04x01 - Growing Up

Episode transcripts for the TV Show "Diff'rent Strokes". Aired: November 3, 1978 –; March 7, 1986.*
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Series follows Arnold and Willis Jackson, two African-American boys from Harlem taken in by a rich white Park Avenue businessman and widower, Phillip Drummond, for whom their deceased mother previously worked, and his daughter, Kimberly.
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04x01 - Growing Up

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Now, the world don't move ♪

♪ To the b*at of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for you ♪

♪ May not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born ♪

♪ He's a man of means ♪

♪ Then along come two ♪

♪ They got nothin'
but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the world ♪

♪ Everybody's got ♪

♪ A special kind of story ♪

♪ Everybody finds
a way to shine ♪

♪ It don't matter that you got ♪

♪ Not a lot... So what? ♪

♪ They'll have theirs
and you'll have yours ♪

♪ And I'll have mine ♪

♪ And together we'll be fine ♪

♪ 'Cause it takes
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the
world, yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent
strokes to move the world ♪

Willis, will you keep
your mind on history?

Ok, what was diogenes looking
for on the streets of athens?

A place to park?

No. For an honest man.

Well, I'm looking
for a friendly woman.

Willis, come on. Stop.

Oh, come on, charlene.
I just want a little kiss.

Don't you like it?

Sure. That's why I
want you to stop.

Listen, I'd better go
before we get in trouble.

I don't mind getting into
a little trouble with you.

Charlene, I like you more
than I've ever liked any girl.

Well, I feel the same
way about you, willis.

But the trouble with
a little trouble is

Before you know it,
you're in big trouble.

I'm going now.

Wait a minute.

We haven't even
finished our homework.

That's not my fault.

I got here 2 hours ago.

Oh, charlene...

Ok, ok. I promise we'll study

And I won't try anything.

Well, in that case,
I'm definitely going.


No, really. I have to go.

See you tomorrow
night, sugar man.

Oh, wow.

Sugar man.

Ha ha!

Mirror, mirror, on the wall,

Who's the coolest
brother of them all?

Right again!

Hey, willis. Making love to
your favorite person again?

Tell me something. Have you
noticed any change in me lately?

Sure. Since you're been
going out with charlene,

You've changed
from flaky to weird.

What's going on with you?

Well, arnold, what it is is...

Never mind. You
wouldn't understand.

I've got to talk to somebody.

Man, I'm so desperate,
I'll even talk to you.

Thanks a lot.

Well, arnold, when a
guy gets to be my age,

Things start to change.

Like what?

Like with girls.

I mean, when you're your
age, you wanna hit 'em.

When you're my age,
you wanna hit on them.

You get the feeling
that you wanna kiss them...

Especially a girl like charlene.

I never wanted to kiss charlene.

Arnold, you're only 10.

You'll feel different about
girls by the time you're 15.

You mean I've only
got 5 good years left?

[Knock on door]

Hey, arnold. Dinner's
almost ready.

Ok. Willis, chow time.

Willis: I hear you.

Man, that charlene sure
got him acting goofy.

Well, arnold, one day you're going
to be acting the same exact way.

You mean I'll be walking
around like willis?

Hey, g*ng, let's go.

We're having a
barbeque on the balcony.

Hey, that's a
great place for it.

If we don't like the food,

We can always throw
the chef overboard.

On second thought, maybe
we ought to eat in the kitchen.

Dad, can I talk to
you for a minute?


What are you doing willis?

What does it look like?

Like a black santa claus.

Have you got a
blade in that razor?

Of course.

A man can't shave his
beard without a blade, right?

Daddy, one hair isn't a beard.

Why shave it?

Leave it alone, and
it'll die of loneliness.

What did you want to
talk to me about, willis?

Well, dad, it's confidential.

Is this gonna be one of
those man-to-man talks?

That's right. Man-to-man.

You better run along, kimberly.

You better run along, too.

Come on, arnold.

We'll have our own
man-to-man conversation.

We can try, but
you're not built for it.

What's on your mind, willis?

Well, dad...

How old does a
guy have to be to...

You know, really become a man?

Oh, you mean, when does a
man start shaving regularly.

No, I'm not talking
about shaving.

