01x08 - A Picture's Worth A Thousand Words/The Talent Pool

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Tales". Aired: September 6, 1999 - November 25, 2005.*
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Siblings Emmy and Max discover a magical place called Dragon Land where they meet dragons Ord, Cassie, Zak, Wheezie and the wise Quetzal and face challenges together.
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01x08 - A Picture's Worth A Thousand Words/The Talent Pool

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ Emmy wished
On a dragon scale♪

♪ And that'’s what started
Dragon Tales♪

♪ Around the room
The dragons flew♪

♪ But Emmy and Max
Knew what to do♪

♪ They climbed on the backs
Of their dragon friends♪

♪ Now the adventures
Never end♪

♪ Dragon Tales
Dragon Tales♪

♪ It'’s almost time
For Dragon Tales♪

♪ Come along
And take my hand♪

♪ Let'’s all go
To Dragon Land♪

♪ There'’s Org
He'’s the biggest♪

♪ Not so brave of heart♪

♪ There'’s Cassie so shy
But so very smart♪

♪ There'’s Zak and Wheezie
And the tales of fun♪

♪ '’Cause you know two heads
Are better than one♪

♪ Dragon Tales
Dragon Tales♪

♪ It'’s almost time
For Dragon Tales♪

♪ Come along
And take my hand♪

♪ Let'’s all go
To Dragon Land♪

Look, Max,
I made a dragon.

And I am a dragon.



Look. Our friends in
Dragon Land are calling us.

I wish, I wish

With all my heart

To fly with dragons
In a land apart


Max! Emmy!
You came!


Get ready for a...

Dragon hug!


You'’re here.

Hi, Cassie.
Did someone call us?

I did. I need you to help me
find some giggle flowers.


Smells good.

[GIGGLES]And it tickles.

Uh-huh. And I need
to find a lot of them,

because today'’s
my mom'’s birthday,

and giggle flowers
are her favorite.

And if I can get her
a big bunch,

it'’ll be the best present,
and she'’ll be so happy.

But I'’ve only found one.

I'’ll help you look.

I'’m a great looker.

Me too.

Hey. Where are
Zak and Wheezie?

Maybe they'’re
in a knuckerhole.

Let'’s call them.

They can be lookers too.

Zak. Wheezie.


Wha-hoo! Don'’t you just love
to rock '’n'’ roll

in the knuckerhole, Zak?

I prefer to soap-and-scrub,
safe in my tub, Wheezie.

Hi, everyone.
What'’s up?

Ord needs our help to find
some giggle flowers.

Can you help me find some?

Sure, Ord.

I love
giggle flowers.

They'’re so giggly.



And I smell something giggly
that way,

toward the Stickleback


Take it easy,


This one smells like
a giggle flower,

doesn'’t it, Ord?

That kind...

makes me snee...


Did you see that?

Something flew out
of Ord'’s nose.


I found it.

I never had anything
like this in my nose.

It'’s a fairy.

I think her fairy dust
made Ord sneeze.

Are you okay,
lady fairy?

Maybe this fairy knows
where the giggle flowers are.

Do you, lady fairy?

She nodded yes.
She knows. She knows.

Tell me where they are.

What'’s she doing?

Drawing a picture.

How come she'’s not
saying anything?

'’Cause she'’s
a doodle fairy, Max.

A doodie fairy?

What'’s that?

A doodle fairy.

They don'’t talk,
they doodle.

You know, draw little pictures
instead of speaking.

What'’s a picture of?

Is that where
the giggle flowers are?

Let me see.



Take cover.


Where'’s the picture?

It'’s gone.


Now I'’ll never find
the giggle flowers for my mom.

Don'’t be sad, Ord.

I'’m sure the fairy
can draw us another picture,

can'’t you, fairy?

Only this time

don'’t draw
with fairy dust,

so Ord doesn'’t sneeze
all over us again.

I know.

You can draw on
my bubblegum wrapper.

And I'’ve got a pencil.

Too big, huh?

You can use the tip.

That'’s the place where
the giggle flowers are.

Now all we have to do

is figure out
what the picture is.

What does it look like?

It looks like a drawing
of a baseball glove.


Here'’s the thumb
and here'’s the fingers.

Are the flowers
at a baseball park?

I got it. I got it.

It'’s a funny face.

There'’s his eye

and nose and mouth.

I see the face too.

It looks like this:

Is it a place that looks like
a funny face?

This picture sure looks like
something I'’ve seen before...


Is it a bee?

Don'’t let it sting me.

It'’s not a bee.

It'’s the Stickleback Mountains.

That'’s it.

That'’s what'’s in
the picture the fairy drew.

That'’s where the giggle flowers
must be.

Come on, everyone.
Let'’s go.

You can come with us
if you like.


Time to land.


I don'’t see any flowers

But they'’ve got to be here.
They'’ve just got to.


I almost fell
in that knuckerhole.

I better be more careful
where I walk.


Did you find something?



Party starts
in minutes.

Okay, Mom.

Now I'’ll never find
the giggle flowers in time.

And if I can'’t find any,
I won'’t be happy.

And if I'’m not happy,
my mom won'’t be happy.

