02x07 - Chipped Beef

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hill Street Blues". Aired: January 15, 1981 - May 12, 1987.*
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The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city.
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02x07 - Chipped Beef

Post by bunniefuu »

Item 9, as regards the deplorable
spelling being found in this precinct.

Especially disturbing here...

Is the recent increase in
errors on your form 1506 salmon,

1596 Salmon, your
traffic citation 943 mint.

So, please, uh, note.

"Black male," person... Say,
renko. I want to see you upstairs.

And "blackmail," the crime.

Men, these common mistakes,

Besides being highly
debatable comprehension-wise,

Can only make an impression on the
public's perception of our intelligence,

That I might characterize
as, uh, negative in the extremis.

So, uh, what say, huh, guys?

Scribble 'em down on the
back of your miranda cards...

And let's get 'em
right next time.


Item 10 is the union situation.

Word is the, uh, city got down
to serious bargaining yesterday.

But let's not raise
any expectations.

Let's not put down any
thousand dollar deposits...

On caribbean love nests yet.

All right. Listen up.
Operation cash and carry.

Be apprised that, uh, there are now 73
day-night automated tellers in the city,

Six of them on the hill.

Customers at all six have been
hit by a g*ng of perpetrators,

Operating out of a
dark-colored, late-model van.

As of 9:00 a.m. This morning,
half a dozen of our finest...

Will commence
undercover surveillance.

The last item...

Is, uh, the subject
of organ donation.

Which one? The
one you don't use.

As of friday, the greater
metropolitan vital organ bank...

Had received only three
donor cards from this precinct.

One of said cards,

Albeit proffered by the anonymous donor
with, I doubt, the best of intentions,

Listed only an unmentionable.

And according to ms. Wyshanski of said
bank, unusable organ of reproduction.

Now, guys, cognizant as I am
of the natural reluctance...

To, uh, part with one's vital
organs, even an extremity,

Nevertheless, I
might point out that...

You're not donating a part of
your body to keep a stranger alive.

He or she is donating
nearly everything else...

To keep a part of you alive.

That's a good one. Right. Right.

All right, that's
it. Let's roll.

And, hey. Hey. Let's
be careful out there.

All right.

Say, renko, how are
those reports coming?

They'll be on the captain's
desk at 9:00, as promised.

Hey, you two, report
time. Let's hit it.

Belker. Belker.

Thank you. Come on, move it. We're
still in the same place. Come on! Come on!

Move it. Out of
my way. Watch it.

Can I help you, ma'am? I wanna
see belker. Oh, there he is.

Lady, you can't
just walk in there.

Out of my way, hairball.

All right, mother's maiden name.

Bailey, pearl.

- They don't want to go.
- What do you mean
they don't want to go?

I just talked to her. In three
days, the cruise leaves, paid in full,

And she says to me, "luana, we'd be
happier if you and your brother went."

All right, it's very simple.

You go back to
her, you say to her,

"Ma, mick and I love
you both very much.

"But if you and dad
don't get on that boat,

I'm gonna break both your
legs." Why do I have to do it?

I'm on a very big undercover
operation today, so forget it.

What's the matter, you got amnesia,
how to pick up a telephone or what?

What's this?

Is this what I think it is? Just keep
your hands off the evidence, hairbag.

Hey. Hey, those are
sexual appliances.

Oh, it heats up too.

How would you like me to tear
out both your lungs, dogbreath?

Dispatch. We have a 9-11.

Armed robbery in progress.

See surplus store, corner
people's drive, 124th street.

We're doing our best
to expedite it, jerry.

Internal affairs should have the
paperwork by tomorrow morning.

Excuse me, francis, if I could
interrupt for one moment.

Your lunch for hal massey
today. Oh, phil, I forgot.

I made plans to have
lunch with howard hunter.

May I suggest a wiser course
politics-wise, familial-wise...

And otherwise? Okay.
Okay, you're right.

What the heck. I'll take howard with
me. We'll k*ll two birds with one stone.

I'll call fay and reserve
another place. Great. Thanks, phil.

You know the route
from there, right? Hmm?

Well, internal affairs
will come here or

You'll go there, depending
on your schedule.

- Oh, yeah.
- You gonna get a lawyer?

That'd just make me look guilty.

To tell you the truth, I
don't feel that I need one.

