15x07 - The Perfect Stormi

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Keeping Up With the Kardashians". Aired: October 14, 2007 - 2021.*
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Reality series of the Kardashian family featuring Kim, Kourtney, Khloe and the rest of the Kardashian/Jenner clan personal and professional lives.
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15x07 - The Perfect Stormi

Post by bunniefuu »

Up with the Kardashians...

KOURTNEY: I cannot be around
you when you're just (bleep) a

You guys make fun of me for

KHLOE: We don't make fun of

you for going to therapy, we
make fun of you for literally

hating us because of your

KOURTNEY: In the past, I used
to just brush things off, and it

really didn't bother me, but
because I've started going to

therapy, I'm more aware of my

I don't want to spend my time
around people that are mean.

I'm evolving.
I don't want to be the bitchy

person that I was before. ♪ ♪

KRIS: Hey. ]] SCOTT: Hi.

KRIS: Wait a second.
Have you ever thought about

reshaping your earlobes?
SCOTT: What?

KRIS: Yeah.
SCOTT: What's wrong with my

KRIS: I think they're a

little large. (Laughs)
SCOTT: Oh, my God.

I don't even know what you're
talking about, to be quite

KRIS: If we do, like, right

there. ]] SCOTT: How about no?!

KRIS: They just slice it
right there and stitch it up.

SCOTT: You want me to slice
my ear?

KRIS: Look, this one's even

Do you have your ear pierced?
SCOTT: Yeah, when I was a kid

I had it pierced. ]] KRIS: What?

You have your ear pierced?
SCOTT: That's why you're

freaking out?
You're telling me to cut my ear

off! I got a hole in it.

KRIS: That's why it's so...
Look at this!

You had your ears pierced.
SCOTT: I had one pierced.

KRIS: Oh, does this mean you
were gay at one time?

SCOTT: Yes, 'cause I had an
earring in my left (bleep) ear.

(Kris laughing)
KRIS: No, look, you just get

a little, like, nip and a tuck
right there.

SCOTT: You're sick.
KRIS: And it takes ten years

off of your life.
SCOTT: You've been in.

Hollywood too long.
KRIS: No, it takes ten years

off your life, I promise.
SCOTT: I don't need to take

ten years off my life.
KRIS: You have to.

SCOTT: I'm definitely not.
KRIS: You have to.

SCOTT: And now you're making
me very uncomfortable.

(Kris laughing) ♪ ♪

KHLOE: Good girl! Come on.

Come on, old lady.
Come here, Goober.

Act like you know how to run
again... good old lady.

KOURTNEY: How old is she?
KHLOE: She's like or .

KIM: That old? Really?
KHLOE: Yeah.

KIM: So that was what?
I was ... oh, you're right.

I was, like, . So, . So, .

KHLOE: What's wrong with you?
KIM: So I would say about

or , I could've been .
KHLOE: So or ?

KIM: Could've been about .
Yeah, so about , .

KHLOE: That's what I said.
KIM: Yep.

KHLOE: Yeah.
KIM: Just doing the math in

my head. Oh.
KHLOE: Okay, a few more runs.

Do you want to do it?
Do you know how?

KOURTNEY: I've been dying to.
KHLOE: Okay.

KIM: I played a game where I
gave her a lot of food, so...

KHLOE: Yeah, Kim gives her

Gabbana was Kendall and Kylie's
dog their entire lives.

And then when they all grew up
and moved out, she became,

like, the family dog.
And then when Caitlyn and my mom

got separated, I took Gabbana

Oh, you dropped it.
You can do it.

Dive. Yeah! Good girl!

So she's kind of been the family
dog and everyone has their own

great relationship with her.
Even Kim loves to hate her.

KIM: Oh, my God! Seriously!
Ew! I smell like a wet dog.

KHLOE: I love that whenever I
come home from Cleveland,

Gabbana is always there.
She likes you.

KIM: I know, but you're
getting my shoes all dirty.

Okay, Khloe, Khloe, Khloe.
KHLOE: Gabbana, sit down.

Sit. Sit. Lay down.

Just chill.
You're scaring me how you're

breathing. (Gabbana barks)

Oh! Oh, my God, I've never heard

you bark, really.
This is why I have to hide the

KIM: But she wants to run.

KHLOE: But she doesn't know
that then she's gonna...

KIM: Have a heart attack?
KHLOE: Like, she'll be

limping all night, I have to
give her a pain med for her hip.

(Gabbana barks) No. No more.

We're done. (Gabbana barks)

KIM: That's really sad.
KHLOE: She had two hip

KIM: I know, but that's,

like, so sad.
KHLOE: You look really good,

though; It looks like you
finally got your rhythm.

No, Gabbana, I didn't throw it.
♪ ♪

KHLOE: Hello! How are you?
You know, this is the first

baby store I've been to.
KRIS: I came here when I was

pregnant with Kourtney, and
Robert's grandmother bought me

my first crib. ]] KHLOE: Aw.

KRIS: And so this has always
been, like, this tradition.

Have you met Khloe?
KHLOE: No, hi. How are you?

LAUREN: Hi, Khloe.
I'm Lauren, nice to meet you.

KRIS: Now when did you first
start working here? In ...?

LAUREN: I've been here since
' .

KHLOE: Oh, my gosh. KRIS: ' .

KHLOE: I thought she was
really exaggerating.

