02x26 - Don't Complain About Your Job At Home, Do It Somewhere Else

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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02x26 - Don't Complain About Your Job At Home, Do It Somewhere Else

Post by bunniefuu »

GinTama the anime, year two, has reached the halfway point.

From the next episode on, we're headed into the second half.

We somehow managed to avoid getting cancelled after half a year.

Don't worry.

Have the baby and the shotgun wedding will come.

No, no, it was because of our efforts to "boost up" the program.

What're you talking about?! Thanks to us "boosting up" the program, we received angry complaints from all over that nearly put an end to the show! Was that how it was? Well, at any rate, it's always better to take things on rather than doing nothing.

We learned that from our pressure-free education.


You can't get hemorrhoids if you never enter the anus.

[Note: Spoof of "Unless you enter the tiger's den, you cannot steal her cubs.


You've got that all wrong! It's "If you never enter the tiger's den"! What do you mean by "can't get hemorrhoids"?! Who even wants that?! Anyway, what we're trying to say is that GinTama will keep on truckin'! So then, what's today's story? Gin-san's going to work really hard! Well, it seems we've already used up half the year's production budget What?! Was it embezzled?! Or did they build a Greenpia, you bastards?! [Note: Many Greenpia health resorts were built in Japan as part of a huge government embezzlement scam.


We wouldn't build such a thing! The staff worked really hard and seems to have gone over budget.

Nothing we can do about that.

We barely have enough production funds as it is.

Give us a bigger budget, dammit.

Even half of what (beep) gets would be good, Sunrise.

[Note: GUNDAM covered by "beep" sound.

Sunrise Inc.

is GinTama's production studio.


What're you saying in the midst of this mess? Who're you speaking for? Didn't someone say, "Don't complain about your job at home, do it somewhere else"? I wouldn't know! But seriously, what're we going to do about today's broadcast? Well, when the time comes, we can patch together a recap episode and avoid the whole issue.

If we include two or three new scenes, we can fool everyone.

What's with this déjà vu idea? What's going to happen on today's GinTama? For now, let's cut to a commercial.

[As it does every half season, today's GinTama special begins with only background info.

The once every half-season background info only.


[What makes this a special? It's ??? special and XXX special.


It's such a great song, no matter how many times I hear it.

What was that? Otsu-chan's debut song, "Your Mother is Chome-Chome.

" That's not what I meant.

That wasn't the GinTama opening number.

No, I think this song matches GinTama better.

No, it doesn't, you pop idol otaku! In the first place, the opening and closing songs are tie-ups with the sponsors, so we'll be scolded if we change it on our own! Mu-san will be fired! Who's Mu-san? Okay, I get it.

We'll do it the right way.

[Note: Song title translated is "Silver-Colored Sky.


Okay, once more, we'll play redballoon's "Gin Iro no Sora.

" Okay Hey! There was something weird mixed in there! What's going on?! I'm not something weird.

I'm Prince Hata.

Why're you in there as if you're a part of the Odd Jobs family? That's an insult to redballoon.

No, the face of this show would have to be me.

And the theme song should be "Love and Peace.

" What're you talking about?! Get lost!! That feels so good That was a terrible annoyance.

Okay then, let's start again.

Let's go! Celebrating us safely making it to the halfway point of year two! Lots of things happened during that time.

Don't call it a recap episode, or they'll take away our production funds! [Odd Jobs Gin]

The GinTama Special begins now! [Someone said "Don't Complain About Your Job At Home, Do It Somewhere Else" So let me complain.

It's already been a year since this anime, which began with, "Land of the Samurai.

The days when our country was called that are long past.

" A lot of things have happened since then.

So I thought, it might be a good to time to look back, but then someone said, "Tsk, a recap episode.

Isn't that slacking?" Look, it's hard work putting together an anime, so stop complaining!]

"Land of the Samurai.

" There was a time, long ago, when our country was called by that name.

Yes, that's how it was in the beginning.

