03x16 - His Suit Is Hirsute

Episode transcripts for the TV show "L. A. Law". Aired: September 15, 1986 – May 19, 1994.*
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High-powered law firm of McKenzie, Brackman, Chaney and Kuzak handles both criminal and civil cases, but the office politics and romance often distract them from the courtroom.
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03x16 - His Suit Is Hirsute

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on l.a. Law...

I'm going to file for divorce.

Because of what
he did last night?

Because of all of it.

I understand. You have
this other relationship.


I don't want to break it up,

Not that I think I could,

But I am attracted to you.

I'm just gonna lay
this out and cut to it.

A friend of mine, mark ross, is
currently residing in division lockup

For cocaine with intent.

- I want to get him out
and I need your help.
- Is he guilty?

Very much so.

I hope that doesn't
end our conversation.

I'm still listening.

You understand we're
looking for an intern,

An extra pair of hands
for the scut work.

Mckenzie brackman is
top-heavy with partners.

We're not looking to
groom another one.

I'm not looking
for that, either.

My interest is
public policy law.

But before I get too trapped,

I'd like to get a close
look at a private firm.

The birth mother
wants her baby back.


She changed her mind and...

She signed the consent form.
What are you talking about?

She's petitioning the court
to have the consent withdrawn.

- How the hell
can she do that?
- Stuart...

No, no, no. Wait, wait, wait.

The consent form
is signed, arnie.

This is a done deal.

No, it's not a done deal.
The adoption isn't final yet.

And until it is,

She has the right to
withdraw the consent,

Or at least the right to try.

- Michael?
- Melanie.

Hi. They changed
courtrooms on us.

- We're over here now.
- Oh.

Listen, thanks for letting
me observe you in action.

No problem.

I never played a lawyer before.

I'd like the result to be somewhere
in the realm of the possible.

It's a role you'll
help me get, you know?

Well, remember, this
is civil, not criminal.

It could be deadly. Don't
expect any fireworks.

We were just sitting
around watching the tv

When all of a sudden, I
hear this hissing sound.


I look at my wife and
I go, "you hear that?"

And she says, "you
mean that psss?"

And I go, "yeah. You hear it?"

Of course, she
had to have heard.

How else could she imitate it?

What happened next, mr. Hilbar?

Boom happened next.

A huge expl*si*n ripped
out the wall of our den.

What part of the wall?

♪ Objection ♪

♪ I want to object to that ♪

♪ I'm objecting now ♪

♪ I say now ♪

♪ I mean, right,
right, right, right ♪

♪ Right now ♪

♪ Praise the lord ♪

Why don't you step
up, mr. Pastorini?

What the hell was that?

Your honor, my client
and I have discussed this,

And we feel our case will be
more effective if I sing my objections

As well as some of the
arguments and procedural issues.

Counselor, you will
not sing in my courtroom.

- You get me?
- Very well, judge.

But I'd like an
instruction to the jury

Informing them I'm
being denied my right

To incorporate
music into my defense.

Fine, I'll tell them. Step back.

Members of the jury,

Attorney pastorini
will no longer be singing

During the course of this trial.

He'd like you to know

He's stopping only at my urging.

Continue, mr. Kuzak.

What part of the
wall exploded, sir?

Over the heating vents.

All three of them blew out.

There was a huge boom. I
mean, I'm lucky to be alive.

Objection to the term
"boom," your honor,

On grounds of v*olence.





Motion to suppress
on grecco is pending.

If we lose on that, we'll
probably come to trial

Sometime around
the end of the year.

In other words,
there's no problem

With my being out of
the country for a while?

This a business trip
you're taking, frank?

Business, pleasure.

- I always manage
a little of both.
- Lucky you.

Freeze! Federal drug agents.

- Keep your hands
where we can see them.
- What is this?

Shut your mouth, put
your hands on your head.

- Get your hands
behind your back, frank.
- I'd like to see a warrant.

Your attorney wants
to see a warrant, frank.

- Here's your warrant.
- Get your hands back up!

Am I under arrest, too?

Get your hands back up!

You guys should try
out for geraldo rivera.

You're very tough.

- Ooh!
- That man is in handcuffs.

You don't have to do that.

Just give me a reason, frank.

Hilbar vs. Bradley. Michael?

Hilbar's heating system blew up.

Bradley put it in,

But it turns out that
bradley wasn't even certified.

So we're suing for
compensatory and punitive.