And if we'’re both not happy,

how can she have
a happy birthday?


We can'’t give up, Ord.

I think we need
another picture

to help us find
the giggle flowers.

Can you draw us one,
doodie fairy?


I know what it is.

It'’s Godzilla.

And he squashed a guy.

Is it someone playing
dragon ball?

Maybe it would be easier
if we tried to figure out

one part of the picture
at a time.

Good idea, Cassie.

That'’s a dragon.

Two dragons?

I think she means
a two-headed dragon.

Who do we know
who has two heads?

Oh, yeah.

Is it a drawing
of Zak and me?

But what'’s that?

I think I'’ve seen that before.

It'’s a hairy bug.

This is too hard.
I quit.

We can'’t give up.


Don'’t worry, Ord.
We'’re not quitting.


Maybe we would know
what this is

if we knew why Zak and Wheezie
were standing next to it.

Is it something
Zak and I like?

What do Zak
and Wheezie like?

Making silly noises.


Maybe we should ask
Zak and Wheezie

what they like.


What do you two like?

What do we like?

Making a mess.

And cleaning up after.

Blowing a horn.

[BLOWS HORN]And stopping disaster.

But best of all
we like to roll...

Inside our favorite...


The fairy'’s excited.

This must be a drawing
of a knuckerhole.

Is there a knuckerhole
near here,

that'’ll take us
to the giggle flowers?

There is a knuckerhole.

I almost fell into it
when I was looking.

I know every knuckerhole
in Dragon Land,

and I can tell you
positively absolutely

there isn'’t another knuckerhole
anywhere near...


Way to go, Zak.
You found it.

It was nothing. Really.

Come on.
We have to get Ord

a big bunch of giggle flowers
for his mom.

Ready or not,
here we come.




Oh, yeah!

We found them.

Giggle flowers.

Gazillions and gazillions
of giggle flowers.

Hola, amigos.

Hola, Quetzal.

Are you here looking for
a present for your mom too?

No, Max.

This is my flower garden.

Which one of you is looking
for a present for their mother?

I am.

Today'’s my mom'’s birthday

and her favorite flowers
in the whole wide world

are giggle flowers.

And you have so many

that I could make
a great big bunch.

And she'’d be so happy,

and I'’d be so happy.

So can I have some,


Of course you can, Ord.

I'’ll make you
a pretty bouquet.



This is an especially
giggly bunch.

Thank you, thank you,
thank you.

Thank you all.

Especially you,
Miss Doodle Fairy, ma'’am.

What are you waiting for?

You'’re all invited to
my mom'’s birthday party.

Come on.

Happy birthday,

I got these
just for you.

Oh, Ord, giggle flowers
are my favorite.


Thank you.[BOTH GIGGLE]


I wish, I wish

To use this rhyme

To go back home
Until next time

That was a fun party.

Hey, Emmy.

What'’s this
a picture of?

What is it?A tummyache.

I think I ate
too much cake.


I'’m hungry.

My belly'’s making...



Hey, Max.

Max, look what I can do.


I never miss.


Emmy, are you playing ball
in there?

Not anymore.


Do you know
what I want instead?

A big, yummy
dragonberry cookie.

From Dragon Land.

And I can show our friends,
the dragons,

my new soccer ball trick.

Come on.


I wish, I wish

With all my heart

To fly with dragons
In a land apart

Max. Emmy.

You'’re here.

Hi, uh... Ord.

You'’re just in time to see us
practice for the talent show.

What'’s a talent show?

It'’s when all the dragons
at school

show everybody something
special they can do.

That sounds fun.

What are you
gonna do, Zak?

Wheezie and I are
playing our scales.


I'’m gonna do
a somersault.


What do you think?


What special thing
are you gonna do, Cassie?

I don'’t think I do
anything special.

Sure you do.

Like what?

Well, you helped me
learn about Dragon Land.

And you, um...

You'’re good
at fixing boo-boos.

You know how to scratch
itchy scales.

You always share
your lunch with me.

You help me build things.

But no one wants to watch me
do those things

in the talent show.

Cassie, don'’t be sad.

You always get
littler and littler

when you'’re feeling sad.

I know.

I can'’t help it.

I have an idea,

We can teach you
a talent.

Do you really think so?


See? Now you try.


Oh, I'’m sorry, Ord.

Let me help you.

Thanks, Cassie.

Don'’t worry,
you just need to practice.

But I don'’t have time.

The talent show is tonight.

Then I'’ve got
just the thing.

Zaky and I'’ll teach you
how to play music on our scales.


One tap on each scale.

Ah, music to my ears.

Zak, you gotta play
big and loud.



Can I try?


I'’m doing it.

That'’s it.Way to go, Cassie.

ORD: Yay, Cassie.[LOUD cr*ck]

Ow. Ow, my toe.
My toe.

I'’ll never walk again.

I'’m sorry, Zak.

Here, I'’ll fix your boo-boo.

Thanks for helping me
feel better, Cassie.

Yeah, but, I can'’t do anything
special for the talent show.

Don'’t give up, Cassie.

Let'’s go see Quetzal.
I bet he can help.

