01x02 - To Kingdom Come/Goodbye, Little Caterpoozle

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Tales". Aired: September 6, 1999 - November 25, 2005.*
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Siblings Emmy and Max discover a magical place called Dragon Land where they meet dragons Ord, Cassie, Zak, Wheezie and the wise Quetzal and face challenges together.
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01x02 - To Kingdom Come/Goodbye, Little Caterpoozle

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ Emmy wished
On a dragon scale ♪

♪ And that's what started
Dragon Tales ♪

♪ Around the room
The dragons flew ♪

♪ But Emmy and Max
Knew what to do ♪

♪ They climbed on the backs
Of their dragon friends ♪

♪ Now the adventures
Never end ♪

♪ Dragon Tales
Dragon Tales ♪

♪ It's almost time
For Dragon Tales ♪

♪ Come along
And take my hand ♪

♪ Let's all go
To Dragon Land ♪

♪ There's Org
He's the biggest ♪

♪ Not so brave of heart ♪

♪ There's Cassie so shy
But so very smart ♪

♪ There's Zak and Wheezie
And the tales of fun ♪

♪ 'Cause you know two heads
Are better than one ♪

♪ Dragon Tales
Dragon Tales ♪

♪ It's almost time
For Dragon Tales ♪

♪ Come along
And take my hand ♪

♪ Let's all go
To Dragon Land ♪

Hey, Max.

Have you seen
my sunglasses?

I know they're here



Hm, there they are.

Max, quit fooling around.

Didn't you want to go
to the beach party?

That's what I was trying
to tell you.

I'm ready for the beach party
in Dragon Land.

I wish, I wish

With all my heart

To fly with dragons
In a land apart



Here's another shell
for the party.

Great balls of fire.

It's a butterfly shell.


Dragonberry cupcake.

Mm. My favorite.

Max. Emmy.


Hi, Ord.

I like your hat, Max.


Can I try it on?


It looks great.

Yummy cupcake.

I know.

My mom makes them
special for me.

Can I have a bite?

Of my cupcake?

Oh, no.
It's mine.


What are you going to do
with all those shells?

We're making necklaces.

I found one.



It's a little
squirt shell.

Look. Mine's so shiny
I can see myself.

I wish I had a hat
like Max's.


How'd you do that?

I don't know.

I just wished for a hat
and I got one.


Ord, you found
a Wish Shell.

A Wish Shell?
What's that?

A shell that's magic.

When you wish for something,
it makes your wish come true.

Oh, let me use it, Ord.

I can wish for
super big muscles.

But, but...

Oh, me too, Ord.

I can wish for a louder
singing voice.

♪ La ♪

I'd wish for earplugs.

I'd wish to be the best soccer
player in the whole world.

Can I use it too, Ord?

I want to wish for lots
and lots of new books to read.

But I don't want
to share my Wish Shell.

I found it.
It's mine.

But you already
made a wish.


So don't you think
you should share with us?

No, I don't.

I wish I was someplace

where I wouldn't have to share
my Wish Shell with anyone ever.



Did he go invisible?

No, he's really gone.

I think maybe he wished himself
someplace else.



Where am I?



You've come
to Kingdom Come.

I'm Monsieur Marmadune,
your host.

Kingdom Come?
What's that?

The happiest place a dragon
could ever want to be.

You can eat, sleep,
swim, play. Whatever.


Maybe I'll play a little,
eat a little,

maybe play a little more,

eat some more...

but then I have to get back
for the beach party.

Oh, no, no.

You cannot leave Kingdom Come.


Can't leave?

No, you see.

You can only come
to Kingdom Come,

you cannot go home
from Kingdom Come.

That's why we call it
Kingdom Come.

But... but...

What about my friends?
And the beach party?

I can't stay here forever.

So sorry.

What am I gonna do?

I don't want to be by myself.

I wish my friends were here.



More guests.

We found you.

Where are we?

We're in Kingdom Come

and you can only come
to Kingdom Come

and you can't go home
from Kingdom Come

and I'm really scared.

Can't go home?

That is right.

You mean you could have made
a wish to go back home.

But, no,

instead you wished
us all here?

Oops... um...

Oh, I'll fix it.

Okay, Wish shell.

I wish we were all
back home.


I broke it.

You didn't break it,

You only get three wishes
with a Wish Shell.

You used them all up.

Now we're stuck here.

Stuck in Kingdom Come.


No, we're not, Zaky.

We can just fly home.

That's a good idea.


Let's go, Ord.

Eh, wait.