LAUREN: No, she really wasn't.

KHLOE: Wow, that's exciting.
KRIS: So she's been helping

me for my entire journey with
all the kids.

KHLOE: Look at that.
KRIS: So cute.

KHLOE: Yeah, it's so cute.
They're just so little.

KRIS: It makes me sad because
I remember coming in here the

first time, like, to shop for

KHLOE: Mm-hmm.
KHLOE: And now she's just

so mean. (Laughs)
I'm like, when they're so little

they don't...
KHLOE: Talk to you like that.

KRIS: Treat you funny and
talk back, and I don't know why

she's being so...
KHLOE: I don't know why you

guys are in such a weird place.
KRIS: I just wish she would

make an effort to treat me the
way that I feel like I would

love to be treated, 'cause I
love her so much.

She's my firstborn daughter.
My relationship with Kourtney

over the years has been kind of
fabulous, but lately there's

definitely a shift.
KOURTNEY: What are you doing

Amanda and I are about to work

out. ]] KRIS: I could join your

KOURTNEY: I really don't want

to ruin our workout.
Don't come to our workout,

randomly show up when you're not
even invited.

KRIS: I really don't know
where this is coming from.

And it makes me really, really

KHLOE: Here's that.
KRIS: No, I got it. I got it.

KHLOE: No, stop.
KRIS: This is my treat.

KHLOE: You're not buying...
KRIS: This is my thing.

Yes, I am.
KHLOE: That's crazy, Mom.

KRIS: I did this for Kylie.
This is my, this is my

KHLOE: Oh, that's so nice of

you, I didn't think you were...
KRIS: I didn't give birth to

you not to be able to do this.
Don't look.

You're so rude.
KHLOE: That's very nice.

KRIS: When you're doing this
for your daughter, you'll look

back on this and think, "Now I
get it. Now I know what she was"

"feeling." ♪ ♪

KHLOE: I don't know what
people wear.

I just still can't believe this
fits a real person. (Laughs)

Do I keep something this small?
KIM: Oh, my God, yeah.

That's, like, right at the

This is cute. ]] KHLOE: Cute.

KIM: This is a little...
This is a very Penelope...

KHLOE: Oh, that is literally
Penelope's soul.

KIM: You'll also pick out a
style. Like...

KHLOE: I don't know her style

KIM: You know what's a fun game?

KHLOE: Foosball.
KIM: Yeah, what is foosball?

We should look into that.
KHLOE: Isn't it, like, the

table? ]] KIM: Oh.

(Khloe laughs)
I was like, let's play that.

Let's get teams.
No, the funnest game ever is

the Kylie pregnancy game.

KIM: Just to see what people
think; Like, there were pictures

of her out on TMZ, and she
looked so skinny.

KHLOE: I know, 'cause it's
the angle... they got her from

face on.
But if they got a side shot,

it would've been over for her.
KIM: If would've been over.

I literally woke up at : in

the morning, and I saw it, and
I was like... (gasps)

And I called her and Travis.
They were like, "What's wrong?"

What's wrong?"
They thought something was

wrong, and I'm like, "There's
pictures of you on TMZ."

KIM: He must think we're,

like, freaks.
Your pregnancy has been the

best-kept secret of our

KYLIE: Like, I'm not trying
to keep it secret, I'm really

doing this for myself.
KIM: Like, this never...

Like, your friends deserve

KYLIE: Mm-hmm.
KIM: 'Cause seriously, now

you know you have some real

KYLIE: Yeah.
KIM: 'Cause that wouldn't

have happened in my, in my day.
KYLIE: Don't tell anyone my

secrets. ]] KIM: I won't.

KHLOE: These are bizarrely
small, correct?

KIM: Yeah, no, they're...
They stretch, so, like, I would

put North in them all the time
when it would be freezing.

KHLOE: So are we keeping
these? No.

A baby can't wear these.
KIM: If you want to wear a

dress, yeah, and you layer.

KHLOE: At this age, what is
she... where is she going?

This is like you're putting her
in Spanx at three months.

♪ ♪

(Kourtney whooping)
SIMON: You just came?

SIMON: We just finished our

sh**t, you missed it.
LARSA: How are you?

Very nice seeing you.
SIMON: I put on the zip lace.

KOURTNEY: No you didn't.
LARSA: How are you?

Nice seeing you.
SIMON: For real... I went...

I put on the Good Legs.
They fit.

KOURTNEY: The hugs, do you
need a hug class?

SAVAS: I mean, what do you
want me to crush your chest?

KOURTNEY: No, no. Do you need
a hug class?

Watch. You give a hug like this.
LARSA: She's really good at

KOURTNEY: Your hug, your hug

is like this.
SIMON: Yeah, like...

KOURTNEY: Your hug is... your
hug is like...

SAVAS: What do you want me to

I don't want to break your

KOURTNEY: You just go like
this. You give a nice hug.

Yes. See that? Where's Khloe?

She's working or something?
She's busy?

LARSA: We're gonna go hang out.

KOURTNEY: Um, I saw the
therapist yesterday.

KHLOE: Hello?
Okay, you yelled at me, so I'm

taking a break to come talk to

KOURTNEY: I was telling them
about my therapy session.

She said because Mom cheated on
Dad, I have, like, an issue with

betrayal because I knew what it
felt like.

