05x24 - So in the Second Season of Prison Break, They've Already Broken Out of Prison, But the Name Works Once You Realize That Society Is a Prison

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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05x24 - So in the Second Season of Prison Break, They've Already Broken Out of Prison, But the Name Works Once You Realize That Society Is a Prison

Post by bunniefuu »

Cosplay Club

Gin: Prison role playing?

A: Yes, I play the prisoner, and he plays the guard.

Gin: Could you give me some more detail?

Gin: Like some examples of what you were doing.

Gin: And I don't mean in a dirty way.

A: Is that even relevant?

A: He would always handcuff and blindfold

our girls before running off without paying.

Gin: Can you be more specific?

Gin: How about we reenact the scene with me playing the guard.

Shin: Gin-san, do you still remember why we're here?

A: I've heard that he's a dangerous guy with backdoor g*ng connections,

so our hands are tied.

Gin: Don't worry, I'm also a backdoor kind of person.

Gin: So could you head out the backdoor and wait in those handcuffs for me?

Shin: Gin-san, cut it out.

Kagura: So we just have to get him to pay up?

B: Welcome.

A: Oh, I think he's here.

A: He's all yours.

Guard: I would like the prison role playing service again.

Gin: Sir, I am impressed to see you wearing a guard uniform.

Weekly Ranking

Gin: However, I am sorry to say that tonight...

Gin: You will be the prisoner, and I will be the guard.

Guard: Remove that filthy hand.

Guard: You want some time in the disciplinary room?

Gin: If you want to play prison guard,

you need to pay what you owe.

Gin: Or else you're headed straight to the slammer.

Guard: You prisoners are only walking free because I allow you to.

Guard: That hand better be removed when I stop smiling.

Gin: Actually, I think they'll be

sending you somewhere else instead of the slammer.

Guard: This is your last warning.

Guard: Remove the hand.

Guard: You won't have another chance to

correct your mistake once I throw your ass in jail.

Gin: Heh, amusing.

Gin: Throw my ass in jail?

Gin: I wanna see you try it, you sick warden!

So in the Second Season of Prison Break, They've Already Broken Out of Prison, But the Name Works Once You Realize That Society is a Prison

Guard: I have a depraved samurai here who

was making threats and took a couple of kids

Guard: to an adult establishment.

Guard: Keep an eye on him.

A: Yes, Warden Beri!

Gin: H-He's the real thing!

Gin: W-Wait a moment!

Gin: Nobody told me this would happen!

Gin: Is it really okay for that thug to be a prison guard?!

Gin: Let me out! I'm innocent!

Gin: The real culprit is that sick warden!

Old: Newbie.

Old: Save your yapping for roll call, will you?

Gin: Sorry, Gramps.

Gin: I don't intend to be part of any roll call.

Old: That nasty fellow threw you in here, right?

Old: You won't last long if you disobey him.

Old: Kuzunosuke Beri.

Old: He's the head warden here.

Old: He's involved in a lot of dirty business such as torturing prisoners.

Old: The law won't do you any good here.

Old: We're in his kingdom.

Gin: Th-That's not funny...

Gin: It won't be long before my people produce evidence

Gin: that I was framed and prove my innocence.

Shin: Gin-san, we did it!

Shin: After a lot of running around,

we were able to get your sentence reduced!

Kagura: Only two years of prison time! You'll be out in no time! Isn't it great?

Gin: I see. Only two years...

Gin: ...my ass!

Gin: Why are you acting like this is good news when it's terrible news?!

Shin: Unfortunately, there's already been

a lot of information manipulation going on.

Kagura: The report has Gin-chan as the one who was making trouble,

Kagura: and it even says that you assaulted that guard.

Gin: Son of a bitch!

Gin: So he's blaming me for the crime and his freaky role playing?!

Shin: That warden was always a troublemaker,

Shin: but his father happens to be a big cop

with enough connections to get him this job.

Shin: His ass is covered.

Shin: In any case, we'll have to poke around some more.

Shin: Anyway, we'll do what we can, so hang in there.

Kagura: Keep your assh*le safe.

Gin: This isn't funny.

Gin: If our positions were switched

and they'd been thrown in prison for robbing a bank,

Gin: I'd sneak into the prison with an escape plan tattooed all over me,

Gin: if that's what it takes to save them.

Old: Youngster, sometimes there is perspective to be gained by giving up.

Gin: Were you also framed by that rotten guard?

Old: I'm just your average two-bit criminal.

Gin: What'd you do?

Old: I can't remember that far back.

Gin: How long are you in here?

Old: I believe that I still have...

Old: ... years.

Gin: Guard! Please put me in a different room!

Old: I used to plot ways to escape, but I gave up a long time ago.

Gin: No shit!

Gin: And what'd you do to warrant a -year sentence?!

Gin: That's like Demon King Piccolo level!

