01x02 - The Ice Queen Cometh

Episode transcripts for the TV Show "Doogie Howser, M.D.". Aired: September 19, 1989 - March 24, 1993.*
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Follows a teenage physician who balances the challenge of practicing medicine with the everyday problems of teenage life.
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01x02 - The Ice Queen Cometh

Post by bunniefuu »

- All right!
- Howser? We gotta talk.

- Sorry, I'm on my way
to the hospital.
- No, this is important.

You're my best friend.
I need to talk to you.

- Is everything okay?
- Now this is privileged,
doctor to patient.

Vinnie, what's wrong?

I think I have a
dependency problem.

- What?
- I'm really
outta control, doog.

Vinnie, don't worry. I'll get you
into the eastman rehab program.

Everything's gonna
be fine. What is it?

dr*gs? Alcohol? Both?

- Sex.
- Sex?

- I'm addicted to sex.
- How is that possible?

- You're a virgin.
- That's the problem.

Every waking and
sleeping moment of my life

Is spent thinking
about doing it!

When I'm gonna do it,
who I'm gonna do it with,

How long I have to wait
before I get to do it again,

It's like a monkey on my back.

Vinnie, that's normal. You're
supposed to be obsessed with sex.

Get outta here!

It's true. You're
16. You're a male.

- Plus I'm italian.
- Yeah.

Hey, I'm going through
the same thing myself.

One sexual fantasy
after another.

Isn't it great?

I never said it
didn't have an upside.

- So what's
going on with us?
- Testosterone.

It's a very aggressive hormone and
right now we're up to our eyeballs in it.

Here, look at this chart.

The human male
reaches his sexual peak,

The height of his sexual
energies and desires,

Between the ages of 17 and 18.

Hey excellent! I'm
this close to my peak.

Whereas the human female
reaches her sexual peak

Between the ages of 35 and 45.

Whoa, whoa! Back up a second.

I peak now and suzy berlutti
doesn't get revved up

- For another 20 years?
- Yep, something like that.

The laws of nature are
conspiring against me.

So what am I supposed
to do till the year 2009?

Relax, it'll happen.
We're studs.

The rest of the world
just doesn't know it yet.

You got a date
with wanda tonight?

I have to work. You
going out with suzy?

I don't know. It's
only 1989. Why bother?

Dr. Gore to emergency.

Did you see the humongous
gallstone brickman took out today?

Oh, sorry.

Uh, excuse me. Can I
interrupt your lunch?


I'd like you all to meet our new
head of radiology, dr. Victoria burke.

Victoria, this is
nurse curly spaulding.

- Hi.
- Hello.

And two of our residents, jack
mcguire and douglas howser.

- Hi.
- Welcome to eastman.

Thank you.

Dr. Howser, I've really been
looking forward to meeting you.

- Really?
- I've heard a lot
of wonderful things

- About you from your father.
- Thanks, but...

I wouldn't believe everything he says.
He's very biased. He paid for my education.

I read your paper

On the use of computerized axial
tomography in trauma patients.

- I'd like to get together
and discuss it sometime.
- Okay, sure.

I'd like to hear what
you have to say about it.

Maybe we could all
discuss it... Over lunch.

Thank you, but I generally
eat lunch alone in my office.

It gives me time to catch
up with my paperwork.

Well, if you'll excuse us...

- Nice meeting everyone.
- Nice meeting you.

Dr. Kimbro to x-ray.
Dr. Kimbro to x-ray.

No chance.

- Know who you just met?
- Doogie: who?

The legendary ice queen.

- The ice queen?
- That's what they call her
over at county.

Nobody I know has gotten so much
as a dinner date with that woman.

She's all business.

How can a woman so
beautiful be so cold?

Maybe she's just one of
those very attractive women

Who feel that in order to be
taken seriously as a doctor,

She has to suppress
her sexuality.

Or... Maybe she just
thinks you're a weenie.

Victoria burke is the
new head of radiology?