KHLOE: But did she say that's
why you're mean to Mom?

'Cause you're mad at her?
KOURTNEY: No, but Mom (bleep)

me in so many ways, we were
talking about it all day

KHLOE: Mom (bleep) you in so

many ways?
KOURTNEY: Lately, in therapy,

a lot of topics that have been
coming up are about childhood

issues and how that affects so
many of my relationships today.

KHLOE: How'd she (bleep) you?
LARSA: Where did that come

from? ]] KHLOE: Right. How...?

KOURTNEY: I told you, Larsa.
If I had a problem, I wouldn't

go to her, ever. Did you?
LARSA: But if you had a

problem, she'd be there.
KOURTNEY: I don't know.

Did you? 'Cause I didn't.
KHLOE: I don't go to anyone.

I'm like...
KOURTNEY: Okay, but...

KHLOE: But Kylie and Kim go
to Mom all the time, so, like,

she is available...
KOURTNEY: Okay. To them.

KHLOE: To the kids who need her.

KOURTNEY: I never went to her.

KHLOE: But she's still a
great mom.

KOURTNEY: I would go to Dad.
That's fine.

KOURTNEY: I just said she was

not my person that I found
comfort in.

So if you needed advice, I would
never go to her.

KHLOE: Okay, I'm gonna take a
(bleep) photo, guys.

LARSA: Holy! It's a lot.
It's a lot going on here.

KOURTNEY: Oh, my God.
Did you hear Kylie's in labor?

KIM: What?
I don't have my phone on me.

KOURTNEY: If she really
wanted you there, then she would

invite you there.
KIM: No, I know.

(Gabbana whines)
KIM: It's nearing time.

Obviously, when you have a dog
for so many years, you know at

some point, you know, she's not
gonna be here.

KHLOE: For some reason you do
not give Mom the benefit of the

doubt and it's really unfair.
You only remember with Todd or

this or that, but...
KOURTNEY: I don't sit there

and dwell about Todd.
KHLOE: No, we're not saying

KRIS: You have your own Todd

right now.
KOURTNEY: No, I actually

don't. I'm actually not married.

♪ ♪

KRIS: You look really pretty.
(Khloe chuckles)

You look very much like a jewel

KHLOE: Oh, wow.
KRIS: Like my little jewel.

You're like a jewel.
KHLOE: It's a nice day.

I like when it's a little crisp.
KRIS: Love. Like, love.

KHLOE: I'm also used to
Cleveland weather where it's,

like, super chilly.
KRIS: I love Cleveland.

KHLOE: Me, too.
KRIS: It's my new favorite

place. ]] KHLOE: It's so weird.

KRIS: That view is epic.
KHLOE: I know.

I love it there.
KRIS: No, it's really

peaceful. ]] KHLOE: I love it.

KRIS: I was really surprised
Kourtney went.

KHLOE: God, you and Kourtney
are, like, at each other's

throats these days.
KRIS: Mm-hmm.

I think that she's going through
a phase in her life where she

has some anger inside that I
don't quite understand.

KHLOE: You think?
It bothers me, like, even how

she, like, says the memory she
has with you, and, like, I get

annoyed by that 'cause they
couldn't be further from the...

KRIS: All she had was
Cinderella fairy dust and

magical wands.
I mean, it was, it was the

best... she was doted on as a

KHLOE: Caviar wishes and
champagne dreams, ladies and

KRIS: Exactly what it was.

KHLOE: I think she thinks
she's, like, speaking her truth

more and she's... 'cause she
says, "I've been"

nonconfrontational for the past
"ten years and now I'm finding

my voice again."
I don't really know what that

means, but if she feels that
way, that's good.

I don't want to push that away
from her, but I think there's

also a way that we could all get
along here.

KRIS: I wish your dad was
around to say, "You had the"

best, most magical childhood of
any child ever."

That's what we prided ourselves

KHLOE: No, but I don't think
it's the childhood, I think

she's blaming you specifically.
KRIS: For what?

KHLOE: She probably felt like
she was always picking a side

and it was always my dad's.
In the divorce, she always

picked his. KRIS: Yeah. She did.

KHLOE: In the trial, she
picked his.

KRIS: She did. She was

KHLOE: She wanted to live
there over your house.

Like, she's always picked his.
So there's something.

KRIS: That's interesting.
KHLOE: When my parents got

divorced, Kourtney took my dad's

KOURTNEY: My parents got a
divorce because my mom had an

KHLOE: Did Mom ever meet up

with Todd?
KIM: I don't know, but

he e-mailed her again and said
he wanted to meet up with her.

KOURTNEY: That's the worst
idea I've ever even heard.

KRIS: I've paid a price for
what happened to me in my life

and I would hope that none of
you would have to go through the

same things I went through.
KOURTNEY: Okay. I don't want

to keep talking about this.
I don't relate to it.

I don't understand it.
KHLOE: She holds and harbors

all this resentment towards my

Okay, that's fine, but let's
work things through.

I don't understand, like, why
Kourtney would want to just hold

on to that negative space that
they're in.

For her, I think it's a way to

Like, if she discusses... I don't

I'm still trying to figure it

KRIS: But then she's got to
accept that circumstance in her

life and not put it on someone
else to be responsible for her

I still have scars, right here.

