02x12 - Fool's Day Out/Deja Vu

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Fairly OddParents". Aired: March 30, 2001 – July 26, 2017.*
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Series follows the adventures of Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy with two fairy godparents named Cosmo and Wanda who grant him wishes to solve his everyday problems.
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02x12 - Fool's Day Out/Deja Vu

Post by bunniefuu »

F ♪♪ timmy is an average kid ♪

♪♪ That no one understands ♪

♪♪ Mom and dad and vicky ♪

♪♪ Always giving him commands ♪

Bed, twerp!

♪♪ Doom and gloom up in his room ♪♪

♪♪ Is broken instantly ♪

♪♪ By his magic little fish who'll grant his every wish ♪♪

♪♪ 'Cause in reality ♪

♪♪ They are his oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪♪

Wands and wings.floaty, crowny things.

♪♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪♪

♪♪ Really mod, peapod, buff bod, hot rod ♪♪

Obtuse, rubber goose,

Green moose, guava juice.

Giant snake, birthday cake,

Large fries, chocolate shake!

♪♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪♪

♪♪ It flips your lid when you are the kid ♪♪

♪♪ With fairly oddparents ♪

Yeah, right.

Oh, boy!

It's the fourth of july!

Don't forget your hat, son.

Thanks, dad.


Oh, boy!

It's halloween!

Timmy, wait!

Don't forget your jack-o-lantern.

Thanks, loving godparents!


Oh, boy! It's groundhog day!

Happy groundhog day, timmy.

A stuffed groundhog?

And just watch what happens when it sees its shadow.



Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

Well, at least there wasn't a pie.


[Snarls] aaah!

Ha ha ha ha!

[Clock radio beeps] good morning, dimmsdale!

I'm chet ubetcha, and it's april .

That means it's april fool's day.


The day I get my revenge

On everybody who pranked me!

Chet: and the news this morning is...

Snow! And lots of it!

Oh, boy!

A snow day!

No school!

[Metal grinding]

This is chet ubetcha saying,

April fool's, timmy turner!

[All laughing]




I'll show them what's funny.

Everybody else plays great practical jokes

On me all year long...


But mine stink.

Face it, timmy.

You're no april fool.

He's the funniest guy in the universe!

It's a photo...

And a restraining order!

Maybe he could help me.

Wanda: timmy, no!

He might be the ultimate magical prankster,

But he never knows when to stop.

You're just scared because you know

He's gonna help me get you guys.

Timmy, no one has ever

Wished the fool to earth before.

You don't know what could happen.

Sure I do.

You eat a big helping of revenge pie.

How do I get him here?

Well, like any great comedian,

He needs an introduction.

[Rim shot, applause]

Timmy: "ladies and gentlemen,

"Put your hands together for the comedy stylings of...


The april fool?"

[Crowd laughs]

Fool: fairies? They've got wands and wings!

What's up with that?

[Laughter, applause]

And that jorgen von strangle!

Have you seen that guy's forehead?

They should call it a five-head.

[Crowd laughs]

Ha ha ha ha. Funny!

Ha ha--hey!

It's time for the "a" material.

Knock, knock.

Who is there?

[Crowd gasps]

I fear we will never know who was knocking,

But I will make it my mission in life

To find out!

I said, "knock, knock."


This isn't uncle knuckles' chuckle bunker!

What's up with that?

Ha ha ha ha ha!

"What's up with that?"


I'm gonna die!

Hi, mr. Fool.

I'm timmy turner.

It's april fool's day,

And I need to harness your special brand of comedic help.

I got a day named after me?

I don't remember signing anything.

Where's my cut of the dough?

Ha ha, ha ha. Dough shmoe!

I'm cosmo, and this is my wife--

Who doesn't think you're funny--wanda.

[Rim shot]

Maybe these totally harmless flowers

Will change your mind.

Oh, they're beautiful!

And funny!


[Rim shot]

Thank you, thank you. You're too kind.

