah! Vicky!

Molly: aah! Snakes!

Dwight: aah! A harpoon!

I dreamt I was a whale once,

And they wanted my blubber.

Come on, greatest fears! Get them!

I wish vicky was gone!

I wish the snake was gone!

I wish no harpoony!

Ow! Ow! Ow!

Nice job. No, really good.

You've proven to me that you can survive

In the world without fairies,

So I guess you can all go home now.


You wish!

Unh! Ohh! Unh!

Now for step two of my wishing well program,

The cafeteria!

Where's the food?

If you want breakfast,

You are going to have to make it yourselves.

Your fairies cannot cook for you forever.

Just show me where the oven is,

And I'll make pancakes that will blow your taste buds away.

Well, you blew up the kitchen.

That's close.

Now you can all clean up this mess without wishing!

And hurry up. The garbage truck comes at :.

Then it's on to step !

I won't tell you what it is,

But I will give you a hint.

It involves tying your shoes without wishing.

Wow! That was a really big hint.

Not even a bottle will stop poof's crying.

Try my dolly. It calms me down.

I made it to fill the void since timmy left.

Pull the string.

I didn't do it.


Cosmo, look.

Poof isn't wet or hungry.

He just misses timmy.

But now I'm wet and hungry,

And I miss timmy!

And now that I think about it,

So do i!

[Dwight crying]

All I asked was that you tie your shoes without wishing.

Now step ! What if a real emergency hit

And you didn't have your fairies to save you?

Like a quicksand floor!


I wish--i mean, help!

Right. Help!

What is the word I am looking for?

Um, oh, yeah. Pathetic!

Did it occur to any of you over-wishers

To grab the bed frame

Or grab these convenient ropes

Hanging from the ceiling

Or simply turn the quicksand floor off?

It is good you will be here

Because I have a special test for you,

And I'll give you a hint!

It involves scrubbing filthy toilets.

Darn it! Note to self, no more hints.

How does cleaning toilets get us to stop wishing?

Jorgen: it doesn't help you stop wishing.

They were just really gross.

Happy scrubbing. Ha ha ha! Ha! Ha ha!

That does it. I'm done with fruitcakes

And quicksand floors and toilets!

We're breaking out of here!

Where are we gonna go, timbucktooth?

We're not going anywhere unless we team up!

I never thought I'd say this,

But jorgen's right.

I do ask my fairies for too much,

But I'm totally sick of this place,

So I'm busting out tonight! No magic!

Now are you with me?

I'm in. I'm in.

But don't touch me again.

Wanda: you're right, cosmo.

Making a sand castle does really get our minds off of you know who.

I don't want sandy timmy.

I want real, not-sandy timmy!

I'm wet and hungry again!

Wait a minute. We can go visit him.

You're right! To the real, not-sandy timmy!

Jorgen: time for bed, over-wishing wimps.

Lights out. Nonescape lasers on.

Ok. Let's do this.

But how? Jorgen locked the door.

Doors? We don't need doors.


Move out!


Aah! It's our worst fears!

They want my blubber.

No. They're our ticket to freedom.

Oh, no! Evil vickybot,

Please don't hack these special ankle bracelets

Off our legs.

We love them so.

Feeling scared yet?


I really am.

Come on!

Aah! Aah! Aah!

Molly, snake time. You can do it.

Hey. I got over my fear of snakes without wishing.

Yeah, but we still have to get over the wall.

Dwight, grab the harpoon.

It doesn't want your blubber.

I'm not a whale.

I am not a whale!

Ha ha ha! I did it!

Time to climb!

Now what?

Timmy! Oh, we missed you!

It took us forever to find this place.

So these are your fairies?

Yep! Pretty lame.

You're no prize yourself, sister.

I think they're cute!


Oh, no! Jorgen knows we've escaped!

Quick. Make a wish, and we'll get you out of this dump.

No. I really over-wished you guys,

And I'm sorry.

We'll take this one.

How? How?

We are doomed!

Let's just say it's time to take out the trash.

, , !



Whoo-hoo! Yeah!

Touching. You're touching.

And now we're doomed, right?

No, but I will give you a hint.

You have graduated! Oh, dang.

Whoo-hoo! Yeah!

You all made a daring and successful escape

Not by wishing but by working together on your own,

And while I would like to punish you painfully,

I will instead say congratulations!

Yeah! Yay! Yeah!


Irving, this is the boy who taught me

Not to fear blubber.

You have really big teeth.

Timmy, this is my fairy swizzle.

Wow! Molly's a really cool girl.

Don't ever touch me again.

And I see where she gets it from.

Now let us celebrate!

Let us wish you guys up a graduation feast.

Wait. We want to cook for you guys this time.

Jorgen: who wants fruitcake?

Dwight: they want my blubber.
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