01x04 - Frisky Business

Episode transcripts for the TV Show "Doogie Howser, M.D.". Aired: September 19, 1989 - March 24, 1993.*
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Follows a teenage physician who balances the challenge of practicing medicine with the everyday problems of teenage life.
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01x04 - Frisky Business

Post by bunniefuu »

- Vinnie: hey, howser, you up?
- In here.


Picture this...

You, me, the sand, the surf,

Our bodies shmeared
with cocoa butter

And girls, lots of
girls, all in bikinis.

It's perfect. It's
saturday, the sun is out.

Life is good.

Except I can't go, I'm working.

Aw, jeez, you're always working.

Fine, I'll go without you...


How can you expect someone to
remember something so trivial?

Katherine: you really don't
remember the day we met?

- Well, let's see... If memory serves...
- Mm-hmm.

- It was a sunday in june,
the 26th at 4:30 p.m.
- Mm-hmm.

And it was raining
and you and janie shaw

Were running down lincoln
boulevard soaking wet.

You were wearing a
powder-blue cardigan sweater

With a pair of...
Heart earrings.

And I drove up in my dad's chevy

And the two of you argued about who
was gonna sit in the front seat, right?

Howser: and luckily you won.

David, remember
what was on the radio?

Ah, yes...

♪ They say we're young
and we don't know... ♪

Are they always like
that in the morning?

No, it's their 20th
anniversary tomorrow,

They're going to laguna
for a romantic weekend.

♪ ...i don't know
if all that's true ♪

Together: ♪ 'cause you got
me and, baby, I got you ♪

♪ Hmm, babe ♪

♪ I got you, babe ♪

♪ I got you, babe... ♪

Mom, dad,

Vinnie's here.

- Good morning, vinnie.
- Hiya, mrs. H.

Howser: katherine, we
should get started.

Honey, want me to take out some
hamburger patties to defrost?

- You can have them for dinner.
- No, thanks, I'll grab
something later.

If you need us, son, and that's
only in an extreme emergency,

This is the number to the hotel.

And if you go out
tonight, set the alarm.

- Turn on some lights, huh?
- No problem.

Sure you don't want mrs.
Mackler to spend the night?

Mom, I'll be fine,
I'm not 10 years old.

All right, sorry.

- Bye, honey,
see you tomorrow night.
- Have a great time.

Do you know what this
is? This is a gift from god.

This is a blessing.
This is party time!

What about lola?
We've got to get lola.

I said no, vinnie. Forget it.

- All right, it's set.
- I'm hanging up.

We are at the back room at
chez paul's from 8:00 to 1:00.

Then it's back to my place for
a little late-night whatever.

- Right.
- Hey, jack, what's going on?

Nothing. Lucas is throwing a
bachelor party for bill wilson.

Oh, great, when is it?

It's next friday. But look,
doogie, I don't think you're invited.

You're kidding? Why not?

I didn't even know
you knew wilson.

I know him better than half those guys.
We went to medical school together.

What can I tell you? I'm sorry.
I didn't make up the guest list.

Come on, jack, you don't
think I can handle it, do you?

It wouldn't be the first
time I've seen a naked woman.

Yeah, but cadavers
don't count, sport.

This thing is for
mature audiences only.

I'm sick of you guys treating
me like I'm your little brother.

Doogie, bottom line
you're still underage.

You can't even
get in to chez paul.

You know as well as I do nobody's gonna
be checking ids. You rented out the room.

- Okay, all right,
I'll see what I can do.
- Sorry I'm late.

Shall we begin?

The first patient is mr. Cy
berman, white male, age 73,

Admitted last night at 11:35
p.m. With unstable angina.

The e.k.g. Showed inverted t-waves
in the anterior pericardial leads.

Initial lab studies
were unremarkable.

He's been on atenolol, i.v.
Nitroglycerin and aspirin.

Cy, look who is here.

Hello, sweetie.

Hi, may. Hi, cy. How
are you feeling today?

I've been better.

Cy, this is dr. Matsumora. She's the
head of the cardiology department.

You're doing very
well, mr. Berman.

I think we can move you to the
telemetry unit this afternoon.

That's the ambulatory floor.

Is that good?

Yeah, that's good.

I want you should know
that this is a good boy.

He takes wonderful
care of my cy.


Cy: ah, we almost forgot.
May, give him the cake.

- I had this in the freezer.
- You like bundt cake?

Dr. Pasanti, please see
the nutritionist on two.

Let's monitor him closely.

Oftentimes there will
be an onset of chest pains.

And dr. Howser, you're
doing a very good job.

Curly: you're not missing
anything, believe me.

A bunch of horny guys ogling naked
women. How much fun can that be?

Never mind.

Vinnie: there you are.

Vinnie, forget it. I
don't want to hear it.

Come on, howser,
it's the law of nature.

Your parents go out of
town, you throw a party.

I told you I'm on call.

Hi. Vincent delpino.

You seem like a sophisticated
'90s kind of woman.