See these three scars?
KHLOE: Why are you bringing

up the negative?
KRIS: This. Because that's

where she pinched me when she
was a teenager.

KHLOE: She didn't pinch you,
she scratched you.

KRIS: This was more than a
scratch if I'm still carrying it

around at .
KHLOE: A pinch is nothing.

She dug her nails into you.
KRIS: That's right.

KHLOE: She clawed you.
KRIS: She clawed me.

KHLOE: Well, I really feel
like the only way to, like,

resolve any of this or even
just for, like, you can talk to

me until you're blue in the
face, but I'm not Kourtney.

KRIS: Yeah.
KHLOE: So I feel like at some

point you and Kourt have to
talk, but, like, enough with the

bull(bleep). Like, talk.

I feel like she... the things
that she says to, like, me and.

Kim about you... KRIS: Mm-hmm.

KHLOE: Like, she should say
to you.

KRIS: She should.
KHLOE (British accent): Look

at me trying to be so
responsible all of a sudden.

KRIS: I'm proud of you.
I just figure that I'm...

It's... you guys are so cyclical.
I just, like, I'll get...

KHLOE: What are we?
KRIS: It's a cycle. You know.

KHLOE: Cyclical? Wow.
You are smart.

KRIS: I know. ♪ ♪

KIM: Well, so you need
vision boards.

KHLOE: So what you do first
is that I cut out words...

KIM: Honey, I have vis...
I have mood boards all over my

KHLOE: I mean, not... Yep.

KIM: Of looks.
KHLOE: So I normally tear

sheets and I cut.
So you have your system and I

have mine. If you want...
KIM: Mine are more fashion-y.

You know what, the problem with
me doing a vision board, I'm

here with you, and we'll take
out... we'll cut out words.

How about words?
'Cause pictures can offend me.

KHLOE: We've got to buy
magazines with more pictures and

less words. ]] KIM: Mm-hmm.

KHLOE: The cutest dog, this
Chow Chow.

KIM: That's my fav dog, so...
KHLOE: But they're really

KIM: Really aggressive.

KHLOE: Let's pull it out in
case we want to put it on our

vision board. ]] KIM: Yep.

(Gabbana whines)
Did anyone see that?

KHLOE: She had a little bit
of a seizure.

KIM: She fully convulsed.
No, I think she's...

That's really sad.
KHLOE: Yeah, she's getting

old. I don't know what to do.

I think about it all the time.
It took her, like, minutes to

get up the other day.
It was really sad.

KIM: It's nearing time.
Any month now.

KHLOE: Any month now?
KIM: That's so sad.

She literally convulsed.
KHLOE: Look at her stomach.

KIM: She, like, shook.
KHLOE: Yeah, I saw that.

Okay. Oh, okay. Just relax.
That's so sad.

KIM: That breaks my heart.
Gabbana is really getting old,

and I'm just sad because Gabbana
and Khloe are really, like, two

peas in a pod and Gabbana's
always been there for Khloe

during so many hard times.
And obviously, when you have a

dog for so many years, you know
at some point, you know, she's

not gonna be here.
(Gabbana panting)

KHLOE: Hi, Gabbana.
Hi, Gabbana. Hi.

(Kim gasps) What?

KIM: Cher says, "I think the
Cher hair trend is..." that's

what the interviewer said, and
then her answer is,

"A good look.
I saw Kim Kardashian West

do it and thought it was so

KHLOE: How awesome!
Does she not look impeccable?

It's out of control how good she

KIM: She will forever be the

(Khloe laughs) ♪ ♪

(indistinct conversation)

PENELOPE: I'm done.
KOURTNEY: You're done?

KOURTNEY: I don't think you

ate. ]] PENELOPE: I ate bread.

KHLOE: Kourt.
Kourt, I have something to say

to you.
I was talking to MJ today, she

said something how Mom said to
her, something like, "Oh, you've"

"never cooked for us" or
something, and MJ was like,

"You know, it's so funny, Mom's
memory of me."

And I was like, "That's like
Kourtney; Kourtney's memory of."

Mom is very negative."
And she was like, "Yeah, she

remembers when Mom was going
through her divorce."

For some reason you do not give
Mom the benefit of the doubt,

ever, from your childhood, and
it's really unfair.

Never was Mom locking you in a
cabinet, leaving you with food,

or no food, for, like, weeks on
end, like...

KIM: I had no idea she was in

KOURTNEY: Kylie is about to
have her baby, and it's pretty

crazy that it really hasn't been

As you know, I've been going to
therapy lately, and my therapist

says your intimate relationships
bring up childhood issues, and I

feel like I've been... not
intentionally, but, like, I'll

act somewhat resentful.
KRIS: I just, I never want

you to be disappointed in me.

KHLOE: For some reason, you
do not give Mom the benefit of

the doubt, ever, from your
childhood, and it's really

You only remember with Todd or

this or that, but...
KOURTNEY: I don't sit there

and dwell about Todd.
KHLOE: No, we're not saying

KRIS: You have your own Todd

right now.
KOURTNEY: No, I actually

I'm actually not married, and

I'm not having an affair.
You can't compare one to the

That's absolutely not true.

I don't think it's even about
talking to my mom about it.

I think it's, like, we all have
different experiences with my

mom, and I think it's not
something, really, that my mom

can fix. KHLOE: I'm just saying,

sometimes our memories get a
little warped by our age.