- Yep.
- Howser: really? It'd be
nice to see her again.

I've got a patient at eastman
that needs some x-rays.

Now canfield is really lucky
to get her. She is top notch.

Not to mention easy on the eyes.

Yeah, she's gorgeous.

But it's not just the way she
looks. There's something so...

I don't know,
feminine about her.

What a perfectly
astute observation.

Don't you think so, katherine?

I don't know if
she's that beautiful.

Trust me, katherine, she is.

- She's had a nose job.
- What?

I said she had a nose job.

- Oh no, no. I don't think so.
- Trust me, she did.

I can spot one a mile away.

- I wonder what else
she had done?
- Kate.

You know, a nip
here, a tuck there.

I know for a fact she's my age.

No, really?

Well I'm not surprised.
Are you, doogie?

- Me? No, heck no.
- No.

I've got some calls
to make. Excuse me.

I mean she's had
everything done.

Find out who did it.

Man: all right, I got it.


Paramedic: come down. Take it
easy. Let's have the ambu bag on him.

Got it.

Doogie: listen up! We
got a red blanket here!

Police officer, g*nsh*t,

Chest wound, belly
wound, bleeding.

Alert the surgical team
and call the blood bank.

We need four units of o-negative,
packed cells, life and death.

- We need this right away.
- Nurse: right away, doctor.

Ready? One, two, three.

Okay. And draw blood
for type, cross and labs.

Tech: put some
pressure on the larynx.

Get an e.t. Tube going.
I'm gonna get a chest tube.

- He's got a pneumothorax.
- Tech: has anyone alerted

I need you. Put pressure here.

He's sucking air
through his chest.

- Here's your chest tube...
- Pulse is thready.

- Blood pressure's
60 over 40.
- Doogie: damn.

He's just thrown a p.v.c.

- We're losing him!
- Get a bolus of lidocaine.

Hang some plasminate.
Put a c.v.p. Line in.

Let her bag.

Nurse: get the crash
cart. I'll get the paddles.

Nurse #2: get the
other i.v. Started.

Nurse #3: taping
it in now, doctor.

Come on, bud. Come on.

- Blood's here, doctor.
- Good, get it going.

What's going on?
What's the situation?

Nurse #4: putting the c.v.p.
Line in. Chest sounds are equal.

Blood pressure's coming up.
The pulse is getting stronger.

Yes! You're one
tough hombre, bud.

Put a dressing on that.

Get the o.r. Ready.
We've got a live one going

And we want him to stay that
way. Let's get him up there.

Tech: guys, orderlies are here.

Dr. Cohen to
cardiology, dr. Cohen.


- I am pumped!
- That was close.

Are you kidding? That
guy was practically boxed!

And we brought him
back! God, I'm starving!

Radiologist don't usually
see that kind of action.

To tell the truth, I
was a little scared.

Oh, it didn't show.
You were real cool.

I don't feel so cool now. There's
still a lot of adrenaline pumping.

I know. You won't be
able to sleep for hours.

I'm gonna go home, make
something to eat, lift some weights.

I'll probably be jumping out of
my skin till 4:00 in the morning.

- Isn't being a doctor great?
- I like you,
dr. Howser.


Maybe we can have
dinner together sometime?

Sure! We could meet
in the cafeteria say...

I was thinking of something a little
more private... Away from the hospital.

Oh, well good. Very good.

- Tomorrow night?
- Tomorrow night.

Um, let me see.

Yeah, I think I'm free
tomorrow night.

Then it's a date.

Huh. I guess it is.

Well, good night, dr. Howser.

Good night.

So, they got a lot
of nice fish here.

Yes, very nice.


- Relax.
- Okay.

Um, you smell great.

Thanks. That's a
sweet thing to say.

Sir, may I take
your drink order?

- I'll have a manhattan
on the rocks.
- That sounds good.

But tonight, I'll
have an orange soda.

- With a twist.
- Very good, sir.

You must be curious why I
asked you out to dinner tonight.