It's like trying a case
on the gong show.

Moving on. Meyer vs. Meyer.

Yeah, it shouldn't
be too difficult.

After the obligatory

And breast-beating,
I'm sure we'll settle out.

In the matter of
markowitz vs. Harris.

We are due in court in an hour.

Children's services has
rendered its opinion in our favor.

For the record, though,
they usually come down

Against withdrawal of consent

And the judge is free to
disregard their recommendation,

But it is a plus.

Are you going in, too, arnie?

No. Victor thinks that if we
go in with an army of lawyers,

It's only going to end up making
the girl look more sympathetic.

On a personal note,

Ann, stuart, we
wish you the best

And our hearts are
with you and little kelsey.

Hear hear.

Thank you, douglas.


Finally, our payroll
snafu has been rectified.

Our accounts are current,

And income tax pressures

I'm waiting on your billables

For the month of march, people.

In short, we are back
to business per usual.

Now, if there's nothing else,

We're adjourned.

Good staff meeting, douglas.

Quick, to the point. I liked it.

Good to have you back in
the driver's seat, douglas.

Ok, mickey, let's talk numbers.

Let's talk about yesterday.

What the hell was that?

I was just having a
little fun, that's all.

You looked like a candidate
for the rubber room, frankie.


And you know what?

When those jurors
went home last night,

You think they were
telling their families

About what an awful thing

The defendant did
to the plaintiff?

No way.

They were saying,
"you should have seen

The crazy lawyer we saw today."

And they'll be laughing.

And with each little giggle,

The idea that this is a serious
thing gets chipped away,

And that translates
into a lighter verdict.

You've got to be kidding.

Hey, counselor,

You need to get them
outraged and worked up

In order to get your punies.

But they're having
too much fun to be mad.

We may lose, but
we won't lose big.

Trust me.


That's the damages plus 10.

No chance.

Your guy lied about
being certified.

He all but blew up
my client's house.

They had to live in a
hotel for two months.

No, you are not sliding out of
this with just compensatories.

Any more than 75, my
guy has to sell his house.

- He won't.
- Well, I guess we have
to go back into court.

Ok, but I've got to warn you,

I'm feeling pretty funny.

And I really hate to beat up

On such a humorless guy.

I'll see you tomorrow, frankie.

I'll be the one
dressed like evita.

In the matter of the united
states of america vs. Frank weiland,

Bail. Counsel?

Terrance flaherty for the
government. Ready, your honor.

Abigail perkins
for the defendant.

Ready, your honor.

The government asks the defendant
be held without bond, your honor.

We have information
linking this man

To the sale of millions of
dollars worth of cocaine

And linking him to the murders of
tyrone weeks and clifford bagley.

What's the source of
all this information?

A reliable informant.

You just can't say who.

Ask your client why
that is, miss perkins.

Better than that, ask
cliff bagley's parents.

They i.d.'D his body just before
he was supposed to testify

Against one of frank
weiland's lieutenants.

Mr. Flaherty, you're asking
that the court take your word

That confidentiality is
necessary here, is that correct?

Only long enough to
go to trial, your honor.

Given the opportunity, I am
confident we can prove guilt

Beyond any reasonable doubt.

I would ask that the identity
of the informant be revealed.

I would ask that a
reasonable bond be set

And a hearing
pursuant to rule 5.1

Be scheduled as
soon as possible.

- Reasonable bond.
- He is no flight risk,
your honor.

He's lived here his whole
life. He has no criminal record.

All his current
incarceration does is interfere

With him assisting in the
preparation of his own defense.

I believe miss perkins
made the same speech

For mark ross several
weeks ago, your honor.

He skipped 24 hours later.

What does that
have to do with it?

All right, that's enough.

I'm setting bond at $1 million

Or a $100,000 cash equivalent

With the following conditions...

Mr. Weiland is to
surrender his passport.

He's to keep the united
states marshal's office

Informed of his whereabouts

And he is to avoid all contact
with any potential witnesses.

Suppression hearing will
be thursday morning at 10 a.m.

That's all.

You might have
caved a little fast

On the passport, counselor.

Don't tell me how
to practice law.

We sent a message
loud and clear...

We're going after the big
sh*ts now, not just the flunkies.

You talked a good
game, terrance.

You gonna be out here
holding a press conference

When the case is dismissed?

It's not gonna
happen this time, frank.