Ah, little Cassie.

Everybody has a talent.

You must think of something
special you enjoy doing.

Mm, cookies.

Yummy in my tummy.

Un momento.

They'’re not done baking.

I'’m making them
for the talent show tonight.

I don'’t know
what to do, Quetzal.

I tried and tried,

but I can'’t think of
anything special I can do.

Why don'’t we look
in the Big Story Book?

Maybe we can find something
in there to help you.


What'’s that?

This is a picture
of the Talent Pool.

A magical pond.

She gives away talents
to anyone who asks for one.

That'’s just what I need.

Where is this
Talent Pool?

Just past
the Whispering Woods.

Thanks, Quetzal.

where are you going?

To the Talent Pool.

To get a talent I can use
in the talent show.

Does anybody want
to come with me?

We do.


What talent do you think
you want, Cassie?

How about a great
singing voice?

♪ Like this


How about
hitting home runs?

Bam. It'’s out of here.

I don'’t care
what talent I get.

I just really, really
want to be in the talent show

with all my friends.



Is anybody home?

Mrs. Talent Pool?

Looks like a regular
pond to me.

Too bad for Cassie.

Can we get
a snack now?

I'’m still hungry.

I'’m sorry, Cassie.

Well, maybe she'’s asleep.

Hey. Mrs. Talent Pool,
wake up.



Can'’t you see I'’m closed?
Now-- Now b*at it.

Go on, Cassie.
Ask her.

It might be
your only chance.

Uh... uh, hi, ma'’am.

We came to ask...

I mean, I was hoping...

Let me take a wild guess here.

You'’re looking for a talent?


You and everybody else
in this forest.

What do you think?

You can just march up here
and get a talent?

Don'’t I get something
in return?

Sure. What do you want?

I want a laugh.

Oh, I haven'’t laughed
in years.

I can'’t believe that big puddle
has ever laughed.

I heard that.

So you make me laugh,
I give you a talent.

No laugh, no talent.
What do you think?


I'’ll try.



Stick your tongue out more.

And make a real funny noise.

Like this.


Here goes.




You did it, Cassie!

You did it.

That'’s it?

That'’s the best
you'’ve got?

Go on, Cassie,
tell her a joke.

It'’s funny.


How about this?

How do you clean
a messy tuba?

Uh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

With a tuba toothpaste.


Get it? Tuba?

Tuba toothpaste.


Forget about it.

First told that joke
years ago. Come on.

I don'’t know
what else to do.

Why don'’t you try
my tail boingee trick?

It is pretty funny
when you do it, Ord.



I'’m out of here.

Sorry, honey,
try again next year.


Guess I just won'’t be
in the talent show.

Don'’t be sad, Cassie.


Nobody can get that grumpy
old lady to laugh.

Poor Mrs. Talent Pool.

She must be very, very sad

if she hasn'’t laughed
in years.


What'’s going on, Cassie?

I'’m going back
to find out

why the Talent Pool
is so sad.

I wish I can help her
feel better.


Hi, Mrs. Talent Pool.

I'’m back.

Forget about it.

I just... well...

thought I might try
to make you feel better.

You did?

Nobody ever cared before.

How come you never ever laugh?

I'’m sad.

Everybody I meet
just wants my help,

but never come back
and visit.

You know,

play a little, talk a little.

You'’re sad because
you don'’t have any friends?

Not a one.

I can be your friend.

You could? I mean,
you'’d come and play with me?

I promise.

Oh, you hear that?

I have a friend
and her name is...

Oh, honey, what'’s your name?Cassie.

I have a friend
named Cassie.


Cassie, you did it.

You made the Talent Pool laugh.

Oh, thanks for making me
laugh, Cassie.

You made me happy.

You'’re welcome,
but I have to go now.

We'’re having a talent show
at my school.

But I'’ll visit real soon.

Wait, wait, wait.

Don'’t you want me to give you
your talent, huh?

No, thank you.

I figured out something
I'’m good at all by myself.

My talent is
being a good helper.

Look. My dragon badge.

It'’s shining.

Way to go,

You did it.

And now I know what I'’m gonna do
in the talent show:

Help my friends.

Here I go.



Thank you, thank you.


You may sit down
anytime now.

So, Cassie, who'’s next
in our talent show?

Zak, Wheezie,
you'’re on.

Are my scales
sticking up?

Here, I'’ll fix them.

My tambourine.
Where is it?

Right here.
And don'’t forget your music.

Thanks for helping, Cassie.

You'’re the best.


I wish, I wish

To use this rhyme

To go back home
Until next time

Everything went up great,
didn'’t it?

Cassie found her talent,

and you got your snack.


I'’m finally full up.

I can'’t eat
another bite.

Emmy! Max!


I'’m starving.

♪ Emmy wished
On a dragon scale♪

♪ And that'’s what started
Dragon Tales♪

♪ They climbed on the backs
Of their dragon friends♪

♪ Now the adventures
Never end♪

♪ Dragon Tales
Dragon Tales♪

♪ It'’s almost time
For Dragon Tales♪

♪ Come along
And take my hand♪

♪ Let'’s all go
To Dragon Land♪
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