Would you go to a party
thrown by my friend douglas here?

Sounds like fun.

You see?

What d'you say I
pick you up at 8:00?

Don't let my shortness
of stature fool you.

I'm a magician.

I'm sure you are.

Come on, pencil neck, you've
gotta throw this party.

What do you mean I've
gotta throw this party?

'Cause you can't let
people go on thinking

You're just this weird
guy with a mutant brain.

- Get out! People
don't think that.
- Vinnie: wanna bet?

Kids at school
call you dr. Geek.

Look, what do you expect? All they
know is that you've got this zillion i.q.

And you hang out with a bunch
of sick dudes. You're never around.

I'm getting so tired of this!

Guys here treat me like a little kid,
you guys think I'm some kind of freak.

That's my point. This is a chance for these
individuals to get to know the real you.

Think of what a thing like
this will do for your rep.

- All right, all right,
I'll do it.
- Yes!

But here is the deal... We
keep it small, 15 people tops.

Good, that's about
how many I invited.

This is gonna be so prime!

- Wanda: nice moves.
- Doogie: thanks.

Hey, howser, got any more chips?

♪ ...on my own ♪

♪ I'm trying to
live my life... ♪

Hey, howser, you ever seen
guys who got sh*t and stuff?

- Yeah, a couple of times.
- Radical.

This one time a guy came in

With a b*llet lodged
in his cerebral cortex.

He survived, but he
lost his entire memory.

- He didn't even remember
his own name.
- Whoa!

You should come to
the hospital sometime,

- I'll show you around.
- That'd be great.

Which reminds me, I'm giving my own
personal c.p.r. Class in five minutes.

Any volunteers?

- Girl: we're going
to the bathroom, wanna come?
- No, that's okay.

Uh... I'll join you.

- Boy: yo, howser,
where are those chips?
- Coming up.

- You need any help?
- Oh no, thanks.

Your folks have a really
nice place. They're away, huh?

Yeah, they come back
tomorrow. We've got all night.

I mean... Till you
have to be home.

Actually, I told my parents I
was staying at janine's tonight.

I don't have to be home.

You're not gonna
believe who's here.

Seniors. I'd invited them,
but I didn't think they'd show.

Let's just relax, vinnie.

♪ ...i want a love... ♪

I don't know if
the beer is so cool.

Are you kidding? This party
just went from a "b-" to an "a+."

Hey, jeff, good to see you, man.

Glad you could make it.

- Oh, vinnie delpino.
- Right.

- You howser?
- Uh-huh.

- I hear you're a doctor.
- Yeah.

That's cool.

♪ I'm not aware of
too many things ♪

♪ I know what I know if
you know what I mean... ♪

Yeah, dude, all right.

♪ I'm not aware of
too many things... ♪

This is totally
incredible. I can't believe

I'm your best friend and I've
got to hear it second-hand.

- Hear what?
- Look at you...

You're so cool,
so calm. I love it.

Vinnie, what are
you talking about?

Come on! Tonight's the night...
Your journey into manhood begins.

You and wanda. This is so great,
I'm getting a little queasy myself.

What are you talking about?

I heard from brian,
who heard from janine

That wanda told her folks
she was sleeping over at janine's.

When in fact, janine told me that
that was not necessarily true.

Wait a minute, slow down.
It's not what you think.

Come on, howser, read
between the sheets.

If she told you she don't have to
be home, what do you think it means?

Nobody said anything
about sleeping together.

We haven't even
been going out long.

Why fight it? Just be grateful.

I don't know... My room's
not clean. What if I freeze up?

Howser, relax, it's a
perfectly natural act.

Like salmon swimming upstream.

Once you'll get naked,
you'll know what to do.

- Oh, jeez!
- Okay, I know what
you're going through.

Your stomach's churning, underwear's
tightening up, mouth's a little pasty.

I got just the answer.

Here... 12 Ounces of this and
you'll be cool as a kosher dill.

Forget it, vinnie, I don't
even like this stuff.

No, trust dr, delpino. It's
the medicine of courage.

Doogie, someone might see us.

Who cares?



All right, give him 4
milligrams of morphine

And follow it with 5,000
units of heparin bolus.

I'll be there in five minutes.

Wanda, I gotta go.

Vinnie, watch the house.
I'll be back as soon as I can.

Doogie, you okay to drive?

I had one beer,
vinnie. I'm fine.

Is there a problem, officer?

You were clocked doing 50
in a 35-mile-an-hour zone, son.

I'm really sorry, but I have to
get to the eastman medical center.

It's an emergency. My name is
douglas howser and I'm a doctor.

I'm an indian princess. License
and registration, please.

Is there a problem?

My wallet. I must have left it
at home. I raced out in a hurry.

Right. Step out
of the car, please.


Here, here... My
prescription pad.

I don't think your father
would appreciate this, son.

You don't understand.
I'm dr. Howser.

I mean we are both dr. Howser,
but he's david, I'm douglas.