You're the scum of the
earth, and I'm gonna prove it.

You do that in court,
mr. Flaherty, not in the hallway.


I guess, at first, I
was afraid to keep her

Because I didn't have any money
and I wasn't married or anything.

But now rick and I are engaged

And we know we
can take care of her.

Tammy, why did you sign the
consent form two weeks ago?

Everybody kept telling me to,

But it was wrong.

Look, I'm sorry to be
hurting you like this,

But there are lots of babies
you can go out there and adopt.

See, she's got my
blood, my genes.

She's part of me.

I can't go out and adopt that.

This is nonresponsive,
your honor.

No matter what that
contract says, I'm her mama!

I have nothing further.

When are you getting
married, tammy?

I don't know. Soon.


And have you found
a place to live yet?

Rick says we're gonna take care
of that as soon as we're married.

How much money does rick make?

He earns $320 a week.

And do either you or rick

Have any kind of health
or life insurance?

Um, we're gonna
get that as soon...

These are yes or
no questions, tammy.

Do you have medical
or life insurance or not?


Rick's never graduated
from high school, has he?

You don't need a
college education

To be a committed
parent, mr. Sifuentes.

No, you don't, tammy. Where is
this committed parent today?

That's not fair.

Rick couldn't afford to fly out
here to california. That is not fair.

You think it's fair to snatch
a baby from a loving home

When you have no place
to live, no insurance...

- Objection!
- Withdrawn.

No, no, I want to answer that!

There's no question before you.

He got to make his
speech. I want to make mine.

The witness can
make her statement.

No, we don't have
money. We're not rich.

This baby is not gonna get
swimming pools and private schools,

But there are things
they can't give her, neither.

One day this baby is gonna grow
up and wonder who her real mama is

And she's gonna wonder why she doesn't
get to live with the people who made her,

And that is when she's gonna
feel deprived, mr. Sifuentes,

That's when she's gonna
look around at her friends

And wonder why she
doesn't have what they have!

And that is a hurt that they
can't make go away with money.

If you thought she
would be so deprived,

Why did you give her up for
adoption in the first place?

I changed my mind.

Yes, you did, tammy.

And what happens to this child
when you change your mind again?

No, that's not going to happen.

Because you love
her so much, right?

Have you ever tried to visit this
child in the last three months?

Well, no, but...

Have you ever tried to
at least call these people

To at least find
out how she's doing?

No, because I didn't think
they would talk to me.

Did you talk to them before
giving up the baby for adoption

To at least satisfy yourself
that these are good people here?

No, it was too painful
for me. I couldn't.

So you put your own feelings

Above the best interests
of the child, then, didn't you?

To be with me is in
her best interests.

1984, You were
arrested and convicted

For selling
marijuana, weren't you?

- Objection!
- Overruled.

I made a mistake.

You gonna smoke a little
dope around this baby, too?

That's not fair. I don't do
dr*gs. You just shut up!

Let the record reflect that the
witness is hysterical and imbalanced.

- Listen to me!
- Let the record reflect
that the witness...

- Mr. Sifuentes,
that's enough!
- I am her mama!

I have nothing
further, your honor.

Why was it necessary
to meet here?

Tables in restaurants
are too close together.

My house and your office
are both probably bugged.

You think my office is bugged?

I think it's possible.

They play dirty when it
comes to dope, counselor.

You might also be just
a little bit paranoid.

It doesn't mean I'm wrong.

What is it you want to tell me?

The fed's informant,
he's a whacked-out junkie

Named louis perez who
used to work for me.

How do you know?

I know. Don't worry about how.

Just knowing his name
isn't gonna help you.

We have to prove he's unreliable
for it to make a difference.

I got rid of him
because he's unreliable.

If he worked for you, he's in
a position to know about you.

He's got a record a mile long.

Most informants do.

Look, unless I can discredit him

Or he personally recants,

The indictment will
probably hold up.

We need to start thinking about
what kind of deal we can strike.

Not yet we don't.

Frank, there's a lot
that you can tell them.

They might be inclined to
reduce your jail time accordingly.

Hey, that's the wrong way
to think, you understand?

Now, louis perez does
not send me to jail.

This case will
never come to trial.

This indictment
will be dismissed.

Play to win, counselor.

Otherwise, you never do.

She was fully aware
of all the terms

When she signed the consent.

In addition to me, she had
independent counsel advising her.

Then there is no
question in your mind, sir,

That she knew what
she was signing?