Me? Oh no. Well, maybe
a little. Okay, why?

Doogie, I find you
very, very appealing.

- Is this a joke?
- No.

You have every
quality I admire in a man...

A brilliant mind,
dedication to your work,

Sincerity, good looks.

Thank you.

There's a lot I
like about you too.

Actually, everything.

There is something
I wanna ask you.


I'm finding this very difficult.

No, you're doing good.
You're doing good.

A few months ago
my doorbell rang.

I opened the door and out
in the hallway was a man

From a diaper delivery service.

He had a stack of diapers, it
must have been four feet high.

I told him he was at the wrong door, they
weren't for me. And then I started to cry.

I'm approaching 40.

My biological clock is ticking.

I'm not married, but I
do want to raise a child.

Do you have any
idea what I'm saying?

You want to adopt me?

I was wondering if you'd
consider fathering my child.

Sir, are you ready to order?

What, now?

- Could you give us
a few more moments?
- Certainly.

I know this is an
unusual request.

Especially on a first date.

I want you to understand I'm
not asking for a relationship.

I will be totally responsible for this
child, both emotionally and financially.

All I need from you is...

Well, you know.


This is...


You see, since I'm approaching
motherhood scientifically,

I might as well choose the man
with the best genes available.

Gee, I don't know what to say.

I know this is a big decision.

Please take all
the time you need.

If you want to talk about it
some more, just let me know.


Why don't we just
leave it alone, and...

- Enjoy the rest
of the night?
- Okay, good.

That's good.


So what's the question?
This is the greatest

Thing to happen
to a 16-year-old guy

In the history of hormones.

You won the libido
lottery, howser!

She's a mature woman. Chances
are she's been with other guys.

- She's gonna compare!
- So? If she busts out

You put your clothes
on and go home!

- I wish she never
would have asked me!
- Will you stop?!

You're getting

Hysterical! The woman wants you!

- Don't fight it!
- Technically she
doesn't want me,

- She wants my genes.
- Who cares?!

The point is she's letting
you deliver them personally.

I don't know. This is gonna
take some very serious thought.

Forget your mind for
once. Listen to your body.

What's your body saying to you?

It's saying...

- "Wampa-wampa."
- Yes!

Testosterone lives!
Here's the phone.

Call her now, she
might change her mind.

Is there something you're not
telling me? Is this woman a blood beast?

No, she's beautiful. I can't
believe a woman that beautiful

Would have anything
to do with me.

- I'll dial for you.
- What if it's not right?

Not right? It's perfect!

We're talking about
an older woman here.

She's peaking! You're peaking!
What could be more beautiful?

Yeah, it does seem
like destiny, doesn't it?

And the thing is, it probably
won't work the first time.

You might have to do
it like... 10 Or 15 times.

- Dr. Miller call...
- Hey!

- Morning, doogs.
- Hi.

- You work last night?
- No, I just didn't get
much sleep.

- Problem?
- Yeah.

But it's not my problem.
It's a friend's problem.

We were up all night
batting it around.

- Can I ask you guys
a question?
- Sure.

See, this guy,
this friend of mine,

He's gotten himself
into kind of a...

Sexual dilemma.

See, there's this woman.
She's twice his age.

Actually she's
2.3 times his age.

And well, she wants
to sleep with him.


So your friend's
problem is this woman

Wants to sleep with him?

No, if it were just that, he
could stumble through it himself.

The main problem is she
wants to have his baby.


Yeah, she thinks he's kind
of her ideal man, you know?

So what does your
friend think he should do?

Well, he thinks she deserves
to have a baby if she wants to.

And she's intelligent.
And he is very intelligent.

So, given the laws of genetics,

I mean, who knows? This kid could
grow up to cure cancer someday.

So, in other words, your friend would
be doing this for the good of mankind?

You could say it's a
philanthropic kind of thing.

It couldn't be just because
he wants to have sex?

You could go that way, too.

I don't know. A child
is a big responsibility.

