04x10 - Hello Daddy

Episode transcripts for the TV Show "Diff'rent Strokes". Aired: November 3, 1978 –; March 7, 1986.*
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Series follows Arnold and Willis Jackson, two African-American boys from Harlem taken in by a rich white Park Avenue businessman and widower, Phillip Drummond, for whom their deceased mother previously worked, and his daughter, Kimberly.
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04x10 - Hello Daddy

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Now, the world don't move ♪

♪ To the b*at of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for you ♪

♪ May not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born ♪

♪ He's a man of means ♪

♪ Then along come two ♪

♪ They got nothin'
but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the world ♪

♪ Everybody's got ♪

♪ A special kind of story ♪

♪ Everybody finds
a way to shine ♪

♪ It don't matter that you got ♪

♪ Not a lot... So what? ♪

♪ They'll have theirs ♪

♪ And you'll have yours ♪

♪ And I'll have mine ♪

♪ And together we'll be fine ♪

♪ 'Cause it takes
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the
world, yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent
strokes to move the world ♪

Hi. Hey, arnold.

Have you seen this
afternoon's paper?

Dad's picture is in it.

Really? Where?

Right here. There. There.

Wow. Look at that.

That's not your father,

That's a horse.

Aunt sophia, the picture
below the derby winner.


Oh, there he is.

I didn't think your father would
wear flowers around his neck.

That's a terrific
picture of dad.

You can't even
see his bald spot.

Listen to this.

Philip drummond,
noted philanthropist,

Has been appointed to the new
york city cultural committee.


You mean he fools
around with women?

No, arnold, that's
a philanderer.

You mean he collects stamps too?

That's a philatelist.

Although I did know a
philatelist who was a philanderer.

Lucky for him, his
wife was a philosopher.

Hey, you know, this
is really terrific.

I wonder if dad knows that
his picture is in the paper.

He knows.

That's a terrific picture, dad.

See ya later.

Hey, where you going, arnold?

Over to dudley's.

See, he's got a lot
of homework to do

And he's kind of depressed.

So I figured if he's
already miserable,

He can do my homework, too.

What time will you
be home for dinner?

Right after I have
dinner at dudley's.

Guess what.

My picture's in the paper.

We know, daddy.

I just got a couple
of extra copies.

You know, to send to friends.

Or to wallpaper your room.

Willis, you know
I'd never do that.

Course, I wouldn't stop
you from doing it. [Laughing]

We're all very, very
proud of you, daddy. Yeah.

That's my older brother.


Well, you would be if
you were born before me,

But you didn't even try.

Hey, daddy, why don't
I go get the scissors

And I'll help you
cut out your picture.

That's my kind of daughter.

You know, this is a very, very
nice picture of you, daddy.

Well, I'm no karl malden,

But I am kinda cute.

[Doorbell rings] I got it.

Excuse me.

Does a mr. Philip drummond
live here? Oh, yes, he does.

Just one minute.

Dad, someone's here to see you.


Yeah, he's my father.


Apparently I have
the wrong apartment.

Sorry to bother you.

Aw, that's ok.

What is it, willis?

Oh, never mind, dad.

Some guy had the
wrong apartment.

Well, what did he say?

He said, sorry, I have
the wrong apartment.

Has anybody seen
the scotch tape?

Yeah, it's in my bunk
underneath my pillow.

What did you put it there for?

So if arnold snores
again tonight,

I can tape his nose.

[Doorbell rings]

Sorry to bother you again,

But could I see mr. Drummond?

The elevator man insists

That this is the
right apartment.

Well, sure it is.
He's my father.


He's your father, too?

Right. We're 2 peas, but
from different pods.

This pea was adopted.

Kimberly: someone's
here to see you, dad.

Oh, yes.

Can I help you?

You're mr. Drummond?


Well, would you like to come in?

Thank you.

I hope I'm not disturbing
you, mr. Drummond.

I am in new york on business.

I saw your picture
in the paper today

And your address
was in the phone book.

Oh, you want my autograph.

Hey, dad, your first groupie.

Could I please speak to
you alone, mr. Drummond?

I have to find out something.

It is rather personal.

Well, I'm sure whatever
it is you have to say

Can be discussed in
front of my family.

