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01x06 - The Friendship Scheme

Posted: 09/15/22 10:00
by bunniefuu
Exclusive Seller of Eden Academy Uniforms

Proprietress: And... ..

Anya: I'm two millimeters bigger than last time!

Loid: I'm sure it's just an error.

Proprietress: You never know. Kids grow up so quickly.

Yor: Indeed.

Loid: Well, with that in mind, we should probably have your uniform made a little bigger.

Proprietress: But it was quite a shock to hear that you were suddenly married, Yor.

Proprietress: You should have told me the last time you were here!

Yor: I'm, er, sorry about the other day.

Proprietress: And to think that your lovely daughter is going to the prestigious Eden College.

Proprietress: Congratulations.

Anya: Fank you very much.

Proprietress: Are you an Eden College alum?

Loid: Oh, no. I went to an insignificant little school out in the country.

Proprietress: Oh, then do be careful.

Proprietress: There's something of a wall between parents who are Eden alumni and those who aren't.

Proprietress: Apparently this causes discrimination and bullying among the children, too.

Proprietress: Oh, and hazing from the honor students,

Proprietress: and conflict between the dorm kids and commuters.

Proprietress: Speaking of, I hear that kidnappings of commuter kids are on the rise.

Proprietress: It's not surprising, considering most of the kids who can attend Eden are rich.

Anya: I don't wanna go to school anymore.

Proprietress: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.

Proprietress: Don't worry. There are plenty of fun things about it, too.

Proprietress: Okay, all done with your measurements.

Proprietress: Let's see, you'll be getting one uniform,

Proprietress: plus a winter coat, a vest, and a sweater, for three additional items.

Proprietress: You're a regular here, so I'll get those done immediately.

Proprietress: Oh, you'll be able to get everything else you need from the shop on the corner.

Loid: This is going to cost more than I thought.

Loid: What's the matter?

Anya: I am in fear that I will be kidnapped.

Loid: Oh, I see. You sure didn't waste any time.

Loid: Yor, is it all right if we eat out today?

Yor: Yes, of course.

Anya: Are there any kidnappers at the restaurant?

Waiter: Here's our special for the day.

Waiter: Pork sauté in pawpaw sauce with porcini mushrooms and potato potage.

Anya: Po?

Loid: Looks delicious.

Loid: Must be cipher P.

Loid: Ah, a notice about my briefing.

Loid: It'll be in five days at hours at safe house D.

Loid: Understood.

Loid: But I really need to ask them to stop using this notification method.

Loid: There's something unpleasant about it.

Days Later

Loid: Hello?

Loid: Oh, yes, hi.

Loid: What? It's done already?

Loid: All right. We'll come pick up the order today.

Loid: Thank you.

Anya: Is the uniform done?

Loid: Sounds like it.

Loid: But I have my briefing today.

Loid: I'm sorry to trouble you, Yor,

Loid: but could you go pick it up with Anya for me?

Loid: I got called into work.

Yor: Of course. You can count on me.

Loid: I might not get home until late, so you can go ahead and get delivery for dinner.

Yor: All right.

Anya: Have a knees day.

WISE HandlerSylvia Sherwood Alias: Handler

Handler: Good day... or perhaps good evening, Agent Twilight.

Loid: Hello, Handler. What's this about?

Handler: Before we get into that...

Handler: What in the world were all those expenses the other day?!

Handler: A castle rental fee, and rental fees for furniture to go in said castle?!

Handler: You think we're made of money?!

Loid: Oh, here's a couple more bills, actually.

Loid: Going to school is apparently very expensive.

Handler: I have to admire the balls it takes to just casually hand me more bills.

Loid: Well, they're all necessary expenses.

Handler: Very well. Anyway...

Handler: I'm here today to brief you on phase of Operation Strix.

Handler: Though you're usually on the ball, so that may not be necessary.

Loid: Well... I may actually be off my game lately.