I'm sorry,
I must not have been clear.

[GROANS]You can come here

but you cannot
go home from here.

We get it.

Please, Mr. Marmadune.

There must be some way out
of Kingdom Come.

The only way out
is through that gate.

And the only way
to get through that gate is...


...with this key.

And I'm not sharing.

Why not?

Because the key is mine.

We're going to miss
the beach party,

and it's all my fault.

If you'd shared the Wish Shell
in the first place, Ord,

we definitely wouldn't be
in this mess.

Is everybody mad at me?

I am.

Can't say
I'm happy with you. No.

I'm just sad because
you don't want to share with us.

I'm sorry. It's...

It's just that I like
my stuff

because it's,
you know, my stuff.

my special cupcake.

I wish sharing wasn't so hard.


How can we get Mr. Marmadune
to share his key with us?

Maybe if we shared
something with him,

he'd share back.

Who's got something to share?


You mean me?

You brought us here,
didn't you?

You're right.

Okay, I'll try.

I'm going now...

Here I go.

This is me going to share.

I'll help you, Ord.

Oh, thanks, buddy.

♪ Little broccoli ♪

♪ Little broccoli ♪

♪ Almost done
Almost done ♪

♪ Then it's time for dinner ♪

♪ Then it's time
For dinner ♪

♪ Yum, yum, yum ♪

♪ Yum, yum, yum ♪


Mr. Marmadune?

Hello, hello.


The meal will be ready soon.

I was wondering,
uh, sir...

Will you share your key with us
if I share something with you?

I might share my key
with you

if you have something

wonderful, perfect.

How about if I shared my...

Fishing pole?

With a fish on it.

Ugh. Too smelly.

How about my basketball?

It's not that flat.

I play badminton.

Oops, not my cupcake.

A dragonberry cupcake?

The cherry on top?

I have not had one since
I was a little Marmadune.

May I please,
please have it?

Oh, no,
this isn't for sharing.

My mommy made it
just for me.

Well, my mommy
made this key

just for me.

I don't see a key.

He wants my cupcake

but it's
my very favorite.

It's too hard
to share it.


Maybe you don't have
to share it all, Ord.

That's right.

Maybe you can just share
some of your cupcake

with Mr. Marmadune.

Some of it?

Maybe I could do that.

Look. Your first meal
in Kingdom Come.

It's beautiful
if I do say so myself.

Mr. Marmadune?

I was thinking...

If I share some
of my super delicious,

dragonberry cupcake with you,

then will you share
your key with me?

Some cupcake you say?

Of course.

I am ready.

This is sharing?

This much?



This much?



This is so hard.


Thank you.
It's so delicious.

Hey, look.
My dragon badge is shining.

I did it. I shared.

Yeah.You did great, Ord.

Mr. Marmadune?


Ah. The key.

Come on, everybody,
it's time to go home.



Just right.

Anybody want to share
some of my marshmallows?

Thanks, Ord.

Love some.

Time for us to go, Max.

I wish, I wish

To use this rhyme

To go back home
Until next time


That's gross.

Hey, I'm just sharing.


I can't wait to get
to Dragon Land.

Wait for me, Emmy.



Wrong foot, Max.

Huh? Oh.


No, like this.



Come on!

I wish, wish,
with all my heart,

to fly with dragons
in a land apart.




They're huge!

Max, Emmy, come on!

Look at me.

I'm a frog.

Ribbet, ribbet.

Where'd these giant mushrooms
come from?

They popped up overnight.


I just love mushrooms!

They're so...


Hi, everyone.

Come hop with us.

No, thanks.

I'm gonna play
with Poozie.

Who's Poozie?

Cassie's pet caterpoozle.


She's smart.

Wanna see?

Lie down, Poozie.

She's so cute.

Can I hold her, Cassie?

Sure, Max.

Poozie loves
to be snuggled.


She tickles.



Uh, I'm sure I'm allergic
to fuzzy things.

I'll get those
little red bumps all over me.

Take her, Wheezie.

You're such a cutie-wootie



You kissed a caterpoozle.

It's no worse
than kissing a brother.


Sister germs!

She can do tricks too!

Watch! Roll over, Poozie.



Time for your lunch, Poozie.


Isn't that leaf good?

Come on, Cassie.
Race you around the mushrooms.

Don't worry, Poozie.
I'll be right over there.

♪ Here we go 'round
The Dragon Berry bush ♪

♪ The Dragon Berry bush
The Dragon Berry bush ♪

♪ Here we go 'round
The Dragon Berry bush ♪

♪ So early in the morning ♪



Hey, listen to this.




