04x19 - Dora's First Trip

Episode transcripts for the TV Show "Dora the Explorer". Aired: August 14, 2000 – August 9, 2019.*
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Features the adventures of young Dora, her monkey Boots, Backpack and other animated friends.
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04x19 - Dora's First Trip

Post by bunniefuu »

Are you ready to explore?

Come on!

¡Vamos arriba!

KIDS: ♪ D-D-D-D-D-Dora... ♪

All right!

♪ Dora, Dora, Dora the Explorer ♪

ALL: Dora!

♪ Boots and supercool exploradora. ♪

DORA: We need your help.

Grab your backpack!

♪ Let's go, jump in... ♪


♪ You can lead the way... ♪

♪ Hey, hey! ♪

♪ D-D-Dora, D-D-D-Dora ♪

♪ D-D-Dora, D-D-D-Dora ♪

♪ Swiper, no swiping, Swiper, no swiping. ♪

Oh, man!

♪ Dora the Explorer! ♪

Food's ready,BENNY: time toI'm really hungry.

BOOTS: That looks yummy.

¡Hola! Soy Dora.

And I'm Boots.

We're having dinner with Dora and her family.


DORA: And this is mi papi, mi mami...


DORA: Mi abuela,

my cousins, primo Diego and prima Daisy,

and mis amigos, Benny, Isa, Tico and the Fiesta Trio.

( playing fanfare )

Do you like to have dinner with your family?


In our house, we tell stories at dinner.

Dora, will you tell the story of how you met me?

( all talking excitedly )

Do you want to hear the story of how I met Boots?

Okay, here's the story.

DORA: One day, my mami and papi gave me a special present.

An explorer's kit, just for you, Dora.

I was so excited.

MOTHER: Have fun exploring.

And I set off into the forest

to explore for the very first time.

Ooh, look.

Boot prints.

I wonder what kind of animal wears boots.

( animal giggles )


( gasps )

It's a monkey!

A monkey that wears boots.

I love my boots, I love my boots, I love my boots!

( laughs )

He's so cute.

Hola. Me llamo Dora.

¿Cómo te llamas?

What's your name?

My name is Boots.

( rustling )

Ooh, I think there's an animal hiding in the bushes.

( rustling )

Do you see an animal hiding in the bush?

BOTH: A fox!

What's the fox's name?


That's right.

I'm Swiper,

and I'm going to swipe those shiny, red boots.

( yelling )

BOOTS: Dora, help!

Oh, no.

We have to stop Swiper.

What do you think we should say to stop Swiper?

Swiper, no swiping.

Say it with us.

BOTH: Swiper, no swiping.

Swiper, no swiping.

Swiper, no swiping.

Oh, man.

We stopped Swiper!

We stopped Swiper!

Hey, Dora, did you see me?

( whooshing )

Thanks, Dora.

Thank you for helping me stop Swiper.

Well, nice meeting you.

See you.

Hey, Boots!

Do you want to go exploring with me?

( hooting excitedly )

Exploring, exploring!

I want to go exploring!

What's exploring?

It's going on trips and adventures

and looking for new, cool things

and meeting new friends, like you.


Come on, vámonos.

Let's go exploring.

( horn toots )

FIESTA TRIO: Hurry, hurry, coming through.

Here we go!


DORA: Look, Boots.

It's a frog, a grasshopper and a snail.

BOOTS: And they're riding a bike.

Hola, me llamo Dora.

My name is Boots.

¿Cómo se llaman?

What are your names?

ALL: We're the Fiesta Trio.

We have to get to the tallest mountain, fast.

So we can play our music.

For the Queen Bee.

The Queen Bee loves to hear music.

The Queen Bee does not like to wait.

TRIO: Hurry, hurry.

( cheering )

DORA: Uh-oh, they dropped their instruments.



Oh, no.

They can't play music for the Queen Bee

without their instruments.

The Queen Bee doesn't like to wait.

Come on!

We've got to bring these instruments back to the Fiesta Trio.

Will you help us return the instruments to the Fiesta Trio?


Let's put them in my explorer bag for safe keeping.

BOOTS: Where did they go? Where did they go?

Look! The Fiesta Trio is riding their bike

through that nutty forest.


DORA: Now they're taking a hot air balloon

over that big river.

And now they're taking that rocket ship

up to the top of Tallest Mountain.

BOOTS: Wow, they're fast.

So we have to go through the nutty forest,

across the big river

and that's how we'll get to Tallest Mountain.