Hey, did you hear the one about--

[Cosmo laughs]

Chocolate syrup squirting flowers!

[Laughs] it's a classic!

Whoa! Hey, easy.

Let me get a word in edgewise.

If I don't get the funny out,

I get backed up!

Ha ha ha! Aah!

Ha ha ha. Aah!

Ha ha ha! Aah!

That was great!

Can you help me prank everybody who's pranked me?

Besides these two? Oh, yeah.

I don't know, kid.

It's april fool's day.

It should be all about me.

Why, given all the comedic power at my disposal,

Should I help you?


I have gum.

Is it spearmint? Yep.

I'm in!

Ah ha ha! Oh ho ho ho!

He said, "I'm"!

Ah ha ha ha ha ha!

[Rim shot]

Thank you.

I'll be here all day!

I'll be here all day!

What's up with that?

[Bell ringing]

Ready for some payback?

Oh, yeah.

[Rim shot]

Get your braces cleaned for free?

Just look up? All right!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

April fool!

Ha ha ha ha ha.

That's hilarious.

Dude, whatcha got?

This is my report

On the entire history of mankind.

I've been working on it

Practically since the day I was born.

Bet you're too smart to fall

For the old ceiling-fan gag, right?

Way too smart.

[Rim shot]

[Reads sign]

Ha! Why doesn't it just say,

"Aj, pull here"?

My paper! Ah! No!


Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

April fool! [Laughs]

Thank you. You've been great.


[Rim shot]

Fool: except you.

Timmy: ha! Did you see the look on aj's face?


Fool: yeah!

He was more broken

Than a leg in a cast.

[Crickets chirping]


They can't all be gems.

One would be nice.

And do they have to be so mean?

What's the word I'm looking for?

Could it be, "yes"?


All comedy involves a little pain.

Or in this case--

[Cosmo laughing]

Hey, genius!

I haven't said the punch line yet.

If you don't let me finish the joke,

I'll get comedy backup

And blow myself all the way back

To fairy world!


Ha ha ha ha ha!

Don't you think the fool's pranks

Are more mean than funny?

Cosmo thinks they're funny.

Cosmo thinks everything is funny.




She said, "puh," and then, "ding."


[Rim shot]

Well, we're here

At the broken glass and pointy objects factory.

All: aaah!

Why are we here?

Look up there!

[Airplane buzzes]

It sure was nice of timmy

To give us these free skydiving lessons!

If he wasn't so bad at pranks,

I'd be totally suspicious!

Ah, well.

Together: geronimo!

[Rim shot]

[Pigs squeal]

Oh, my gosh!

I wish this were the rubber, trampoline, and pillow factory!

Whoo hoo! Whee!


Quick, honey.

Pull the cord for the auxiliary pigs!


Mr. Fool? I don't want my mom and dad hurt--

Just pranked!


Hey! Restraint and compassion

Was not part of the deal!

Well, the deal's off.

I practically give you my comedic talent,

And you're giving me the hook?

Nobody cancels the fool!

Dude, you are not being funny.

You're being harsh!

Don't you tell me what's funny!

I am the april fool!

I'll show you funny!

I'll show this whole world

What funny is!

I have a funny feeling about this.

That's the spirit!

We better follow him. Come on!

What are you doing?

Proving you wrong!

I'm gonna close my set with a little juggling,

And bounce the moon into an orbit

Between the sun and the earth

And cause a new ice age!

That's what's up with that!

He's going to destroy the earth

For the funny!

How do we stop him?

You can't!

This is the big finish...

For earth.

I'm like a hamster on a wheel at the...


Comedy backup!

If I can keep everyone in the world laughing

So he can't get his stupid jokes out,

He'll be blown back to fairy world!

I wish all the air on the earth

Was full of laughing gas!






Time to moon the...


Hey, let me get the punch line out!

The earth!

Stop it! I'm not done!

Keep laughing,

No matter how lame the joke is!

