01x09 - Your Kind, My Kind, Humankind

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hill Street Blues". Aired: January 15, 1981 - May 12, 1987.*
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The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city.
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01x09 - Your Kind, My Kind, Humankind

Post by bunniefuu »

All right. Next item is item 10.

The welfare eagle flies today.

So let's put some extra attention
on those check-cashing businesses.

Especially the ones just
south of the projects.

Oh, thank you. That
means high profile,

What is known as... Morgan!

What is known as getting out
of the car and taking a look.

Item 11.

This regards the dekker
avenue merchants association.

Now be reminded,
as of monday last,

Said association is a fully
sanctioned anticrime patrol.

This means they're accorded the
right to carry department-style batons...

And perform
department-style arrests.

Hey, hey, hey! No one's soliciting
our opinions on this one.

Officer bates.

Lucy! Good morning.


All right. Item 12.

The ex-sh**ting
suspect eddie hoban.

Now, the office of the
prosecution, in its infinite wisdom,

Has seen fit to return
mr. Hoban to the streets.

Now, as aware as I am of
the feelings on this one...

And as much as I empathize...
It's hands off eddie hoban.

Unless he's up to his ears in a
major felony, he does not exist.

Is that understood?

All right. The last item. As most of
you know, let's let everybody go free.

Officer vern harris was put
to rest yesterday, with honors.

I have a note here
from mr. And mrs. Harris.

There'll be a special
memorial service...

At st. Teresa's, saturday
morning at 10:00...

For those of us wishing
to pay a final tribute.

All right. That's it.
Let's roll. And hey!

Let's be careful out there.

Whoa, santini. Hey, nice
job on that warrants file.

Reflects a real gift
for organization.

You know, there's a
captain barlow at division...

That runs a retreat
for catholic officers.

I could give him a call if
you'd like. Just say the word.

From the laundromat here down
over to the grocery store... Okay.

Lieutenant, you need a
hand? I'll manage. Thanks.

Hey. Hey, I know those two. I
know you do. You know it all.

You, uh, sense a little
friction there, partner?

Yeah. They'll leave soon as
they get a taste of our coffee.

If not, maybe we
can talk furillo...

Into gettin' them to take our
place on this stakeout which is get...

Hey. Thought you'd given
up on that action, lover.

A man has his
responsibilities, neal.

She wants me so bad
it's eatin' her up inside.

She just doesn't
realize it yet. Sure.

Dispatch. We have a 9-11.

Armed robbery in progress.

See surplus store, corner
people's drive, 124th street.

You expect me to carry
yours out for you?

Come on. We're runnin'
late. We'll be late?

That's right. So what?

Renko, what are you gonna write
your citations on, your gum wrappers?

No. I thought I'd
write 'em on my elbow.

Let me tell you somethin'. I don't think
I'm in the law-and-order mood today.

I'll just bring an extra along in
case you decide to change your mind,

Or esterhaus changes it for you.

Hi. Fellas, have you got
a minute? No, we don't.

Have a nice day.
What is it you want?

The prime suspect in your sh**ting
was released earlier this week.

Is that right? I was wondering
how you felt about that.

We don't feel anything
about it, as a matter of fact.

Come on, renko. No, no. Wait,
wait, wait. Let me ask you somethin'.

The lady asked us a
legitimate question.

I think we owe her a legitimate
answer, at least a s*ab at one.

Now, how do we feel about
the subject in question...

Walkin' around out in the
streets as free as you please?

Well, I cannot speak for my
partner here, but, personally,

I'm tickled pink.

I'm happier than a pig
in... Come on. Let's go.

Wait a minute. I am not
unsympathetic to your situation.

I can understand that you must
be feeling a lot of anger right now.

A... A sense of
injustice, betrayal even.

After all, the system that you have laid
your life on the line for, day after day,

Has in effect turned
its back on you.

That's pretty good. You say that so
well you oughta interview yourself.

Come on, renko.

Y'all put me on television?
Gonna put me on television?

Okay, look, I think that
you oughta drive today.

'Cause I have to do my
nails. I drove yesterday.

That's why you should drive
today. Practice makes perfect.

What do you know about practice?

Hey, babe.

Don't blame yourself. They're
goin' through a really gnarly period.