KHLOE: I'm just saying, but

don't be so hard on your mom.

♪ ♪

(Honey barking) ]] KHLOE: Ooh!

Just plopping on down.
When do you figure out

breastfeeding schedules?
Do I determine that?

KOURTNEY: Well, I used to,
like, feed on demand, but

usually after, I think, a month,
and I think it's every four

hours. ]] KHLOE: That's not bad.

So, you and Mom, like, all this
tension at dinner the other

night. Why?
KOURTNEY: Obviously, issues

have come up in therapy, since
I've started going, of issues

that I have with her, but I'm
not, like, looking to hold on to

them for my whole life and,
like, have an issue with her.

KHLOE: Mm-hmm.
But I think it's confusing,

like, to all of us, like, why
now when you are almost ?

And you are a mom, I would think
you would be more compassionate

or understanding as a mom that's
dating and trying to figure out

her life, like...

KHLOE: Probably how confusing
it is just for you.

KHLOE: And I think that

you're not as understanding as I
thought you would be with Mom.

I know Kourtney for some reason
feels more comfort in talking to

a stranger about family stuff
rather than talking to the

source, and I would be fine with
that if then Kourtney took

whatever her and her therapist
talked about, and then came to

the source.
But, like, that's the part we're

And that's what's frustrating

to us all, 'cause we could never
resolve something, or work

through something, or just even
fight about something if we

don't know what's going on.
It's always us pulling teeth and

guessing what's wrong with her.
I think you feel almost

embarrassed to say that you do

Like, you're allowed to care.
You should want your mom's love

and affection and...
KOURTNEY: Yeah, I'm just

saying truly in my everyday
life, I'm not, like, sitting

KHLOE: Because you got used

to not... ]] KOURTNEY: Right.

KHLOE: You got used to not
having it, but that doesn't mean

you still don't want it.
Why don't you talk to Mom?

Like, calmly, and don't raise
your voice, don't say, like,

trigger words, like, just

(Honey barking)
KOURTNEY: Honey is wild.

KHLOE: Honey needs to be on...

KOURTNEY: She just needs

KHLOE: I don't think kids
should have a dog until they're,

like, older.
Unless the parent will take

care of it. ♪ ♪

I've been at work all
day long, and I come home, and.

Gabbana just can't get out of
her bed.

I love you.
Like, right now, she doesn't

even shake her tail or anything.
Which is just not like her, and

you can tell, like, she's
breathing a little strangely,

but, like, she's tense right

Well, she feels tense and, like,
I had to put her legs back

together 'cause they slid apart,
but you can tell she just can't

move from this position.
And I don't know why.

She just couldn't get herself
up, and I just knew that

something was wrong with her.
I mean, do we think she's dying?

Look at her, she won't move.

Thankfully, both of my
assistants are so sweet, they

both come over, and they help me
lift her and take her to the


what I suspect to be cancer

called hemangiosarcoma.
We ultrasounded her heart and

saw a heart-based tumor; That's
why she was having trouble

Her heart rate is slowing

significantly, and I, um, think
her end is, unfortunately, near.

(Khloe makes kissing sound)
KHLOE: I love you.

Oh, I can't handle this...

KRIS: We're hours away.
(baby crying)

I can already tell that Kylie is
gonna be the most amazing mom.

KOURTNEY: How did she do for
her labor?

KRIS: She did really, really

It was really exciting.
I delivered the baby.

I pulled her out. ]] KIM: Ew.

♪ ♪

KHLOE: What are you doing?
Just trying to make us feel

worse about ourselves?
You couldn't have, like, worn

something baggy and depressing?
You had to be, like, this

gorgeous? ]] KIM: Thank you.

KHLOE: Like, I've already had
a bad day, you need to come out

here with your abs? KIM: Sorry.

KHLOE: It was such a horrible

Gabbana passed away at, like,
: a.m.

We had to put her to sleep, and
it's so sad, but I am so

thankful that she chose to go
after I was able to hug her and

kiss her and say my good-byes to

We took her to this vet here,
and they were like, "A mass has"

grown in her heart... and it's a
certain kind of cancer that

forms really fast."
And then they said, "We have to

put her down tonight."

KHLOE: I just never, in a
million years, thought she was

gonna die last night.
That's what the crazy part is.

KIM: I was, like,
hysterically crying.

And I was like, "Why? I don't
even like dogs," but I was

hysterically crying over

KHLOE: You secretly loved
her, secretly.

Like, you would always give her

KIM: It's so sad.
KHLOE: Kourtney said she

Tristan was like, "I appreciate"

"her. I've not..." 'cause he's
never owned a dog, and he was,

like, "I never liked dogs until

He's like, "She was a great
little lady."

I was like, "Oh, she was."
KIM: The house felt empty

today. ]] KHLOE: It is empty.

The house is empty.
The house will never be the

same. ♪ ♪

You know, none of us want
Gabbana in pain, so I think

we're all happy that Gabbana's
in a better place.

Hey, Goober.
I was really nervous to tell.

Kendall and Kylie.
And Kendall was devastated.

PENELOPE: Look at Gabbana!
KRIS: Gabbana has really been

a best friend to every single
member of our family, but kind

of at different times.
She's been there for Khloe

through a lot of really bad

KHLOE: Aw, she wants the red

KHLOE: She's just such a

KOURTNEY: She's a sweet girl.