I can't get out my funny!


Can't fix...comedy dots!

Thank you!

Good night!

Darn it.

They got rid of me.

But I'll be back.

They can't stop the funny!



Tell me who was knock, knock, knocking!

Can't breathe. [Gasps]

What's up with that?

Man, I'm beat.

Well, you did save the world, timmy.

Yeah, so we got you

A "thanks for saving the world" present!

Awesome! Pie!

[Snarling] aaah!


Together: april fool's!


What? That's not funny.

Let's go! : Means : !

You guys are late,

And I'm not gonna miss my soap opera!

Wait! It's only : .

I'm only minutes late!

Wait for me!

[Tires squeal]

Bark like a wiener dog

And I won't make your face hurt, turner.

Arf! Arf! Arf!

Arf! Arf! Arf! Arf! Arf! Arf!

That's not a wiener dog.

That's a swiss punch monkey.

[Bell rings]

Heh. Good news, turner!

You've taken "f" to a new level!

I'm going to give you a "super f"!


Boy, am I tired of getting bad grades.

Well, I'm home now,

Where I won't be graded on my performance.

Hey, guess what, timmy?

We're grading you on your performance.

We're giving you an "a" minus.

An "a" minus?

Ahp, ahp, ahp, ahp.

Questioning your grade.

That gets you a "b."

But-- talking back gets you a "c."

A "c"?

Raising your voice, "d"!

That's a "q."

That gets you an "f," smart guy.

Well, it can't get any worse.

A "v"?

As in...

Timmy: vicky!

Well, we're off to read bedtime stories

To underprivileged, confused dolphins!

We're going to read

The little dolphin who cried...

[Dolphin noises]

Have fun, you two!

Oh, don't worry.

We're gonna redefine fun.

Hey, hon. Tough day?

Or are those the black eyes of a job well done?

Today was horrifying,

And I could have avoided all of it!

If I'd been on time this morning,

Francis wouldn't have knocked me silly!

And if francis hadn't knocked me silly,

I could've aced that test!

[Game music playing]



Computer: press reset.


[Game music playing]

Too bad life doesn't have a reset button.

What do you mean, timmy?

If life had a reset button,

I could just reset it.




I start my day back at the beginning.

Hey, are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Uh, never cook bacon with your shirt off?

[Sizzles] [whistles]

Timmy: no!

I wish my life had a reset button.

Wanda: there! A cosmo do-over watch!

Whoever wears me can re-do any event!

Whenever you don't like how something turns out,

Just set the watch back

The amount of time you want to go back.

Then hit the button, and...presto!

Cool! Let me try!

I'll set cosmo back minutes.


Not seconds.

Not seconds.

I said minutes, not seconds.

[Panting] oh. So-sorry.

Go easy, honey. This trick is tough,

And takes a lot of magic.

Then maybe I need to really test it.

...leaving hundreds injured

And thousands without food or water.

Ha ha! I love a happy ending. [Crunch]

Oh, well. Here goes nothing.

Hey, vicky!

I thought I told you to go to bed, twerp!

I can't sleep.

I keep having nightmares about your big bubble butt!

What? You are sodead!


...leaving hundreds injured

And thousands without food or water.

Ha ha! I love a happy ending. [Crunch]

This is the greatest!

All right, guys,

Let's re-do this whole day,

And let's re-do it right!


[Tires squeal]

Bark like a wiener dog and i--huh?

It's payback time, mutton head!




We surrender!

Bwah! Water! It burns!


I did it! I nailed francis!

Wow, I just made the toughest kid in school cry.

I guess that makes me the toughest kid now.

Word on the street

Is that you're the toughest kid in school.

Uh, yeah?

Well, we're the toughest kids in the other schools,

And we want a piece of you!

Arf! Arf! Arf! Arf!

[Bell rings]

This time I'm ready for crocker's stupid test.

Heh. Good news, turner!

You've taken "f" to a new level!