Handler: Phase requires a social gathering.

Handler: Before we get into the details, let's review how Eden works.

Handler: Eden College.

Handler: There are around , students

Handler: ranging from the ages of six to nineteen, and the curriculum covers all thirteen years.

Handler: Academics, sports, the arts...

Handler: They offer a top-class education in every field.

Handler: The students who manage to shine brighter than their fellow elites

Handler: are the honor students known as the Imperial Scholars.

Handler: The social gathering that Desmond attends

Handler: is only open to those Imperial Scholars and their parents.

Handler: In order to become an Imperial Scholar,

Handler: a student must earn eight merits known as "Stella."

Handler: Stella Stars are awarded for exceptional grades and contributions to society.

Handler: Which means, first, you need to raise your daughter into an honor student.

Handler: You may use underhanded means if necessary.

Handler: On the other hand,

Handler: poor grades and bad behavior will result in demerits called Tonitrus Bolts.

Handler: When a student receives eight of those, they will be immediately expelled,

Handler: so be aware of that.

Handler: Now, let's work out the finer details.

Loid: Turning that child into a honor student...

Loid: Hello, anxiety, my old friend.

Anya: Do I look cute in my uniform?

Yor: Oh, you look absolutely adorable!

Yor: Let's go to the portrait studio later!

Anya: Ta-da!

Anya: Do I look cute?

Yor: Oh, you look absolutely adorable!

Proprietress: Could you leave already? How many times are you gonna say that?

Anya: I wanna go on an ooting in this!

Yor: Yes, let's do that!

Proprietress: Thanks much.

Anya: Doot, do! Doot, do! Doot, do!

Yor: Why don't we stop by the park?

Anya: This is my uniform. Ta-da!

Anya: I am wearing my uniform. Ta-da!

Mother A: My, your daughter's adorable.

Mother B: She goes to Eden? I'm so jealous.

Yor: Oh... Hello.

Mother B's child: Mom, I'm hungry.

Mother A: And what would you like for dinner?

Mother A's child: Hamburg steak!

Swan: So you do prefer your old mother.

Anya: I want to be with them forever.

Yor: I know that we're just a pretend family.

Yor: But...

Yor: Maybe I could be more of a mother to her.

Anya: Mama!

Anya: I just showed everyone how cute I am!

Yor: Make sure you don't dirty your uniform before you go to school.

Yor: Say, Miss Anya. Why don't we stop by the supermarket on our way home?

Yor: Loid said he was going to be home late, so I'll make dinner tonight.

Anya: Ooh!

Anya: Can you cook, Mama?

Yor: Yes. I will do my very best.

Thug A: Hey, is that kid from Eden?

Thug B: Huh?

Thug A: Is the chick next to her the mom?

Thug B: She's gotta be the hired help.

Thug B: No rich person's gonna go shopping themselves.

Thug A: You know, I think I want an allowance.

Thug B: Me, too.

Yor: I'm sure I'll be able to make something if I have some meat and vegetables.

Yor: I'm not sure what any of these are,so I'll just buy all of them.

Anya: Ta-da!

Anya: I'm going outside now. I'm bored.

Yor: Oh, don't wander off too far!

Thug A: Hello there, little lady.

Thug B: Be a good girl for just a little bit.

Thug B: Once your maid pays up, we'll let you go.

Anya: Bad guys!

Proprietress: Eden has bullying and kidnappings...

Anya: She was right!

Thug C: I heard you can even sell their uniforms for a sweet price.

Thug B: Excellent. In that case, little lady, let's take your—

Yor: What do you think you're doing?

Thug A: Uh-oh! Looks like we're gonna have to tack on some medical bills, too.

Thug A: Let's see your wallet, Miss Hired Help.

Yor: I'm afraid I used up all of my cash, so I have none left.

Yor: So I must ask you to leave.

Thug A: I see. Then I guess we're just gonna have to strip the little lady.

