09x11 - The Vienna Incidents

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Keeping Up With the Kardashians". Aired: October 14, 2007 - 2021.*
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Reality series of the Kardashian family featuring Kim, Kourtney, Khloe and the rest of the Kardashian/Jenner clan personal and professional lives.
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09x11 - The Vienna Incidents

Post by bunniefuu »

[upbeat music]

[Mason squealing]

Mase, please move the table back.

I can't eat far away.

[Kim] I know, but here.

Go like this. She was here first.

So it's gonna stay with her.

'Cause she was here first.
And then this is what you're gonna do.

No, hey.

[Kim] Hey, she was here first,
so it's gonna go there.

And then look. Look.

You're gonna go for a ride.


'Cause gentlemen always
are the nicer ones to the ladies.

Do you think using your hands
is the best thing?

I don't do that. I have my spoon to do it.


P can say "Kiki".

I know, I heard.

P, come on, say "Kiki" right now.


Okay, she's not saying the same old thing.

[Kim] Hey, I need to ask you a question.

Me and Kanye are gonna get married,

and I want North to walk down the aisle,
but she's too little to walk.

So I was thinking of getting
a horse and a carriage.

But I need you to hold North
and make sure she doesn't fall.

Do you think you can do that?
Maybe you and P?

I just need, like, a definite "yes"
that you'll be able to help me with this.

Okay, I'll try.

Give me a high five. We're doing it.

-[Penelope babbles]
-High five.

Will you help with North, too?

[Kim] Yes?

Thank you so much.

[upbeat music]

[Kim] Has anyone seen Bruce's hair
and why it looked teased yesterday?

No, but we should've made him
cut it more, and now I feel bad.

He won't even dare.

-Who is gonna walk me down the aisle?
-Me and Khloé.

-Are you having North in your wedding?
-[Kim] Mm-hm.

The chateau is really cool,
but it's brand-new.

But Kanye is like, "What if we
get married in an old Parisian church

and then have the
reception somewhere else?"

You don't know
where you're getting married yet?

-[Kourtney] Are we gonna wear all white…

I think so. Cream, like just
a really simple Givenchy dress.

[Khloe] How many times are you changing?

[Kim] Three.

Oh, I should have taken a picture
of the dress I'm wearing

to the Vienna Ball. You would love it.

I have no idea what this is.

Mom and I and North are gonna go
to Vienna to the Vienna Ball.

What's so fancy about this ball?

[Kim] It's like a huge opera.

So they have, like,
one main host every year.

Who's the host?

I am.

The Vienna Ball
is the most prestigious event in Austria.

It's this fundraiser, this white tie ball.

I'm excited to go.

The top is black
with, like, sheer cutouts in it.

And then the skirt
is a huge baby pink satin ball gown.

And then in it is,
like, that big horsehair fabric, almost.


[Kim] You know what I mean?
Like, that keeps it, like, hard?

It just looks like sheer.

Doesn't look like horsehair
or anything like that.

-This has been a very interesting visit.

Just with Khloé. She's just drunk…

-…and annoying.

[Kourtney] Welcome home, Mase.

Who's ready to see their new house?

[uplifting music]

[Scott] Go on in.
Say, "I'm home, smell you later."

[Mason] I'm home. Smell you later.

After looking for over a year,

it was really hard for me
to make the decision

whether we really wanted to move or not,

but I really wanted
a bigger backyard for our kids.

Look at your backyard!
You have all that space to play.

[Scott] You got to see your new pool.

It's so big, it's, like,
bigger than an ocean.

[Mason] P, let's go play.

[Kourtney] Let's go play, P.

[Scott] Kourtney's probably
the most indecisive person I know.

Sometimes, we end up
not even going to dinner,

because we go back and forth
so many times where to eat.

Look at your new pool!

So that fact
that we've actually made a decision

to get a new house is pretty unbelievable.

[Kourtney] Look at your basketball court.
You could run all over here.

-Should we go see your room?

Hel… hello!

-[Mason screams]

Whose new house is this?

I haven't sold our current house yet.

I'm not moving any furniture yet,

so we're gonna be slowly
moving in the kitchen

and, you know, trying to unpack
the bathrooms and things like that.

-Hey, Mom.

What's happening, Mase?

Good to see you! What do you got, buddy?

Is this your new house?

-I want to show you something.
-Oh, you want to show me something?

Okay, let me see.

[Bruce] This is a big backyard.

We're gonna have a race.

-One, two…


[Bruce] Come on, buddy!
Come on, I'm coming!

Oh, no, you're gonna get me there… Oh, no.

-Oh, you beat me.
-[Mason] I did it.