We have to remember forest, river, Tallest Mountain,

so we can bring the instruments back to the Fiesta Trio.

And they can play music for the Queen Bee.

Boots, let's say where we're going so we don't forget.

Come on, say it with us.

Forest, river, Tallest Mountain.

Forest, river, Tallest Mountain.

BOTH: Forest, river, Tallest Mountain.

Forest, river, Tallest Mountain.

♪ ♪

♪ Come on, vámonos ♪

♪ Everybody, let's go. ♪

♪ Come on, let's get to it. ♪

♪ I know that we can do it. ♪

♪ Where are we going? ♪

( clapping in rhythm )

♪ Tallest Mountain. ♪

♪ Where are we going? ♪

( clapping )

♪ Tallest Mountain. ♪

BOTH: ♪ Where are we going? ♪

( clapping )

♪ Tallest Mountain. ♪

♪ Where are we going? ♪

( clapping )

♪ Tallest Mountain. ♪

( laughing )

♪ Tallest Mountain! ♪

( song ends )

BOOTS: We made it to the nutty forest.


Uh-oh, it's raining nuts.

Lots and lots of nuts.

Run! Run!

The nuts are falling faster, Dora.

We need to find a way out of the nutty forest, quick.

Do you see someone who can help us

get through the nutty forest?

( horn toots )

Yeah, that's my friend Tico the Squirrel.



Seat belts, so we can be safe.

( laughing )



Tico, Dora.

Hola, me llamo Dora.

Yo también habla español.

Mucho gusto, Dora.

Mucho gusto.

Wow, she can speak Spanish and English.

( nuts plopping on ground )

BOOTS: Dora! Here come the nuts!

( all yelling )

We need to figure out which way to go

to get through the nutty forest.

DORA: I know!

Let's follow the Fiesta Trio's bike trail.

Sigue el camino de la bicicleta.

Ah, sí.

DORA: We need to follow the bike trail.

Does the bike trail go through the circle tree or the triangle tree?

The circle tree, right.

Tico speaks Spanish.

To tell Tico circle, we say "círculo."

Can you say "círculo"?



TICO: Círculo, sí.

Whew, that was close.

But here come the nuts.

DORA: Oh, no! More paths!

Does the bike trail go

through the triangle tree

or the circle tree?

The triangle tree, right.

To tell Tico "triangle," we say, "triángulo."

Say, "triángulo."


DORA AND BOOTS: Triángulo.

Triángulo, sí.

But here come more nuts.

ALL: More paths!

DORA: Does the bike trail go through el círculo o el triángulo?

The triangle tree, right!

Tell Tico, "triángulo."


Triángulo! Triángulo!

Triángulo! Sí!

No mas nueces.

ALL: Yay! Hooray!

Where do we go next?

DORA: We went through the nutty forest.

Where do we go next?

River, right.

The big river.

El río grande.

BOOTS: Sí! Sí, allí está río grande.

Come on, let's go bring the instruments

back to the Fiesta Trio.

So they can play music for the Queen Bee.

Dora, how are we going to get across the big river?

VOICE: You need a boat.

Who said that?

I don't know.

You need a boat.

The voice is coming from those flowers.

Do you see someone hiding in the flowers?

Yeah, look!

It's an iguana.


Me llamo Dora.

My name is Boots.

Me llamo Tico.

ALL: ¿Cómo te llamas?

What's your name?

My name is Isa.

You need a boat if you want to cross Big River.

Necesitamos un bote.

Un bote?


BOOTS: Tico turned his car into a boat!

DORA: ¡Bravo, Tico!

Salvavidas, para estar seguros.

Lifejackets! Lifejackets!

So we can be safe. So we can be safe.

ALL: Whee!

Wait! Wait!

You need to know which way to go on Big River.

If you go the wrong way,

you'll get nibbled by the nibbly fish.

ALL: Nibbly fish?

Don't worry, I'll show you the way.

Thanks, Isa.



Big River sure is fast.

ISA: We have to follow the numbers.

To find the way to go,

we have to find the numbers

from one to five.

DORA: Do you see the number one?

There it is.


But here come the nibbly fish.

( fish saying "nibble" )

DORA: Quick!

Where's the two?

There it is!

Where's the three?

BOOTS: There it is!

DORA: Where's the four?

ISA: Yeah, there it is.

DORA: Where's the five?

ISA: There it is.

( all saying "nibble" )

DORA, BOOTS AND ISA: Yay, we made it past five!

Boots, don't stand up in the boat.


( splashing )

I'm okay.