Old: As a result, I've realized what I should be doing.

How are you doing? It's a lovely day outside. We had rice, fish, miso soup, and takuan for dinner.

Gin: You were writing a letter earlier, too.

Gin: Who is that to...

Guard: You still haven't given up on that?

Guard: Put yourself in the shoes of a son

who receives letters from his criminal of a father.

Old: Good warden, I appreciate your assistance.

Guard: Hold on.

Guard: Whether you're on the inside or the outside,

nothing comes free in this world.

Old: I paid you at the beginning of the month.

Guard: You're only allowed to receive stuff from the outside once a month.

Guard: Yet I'm putting in the effort to bring you letters every week.

Gin: Hey, bastard.

Gin: You enjoy shaking old geezers for change?

Gin: Do you need the money to play a crane game?

Old: S-Stop it, Newbie!

Guard: Crane game...

Guard: Sounds about right,

Guard: since I love playing with the toys in this pen.

Gin: You sure know how to have a good time.

Gin: Let me join in.

Guard: This is my personal privilege.

Guard: I'll play with you soon enough.

Gin: Sorry, but I already had my fun.

Gin: Gramps, is this what you wanted?

Gin: Guess you owe me now.

Guard: Bastard! When did you...

Gin: Sorry, you looked like one of

those ugly stuffed animals in a crane game.

Guard: B-Bastard...

Guard: Don't forget.

Guard: You'll soon find out what happens to people who oppose me.

Guard: I guarantee it.

Old: Man, I told you to behave.

Gin: If you're trying to show your appreciation, give me your dessert.

Old: You're not getting my pudding.

Old: But I'll give you my sliced radishes

tomorrow and the day after that.

Gin: You're just giving me the stuff you don't like.

Gin: What was in the letter?

Old: Just some small talk.

Gin: You're bribing that warden so you can make small talk?

Old: I have no other use for my money when I'm stuck

here another years.

Old: I'm an old man in prison.

Old: I'm sure that my family has suffered because of my actions.

Old: But my son's the only one left to make amends with.

Old: I never expected him to reply or forgive me,

Old: but soon, I was receiving replies regularly.

Old: Now, I'm basically living for the sake of his small talk.

Gin: Why don't you just have him visit

instead of going through all this trouble?

Old: A felon like me isn't allowed visitors.

Old: But after spending years writing letters,

I've become a model prisoner.

Old: In one week, they'll grant me clemency.

Gin: You'll be able to see your son?

Old: Yes, in one week,

Old: as long as there isn't any trouble.

Old: I understand that you've been thrown in here

for a crime you didn't commit.

Old: But for one week, until I meet my son,

I ask that you don't make any trouble.

Old: Please...

Old: Please...

Gin: Let's make a deal.

Gin: I'm going to help sustain your lifestyle,

Gin: so you should help me with mine.

Old: What?

Old: Wh-Why you...

Old: Not that!

Gin: Gramps!

Gin: You call yourself a model prisoner?!

Gin: Look at you making a huge fuss over pudding!

Old: Give it back!

Old: Give back my bouncy pudding!

Gin: Do you care more about your son or your pudding?!

Old: My s-sonding!

Gin: What the hell is a sonding?!

Gin: The title of some Jump Square series?!

A: Hey! What's all the noise about?!

Gin: Nothing! Just having a discussion about a bouncy pudding!

A: Don't lie to me!

A: That's an erect pudding!

Gin: No, it's a bouncy pudding!

A: 'Fess up!

A: This is clearly an erect pudding!

Gin: No, it's most definitely a bouncy pudding!

Gin: What the hell?

Gin: You were about to lose your chance

to see your son because of a pudding.

Old: Listen to me.

Old: You better give me my pudding back once the week is up.

Gin: Man...

Old: Understand?

Old: I'm sure that you don't want any trouble with the warden...

Gin: I understand perfectly.

Gin: These guys want to make trouble.

Old: Th-That's...

Old: Shachi!

Old: A vicious felon who was locked up on the Devil's Island,

Old: but the warden used his connections to bring him here as an underling!

Old: The King of Criminals!

Old: Shachi the k*ller!

Old: N-Not good!

Shachi: Yo, so you're the newbie with a lot of spirit?

Shachi: The warden told us about you.

Shachi: He said there were a couple of punching bags that wouldn't fight back.

A: Some new toys for us to play with.

B: Shachi, which one do you want?

Shachi: I would prefer the younger one,

Shachi: but I like the idea of beating an old man to death.

Shachi: Wh-What's with that look?

Shachi: You wanna fight?

Shachi: You don't care if you never get to see your son again?!

Old: No! He's gonna k*ll me!

Gin: There are jellyfish on your shoulders.

Old: Fashion!

Old: Those are for fashion!

Old: To show that he's the king of this prison!