It concerns a certain woman

That you knew very well.

Would you please excuse us?

Hey, hey, hey, what do you know,

Our dad the swinger.

Who's the certain woman, philip?

I have no idea.

Why don't we hang
around and find out?

Come on, kids. We better go.

Won't you please sit down?

Now, then.

What is this about a
woman I knew very well?

Her name is hi-sook chun.

Hi-sook chun.

Good lord.

I haven't heard that
name for 30 years.

Then you knew her?

Oh, yes, of course, when
I was in the army in korea.

So sad what happened to her.

How do you mean?

Well, the village she lived
in was entirely destroyed.

Nothing but smoke
and ashes. No survivors.

This is incredible.

You think she d*ed.

She thought you were dead.


There were a few
survivors from her village.

She was one of them.

But how is that possible?

When I returned
from my last mission,

I searched absolutely
everywhere for her.

I was told that she was dead

And all of her family were dead.

Hi-sook was able to
hide in a cave in the hills.

She is very much alive today.

How do you know all about this?


I am her son, david.

David chun.


What a wonderful surprise.

She's alive and has a grown son.

Mother has told me
all about you for years

And when I saw your
picture in the paper today,

I recognized you from
this old photograph

That mother gave me.

And the name is the same.

Is this not you?

Yes. I was only 20 years old

When that was taken.

If you ask me, there's
something weird

Going on in the other room.

Dad just wants
his privacy, willis.

What's weird about that?

Yes, willis, what's
so weird about that?

All that's happened is that
some mysterious oriental man

Walks in and mentions
a strange woman

And your dad kicks
us out of the room.

That is weird.

Let me see now.

What was the special
name I had for her?

My little sparrow.

Chuk kum choom se.


Chuk kum choom se.

Oh, she was such a
beautiful little thing.

So dear.

Do you remember this ring?

Good heavens.

I bought this for her
on her 18th birthday.

How much did she
tell you about us?


Well, then you know
that we were in love.

David, tell me a little
bit about your father.

You know all about him.

I beg your pardon.

You are my father, mr. Drummond.

Hey, I think I know who
that guy is out there.

Who? A dentist.

A dentist?

Yeah, dad is sitting
there with his mouth open.

You're saying
that you're my, my...


In other words,
I'm your, your...


I'm afraid I'm at
a loss for, for...


Probably it's the way you
can read my... Thoughts.

This is so wonderful.

After thinking that
you were dead all my life.

Now to come face
to face with you.

Dad! [Cries]

You're not gonna believe this.

You know who that
guy is out there?

The c.i.a.?

No, the s-o-n.


He's dad's son.


That's crazy.

I'm telling you,

I just heard him
say he's dad's son.

Kimberly, we've got
an oriental brother.

Willis, are you sure
you heard right?

I'm telling you what I heard.

He said he was dad's son.

I can't believe it.

And they were out
there hugging each other.

Then it must be his son,

Because philip is not the type

That goes around
hugging strange men.

Although I am.

I just can't get over
daddy having a son

That we never even knew about.

What a surprise.

I always thought philip
was only interested in books.

I didn't know that one of
them was the joy of sex.

I know one thing, my mother
was the most important woman

In daddy's life.

I hope this doesn't change the
way dad feels about arnold and me.

Oh, of course not, willis.

Yeah but arnold and
I were only adopted.

This other guy he build
from the ground up.

Dad, there is something
that I have not told you.

You mean there's more?

Hold it.

Mother is here
with me in new york.

We are in business together.

Hi-sook is here?

Yes, at the hotel.

I did not want to tell her

About seeing your
picture in the paper

Until I was sure
that you were alive.

David, tell me something.

Is your mother married?

No, she never married.

But she will be so
thrilled to talk to you, dad.

May I use your phone?

I better speak to her
first and prepare her.

Uh, I think I have a little
preparing to do myself.

What a fine day this has been.

This morning I
was an only child.

This afternoon I have a white
sister and black brother.

Actually, you have
2 black brothers.


One is mooching a
meal at a friend's house.

Help yourself to the phone.

It's right on the desk.

Uh, listen, everybody.

I'm sure you're
wondering who that man is.

