03x03 - I Can Do It

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Caillou". Aired: September 15, 1997 – October 3, 2010.*
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An educational show that stars the 4-year-old title character (pronounced KY-YOO), who lives with his mother, father and sister in a blue house on Pine Street.
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03x03 - I Can Do It

Post by bunniefuu »

You're getting to be a big boy.

♪I'm just a kid who's four

♪Each day I grow some more

♪I like exploring - I'm Caillou

♪So many things to do

♪Each day is something new

♪I'll share them
with you - I'm Caillou

♪My world is turning,
changing each day

♪With mommy and daddy
I'm finding my way

♪Growing up is not so tough

♪'Cept when I've had enough

♪But there's lots
of fun stuff - I'm Caillou

♪Caillou, Caillou

♪I'm Caillou.

That's me!

And me!

And me!

And me!


Oh oh oh oh!

It looks like it's the perfect
snow for making a snowman too!

And I'm going to
make one all by myself.


This is a good place to start.



A dinosaur could
have a pretty cold nose
by the time he's finished,

but I know I can do it.

-Oh! It looks
beautiful out there.

The perfect day for
a brisk walk around the garde-

What on earth
is Rexy doing out there?

-I don't know, what is he doing?

-Well, he's sort of, of, um...

-I have no idea.

-Well it kinda looks
like he's rolling the snow.

I think he's making a snowman.

or trying to.

-Well that's a great idea.

-Yes, but...

He's doing it all wrong!

-There you go Rosie.

Do you need help with
your spaghetti Caillou?

-I'm not a baby like Rosie.

I can do it myself.

Can I call grandma?

-Sure! Let me dial for you.

-I can do it.

-Caillou knew there was a
special button on the telephone

with Grandma's name on it. He
didn't want Mommy to help him.

-Hi Daddy. What
are you doing up there?

-Hi Caillou.

I'm painting the porch
to make it good as new again.

-Can I paint with you? Grandma
says I'm good at painting.

-I'm sorry Caillou but this
is a different kind of painting.

Painting a house is a big job.

-I can do it Daddy.

-Maybe when you're
a bit older okay.

Why don't you go paint
a picture for Grandma instead?

-Caillou was very disappointed.

He wanted to
help his Daddy and he want to
show he could things himself.


-But Caillou still
needed help sometimes.

-I can't reach!

-Here you go.

Come on Rosie. Nap time.

-Caillou liked his fingerpaints,

but he still wished he could
paint the house with Daddy.

Caillou wanted to show Daddy
that he could paint a house.

Caillou was very pleased.
He couldn't wait to tell Daddy

what a good job he'd done
painting Rosie's dollhouse.

-Hi Caillou. How's Grandma's
picture coming along?

-I painted Rosie's dollhouse!

-That sounds
like a great picture!

Hold my brush while I finish up
and then you can show it to me.

-What's that?

-It's a sign that warns people
that the paint is still wet.

-Caillou hadn't thought
of putting up a wet paint sign.

He thought it was a great idea.

-Is this what
you painted for grandma?

-It's my wet paint
sign - like yours!

-Daddy was beginning to wonder
what Caillou had been painting.


-Caillou wished he'd
known about the sign before

he left Gilbert
alone with wet paint.

-Oh, no! What a mess!

-Caillou felt
bad for making a mess.

He had wanted to show Daddy
what a good job he could do.

-I'm sorry, Daddy.

-Your finger-paints
are for paper.

You mustn't use
them anywhere else unless
Mommy or Daddy says so.

-I wanted to help
you paint the house.

-I don't think you
are ready for that yet.

But you can help
me clean up this mess!

-How's the job going?


-With Caillou's help, Daddy
was able to clean up the mess

and even fix Rosie's doll house.

-Don't forget
the wet paint sign!


Cold nose!

Hmm... better find another
way to roll the snowball.

Ah ha!

Ah, this is much better.

-No, no, Rexy.

That's just not how it's done.


-That's not how you do it.

-Oh but it's my snowman
and I can do it myself.

I want to do it myself.

-But you're doing it all sorta-

-Oh, I know you're
trying to help me, Teddy,

but I just want
to do it my own way.



Well doing things yourself
means you're growing up.

-I do look taller, don't I?

-I don't mean like
that, I mean when a person

can manage on his own
and do things for himself,

it's a sign he's growing up.

-Well, then I REALLY
want to do this by myself.

-All right, but
you might find it easier if
you, um, you know sort of-

-If I uh...



I have to do it my own way.

-He's batting .

-But his first base play is off.

-Daddy, what's a base?

-The bases are
what the batter runs around
after he hits the ball.

He wants to get
to as many bases as he can
before the ball is caught.