Good one.

-[Kourtney] Hooray!

That is a big backyard.

Let's do it again.

[Bruce] No, let's not do it again.
We're doing fine.

[upbeat music]

[Kim] That's cute.

So cute, right?

That's not cute.


[Kourtney] Hey, Mom.

What are you guys doing?
What are the pictures for?

Just, like, different Polaroids
of our travels.

Like, when we took a road trip,
like, four hours out of New York.

[Kourtney] Oh, yeah,
what happened with, like, Kanye,

like, went on a rant or something
and then TMZ was calling him names?

No, I guess I was, like,
walking out of a store

or something in New York and TMZ asked,
"Do you believe what Kanye said?"

And I was like,
"Yes, I believe everything he says."

[Kim] And I didn't know
what they were talking about.

They were talking about
when he was talking about racism.

I personally haven't experienced it,
you know, firsthand,

so it's hard for me
to really relate to it.

Why do you even answer them at all?

I usually don't.

-I know. I'm shocked.
-So it just goes to show,

the one time I do…

Why don't we just stay off the Internet?

Why don't we have
a stay off the Internet day?

I don't go on the Internet ever,

except to look
at interior design or kids clothes.

[Kris] When are the moving trucks coming?

[Kourtney] Um, I was thinking about, like,
two weeks, but I'm very anxious about it.

[Kris] How is your assistant hunting?

[Kourtney] Horrible.
I've interviewed, like, 25 people.

While I'm in the middle of this huge move,
my assistant quit.

[Kourtney] I hate interviewing new people.

I just cannot find the right person.

-Except that one girl. Did you meet her?

She already made me
this list of what my house needs.

She was like, "You need a manual
for your house with a pool…

how to use your pool, how it works,
who's the pool man."

She was like, "You're going to need
somebody who's in charge of the gardener,

in charge of this, in charge of…"

That's the kind of girl
you want working for you.

[Kourtney] If I was at the old house,
I mean, it would be fine.

I could figure it out.

But it's really overwhelming
moving into this new house.

[Kris] Well, I'm for hire.

I'm a really good housekeeper.

Well, I'm gonna go home and pack.


I'm gonna use these for my blog

and I want, like, only Polaroids,
like, rolling down my Tumblr.

Now, don't these…
Do these stay for a very long time?

Like, you know how back in the day,
Polaroids would disappear,

like, if you have this picture
for ten years?

I don't know.
Well, I'll tell you in ten years.



[Scott] Look, my cups from my motherland!

-Look at this old thing.
-[Kourtney] I'm extremely overwhelmed

-with this.
-[Scott] With the kitchen?

[Kourtney] With the entire house.

-There's nothing in here yet.
-I don't know where to begin. What?

I feel like there's
not much even in here yet.

Well, I just don't know where things go.

I think we need
to make a decision if we're gonna,

like, go buy new furniture or not
and just start doing that.

What do you envision for a table in here?


-[Kourtney] Round, rectangular?
-No, rectangular.

[Khloe] Hello?

[Scott] Yello?

-[Kourtney] Hey, Khlo.
-[Khloe] Hello.

Are you guys…

[Kourtney] I'm very overwhelmed.

-[Scott] We've gotten absolutely nowhere.
-[Khloe] Why are you overwhelmed?

Nothing's happened.

Your mom would have already been moved in.

-Yeah, but I don't care.
-Mom threw a party…

-It's too overwhelming.
-…when she moved in…

-I can't be stressed out.
-I think we need her help.

[Kourtney] You can't even stay here
without furniture.

It's starting to look really junky.

[Khloe] Kourtney, what…
You haven't put anything away yet.

We're extremely, extremely lucky and
fortunate to be able to buy a new house,

and to me, it's extremely upsetting
Kourtney has to put a damper on things.

[Khloe] Hey, do you have,
like, a color scheme?

[Kourtney] Not yet.

[Khloe] You guys don't know
if you're keeping any furniture or not?

[Kourtney] Nope.

-For reals?
-There's so many options.

I don't just want to pick
a dining room table.

This is my opinion.

This whole house is neutrals.

You cannot do what you did
to your other house

-to this house.
-[Kourtney] I don't want to!

[Khloe] So, when are you guys gonna,
like, sleep here?

-[Kourtney] I don't know.
-Probably never.

[Kris] The pink Hermes sarong,

monkey pajamas in pink,
and the Valentino bag.

Oh, my god, are you so excited for Vienna?

[Kris] I'm so excited.

I'm excited, but, you know,
I was just telling Karen

that when I've never been
someplace before,

I get confused on how to pack.