Thug A: You're gonna be fired anyway,

Thug A: so go back to the countryside, you shitty little maid!

Thug A: Sh-She destroyed that pumpkin with her bare hand?!

Yor: I am that girl's mother!

Yor: If you do not want to end up like that vegetable, leave at once!

Anya: Mama...

Yor: Are you all right?

Yor: I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have let you out of my sight.

Yor: There, there...

Yor: And I've ruined all of the ingredients...

Yor: I'm such a failure as a mother.

Anya: But I love that my Mama is so strong and cool.

Anya: There, there.

Anya: k*ller punch, kapow!

Yor: I-I'm so embarrassed!

Anya: Mama!

Anya: Train me, please!

Yor: T-Train you?

Anya: I know it's really dangerous to be an Eden student now.

Anya: But it won't be as scary if I train!

Anya: I can do my best at school without dying!

Anya: I wanna be like you, Mama!

Yor: Even if I can't be like a normal mother,

Yor: I'm going to do everything I can for her.

Yor: All right. Let's go straight home and start your training.

Anya: Training!

Loid: I'm home...

Yor: Hah! Hah!

Loid: What are you doing?

Yor: Preparing her to go to school!

Anya: Hah!

Yor: Hah!

Loid: Yeah... I'm filled with nothing but anxiety.

Anya: Hah!

Yor: Hah!

Anya: Hah!

Headmaster: You are truly the chosen.

Headmaster: Due to your hard work, or perhaps your parents,

Headmaster: you have made it to the hallowed halls of Eden.

Headmaster: To our honorable new students...

Headmaster: Congratulations, and welcome to our school.

Headmaster: Everyone here at Eden welcomes you from the bottom of our hearts.

Loid: We finally made it this far...

Anya: Papa, a lot of people are wearing the same thing I am.

Loid: Yes. That's what a uniform is.

Loid: I still have a mountain of problems to tackle, but...

Handler: Listen up, Twilight.

Handler: There are requirements to attend Desmond's social gathering.

Handler: The student must be an Imperial Scholar.

Handler: And for that to happen, they must receive plenty of merits.

Handler: Do not forget that the future of the East and West depends on this mission.

Loid: Turning this child into an elite...

Loid: I've mostly given up on that task.

Anya: Shock!

Loid: This school is already filled with the best of the best.

Loid: It'll be difficult to maintain a top position.

Loid: More importantly...

Instructor: Next, we will announce the houses and their housemasters.

Instructor: Please come forward when your name is called.

Instructor: Class one: Specter Hall.

Instructor: William Howard.

Instructor: Theodore Russell.

Instructor: Grace Fein.

Instructor: Jessica Clark.

Instructor: Next, we have class two: Cline Hall.

Anya: I wonder what class I'm gonna be in.

Loid: Who knows?

Instructor: Lucy Garrett.

Loid: Actually... I do.

Loid: Because I changed parts of the lineups to help with my mission.

Instructor: Class three: Cecile Hall.

Instructor: Alice Paulette.

Loid: To ensure that Anya...

Instructor: Edward Perkshire.

Instructor: Damian Desmond.

Loid: would be in the same class as him.

Loid: The second son of my target, Donovan Desmond...

Loid: Damian.

Damian: That's Lord Damian to you.

Loid: He got into Eden just like his older brother.

Loid: I've had my eye on him ever since I saw his name on the list of students applying.

Instructor: Jesse Capel.

Loid: If plan A to get Anya to become an Imperial Scholar proves too difficult,

Loid: we'll go to plan B.

Loid: I call it... the Friendship Scheme.


Loid: Step one: be in the same class as him and become friends.

Loid: Step two: be invited to his house and bring me along.

Come over!

Loid: Step three: direct contact with the target!


Thank you

Loid: I'm sure it won't actually go that easily,

Loid: but the more insurance we have, the better.