Hell, I've been there myself. You've
been shot down for no reason?

Narcotics operation.

The doctors gave me a
1-in-10 chance to live. I...

I find it kind of
hard to talk about.

Hey, cup of tea?
Um, well, actually...

It'll do you good. Hey, it
soothes... Excuse me, miss chase.

See you a minute, j.d.? Sure,
lieutenant. Excuse me, babe.

Are you on duty or just in heat?

Uh, right. I'm on my way.

Yeah, I'll coordinate that
with division right away.

Neal. Division. Let's go.

Captain. Neal.

Good morning, frank.
Good morning, captain.

Ms. Chase. You're
looking well-rested.

Actually, I'm exhausted.
I've been up all night,

Covering dekker avenue
with the merchants.

So I hear. Nothing on the hill
slips by the captain, does it?

More or less. There hasn't been an
incident on that street in 48 hours.

Can't you give
those guys a break?

Those guys have gotten
everything they've asked for.

Except for positive acknowledgment.
They have feelings too.

I've seen some incredibly
shabby attitudes from your guys.

Attitudes are
difficult to dictate.

You ought to know that better
than anyone, ms. Chase. Very nice.

Is she okay?

- Is she all right?
- Help her up.

Well, there's stuff
all over the floor.

Sorry, lady. I'm really sorry.

We take full
responsibility. Yeah.

Are you all right? Yes!

Other than looking like
a perfect fool, I think I am.


Would you instruct
these gentlemen...

Not to store their law-enforcement
weapons on the floor please?

Okay. I'm really
sorry about that.

Oh, never mind. I knew it was
gonna be one of those kind of days.

I had a four-inch
run in my panty hose,

And then I got a
$10 parking ticket.

And it's not even lunchtime yet.

Who are those people? Just a
group of concerned citizens.

I'll take care of
the parking ticket.

You mean, fix it?

No. I mean pay it.

How are we coming with hector?
Terrible. Nobody'll touch him.

They're either overenrolled
or they're scared to death of him.

What about that boys ranch in
arizona? I thought harvey had an in.

He gave it his best
shot. Excuse me.

But you see, with a
record like hector's,

He's gonna have to spend at
least six months in juvenile hall...

Before the ranch is even
gonna consider his application.

Am I hearing correctly?

Hector ruiz?

Is this woman endeavoring to move
that little sociopath onto a ranch?

I'm sorry, frank, but does this woman
know that little ferret's record?

Yes, I believe she does,
howard. And this woman is fay.

Fay? Fay.

Fay. Oh, fay, the little woman.

- Former little woman.
- Oh, it's been years.

How are you? Nice to see
you. Nice to see you, howard.


- Howard.
- Well, friends still.

Excuse me, fay. Francis,
you're wanted at division.

Right away, phil. Don't
run out on me, frank.

Division can wait.

I am deeply disturbed
by what I'm hearing.

I was on that firing line
both times, and I must say...

I don't see how any right-thinking
person could consider...

Anything but maximum security
for that sawed-off little hispanic.

Send him off to a ranch.
Why not waikiki beach?

Judas! We are talking about
legally diseased brains here.

I mean, these are mutated
third-world genes.

A roach in the men's room
has more redemptive tissue.

Howard, have you ever thought
about this fear of foreigners,

This loathing for
pigmentation you have,

That it might be related to some
deeply rooted sexual conflict?

Just what we need.

I've got your number... Leather
sheets, camouflage pajamas.

You scream loud and clear next
time you need emergency action...

To save your blintzes. Tell
'em why you're not married.

Clear something up for me.
Rumor in the squad room has it...

It's an odd ship, frank.

Howard! Henry! Shut up!

Into my office. Now.

Well, well, well. There go
the dekker avenue rangers.

It's copacetic with me. Let 'em.

Hey, I know how you feel about
the job, cowboy, but it'll pass.

I don't care if
it passes or not.

I'm just gonna have a good
time. I'm gonna enjoy myself.

Oh, yeah, sure you are.
You're havin' a great time.

A great time. Uh. Uh.

Pull over right here.
It's my 11:00 appointment.

You gotta be
kidding. They're okay.

I know they're okay. That's
why I'm taking them to lunch.

To lunch? Why lunch? Why not?

Good mornin', my beauties.

