02x03 - The Flying Crown

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Sofia the First". Aired: November 18, 2012 - September 8, 2018.*
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Animated series features Sofia, an ordinary girl who becomes a princess overnight when her mom marries the king.
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02x03 - The Flying Crown

Post by bunniefuu »

I was a girl in the village doing alright then I became a princess overnight now I got to figure out how to do it right so much to learn and see up in the castle with my new family in a school that's just for royalty a whole enchanted world is waiting for me I'm so excited to be sofia the first I'm finding out what being royal's all about sofia the first making my way it's an adventure every day sofia it's gonna be my time sofia to show them all that I'm sofia the first Sofia: The flying crown.

And as the riders approach the final stretch, The horses are neck and neck and neck.

Uh-oh, wesloch pulls ahead by a nose.

James, give me a wing-blast.

Yeah, good plan.

And now, prince james is dropping back.

What is royal prep going to do? Yeah.

Now it's royal prep who pulls ahead Thanks to a beautiful wing blast.



That's one gorgeous team playing right there.

And now princess sofia is in the lead With the finish line in sight.

Remember, folks, Only one rider needs to cross the line for the team to win.

And whichever team wins today Goes on to the flying derby championships, Where they will race For the greatest prize in royal sport, The flying crown trophy.

This is so exciting.

Go sofia.

And james.

Steady on, team.

And here comes wesloch again.

They're just too fast.

Sofia, they're catching up.

Let's do the double swerve, I'll block, you go.

Great idea, sof.

Ready, minimus? I sure am.

Just kidding, I'm sure not.


Here we go.



Royal prep pulls off a beautiful double derby swerve.

That just goes to show you, Being fast is no match for a good team play.

Prince james is all alone in the lead.

And boom, boom, boom, boom.

Heading for the finish line.

Yeah! And they've done it! Boom, boom, boom! Royal prep wins! The royal prep wins! Royal prep wins! ( whistle blows ) huzzah! huzzah! for rpa huzzah, huzzah for royal prep for the red and green, and blue we're all for one and one for all at rpa you'll hear our royal call huzzah, huzzah for royal prep yes, we're loyal through and through we rule on the field and off it too 'cause royal prep, to our team we're true We did it.

We're going to the championships.


sofia and james royal through and through huzzah, huzzah for red and green and blue at royal prep, to our team we're true huzzah ( cheers and applause ) I just love this cheer, baby bro.

I remember how the whole school used to sing it for me Whenever I flew across that finish line.

Best feeling in the world.

Now, axel, don't make hugo feel worse Than he already does.

Sorry, baby bro.

I know how much you wanted to be on that team.

Not all of us can be winners.

It's just unfair.

I'm the best rider at the school.

Third best, remember? Sofia and james beat you in the try-out race.

They got lucky.

I'm sure someday you'll be just as big a derby star as I was.

All: Yeah.

Oh, sofia, you did it.

You won.

Hey, I won too.

I know.

This is such a big deal for our school.

Royal prep hasn't made it To the championships in 100 years.

And it's all because of my sister.

And brother.


Now you two just have to win that flying crown.

We're all counting on you, sofia.

Don't mess this up, james.

Well, I-- I hope we can win.

But we're going to be racing against The junior knights academy.

Are they good? They're the best.

They win every year.

But sofia and I can beat them.

We're gonna do all our best team plays, Double swerves, wing blasts, derby shuffles.

And then we're gonna zoom across the finish line.



Are you okay? Ow.

My wrist.

Well, I'm afraid I must deliver some bad news, james.

You've sprained your wrist.

Can I still ride? In about two weeks.

But the championship race is in three days.

Who will be sofia's teammate? I'm on the team? You're the third best rider in the school, so yes.

You and sofia will ride For royal prep in the championships.

All right, see you two in practice, First thing tomorrow.

Yes, sir gilliam.

Listen, hugo.

I know I beat you in the try-out race, But hopefully we can put that behind us Now that we're teammates.

No hard feelings? You just got lucky.


Well, we don't have much time before the big race.

But james and I've been working on some new team plays I could teach you.

I'm so fast, sofia, We don't need any team plays.

All we need is me flying across that finish line.

All right.

See you tomorrow then.

( sighs ) Oh, now buck up, young prince.

You may not be able to ride, But there's still a place for you on this team.

There is? You can be my assistant coach.

Now how does that sound? Not as good as racing, but I'll try.

Oh, that's the spirit.

See you at practice.

Assistant coach james.

I like it.

Sofia, I'm a little nervous about our new teammate.

Me too.

But I'm hoping hugo will be nicer today.

I'm not talking about hugo.

I'm talking about his horse electra.

Look at her.

She's so p-p-perfect.

It's terr- terri-terrifying.

Good morning, hugo.