-Why? Just…
-[Kris] Like, how cold is it, or…

Check the weather on a weather app.

-[Kim] It'll be perfect.
-Yeah. Yeah.

Why are you packing colorful lingerie?

[Kris] You never know.


[plane whirring in distance]

-I hope you have a nice day…
-Nice to see you.

-…in Vienna tomorrow.
-I'm so excited.

We're here in Vienna,

and I love going places
and experiencing new things with my kids.

I cannot wait to enjoy the culture
and taste the cuisine

and just see what Vienna has to offer.

[Kris] Your name is on the side of
that car, and it says, "Kim Kardashian."

-[Kim] Yeah.
-Here we are!

[lively music]

[Kris] It's so pretty.

Kim, this is gorgeous.

Wow! This is like a palace.

-[man] Just leaving this here, yeah?
-[Kim] It's fun.

-[Kris] Yes, thank you.
-[man] Have a pleasant stay in Vienna.

-[Kris] Thank you so much.
-[man] Bye-bye.

[Kris] Bye. Appreciate it.

[Kris] Oh, my god! Kim!

They took my favorite sunglasses.

My favorite ones!

I can barely believe what I'm looking at.

They took my gold bag for tomorrow night.

Somebody went through my stuff
and has actually taken half of it.

Look what they did to my suitcases.
They ripped… they sliced them.

-[Kim] What did they steal?
-[Kris] I'm so angry.

The fact that somebody
has gone through my suitcase,

pored through my things,
I feel really violated.

Bet they took my fur throw
that Kanye bought me.

They took my brand-new gold Bottega bag.

They took my black Porsche sunglasses.

They took my gold Porsche sunglasses.

They took my other Chanel bag!

-Which one?
-The one I bought in Paris

when we were there the last time,
the little cute one.

And my shoes! The matching shoes.

I had it on the other day
when we were together.

-[Kim] Oh, my god, I loved that.
-Oh, my god!

They stole all of her stuff.

-[Wolfgang] Really?
-[Kris] They took my Chanel bag.

Two Chanel bags, one Bottega bag,
her shoes, her Chanel shoes.

-[Wolfgang] So they opened the bag?
-Yes, but look at…

No, look what they did! Look,
what they did! Come here, you guys.

They took [bleep] everything out of here.

They dumped it all in here,

-and they stole my makeup cases.
-[Kim] Wow.

Okay, so where is this from?
From New York?

[Kris] New York on Lufthansa to here,

they wouldn't do it while we had
a three-and-a-half-hour layover.

Okay, well, the good news is
it's just material things.

It's not about the money or the things.

It's about the feeling that I was robbed.

This feels so awful.

[Kris] I can't even tell you
how upsetting this is.

-Well, I'll call them.

I did a mini inventory of what is there,

but I really have to go
through it thoroughly.

A lot of stuff is missing.

-Okay, I'll go through all the tags.
-[Kris] There's five tags.

I'll write down the tags.
And who do I get in contact with?

[Wolfgang] I will need them.

All we can really do
over this whole luggage incident

is file a police report
and try and move on.

Thanks for helping to deal
with that, Wolfgang. I appreciate it.

-Thank you.
-We'll do our best,

-and we'll get it done somehow.
- Thank you.

Thank you.

[woman] Hi.

[Kris] Could we get a glass of wine?

Really strong glass of red wine.

I can't quite put my head
around this whole situation tonight.

[Kim] I know. Pretty crazy.

And I don't even… I haven't even with…
That's just first glance, you know?

What they took.

[Kris] Could I have a little more wine?
It's been one of those nights.

Thank you.

I know my mom is just so upset,
and we're in this other country,

and I want it to be fun for her.

-Famous apple strudel.
-[Kris] When in Vienna.

So, a little comfort food won't hurt us.


This is heaven!

This is the best thing I've ever had.


That's how you do it.

Kourtney has been talking to this guy.

I cannot have meetings that long.
They can talk…

What could they possibly be talking about?
This house is, like, perfect.

Do you see the shoes she's wearing?

What shoes does she have on?


Birken what?

[Kylie] Like, why aren't there seats
in this house? Like, that's it.

[Khloe] Because Kourtney
hasn't done anything.

[Kendall] I feel like this is
gonna be like this for a long time.

Scott? We have nowhere to sit.

-[Khloe] I would want to move in so badly.
-So does everybody.

[Scott] Most people who buy a mansion
would like to live in it.

Like, I don't know
why we don't want to move in.

What the [bleep]?

-[Kylie] What?
-[Kendall] Ew.

-[Khloe] Kylie. Kylie. Kylie.

[Scott] Do you not see the [bleep] rat?