Well, we were sort
of talking about him.

Well, it's a long story.

He's your son.

My long story just got short.

We couldn't help but sort of

Overhearing it, dad.

Shame on you, philly.


Not so fast, sophia.

I have something to tell you
which you haven't overheard

Because I haven't said it yet.

That man is not my son.

Say what?

That's right.

He is not my son.

But I heard him say he was.

Why does he even think he is?

I don't know that yet.

He was so emotional,

I didn't have the
heart to tell him

I wasn't his father.

What's it all about, philip?


It all started about
30 years ago in the w*r.

Which w*r?

The korean w*r. The one on mash.

This happened long before
I ever met your mother.

I was 20 years old then

And madly in love with
a beautiful korean girl

Named hi-sook.

What a pretty name.


She was the most
exquisite little thing

I'd ever seen in my life.

Course her family
was very strict

And... And rather conservative.

So there's no way that I
could possibly be david's father.

Well, if things had
happened differently

And we'd married
as we wanted to,

Who knows.

My goodness, kimberly.

You almost turned out to
be a tall blonde oriental.


What I found when I got
back from my last mission

Convinced me that
hi-sook had been k*lled

In a communist raid.

But her son has just told me

That she is alive and
she's right here in town.

That's great, dad.

But, dad, you're gonna tell him

That he's not your
son, aren't you?

No, I'm not gonna say that.

Then why don't you say,

You're not his father?

Sometimes when I say something,

I wish I could just
suck it back in.

Dad, why aren't
you gonna tell him?

Well, I have my reasons,

But just for now, I want you
all to help me. Will you please?

Let's make him believe

That he's part
of the family, ok?

[All] ok.

Excuse me.

Come in, david.

Mother is on the phone.

Wonderful. While,
I'm talking to her,

Why don't you get acquainted
with your new family.

This is kimberly, david. Hi.

This is willis.

What's happenin', brother?

This is my sister sophia.

Actually, your new aunt.

Excuse me.

Welcome to the family, david.

I always use chopsticks.

I always use a fork.

That works, too.

So wonderful to meet you all,

But, excuse me.

Mother is on the phone.

I don't care what dad said,

I ain't buyin' it.

Why would dad lie?

If david really
wasn't dad's son,

Why wouldn't dad tell him?

Well, I'm sure he
has a good reason.

I know daddy
wouldn't lie about it.

Yeah, but he asked us
to lie about it, didn't he?

Well, that's different, willis.

He asked us to lie
about the truth.

Right, aunt sophia?

Right. Lying about the
truth isn't really lying,

But lying about
lying, that's lying.

Yes, I know.

I just can't believe it.

Hi-sook, you're alive.

Oh, we have so many
things to talk about.

I'll send my driver
to get you right away.

Chuk kum choom se.

Yes, you see, I did remember it.

I used to call you
my little sparrow.

Oh, I'm very anxious
to see you, too.


This is wonderful.

You and mother actually
talking to each other.

I'm so happy, dad,
that you're alive.

I won't be long if you
keep hugging me that way.

Oh, my.

Don't you look pretty.

Hey, thanks.

Kimberly doesn't
look bad, either.

Auntie, what do you think
we should call david's mother?

Ah, that's a good question.

Let me see.

She is the mother of
your father's almost son,

Who is now your pretend brother,

And my pretend nephew.

Except willis and arnold
are adopted, so that makes

Him your pretend brother
like kimberly is your sister.

So when you add it all up, uh...

I forgot the question.

Well, what do we call her?

Oh, I'm just going
to say "hi there."

Hey, I just had a wild thought.

Wouldn't it be something
if dad and his old girlfriend

Got together after
all these years?

Well, you never know.

Sometimes an old
flame can be rekindled.

Unless his flicker
isn't working anymore.

Hey, dad. What are you doing?

Trying to look 30 years younger.

How am I doing?

That's what I thought.

That's a picture of
me when I was in korea.

I hope you're not the
one wearing the dress.

That's hi-sook, david's mother.


She's really pretty.

Oh, I can see why you called her

Your little sparrow.

What did she call you?

Oh, what's the difference?

Oh, come on, daddy.

Tell us what she called ya.