It brings back memories.

Excuse me, I was reading the narration Hey, wait a minute.

What is that? Notice how there aren't that many Amanto out on the streets lately? A lot of the original concept was forgotten.

Stop chiming in like that.

The scene's going to end That was our city, Edo Whoa, Shinpachi tripped.

He's a clumsy guy.

No, it's not that kind of scene.

It's the scene where I'm bullied by Amanto.

Wasn't this where you knocked down my parfait because of your clumsiness? That's right.

That's why you're called Shinpachi.

It's a fine name! Why're you embarrassing me in public! But because of that, we met each other.

What a wastethat parfait was.

There I am! I look great! Don't say that about yourself! But back then, you really did look cool, Gin-san.

I never imagined you were such a hopeless guy.

Who the hell are you?! Strapping on a wooden sword in the age of the Sword Ban! Blah, blah, blah.

Are you in heat or something? Look at what happened to my chocolate parfait because of your fussing.

All of it spilled out! You seemed so charmingly naïve.

The way you said your lines and such.

Kagura-chan, Kagura-chan, would you mind not talking like that? You sound like my senpai pointing out all my faults.

Gin-san, you're acting really cool here, but later, you laid the blame on me and ran off.

Well, so what.

It's in the past now.

What do you mean by "in the past"? Don't let it bother you so much! [Note: Spoof of GUNDAM series.


Didn't some Newtype say the same thing? but too focused, to be called a thug.

Tell your manager that it tasted great.

Look out! Oh! There I am! Yeah.

At the time, I thought you were really dead.

I went looking for a time machine.

Yeah, I remember.

"Time machinetime machine.

" You were desperately looking for a time machine.

Right, right.

This is it.

The entranceway into the unknown.

This adult should be ashamed of himself.

Wh-What's this? What happened?! I like to fight.

That is a Yato's true nature.

Huh? Kagura-chan, Don't you think you looked more mature back then? Now that you mention it, she seems to be regressing lately.

What're you saying? A woman always wants to remain youthful.

You're not youthful-you're just a kid.

Should we just drag on and on with commentary like this today? What? Didn't you say we should reminisce? It's a lot of fun, and it's easy, too.

Don't call it easy.

But if we continue at this pace, it'll take quite a long time to cover a year-and-a-half.

Can't be helped.

Then let's do a quick overview of the first year to a song.

We'll take the second half a lot more seriously! We have an important announcement after the commercial! Stay tuned.

Don't change that channel! But there isn't anything.

Stop leading them on by saying there's an important announcement.

[Encore: Sorachi's Musings 1]

"Dreams are like trees.

They're more fun to climb than to just gaze at.

" "There are things you'll learn only when you actually climb after them.

" Like: "I sweat a lot.

" [Encore: Sorachi's Musings 2]

"Man, fountain pens are a pain to use.

It's difficult to draw backgrounds and man, drawing manga is hard Which means just living is a pain, too" "I want to become a steamed cheese roll.

" [Preview]

[Finallyfor our eager fans]

[a movie version!]

[That sword]

Damn, That sword [Is said to drink human blood.


But I wasn't the one who k*lled him.

Right, Benizakura? [GinTama The Movie - Benizakura Arc]

[Gintoki in peril]

Gin-san!! [They are called]

You think you can win against Matako Kijima quick-draw? [Kiheitai]

I don't have a Lolita complex.

I'm a feminist.

What the hell kind of girl is she?! [Hurry, go now!]

Elizabeth Senpai! [Shinsuke Takasugi returns]

Don't ever call Gintoki my chum again.

There're no warm feelings between us anymore.

When did it all begin? When did our paths diverge? [They shared the same beginnings]

It's true that the two of us started in the same place.

But even back then we were heading in different directions.

[Original story by Hideaki Sorachi (serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump)]

[The universe's dumbest samurai!]

In the midst of an extreme fight to the death have the memories of past battles lying dormant deep inside his body been awakened? [The excitement is reborn on the big screen!]