I'm talking about...

You know what I mean.

I'm not sure you mean
what I think you mean.

Oh, yeah. That's what I mean.

Well, we better try
and cr*ck the code here.

Are you talking about...

A meaningful
relationship with a girl? No.

Then you're talking
about sex? Right.


Well, willis, you're
too young for sex,

But later, when you're older...

Your time will come.

But dad, what I'm
trying to get at is this...

I'm the only one of my friends

Who hasn't had... Who hasn't.

Well, I find that very
hard to believe, willis.

Oh, no. Honest, dad, I haven't.

I don't mean that
you haven't, willis.

I mean that all the rest
of your friends have.

It's true. You should
hear them talk.

Talk's all that is... Just talk.

Hey, when I was your age,

We used to sit around and
sh**t the breeze about the girls,

And k*ller would say...


Yeah. It's short
for lady k*ller.

k*ller was always
bragging about the girls.

In fact, he even claimed
that a cheerleader

Made up cheer about
what a great lover he was.

Bedroom eyes!
Red-hot lips! Terrible.

k*ller must have
been something else.

He was. He was a liar.

He'd never had any
experience with women.

He was a...

You know what I mean.

Yeah. A virgin.

Well, that's one
way of putting it.

In fact, that's the
only way of putting it.

Dad, how did you know
that k*ller was really a liar?

Well, because the guy
they used to call k*ller

Was me.


[Muffled laughter]

Guess who.

Arnold, what were
you doing listening in?

I wasn't listening in.

I was... Just walking by

And you opened the door so fast,

The air vacuum sucked me in.

You heard everything
we said, didn't you?

I didn't hear
anything. Not a word.

I just wanted to see what
time dinner was, k*ller.

Arnold, don't you
ever do that again.

Not only is eavesdropping
bad for your character,

It could be very
destructive to your behind.


Dad, did anyone ever find out

That you never...

Well, that you didn't have
any experience with women?

Only my wife.

The point is, willis,

Making love can be a
beautiful experience

For two people that really
care about each other.

But it's foolish to do
anything that important

Just because you're feeling
pressure from your friends.

You understand?

I guess so.

Hey, willis, don't worry.

It'll all happen naturally
sooner or later.

Later, please!

[Man on television] these last few days
have been the happiest days of my life.

Be mine. Tomorrow, I
must face the unknown.

[Woman on television]
tonight will be ours, leslie.

Kiss me again, and again.

I hope he's got
plenty of chapstick.

Oh, arnold, stop.

That man is really magnetic.

Is that why they're
stuck together?

[Woman] leslie, I'm yours.

[Man] vanessa, my love.

[Clicks off tv]

What a crummy movie.

Ten minutes of w*r
and an hour of kissy-poo.

[Making kissing sounds]

Man, that vanessa sure
gave into leslie fast.

Well, no wonder. Who
could resist a man like that?

He's worldly, he's got
charisma, he's experienced.

And he's got lip of iron.

It's a bunch of goop.

Arnold, that's the kind of
goop that turns a woman on.

It does? Hey, thanks kimberly.

For what? For helping me
with my biggest problem.

How is what she said going to
help you with your dandruff?

Hey, arnold.

Charlene and I have to study.

Go ahead. You won't bother me.


That's amazing. What
did you say to him?

Well, I just explained to him

That going downstairs was
shorter than a trip to the hospital.

Willis, you're something else.

Really? Do you
find me irresistible?


These last few days

Have been the happiest
of my life, my darling.

How come?

'Cause tomorrow I
must face the unknown.

What do you mean?

I'm not sure.

Arnold, I thought you went
upstairs to do your homework.

I did, but willis and
charlene kicked me out.


They want to be alone, daddy.

It's only natural.


Only natural.

I think they need some cookies.

Oh, come on, charlene.

I already gave you a kiss.

Yeah, but you're
like potato chips.

I can't stop with just one.

[Knock on door]

Come on in.

Oh, hi, charlene.

Oh, hi, mr. Drummond.

I hope I'm not
interrupting anything.

Oh, no. Not at all.

I just thought maybe you'd
like some of these fudge cookies.

Wasn't that thoughtful of me?

Thanks, dad. See you later.