- None whatsoever.
- Thank you, mr. Burnett.

Nothing further.

How much did the markowitzes
pay you for this baby?

I was paid for legal
services rendered

In connection with the adoption.

- How much, mr. Burnett?
- $10,000.

And if they now lose this baby,

They get that money
back, don't they?

This isn't about
money, mr. Yzerman.

Don't insult me, mr. Burnett.
This is entirely about money.

You sell babies for a living

And you're in here now
trying to protect a commission.

- Objection.
- Overruled.

My job is finding good
homes for unwanted babies.

State adoption
agencies do that, sir.

The only difference
is you get rich off it.

I'm a professional, mr. Yzerman.

I placed that baby
with the markowitzes

Because they
presented an ideal match

For tammy harris' requirements.

An ideal match.

The night the
markowitzes took custody,

That baby was being
shipped from arkansas

To a mr. And mrs. Arthur roland.

- Correct?
- Yes.

So what happened to them?

They split up at
the last minute.

Gee, it sounds like you
were ready to drop this child

Into a real stable environment.

- Objection.
- Sustained.

So what happened
next, mr. Burnett?

Did you return the
child to arkansas

And begin anew your exhaustive
research for the perfect parents?

I placed the baby
with the markowitzes.

I spoke to tammy harris
at every juncture...

In fact, sir, you called
three other perfect couples,

None of whom
happened to be home.

And when the markowitzes
answered their phone,

They suddenly became the
ideal parents, didn't they?

- It wasn't like that.
- It was exactly like that.

All of this talk about
your detailed process,

And it comes down to you

Standing in an airport
dialing numbers on a payphone,

And the first couple
to say hello gets the kid.

Objection! This man
is not on trial here.

His credibility is
very much on trial.

He was doing everything
he could to close a deal

And he has a financial interest

In seeing that the
markowitzes get custody.

Tammy harris said yes to them!

Based on your
recommendation to her.

The recommendation
was based on the fact

That I believed they would
provide an excellent home.

True or false, mr. Burnett...

You spent less than 45
minutes matching this baby

And that birth mother
with this couple, didn't you?

I spent hours with tammy harris.

I spent hours with
the markowitzes.

But you matched tammy harris'
daughter with the rolands!

And less than 45 minutes
after it all falls apart,

You hand the kid to the
markowitzes, didn't you?

It may have worked
out that way...

Thank you, mr. Burnett.
I have nothing further.

Believe me, nobody feels worse
about this disaster than me.

I remember seeing their
den before it blew up.

Let me tell you, it was lovely.

Now, mr. Bradley, did
you tell the plaintiff

That your company was licensed

To install these heating units?

Mr. Bradley?

We gave them that impression,
but what we actually said

Was there was no licensed
contractor more qualified than us.

And that really is true.

Thank you, sir. I
have nothing further.

This was a forced air
heating system, was it not?

Yes, it was.

And when you installed
the new furnace,

- Did you take out
the old gas feeds?
- No, we didn't.

Isn't it true, sir, that the kind
of gas feeds used in this house

Have a known tendency to
become corroded or brittle?

Your honor, due to the unusual
dullness to this line of questioning,

I'd like permission
to tell a joke.

- Objection!
- Denied!

In the alternative, a
short riddle? A limerick?


Shot down again.

Mr. Pastorini!

Not now, judge. I'm dying.

Get in my chambers! Now!

- Hi, michael.
- Grace.

Meet melanie hayes.
Grace van owen.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Nice to meet you.

I don't want to interrupt.

I've got a call to make
before the afternoon session.

- Sit here.
- Thanks.

Are you free to get
away this weekend?

Some r and r would
be good for us.

You really think that's
going to make everything ok?

Are you seeing her?

No, I'm not seeing her.

We had dinner together.

It was fun. It was relaxing.

It's the kind of thing you and I
should be doing a lot more of.

I'm sorry the fun
is in short supply.

I'm a little
exhausted, you know?

Oh, yeah. Yeah, I know.

This relationship is
100% voluntary, mickey.

That's right.

That's what makes it so fragile.

Grace... When we first met...

We had passion.

I want to know where that went.

I don't know.

I have a client to meet.

So do i.

I'm willing to be late for mine.

I can't.

Grace, I want to know why
two people who care so much

Spend so much time
beating each other up.

And, at 5 months,

The baby knows no other parents

Than mr. Markowitz
and miss kelsey.