We've got to get Boots.

I caught something!

I caught...

a boot?

Hey, there's a monkey in this boot.

DORA: Look!

That bull saved Boots.

ISA: Hooray! Hooray!


ALL: ¿Cómo te llamas?

DORA: What's your name?

My name is Benny, Benny the bull.

( all exchanging greetings )

We're taking these instruments back to the Fiesta Trio.

So they can play music for the Queen Bee.

Can I come?

Sure, but we've got to hurry.


TICO: Suba, Benny.

Yeah, climb in.

Where do we go next?

DORA: We went through the nutty forest.

We went across the big river.

Where do we go next?

Tallest Mountain, right.

BOOTS: ¡La Montaña Mas Alta, sí!

Come on, let's bring the instruments

back to the Fiesta Trio.

BOOTS, BENNY AND ISA: So they can play their music for the Queen Bee!

¡Rapido, Tico!

BOOTS: Whoa!

BOOTS: Tallest Mountain is so tall.

BENNY: It's the tallest mountain.

DORA: And we need to get all the way up to the top.

We need an airplane.

( imitating airplane )

¿Un avión?

No hay problema.

ALL: Wow!

He turned his car into a plane.

We have to tell Tico, "up."

Say "arriba."


ALL: ¡Arriba!

TICO: ¿Arriba?


( gauge ringing )


Oh, no, the plane's running out of gas.

No se preocupe.

ALL: Hooray!

A parachute, a parachute!

He's got a parachute!

DORA: Ay, no!

Hey, guys, I think there's something wrong

with the parachute.

The parachute can't open.

There's a knot in the rope.

Oh, no. Oh, no!

Don't worry, I know what to do.

Watch me.

Careful, Boots.

It's stuck!

Quick, let's help Boots pull the rope.

Put your hands out in front of you and pull the rope.

DORA: Pull! Pull! Pull! Pull! Pull!

Good pulling.

Thanks, Boots!

You're a great climber.

Look, there's the Fiesta Trio.

And there's the Queen Bee.

We'd better hurry.

Well, Fiesta Trio, can you play your music or not?

The Queen Bee does not like to wait.

Oh, your majesty, we are so very sorry.

We want to play our music for you.

But we lost our instruments.

DORA: Wait, wait!

We've got your instruments.

ALL: Our instruments!

You dropped them when you were on your bicycle.

Oh, thank you, thank you!

Gracias, gracias!

Now we can play our music for you, Queen Bee.

I like a song with lots of buzzing in it.

ALL: Oh, we know one!

We know a buzzing song.

Will you help us sing our buzzing song?

Oh, good! Oh, good!

Come on, let's help the Fiesta Trio buzz for the Queen Bee.

Whenever they stop playing, you say "buzz-buzz".

Say "buzz-buzz."

Now say "buzz-buzz" when the music stops.

( song beginning )

ALL: Buzz-buzz.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Buzz-buzz. ( song ends )


ALL: Good buzzing!

( all cheering )

And that is the story of how I met Boots...

DORA: and Tico and Isa and Benny...

and the Fiesta Trio.

( playing fanfare )

( giggles )

And we all became best friends for life.

ALL: Yay!

BOOTS AND DORA: We did it.

ALL: This calls for a song!

( music playing )

BOOTS AND DORA: We did it!

We did it!

BOTH: ♪ We did it! Yay!

♪ Lo hicimos. ♪

BOTH: ♪ We did it!

♪ ♪

♪ On my very first trip ♪

♪ I met Boots, Benny, Isa and Tico. ♪

♪ We did it! ♪

♪ We did it! ♪

ALL: ♪ Hooray!

♪ We found three lost instruments ♪

♪ And returned them to the Fiesta Trio. ♪

They did it!

They did it!

They did it!

DORA: ♪ We met Swiper the fox

♪ And learned how to say ♪

ALL: "Swiper no swiping!"

DORA: ♪ And he ran away. ♪

Oh, man.

ALL: Hooray!

BOTH: ♪ We did it! ♪

( song ends )


I loved remembering

the first time I went exploring with my friends.

What do you like to play with your friends?

That sounds like fun.

I love playing with you.

Yeah, we couldn't have done it without you.

Thanks for helping.


DORA: Ooh, Swiper's a fox.

Find Swiper.

Captioning sponsored by THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

Captioned by Media Access Group at WGBH access.wgbh.org

( Swiper giggling )

SWIPER: You're too late.

( laughing )

Oh, man!

( children giggling )
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