01x06 - Snow Dragons/The Fury Is Out On This One

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Tales". Aired: September 6, 1999 - November 25, 2005.*
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Siblings Emmy and Max discover a magical place called Dragon Land where they meet dragons Ord, Cassie, Zak, Wheezie and the wise Quetzal and face challenges together.
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01x06 - Snow Dragons/The Fury Is Out On This One

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ Emmy wished
On a dragon scale♪

♪ And that'’s what started
Dragon Tales♪

♪ Around the room
The dragons flew♪

♪ But Emmy and Max
Knew what to do♪

♪ They climbed on the backs
Of their dragon friends♪

♪ Now the adventures
Never end♪

♪ Dragon Tales
Dragon Tales♪

♪ It'’s almost time
For Dragon Tales♪

♪ Come along
And take my hand♪

♪ Let'’s all go
To Dragon Land♪

♪ There'’s Org
He'’s the biggest♪

♪ Not so brave of heart♪

♪ There'’s Cassie so shy
But so very smart♪

♪ There'’s Zak and Wheezie
And the tales of fun♪

♪ '’Cause you know two heads
Are better than one♪

♪ Dragon Tales
Dragon Tales♪

♪ It'’s almost time
For Dragon Tales♪

♪ Come along
And take my hand♪

♪ Let'’s all go
To Dragon Land♪


And my trucks,
and my action buddies, and...

Max, Quetzal'’s taking us
to Snowy Summit.

What do you need
all that stuff for?

To play with?

You don'’t need toys
to have fun in the snow.


Definitely no.

Then what are we
waiting for?


I wish, I wish

With all my heart

To fly with dragons
In a land apart



Hola, amigos.

You'’re here.
You'’re here.

Look where we'’re going.

There it is.
The Snow Dragon.

My favorite place to play
when I was a little niño.



Where'’s Cassie?

Oh, I'’m afraid Cassie
has to stay home.

She'’s getting
over a cold.

Poor Cassie.

Maybe we should wait
till she'’s better.


But we wanna go now.But we wanna go now.

Me too.

But I don'’t want
to leave Cassie all alone.

I'’ll stay and keep
Cassie company.

You'’re a good friend, Emmy.

And when Cass is better,
I'’ll take you both to the snow.

A special treat.

Thanks, Quetzal.
Have fun.

Goodbye, Emmy.Adiós.

So now can we go play on
the Snow Dragon, Quetzal?

Can we, huh?
Can we?



What if the Snow Dragon
melted, Quetzal?

It'’s been at least a gazillion
years since you were little.


Well, hundreds, anyway.

But here, on Snow Summit,

there'’s always snow.

We'’re almost there.


Follow me, niños.
We have to stay together.



Snowball fight.

No fair.
Do it again.




[WHOOSH]Come along, niños.

The Snow Dragon is this way.

Way up past
the Burping Rock.

And just beyond
Icicle Falls.

A burping rock?


Whoo-hoo. This log
looks like a...


But Quetzal said
we should stay together.

We can catch up.
Come on, Ord.

This is gonna be great.

Ready, set, whoosh.




Ord? Max?

Ord. Max.

Ord. Max!

Where are you?





That was cool.

Cooler than cool.

Where are we?

I don'’t know.

Maybe we should'’ve asked Quetzal
if it was okay to leave.

Don'’t worry,
we'’ll find him.

How are we going
to do that?

I don'’t know how
to fall back up.

No, but you can fly, Ord.

We can see everything
from up in the sky.

Ah, you'’re right.


I don'’t see Quetzal.

Where is he?Let'’s look for the forest.

That'’s where
he was before.

Okay. I think the forest
is over here.

Or... maybe it'’s over here.

What about
behind us, Ord?

There it is, Max.

Here we come, Quetzal.

Let'’s yell really loud
so he can hear us.

Quetzal, Quetzal.Quetzal, Quetzal.

Where are you?Quetzal.


Max and Ord were here.

Oh, dear.
I'’ve lost their trail.

Hmm. Now, where
would they go?

Claro.Of course.

The Snow Dragon.

We haven'’t even seen
a burping rock.

Or Icicle Falls.


Max, we gotta find
Quetzal soon.

I'’m starving.

Breakfast was
so long ago,

I can'’t even
remember it.

This will never
last till lunch.

Hey, maybe Quetzal'’s
looking for us.

Let'’s try yelling again.Okay.

One, two, three.



Did you hear that?

It came from up there.

Maybe it'’s Quetzal.
Come on.

Quetzal. Quetzal.

[BELCH]I heard it again.

Over there.


That doesn'’t sound
like Quetzal to me.


Oh, eh, excuse me.


You burped.

Can'’t help it.

[BURP]Oh, excuse me.