And, doctor, in your
expert medical opinion,

What would be the effect
of removing this baby

From the markowitzes' custody?

Well, to start with,
she could experience

Serious psychosocial

Making it extremely difficult

For her to form new
attachments with other people.

Her motor skills could regress.

Her intellectual
development might be impaired.

She might even experience a
suppression of her immune system.

Would any of this
damage be permanent?

It's very possible.

A separation like this could
shatter the child's sense of trust

To the point where she might
never go back to developing it.

She could grow up completely
indifferent to human attachments.

Now, doctor, based on
your medical training

And your observation
of the baby,

Do you have an opinion as to whether
she should be taken from the markowitzes?

It's my opinion that
such a separation

Would be extremely
detrimental to the child.

Thank you very much,
doctor. Nothing further.

There's no scientific
evidence to support your view

That a separation of this type
would cause any long-term harm

To a 5-month-old child is there?

There may be no
scientific evidence,

But there's plenty of
anecdotal information.

But anecdotal information
is insufficient to support

A definite medical
conclusion, right?

My opinions are based on
years of research, counselor,

As well as my specific findings

That tammy harris would provide

An environment of
instability for the child.

You ever meet
tammy harris, doctor?

Well, not personally, no,

But I've read the
social worker's report.

But you've never met
tammy harris, have you?

No, I haven't.

Thank you.

Dr. Nagel, you testified
that you observed a bond

Between the baby and
miss kelsey, isn't that right?


And you also observed
a bond between the baby

And the markowitzes'
nanny, stella lee, didn't you?


And you didn't see any
noticeable difference

Between those two bonds did you?

The fact that the child
also bonded with the nanny

Does not undermine the
attachment to miss kelsey.

I see. And what would happen

If the markowitzes
replaced this nanny

As they did the last one?

What affect would
that have on the child?

It could cause a disruption.

In fact, it can cause all those
things you were talking about...

Loss of trust, insecurity,
damage to self-esteem.

All of that could
happen, couldn't it?

It's possible,
but I don't think...

And doctor, in your opinion,

A baby is generally better
off with one primary caretaker

Rather than a rotating
mother-nanny system, right?

Well, in general, one primary
caretaker is preferred, yes.

Thank you, doctor. That's all.

Redirect, your honor.

Specifically, dr. Nagal, who
is this baby better off with?

- The markowitzes.
- Thank you, doctor.

How much are you being paid
for today's testimony, dr. Nagal?


- And who's paying you?
- The markowitzes.

Thank you.

Did you want the truex file?

- I dug it out last night.
- Great. I wasn't going to start

On it till the weekend.

They're not paying you overtime,
diana. Don't go giving them your nights.

I like it here and home
isn't that great these days.

Darrel and I have
separated. We're divorcing.

Oh. I'm sorry. That's sudden.

No, we've been talking
about it since christmas.

Now appears to be the time.

He's found someone
to share a place with,

And I'm getting a paycheck, so I
can handle the rent on my own.

Well, sounds like
you got a plan.

- You seem fine
about it. Are you?
- No.

There's got to be
something to do here.

Let's cheer you up. You
want to go roller-skating,

Drive to el monte, see
if mississippi burning

Is less obnoxious
dubbed in spanish?

I shouldn't have
said I wasn't fine. I am.

I... I'm functioning.
I'm... I'm fine.


The truex file is on the
desk, on top of the box.

Uh... Oh. Ok.

- Thanks.
- Sure.

Let's hear it, miss perkins.

Your honor, I have
reason to believe

That the informant in this case

Is an individual by the
name of louis perez,

Also known as louis cato,
also known as rosario cruz.

I also have reason to believe
that he's wholly unreliable.

And the government's
reliance upon him as a witness

Should serve to dismiss the
indictment against my client.

Mr. Flaherty?

Your honor, it is the policy of
the united states attorney's office

To neither confirm nor deny the
identity of a confidential informant

When to do so would
compromise their security.

Judge, there's a guy named louie perez
out there, he says he wants to testify.

You knew he was going
to show up, didn't you?

I didn't know
anything of the kind.

Mr. Perez, earlier this week

An individual appeared
before a federal grand jury

And accused frank weiland

Of bringing more than 500
kilograms of cocaine into this country

And of ordering the murders of
tyrone weeks and clifford bagley.

- Are you that individual?
- Yeah, ma'am.