Andy, we ain't done
nothin'. I swear.

Charlene. Come on,
man. We got rent to pay.

You also gotta eat, don't ya?

Come here. Come
here. Y'all come with me.

Come on now.

Monsieur hill? Yeah?

Compliments of monsieur renko.

I don't want any part of this,

And you can return
it to monsieur renko...

And tell him
where he can put it.

Oui, monsieur.

Andy, can we get outta here?
I don't usually eat this early.

What, you nervous about
people starin' at us, darlin'?

Let me tell you somethin'.

The only reason they're starin'
at us is because we're in uniform.

No, but seriously. Now,
seriously, my beauties.

These people here
have nothin' on us.

Matter of fact, we probably have
more of a right to be here than they do.

You see, we earned it.

We put our bodies on the line.

Now he's gonna talk
to us about bodies.

No, no. I'm serious here.

I wanna tell you somethin'.

In the last six
months of my life,

I've done more thinkin' than
at any other time in my 31 years.

And I spent two months
of that time in a hospital,

Flat on my back, all alone.

I had tubes runnin' in and
out my nose, you know.

I had... I had fluid runnin' in and
out various parts of my body.

I tell you, you talk about thick.
You look at that sauce there.

Oh, andy, I don't
like hospital stories.

I'm just sayin' the fluid was as thick
as this stuff in here. Andy. Andy, andy.

She means it. Oh. I don't
feel too... Too good.

- Look, I know her. She's gonna barf.
- Oh! Oh!

Aw, darlin'.

Get the other cop in here fast.

Now, what are you
starin' at, honey?

I think that's quite
enough, officer.

What do you mean
that's quite enough?

You are out of line. I wanna
tell you somethin', partner.

I paid just as much money as you
did to sit here and eat this stuff.

And I got as much a right
as you do to sit here...

Come on, cowboy.

I want that man's name. And his badge
number. Everything's gonna be all right.

He's treatin' me like
some kind of second-class

Citizen. I'm an
officer of the law.

Let's get the ladies back to
work. My name is renko, buddy.

R-e-n-k-o. Andrew, c.

Okay, thanks a lot.

Hey, what makes you so sure
the chick's a cop groupie, huh?

Hey, man, she's got a vase on
her nightstand with 30 b*ll*ts in it.

You know, like mementos. Mm-hmm?

Hey. What say, you guys?
How's it goin'? How's things?

Look, man, you don't exist.

Now split. Wait a minute.

Hey, I could help you guys.

Hey, wait a minute. There
are things goin' down, man.

Take a walk, hoban. What do
you mean take a walk? You kiddin'?

I know a lot. It wouldn't
cost you hardly anything.

Um, uh, just a double
saw for now, okay?

- Get your hand
off the car, man.
- Come on. I'm dead out here.

Everybody thinks I rolled
over is why I was sprung.

Hey, you guys, give
me a break, huh?

I didn't sh**t those
cops, man. I swear to god.

I told you to get away
from the car, man. Look, man,

I was just tryin'... And get
away from me too! Now move it!

I'm just tryin' to do
you a favor, you know?

Weird. You know, I almost
feel sorry for the little creep.

Yeah. I know what you mean.

What say we move it, babe? Coley
and lyle... They wanna go home.

And as of now, we
keepin' them waitin'.

Hey, let me finish
this, huh? Oh.

Liquor store stakeout.

Five hours on top of a cooler...

Watchin' some dude
punch his register.

You know, I've ruined three
pair of pants on this gig.

Yeah, me too, lover.
Come on, my man. Let's go.


How's jill? You wanna
drive the car, j.d.?

Actually, I'm, uh, kinda
waitin' on somebody.

I invited her to come along.

Invited who? Who
you talkin' about?

Uh-uh. You know, lover,

I have just about
had it with you, man.

Hey, come on. Think about it...

Me and her, thigh-to-thigh,
up on top of that cooler.

How could you
pass on that? Easy.

All I got to do is worry
about somebody sh**t' at me.

Never happen.

My horoscope said today is an
excellent day for social release.


- How'd I do?
- Good, mr. Lem.

Bernard, your camera mount's
punchin' a hole in my lung.

What was the sergeant
talking about this morning,

In roll call, I mean,
about eddie hoban?

