01x09 - Emmy's Dreamhouse/Dragon Sails

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Tales". Aired: September 6, 1999 - November 25, 2005.*
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Siblings Emmy and Max discover a magical place called Dragon Land where they meet dragons Ord, Cassie, Zak, Wheezie and the wise Quetzal and face challenges together.
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01x09 - Emmy's Dreamhouse/Dragon Sails

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ Emmy wished
On a dragon scale ♪

♪ And that's what started
Dragon Tales ♪

♪ Around the room
The dragons flew ♪

♪ But Emmy and Max
Knew what to do ♪

♪ They climbed on the backs
Of their dragon friends ♪

♪ Now the adventures
Never end ♪

♪ Dragon Tales, Dragon Tales ♪

♪ It's almost time for
Dragon Tales ♪

♪ Come along
Take my hand ♪

♪ Let's all go to
Dragon Land ♪

♪ There's Ord, he's the biggest Not so brave of heart ♪

♪ There's Cassie, so shy
Also very smart ♪

♪ There's Zak and Wheezie
In these tales of fun ♪

♪ 'Cause you know Two heads are better than one ♪

♪ Dragon Tales, Dragon Tales ♪

♪ It's almost time for
Dragon Tales ♪

♪ Come along, take my hand ♪

♪ Let's all go to
Dragon Land ♪


There it is, Emmy.

Oh, let me see.

Oh, Max, it's just
what I've always wanted.

A tree house.

Me too.
Let's build one, Emmy.

Maybe Mom and Dad
can help us do it this weekend.

This weekend?

I can't wait
that long.

I know where
we can do it now.

I wish, I wish
with all my heart

to fly with dragons
in a land apart.


Hi, Ord.Hi, Cassie.


Give your big buddy a hug.


That's okay, Ord.
I love dragonberry hugs.


Sit down, Emmy.
Join our picnic.

Thanks, Cassie, but we came
to build a tree house.

A tree house?

What a great idea.


Zak, Wheezie.

Aah! It's coming
this way.

Get in your caves.

What's coming?

Didn't you hear?
There's an icky, sticky--

Purple goo cloud


It's not cool.

It's warm and sticky.

It rains purple goo
out of the sky

and gets all over

It's harder to get off
than bubble gum.

And it smells
real bad. P-yew!

Come on, Ord.

We better pack up
our picnic and go home.


I know how we can stay out
of the bad weather

and still
have a great time.


a tree house.

Ooh, I just love
tree houses.

They're so trees-y.


And it can be
our clubhouse.

We can have
secret meetings.

And a special song.


We can even have our picnic
inside it.

Let's start now before the icky,
sticky goo cloud comes.


I like that one.

How about
that big cookie tree?

We'd always have
lots to eat.

This is a great tree.

We can build a tree house
right here.

Well, okay, but don't you think
it should be higher

so we can dive out
and do somersaults in the air?

She means lower

so if we fall out,
it won't hurt so much.

No. This is the spot,


Why do you get to decide,

Trust me. This is perfect.

You're gonna love it.
Hand me a board, will you, Ord?

But the tree house
is for all of us.

Yeah. It's no fun
if you tell us what to do.


Hey, what am I here,
chopped lumber?

Ha, ha!
Don't I have a say in this?


Who are you?

Sid Sycamore.

Hey, glad to meet youse.

A talking tree.

I suppose you thought
trees could only bark.


Bark. I slay me.


That's a tree joke.
Get it? Tree bark.

I love it.

Heh-heh-heh, oh yeah,
seriously though.

You really should ask

before you build a tree house
in someone's branches.

Oh, sorry.

Can we?

Hey, it's fine with me.
You're welcome here, you know?

But it's not just me
you should be asking.

I meant,
ask your friends.

I guess I was so excited
about building a tree house,

I didn't think to ask
what any of you wanted.

You sure didn't.

Yeah. Sometimes Wheezie
gets so excited,

she doesn't hear a word
I'm saying. Yeah.

Sometimes I get so excited,

I don't hear a word
Zak's saying.

I just said that.

You can all have
whatever you want.

Oh, boy. I want a toy drawer
to put all my stuff in.

And I want a place
for my telescope.

Um, I'd like to have a bookshelf
for my picture books.


It's the icky, sticky
purple goo clouds.

Come on, everyone.

We've got to finish
the tree house

before the clouds
get here.


Hey. Hey, quit tickling
my funny branch.


Emmy, how do you like the steps
Wheezie and I made?

We've even thought of
a secret musical password.


Love it.It's great.

But red steps
would go better with

the rest of the tree house,
don't you think?

No. You said we could have--Whatever we want, and--

We want
black and white.