Uh, what are you two studying?

Oh, the usual stuff...

Nouns, adjectives,


Dad, if you don't mind,
we got a lot to do.

Ok. Well, I'll just pop
in from time to time,

See how you're doing.

Ok. Thanks, dad. Ok.

Thanks, dad.

This isn't going to work.

Between studying and my father,

We're never gonna get anywhere.

Listen, sit down, charlene.
I have to talk to you.

We've known each
other for a long time,

And I think you're the greatest.

So if you care about me
as much as I care about you,

I think we're ready for

A more mature relationship.

You mean like making love?

I mean... Oh, yeah. I mean that.

Gee, willis,

I like you a lot,

A real lot.

And I'm tempted, but...

But I'm scared.

Hey, who isn't the first time?

Even I was.

You mean you've already...

A gentleman
doesn't talk about it.

So what do you say, charlene?

All right.

Say what?

I said yes, willis.

That's what I thought you said.


When you said all
right about you and me,

Did you mean all right
about you and me?

Yes, I meant it, willis.

Well, all right!
Then it's settled!

Willis, but we've got to discuss
the where, when, and how.

Just the where and the when.

I'll take care of the how.

What about my house?

Isn't your dad a cop?

He's in the vice squad.

Forget it.

Hey, I've got an idea.

We're going to the
movies tomorrow night.

It's perfect.


I think the movies
is a terrible place.

No, I mean we kids are
going to the movies.

Our dad's dropping us off
on the way to his health club.

I'll make up some
excuse not to go

And we'll have the
whole place to ourselves.

See? Where there's a
willis, there's a way.

Tomorrow night at 7:30. Ok?


It's a deal. Shake.

Aren't you going
to give me a kiss?

I'm sorry. With all
this talk about sex,

I forgot all about kissing.

Dad thought you might like
some milk with those cookies.

Thanks, arnold.

Tomorrow night, 7:30.

I'll drink to that.

Till then.

Bye. See you later.

Good night, arnold.

Night, charlene.

Willis, what's that
about 7:30 tomorrow?

Arnold, I need your help

To get everyone out of the
house for me tomorrow night

So me and charlene can be alone.

We have very important
homework to do.

Homework? Who you jiving?

You're not talking to a kid.

I wasn't born yesterday.

I just look like I was.

I know why you want to
be alone with charlene.

You do?

Yeah. So you can do some
heavy breathing on each other

Like in that crummy movie.

Oh, vanessa, let me run my
tresses through your fingers.

Yeah, right, arnold.

Yeah, all we're gonna
do is a little hand holding

And a little kissing.

Will you help me get everyone
out of the house for me?

Sure, for you and 5 bucks.

When did you start
feeling ill, willis?

Just a little while ago.

Willis, you look
terrible. Horrible!

In fact, really repulsive.

You ought to stay home.

Well, sure, if you
don't feel well.

Yeah, it would be a
good idea if I didn't go.

Yep, and get right to bed.

That's what I had in mind.

Willis, maybe I should
stay home with you.

Oh, no, dad.

I mean, um...

You should go to
that health club.

You need it. Right, arnold?

Yeah, right.

You gotta exercise
for your heart,

Or else one morning, you'll
wake up and you're dead.

I mean, that's it. Kaput.
Finito. Over and out.

10-4, Good buddy.

Thanks for explaining
that, arnold.

I feel much better now.

Well, let's go if we're going.

Yeah, you go ahead, dad.

I'll be fine. Really.

Ok. Let's get our coats.

What movie are you
going to go and see?

I think it's dracula
goes to college.

No, no, no, arnold.

I'm sorry, but
tonight it's my choice,

And we're going to
go see harvest of love.

Bye, willis.

Willis, if you need
me, call me at the club.

Ok, dad.

Did you hear that, willis?

Harvest of love?

Forget the 5 bucks.
I'm charging you 10.

[Telephone rings]


Oh hi, charlene. Where are you?

I'm in the phone booth
across the street.

Have they left yet?

They're just about to.

You probably can see them
coming out of the building.

I'm so glad it's you, willis.

Not just because I love you.

But because you know it all.

And you'll be kind
and sweet and gentle.