Frank, you know I'm real sorry
this whole thing happened.

I know you are, jer. So am i.

Whoa! Whoa!

Oh, I'm really sorry,
man. You okay?

Good. Hey, captain,
I just slipped.


I'll get a broom.

I'll clean it up.

I'll be right back.

Some days, huh, frank?

Oh, uh, there's one
other thing, jerry. Hmm?

Are you moonlighting?

Oh, just a couple
of hours, that's all.

We both know that's
against the book.

Well, I gotta do something.
I got ends to make meet.

I gotta... I gotta hire somebody
to take care of my kids, and...

It seems like I'm damned if
I do and damned if I don't.

You mean this stuff's
not bulletproof?

A moment of your time, captain.

Sure. I guess that's all, jerry.

Doesn't look like a
skull-buster, I'll grant you that.

Are you here about him? These.


Are these all yours?

Take a look, pizza man.

I don't know anything about these,
joyce. The night officer was on duty.

Loitering. Public urination.
Peeping tom. Littering. Littering?

Was last night the coldest night of the
year by 10 degrees, or am I kurt waldheim?

They're your classic
cold-weather busts, furillo, admit it.

Temperature drops,
windchill's up off the river,

Time to comb the alleys
for a misdemeanoring bum.

Well, we did have quite a few officers
out on foot patrol last night, that's true.

So, uh, do you suppose we could maybe
short-circuit the mickey mouse right here?

The taxpayers
could use the savings.

And I'd like to get out of court
and have dinner with a cop tonight.

Oh? You know, the two of us ought
to stay in from out of the cold.

Well, I'm not promising anything,
counselor, but I'll ask ray... Henry.

Henry, uh, could you
find ray for me, please?

Yeah, sure.

It is supposed to
be chilly tonight.

See you about 6:30, pizza man.

You know what this
place needs? Hmm?

A repairman.

I wish this union we paid all these dues
to would get us some money, you know?

Say, with what you owe, it will
hardly scratch the surface.

I don't know how a
guy like nash does it.

I mean, I'm a single guy, I
don't pay a whole lot of rent...

And I sure don't spend all my money
on clothes like you afro-americans.

Yeah. You know,

I don't know where your
whole paycheck goes, cowboy.

I mean, it would be one thing
if you spent $4,000 on a harley...

Or a share in a powerboat...

Or, um, pay $200 on a pair
of snakeskin cowboy boots...

Direct from houston, texas, that
don't fit... Will you please stop?

Or if you fell in love with
your creative writing teacher...

And bought a $600 electric
typewriter that's still in the box.

Do you have to get into emotional
things now? Or paid $1,500...

For a set of contour weights.

You know, you're starting
to depress me, bobby.

I'm just a 31-year-old white man
trying to make my way in the world.

Ohh. They won't pay me nothing.

Eastside park units, we
got a vehicular, mid 600 block.

Forget about it.
Oh, come on, cowboy.

Uh, unit 2202 on that van buren
vehicular, we're close. We'll cover. Over.

Roger, 2202. Bobby, I'm too depressed
talking about my financial condition...

To get involved in
crime fightin' now.

My husband's gonna
put a dent in you!

Listen, you shouldn't have
been backing up like that!

If you think you're going someplace,
you got another mistake coming,

'Cause I got your license.
You're lying like a rug, boy!

Just because you look like tarzan
don't mean you have to talk like him!

Don't call me names and
don't point your finger at me!

I'll point at you! Hey!

Please! Everybody keep quiet! The
fast dancing's over. Get back to your car.

License and registration, all around.
Come on. License and registration.

Listen. Right here,
see? William teacher.

See, she come out the alley, she
didn't even stop to take a look!

He's lying like a rug, boy! You saw it.
I ain't gonna listen to you with "boy"!

I said you be quiet. And, you, hey,
don't you be calling him boy, number one,

And number two, you get
your license and registration.

All right, partner.
Back there. Take a seat.

Y'all hear me? Get out...

Look at this, stoned
again. Get out of the car.

Get out here. Now
just stand up here.

You know what? It looks like
you need a little bit more sleep.

A little more sleep, a little less of
that pharmaceutical you've been ingesting.

Go over here. Stay right
there. I said, stay right there!

Don't you come off of
there. Hey, looks like

We got a real junkyard
mess here, don't it?