He shot down two cops,
and he walked away from it.

Which makes the dude a leper.

It must be a hundred
degrees up here.

Why don't you take
off that hot sweater?

I'd love to, but I'm not
wearing anything underneath.

Hey, that's okay. We're
all business up here.

We're used to that
sort of thing. Oh, man.

- You say somethin', babe?
- Later, j.d.

Bernard, my man, we have got
to get somethin' straight here.

This little space here is for
me to aim my w*apon. You dig?

How am I supposed
to get any coverage?

Bernard, could you
turn the radio up?

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

J.d., It's bad enough up here
without all this, you know?

Hey, why don't you
loosen up a little, man?

Hey, really, babe,

I'd hate to see a sweater
that fine get ruined up here.

Would you give it a rest?

I'm not tryin' to put any
kind of moves on you, ma'am.

Oh, howard.

Interesting little book here.

"Your kind, my kind, humankind."


You've heard of him
perchance? I can't say that I have.

I'm okay, phil.

- Really. I'm okay.
- I know that.

I'm okay, you're
okay. We're okay.

Okay? Ahh!


Look at that. Strawberry
jam in the trigger housing.

Judas h.!

Interesting passage here.

Shimmerfeldt says we don't
really know what we're asking.

For instance, the
common "hi. How are ya?"

Are we asking after
your state of being?

Or are we really asking, "how
am I in relationship to you?"

Am I liked? Am I loved?
Am I superfluous?

Oh, trenchant stuff.

Uh, sounds a little
adlerian by way of jung.

Not bad for pop psychology.

Who turned you on to this?

Henry goldblume.

If you don't mind my
saying so, howard,

I think you
underestimate the man.

Let me say this
about that, phil.

He may be your kind. He may
perhaps even be humankind.

But he is not and
will never be my kind.

Do something for you? Uh...
Um, I didn't mean to disturb you.

Go ahead, kid. Don't mind me.

I'm just setting up
for a c.p.r. Class.

Dekker avenue
merchants association.

They're a real pain,
aren't they? Mm-hmm.

But I can see where they're
comin' from. Yeah, right. Me too.


Uh, sergeant, do you
mind if I ask you a question?

No. Ask away.

You know, i-i've
noticed that, uh,

You-you really,
uh, handle things.

You really seem to
be tuned in, you know.

Like, uh, you really have your
act together, emotionally speaking.

I guess you missed my act
with hunter upstairs, huh?

That guy.

I don't understand that guy.

I'm havin' trouble understanding
a lot of things lately.

You've been through
a rough one, son.

How do you do it?
How do you do it?

You do it. Sometimes
you don't do it.

Uh, I don't know.

I don't know. My-my dad's a cop.

My uncle's a cop. My two
brothers on long island are cops.

There's never, ever been any
question about me being a cop.

Till now?

Do you ever regret
becoming a policeman?


You know, in college, I minored in
meteorology and communications...

With an eye towards
being a tv weatherman.

You do look like that guy that does
the weather on what, channel six is it?

Cute. Knock it off, bates.

I mean it, henry. I'll
tell ya something.

Half the women I know rate
this guy a 10 on the richter scale.

Lucy. Wait a second, sergeant.
You do look like the guy.

Please, both of you,
would you give me a break?

Okay, okay. Thank you very much.

Full moon out tonight, henry.

Attention all units in the
vicinity of the east projects.

Please assist the fire
department in a four-alarm fire.

Attention all units.
Did you hear that?

They got a four-alarm
fire in the east projects.

Think we'll be able to
stop by the projects later?

Sure, babe. Anything you want.

Turn it off, bernard!

How's it goin', my good
man? Fine. May I help you, sir?

Sure. Give me a pint of that
2.98 vodka up on the shelf.

- I think I can use another one.
- Another one?

Don't turn around,
mister. Just...

- Drop! Police officers! Freeze it!
- Police officers!

Drop it!

Turn around! Hands
on the counter!

Where's larue? We
heard someone got k*lled.

The suspect. Larue's
okay. He's inside.

The lady here... She's still a
little shaky, but she'll be okay.


Hairy afternoon, huh?

Looks like the media
got here before it began.

That's what I call
hairy. Uh, yeah.