I'’ve had too much, uh...


...natural gas.

Ord, it'’s the Burping Rock.

Just like Quetzal said.

Maybe we'’re close
to the Snow Dragon.

Maybe he went there.

Maybe we'’ll find
Quetzal after all.


I heard you yelling for
a pretzel. I love pretzels.

No, we'’re looking for Quetzal.
My teacher.

He was taking us
to see the Snow Dragon

and we kind of got lost.


Quetzal, eh?

Why, you just missed him.

He'’s on his way
to the Snow Dragon.


Oh, sorry,
that was a big one.

Do you know the way
to the Snow Dragon?

Of course.

And all the way
back to the mountain.

It'’s a long way,

but when you get near the top
you will see Icicle Falls.

Icicle Falls.

Quetzal said the Snow Dragon
was right past Icicle Falls.

Thank you, thank you,
thank you.

Come on, Max.


--Oh! Goodbye.

Oh dear. Excuse me.


Uh-oh. My wings.


Going down.

What happened?

My wings are frozen.
And you know?

My toes are frozen.

And my nose is frozen too.

If my wings are frozen,
I can'’t fly.

And if I can'’t fly
we'’ll never get to Quetzal.

Never, ever.Ord.

I miss my mommy
and daddy.


I miss my mommy and daddy too.


We have... to stop crying

so we can f-figure out
what to do.


My mommy and daddy told me
if I ever get lost,

I have
to stay calm.

But how?They taught me a song.

♪ When you'’re scared
That you are lost ♪

♪ Sing a song
Sing a song ♪

♪ When you'’re scared
That you are lost ♪

♪ Sing a silly song


♪ When you'’re scared
That you are lost ♪

♪ Sing a song
Sing a song ♪

♪ When you'’re scared
That you are lost ♪

♪ Sing a silly song

I feel a little
better, Max.

Me too.

But my wings
are still frozen.

What are we gonna do?

I know.
I can brush off the ice.

Why didn'’t I think
of that before?

I guess you were
too worried.


I can fly again.

Don'’t forget me.


Icicle Falls.

We'’re almost there.

The Snow Dragon.

We found it.

Quetzal! Quetzal!


Ord, Max, bueno.

I was hoping
I'’d find you here.

You shouldn'’t have gone off
without telling me.

Sorry, Quetzal.

I was so worried
about you.

We were worried
about us too.

And we were scared.First, we tried yelling.

And the Burping Rock heard us
and told us how to get here.

Then we sang a song.

And we felt better.
Didn'’t we, Max?

Now that you'’re safe,
I have one question.

Want to go on
a Snow Dragon ride?

Let'’s go.

Last one on the dragon'’s back
is a rotten egg.




This is even better
than the best.

I had a great time
with Cassie.

We had a Dragonberry
tea party,

and I can'’t wait
till Cassie'’s better

so we can go to
the Snow Dragon.

Cool. When you go,

you have to talk to
a new friend of mine.

He'’s a rock.A rock that talks?

And what did he say?


Well, excuse you.


Stay up. Come on.

Stay up.

Just one more.

Not that way.

Oh, no.

Hey, Max.

What'’s wrong?

My dumb block tower
keeps falling down.

Come on, Max. We can build
another tower later.

Why don'’t we go
to Dragon Land?


I'’ll bet there'’s something
fun going on there.

Oh, okay.

I wish, I wish

With all my heart

To fly with dragons
In a land apart



I'’m going to get you, Ord.

No, you'’re not.



You'’re it.

Here I come.


Emmy, Max,

We'’re playing
Dragon Tag, and Ord'’s it.

Not anymore.

Sorry, Max, now you'’re it.

Can'’t catch me, Max.

Oh, yeah?
I'’m really fast.


Hey, Max.
We'’re over here.

No, we'’re not.
We'’re over here.

Where'’d you go?

Up here.

I can'’t reach.

Hey, Max.
Try and catch me.


Mm, Dragonberries.

My favorite.

I got you now.



Max, are you okay?

It'’s not fair.

I can'’t tag anyone.

Come on, Max,
it'’s just a game.

Don'’t get mad.But I am mad.

How can I catch anyone?

I can'’t even fly.

You'’re all too good.
I hate Dragon Tag.


Great balls of fire.

Yahoo! I'’m free!

Which means somebody
around here must be mad.


And I'’m betting it'’s you.

Who are you?

I'’m a Fury.


So tell me,
what made you so angry?

I never ever
get anybody at tag.

Ooh, you are mad.

Tell me more.

And everyone'’s
faster than me.


The Fury'’s getting bigger.

Anything else bugging you?
Getting your goat?

Grilling your chops?Leave my brother alone.

Yeah.Hey, I didn'’t make him mad.


I'’ll be back.