Hey, if you're so
interested in looking at this,

Why don't you go home and
get a dustpan and a broom...

- And come back
and y'all give me a hand, huh?
- I'll sweep you up, h*nky.

Hey, why don't you climb into
that refrigerator and close it?

I have two ambulances comin' from
county medical. You all want to sign...

Hey, he's got a pipe!

You get over here!

Man, looks like
you saved my head.

On the sidewalk. Get back.

See, we're trying to get the traffic
through here before christmas.

What's gonna happen is this. You have
to get an inspection. Here's the slip.

It'll be in about two
weeks. This one's uninsured.

Look, I got insurance,
man. Believe it, i-i got it.

The computer says no.

When did you get that
insurance, mr. Teacher?

Look, I just paid last week. I
swear, man. Look, it went like this.

I had insurance, but then when they
canceled it, I had to get the other.

Mr. Teacher, I really hate to tell
you this, and I hate to do this to you,

But, uh, I can overlook
this inspection

Here, this taillight
and so on and so forth,

But uninsured is a
criminal misdemeanor.

That is v.t.l. 427 Of
the criminal code.

I'm afraid me and my partner
here are gonna have to take you in.

Oh, man! Look, man, I
got it at home, I swear.

Look, I got kids... I got three
kids and a wife I got to support.

Now if I go downtown, I'll
lose my job, and I go on welfare.

Now what good's that?

No good at all.

Look, I'll tell you what.
You come down this

Afternoon about 4:00,
4:30 to the station house.

You bring proof of your
insurance, and I'll take care of you.

You got that? I got it. I'll be
there at 4:00. You got it, man.

All right. Thank you for saving
my head. Hey, nothing to it. All right.

Hello. How are you today?

Nice. Nice. How's about you?

I am here to help you with all your banking
needs. What would you like to do today...

Get cash, make deposit,
pay bill, cancel transaction?

Very nice of you
to offer though.

Thank you. I'm very happy
to serve you. Have a nice day.

Thank you. You too.

I mean it.

Hello. How are you today?
I'm fine. How are you today?

I'm here to help you with
all your banking needs.

Excuse me, sarge.

Could you just toss me that pliers in
the box there on the desk for a second?

Hey, phil? Hmm?

It really helps when you
get a little cooperation.

This william teacher
with the moving truck?

Computer just spit out
a felony warrant on him.

The guy that saved renko's head?

1976, A & b, missouri
warrant, kansas city.

Oh, what a shame.

You know, a guy like that, I'd like
to see him get a citizen's citation.

Pick up this guy, will you?

Yeah, sure, sarge.

So how's jill doing out
there in fat-cat land?

Copacetic, man.

She's out all the time, going
here, going there. Mm-hmm.

You know, I think, uh, she really
needs all this time to herself.

Yeah. So, when's she
make the cover of ebony?

Hey, come on, man, would you?
She's gonna be back in eight days.


Hey, what's the weather like out
there? Hey, good, man. Good. Good.

You haven't even talked
to her, have you, man?

Hey, hey, hey, hey. Man, now
look, I don't... I don't know.

I mean, uh, the
time differences.

You know, by the time you
get it straightened out...

I call her up, her girlfriend
says she's either in the shower...

Yeah, yeah. Sure, sure. And she
doesn't return your calls, right?

Come on, man, she's pressuring
you into marriage is what she's doing.

No, no. Now come on, j.d. It's
not like that with me and jill.

Oh, yeah, right. You're beyond all
that petty possessive stuff, right?

How'd you know? ♪♪

Hey, cut it out, man, would you?

Come on, j.d., Cut it out.

William teacher? We're police officers.
We've got a warrant for your arrest.

Look, I told the man that...
I said 4:00 I'd be coming in.

All right... Um...

Doreen, take these packages
back upstairs for me, will you?

Let him go now. He
didn't hurt nobody.

Hey, chuckmeat. Why don't you, uh,
get back in your cellophane pack.

He ain't going no place.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
Everything's cool. Everything's cool.

Just... Just parking tickets.

Listen, let me just say good-bye to my
little ones and we can be on my way, okay?

Hugs and kisses all the way
around, okay? Here we are.

Come on, just go in the
house. All right. Give me a hug.

Give me a hug. Come
on. Give me a big hug.

Take all these packages back upstairs
and don't worry about a thing, okay?