Uh, look, I was
kinda wonderin' if, uh,

You guys would put out the word
not to overcirculate that thing.

Hey, I'll make it up
to you. Fine with me.


What happened to that
tape that lady shot?

No problem. Neal got it.

Come on, guys. I'm sorry. I
thought it was a cold stakeout.

I thought nobody
was gonna show up.

I thought nothin'
was gonna happen.

Want a little brace?

Bobby? Hey. Hey, bobby.

What's with him, man?
Don't worry about him.

He's just got his shorts
tacked on there too tight.

I've been thinking, maybe you
and me oughta get together...

And do some serious
cruisin' sometime.

Serious cruisin'
sometime. Mm-hmm.


All right, what?

I said, what?

All right, man. You
and me, right now.

You got it! Don't...

Don't go grabbin' me! Jesus! Look
at all the people around here.

I'm gonna tell you
somethin', renko.

I'm sick to death of you ragin' around
here like some big, overage baby!

Renko, I gotta tell
you. You have lost me.

No, no, no, no! You wanna talk about
it? We're gonna deal with it right now!

I have listened to you, I
have made excuses for you,

And I have turned the other way.

I have waited, and
I have watched.

I have waited for you to
change, and nothin's changin'.

And I'm beginning to think that
nothin' is gonna change. And I've had it!

You wanna be like john d.
Larue with a pint in your pocket?

Fine. But you get
yourself another partner!

'Cause I care about what I do.

Hey, babe. Uh, you wanna run a
couple of those lines past me again?

I think I'm gonna
need 'em on j.d.

Hey. Hey, brenda. Hey,
long time. What do ya say?

Hey, brenda. Hey,
what's with you, man?

Hey, you owe me.

Hey. Hey, marty. Hey, marty. I've
been tryin' to catch up with you, man.

Listen. I got a line into
some guys uptown, man.

I mean, this stuff
is just primo.

You smell dead meat?
Oh, come on, marty.

Hey, what they're sayin'
about me's just not so, man.

You know me, marty.

On your grave.

This way.


These people tried cashing
this at petrie's drugstore.

It's a stolen check. They had
no matching identification.

Since we brought in the
suspects and we got the evidence,

Do we book 'em or do you?

You tried to pass a bad check?

Ray, would you see to it that
the suspects are mirandized...

And escorted to booking, please?

All right. Gentlemen, let's go.

Is this your collar
or my collar?

Your collar, my
collar, our collar.

Larue, washington. The
captain would like to see you.

Yeah, we know.

Went down pretty good, captain.

We had to down one guy, captain,
after he opened up fire on us.

The other suspect is being
booked now. Okay. Good work.

It was really neal who
took the guy out, captain.

I thought you should know. It's
good of you to tell me that, j.d.

I want the write-up on
it right away. Yes, sir.

Uh, j.d., A moment.

And if that other thing that happened
out there ever happens again, you're out!

You hear me? You're out.

Yes, sir.


Furillo. This
hector situation...

It isn't going to
happen from this end.

Skip fitzgerald...
He really tried.

So did i. So did my ex.

I know what you promised,
frank, and I know how you feel.

But there's absolutely nothing
any of... Wait a minute. Hold on.



Look, frank, he's going to have
to sit it out in juvenile hall...

For at least six months
before they'll reconsider.

I'm sorry. I know you are.

I'm just trying to figure out
what the hell to do about it.

I don't know either.

Later, huh?

Oh! Hey, wait a minute!
Wait a minute. That's my cab.

Look, I'm the one who
called it. I'm sorry.

Hill street, sergeant becker.

Sarge. Excuse me.

Thank you.

Guess who's takin' his woman out on her
first stakeout? Does the captain know?

I went off the clock
20 minutes ago. Oho!

Phony stakeout. Hmm.

I took my wife on one of
those a couple years back...

Just to punch up the old juices.

Worked so well, she
couldn't wait to get home.

We had to check in to a motel.

It's not what you think it is. She's
really interested in police work.

Oh, that goes
without saying, mick.

You know, if I had to
do it all over again...

I used to work with, uh, a
cabinetmaker when I was in school.

I used to build cabinets. I
was really good with my hands.

I'll bring in some
snapshots sometime.

- How old are you, son? Twenty-two, 23?
- Nah. I'm 25.