Instructor: Anya Forger.

Loid: Go ahead.

Loid: Anya must have grown up around kids her age at the orphanage for years.

Loid: I'll put my faith in her communication skills.

Anya: That's the evil boss's kid.

Damian: What's with her?

Damian: Heh, I see.

Damian: She's already realized how amazing I am and fallen for me.

Damian: You've got good taste, kid.

Damian: Playing hard to get, I see. Cute.

Instructor: Becky Blackbell.

Anya: Geh...

Becky: Pleasure to meet you!

Loid: That's...

Loid: The daughter of the CEO of the major military contractor, Blackbell.

Loid: What?! And behind her is the daughter of the vice president of parliament!

Loid: And among the boys, there's the son of one of the key members of the secret service!

Loid: Her classmates are a treasure trove of intel!

Loid: Make sure you become friends with all of them, Anya!

Yor: Loid gets so worked up when it comes to his daughter.

Becky: I'm Becky! What's your name?

Becky: She looks like a baby. I guess I wouldn't mind taking care of her a bit.

Anya: Hmph.

Instructor: Those will be the students in class three.

Becky: Hey!

Loid: Hello?!

Instructor: And you will be under the tutelage of Master Henderson.

Yor: Oh, it's the nice teacher.

Loid: So he didn't get fired after all.

Loid: I feel it's unfair for a housemaster to have to teach new students,

Loid: but I guess it could've been much worse.

Henderson: I'll just have to whip these rugrats into shape like I used to.

Instructor: And now, the new students will accompany their homeroom teachers on a tour of the campus,

Instructor: then head to their respective classrooms.

Instructor: During that time, there will be a meet and greet in Tower C's lounge for the guardians.

Loid: Do your best, Anya.

Loid: You'll be on your own from here on out.

Anya: Okey-dokey!

Henderson: You there! Stay in line!

Loid: I'm so worried...

Yor: It is always nerve-racking to send them off into the world.

Yor: I totally understand.

Henderson: This is the dining hall.

Henderson: The best chefs will present you with the most elegant dishes daily.

Henderson: Beyond those doors is a special dining hall reserved only for Imperial Scholars.

Henderson: Anyone can become an Imperial Scholar if they achieve elegant grades and earn eight Stella.

Henderson: I trust that you will all do your best.

Children: Yes, sir!

Henderson: However, those who fall behind

Henderson: will receive Tonitrus Bolts and face punishment or expulsion, so stay on your toes.

Anya: Why are you looking at me?

Emile: Lord Damian's gonna be an Imperial Scholar in no time!

Damian: Of course I am.

Ewen: We'd expect nothing else!

Damian: I mean, my father is the head of the National Unity Party.

Student A: Wait, really?!

Student B: Wow!

Student C: My Papa says we owe a lot to the Desmond Group!

Henderson: Silence! No private conversations!

Becky: They're so dumb.

Damian: What about you? What does your father do?

Damian: If he's important enough, I'd consider letting you be my friend, too.

Anya: I will stay calm for the mission.

Anya: He's a sp—a feelings doctor.

Damian: Hmph. So he's just a nobody.

Damian: You're probably not that rich, either. Lame.

Anya: I wanna go play at your house.

Ewen: You moron! Know your place, uggo!

Ewen: This is the problem with measly little peasants.

Emile: You're gonna get your gross peasant germs on him! Scram!

Anya: Now is the time for me tounleash my k*ller punch!

Yor: Listen carefully, Miss Anya.

Anya: Gasp!

Yor: Anyone who lets their emotions control their fists

Yor: does not know the meaning of true strength.

Yor: If someone's just being a little mean,

Yor: being able to laugh it off makes you the cooler, bigger girl.

Anya: A big girl!

Yor: And if you can keep a smile on your face, fights will not happen.

Becky: Hey, stop being so pathetic. At least say something back.

Anya: Heh. Like I care.

Anya: Heh.