I'll be calling you
in an hour, all right?

Judas h., Frank, I'm
disappointed as heck.

I thought we were gonna have a
chance to sit down mano a mano,

And, you know, chew the
emotional bacon, as it were.

We'll chew it tomorrow,
howard. No, let's just forget it.

Don't pout, howard.

Aren't you hungry?

I'm all right. I just have a
little indigestion. It's okay.

You're not gonna eat that?

Uh, ladies and gentlemen,

As you know we're not just
here for the chicken à la rubber.

As all of you who paid
your $25 are well aware.

I, uh... I'd liked to
take a moment now...

To introduce to you
a man of the people,

For the people,

And most of all,
for the children.

Our friend, a member
of the school board,

Who in four short years...

Has brought the

And backroom bigots
of this city to heel.

A man dedicated to
uplifting the poor.

A fighter, ladies and gentlemen.

May i, hal massey.

Hal, get up.

If I'm not off in 10 minutes,

Somebody ring
the bell for recess.

I really thank all of
you for coming today.

And I would like to
hit hard once again...

On the one thing that
I think is important...

In mine or anyone else's election to
this board two weeks from thursday.

The administration
in washington...

Has thrown down a gauntlet...

To, uh, local communities
across the nation...

Take care of your own.

Well, I propose
that we do just that.

I know the wretched
slums of our city...

Like... Like the
back of my hand.

I know the most blameless...

Of all ignorance comes from
growing up on jefferson avenue.

I know... Judas priest, he's
bleeding all over the floor, frank.

Shh. Calm down. I can't
calm down about that, frank.

And I know something
can be done with it. Shh.

Something bold
and compassionate...

And courageous.

And I just want to say
one thing to all of you.

Boy, I'm not feeling very well.

Hal? Oh, hal!

My god, he's dead.

Did you see some of
this stuff? Yeah, I saw it.

Just don't pull that string.

What do you know
about this stuff?

I told you not to pull the
string. I didn't even touch it.

I said not to pull it, that's
all. How do you stop it?

She's yours. Now she's yours.

Hey, how do you stop it?

All right, joe.

Hey! Hey, man! Come on,
you guys. Let's move it.

A man like that, tries to
do things to help people?

Young man, 52
years old. Fifty-two?

What'd he fall in?

Uh, chipped beef, supposedly.

Uh-uh. Actually, I heard it
was eggs benedict, henry.

Eggs benedict? You
sure? It's what I heard.

Oh, I think you're wrong, ray. Eggs
benedict is more, uh, brunch menu.

Yeah. I've eaten it at lunch.

You're not a native
to this country, ray,

So don't pontificate about what a
proper luncheon menu is at a function.

Chipped beef is not a
proper menu anywhere.

Uh, gentlemen, I was there.
It was beef stroganoff.

See? By me, beef stroganoff
is not chipped beef.

Could we get some
work done around here?

What, that thing in kansas
city? You got to be jivin', bro.

Some white dudes start throwing stuff
around in the bar. One nearly kills doreen.

What am I supposed to do, just
sit there? Look, this isn't no russia.

Hold it. Hey, sarge. Sarge.

There's your william
teacher, sarge. Tell you

The truth, we think
he's a pretty good dude.

Yeah, the guy's a saint, sarge.

Francis, how's fay?

For someone whose entire life has
just come crashing in on her, she's okay.

She's still at the hospital.
Shouldn't you have stayed with her?

She didn't want me, phil.

You know, larue and
washington just picked up

This william teacher,
the alleged fugitive.

Um, they'd like a
few words with you.

You know, francis,
there seems to be some

Rather strong sentiment
amongst the men that,

Well, perhaps this is a situation that,
uh, we don't want to be responsible for.

Also, did you look over the
reports on the jerry nash incident?


Well, it just seemed
to me, shall we say, uh,


Yeah. It seemed to me too.

Francis, can I get
you some mocha java?

Yes. Please.

Captain? Yes, j.d.

- Uh, about that guy...
- William teacher?

Yeah. He's an okay dude, captain. He kind
of helped us out of a big jackpot today.

Why are you telling me this?

I thought you might want
the information, captain.

What difference does it make?

Made a big difference out on
that street this afternoon, captain.

Hey, look what some
sadist did to your girlfriend.

Oh, no! Look what
they done to marlene.