Look, this really is me. I'm a resident
at eastman. You can call them.

Now, please, I've got
to get to the hospital.

How much alcohol
have you had tonight?

Alcohol?! I had one beer.

One? And you're standing here
trying to convince me you're a doctor?

You don't even look
old enough to drive, kid.

I swear I'm 16 years
old, I just got my license.

All right, let's
do a little test.

Spread your arms...

I'm not drunk, damn it!
I'm telling you the truth.

And if anything happens to
my patient, it will be your butt.

Officer: I've got a 22-3-50...

Driving without a
license, a possible d.u.i.

Dispatcher: we'll notify.

Doogie: what were the results
of his cardiac iso enzymes?

Good. No, they gave me a
breathalyzer, but it came up .03.

They're dropping
the d.u.i. Charge.

Look, curly, my folks are
at the ritz carlton laguna.

Can you call 'em? They're
gonna have to pick me up.



- Can I just say one thing?
- No.

How you could do
something as contemptible

As drinking and driving is
beyond my comprehension.

And I will not tolerate it.

But, dad, I wasn't drunk.

You put your life and
the lives of others

In danger, plain and simple.

And you were on call.

That, my friend, is inexcusable.

Katherine: besides, the last
time we checked, douglas,

The drinking age in
this state was 21, not 16.

You want us to treat you
like a responsible adult

And you behaved like
an immature adolescent.

You take our trust and
throw it out the window.

Doogie, can you imagine how
we felt when the hospital called?

We were terrified.

How do we know you
weren't seriously hurt, or...

Or god forbid.

I have never been as disappointed
in you as I am right now, douglas.

Uh, dad, there's
one other thing.

This conversation
is over, douglas.

Vinnie: heads up, coming
through. Coming through.

My persian carpet!

So that's where all
the pretzels went.

Miss ann lloyd to pediatrics.

Miss ann lloyd to pediatrics.

Look who's here... Dr. No-show.

Cy, can I talk to you?

Sure, why not?

Do I look like I'm busy?

About last night, i...

I just wanted to say, I'm...

I'm really sorry.

- Meh.
- No, I should've been here.

Why? So you could've
been doctor 150?

There were a thousand people
in white coats here last night.

Every one poking and
sticking and doing and looking.

They almost k*lled me.

Well, I'm just glad you're okay.

And I promise it will
never happen again.

Look, don't be so
hard on yourself.

I'm here, I'm fine,

And listen...

If it wasn't for you,

I wouldn't have
made it this long.

You're well aware, dr. Howser,

That there are
people in this hospital

Who feel you simply don't have the
emotional maturity to be a doctor.

On more than one occasion, I've
had to defend your right to be here,

Sometimes at the expense
of my own reputation.

But not this time.

Last night...

You compromised yourself, this
hospital and the life of your patient.

Think for a moment
of our liability

If you had arrived and administered
aid in an impaired condition.

Or worse... If the
patient had d*ed.


We're all guilty
of making mistakes.

But this is one a doctor
cannot make at any age.


What is this regarding?

Oh, all right, yes.

Tell them I'll be right there.

Let me tell you
a story, douglas.

In medical school,
I knew a student

Who was talked into
participating in a fraternity prank.

His role was to procure a
fresh cadaver from the bio lab.

Which he did,
without hesitation.

The cadaver was surreptitiously
delivered to the local tri-delta sorority

During a formal dance,
dressed in a tuxedo.


It was funny.

Until the sorority decided to press
charges against the medical school...

And the student.

The incident could
have cost him his career.

However, after a great
deal of humiliation,

The charges were dropped.

He's since gone on
to become a very...

Distinguished doctor.

The point I'm making, douglas,

Is that one mistake does
not have to ruin your career.

But you have got to decide
what's really important here.

Enough said.

Dr. Canfield, I never
would have guessed

You were the kind of
guy who'd steal a cadaver.

I didn't.

I was talking about your father.



I tried calling you at the
hospital. Where have you been?

I was there.

You ever think maybe I
didn't want to talk to you?

It crossed my mind.

So what did the cops
do? They cuff you?

Take mug sh*ts?

You don't get it, do
you? This wasn't a joke.

You know the kind of trouble
I'm in? I got nailed at work.

I'm grounded for months. I
totally lost my parent's respect.

- Yeah, so?
- Vinnie!

I don't know why I
ever listen to you.

I don't know why I
let you in my window.

I don't know why I
let you into my life.

Why do I do that, vinnie,
huh? Can you tell me why?

'Cause we're best friends.

And I'm the bitchingest
guy you know.

Uh, I guess none of this
would have happened

If I didn't invite
those guys, huh?

No, forget it, it wasn't
your fault, it was mine.

I knew I was on
call. It was stupid.

Yeah, yeah, it kind
of was, wasn't it?

Look, I better get going. Your
dad catches me here, I'm a memory.


Hey, doog, you
and me... We okay?

Yeah, sure, vin.
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