04x18 - Save Diego

Episode transcripts for the TV Show "Dora the Explorer". Aired: August 14, 2000 – August 9, 2019.*
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Features the adventures of young Dora, her monkey Boots, Backpack and other animated friends.
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04x18 - Save Diego

Post by bunniefuu »

Are you ready to explore?

Come on!

i¡Vamos arriba!

KIDS: ♪ D-D-D-D-D-Dora...♪

All right!

♪ Dora, Dora, Dora the Explorer♪

ALL: Dora!

♪ Boots and supercool exploradora. ♪

DORA: We need your help.

Grab your backpack!

♪ Let's go, jump in...♪


♪ You can lead the way...♪

♪ Hey, hey!

♪ D-D-Dora, D-D-D-Dora♪

♪ D-D-Dora, D-D-D-Dora♪

♪ Swiper, no swiping, Swiper, no swiping.♪

Oh, man!

♪ Dora the Explorer!♪

i¡Hola! Soy Dora.

And I'm Boots.

And there goes my cousin Diego.


He's so cool.

He can talk to wild animals.

I know.

I love my cousin.

Hey, do you want to play with Diego?


i¡Hola! Soy Diego.

I'm Dora's cousin.

[ meowing fearfully]

It sounds like Baby Jaguar is in trouble.

I got him!

[ meowing happily]

[ meowing]

[ purring]

I love animals.

I help animals when they're in trouble.

Do you like helping animals?


[ laughing]

[ rumbling]

Oh, no, look--

that big rock is going to roll

right over those leaf cutter ants!

[ meowing fearfully]

Quick, we need some logs.

Do you see any logs?

Yeah, logs.

I'll make a ramp with these logs

so the rock will fly over the ants.

They're okay.

Yay, we saved the ants!

[ meows happily]

[ laughs]

[ goat bleating]

[ bleating]

DIEGO: Oh, no, look--

the mountain goat got stuck in a thorn bush!

[ both bleating]


[ bleating happily]

[ both bleating]

[ wind blowing]

[ squawking]

[ squawking continues]


[ squawking]

Sounds like an animal in trouble,

but I don't see where it is.

Do you see what animal is making that sound?

The bird, right.

DIEGO: Look, it's a baby bird,

and the wind is blowing its nest off that branch.

[ bird squawking]

Oh, no-- that baby parrot is going to fall

into the prickers and thorns.

[ baby parrot squawking]

I'm coming.

[ squawking]

[ meowing fearfully]

[ squawking]

I've got you.

[ squawking]

Uh-oh, I need help.

The rope got stuck over the prickers and thorns.

My cousin Dora the Explorer can help me.

Tell Dora I need help.

Does Diego need help?

Oh, no!

What's the matter, Dora?

Mi primo Diego is in trouble.

Will you help me save my cousin Diego?


We need to find the quickest way to Diego.

Who do we ask for help

when we don't know which way to go?

Map-- right.

You have to say "map."

♪ ♪

♪ Who's the guy you need to know ♪

♪ When you've got a place to go? ♪

♪ What's my name?

♪ The map.♪

♪ Say it again.

♪ The map.♪

♪ Who can help you say

♪ "Hey, I figured out the way"? ♪

♪ What's my name?

♪ The map.♪

♪ Say it again.

♪ The map.♪

♪ I'm the map, I'm the map

♪ He's the map, he's the map♪

♪ I'm the map!

We have to find Diego.

Do you see Diego?

Yeah, there he is!

Oh, look-- Diego and the baby bird are hanging

off the mountain.

We have to get to Diego quick.

First you go down el río rápido, the really fast river.

Then you ride down the super-big mud slide.

And that's how you'll get to the rocky mountain

to save Diego and the baby bird.

So remember: river...

mud slide...

rocky mountain.

Say it with me.


mud slide...

rocky mountain.


mud slide...

rocky mountain.


mud slide...

rocky mountain!

So you tell Dora, first you have to go to the river.

Where do we go first?

The river, right.

The fast river-- el río rápido.

I don't see the river, Dora.

¿Dónde está?

Do you see the river?

Yeah, there it is.

Come on, vámonos.