So they're Gintoki Sakata and Kotaro Katsura They're strong I'd like to face them someday.

Takasugi! We'll cut you downwith every ounce of our strength! [Opening March 2008 During Spring Break! Also showing: Ninth Grade Class Z Ginpachi Sensei]

I told you, stop attracting viewers with a fake trailer! What if someone actually believed that?! Sometimes there's truth in lies! Maybe this will kick off an actual movie! One of those "re-edited movies" that Sunrise is known for.

If we say there are scenes that weren't seen on TV, we can fool them.

What good would fooling them do?! Next, we'll start with the scene in the Benizakura Arc where Kagura-chan meets Shinsuke Takasugi.

Hey, are you a part of this ship's crew? Could you show me around? Unless you want me to make your head go pop.

Hey, you hear me? There's a large moon out tonight.

I thought moon Princess Kaguya might come down tonight But Princess Tomboy showed up instead.

This is bad.

This guy smells dangerous.

But Why're you dubbing his voice?! Well, I wanted to do it just this once.

Takasugi fans around the country are going to k*ll you! But didn't you think it was awfully funny? Shall we do it on other scenes, too? What?! Are you serious?! Leave it to me.

Takasugi, are you the one who egged on the old man? Egged him on? Don't be ridiculous.

His fangs were already showing.

I just polished them.

You see, I know the suffering that old man is going through.

There still remains a black beast of vengeance inside of me, as well.

Thrashing about all day and all night, saying in my ear: "k*ll.

k*ll the enemies of my friends.

Make them suffer the way we suffered.

" Gintoki, can't you hear those voices? No, I suppose you can't.

They're going to k*ll you.

They're definitely going to k*ll you.

Love and Peace.

It's Katsura.

Amanto?! Zura, I've heard about you.

That you and Gintoki beat up the Harusame.

I was trying to link up with them to gain their backing.

But thanks to you, I think it'll go well.

When I present them with your head.

Takasugi! I told you I will destroy this rotten world.

That's enough! But it was fun Okay, I'll join in, too.

That stuff's like juice.

Commit seppuku.

I'm also a Newtype! Wow! Let me try! Sakata-san.

Then me, too.

Boss, let's play badminton What am I doing? I can't be doing this! Okay, now we'll move on to the Shinsengumi Arc.

Watch it with Otsu-chan's song.

Okay, then, listen to this song! "Chome-ko Nanza Kuso Kurae!" Toshi, I'm glad we invited her, after all.


Hell no! Rocky III "The Flames of Friendship"! And that's it.

Did you enjoy today's GinTama? I'm really beat.

That was very GinTama-like, so I'm cool with it.

After the closing theme, there's a preview of the Yagyu Arc that begins in the next episode.

Don't miss it.

Well then, we'll see you next week! Please watch! Bye! [Note: Spoof of DR.


Ending phrase by Arale.


I don't even know what'll happen two days from now.

[Note: Spoof of Armored Trooper VOTOMS ending phrase.


[The name is]

[Kyubei Yagyu.


I am Kyubei Yagyu.

Oh my god [Otae's fiancé]

There's a huge gorilla in here! [suddently appears.


I missed you Now it's your turn to keep your promise, Tae-chan.

Everyone Farewell We are the guardians of the Yagyu family.

[Yagyu versus Kodokan]

[Itsuki Kitaoji]

Itsuki Kitaoji.

[Sui Minamito]

Sui Minamido.

[Tsukamu Nishino]

Tsukamu Nishino.

[Ayumu Tojo]

And, Ayumu Tojo.

[Can Gintoki and friends win against the Four Yagyu Aces?]

You face the Four Yagyu Aces, don't even think about leaving here alive.

["In Those Situations, Keep Quiet and Cook Red Rice With Beans"]

[Otae and Kyubei made a promise as children.


[The "Yagyu Arc" begins, at last, in the next episode!]
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