KIM: You have great teeth,

(Khloe laughs) She does.

Gabbana has, like, always been
that soul there by Khloe's side.

KHLOE: Isn't our dog so cute?
SCOTT: And you're a good dog.

KHLOE: Hey, Goobs.
It's so crazy to me that a dog

could touch your life the way
Gabbana's touched my life.

I mean, she's been with me
through so much, and when I've

been alone and had nobody,
Gabbana was always there, and I

always felt protected, even
though she wouldn't hurt a fly.

And I always just had a buddy
and a companion.

I could always hear her in my
home, and now I hear silence,

and it's just crazy she's just

♪ ♪

KRIS: Are you tired?
You must be exhausted.

KHLOE: (sighs) Yeah.
I mean, I'm just so

uncomfortable in this body.

KRIS: This is like a variety

It's pregnant, menopausal,

KHLOE: What fetish are you into?

(Kris laughs) ♪ ♪

KOURTNEY: I typically don't
love confrontation, and sitting

in front of Khloe wasn't the
best time for me to have this

conversation with my mom,
but if my going to therapy and,

you know, figuring this all out
is making me resentful towards

my mom, which is not how I want
to feel and it's not how I want

to treat her, then I feel like
it is worth having a

conversation with her, just to
let her know that's not my

intention and that it's really
about me working on myself.

Um, so I wanted to talk to you.
KRIS: Mm-hmm.

KOURTNEY: Because I feel like
I've been somewhat resentful,

but I don't want to be feeling
this way.

KRIS: Kylie! Hey, Ky.
Hi, Stormi.

KHLOE: Oh, my gosh.

KOURTNEY: I wanted to talk to
you because I feel like I've

been somewhat resentful, but I
don't want to be feeling this

As you know, I've been going to

therapy lately, and my therapist
says your intimate relationships

bring up childhood issues, and I
just don't think it's fair if

I'm not communicating it, and I
don't want to go back in time

and be, like, "Let's talk about
all the reasons," you know.

I even asked my therapist, like,
I don't want to be feeling this

way, like, this is, like, why am
I coming to therapy to just,

like, I didn't feel this way
ever, you know?

KRIS: Mm-hmm.
KOURTNEY: Like, for years.

You know, she was like, "It'll
pass, you just have to, like",

get through it."
And I feel like it has passed,

and I'm not, like, feeling that
way anymore, but I just wanted

to explain that to you so you
understand where it's coming

KRIS: I know that sometimes

you've made jokes or-or even
talked seriously about your

childhood, and at the time...
KOURTNEY: But I'm not here to

go back in time and start
dwelling on childhood stuff.

KRIS: I know, but I'm just...
KOURTNEY: I'm just saying, it

got brought up from me going
to therapy.

What we usually do as a family
is we criticize each other,

we're judgmental, and we give
each other an attitude and

we're bitchy.
So, moving forward in life, I've

made it a point with my sisters
already to, like, not accept

that anymore.
KRIS: All I want for you is

your... the best, most joyful,
peaceful life that you can have.

And whatever it takes for me to
be a part of that, that's all I

That's the joy of my life, is

you guys. I have nothing else.

Just, I never want you to be
disappointed in me...

KOURTNEY: I'm not.
KRIS: So if there's

something you want to say, or
something that, you know, you

need to have me work on, I'm
% ready to work on it because

I love you so much.
You're my firstborn, and I

wouldn't trade that for

I don't want you to be
disappointed in me, and if

there's something that, you
know, you ever want to talk

about, I just want you to
remember that I just want you to

be happy.
That's all I care about.

KOURTNEY: Moving forward, I'm

gonna just tell you if some... if
I don't like something, or if

something is hurtful or whatever
instead of, like, just being a

bitch about it. ]] KRIS: Okay.

KOURTNEY: A lot is still up
in the air, but, you know, I've

gone through a phase of being,
like, more sensitive to things.

It's nothing bad, it's just
understanding and then

understanding how that affects
our current relationships.

Like, if there's a certain
behavior that, like, Younes will

do or something that's similar
to things that my mom would do,

just, like, subconsciously, it
will just bring up similar

issues. There is, like, that

uncomfortable place when you are
growing, but I think it's

something I have to deal with

KRIS: But just for the
record, you had a pretty great

KOURTNEY: Mom, I did, but

there's things that just give
you issues in everyone's

childhood. ]] KRIS: Yeah.

KOURTNEY: Um, anyways...
I love you.

KRIS: I love you, too.
You're my little chick.

I love you so much.
KOURTNEY: I love you.

I feel dizzy.
KRIS: Okay, that's 'cause

you're shorter than me. ♪ ♪

KRIS: Want to hold hands?
KOURTNEY: Let's go for a

KRIS: Let's hold hands and

skip. KOURTNEY: You know, when I

went to Big Sur, I skipped for a
good, like, hour and a half

KRIS: Can I tell you what.

Mason did when we were at

KOURTNEY: Look how cute.
KRIS: So I grabbed his

hands... ]] KOURTNEY: Yeah.

KRIS: And I said, "Come
on, Mason, let's skip like we"

used to."
We were skipping, he was

skipping with me.
It was so funny.

KOURTNEY: He's so funny, Mase.