[Kendall] Oh, my god.


-[Khloe] That is so gross.
-What do we do?

We capture it, or we k*ll it, or what?

Ew. Don't touch it!

I can suck that right in here.

What are you guys being so loud about?

-Kenny, you're here?
-[vacuum whirring]

-What are you doing?
-There's a rat.

Oh, my god!

I cannot believe that there's a rat
in our brand-new house.

Get it outside! Do we have a broom?

Rats can carry disease.

Does that mean there's rats everywhere?

They tend to leave rat droppings.

How are we supposed to move here
when there's rats?

I mean, it's just scary.

Okay, I want this rat out of here,

and the rat [bleep] cleaned up,
and the corner mopped.

Ew. Another one!

Oh, my god…

Got you.

[North coos]

Hey, North.

Hey, silly girl.

You look so pretty.

I feel so blessed
that I can travel with my daughter,

but it does mean
that I'm more on a schedule,

because she eats at a certain time,

she takes a nap at a certain time,

and every moment that I have to be
with her, I will be with her.

[Kris] Hello. Hello.

-How are you?
-[Kris] So, we see on the…

[Kim] Everyone's writing me saying,

"We can't wait for your autograph signing
at 2:00 PM in Vienna."

[Wolfgang] Oh, they are already waiting.

There-there are, like,
thousands of people, anyways,

waiting for-for you to be there.

[Kim] But no one even told me
anything about a signing.

I had scheduled my day to where
we were done with everything at 1:00 PM

so that I can go home, feed my daughter,
and then put her down for a nap.

So, when something like this
is sprung on me,

it makes it really hard for me
to just accept.

-This is the first we're hearing of it.
-And I just don't want to false promise

all these fans that there's
an autograph signing at two o'clock,

and then I'm not there because I'm
supposed to already be gone by then.

Before, I would have never done anything
to disappoint the fans, or anyone,

but now, my daughter
becomes my number one priority.

First, the photo call, and then go over
to the mall section and wave to the crowd.

Totally. I'll do that.

That's the only protection that I see,
because it was announced.

[Kris] All right, so just so you're clear,
we'll be there from 1:00 until 1:30.

-That's it.
-All right, I'm gonna go change.

We just want to get out of the country…

-No. Vienna is beautiful.


-[Kim] Yeah, but…
-It is pretty.

The food was good.

Thank you.

[cameras clicking]

We're just excited to be here in Austria.

What have you seen and done
in Vienna so far, and what is planned?

I'm just getting excited
to go to the ball.

We have to get ready for the ball tonight.

Could you just say, "Kisses from Vienna"?

Hi, I'm Kim Kardashian.
Kisses from Vienna.

It is definitely way more difficult
to balance my career and being a mom,

but everyone does it.

[Kim] I don't want to disappoint anyone.
I mean, especially if they came to see me.

But you also have to have boundaries.

[crowd cheering]

Welcome to Vienna.

Hi, thank you.

Thank you for having us!

[Kim] I love the history, the buildings.
Everything is gorgeous.

Everyone wants to know,
what do you know about the Opera Ball?

Will you dance tonight?

If anybody knows me,

they know that I get so nervous dancing,
that I am the worst.

So I think I'll just admire
everybody tonight and be social.

[man] Thank you very much.
You were very kind.

Thank you.

A round of applause for Kim Kardashian.

[crowd cheering]

-I love you, Kim.
-[Kim] Thank you.

Oh, my.

Thank you so much.

-Thank you.
-Thank you.

[upbeat music]

[Scott] How amazing
is this little setup I made us?

We have furniture all of a sudden?

It's temporary,

but I just felt like we need to start
using the house

and actually having a meal here, and…

[Kourtney] This is nice.

…I was hoping this will motivate you
to start trying

to get some furniture in here
so we can start living and enjoying.

-It's gorgeous furniture.
-But you're so indecisive.

-We need to move in.
-I don't want to rush.

Look at how beautiful this is!

[Scott] Why would we not be using
and enjoying this?

I even broke out the fine china.

It is very peaceful up here.

It looks so much more quiet.

Doesn't this make you want
to get in here sooner though?

-You're not excited about this house.
-The thing that you…

[Scott] You're really not excited
about this house.

-I'm excited.
-No, you're not.

-[Kourtney] My phone died.
-Good, it wasn't meant to be.

[Kourtney] There are no plugs here?


Ew, Doll, there is more rat [bleep].

Why… Why would you bring it… I'm eating!

[Kourtney] I'm just showing it to you.

It's absolutely disgusting.
That means there's another rat here.

[Scott] I would sleep with one rat
if I had to, to live in a home like this.