[Doorbell rings]

That must be her.

Hi, dad. Hi.

Here is mother.



Isn't she beautiful?

Now I know what to call her.

Foxy mama.

I can't get over this.

Let me look at you.

You are as lovely as ever.

Time has stood still for you.

Thank you, philip.

You have not changed either.

You are as handsome as ever.

You're still a
little near-sighted.

Come and meet my family.

Everybody, this is hi-sook chun.

All: hi.

David has told me all about you.

Uh, let me see.

He said that arnold is not here

And he's the little cute one.

So, you must be willis.

Right. The handsome modest one.

And you're kimberly.
The lovely daughter.

Aw, thank you.

And I'm sophia. The lovely aunt.

Hey, listen, why don't we split

And leave them alone?

Willis specializes in subtlety.

Let's sit down, hi-sook.

Oh, thank you.

I have so many questions
I want to ask you.


It was such a shock
to hear your voice

After all these years.

You were probably
as shocked to hear me

As I was when a young man
walked in and announced

That I was his father.

Philip, there is something I have
to explain to you about david.

I thought there would be.

But first, I am curious as
to why you did not tell him

That he is not your son.

Because I felt sure
that you must have

Had a very good reason
to tell him that he was.

I can't wait to hear it.

A man can only live so
long with his heart stopped.

I'm sorry about that.

David told you of how I escaped

When our village was invaded?

Yes, yes. That
you hid in a cave.


There was an american
soldier in that cave.

A deserter.

But he hid me from the
communist patrols for many days.

When I tried to leave,
he took advantage of me.

He att*cked me.

Oh, hi-sook.

I was so ashamed,

I run away from my village.

By the time I found
out that I was pregnant,

I heard that your
company has gone back

To the united states.

Oh, what a terrible thing
for you to have to go through.

When david was old enough,

He asked me about his father

And I couldn't
tell him the truth.

So I showed him your picture.

I told him that you
were his father

And you have been
k*lled in the w*r.

I never dreamed that
I would see you again.

You see, I want david
to have a father

That he could be proud of.

Someone I really loved.

Can you ever forgive me?

Hi-sook, there's
nothing to forgive.

I'm glad that you told david

That I was his father.

If things had been different,

We might have had a son.

I realize now that I
must tell him the truth.

Look, if you don't
want him to know,

It's all right with me.

I understand.

Thank you, philip.

But, no.

It is time.

I will tell him before
we leave for home.

Well, at least it
gave us a chance

To see each other once more

And I promise,

I'll never lose
touch with you again.

My chuk kum choom se.

Oh, I am so full.

Oh, daddy, I had
such a nice evening.

Dad, david and his mother
sure are terrific people.

And they really know new york.

That was a great ethnic
restaurant hi-sook recommended.

You can't b*at a good
jewish delicatessen.

Come on, daddy.

Now, we have a
couple of questions

To ask about you and hi-sook.

Well, I told you
the whole story.

Well, I gotta tell
you something, dad.

I didn't believe you at first.

Why wouldn't you believe me?

Well, there you are overseas,

A handsome young bachelor.

And there's this gorgeous
little chick who's single

And crazy about you.

And you 2 never...

It just doesn't make sense.

That's what I kept
telling her chaperone.

Well, remember that
old proverb, philip?

It's never too late to
rekindle your flicker.

I'll make a note of that.

I promise you, g*ng, when I
decide to get married again,

You'll be the first to know.

Oh, well, I think you should let

The lady in on it, too.

[Telephone rings]


Oh, hi, arnold.

Willis, I need your advice.

I'm in a lot of trouble.

What's the matter?

Dudley's little sister
wants to kiss me.

So, what's the problem?

Well, my head says no,

But my mouth already said yes.

So, why don't you
go ahead and kiss her

And get it over with?

I did. Now she wants seconds.

What else could happen to me?

I'll tell you what else.

You almost ended up
with a korean brother.


What'd he say?

He said, "what you
talking about, willis?"

♪ Now, the world don't move ♪

♪ To the b*at of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for you ♪

♪ May not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born,
he's a man of means ♪

♪ Then along come two ♪

♪ They got nothin'
but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the
world, yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes
to move the world, mmm ♪
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