- Were those charges true?
- No.

Why'd you make them?

I got picked up for possession.

Two stinking rocks.

Mr. Flaherty said I'd get 8-10,

So I gave him what he
wanted, and he let me go.

Why are you changing
your story now?

Believe it or not, I got kids.

And one thing I
always tell them,

I say, "what goes
around, comes around."

I been getting
high for 20 years.

All I want to do is go straight
and not burn nobody no more.

I have no further questions.

Did I ever tell you what to say
to that grand jury, mr. Perez?

The cop that was beating
the crap out of me told me.

- I didn't get his name.
- Where did this beating
take place?

An alley off of hope street.

Did you get any
medical attention?

- No.
- Any marks you can show us?

Cops don't leave marks.

Dark alley, a nameless
cop, and no marks or bruises.

Hey, look, I was sick.

You guys had me scared to death.

Well, who's scaring
you now, louie?

- Objection.
- Sustained.

Did frank weiland
contact you at all

- Prior to this hearing?
- No.

- What?
- No.

Did he thr*aten to k*ll you?

No, nobody threatened me.

What about your kids?

What about my kids?

Did he thr*aten
to k*ll your kids?

No, nobody threatened
to k*ll my kids.

Anything else, mr. Flaherty?

Not at the present
time, your honor.

Well, that being the case,

I am prepared to rule.

I find this informant
to be wholly unreliable.

Mr. Flaherty, I believe

You actually sought
to conceal that fact.

I find your conduct

And an abuse of the
grand jury process.

Accordingly, this
indictment is dismissed.

The defendant is free to go.

One thing you have to
know about trial lawyers,

Ladies and gentlemen,
they love to perform.

And if all the world's a stage

And all the people
in it merely players,

Then counsel for the defense

Is one of the best.

He tells jokes.

He sings songs.

I can't even carry a tune,

And I have never been
very good with jokes.

I got the old gorilla suit
out of the closet this morning.

But I have to tell
you that on a stage...

I'm no match for my opponent.

But I wonder how entertaining

His jokes would be

If someone had been
k*lled or maimed.

I wonder how delightful

We'd find his musical numbers

If we had to hole up
in a hotel for a month.

The fact of the matter is,
that all the world is not a stage

And all the men and
women are not players,

And this man... This
man really lied.

He really endangered the lives

Of people who trusted him.

These people were
really hurt by him.

Now, let's not enjoy
ourselves at their expense.

All the funny bits in the world

Are not going to change the fact

That these people
really suffered

Or relieve us of our
obligation to take it seriously.

And do you feel you see evidence of
this bonding in the way the baby behaves?

She doesn't like to
be held by strangers.

She cries and when she's given
back to me or stuart, she stops.

Uh, miss kelsey,

Do you really think
this child knows you?

It's so hard to
prove my relationship

To a person who can't
really communicate.

All I can say is
when she sees me

She sees a person who
will take care of her.

A person who will
love her forever.

She feels comfort.
She feels... Safe,

The kind of safe that a
baby feels with her mother.

Thanks. I have nothing further.

How's your relationship
with your mother?

- Objection.
- Studies show that
a relationship with the parent

Directly impacts upon the
relationship with the child.

- I'll allow it.
- You didn't invite her to your
own wedding last year, did you.

She was at my wedding.

That's because she
showed up uninvited, right?

My mother and I have
had some difficult times,

But we've worked them out.

Thank you. How many hours
do you work each day, ma'am?

I'm in the office
about five hours a day.

Well, according to your
firm's billing records,

You've been averaging
39.7 hours a week

For the last two months.

That's 7.9 hours a day.

I take work home.

Yes, well, the point is you
represented to mr. Burnett,

And, derivatively,
to miss harris,

That you'd be putting in
half-days after you got the baby.

Standard workday is 8
hours. You've been putting in 7.9.

- Big cutback.
- No, those figures
are misleading. Sometimes...

You mean you've been billing
clients for hours not really worked?

I mean, some of those hours are spent
reading at home with kelsey on my lap.

Oh, yes, that's right.
You have no aversion

To bringing work to the baby
or baby to the work, do you?

What's that supposed to mean?

I mean you've sometimes brought
this child into the law firm

To be babysat by secretaries.

That happened in a couple of
days when we were between nannies.

And did you once use this
baby as a device to frustrate

- An opponent's deposition?
- What?

