01x03 - Tool Duel

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Blaze and the Monster Machines". Aired: October 13, 2014 - June 12, 2020.*
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AJ is an 8-year-old techie who drives monster-truck Blaze and go on adventures that have them taking on problems involving science and math.
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01x03 - Tool Duel

Post by bunniefuu »

- ♪ On your mark

♪ get ready to race

♪ one, two, three, let's blaze ♪

♪ so buckle your seat belt, we're gonna scream and yell ♪

♪ when blaze goes saving the day ♪

♪ blaze, blaze, blaze

♪ gimme, gimme, gimme some speed ♪

♪ blaze and the monster machines ♪

♪ go, go

♪ blaze and the monster machines ♪

♪ go, go

♪ blaze and the monster machines ♪

♪ go, go, let's blaze ♪

[wrench clicking]

[horn honking]

- gabby! Gabby!

[Metal squeaking and clanking]

- blaze! A.j.!

What are you guys doing here?

- We need your help.

Something's wrong with blaze.

- What's the matter, blaze?

- I don't know.

It's really strange.

Something inside of me keeps making this funny noise.

Here, listen.

[Engine starting]

[squeaking and clanking]

- huh. That is a strange sound.

[Metal squeaks] here, blaze.

Get on the hydraulic lift

so I can see what's wrong.

Going up!

- Whoa!

[Clanking and squeaking]

- hmm.

The sound's coming from your transmission, blaze.

I'm gonna need my tools to look inside.

[Rock music]

- whoa, gabby!

What is that?

- It's my toolbox.

Pretty cool, huh?

- [Laughing] yeah.

- Every tool I could ever need

is in this toolbox.

- Wow!

So which tool do you think you'll use to fix blaze?

- Hmm.

I'll probably go with a number 4 wrench.

Where's the wrench with a "4" on it?

Yeah! There it is!

[Rock music]

aha! Blaze, I found your problem.

- What? What is it, gabby?

- There's something stuck in here.

It's... [Toy squeaking]

a rubber ducky!

[Both laughing]

- a rubber ducky?

[Laughs] I wonder how that got in there.

- Well, blaze, you're all fixed.

[Lift buzzing]

- thanks, gabby.

I sure am glad you have all those tools.

[Horn honking]

- hey, look! It's stripes.

- Guys!

You're never gonna believe what happened to me!

- What is it, stripes?

- I was out climbing

when I slipped and hit my bumper,

and now look!

It's... Broken!

- Yeesh! - Ooh!

- Don't worry, stripes.

I can fix that.

I just need to grab my toolbox, and...

- [Sobbing] ze-e-e-e-eg!

Zeg need gabby to fix him too.

Wipers not working right.

[Water squirting]

- oh, gaskets!

You're not kidding.

- It's okay, zeg.

I can fix you.

Let me go grab my tools, so I can...

- [Yelling] darrington!


- uh-oh.

What's the matter with you, darrington?

- I don't know, but for some reason,

I can only drive backward!

[Engine revving]


- Don't worry, darrington.

I can fix that too.

So long as I have my toolbox,

I can fix anything.

[All cheering]

- gabby fix everybody.

- Look out!

[All laughing]

- [chuckling]

just look at all those tools, pickle.

I mean, that toolbox has everything--

wrenches, screwdrivers, power drills!

- Oh, yeah! I see 'em!

There they are!

- I sure wish I had a toolbox like that.

Come on, pickle. Follow me.

- Okay, sure.

Wait a second.

Where are we going?


[Sneaky music]


[Engines revving]

- [chuckles] this is perfect.

When no one's looking,

I'm gonna take that toolbox.

- But, crusher,

you can't do that!

- Sure I can.

[Chuckles] see?

I just took it.

Now, quick! Let's get out of here!

[Engine revving]


- Okay, everyone,

I'll just grab my tools,

and we'll get fixin'.


my toolbox isn't here!

Blaze! A.j.!

Have you guys seen my toolbox?

- No. - No.

- Where's gabby's toolbox?

Yeah! There it is!

Crusher took it!

- And he's getting away.

- Oh, no!

I've got to have my tools!

- Without those tools,

you can't fix my bumper!

- Or zeg wipers!

- Or my backwards problem!

[Tires screeching] [crashing]

- I'm sorry, g*ng,

but without my toolbox,

I can't fix anyone.

- Don't worry, gabby!

A.j. And I will get those tools back from crusher.

Right? - Right.

[Dramatic music]

[engine revving, tires squealing]

[rock music]

- a.j., Give me some speed.

- Let's help blaze go super fast

to catch up with crusher!

To give him blazing speed,

say, "let's blaze!"

Both: let's blaze!

- Whoo-hoo-hoo! - Yeah!

- Hey, joe, look! There goes blaze!

- You go get 'em, blaze!

You're the truck!

- ♪ Come on, let's hit the road ♪

♪ get ready, here we go ♪

- ♪ here we go - ♪ one, two, three

♪ let's blaze

♪ let's blaze

♪ come on and follow me

- whoo-hoo!