Oops. Sorry.

I guess I forgot
to ask again, didn't I?


Let's see.

Where should I put
my picture book on flying?

Right there.

How do you like
my new bookshelf, Emmy?

It looks nice,

It would look better
with these flowers on it.

But those are your flowers.

Yeah.And they're too tall.


I know.



But...my books!


Oh, Cassie, I'm sorry
I made you feel bad.

I can't believe I forgot
to ask what she wanted.

Emmy, take a look through
my telescope.

You can see
the Stickleback Mountains.

And check out my...


...toy drawer.

Neat, huh?

And this is a great spot
for our play rug.


We'll only have to move
your stuff a little bit, okay?

I guess.

That's better.

it isn't.

You didn't leave room
for my telescope.

And I can't play with
my toy drawer in the corner

'cause there's
not enough room.

And you made my bookshelf
the way you wanted it.

And Zaky and I didn't like
how you repainted our steps.

our toenails.

Actually, I thought the toenails
were kind of pretty.

You're not being nice, Emmy.Come on, everyone.

Let's go build
our own tree house.

The way
we want it.

I was just trying to make
the tree house better.

That's all.


Have it your way.

I'll just build
my own tree house.


Oh, this is no fun.

Hey, maybe a tree joke
will cheer you up.

Why did the tree
cross the road, heh?

Give up?

He had to leaf.
Get it? Tree? Leaf?


So friend troubles, huh?

Yeah. They're mad. I didn't
let them do what they wanted.

Well, if you choose
all the colors

and decide where everything
should go,

what's left
for your friends to do?

They can, uh...

Not much, I guess.

Maybe I'd better help them
put things back

the way they wanted.

Hey, now you're barking up
the right tree.


Hey, you better hurry.

The purple goo clouds
are almost here.


Wait up!


I guess I wasn't very good
at listening

and letting you do
what you wanted.

It's just that I get really
excited about my own ideas.

But it's no fun building
a tree house without my friends.

Can we finish it together?

Sure.Of course.

do it.

Come on, Cassie.

We can fix your bookshelf
just the way you wanted.

And, Max, where
do you want that telescope?




The purple goo clouds
are almost here.

And that's no joke.

Help me get the roof on,

Wait! I don't think that roof
is going to work.

Sure it will.

Why not?


There's no time
to talk about it.

Put the roof on. Hurry.


I really think the umbrella
will make a much better roof.

It's curved and--

The goo's
coming down!

Quick. Get inside before
we get all slimy and snotty.


Oh, no!

It's cracking!

The goo is coming in.

That's what I was trying
to tell you.

Goo doesn't run off
like rainwater.

It sticks,

and when it piles up too high,
it'll break the roof.

It's gonna cave in on us.

We're gonna be dragon pancakes.

Abandon tree house.

Two-headed dragons first.

Isn't there anything
we can do, Cassie?

We can put up my umbrella,

but we'll have to take
this roof off.

Let's do it.

Ord, get ready to

toss the roof off
when I tell you.

grab the umbrella.

One, two,

three, go.



Cassie's umbrella roof
is working.

Way to go, Cassie.

What a great tree house.

It's better
than I dreamed.

It keeps the goo out.

And the warmth in.

And we all got
just what we wanted.

Uh-huh. The perfect tree house
for everyone,

not just me.

Hey, what am I?

Chopped lumber, heh.


you're getting good, kid.


I wish, I wish
to use this rhyme

to go back home
until next time.

That was fun.

I can't wait to build
our own tree house, Emmy.

Me too. And I know exactly
how I want it to be.

I want it to be
how we both want it to be.




You go first,
Captain Bob.

You have to fit.
It's your boat.

Ready, Max?
We don't wanna miss

the boat trip
down Rainbow River.

Just a sec.

Maybe this'll work.

Put him in the middle,
where it's bigger.

Cool. He fits.

Ready for Dragon Land?


I wish, I wish
with all my heart

to fly with dragons
in a land apart.



Look out.Watch out.

It's Emmy.

And Max.

Hi, everybody.

Cool sailboat, Ord.

Thanks, buddy.



I owe you
a big hug.

And lift.



What are they?CASSIE: They're crystals.

What's this empty space for,

I'm still looking for
a rainbow crystal.

It's really special,

because it has
all the colors of the rainbow

in one crystal.

I'd love one.Me too.

That's why we're all
going to Rainbow Canyon.

Everybody ready?


All aboard the--
What's the boat's name?

Since I love

we should name it
The Love Boat.

Maybe, but,

don't you think we should
name the boat after Ord

since it's his?

All aboard The Ord.

Hey, that rhymes.