So, electra, who would have thunk, You and I would be partners, right? I mean, you come from a long line of derby champions And I, well, you know, I come from an assortment of cart horses And according to some family rumors, A flying donkey.

I can definitely see the donkey.

Good morning, riders, listen up.

That's right, listen up.

I'm gonna be your new coach.

Assistant coach.

James, that's great.

As you know, the junior knights Are the toughest opponents we've ever faced.

Seemed like a good time to whistle.

They are the fastest riders in the league, So if you want to win the flying crown, You two had better practice your team plays.

( whistle blows ) James, maybe you can go set up the practice poles over there.

You got it.

Sir gilliam, there's a new team play I think we should learn.

And what's that, sofia? The flying slingshot.

The flying slingshot.

How do you even know about the flying slingshot? I read all the old play books.

What's the flying slingshot? Only the most difficult play In the history of flying derby, that's what.

Here, I'll show you.

Brian, be a good gent and step on over for a sec, would you? Oh, okay.

In mid air, the riders have to lineup side by side.

Then they have to reach across their horses And grab hands, spin in a perfect circle.

And then the bigger rider slings the smaller one forward At just the right moment like so.

That is what happens If you do everything exactly right.

There you go, brian.

Now I'm gonna show you what happens if you do it wrong.

You end up flying sideways or backwards! ( whistle blows ) I set up the poles.



I'll be right back.

So do you want to try the flying slingshot? I told you, sofia, I don't care about team plays.

Only one of us has to cross the finish line first And that's gonna be me.


Where are you going? To practice by myself.

( growls ) We don't need him anyway.

( sighs ) Actually, we do.

James, maybe assistant coach Isn't the right job for you after all.

But I want to help the team.

I know, let's just find something else for you to do.

( horse neighing ) Like team groom.

You want me to clean the horses? Oh, it's a dirty job, but some prince has to do it.


Can I keep the whistle? No.

( bell rings ) Good luck tomorrow, sofia.



Is everything okay? ( sighs ) Not really.

Hugo doesn't want to practice together.

Do you need to? It's the only way we'll beat the junior knights.

Sofia, royal prep finally has a chance To win the flying crown.

You can't let hugo ruin it.

I won't.

( horse neighing ) They're here.

Who's here? Squire vaughan and squire vance, the junior knights.

What are they doing here? The race is tomorrow.

They must have come a day early To practice on the course.

Huh, they don't look so tough.

You two are the royal prep derby team? That's us.

We're going to win for sure.

Like we always do.

Huh, I don't think so.

I bet I'm twice as fast as you.

Um, why don't we all just go practice? I bet I am 10 times faster than you.

I bet I'm a number you can't even count you faster.

I can count all the way to 100.

Huh, prove it.

No, prove you're 100 times faster than me.

Fine, I'll race you to the fountain and back.

You're on.

I have an idea, why won't we just wait Until the real race starts to see who's faster? How about that? On your mark.

Get set.


Come on, hugo.

That was way too easy.

You just got lucky.

Not lucky, just 100 times faster.

See you at the race tomorrow.

I'll wave from the finish line.

So now are you ready to practice some team plays, hugo? No.

Come on.

Everyone is counting on us.

Where's your school spirit? huzzah, huzzah for royal prep for the red and green and blue Hmm.

What did I say? It's not what you said, princess sofia, It's what you sang.

What? That's the cheer the school sings When you win the race.

And everyone in hugo's family has heard it, Except for him.


Hugo, wait.

What? Look, I know your father was on the flying derby team When he went to royal prep.

And my brother, my uncle, my grandfather, so what? None of them won the championship race.

None of them won the flying crown.


We have a chance to do that, But only if we learn the flying slingshot.

It's the only play that can beat a rider as fast as vaughan.

And then the whole school will cheer louder Than they ever have before, for you.


I'll try it.

( bell rings ) great.

Oh, it's getting late.

Let's practice first thing in the morning, Before the race.

Hmm, all right.

See you tomorrow, bright and early.



Hello, horses.

Supreme chief groom james is here to clean you up.

( sneezing ) Oh, okay, that is up in the nose.

That is way up in the nose.


You're laughing? I've never even seen you smile.

I laugh when I see something funny.

Now it's your turn.

Oh, you know, that's the one thing we have in common.

I laugh when I see something funny too.

There, now everyone's clean.

James! Yes, sir.

Oh, james, I don't think groom is the job for you either.

Why not? Well, you see, grooms are supposed to clean up messes, Not make them.

Maybe there is no good job for me.

Now I didn't say that.

In fact, I know just the-- Team mascot.

But the mascot just wears a costume and acts silly.


It's the perfect job for you.

The mascot inspires the crowd to cheer for our team And root them on to victory.

It's a very important job.

And the best part is, You can make all the noise you want.


( blows whistle ) It's race day.

Good morning.

Let's get practicing.