- ♪ If you could use some speed ♪

- yeah! - ♪ One, two, three

♪ let's blaze

♪ let's blaze

♪ one, two, three, and four

♪ keep the pedal to the floor

♪ seven, eight, let's blaze ♪

[lively music]

- [babbling]

♪ the tools are mine

♪ all mine

♪ and no one can take them away from me ♪

- ♪ except for maybe blaze

♪ 'cause he's right behind you

- what?

[Dramatic music]

oh, no!

He's gonna try to get the tools back!


hey, wait a second.

I know something that can stop him.

I'll make a slippery banana launcher!

[Tires screeching] [bananas squishing]

[tires screeching]

- ya-ah-ah-ah! - Whoa-oh-oh-ah!

- Too bad, blaze!

Looks like you're in a slippery situation!


[banana squishing] ah!

[Engine revving]

- hey, blaze.

How come we slid down the hill?

- Hmm.

I think I see why.

See all those little bumps on the road?

They give my tires something to grab on to.

That's friction.

But my tires can't grab on to squished bananas

because they're too slippery.


- Then to get up this hill,

we need to keep our tires on the bumpy road,

where there's more friction.

Help me steer blaze.

Put your hands up and grab the steering wheel.

That's it! Grab the steering wheel.

Now turn the wheel to drive blaze away from the bananas.

- Whoa! Look out! Bananas!

- Quick! Turn the wheel.

[Tires screeching]

- whoo-hoo!

Nice driving!

- More bananas!

Turn the other way.

[Tires screeching]


Turn the steering wheel.

Turn left.

[Tires squealing]

more bananas!

Turn right.

[Tires squealing]

turn right again!

[Tires squealing]

- we're almost there.

- Turn the wheel!

Turn left.

[Tires screeching]


We made it!

- And look!

Crusher's machine is all out of bananas.

[Clanking and crashing]

- all right!

So long, super-slippery banana launcher!

- A.j., Give me some speed.

We've got to hurry up and get those tools back.

[Tires squealing]

- ♪ kind of hard to go the distance ♪

♪ when you've got too much resistance ♪

- ♪ friction always slows you down ♪

♪ 'cause it's tough to slide on a bumpy ride ♪

- ♪ friction, friction

♪ happens whenever things rub together ♪

♪ friction, friction

♪ happens whenever things rub together ♪

♪ not enough it'll make you slip ♪

♪ just enough and you'll get a grip ♪

♪ friction, friction

♪ happens whenever things rub together ♪

♪ friction, friction

♪ friction

[metal scraping]

- ooh, stripes.

Try not to let your bumper drag on the floor.

- Oops. Okay, gabby.

[Water spraying]

- whoa! Careful, zeg.

- [Yelling] darrington!


[horn honking] - gabby! Gabby!

[Horn honking]

- starla!

Don't tell me you're broken too.

- Oh, I sure am, gabby.

Just look! [Gurgling]

I got bubbles comin' out my tailpipe, y'all.

- Bubbles? Oh, man.

I need a whole bunch of tools to fix that.

- Oh-ho-ho!

- This is getting crazy.

I hope blaze and a.j. Get my tools back soon.

- [Grunting]


- Come on, pickle.

Hurry up and get in already.

- Whoa!

[Upbeat music]

- Ha-ha!

Nobody can follow us and get the tools back now--


- Boy, there sure are a lot of waves, eh, crusher?

- Yuck.

- Lug nuts!

They're taking gabby's toolbox across the water.

We're gonna need a really fast boat to catch up.

- Hmm.

Those waves make it hard to go fast.

When they knock into the boat,

it causes friction

and slows you down.

- Yeah, we want less friction

so our boat can slide really fast

across the water!

- So let's build a special boat

that rides over the waves:

a hydrofoil!

- I love it! Come on.

Let's make some parts

and turn me into a hydrofoil.

First, I need a hull

so that I can float on the water.

To make one, say, "hull!"



Now we need a propeller to spin really fast

and push our boat forward.

Say, "propeller!"


And most important of all,

I've got to have foils to lift up over the waves.

Shout, "foils!"


All right!

I'm ready to be a hydrofoil

monster machine!

- Whoa!

Blaze, you look awesome!

- Hang on, a.j.

This hydrofoil is ready for action.

[Engine revving]

[lively music]

Oh, yeah!

- Look at me, crusher!

I'm the king of the world!

[Horn honking]

- pickle, what's that sound?

- Huh...

Well, it could be a fish

or--or a whale.

Or maybe it's a fish!

Did I say that already?

- [Gasps] it's blaze!

- Whoa!

Blaze is a hydrofoil!

Not even bumpy waves can slow him down, huh?

- Oh, I can't let him get the tools back.

Not now! Oh, no!

- Oh, it's okay, crusher.

- Wait a second, pickle.

I just thought of something,

something that'll definitely stop blaze.

He'll never get past...

A chomping shark-bot!


- oh, boy.

That doesn't look good.

- Whoa!

[Engine revving]


I don't see the shark-bot anymore.