Gin: And your gloves are so worn that your fingers are sticking out.

Gin: You should patch them up,

Gin: since I'm the only one who seems to have noticed.

A: You making fun of him, you bastard?!

B: Those aren't jellyfish! They're shoulder pads!

B: That's how they're supposed to look!

Gin: What? You all knew?

Gin: So you've been holding back your laughter?

A: Hell no!

A: This is Shachi's new snappy outfit!

Gin: Outfit?

Gin: So you cut the fingers off your gloves?

Gin: Why would you do that?

Gin: You could just take off the gloves if they're too tight.

Gin: Are the scars on your forehead the same?

Gin: You cut yourself up?

Gin: I guess it wouldn't make sense for actual scars to be so perfectly aligned.

Gin: Why?

Gin: Why would you hurt yourself like that?

Old: Hey, stop it!

Old: Just drop the subject!

Old: Don't provoke Shachi anymore!

Shachi: I-It was just...

Shachi: My face was all itchy from a mosquito bite,

Shachi: and when I scratched it, my forehead ended up like this.

Old: Shachi!

Old: You're blushing, Shachi!

Old: You're destroying your image!

Shachi: It's not like I wanted an X on my forehead.

Shachi: I'm fine with turning it into a semicolon.

A: Stop, Shachi!

A: You look cool! The X is cool!

A: Don't worry! You're rocking that X!

Shachi: I don't care if I look cool or not.

Shachi: And I don't care how my clothes look if they're comfortable!

Shachi: I'm never gonna wear shoulder pads again!

Old: A hissy fit!

Old: Shachi's throwing a hissy fit!

Shachi: Hey, bastard!

Shachi: You said that someone was laughing at me?

A: Nobody was laughing!

A: Nobody was laughing at you, Shachi!

Shachi: Tell me who it was!

B: No, Shachi!

B: He's messing with you!

B: You're letting him mess with you!

Gin: Sorry, I can't tell you.

Gin: I might be in prison, but I ain't lousy enough to squeal.

A: H-Hey, what's he doing?

B: Impossible...

B: Is he protecting us?

Gin: If I squeal, you'll k*ll him, right?

Gin: We can't afford to cause any trouble right now.

Shachi: I don't give a damn!

Shachi: If I let this go, my street cred is ruined!

Shachi: Now I have to k*ll you!

Gin: That would be smart.

Gin: I won't have to rat out my buddies.

Gin: And you won't have to k*ll yours.

Gin: We're both grown men.

Gin: So man up.

Shachi: That's the second time I've seen

a person with that look in this cesspool.

Shachi: Boys, line up and close your eyes.

All: Huh?

Shachi: I'll let you settle this.

Shachi: Don't worry.

Shachi: We didn't see anything happen, and we know nothing.

Old: I didn't see this coming!

Old: What is he doing?!

Old: What is he trying to do?!

Gin: Run.

Old: I see!

Old: We're going to use this chance to run away, newbie!

Gin: Oof.

Old: Wh-Wha...

Old: What are you doing?!

Shachi: H-Hey!

Shachi: What's the meaning of this?!

Gin: If I only punished one of them,

you'd be able to tell who it was from his injuries.

Gin: So we'll just have everyone share the pain, and you can let this go.

Gin: Take care of your buddies.

Shachi: B-Bro!

Guard: Looks like you got in a big fight.

A: No, we just had a little internal scuffle.

Guard: Huh?

B: Just give me my pudding, old timer.

Guard: What?

Guard: H-Hey, don't think you'll get away with disrespecting me...

Shachi: Bro! Bro!

Guard: What the hell?!

Shachi: Bro!

Old: After the newbie turned Shachi's g*ng to his side,

Old: the warden continued to harass him.

Guard: Listen up, freaks!

Guard: Mr. Katou, the guard here had something stolen from him!

Guard: We'll be searching each cell!

B: I found a strange DVD in cell !

Honda: That's my porn!

Guard: Cell ...

Guard: Sakata, it was you?!

Guard: You're headed straight to the disciplinary room!

Gin: Why would I steal a DVD when I'm stuck in a cell without a TV?

Guard: You haven't had any contact with women.

Guard: The cover is all you needed.

Gin: I don't let the cover fool me!

Gin: I also check the images on the back!

Guard: Shut up!

Guard: In any case, this DVD was under your bed!

Gin: Warden, nobody said anything about this DVD being under my bed.

Gin: How did you know where it was?

Guard: Enough of your chatter!

Guard: I saw him pull the DVD out from under your bed!

Gin: You saw him pull it out?

Gin: Then...

Gin: Why didn't you notice that the cover had been removed?

Guard: Th-That's because...

Guard: I borrowed that DVD once.

Guard: And it had a cover back then.

Guard: With images on it...

A: Y-Yes!

A: There was a cover on it yesterday!