I love you. I love you, andy.

I love you too, marlene.
You... Bobby. Renko.

Say, jerry, have you heard
anything from internal affairs yet?

Uh, well, they're gonna go over
the paperwork tomorrow morning.

Renko, I want you to know I really
appreciate your covering for me on this.

Well, I wasn't covering for you,
nash. I was covering for my partner.


Excuse me, you two
handsome leather devils.

What's up, son?

You know that guy,
teacher? Yeah, what about him?

Had to pick him up. It's about
a warrant in kansas city.

You picked him up? You mean he's in
there? They got no couth around here.

That guy saved my skull this
morning. He saved my skull.

Yeah, mine too, lover. Hey, hey. Get out
of my way. You too, out of my way. Leo!

Hey, leo, you holding
a guy named teacher?

I'm about to bust somebody's
arm out their socket.

Hey, man, I'm sorry. I'm
real, real sorry. Hey, bro.

Hey, come on, get him
out of here, please.

Hey, look, they just
come pick me up. Warrant

Five years old. Never
were nothing to it.

If you done something wrong,
you better tell me right now.

I got nothing to hide. Just
help me get home to my kids.

You just better tell me right now.
Get him out of here. Get him out of here.

Hey, wash, uh, is everything
okay with you and jill?

Yeah, man, of course.

Why wouldn't everything be okay
with me and jill, huh? Well, I don't know.

Except, denise and I
were out at mchendrick's

Last night and ran into
jill and her girlfriend.

So, you know, I said, "how you
doing, babe? What's happening?"

She turned around and
practically ran out of the place.

Well, no wonder the chick
acted weird, man. That wasn't jill.

Wash, hey, man, how many times
have we been out together?

I know jill. Hey, bobby,
you may know jill,

But jill happens to be
in los angeles this week.

Has been since last week
and will be till next week.

Wait a second. Are we
talking about the same person?

Hey, you better get
your eyes checked, jack.

Ain't nothing wrong with my eyes, son. I
know the woman when I see the woman.

Like hell you do, man.

All right. So she wasn't there.

Ain't no skin off my nose, babe.

Hey, you want to hear
something really funny?

Guess you don't.

Hello, miss thomas? Let me
speak with jill. She's in los angeles.

Look, miss thomas, i-i know she's in
town. Now let me... Now where is she?

It weren't no kind of case to
begin with, $20 bail, you know?

And I had to keep going
back to court so many times.

Seven, nine times,
I lost my job.

Finally, I got a job here.

And, well, you know, I had
the kids and all. I had to leave.

And them lawyers for the white
boys kept saying to the judge,

"We're waiting for mr. Green," by which
they mean their money, see? Mr. Green.

And so that kept the case
being postponed so many times,

And, well, that-that's
what happened.

That was, what,
about five years ago?

Yeah. Seems if they wanted me so
much, they'd come and got me by now.

They probably
don't want you much,

Mr. Teacher, but you're
facing a bail jump now.

I know. I know. That's why I say if
you send me back, I'll lose my job again.

Mr. Teacher, I tell you what,
I'm gonna go talk to my superior,

See if there's something
I can do for you.

I'd... I'd really
appreciate that, officer.

I'm gonna get this
guy off right now.

Ray, try not to schedule anything past
6:15. I want to try and get out of here.

You should, frank. I'm gonna take
care of this whole thing myself.

Hi, andy. Lieutenant
call... Call... Calletano.

Hello, bobby. Well,
captain, uh, yes.

We'd like to talk to you about
something. Now, there's a guy...

- William teacher?
- William, yes.

Would you like to sit down?

I'll stand. Sure.

He helped you out.

Yes. He also helped out
larue and washington.

Yes. He's also wanted in kansas
city for as*ault and jumping bail.

Yes. Well, see, he
didn't just help us out.

He stopped me from getting a-a-a
pipe smashed across my cranium.

And, captain, even allowing
for 50% horse manure,

Which in this particular case I
don't think there's too much of it,

The guy seems like
he's a hell of a person...

Who's just been
dealt a terrible hand.

That's interesting.
Larue says the same

Thing. What would you
have me do, gentlemen?

Well, why don't you just... We'll
just open up the-the jail cell door...

And let him take a walk out.

I mean, what about this, uh,
discretion we hear about all the time?