That old? Yeah.

Santini, if you're askin' me for some
kind of answer, I can't give it to you.

I'm sorry. Okay.

All I can say is... Look.

The closest my family
ever came to a police

Department was my
aunt esther the terrible.

When they found out I was in the
academy, they went into mourning.

My wife... We were engaged
at the time... Broke it off.

They got over it, santini.

I don't agree.
No, I don't agree.

The man is suggesting
that group sex...

Is a valid expression of
the nuclear community.

That strikes me as
dangerously irresponsible.

Not to mention
unsanitary in the extremis.

Where does it say that?

I don't know about
this guy, henry.

Sergeant goldblume. Telephone.

I just said read it, phil, not worship
it. I don't agree with him either.

Line 2. Wouldn't give his name.

Detective goldblume.

He's such a cute guy.

Where are you?

Stay there. I'm on my way.

I'm sorry I can't
run the heater.

I know. They'd spot
our exhaust smoke.


That's what I mean
about stakeouts.

It's real easy to make
a mistake out here.

For instance, you
wash your car...

Sun reflects off the
chrome, they make you.

That's how come your
car's always so dirty.


I have goose bumps
all over. You're cold.

Excited. Deb, you gotta
remember somethin'.

These things can take
weeks, months even.

But it's worth it, because the guy
we're waitin' on is a very big dealer.

That's why it's so dangerous. You
mean, he'd sh**t it out if he had to.

Are you kidding? No
doubt whatsoever.

You wanna leave?

Is that him... That man
lighting a cigarette?

No, that's not him.


You see that guy over there
in the dark cap and jacket?

Is that him?

No, that's not him.
That's my signalman.

That means it's off
for tonight. Sorry.

We'll come back
tomorrow, won't we?


I'm hungry. You wanna get a
cheeseburger or somethin'?

No. I wanna go home.

Oh. I'm not crazy
about the lock.

No dead bolt.


Kiss me hard, mick.

Oh, mick.


Grab my hair. Why?

I like your hair. It likes you.

Grab it. I don't wanna grab it.

I want you to own me, mick.

What's that supposed to mean?

It means I want you to be
stronger with me, more forceful.

Like how?


I can't do that. Why not?

- Because I love you.
- Then show it.

I thought I was.

I'm not ashamed of what I need.

You're acting like i...

Don't look at me that way.

Hill street station.
Lieutenant williams.

Excuse me, captain. You
said that if I ever wanted to...

Come in and talk
to you, that I could...

I can see you're busy
though. No, no. Come on in.

Close the door.

Have a seat.

It's funny, you know. I've, uh... I've
never really been in here before.

You haven't missed
a whole hell of a lot.

It's nice.

You know? Yeah. It's
a regular penthouse.

What's cooking, santini?

Uh, I was wondering
if you'd mind...

Not partnering me up
with anyone... Right away.

I just... I really don't think I'm gonna
be very effective out there right now.

That's understandable.
There's no rush.

Uh, actually,

I was thinkin' maybe you'd
recommend me for a leave of absence.

I, uh... I feel I just need a
little time to get away...

To-to think about things.

Let me be real candid, santini.

I think you have a lot of
good qualities and abilities...

That could probably
get you far in the world.

But I think we both know you'd be
lots happier in another line of work.

I'm not unfamiliar
with your family.

- I know there's lots
of tradition there.
- Yeah.

But I don't think this is
a line of work to be in...

Just because you don't
wanna offend someone.

Maybe you oughta fire me.

You don't want that, santini,
and I couldn't do that anyway.

My spies tell me you're
a talented cabinetmaker.

Go make cabinets.

My dad is really gonna be
mad at me. That's all right.

It's all part of
coming into your own.

So, what do i... I give
you my badge now or...

Phil will walk you
through all the paperwork,

But think about it
a couple of days.

I really don't think I'm
gonna have to think about it.

I feel better than I've
felt in about two years.

That's what it's all about.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

Y'all got that hunt-and-peck
method down pretty good, don't ya?

Why don't you let me type?
We'll be done before christmas.

Suit yourself.

You know what?

You know what your problem is?


You got that right.


Tell the captain we're here.



Same place.

I mean, you know
how it goes, right?

I, uh... Uh...

All of a sudden,
it was... It was...