-You're okay with it?
-You got to take the good with the bad.

No, we need to get this problem fixed.

We're not staying here

-until it's resolved.
-We got to leave?

-I highly doubt we have a rat problem.
-No, I need to go…

There's just one [bleep] little rat.

I don't even want to go near the bag now.

Scott can make all the jokes he wants,

but I'm not bringing one more thing
into this house

until I feel totally comfortable about it.

-Are you going home?
-I'm going to the other house.

-[Scott] Why would…
-I don't want to stay here.

I can't believe how quick
Kourtney wants to leave.

She's just overreacting.
I mean, it's ridiculous.

-Did you drive here?

So did I.

I'll meet you at the house then.

The easiest thing to do is just get,
you know, like, six or seven rat traps.

Even places like this.

They can come up through that.

[Bruce] Well, the garage is where you get
a lot of rats.

Kourt, they get in here.

That's where they're gonna find
their little way in.

All right, and a lot of times,
you know, you look underneath here,

they can actually sneak
through those little holes.

They'll find any little hole.

[cat meows]

[Kourtney] Hi, Kitty.

[Bruce] Oh, my god.

[Kourtney] Kitty. Come here, Kitty.

Now, what is your new kitty's name?

-Christmas Kitty Charlie.
-[cat meows]

You want to go back down?

Honestly, that cat
is the best thing you can do.

And just leave him out
in the house all night long.

-You're, like, the rat professional.
-Yes, I am.

So how's everything else coming
with the house?

Good. I just have no clue what I'm doing.

Like, with furniture and…

I actually undid
Mason's whole closet yesterday.

-I'm doing P's today.
-When are you gonna actually move in?

Do you know?

I don't know.

-[Bruce] Yeah?
-It's so frustrating.


Look at that. If I was a rat,

I wouldn't want
to see that cat coming after me.

So, what do you actually call the cat?


[Kourtney] Usually. Or Christmas.

[knocks on door]

Come in. It's open.

[door opens]

I'm concerned that we should leave now.

At quarter to 9:00, they are closing
the carpet for the president.

[Kris] All right, let me try my dress on.

As if this trip wasn't full
of a gazillion surprises,

now we're late to the Vienna Ball.

Ten minutes to 9:00.

After the president,
nobody can get into the ball.

Ki, we got to leave in five minutes.

So will you guys
just come over to my room?

I'm taking Cinderella to the ball.

The princess.

[woman] Wow, you look gorgeous.

Oh, thank you.

I hate being late,
and I've never been to anything like this.


How are you?

[cameras clicking]

[Kim] And there is so much going on,
so many people.

I'm getting a little bit of anxiety,

and I just kind of want it
to go really smooth.

Don't you think that right there
would fit all my long stuff

-that's in my closet now?
-Yeah, but what about…

What's happening with the stuff
that's in the wardrobes…

in your… in your room?

Oh, [bleep] a duck.

[Roya] Yeah.

Where do you put boots in here?

We can try and map out
where you want to put everything

'cause it would… it'll be crazy
if we bring everything over here

-and we don't know where we're putting it.
-Can we write that on our list?

-All right.

I'm gonna grab one thing out of my car.

-[Kourtney] Be right back.
-[Roya] Okay.

Oh, my god.

[Kourtney] Scott!

[Scott] What?

There is a rat right at the front door.

-What the hell do you want me to do?
-Come get it!

Where's Roya?

Tell her to box it up.

[Kourtney] No.


-It was right here.

It was literally right here.

[Kourtney] Stop.

You don't remember that?

It's one of my moves.

[Kourtney] It's probably 'cause there's
a banana peel right here.

[Scott] Oh, my god.

Nobody in this neighborhood's probably
ever left a banana peel outside.

-I'm not doing this because…
-Doing what?

I can't stay here if there's rats.

There's possibly one little rat.

It's really just freaking me out because
even though I caught the other rat,

I had the cat look around the house,

and there was absolutely no sign
of any more rats.

You're really getting a little ridiculous.

I'm going back to the other house.

-And what?
-I'm not staying here.

-So you boycott the home?

I don't want to be here.

I'm getting very sick of Kourtney

trying to find any reason
not to live in this house.

We spent a ton of time and a ton of money
to get into this new house.

We need to move in.

You've got a big problem.

I'm not coming back.

[gate closes]

[people clamoring]

This is the Opera Ball.

[indistinct chattering]

Opera Ball! Vienna!

[orchestral music]

[woman] Kim, what are you wearing tonight?

Ralph Rucci.

I didn't know what to expect
going into this Vienna Ball,

but it's everything that I've heard.