Let's go save my cousin Diego.

And the baby parrot.

We have to hurry, Dora!

We have to hurry!

Hey, Dora, look at all the animals.

My cousin Diego always helps the animals.

Now the animals want to help Diego.

Diego helps the animals, now the animals help me.

What animal is helping us?

Do you see?

What animal is helping us now?

The monkeys, right-- the spider monkeys.

Diego loves the condors,

he loves the tree frogs, too.

When they need his help,

he knows just what to do.

DORA AND BOOTS: Diego helps the animals, now the animals help me.

What animal is helping us?

Do you see?

What animal is helping us now?

The goat, right-- the mountain goat.

The mountain goat wants to help us save Diego.

El río rápido.

The fast river.

We need a boat.

Do you see a boat?

Yeah, there's a boat.


[ animals chirping, croaking, whining]

Look, I think the animals are trying

to warn us about something.

Who are the animals trying to warn us about?

[ animals chirping, croaking, whining]

You see Swiper?

BOTH: Swiper!

He'll try to swipe our boat.

We have to say, "Swiper, no swiping."

Say it with me.

BOTH: Swiper, no swiping.

Swiper, no swiping.

Swiper, no swiping!

Oh, man!

Thanks for helping to stop Swiper.

DORA: Gracias!

BOOTS: Thanks.


BOTH: So we can be safe.

BOTH: Whoa!

The river is so fast.

Look-- rocks!


How are we going to find our way?

Maybe the animals can help us.

Do you see an animal that can help us?

Hey, yeah, Boots,

that angelfish is trying to help us.

Come on, we have to follow the fish.

I need your help to figure out

which path of the river the angelfish is on.

Is the angelfish on the first path,

second path or third path?

Second, right.

Look, rocks were on the other path.

Good thing we followed the fish.

More paths.

Let's figure out which path the angelfish is on.

Is it on the first, second, third

or fourth path?

The fourth path, right.

And look, there were rocks on the other paths.

Good thing we followed the fish.

Now the river has five paths.

Is the angelfish on the first, second,

third, fourth or fifth path?

The third path.

BOOTS: And look...

BOTH: Whirlpools!

Good thing we followed the fish.

Gracias, Pececito.

We made it all the way down the river.

Thanks for helping.

[ band plays fanfare]

We need to figure out where to go next.

Let's check the map.

Say "map."

Wow, you sure know how to follow a fish.

Okay, explorers, we went past el río rápido.


Where do we go next?

The mud slide, right-- the super-big mud slide.

So you tell Dora, next we go down the mud slide.

Where do we go next?

The mud slide, right.

I can't see the mud slide.

The trees are in the way.

No problem.

Now do you see the mud slide?

Yeah, mud slide ahead!

Come on, vámonos.

Let's go save my cousin Diego.

And the baby parrot.

Diego helps the animals,

now the animals help me.

What animal is helping us?

Do you see?

What animals are helping us now?

Turtles, right.

Diego loves the anteater,

the hummingbirds, too.

When they need his help,

he knows just what to do.

BOTH: Diego helps the animals, now the animals help me.

What animal is helping us?

Do you see?

What animal is helping us now?

[ owl hooting]

The owl, right-- the spectacled owl.

The spectacled owl wants to help us save Diego.


The mud slide is big.

And fast.

And muddy.

How are we going to get

down the mud slide, Dora?

Maybe there's another animal

that can help us.

Do you see anyone who can help us?

[ branches creaking]

Hey, yeah, look in the trees.

It's the leaf cutter ants.

[ ants chomping]

They're cutting the leaves for us.

We can ride the big leaves down the mud slide.

Careful, Boots.


We can't ride the brown leaves.

They're falling apart.

We have to ride the green leaves.

To say "green," we say "verde."

Can you say "verde"?

Say "verde."


A leaf.

Is that leaf green?


Another leaf.

Is that leaf green?


Another leaf.

Is that leaf green?


Say "verde."

Verde. Verde.

Now we need another green leaf.

If you see a leaf that's green,

say "verde."

Verde. Verde.

We need another green leaf.

If you see another leaf that's green,

say "verde."

Verde. Verde.