I better check on Poozie.

Oh, no!


She's gone!

She must be
around here somewhere.


She's not under here.

I think I felt her.


It's just a baby dandelion.[PURRING]



She's not here.

Poozie's gone forever.

Don't give up, Cassie.

Yeah, we haven't looked
everywhere yet.

What's that?

Oh, she's dead!


Oh, Poozie!

That's so sad, Cassie.

Sure is.

What's the matter, niños?

Cassie's pet, Poozie, d*ed.

Oh, no!

I'm sorry to hear that,

I miss her, Quetzal.

Sí.I'm sure you do.

And I didn't even get to say...


Well, we'll have to
fix that, Cassie.


There you go, Poozie.

You can say goodbye
to her now.

Goodbye, Poozie.

I'll never forget
how you used to crawl

into my pouch
and tickle my tummy.

And I really liked
your tricks, Poozie.

They made me smile.

I just loved the way you made
that silly mustache on Zak.


Yeah, you weren't so bad...

for an itchy, crawly bug.

Goodbye, Poozie.

I didn't get to play
with you much,

but you were really pretty.

Yeah. And you didn't bark
or chew my socks

like Uncle Roberto's Chihuahua.

Are you gonna say something,

You're very lucky to have had
so many good friends, Poozie.


Thank you, Quetzal.

I think I feel
a little better now.


What was that?

My tummy growled.

Perhaps it's time for some
Dragon Berry cookies and milk?

Yeah!You betcha!

Sounds great!Definitely!

Uh, okay. Bueno.

I'll bake up a batch
and be right back.

Come on, Cassie.
Let's go jump on the mushrooms.

Thanks, Wheezie,

but I don't feel like it
right now.

You're still thinking of Poozie,
aren't you?


Maybe we could find you
another pet?

Yeah! There's all kinds of cool
creatures in Dragon Land.

Flapping ones.
And bouncy ones.

And itchy ones.
And stinky ones.

But none will ever be
as perfect as Poozie.

How do you know?Well...

Come on, let's go
pet hunting.


Cassie'll love this one!


What do you think,

It's a horsefly!

Uh, no thanks, Wheezie.

Uh, how about this one,

Neat fruit fly, huh?Fruity-toot-arooty!

It's cute, Zak.

I found one! I found one!

D-don't get too close,

Why not?

'Cause it's a stinky-dink.


I'm sorry.

But I don't think I'll ever find
a pet I'll love as much as--


That's not Poozie!

She's a different color.

She snuggles
just like Poozie.

And tickles like her too.

She sure is cute.

She is, isn't she?

I think she likes you.

She does, doesn't she?

I'm gonna take real good care
of you.

But what should I call you?

Uh, how about Fuzzy?


Let's call her Caterpoozowie!

I know! Oogly-bogely.

I don't think any of those names
are exactly right.

Hola, niños.

Galletasfresh from the oven.

Y leche, también.

Look at my new pet, Quetzal.


That's a beautiful caterpoozle,

What's her name?

Cassie hasn't decided yet.

Yes, I have!

I'm gonna call her Poozie .




Was Poozie also a caterpoozle?



Now I understand.

Understand what, Quetzal?

Follow me, niños.


I thought so.

Watch carefully.

She's breaking out
of her cocoon.

ORD: Wow!ZAK: Fantastic!

CASSIE: What is it?MAX: Yeah!

It's a butterfairy.

But I thought Poozie
was a caterpuzzle.


and she was.
But caterpoozles,

like many other creatures,

change as they grow up.

Just like you'll change,

Into a bug?

No, into a man.

Take care!See ya later!

See ya!

Well, Cassie,

now you have
a new pet caterpoozle

and a new butterfairy friend.

Let's take Poozie
for a hop around the mushrooms.


I wish, I wish
to use this rhyme

to go back home
until next time.

Come on, Max, let's get
our bug-catching stuff.


I'm gonna catch
a caterpillar

so I can watch it
turn into a butterfly.

What about you?

I'm gonna get a stinky bug.


♪ Emmy wished
On a dragon scale ♪

♪ And that's what started
Dragon Tales ♪

♪ They climbed on the backs
Of their dragon friends ♪

♪ Now the adventures
Never end ♪

♪ Dragon Tales
Dragon Tales ♪

♪ It's almost time
For Dragon Tales ♪

♪ Come along
And take my hand ♪

♪ Let's all go
To Dragon Land ♪
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