The Ordit is.

Don't forget
the life jackets.

I never leave home
without them.


We're off.


Whee! Ha-ha-ha!

Can we do that

What a lovely view
up here.

And what a big mess
down there.

Let's start cleaning.

Hey, Zaky,
look what I made.




What's wrong
with Ord?


I ruined everything.

I'm too big
for my own boat.

You're not too big.
You're just, uh, not little.

Why do I have to be
so big?

I'm too big
to go sailing.

No, you're not, Ord.
You can do it.

Ready? One,



It's still
a beautiful boat, Ord.


We'll find another way
to sail.


Remember when Captain Bob
didn't fit in your toy boat?

Yeah, Ord.
Sit in the middle of the boat.

It's bigger there.


I'm still a little squished.



A little more.


Here we go.

I can fit.

I did it. I did it.

I guess
I didn't do it.

you almost did it.

I'm sorry, everybody.

I guess you should look for
rainbow crystals without me.

But we don't wanna go
without you.

Don't give up,

We'll figure out
a way to help.

Why don't we fly
over the river?

Because you can't see
crystals from the air.

And it's so much fun
to sail.

The wind in your face and
the water splashing all around.

Whoo! Just thinking about it
gives me dragon bumps.

Thinking about it
gives me a c-c-c...




Maybe somebody else
can take you sailing.

Someone less big.

Ord, the problem isn't
that you're too big.

The boat was just
too small.

Really small.

Yeah. We should've built
a bigger boat.

A bigger boat?

Great idea, Ord.

It is, isn't it?





All aboard the bigger,
better Ord.

Ready or not,
here I come.

why aren't we moving?

turn on the boat.

We need a strong wind
to get us going.

One strong wind
coming up.



Remember to look for
rainbow crystals.

If you see anything shining
in the water, just yell out.

I see me.
Hello, me.

Careful, Wheezie,
you'll scare the fish. Heh, heh.

Ha-ha-ha!There. Told you.

Ah! Look. Can we pick
some of the flowers?

I don't think
you'd want those.


They're very loud

Wow, heh,
I see what you mean.


Hey, Ord,
what's that?




Whoa! What's going on?Hey!

Oops. Sorry.

I knew we should've built

I'm so dizzy.

Love it.

We're going the wrong way.

Cassie, where are we?

I don't know.

But that certainly doesn't
look like Rainbow Canyon.

Nothing is where
it's supposed to be.

You mean we're lost?

Oh! What else
could go wrong?

Well, we're heading into
a dark--

Dirty cave.


Are we in trouble, Emmy?This is all my fault.

Don't worry, Ord.

We'll get out of this.


What's that noise?

It sounds like a fountain.

Only a lot louder.


Come on, Zaky.
Let's go see where we are.

Oh, my.

Oh, this isn't good.


We're headed straight for
a big waterfall.

Come on.
We have to fly out of here.

What do we do now?

Panic.We just need to plug that hole

so the boat
can't fit through.

That's an
awfully big hole.

We don't have anything
that big.

I'm the biggest thing
in this boat.


Maybe I could do it.
I think I can.

I can plug up the hole
and stop all that

really fast, scary water from
running over the waterfall.

I can't do it.Ord.

But I gotta try.


It's working.

Ord's blocking
the end of the tunnel,

so nothing can go over
the waterfall.

Pull the boat out of here.


You saved us, Ord.

You saved us!Yeah!


You're my hero.

My big, big hero.

Aw, thanks,

So here we are.

Back where we started
on Rainbow River.

And not one rainbow crystal
to show for it.

Oh, well.

Maybe one day we'll find

the prettiest rainbow crystals
in the whole river.

Just like...



Rainbow crystals.

Ord, you found them.


I can't move it.

Wait. I can.



You're the biggest
and the best, Ord.

Yeah. Without you,

we wouldn't have
any rainbow crystals.

And-and we would've fallen down
that big, scary waterfall.

I don't even wanna think
about it.

You know what?

I like being big.

Ord, your badge.

It's glowing.


I wish, I wish
to use this rhyme

to go back home
until next time.


Is Captain Bob ready
to sail again?

With all his sailors.

You're gonna need
a really big boat

for all those toys.

Heh, I know.
You're sitting on it.

All aboard.

♪ Emmy wished
On a dragon scale ♪

♪ And that's what started
Dragon Tales ♪

♪ They climbed on the backs
Of their dragon friends ♪

♪ Now the adventures
Never end ♪

♪ Dragon Tales, Dragon Tales ♪

♪ It's almost time for
Dragon Tales ♪

♪ Come along
Take my hand ♪

♪ Let's all go to
Dragon Land ♪
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