From where I stand, the exercise
of our discretion does not extend...

To giving individuals who happen
to be nice to police officers...

Special attention in
direct violation of the law.

But, captain, what about all the stuff
that we let the snitches get away with?

When we deal with snitches, it's
because we expect something in return.

Usually, in theory anyway,
we catch a bigger fish.

And I guess that something in return is
not equal to my skull, which, by the way,

From the amount I'm paid, I could
have guessed that, I could have.

I'm sorry, gentlemen. It's by the
book. We catch 'em, we don't cook 'em.

Uh, by the way, if you can
scare up bates and coffey for me,

I'd like to talk to all four of
you a little later about something.

About what, captain?

Later, in the interrogation
room, we'll talk.

Come on. Come on.

You think you could, um...

Hi. Hey, how you doing, sheila?

Look, I got to talk
to you about jill.

Nothing's wrong, is there? I
mean, the girl doesn't call me at all.

Hey, look, forget it, sheila.
I spoke with bobby hill.

He saw you guys last night.

What are you saying? Jill
is in los angeles. Mm-mmm.

Spoke with her mama. She's not
there, so she's got to be here. Neal.

Sorry, sheila.

Well, I guess I better go
put the wash in the dryer.

Los angeles?

Look, neal... Look what?

What were you trying
to pull anyway, huh?

Well, I didn't go to los
angeles. I can see that.

I could have. I really could have,
you know. The chance is there.

So instead, you hide.

You lie. Would you have
been happier if I'd gone?

I just don't understand
what you're trying to do, jill.


I guess I just figured that
you ought to have a sense...

Of what your life
would be like without me.

It's about time, wouldn't
you say? Time for what?

Time for you to know, neal,
or at least think about it.

Have you been having a good time the
last couple of weeks? How's your life been?

Neal, can you live without me?

That's a funny way to
ask those questions.

Look, neal, I am
doing the best I can.

Now do I love you less for
not going out there or more?

Now that's a funny
way to show it.

I mean, you shamed me.
You embarrassed me.

And that sure as hell is not
my idea of helping a relationship.

Have a nice day.
Thank you very much.

It's very kind and
thoughtful of you.

Say, man, you got a quarter?

Hey, look here, brother, you
know which way jefferson avenue is?

I sort of lost my
way around here.

Joe, did you see the guy
on the back of the van?

Didn't you ever do that when
you were a kid? It was a rabbi.

A rabbi?

Open up, dogbreath! Police!

Slow it down, armpit,
you're speeding!


I'm here to assist you with all
your banking needs, hairball!

Spread 'em!

Move it, dogbreath.

Left turn. Left. Left!

Bates, coffey, captain wants to see
you both in interrogation right away.

Go on. I'll take over. Come on.

- I read your reports.
- We got a problem here?

Maybe you should answer that.

Don't know what
you mean, captain.

Gentlemen, lucy, I've been
reading reports for 17 years.

I think I know the
smell of a tuna by now.

Now let's just wait
here a minute, captain.

You see, this guy that nash was
involved with, he could have done anything.

- He's the scum of the earth.
- Is it plausible,
I ask myself, that you, andy,

Saw estaban resisting arrest
in precisely the same manner...

That bobby saw
him resist arrest,

Even though, calculating what you did
with the other suspects down the hall,

You had to be at least 10 seconds
behind bobby arriving on the scene?

Is it plausible that you two
saw absolutely nothing...

When you had to be arriving
there just seconds behind renko?

And is it plausible, bobby,

That you saw jerry
swing his baton only once,

When by your own admission
you were just steps behind him?

And estaban sustained
four broken ribs,

Facial lacerations requiring 38
stitches and a severe concussion?

Come on!

People, if you don't fool me, you're sure
as hell not gonna fool internal affairs.

They deal with this
kind of thing every day.

I've known jerry nash longer than
any of you, and I have to tell you this.

If I were in your place, I wouldn't do
what you're doing in these reports.

Well, captain, I think I
might be way out of line,

But I got a real
problem with this.

I mean, it seems like it's
been going on all day.

First with this teacher stuff and all, and
now what you're saying about jerry nash.

First thing that happens, we
get ourselves a new friend,

Or somebody we owe a debt of
gratitude to, and that guy gets the shaft.

You know what I'm
talking about, captain? I'm

Talking about a little
individual loyalty here.