This is a very dear friend
of mine, Claudia.

I flew over for this event.

-Oh, wow.

Everybody is dressed beautifully.

And it's so hard to explain,
because it's just really amazing.

[cameras clicking]

[man] How do you like it so far?

It's amazing.

[indistinct chattering]

There is about 5,000 people here.

What a wonderful dress.

-Excuse me.
-Excuse me.

There is a beautiful ballet going on,
opera singers, dances.

It is super glamorous
and super claustrophobic.

[indistinct chattering]

[man] Hi, Kim! It's me.

I'm bringing you to the center lounge.

It's me, Kanye!

[Kim] Oh, my god.

Oh, my god.

Oh, my god!

I can't believe there's this guy
in full blackface.

I just am so… confused.

I don't get why him or anyone else
would find this funny.

That's, like… not cool.

Think I'll get a drink.

This is supposed to be
some really nice, upscale event.

[Kim] It's, like, how did this guy get in?

This is just like a sick joke.

[man] Hi, Kim! It's me!

[indistinct chattering, laughter]

-[cameras clicking]
-Okay, enough photos. Thank you.

[Kris] A guy in blackface?

It's really uncomfortable,
and a little scary.

Blackface started in the 1800s,

and it was all about white people
painting their faces black

because African-American people
weren't allowed to work.

So, actors would dress up in blackface.

What's a matter with you, boy,
sh**ting up that man's henhouse?

I'll sh**t any chicken
trying to follow me home.


[Kris] But ended up dehumanizing,

embarrassing and making fun
of certain people.

So to have somebody so ignorant
come to such a beautiful event

and spoil it for everyone
is just taking a huge step backwards.

-This is the holding area…
-For what?

-…before the interviews.
-I don't care.

-After this, it's over.
-But I don't care.

[man] Oh, my god!

Never, in my entire 58 years…

-[waiter] You want to drink something?
-Yes, I do.

-Vodka or champagne?
-I'll have a vodka.

This is just getting so intense,

but Kim still has one last obligation,
which is a live interview,

and I want to get this taken care of,
get it over with,

so we can go back to the hotel.

[Mirjam] Kim Kardashian, Kris Jenner,
welcome to the show.

Thank you very much for being here.

It's a first time for you
at the Opera Ball,

so what's your impression so far?

It's definitely
the most gorgeous thing ever.

[Kim] We're really excited to be here.

[in foreign language] And all of a sudden
you’re standing here with Kim Kardashian.

[in foreign language] That’s wonderful.
She is such a beautiful woman.

I don't understand anything,
but I understood "Kim Kardashian."

Yeah. I told that,
because, you know, it was,

suddenly, three hours ago,
I didn't know that you would go here,

and now I am with you here, so…

And that's the most beautiful moment
in your life.

This is simply one of the best moments
I ever had.

-Thank you, Vienna.

-Are you going to dance later?
-Yeah. I will dance.

Yeah, we're going to dance.

We'll wait for "[bleep] in Vienna."

[Mirjam chuckles]

[Kim] Oh, my god.

Did he say what I think he just said?

[Oliver] This is simply
one of the best moments I ever had.

Are you going to dance later?

Yeah, I will dance.

Yeah, we're going to dance.
We'll wait for "[bleep] in Vienna."

[Oliver and Mirjam chuckle]

We're doing a live interview,
so I know I heard him right.

And my face, I'm just kind of, like,

"Oh, my god.
Did he say what I think he just said?"

"[bleep] in Vienna."

[Kris] [bleep] in Paris.
is actually the title of the song.

I get that he's a comedian, but clearly,
that was incredibly inappropriate.

Thank you very much for coming,
and have a nice time in Vienna.

This whole time,
we've had smiles on our faces,

and we've tried to be perfect ladies
and be very appreciative,

but I'm at my limit, and we just need
to get the hell out of here.

[indistinct chattering]

[security in foreign language]
Thank you very much!

[Kris] I'm mortified.

[suspenseful music]

-Hi, guys.
-[Wolfgang] Hello, Kris.

[Kris] What is going on?

I have never been so disrespected
as a woman or a human being in my life.

I mean, I come to Vienna,

and everything I have that's valuable
is stolen out of my suitcase,

and this man treats Kim
with such disrespect.

-I've never experienced…

-…anything like this in my life.
-Me, neither.

Everything has gone wrong on this trip.

It's like we're honestly,
like, in a time warp.

The racial insensitivity…

Everything from this trip
has just been a true nightmare.

He made me look like a fool.

He made Kim look like a fool.

[Kris] That's not cool.

That's not what we come from.

And my children are taught
to treat people with respect.