I won't have to be
afraid of anything.

[Laughs] yeah.

Willis, I'm so glad
you're experienced.

That, too. Yeah
that's me, experienced.

I wish I could be
as calm as you.

I'm really nervous about this.

You are?

Well charlene if you want
to call this whole thing off.

No, willis.

I can't wait to see you.

I'll be right there.

Oh, no.

What am I going to do?


Brother, you don't know nothing.

[Doorbell rings]




Mmm. Your perfume smells nice.

Thank you.

You look very handsome.

Yes, I do.

You look very beautiful.

Thank you.

Willis, I have to leave by 9:00.

That give us an hour and a half.

It's not much time.

Would you like
something to drink?

A diet soda perhaps?

No, thank you.

How about something to eat?

No, thank you.

What would you like?

I'd like to come in.

Oh, right.

I'm sorry. Do come in.

Let's sit on the sofa.


Yes? Charlene?

How do you feel
about basketball?

Say what?

The knicks have got a
pretty good team this year.

Oh, yeah. That's nice.

Willis, are you gonna
sit way over there?

Oh, no.

I didn't want to scare
you with too quick a move.

I guess I have a lot to learn
about these affairs, huh?

That's what they all say.

Is it because I'm nervous
and inexperienced

That you haven't kissed me yet?

Oh, no. Not at all.

This is the part
they call warming up.

Sure, I'm gonna kiss you.

I'm right-handed.

I kiss better from
the other side.

Oh, ok.

Hi. Hi.

Come on, willis.

What's wrong with me?

Nothing, charlene.

Why don't we dance?

More warming up?

You got it.

[Music plays]

That's nice.

Thank you.

Willis, have you
thought about...

Well, you know.

Protecting us?

What for?

This isn't a tough neighborhood.


Sometimes girls get
into trouble this way.


Oh! Yeah, right.

Yeah, I didn't think of that.

I'll go get some.

I know a store up in harlem.

Harlem? That'll
take over an hour.

But I do all my business there.

Willis, by the time you
get back, I won't be here.

Right. That could
pose a problem.

Willis, I know I'm nervous,

And in my case, it's

But why are you acting so funny?

Well, I got to level
with you, charlene.

I'm trying to act like superfly,

And coming off like big bird.

[Turns off music]

This is all an act.

What do you mean?


I'm no big, experienced
ladies man,

And I've never
been with a woman.

But you really turn me on.

Thank you.

I guess part of
why I tried to do this

Is because the guys at school

Said I'm the only one
who hadn't had sex.

Really? Well, that's
what they told me.

The guys told you that?

No. My girlfriends
said that about me.

Willis, when I called you
from across the street,

I was going to cancel out.

But I thought if I
did it, you'd hate me.

Charlene, I could
never hate you.

I love you.

I love you, too.

I guess neither of us
is really ready for this.

I guess not.

But I'm glad it was you

I almost had my
first experience with.

Me, too.

This was a...

Terrific almost affair.

And that's what
happened, dad... Nothing.

Let's face it. I'm still a kid.

Son, a real man isn't measured

By the conquests he makes.

A mature man
respects other people.

He's sensitive
to their feelings.

He has self control.

You know...

A man has to know
how to say no, too.

That makes me feel
pretty good, dad.

You're a lot closer to
being a man than you realize.

In fact...

What are you staring at?

I think I see a new
hair on your chin.

Yes. Really?

I mean it, arnold.

I'm never going to another
movie with you again!

It wasn't my fault.

What's the matter?
What happened?

They threw us out of the movie.


Because during
all the love scenes,

Arnold kept gagging.

[Gagging and coughing]

I should have gagged you.

Well, I can't help it.

All that kissing makes me sick.

One day you'll feel different
about all that, arnold.

Hey, how about
some hot chocolate?

All right. Fine.

Hey, willis,

How'd it go?

Real nice.

Where you going?

To take a cold shower.

What you talkin' 'bout, willis?

Arnold, I'm talking
about growing up.

♪ Now, the world don't move ♪

♪ To the b*at of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for you ♪

♪ May not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born ♪

♪ He's a man of means ♪

♪ Then along come two ♪

♪ They got nothin'
but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the
world, yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪
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