I don't need lessons in loyalty
from you, renko. I have my loyalties.

They're to this department
and to all of you.

But I won't be able to protect you
should these reports turn out to be...


So why don't you just talk
it over among yourselves.

And if you decide to make some adjustments,
have them on my desk within the hour.

Where's he been?

I'm sorry, bobby. I'm not
gonna go through with it.

I can't either, bobby. So
what happens to jerry nash?

You can kiss his career
good-bye, can't you?

Come on, renko. So he gets a few
black marks. What's the big deal?

The big deal is he's
already got a few black

Marks against him down
at jefferson heights.

- That's the big deal.
- So he's dirty. So maybe
he gets what he deserves.

You know what? What you're saying is you're
willing to throw a guy off a building...

'Cause he spent about two or three
months having a hard time at home...

And now finds some circumstances
where anyone in their right mind...

Would want to protect their own
skull against the kind of person that...

- What about the victim's skull?
- Why don't you just knock it
off, all of you? Listen to us.

Cowboy, I'm the one
who got us into this...

Now you don't have to
start that. No, not you, me.

I appreciate what you're saying.
I know you're saying it for me,

And I thank you for helping
me out when I needed you.

But it's not gonna work.

I am not gonna let you two get
hung out to dry on account of me.

So I'm gonna change my report, and
I'm just sorry that I got you into it.

We wouldn't have done it in the
first place, bobby, if we didn't want to.

I know. I know.

Bobby, you aren't
perfect. At least you tried.

We're all trying, cowboy.

Well, anyway, I'm sorry.

You know what you
saw. Just write the truth.

Neal, can we talk?

You back for good?

No more lies.

Hey. What do you mean you
don't have anything to wear, ma?

You're not going to a debutante's
ball, you're going on a cruise.

I know that. Luana will take
you shopping, buy you a nice bikini.

A bikini? What am
i, brigitte bardot?

What's wrong with a bikini,
ma? I don't want to wear a bikini.

Oh, ma, please. Come on.
You got a great little shape.

I haven't had a great little
shape since I was young.

The city walked away from
the table half hour ago.

I heard. It's gonna
be a rough one, phil.

The city doesn't have any
money, we don't have any money.

Oh, francis, uh, a
couple of other matters.

On the subject of those
discretionary arrests,

The ones alleged to
be windchill related?

Mm-hmm? I spoke to
the night officer.

There will be no more busts
for littering or loitering,

Though he can promise nothing
of the more serious matter of, uh,

Public urination.

I understand the
night officer's concern.

Oh, also, uh, the night pouch.

Hill and the others are
reconsidering their reports right now.

What are they gonna say? The
truth, I presume. By the book.

You talk to nash?

In the morning.

I'm sorry, francis. I know
you go way back with the guy.

Uh, what a day. What a day.

Oh, phil, I almost forgot.

Regarding the extradition of
alleged fugitive, william teacher.

Next time you see renko, tell him
we never heard of william teacher.

That my certificate of
valor you're ripping up?

Francis, jerry.

Frank, I don't know what you know or
maybe what you figured about yesterday.

I went out on a limb for you,
jerry, and you sawed it off behind me.

Well, if that's the way you want
to look at it? That's the way it is.

I'm gonna resign, frank. I
just wanted you to know.

I think that's wise.

I get my accounting degree in four
months if I go to school full-time.

So I'm sending the kids back east
to be with their grandmother.

I hope things work
out for you, jer.


Yeah, I know you do.

Well, I'll see you, frank.

Phil, could you...

Oh, joyce, give me a
minute, would you, please?

Why don't you have
a cup of coffee.

Would you get me ron linker
in internal affairs, please?

Mrs. Furillo?


We were never
formally introduced.

My name's joyce davenport.

Oh, yes. My husband's
mentioned you, of course.

I heard about your loss.

I can't tell you how sorry I am.

You know, when frank
and I were married,

The thing I feared
most in life...

Was the phone call in
the middle of the night.

Or in the afternoon,

Two cops coming to the door...

To tell me that my
husband had been k*lled.

And, uh, it never went away.

During that whole time, never
had any real peace or security.

And then, when we were divorced,

I thought, well, at least I don't
have to worry about that anymore.

And then with hal,

I thought I was
gonna have it all.

Oh, god. I feel so
frightened and alone.
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