-It's the craziest situation…

…I saw in my life.

And I thought,
"Wow, what is going on here?"

I feel like I've let my children down,
my daughter down,

by allowing her
to even experience this nonsense.

Kim and I were really looking forward
to having a beautiful night

and going to such a glamorous event,
and this ball was really beautiful.

But it's a shame
that the actions of just a few individuals

ruined the entire thing for us.

[line ringing]

-[Scott] Hello.
-[Kourtney] Where are you?

What do you mean? I'm home.

I'm in the backyard relaxing.

I don't see you here.

I'm not at the old house.
I'm at the new house.

Why would you be there?

'Cause it's a beautiful home,
and I moved into it.

I'm hoping you'll move in,
but if you want to talk to me further,

come up here and talk to me
like a human in my new home.

We don't have any furniture.

Oh, I got a bed. I got sheets.

What bed?

I got a blow-up.

It's not pretty, but it does the trick.

[Kourtney] Okay, weirdo.

Well, it's not… I'm not being weird.
I love you. Just come up here.

Okay. Bye.

-[Kourtney] Doll?
-[Scott] Hm?

You came over?

[Kourtney] What are you doing?

[Scott] What do you mean?

[Kourtney] This is your fancy bed?

It ain't bad, but it does the trick.

But what are you doing here?

What do you mean?

-There's no furniture.
-[Scott] I got you here.

There's rats.

There's no rats! They're gone.

You need to understand, this is our home.

[Scott] We need to move in.

Fine. You want to stay here by yourself?

Doll, I…

Scott is acting like I'm overreacting,

but this is my dream home.

He thinks it's just one little rat,

but it's a big problem to me.

[Scott] That's ridiculous!

Just come back with me for tonight.

And then what?

You can't let one little obstacle
throw you off course

and not move into the dream home.

One little rat? Big deal!

I'll chop that thing up and eat it,

make it a stir-fry if I have to,
to live here.

I know Kourtney very well,

and this moving into the house process
is difficult.

And I know that it's not
about this little rat.

There's something deeper,
and I know she doesn't like change.

And I think it's time for Kourtney
to figure out what she wants,

because this is where we need to be.
This is our new home.

I just feel like
if I don't come and sleep here,

you're never gonna get motivated
to come here.

I'm gonna live here with or without you.

This is your dream home.

[Kris] Oh, my god, I'm exhausted.

-[door slams]
-Mom, the baby is sleeping.

Do not slam the door.

[Khloe] Hi. How was it?

I mean, I heard it was insane.

[Kim] Oh, my god, the worst trip ever.

You're a sight for sore eyes.

I don't really know what that means.

That means that we're happy to be here.

I missed you.

We had the worst trip in the world.

-Wait, so tell me.
-In the world.

I don't get it.

I didn't think more things
could go wrong in Vienna,

and then we got on the plane.

We were on, like, a 12-hour flight,
and we couldn't even close our eyes

the whole time.

[Kris] We took off from Vienna…

[Kim] Mom had the baby. I fell asleep.

I woke up to this woman screaming,

"Kanye West's baby?"

The woman is screaming at my child,
I jump up…

-I would've punched her in her face.
-She's going…

No, we were on a plane. I wanted to.

I would've. If you scream at my child,
I'll punch you.

-It was crazy.
-This lady stood up in the cabin

in first class

-and yelled at the top of her lungs…
-[Kim] Screaming, "With a black guy."

-…that she's with a black guy…
-She was with a black guy.

…and that baby is black.

-I would say…
-And you need to shut that black baby up.

Hashtag fact, my baby is black.

Hashtag, I only like black [bleep].

That's what I would say.

All I get called
is a [bleep] lover all day long.

Who [bleep] cares?

And then she was like,

"And she has a sex video with a black guy.

-How disgusting. With a black guy."
-True. True.

Like, going on and on.

-It was mind-blowing.
-And then the pilot had to come out

-and the captain. Like, everyone.
-[Kris] It was so awful.

They're like, "We're gonna call the LAPD
the second we land."

-[Kris] She just kept screaming!
-And then her husband,

like, sat on her and was like,
"Shut up. Shut up. You got to shut up."

Like, "Shut up. Shut the [bleep] up."

-Yeah, we got the hell out of there.
-[Kim] First of all, it was

the trip from hell.

It was so r*cist.

[Kris] It was shocking.

It was like, literally,
you thought you were in 1914 or something.

What's so weird is Kanye
was just talking about it

during one of his concerts,
just saying how, like, racism exists.

During Kanye's concerts,
he speaks about racism

and experiences that he's seen
or been through.