But the woman said she'd
take all the responsibility.

Well, but it would
still be his baby.

How is your friend
gonna feel knowing

There's a child out there
he has nothing to do with?

Does your friend
have a girlfriend?

- Yeah.
- Curly: do they
have sex?


I mean,

I don't know for sure. But he's
very polite, so probably not.

What's he gonna tell
her about all this?

He thought maybe
he could just...

Skip over that part of his life.

You mean lie to her.

Well, he didn't put it that way.

Curly: boy, doogie.

I don't know if I could make
a decision like that now,

Never mind at 16.

Wish your friend luck for me.

Yeah, I will. Thanks.

- I got rounds.
- Mrs. Harvey, 6920.

- Thanks. I'll be
in the radiology room.
- Mm-hm.

Dr. Burke, I need to
talk to you for a minute.

I'm awfully busy. Can it wait?

It's about doogie howser.

After you.

Dr. Miller, call the
nurses' station. Dr. Miller.

I found out about your
proposal to doogie.

I feel a little
awkward bringing it up.

Maybe you should.

It's really none
of your business.

I think it is my business.
Doogie's my friend.

And while intellectually
he's a giant,

Emotionally he's
a 16-year-old boy.

There's no way he can come
out of an affair with you

- Without getting hurt.
- Affair?!

I have no intention of
having an affair with him.

Call it what you want! I
may only be a resident,

But I do know how
babies are conceived.

Then, doctor, you must also
know about artificial insemination.

Then you didn't
ask doogie to, um...

- You know.
- No.

I specifically said to him I
was interested in his genes.

I thought he understood I was
talking about artificial insemination.

Well you thought wrong.

Doogie's thinking
more along the lines

Of good, old-fashioned
natural insemination.

I didn't intentionally
mean to be vague.

Do you think he's
going to be very hurt?

He's 16.

He thinks the most
beautiful woman in the world

Wants to make love with him.

What do you think?

Doogie: dr. Burke?

I got your message.

I'm glad you could come by.

You look pretty in this light.

That's why I became
a radiologist.

Doogie, we need to talk.

Yeah, we do. We really do.

Hey, it looks like there's a
small bowel obstruction.

There's some air
in the biliary tree.


About last night.

Yeah, that's what I want
to talk to you about.

See, I don't want you to think
I don't think you're beautiful.

Because I do.

I mean you are.

The whole idea

That someone as beautiful
as you actually wants me

Is gonna make me feel fantastic
for I don't know how long,

Maybe the rest of my life.

But I can't do it. I just can't.

See, I wanna have
children someday.

And I want to
share it with my wife.

And if we do this,
I'm afraid it just...

It might... Spoil that.

I understand perfectly.

I hope that you
have a child someday.

And I hope you fall in love.

That shouldn't be too
hard. All you have to do is

Pick one of the people
that fall in love with you.

You are an extraordinary man...

And such a sweet boy.

Maybe we should
get back to work.


I'm gonna remember
this for a long time.

You can tell your
grandchildren about it.

No. I think I'll save
this for myself.

Dr. Wilgate to obstetrics,
dr. Wilgate to obstetrics.

Dr. Murray, call third
floor nurses' station.

Dr. Murray call third...

Vinnie, you've been
doing that for 15 minutes.

You had it in the
palm of your hand.

And poof!

Now it's gone.
You're a total wuss.

It just didn't feel right. I'd
even have to lie to wanda.

I'll get another chance.

Don't you read the paper? There
could be a nuclear w*r tomorrow

And we could all be dead.
And you didn't get to do it!

And I didn't get
to hear about it!

Well, vinnie. I guess the thing
to do is work for world peace.

Hey, this isn't funny,
howser. You blew it.

You shattered my dream. Don't ever
show your face around here again.

Vinnie, this is my room.

Okay, all right. So I'm leaving.

You know, I've had it with you.

We no longer have
anything in common!

I never want to
speak to you again.

You're out of my life!

I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay?


What a wuss!
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