Damian: H-How dare she smirk at me like she's mocking me?!

Becky: Look at that composure! She's so mature! Amazing!

Becky: I was wrong about her being a baby!

Becky: You're way more grown-up than I thought. I'm impressed.

Anya: I'm a grown-up?

Anya: Heh.

Damian: Don't get cocky, you stupid uggo!

Damian: Uggo, uggo, Queen Uggo!

Ewen: Lord Damian, perhaps you should broaden your vocabulary...

Becky: What's your problem?

Becky: Sure, she's uglier than me, but you don't have to be so mean.

Damian: Shut your mouth!

Henderson: You there! How many times must I warn you?

Henderson: Do you want punishments on your first day?

Damian: Curse you... How dare you embarrass me like that?!

Damian: You'll pay for this!

Anya: Mama, you liar. Smiling didn't help at all.

Becky: If you don't quit it, I'm gonna tell the teacher!

Damian: What? You have proof that we did it?

Ewen and Emile: Yeah, yeah!

Damian: Go on. Move!

Damian: Hey, you smug uggo!

Damian: I'm gonna bully you every single day!

Damian: I'm gonna teach you a lesson so you'll never be able to smirk again!

Emile: Her feelings doctor father might be able to fix her if she cries.

Damian: Seriously? Well, that's impressive!

Damian: Aren't you a special widdle girl?

Damian: Hey, where do you think you're looking? You scared?

Henderson: What is the meaning of this?!

Emile: Sir! She just punched Lord Damian!

Anya: I just reached out my hand ,and somehow, he ran into it.

Ewen: You liar! You're not fooling anyone!

Emile: You were even making sure the teacher wasn't looking earlier!

Anya: You got any proof I did it?

Ewen: You left the imprint of your fist on his face!

Henderson: I trust you are aware that perjury is a disgraceful act,

Henderson: Anya Forger.

Becky: That's not what happened, sir!

Becky: She was holding back all day, but these bullies just...

Henderson: So it's true that she hit him?

flashback Yor: Listen carefully, Miss Anya.

Anya: Gasp!

Yor: The only time it's all right for you to use force is, for example,

Yor: if you're saving a friend in trouble.

Anya: H-Her foot...

Anya: He stepped on it.

Anya: So I got mad...

Anya: I'm sorry.

Becky: She did that for me?!

Becky: Oh, Anya!

Henderson: She held back her own personal anger,

Becky: Thank you! Thank you, Anya!

Henderson: and had the courage to stand up to a lad for her friend.

Becky: I'm so moved!

Henderson: Truly elegant, Anya Forger.

Henderson: But I'm afraid...

Loid: So the Desmonds didn't appear after all.

Loid: Well, there's no need to rush.

Loid: Now that she's enrolled, we have all the time in the world.

Staff: Ladies and gentlemen.

Staff: The students' orientation is now complete, so please head toward the courtyard.

Loid: And I was able to make some connections.

Staff: If you would gather round, we will take a group photo.

Loid: Where's Anya?

Henderson: Forger.

Henderson: Come with me.

Loid: She punched a boy?

Yor: Are you hurt at all?

Loid: And it just happened to be Desmond's son?

Henderson: Usually, acts of v*olence would immediately mean three Tonitrus Bolts...

Loid: What in the world?

Henderson: But at my discretion, it became one.

Henderson: That is as much as I can do.

Yor: I'm terribly sorry, Loid! All because I trained her...

Henderson: I will speak with his parents, too.

Plan A

Plan B

Loid: It's the first day of school and she lost a point.

Loid: To top it off, her relationship with Damian couldn't be any worse.

Photographer: All right, everyone! We're taking the picture!

Photographer: The family on the right over there! Smile a little more!

Photographer: Say, "Cheese!"

Sign: Stella needed to become an Imperial Scholar: Tonitrus Bolts until expulsion: Relationship with Damian: -