[Kanye] You see,
it's broke [bleep] racism.

There's that,
"Don't touch anything in the store."

Excuse me. That's that, that's that,
"Can I help you, sir?"

That's that, racial profiling [bleep]!

[bleep] racism!

[crowd cheering]

And it was really real to him,
and he explained how it's still alive.

I obviously understood it,

but just… it's such a different thing
when you experience it yourself.

[Kourtney] Hey, Bruce.

That's a TV.

-[Scott] It looks like it's floating.
-[Kourtney] Does it tilt?

It's tilted.

-I know, but does it tilt back…
-[Scott] More?

-…if you want it to?
-Yeah, but why would you?

Just if you want it a little more flush.

So, are you overwhelmed by all of this?

[Kourtney] A little bit.

[Bruce] Yes? Yeah.

Moving is really, really tough.

[Kourtney] And I just don't like change.

[Bruce] You don't like change?
That's even a bigger problem.

[Scott] You know,
we're sleeping here tonight.

[Bruce] You're sleeping here tonight?

It's so nice.

[Kourtney] Scott is right.

I'm not one who loves change
and leaving the memories of my old house,

so I've been procrastinating
with the move.

[Kourtney] But I had the exterminator come

and thoroughly investigate
the entire new house.

So I think you're okay.
One probably just snuck in.

Also, I don't really have an option

because the people that bought my house
did a nine-day escrow.

So I'm kind of finally forced to move in.

[Kourtney] Did you see Mason's room?

[Bruce] Oh, this is so cool.

I'm gonna put a little beanbag chair,
like, in the corner.

In the corner? Yeah.

-[Kourtney] He's so excited.
-Good for him.

[Bruce] The Mase man gets a new room.

But now, you know, I think I'm ready
to finally move in,

and we can make new memories.

[Bruce] It's coming around. Look at this.

I feel like P is the only one
who's got a real room.

[Scott] She's the new woman of the house.

[Kourtney chuckles]
I don't think so.

[Bruce laughs]

Oh, I like this fabric.

It's for one of her dresses.

[Kris] It's so beautiful.

What are you guys doing?

[Kim] I'm just trying to write this blog.

What blog?

I'm just thinking of writing a blog
about, like, our experience in Vienna

and just, like, how crazy I think it was

and how, like, sickened I am
by what goes on in the world.

If you feel the need
to express yourself, too,

it's your… you have a mixed daughter.

[Kim] Yeah, I hope she never
even has to deal with anything like that,

but I would like her to know our history.

I mean, like, Kanye's mom and dad
were, like, huge activists.

And his mom was, like, a person
that would do sit-ins

and she got arrested.

-Can I read you some of it?
-[Kris] Yeah.

[Kim] "I never knew how much being a
mom would change me.

It's like I get to see the world
for the first time again,

but through someone else's eyes.
It's a beautiful thing, really,

to suddenly experience
and feel so much more.

But with that, the beauty,
comes the flip side.

Seeing through my daughter's eyes

the side of life
that isn't always so pretty.

To be honest, before I had North,

I never really gave racism
or discrimination much thought.

It's a topic
that Kanye's really passionate about,

but I guess it was easier
for me to believe

that it was someone else's battle."

Are you mentioning Vienna or no?

I don't think you need to.
I think it speaks for itself.

[Kim] All right, let me read you more.

"I'm not sure exactly what to do to help,
but I feel a responsibility as a mother,

a public figure, a human being,
to do what I can to make sure

that not only my child but all children
don't have to grow up in a world

where they are judged
by the color of their skin.

The first step I'm taking
is to stop pretending

like this isn't my issue or my problem
because it is. It's everyone's.

And it's our responsibility to speak out
for those who can't,

and hopefully, in the process,

ensure that hate is something
our children never have to see."

That's really good.

That's an amazing blog, Kim,
and amazing thoughts.

Thank you, Mom.

I have chills.

I like it, Kim. I liked it.

I like that you're sharing
that side of yourself.

Because I think that I wish you
did that more often,

because it's… you have an amazing,
you know, way of looking at the world,

and other people
would love to hear that from you.

[Kim] Next on
Keeping Up with the Kardashians…

I need to get a chopper in the backyard.

-[Kourtney] Don't get carried away.
-[Scott] Holy [bleep].

Forget about Lord of the Rings.
This is like Lord of the Air!

Come on, guys.
Can you not keep up with me?

[Khloe] Oh, I can keep up with you.

Kim and I have decided to do
a mud run obstacle course.

[squealing, cheering]

I really do think that I have
a chance to beat Khloé on this.

-I'm gonna shove her face in the mud.
-[both grunting]
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