Since you're bigger and stronger, You should sling me.


Wait a second, then you'll cross the finish line first.


But only one of us has to cross the line For both of us to win, remember? Then it shouldn't matter to you if I cross first.

It doesn't matter to me.


Then it's settled.

You'll sling me.


Let's try it.

Wings are tucked.

Now we grab hands and slingshot.

That is-- I'm big boned.


Ah! Sorry.

Ah! Sorry! Again! Ah.


Hugo, are you okay? What are you doing, baby bro? Why are you in this fountain and not on your horse? Uh.

Come on, hugo, you got to get ready for the big race.

The whole family is gonna be here, So you better win or don't come home.

Just kidding, baby bro.

That's it.

I'm done.

Maybe if we could just try it the way we're supposed to, With you flinging me.

We're never gonna get it right.

Well, if we don't get it right, There's no way we can win.

Then I quit.

What? Hugo, you can't quit, the race is about to start.

Oh, I can't believe he just up and quit.

If only I spoke human, I would give him a talking to.

Me too.

You're on our side? Of course, A true derby champion never quits on the team.

That's always been hugo's biggest problem.

He's a good rider, But he doesn't know the first thing About being a good teammate.

Well, someone better show him fast.

( whistle blows ) I have an idea.


Sofia, shouldn't you be saddled up? I need your help.

But I'm just the mascot.


You've got to help me inspire hugo.

Man: ( on mic ) princes and princesses, Knights and dames, The moment you've all been waiting for is here, The flying derby championship race today.

One team will take home the majestic, The beautiful, the glorious flying crown.

And here come the riders for the junior knights academy.

Defending champions squires vaughan and vance.

If speed has a name, it would be vaughan and vance.

Yes, it's going to be tough to outrace this team.

And now let's meet the challengers, Riding for royal prep, princess sofia and prince hugo.

I'll say, princess sofia and prince hugo! Where are they? They're so slow, they can't even make it to the starting line.

Hello, derby fans.

Do you want our team to come out here or what? ( cheers ) All right, then here's what we have to do.



Leave me alone.

Hugo, what you're doing is really selfish.

You've got to get back out there.

What's the point? We can't win.

Maybe we can't, but we have to try.

( music playing ) What are they doing? Come on.

huzzah, huzzah for royal prep They're singing for us? But they only sing when you win.

we rule on the field and off it too 'cause at royal prep, to our team we're true Listen to the words, hugo.

It's not about winning, It's about being part of a team.

See, they're singing for the whole team.

For you, me, minimus and electra, Sir gilliam and james too.

I mean, james is willing to do anything To be part of his team.

at royal prep, to our team we're true huzzah ( cheers and applause ) How about you? Will you race with me? Give me that jersey.

And there they are.

Princess sofia and prince hugo.

We'll have a race after all.

What a relief.

Both: Yeah.

Riders, on your wings.

Get set.


Man: ( on mic ) and they're on.

Right out of the gates, The junior knights take the lead.

And that lead grows As the riders turn toward the bridge.

Let's pass them on the right.

Royal prep is trying their hardest to pass them, But the junior knights pull out an early double derby swerve Leaving royal prep in the derby dust.

We can't get around him.

Hold tight.

I'll give you a wing blast.

Princess sofia drops back, They're setting up for a wing blast.

Flap, minimus, flap! Flapping.

And there it is.

A wing blast from royal prep.

A nice move, But it's not enough to catch the junior knights.



They're approaching the bell tower And royal prep is falling behind.

And as they pass through the tower, Royal prep is running out of options And running out of time.

We're running out of time.

We have to try the slingshot.

Okay, but only if we do it the right way.

I'll sling you.

You will? It's the only way our team can win.

Jeez, it's just about time he figured that out.

So what are we waiting for? Let's do this.

All right, hugo.

Side by side.

Grab hands.

Ladies and gentlemen, I think royal prep is going to try the flying slingshot.

The riskiest play in all flying derby, folks.

If it goes wrong, it could be a total horse wreck.


Slingshot! Boom! They did it.

Princess sofia is in the lead and boom, boom, boom, boom! Across the line! Royal prep has won the flying crown.

How did they do that? We won! Yes! huzzah huzzah huzzah, huzzah So how does it feel to be a champion, minimus? Oh, to tell you the truth, I have a bit of a wing cramp.

Wait, did you just call me, champion? Well, you're standing in the winner's circle, Aren't you? Very impressive work out there.

That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me, electra.

That's the first nice thing I've ever said to you.


But it won't be the last.

Oh, you two were amazing.

You're our heroes.

He takes after his big bro.

Actually, big bro, I take after my teammate sofia.


You guys were brilliant.

So were you.

We couldn't have won without you.

Want to hold the crown? Sure.

sofia and hugo huzzah, huzzah for red and green and blue at royal prep, to our team we're true huzzah
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