[ fanfare playing]

We made it down the mud slide.


Thanks for helping.

We have to figure out where to go next.

Say "map."

We're almost to Diego and the baby bird.

We made it down el río rápido.


We rode down a super-big mud slide.



Where do we go next?

The mountain, right-- Rocky Mountain.

So you tell Dora, next we have to go to Rocky Mountain.

Where do we go next?

Rocky Mountain, right.

Where's Rocky Mountain, Dora?

Where's Rocky Mountain?

[ jaguar meowing]

Look, it's Baby Jaguar.

[ meowing]

Baby Jaguar is going to lead us to Diego.

[ purrs, then meows]

Now do you see Rocky Mountain?

Yeah, there it is!

There it is!

[ meows happily]

DORA: Do you see Diego?

Yeah, look, there's Diego!

He's hanging right over the prickers and thorns.

Come on, vámonos.

Let's go save Diego.

And the baby parrot.

[ meows]

Diego, are you okay?

I'm okay, but the rope-- it's starting to break.

[ meows fearfully]

BOOTS: He's going to fall

right in the prickers and thorns.

Let's stop and think.

Diego always helps the animals,

and today, the animals helped us get to Diego.

Now we've got to find an animal

that can help us climb up the mountain.

Good idea, Baby Jaguar.

We can use Diego's field journal to help us.

We need to find an animal that's a really good climber

and can carry us up to Diego.

The ants cut leaves for us.

The turtles were steppingstones for us.

The mountain goat helped us climb up that rocky hill.

The angelfish helped us find our way down the river.

Which animal can carry us up the mountain to Diego?

[ bleating]

The mountain goat can carry us up the steep, rocky mountain

to save Diego and the baby parrot.

Good thinking.

Help me call the mountain goat.

Say "maah."


BOTH [ bleating]: Maah!

[ goat bleats]

[ goat bleats]

Dora, Boots, you made it!

Hang on, Diego!

The rope-- it's breaking!

I have another rope in my backpack.

Quick, you have to say "backpack."

♪ ♪

♪ Backpack, backpack

♪ Backpack, backpack.


Rápido,can you find the longest rope?

Right, there it is.

i¡Qué bien! Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum.



I can't pull him up, Dora.

[ meowing]

[ bleats]

BOOTS: We're slipping, Dora.

We need your help to pull up Diego.

We can't do it without you.

Put your arms out in front of you

and... pull, pull, pull, pull, pull!

[ group grunting]

Take Baby Parrot first.




[ bleats]

[ bleats]

[ jaguar purring]

[ meowing]

[ parrot squawking, animals calling]

[ hooting]

[ croaking]

[ clicking]

Here's a safe spot for you.

[ squawking]

Now let's all call

to the baby parrot's mommy and daddy.

Say... [ squawking].

[ group squawks]

[ squawks]

Look, it's the baby parrot's mommy and daddy.

They were looking for food

for the baby bird.

DORA: And now the baby bird

is back with his mommy and daddy,

safe and sound.

ALL: We did it!

♪ ♪

DORA AND BOOTS: ♪ We did it!

We did it. We did it.

Yay! Yay!

♪ Lo hicimos.♪

♪ We did it!

♪ ♪

♪ Diego and Baby Bird were in trouble today. ♪

We did it! We did it!

We did it, hooray!

♪ His animal friends helped us along the way. ♪

DORA AND BOOTS: ♪ We did it!

We did it! We did it!

♪ We rode down the mud slide and el río rápido. ♪

♪ Then we all pulled together and saved Diego. ♪


Whoo! Hooray!

ALL: ♪ We did it!

[ song ends]


We had such an exciting trip.

What was your favorite part?

I liked that, too.

My favorite part was when we all pulled Diego back up.

That was my favorite part, too.

My favorite part was

when you were safe again, Diego.

We couldn't have done it without you.

Thanks for helping.

ALL: Gracias!

[ meows happily]

DORA: It's Baby Redfish.

He likes playing hide-and-seek.

Find Baby Redfish.

Try and find me.

Over here.

You're good at hide-and-seek.

[ giggles]

Missed me.

You found me!

[ giggles]

[ children giggling]
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