KRIS: He really is funny.
In such a good way, he reminds

me of Scott, you know?
'Cause he's got that cute

personality. KOURTNEY: Mm-hmm.

KRIS: And he's so handsome.
KOURTNEY: Oh, look, what is

this little store?
KRIS: Let's go in here.

This is cute. This is so you.
KOURTNEY: I like this one

better for you than the navy.
KRIS: For jet skiing?

You don't like them?
KOURTNEY: They're just not

you. The black is more you.

KRIS: Yeah.
KOURTNEY: The navy is not

KRIS: I think Kourtney and I

have gotten through that rough
patch and started a healing

That's a really big step in the

right direction, especially for

She's always gonna hang on to
the past a little bit, but what

I'm hopeful for is that we can
look forward to an amazing

future together because I love
her more than anything.

KOURTNEY: Oh, this is what I
was telling you, this.

I have these. ]] KRIS: Sex dust?

What do we do with the dust?
KOURTNEY: You put it in,

like, water or a shake.
KRIS: Oh, I need some sex

dust for sure.
Some sex dust and some cheese

puffs, I'm all good. ♪ ♪

KIM: I can't even sit down.

Am I sitting down?

KIM: Okay.
COURTNEY: You're on the mat.

No, we're not gonna get on the
mat yet, though.

KIM: Oh, okay. Okay.
Your Instagram is, like, so

motivating. COURTNEY: Thank you.

KIM: Like, you make me want
to get in better shape.

COURTNEY: Well, that's what
we're doing.

KIM: I know, I know. (Bleep)
My quads.

COURTNEY: Okay. Ready?
KIM: Okay. Yeah.

KOURTNEY: Oh, my God, did you

hear Kylie's in labor?
KIM: What?

Why aren't you there?

KIM: Wh-What do you mean?
Why aren't you there?

KOURTNEY: She didn't want me

KIM: She really wanted me there.

KOURTNEY: I mean, she didn't
tell me to come there.

KIM: I know, she planned it
with me to have me there, but

then she asked me, and I was
like, "Well, I think Khloe is",

like, a better delivery room

But I didn't know she is, I
don't have my phone on me.

KOURTNEY: If she really
wanted you there, then she would

invite you there.
KIM: No, I know, but, like, I

had no idea she was in labor.

♪ ♪
KIM: I had no idea she was in

labor. KOURTNEY: All right, but

don't act like, "Oh, she really
wanted me there."

'Cause you would be there if she
really wanted you there.

KIM: No, before we discussed
how it was gonna go.

Okay, it's not a fight over who
she wants in the delivery room.

Who cares?
KOURTNEY: No, but I think it

is 'cause you're trying to be
like, "Oh, she really wanted"

KIM: She wanted me there and

I said, "Khloe is the one."
So she must've picked Khloe over

me. ]] KOURTNEY: Yeah.

Kylie is about to have her baby
and it's pretty crazy that it

really hasn't been confirmed, so
I don't want to be the one with

the info or getting blamed for,
you know, someone finding out

the secret.
KIM: I'll go to the hospital

right after. You know...
KOURTNEY: By the way, North's

in there eating candies.
KIM: Stop, I know. I...

Oh, stop.
Girl, that's enough candy.

I heard you've been eating so
much candy.

No, no, no. We have dinner soon.
We'll have some later.

No, no, no. Too much candy.
The cavity bugs will come, and

all your teeth will fall out
and it will just be so bad.

NORTH: Candy. I want candy.

♪ ♪

KOURTNEY: I think Kylie wants
you to bring Chicago over and

take a photo with the two of

KIM: I know. I was going to
yesterday and then I just got

Can you believe that Kylie got

out of the hospital with not one

KRIS: I know. It was amazing.
KIM: That's amazing.

And now Caitlyn can never say we
have big mouths and we leak

We kept that a secret.

KRIS: I mean, that was a lot
of anxiety for me.

It was crazy.
It was like, people were saying,

"We're gonna post," you know,
"We're gonna announce this."

And I'm like, "No!"
But she did it.

KIM: Mm-hmm.
KRIS: Perfect. And it was

such a positive experience for

KIM: Totally.
Everyone was just like, "Okay",

we get it.
We get why you kept it, you

know, private."
KRIS: It's only been a

couple of days since Kylie had
baby Stormi.

I can already tell that Kylie is
going to be the most amazing

mom and is so in love with her

♪ ♪

KYLIE: Aw. Two burgers.

One for me, one for the baby.
And two different fries.

KRIS: We're hours away.
(Stormi cries)

KIM: Kylie's always wanted to
be a mom, so this is really

exciting for her.
She just didn't want anyone

changing her happy moment and
her happy pregnancy, so, um, I'm

really proud of her, that she
stuck to her g*ns and was able

to tell her story her way.
KOURTNEY: How did she do for

her labor?
KRIS: She did really, really

She just kept saying, "I just"

"don't feel any pain," and you'd
see these contractions like

And she would go, "I just, I'm"

not feeling it."
And I'm like, this is really

weird. She was such a trooper.

She really was. She was so calm.

It was really exciting.
I delivered the baby.

KOURTNEY: She told me.
KRIS: I delivered her.

KIM: You did? ]] KRIS: Yes.

KOURTNEY: She told me.
KIM: I didn't hear that.

KRIS: Yes! I delivered the
baby! I pulled her out.