I'm going to give you a "super f"!



"D," which is short for "don't get your hopes up

For a high-paying career." [Chuckles]


"B," as in,

"But you're not supposed to bethis smart."



An "a" minus, as in... Hmm, I give so few as,

I have no prepared sarcasm.

[Weak chuckle]


I'm the smartest kid in school!

Nerd: so, turner.

Word on the street

Is that you're the smartest kid in school.

Uh, I guess.

Ha! We're the smartest kids

In all the other schools.

Now you can join our study group! Ha ha ha ha.


Guess what, timmy?

We're grading you on your performance.

Oh, yeah? Well, then I'm gonna grade you, too.

Eh? A "b"?

Ahp, ahp, ahp!

Disputing your grade gets you a "c."


Stammering gets you a "d."

Gah! What? Are you crazy?

Insulting the teacher. "F"!


[Grunts, cries]


Hey, twerp!

Why are you so happy?

Um, because we're gonna have lots of fun together?

But I'm going to redefine the word fun."

And I'm gonna redefine your redefinition.

[Sinister laughter]


But I'm going to redefine the word fun."


[Screeching and hissing]

[Gasping] can we take a break?

Yeah, it's time for me to get ready for bed, anyway.

All right, twerp. It's payback time.

And speaking of time...

I'll start by taking

Your stupid, talking watch.

Whoa, oh. Hey, hey.

That tickles. Re-do!

I'll start by taking

Your stupid, talking watch.

Whoa, that was weird.

Deja vu.

Wanda, what are we gonna do?

What if she accidentally--

We're going to read

The little dolphin who cried...

[Dolphin noises]

Have fun, you two.


[Dolphin noises]

Have fun, you two.



Have fun, you two.


Hey, twerp.

Why are you so happy?

Um, because we're gonna have lots of fun together?

Oh, don't worry.

We're gonna redefine fun. [Beeps]

Um, because we're gonna have lots of fun together?


[Screams] [hisses]


[Screams] [hisses]


[Screams] [hisses]

[Cats snarling]

[Timmy screaming, cats screeching]

Oh, man. She's figured out how the watch works.

Wanda, you gotta make it so vicky can't use the watch.

I can't.

Whoever wears the watch is in control.

Next time, you should make sure

Gadgets like that only work for you.

Wait. "Next time." That's it!

Wanda, I wish you were a reset watch!


That only works for me.

Now I'll just re-do the part

Where vicky took my cosmo watch.


I'll start by taking your stupid, talking--

Together: hey, what are you doing here?

We're gonna redefine "fun"!


[Screeching and hissing]



[Screaming and hissing]

[Cats snarling]

[Timmy and vicky screaming, cats screeching]

Sorry, timmy.

As long as she has the cosmo watch,

She can re-do things just as fast as I do!



[Snarls, roars]

[Dolphin noises]


Give it up, twerp.

I'm going to t*rture you forever

With my amazing "do-it-over" watch.

Dream on, bubble butt!

Your watch is running out of power,

But the one I'm wearing,

That I got at exactly : this morning,

Is solid gold

Andnuclear powered!

And you can't have it!


Let's go! : Means : !

You guys are late,

And I'm not gonna miss my soap opera!

: .

Now all I gotta do is make it

So iget the better watch.

Timmy: wait for me!

[Tires squeal]

[Horn honks]

Ha! Why should I get out of your way

When I can just re-do things?

When I can just re-do things.




Why won't you re-do?

I only work for timmy.

[Horn honks]


Dad: vicky, when we heard what happened,

We canceled our reading of the little dolphin who cried...

[Dolphin noises]

And rushed right over.

Every bone in her body?

Except her wrist.

I'll keep this safe and sound.

[Muffled] re-do. Re-do.

What do you say we re-do this one more time

And go back so far

That nobody remembers any of this ever happened?

I'm cosmo.

And I'm wanda.

Together: and we're...

Not that far!
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