Maybe we lost him.

Both: ah!

- Or maybe not.

- That shark-bot's a big problem, blaze,

and we need to find a solution.

- Hmm.

We've got to find some way

to make him stop chomping.

The only way to do that

is to feed him something he can't chomp!

- Oh! I've got a big piece of rope.

- Great!

Let's do a test

and see if the shark-bot

can chomp through rope.

Did he break the rope?

Yeah, and it only took him one bite!

- Hey! How about a stick?

This seems pretty strong.

- Sure!

Let's test it and see if the shark-bot

can chomp through a stick.

- He's chomping the stick!

Did he break it?

He did!

- Yeah, but it wasn't as easy for him that time.

It took the shark-bot three bites to break it.

Quick, a.j.

See if you can find something

even harder to bite.

- Ooh, look!

A metal pipe!

This feels like the hardest thing yet.

Let's test it.

[Clanking and chomping]

- did he break the metal pipe?

No! He can't bite through!

- Look! He's falling apart!


- all right!

We found a solution!

Now we know.

Shark-bots can't chomp through metal pipes.

- Hey, look!

There's crusher with gabby's toolbox.

- [Gasps] we've got to hurry.

We need to get those tools back to gabby.

A.j., Give me some speed!

[Lively music]

[engine revving]

- [laughing]

♪ the tools are all mine now

- [gasps] uh, crusher...

Driving backwards isn't very safe.

- Safe-schmafe!

♪ I've got a toolbox full of

♪ tools, tools, tool--


[Banging and clanking]

oh, no!

Now the toolbox is all the way down there.

[Horn honking]


Blaze is heading this way!

Quick, pickle!

We've got to get the toolbox

before blaze gets it!

- Oh, uh... You go on without me.

No, I'd rather just-- ah!

- We've got to beat crusher to that toolbox.

- Uh-oh! But he's way ahead of us.

- Hmm.

Looks like our only chance to beat him

is to put something slippery on the ground

so there's no friction

and we can slide to the bottom.

- Hey, blaze, what about this?

- [Gasps]

it's one of crusher's super-slippery bananas!

That's perfect!

[Banana squishing]

get ready, and on the count of three,

shout, "slide!"

One, two, three...


- Yeah! - Whoo-hoo-hoo!

[Horn honking]

- what? - Whoo-hoo!

- See you around, crusher!

[Banana splashing]

[tires screeching]

we got the tools!

- All right!

Nice sliding, blaze.

- [Groans]

I can't believe those guys beat me.



[Horn honking]


- uh, crusher?

I don't know how to tell you this,

but I think your exhaust pipe

might be broken.

- Broken?

Let me see!

Oh, no!


- crusher, I think you're forgetting

that we know someone who can fix you.

- [Sniffs] who?

- Gabby! That's who.

- She just needed her tools back.


- Oh. Yeah.

- Come on, crusher.

Follow us.

[Engines revving]

- wait for me, crusher!

[Horn honking]

- [gasps] my toolbox!

Blaze, a.j., You got my tools back!

- You're welcome, gabby.

- Now I can finally fix everyone.

Even you, crusher.

- Oh, goody!

[Rock music]

[hammer pounding]

[Metal scraping]

[Wrench clicking]

[Metal squeaking]

- Well, I'll be.

Gabby did it!

She fixed my bubble problem.

[Engine revving]

- hey, she fixed me too.

Look, my bumper's back on.

[Metal squeaking]

- she fixed zeg's wipers.


- and I'm not going backwards anymore!


[all laughing and cheering]

- [laughs]

well, I'm just glad

you guys are all feeling better.

[Wrench clicking]

- that ought to do it, crusher.

You're all fixed.

- Well, look at that!

Your exhaust pipe looks good as new!

- [Laughing] it does, doesn't it?

All righty then, let's get out of here!

- Uh, hold on, crusher.

I think you forgot something.

What do you say to gabby for fixing you?

- [Groaning]

- crusher...

What do you say?

- Thank you.

- There. Was that so hard?

[Tires screeching]

- hey, now that everyone's fixed,

how about we go for a drive?

- Sure! - You bet.

- Driving!

[Rock music]

- monster machines, follow me!

[Engines revving]

- yee-haw!

- A.j., Give me some speed!

[Tires screeching]

[all cheering and laughing]

- I don't understand

why everyone thinks blaze is so special.

- Well, it could be that he's so fast

or that he's really brave

or that-- whoa!

[Both yelling]

[tires screeching]

[bananas splashing]

- yuck!


- [Slurping]

mmm! Delicious!

[Banana splattering]

- ♪ it's blaze and the monster machines ♪

♪ it's blaze

♪ and the monster machines

♪ buckle up, gonna roll

♪ yeah, we're ready to go with blaze ♪

♪ you'll be amazed

♪ it's blaze

♪ and the monster machines

♪ it's time

♪ for adventure extreme

♪ gonna kick it in gear

♪ we'll be catching some air with blaze ♪

♪ and the monster machines

♪ it's blaze

♪ and the monster machines
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