KIM: Ew. (Kourtney laughs)

♪ ♪

KIM: You look so cute right now.

KHLOE: What? KIM: And skinny.

KHLOE: Okay, now I know
you're lying.

KIM: No, I'm serious.
KHLOE: Hi, Chi Town.

What's going on, girl?
Are you trying to wave at us?

Hi, girl.
I have a present for you,

Kendall. KENDALL: What is this?

KHLOE: Gabbana's actual paw

KENDALL: (gasps) Oh!
KHLOE: I got it made for you.

KENDALL: Thank you, sister.
KIM: That's so cute.

KHLOE: I know you wouldn't
want one. (Laughs)

KIM: I mean, like, I would
have, like, a paw print on a

piece of paper.
KHLOE: The only one that

would want one is Kenny.
KENDALL: I love it. Aw.

KHLOE: Don't ever say I
didn't get you anything.

KENDALL: I love it.
KHLOE: Kendall and Gabbana

have always been really close
and had a great relationship.

KIM: I think it's time to eat.

KHLOE: The bond we all had
was so strong and beautiful and

it's crazy she's just gone.
KIM: Yummy.

KRIS: This looks so good.
KHLOE: Does everyone know the

necklace I got Kendall?
KRIS: What?

KENDALL: It's Gabbana's paw

KRIS: Kendall. Aw.
COREY: Aw, that's tight.

KENDALL: Isn't it cute?
KHLOE: And I got her ashes

today, but I have Gabbana's bed,
and I haven't felt the need to

get rid of it yet, but I feel
like now I want to sub Gabbana's

bed for a baby bed.
I think it's time.

KIM: That's really sweet.
KHLOE: Today was actually the

first day that I felt like I
could take her bed out of my

Whenever I would come back from.

Cleveland, Gabbana would be
there and she was just my buddy.

But now whenever I come back
from Cleveland I'll have a baby.

I'm grateful that Gabbana left
me at a time where she knew I

wouldn't be alone.
COREY: Well, have you seen

the facilities yet, where you're
giving birth?

KOURTNEY: Don't go see them

in advance. ]] KHLOE: Why?

KOURTNEY: 'Cause it's not a
good idea.

SCOTT: You know what the
rooms look like.

KOURTNEY: She's not giving
birth there.

KHLOE: I'm not giving birth
at Cedars.

SCOTT: So you should go look.

The first time, we didn't look.
I had no clue what was

happening and it's so much
better that way.

SCOTT: Is it?
KHLOE: Tim went this weekend

and assessed it all.
SCOTT: Okay.

KRIS: Kylie!
KOURTNEY: Hi, Ky. Hi, Stormi.

KHLOE: Oh, my God!
Hey, bo-bo. Mwah.

KIM: Oh, my goodness.
KHLOE: Ours are gonna be

twins, I think.
KIM: Oh, she just gave me the

craziest side-eye.
Did you see that?

KYLIE: Yeah, she's...
KIM: She literally went like

KYLIE: 'Cause she knows you

kissed me first before my mom.
KHLOE: And she'll never let

that down.
KENDALL: What happened?

KHLOE: Kim got to kiss her
before Kylie did.

KIM: It was, like, days later.

Who knew that she didn't kiss
her on the mouth?

KYLIE: She was like, "Ooh!"
And jokingly was like, "Ooh,

"look, I'm your first kiss," and
kissed her, and I was like...

KHLOE: Kylie's like, "That is"

not funny."
KIM: Stop. Will you text that

to me? ]] KHLOE: Oh, my God.

KENDALL: Let me see.
KIM: We're gonna have, like,

a book of, like, the triplets.
KYLIE: I know.

KIM: Okay, so now that it's,
like, all said and done...

KYLIE: Mm-hmm.
KIM: What is your real

take on pregnancy?
KYLIE: I like it. I miss it.

KIM: You miss it?
KYLIE: Yeah, I had, like, the

easiest pregnancy ever.
Like, you just feel... you never

feel alone and, like, I was
really sad to not be pregnant

anymore. ]] KIM: That's so cute.

KYLIE: Khloe, I'm just so
excited for you.

I can't wait.
KRIS: I'd like to raise a

glass and make a toast to Khloe,
another little Kardashian that

you're bringing into the world.
Next there'll be nine.

KOURTNEY: Cheers, everyone.
ALL: Cheers.

KOURTNEY: Yay to Khloe.
KYLIE: Cheers to Khloe.

Stormi's not gonna be the new
girl in town anymore.

KIM: Chicago was, like, the
new girl in town for, like, a

day. ]] KYLIE: Two weeks.

KOURTNEY: And now Stormi's
got three months, maybe, as the

new girl.
KYLIE: Anyone else pregnant?

KRIS: Nope. Not me. I'm good.
KIM: Nope, but...

COREY: Wait a minute. Wait,
wait, if you get...

KIM: Just kidding. (Laughter)

Keeping Up
With the Kardashians...

WOMAN: You're always working
and you need to have a better

work-life balance.
WOMAN: To our world tour.

WOMAN : Our world tour.

KHLOE: Are you and Kanye good?

KIM: We had a fight 'cause I
wouldn't get him a Band-Aid.

KHLOE: Kim, like, you
completely left Kourtney on that

(bleep) e-mail.
KIM: I was talking about.

Kourtney in the e-mail as if she
wasn't on the e-mail.
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