A: You must be trying to conceal the evidence!

Gin: Oh, really.

Gin: If it was there yesterday and it's gone now,

Gin: the person who removed the cover must be the culprit.

Gin: Isn't that right?

Gin: Thank you for confessing to the crime, Warden.

Bound Prisoner

Guard: Th-This is...!

Guard: Could he have slipped it in then?!

Shachi: Enough already!

Shachi: Who do you think you are, trying to frame our bro?!

Men: Don't screw with us!

Guard: No...

Shachi: A guard stealing?! Have you no shame?!

Shachi: You should cut open your belly.

All: Seppuku! Seppuku! Seppuku!

Guard: Bastard...

Guard: He turned my own trap against me!

All: Seppuku! Seppuku!

Gin: Boys, that's enough.

Gin: I'm sure he just shifted the blame on me

because he forgot to return the DVD.

Gin: Let him have his cover art,

Gin: since that's all the warden apparently needs.

Shachi: He definitely isn't getting any!

Gin: Man, that guy is a joke.

Gin: I'm not equipped to deal with a kid in puberty.

Guard: Did he finish his letter?

Guard: Hand it over then.

Gin: The evil guard is delivering mail in the middle of the night?

Gin: You're pretty diligent.

Guard: Remember this.

Guard: When an evil guard comes to see you in secret,

Guard: it's either to make a deal or to make a threat.

Gin: I'm not interested in either.

Guard: Even if I'm offering to set you free?

Guard: It's very simple.

Guard: I need you to start a ruckus.

Guard: Play the role of a troublemaker.

Guard: If you do as I say, I'll give you a ticket to freedom.

Gin: Let's just cut to the chase.

Gin: You want to screw up the plans of Gramps here.

Gin: All that pestering him for money was just to provoke him.

Gin: You were trying to drive him into making trouble.

Gin: That's why you were picking a fight with me.

Gin: You wanted him to be associated with a troublemaker

Gin: so you could get his clemency revoked.

Gin: So he won't be able to see his son...

Gin: Yet you keep delivering his letters.

What's the deal?

Guard: Like I said, I enjoy playing with the toys in this pen.

Guard: Give that letter to Gramps.

Guard: When it comes time to break a toy,

the higher they are, the harder they fall.

Shachi: Bro!

Shachi: Say "ahhh"!

Gin: Hey, why are you turning my happy dessert time

into a Resident Evil moment?

Shachi: Because you don't seem to have much of an appetite...

Gin: That's because you've been spreading T-Virus everywhere.

Gin: Go back to Raccoon City!

Old: I'll eat it for you then...

Gin: A living corpse should eat porridge and go, "Itchy. Tasty."

Old: Oh, I believe that you sent out that letter for me yesterday.

Old: I appreciate it.

Old: Was there a reply yet?

Gin: Nope.

Old: I see...

Shachi: Hey, Gramps.

Shachi: Did your long-awaited meeting fall through?

Old: Eh?!

Old: Of course not!

Old: Didn't you send an entry to the Shounen Jump Treasure contest?!

Old: Did you get a reply?!

Shachi: How did you know that?!

Old: A prisoner was about to k*ll himself when a reaper appeared before him!

Old: Could you be any more emo?!

Gin: Hey, stop it, Gramps.

A: Don't worry, Bro.

A: Ever since you chased off the warden,

A: he's been too embarrassed to show himself.

Shachi: We can use this chance to take revenge on the

guards who have abused us.

Shachi: Riot!

Shachi: Let's pull a prison version of Resident Evil

and teach that evil warden a lesson!

Gin: If you do that, all of the prisoners will be blamed.

Gin: You criminals on death row probably don't care,

Gin: but I'm an innocent man.

Shachi: Bro! We're not on death row!

Gin: You are.

Gin: Since you were born, you've had crows

Gin: pecking at your brain until it was passport-sized.

Old: Yeah!

Old: I won't get to see my son!

Old: You'll lose your shot at the Treasure award!

Shachi: I haven't lost my shot!

Shachi: It hasn't even started!

Shachi: Bah, I'll give up since my Treasure award is on the line.

Shachi: But Bro, the prisoners here hate the warden's guts.

Shachi: Especially the felons.

Shachi: They have nothing to lose, so who knows what they'll do.

Shachi: If they get started, we won't be able to stop them.

Gin: Good grief.

Gin: You got plenty of troublemakers here, warden.

On Screen: ,Admit Your Own Mistakes

Gin: Gramps, you better keep an eye on them if you want to see your son.

Gin: I'll deal with the warden before he gets any funny ideas.

Old: How?

Gin: I'll start a ruckus.

Gin: But it's going to be my own.

To be continued...

Next Episode:Everybody Loves Pajamas

Gin: Next time:

Gin: Everybody loves pajamas.

Gin: Jammies!
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