-Caillou didn't
quite understand what his
Daddy was talking about.

-Hurray! He hit a home run!

-In the bottom of the ninth!

-What a great game!


I want to play baseball, Daddy.

Here's a glove, daddy.

-Thanks, Caillou, but
here is the baseball glove.

This is the glove Grandpa
gave to me when I little,

and now I'm giving it to you.


Thanks Daddy.

-Here. Let me throw you one
so you can try out the glove.


Oh no!

-That's why Mommy says don't
throw balls in the house, daddy.

-I guess you're right Caillou.

-Caillou was all ready
to learn how to play baseball.

-Okay Caillou.

first step to playing baseball
is learning how to catch.


-Good catch, son.

-Your turn, Caillou.


-Throwing and catching the ball
weren't as easy as they looked.

-That's okay.

Next time try to
catch it with both hands,
that's what beginners do.

-Did someone lose this?


I'm playing
baseball, Mr. Hinkle.

-Baseball?! My favourite game.

I used to be quite a player
when I was a kid you know.

Here, Caillou.


-I think this
glove is broken daddy.

-It takes a bit of practice
to learn how to catch a ball.

Here. Let me show
you how to hold your mitt.


seemed to Caillou that everyone
knew how to play baseball.

Everyone except him.

-You know, I didn't know
how to throw and catch very well

when I started playing.

-I'll say he didn't.

When your dad started
learning how to play,

there were quite a few
broken windows around the house.

But he got the
hang of it soon enough and
had a great time playing.



Here. Catch.

-I hate baseball.

-What do you say
we take a little break and
go to the park, Caillou?


-Throw it back, Caillou!

-Go on. Try.

-Good throw, Caillou!

-Caillou was happy
he made a good throw.

-Guess your practicing
this morning paid off.

-We usually come
to practice every day.

-If you keep
practising, maybe you'll be
able to play with us soon.

-Daddy. Can you show
me how to hold my glove now?

-It takes a little
time to get used to the feel
of catching a ball in a glove.

Try to do this a few times.

Keep at it and soon
you'll be able to catch the

ball in the glove
almost every time.

-Catching a ball
still wasn't easy.

But Caillou was having fun now.

-Give that back, Gilbert.

Catch, Gilbert!


Sorry, Daddy.

-That's okay.

Here. Catch.

-I caught it! I caught it!

I can play baseball.

-Almost. You still
have to learn how to bat.

-No one had told him
there was still more to learn.

-Hang on, Caillou,
let me give you a hand.

If you hold the bat this way it
will help you be a good hitter.

-And it helps
to stand like this.

-Now just keep
your eye on the ball.

-Caillou just
wanted to hit the ball.

-When can I hit it Daddy?


-I did it! I did it!

-Run to first base Caillou! Run!

Uh, the other way.

Caillou run!


-I like batting.

-So do I.

-You hit to me first, Sarah.

-Caillou couldn't believe
how far Sarah hit the ball.

-I can't do that.

Or that.

-Not yet, but you'll be able to
someday if you keep practising.

-But I want to play a game.

-Okay... come on.



-Run to the first
base Caillou. Run.

-It's a home run.

-I like baseball, Daddy.

-So do I, Caillou.

-Like father like son.


All done rolling.

Sure is cold on the snout.

These are great snowballs.

Now, I've got to get this one.

over to-

-Ah. Rexy, can I give you a paw?

I think you forgot to, uh...

-Oh, uh, thanks, Gilbert, but
I really want to do this my way.

-Oh! Oh, all right but, uh...

would really help.


Uh, I have to do it my way.

-Your way huh?




♪When I was little there
were things I couldn't do.

♪They were just too difficult
for me when I was two.

♪But I practiced everyday,
getting better all the time.

♪Now that I'm growing
up I'm so glad that I'm...

♪Doing it! If I practice!

♪Doing it! If I try!

♪Doing it! If I work hard.

♪Doing it 'cause I try.

♪There was a time when
I couldn't dress myself.

♪I couldn't tie my shoe or
reach the tip-top of the shelf.

♪Now I do it easily
and I do even more.

♪If I stretch I can reach
the bell that's on the door.

♪Doing it! If I practice!

♪Doing it! If I try!

♪Doing it! If I work hard.

♪Doing it 'cause I try.

♪I can blow up a balloon
I still have trouble tying,

♪but I don't worry anymore
because I know I'm trying.

♪Now I put my gloves
on and I put the fingers right.

♪It used to be a problem
and a really silly sight.

♪Doing it! If I practice!

♪Doing it! If I try!

♪Doing it! If I work hard.

♪Doing it 'cause I try.

♪I'm doing it!

Caillou, I'm right here.