And then... Then it was over.

It was, uh... Uh... It was
over before you even know.

You know what...
You know what I mean?

And, you see, uh...

Like it... And all
of a sudden, um...

It's okay, eddie.
Take your time.

They were, uh...
They were there.

I mean, you know
how that goes, right?

It's over, bobby.

Yeah, it's over.

But you know, captain, I think
eddie hoban's confessed to a crime...

He doesn't even remember doin'.

And because of that, I
may not sleep at night.

Thank you, sir. Thank you.

But what I found there
was hardly what I'd expected.

This precinct's captain
is a soft-spoken...

But unmistakably tough veteran
of 17 years of police work,

The last two years of which
have been spent on the hill.

What two years on the hill
boils down to statistically...

Is 482 homicides and
literally thousands...

Of felony robberies,
assaults, r*pe/assaults,

And more casual
v*olence in an afternoon...

Than most of us will
experience in a lifetime.

The job of the 238 men
and women of hill street...

Is primarily to keep the lid on.

One's sense of right and wrong,

Good or bad,
justice or injustice...

All these notions take a
backseat to simple survival...

From what's out
there on the streets.

Here's some of what it was like.

Here are some of the people.
The driver is officer renko.

Sweetie. His
partner... Officer hill.

We rolled early that morning...

Thanks for meeting
me. Thank you.

You're a famous guy, pizza man.

Bartender, a club
soda for my nephew.

Is she k*lling us?
Surprisingly not.

This footage was
shot while on patrol...

With two young hill street
officers named harris and santini.

Five days later, officer
harris would die...

During a routine investigation
of robbery suspects.

A mere week after
his partner's death,

Officer santini would
resign from the force.

The physical toll of such
random acts of v*olence...

Is a simple matter
of statistics.

The psychological effects upon
the officers who must return daily...

She's going places,
frank. This is good stuff.

I'll be right back.

Not to mention the overwhelming
number of criminal suspects...

That strain its
facilities 24 hours a day.

Far from offering a
respite to its officers,

Hill street station
literally assaults them...

With a harsh, untempered focusing
of the v*olence and despair...

That flourishes
just outside its walls.

When viewed from
this perspective,

It's not too difficult to
understand the siege mentality...

And severe emotional stress
apparent in so many of its officers.

Yeah, phil. Bad
situation, francis.

The dekker avenue people tried
mixing it up with the gypsy boys.

- What happened?
- You have one dead merchant.


Could I trouble you
again please? Thank you.

You're not gonna
believe this one.

One of your dekker avenue
merchants was k*lled.

They interrupted
with a news bulletin.

Drug use is rampant,
as is prostitution,

Juvenile-g*ng warfare and
the terrible causes of it all...

Causes which are all too easily
cited on a journalistic level.

How are you, hector?
Survivin', bro. How about you?

Uh, not so good.
You wanna sit down?

We are having
trouble placing you.

They have waiting
lists. You know that.

And limited funding and...

I gotta be straight with you.
Your record scares 'em off.

They think I'm a scary dude now?

Well, let me tell
you somethin', frank.

You tell 'em they ain't seen
nothin' yet. All right? Nothin'.

You listen up, young man.
You may be a minor legally,

But you're a major-league
offender who has shown...

Absolutely no inclination
whatsoever to change.

Now I and a lot of other
people, including ms. Davenport,

Have busted their
humps on your behalf.

- And I want something
in exchange.
- What?

Six months. Six
lousy months, man,

Without you getting
into any beefs...

And without alienating
everyone who tries to help you.

Six months here or
wherever else they send you...

Without running away and
sticking up some supermarket.

Then maybe...
Maybe we got a shot.

Come on, frank. Those
places don't want me, man.

They're lookin' for some little
nothin' who thinks that, uh...

That spittin' in the
subway's a big deal.

You know something, hector?
You may be absolutely right.

But how in the hell are we going to find
that out unless you meet me halfway, hmm?

It's this place, man. If I can
only get outta here, you know?

You people don't know
what it's like in there.

I do know.

But you're gonna have to stay
in it in order to get out of it.

Six months, hector.
What do you say?

I ain't makin' no promises.

But, uh...

I'll give it a try.
All right, frank?

I'll try.

Yeah, all right.
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