I don'’t like
the sound of that.

Who was that guy?

We better find out.

Here it is
in the Big Storybook.

Furies are magical creatures
who love to see you angry,

because they grow and grow
when you can'’t calm down.

How do we get
rid of him?

That'’s up to you, Max.

Since you let the Fury
out of the tree pod,

you'’re the only one
who can put him back inside.

But the Fury won'’t fit,
he'’s already too big.

Yeah. He keeps getting
bigger and bigger.

Ah. I know it'’s not
easy for you, Max,

but if you can calm down
when you'’re around the Fury,

the Fury will get
smaller and smaller.

You mean, I can'’t get mad?

Oh, no, Maxito.

Everyone gets
angry sometimes.

The trick is to calm down
after you do.

But how can I calm down?

When I get mad, I get...

So mad!

Don'’t worry, buddy.
We'’ll help you.


Hurry, everybody.
The Fury went this way.

Sorry, Max.

Here, Max.
Let me help you.

I don'’t need help.
I'’m big.

Whoa! Oh!

Are you okay?

No fair.
I always go last.

And I'’m always
falling down.

Is someone here getting
a little angry?

About to boil over?

Yeah. Me.

I love a good tantrum
in the morning.

Oh, goody.
You'’re still mad.

What am I gonna do?
I don'’t know how to get un-mad.

Whenever we get mad,
our mom tells us...

To sit on a Quiet Pillow
until we calm down.


Ord, do you have
a Quiet Pillow in your hoard?

Let'’s see.



I found it.
I found it.

A Quiet Pillow?

My rubber duckie.

I'’ve been looking
everywhere for it.

What about
my pillow?


"Ah-ha" what?
It'’s a rock.

Not just a rock, Zaky.

We could make this
a Quiet Rock

since we don'’t have
a Quiet Pillow.

Sit down, Maxie.

Now what?

Take deep breaths.


Not so fast.

Like this.





Hey, Max,
what you'’re doing?

I'’m sitting on my Quiet Rock
and I'’m getting un-mad.

It'’s working, Max.

The Fury'’s shrinking.

Max, don'’t you
want to stay mad?

Remember how you felt

when you couldn'’t catch
anyone playing tag?

And when you were
stuck going last?

I'’m on my Quiet Rock.

Go away.


Oh, great.

Oh, he'’s getting mad.
I can feel it.

It'’s not fair.

I'’m always falling
and getting bumped

and going last,
and I hate it.


Music to my ears.



I tried.We know, Max.

And you calmed down
for a little while.

Yeah, I guess I did.
Maybe I can try again.


Down there.


The Fury'’s so big now.

What if he never
stops growing?

I don'’t want
to think about it.


I can'’t see.

Ow! Ow! Ow!


Where is he?

I never get
to see anything.

Max, buddy, stay calm.

I can'’t. I can'’t.
I-- Whoa!

Oh, goody.
Look who'’s here.

Still mad, I hope?

Leave me alone.

I love it when you stay mad.


Ooh, he'’s bigger
than me.

Run for your lives.

Count backwards,

That'’s what Dad says to do
when I get mad at you.

Then I don'’t think
about being mad.


Um... ten...eight...three....

Oh, I don'’t remember how.

Come on, Max.
Blow off some steam.

Use your fingers
to help you count, Max.

Yeah, like this:

Ten... nine...
eight... uh...





Don'’t listen
to your friends.

Stay mad.
Do this. And this.


It'’s working, Max.
It'’s working.

Love it!


Um... um...

What comes
after three?

Ten... nine...

Eight, seven, six...

Stay mad. Break something.
No more counting.


No. No. I'’m shrinking.
I'’m shrinking.


I'’m shrinking.


Here, Max.


I did it. I did it.
I didn'’t stay mad.

[ALL CHEERING]Way to go, Maxie.


It was the hardest thing to do
in the whole wide world.

But my friends
helped me.

I helped with
the Quiet Rock.

Me too.

And then
I counted backwards.

I'’m so proud
of you, niño.

I say it'’s time
for Dragon Tag.

You'’re it.

Excuse me,
I gotta go play tag.

Go get '’em, Max.


Run. Everybody, run.

I'’m gonna tag you.


Hey, that'’s not fair.

You'’re all too...

Is Max mad again?

Ten, nine,
eight, seven...

Fooled you.
Tag. You'’re it.




♪ Emmy wished
On a dragon scale♪

♪ And that'’s what started
Dragon Tales♪

♪ They climbed on the backs
Of their dragon friends♪

♪ Now the adventures
Never end♪

♪ Dragon Tales
Dragon Tales♪

♪ It'’s almost time
For Dragon Tales♪

♪ Come along
And take my hand♪

♪ Let'’s all go
To Dragon Land♪
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