-Are you coming in Caillou?

-It's shiny, Daddy. Look.



-Look Daddy.


-Maybe you'll come in
the big pool with me next time.


-Remember the pool today?


-Would you like Daddy
to teach you how to swim?


-A couple of days later,
Caillou had his first lesson.

He liked learning to swim,
and after just a few lessons,

he was getting
better and better.

-I can do it this time, Daddy.

-I know you can, Caillou.

-I was swimming Daddy.

I was swimming!!!

-Caillou wanted
to swim and dive just like
the big boys and girls.

-Do you want to
go back in the water?

-I wanna swim all by myself.


Well! That sounds
like a good idea.


I can swim now Daddy.

Come in with me, Daddy.

You can see
me swim all by myself.

-That's it. Hold your arms
out, just like I showed you.

-Caillou walked
on the bottom of the pool

and very soon he was
swimming all by himself.

-That's it, Caillou!

-I'm swimming. I'm
swimming! Can you see, Daddy?

-Yes. I'm right here.

You can do it.

-Look at me.
I'm swimmi-glub-gulp...

-Suddenly, Caillou was afraid.



Come this way.

-But his Daddy was
right there by his side.

-Take it easy, Caillou.

Swim to me - just
like we did before.

That was a bit scary, wasn't it?

But you knew I
was there, didn't you?

-Yes, Daddy.

-You know what?

You really were swimming.

All by yourself.

-I was, wasn't I?

-I'm very proud of you.

-There! Did it!


-If he'd just...

-Yes, or...

Oh well.


Oh no!

This snowman thing isn't
that easy all by yourself.

I can't do it.

Oh I should have said yes
when everybody offered to help.

I need my friends
to help me make the snowman.

-Oh! All finished?


Not exactly.


-I know I told you I could
do it all by myself. But...

I can't.

Could you please show me how?


Well it's a good thing
to know when to ask friends
for help if you need it.

-We'd love to!

-Thank you, thank
you, thank you, thank you...

-Okay, let's see
what we can all do here.

Teddy had a good idea...

Not everything is easy.

The first time
to make your breakfast,
you may need a little help.

Mmm, good.

Sometimes things need a lot of
practice before you can do them.

What now?

Blowing out the candles?

Yes, you can do it!

Happy Birthday!

Playing music on
a violin can be tricky.

Remember when you couldn't
climb on the climber?

You can do it now!

Some things
take a little longer.

After all your hard work...

it's worth it!


Caillou was having a wonderful
time at the playground.

-Watch me! Watch me!

Choo! Choo! Choo!
I'm a train, Daddy.

-Hi, Caillou.

-Hi, Clementine.
I'm playing choo choo.

-Can I play too?

and Caillou were having
fun playing choo-choo train

when Clementine had an idea.

-Want to play slide?


-No, not that one... that one!

-Clementine was pointing at
the slide the big kids play on.

But when Caillou
got to the slide,

it seemed very
big and very, very high.

-It's too high!

-Caillou was frightened.

-Come on, Caillou!

-I want to play here first.

-So Caillou convinced Clementine
to play in the tubes instead.

-Ha ha ha! Catch me Caillou!

-Here I come.

Got you!


It's getting late Caillou.

We'll have to leave soon.

-Oh no!

-Come on Caillou!

-It's high!

But I'm not afraid.

You go first.

-Ha Ha Ha!

Wheeeee! That was fun.

Come on Caillou, it's your turn!



-Slide Caillou, slide. It's fun!

Slide, Caillou!

-I'm not scared!

-But really, Caillou
was very scared.

-Daddy! Daddy!

-Caillou's crying. He's scared!

I'm not scared. It's easy!

-What's the matter, Caillou?

Hmm, well it
is a big scary slide.

It does look like fun, though.

I know what we could do.

Why don't you
slide down with me.

-Uh oh!

-One, two, three, GO!


-Caillou was thrilled.

But Clementine wasn't impressed.

-I went by myself.


I went all by myself.

It's easy!

-Well, it's time
to go home, Caillou.

-I'll be right back!


One more time Daddy?

-But as it turned out, it wasn't
just one more time after all!

-Oh well done!


-I just love it!

It's perfect!

Perfect because you helped me.

-Perfect because it
was your idea and we had fun.

-Purrfect because
next time if you want to,

you know how to
do it all by yourself.

-I liked building
the snowman with you.

It's more fun to build
one with friends than alone.

-Oh good point.

I think Caillou would agree!

-Yes, yes!

-Goodbye until next time!









She'e my baby
sister and I love her.

We play games together a lot.

And we have fun!

I get to show her things I like.

And sometimes
I help take care of her.

Because I'm her big brother.
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