I have here a motion for
cost filed against you

By attorney john brianson

In which he claims you
deliberately used this baby

To protract the
discovery process.

That motion is ludicrous, and so are
you for trying to take advantage of it.

Let the record reflect
the hostility of the witness.

I took the baby
to work two days.

Most of the work I do at
home is after she's asleep.

Miss kelsey, what religion
do you intend for child be?

We haven't decided yet.

You haven't decided whether this person
shall be raised as a christian or jew?

We will decide,
we just haven't yet.

In fact, ma'am, you and your
husband cannot agree on this issue,

Can you?

Answer the
question, miss kelsey.

No, we don't agree.

That's ok. It's just religion.

As long as you can
concur on the big things,

Like what depositions
to use her for.

- Objection.
- Withdrawn.

You're divorced from a
previous marriage, are you not?

- Yes.
- Mm-hmm.

I have nothing further.

I don't like this, I
think I just got k*lled.

You held up ok, ann. We knew this
guy was going to come after you..

If you put me up there, victor.
I'm ready for mr. Yzerman.

I am not putting you
on the stand, stuart.

What are you talking
about, how can you not...

If I let you testify, yzerman's
going to grill you the same way.

Victor, how's the judge going
to know what I am if I don't testify?

She'll know because
you're doing the closing.



You are an attorney
of records, stuart.

There is no problem.
I'll just inform the court.

This way we get to put you
up there before the judge

With no risk of

Victor, i... I don't...

I've never done a closing.

Stuart, this thing
is too damn close.

We have used every
advantage that we can get.

I think a plea from the parent

Is going to be a lot more powerful
than any argument from counsel.

He may be right, stuart.

I'll do the closing if you want,

But right now, I think
you're our best shot.

Then I'll do it.

- You sure?
- I'm very sure.

In the matter of
hilbar vs. Bradley,

We the jury find in favor of the
plaintiff and order the defendant

To pay compensatory
damages in the amount of $82,000

And punitive damages
in the amount of $125,000.

Well, ladies and gentlemen of
the jury, thank you for your time,

Your service is at an end.
This court is now adjourned.

Well done, michael.

Melanie, about this trial,

It was absolutely typical.

Uh-huh, uh-huh, well,
you were wonderful.

- I hope we can do this
again sometime.
- Me, too.


Yeah, I almost managed to snatch
defeat from the jaws of victory.

The gorilla suit
was a great idea.

Ah, a desperate act
by a desperate man.

I fell in love with you
in that monkey suit,

And judging by the look on melanie
hayes' face during your closing,

She did, too.

You have nothing to
be jealous about, grace.

Yes, I do.

That's the problem.

I-if... If we were
really happy together,

If... If we really were
in love with each other,

There would be no
reason to be jealous.

I love you, kuzak.

I do.

I always will,

But I think we should take
a break from each other.

Grace, don't you think
we should work on this?

We've done nothing
but work on it.

I love you, too, grace.

I know you do.

So if we love each other so
much, why is this happening?

I don't know.
May... Maybe, uh...

Maybe some time apart.

I promised myself
I wouldn't cry.

I have never loved you more

Than I do at this very moment.

Oh, mickey.

They may want her, judge,

But the markowitzes do not
present an ideal household.

Their fundamental
differences in religion

Can only breed instability.

Their work schedules
are prohibitive.

Miss kelsey comes
from a failed marriage,

A failed relationship
with her own mother.

Some question exists

As to whether she's capable of
sustaining any loving relationship.

Tammy harris may not be able

To pay experts and psychiatrists

To testify for her,

But she's ready to be
what her child needs most...

A full-time mother.

Not somebody who
squeezes in quality time

Between depositions
and partners' meetings,

Not somebody who as she
holds the child on her lap at night

Reads trial transcripts,

But somebody to be there

Every day, all day.

Tammy harris'
daughter deserves that.

Tammy harris' daughter
deserves tammy harris.


We'll probably let her
choose her own religion

When she's old enough,

And whereas ann
and I may not share

The same underlying tenets
in our respective faiths,

We both know that any religion

Starts with the love of
god and commitment to family.

And we have that, your honor.

We have that big.

As for this woman's

Ability to sustain a
loving relationship.

Let me tell you, that
the last two years

Have been the most loving

And most meaningful
time of my life.

And if this little baby gets
half of what I've gotten

From this wonderful person,

Then her life will
be very rich, indeed.

Believe me.

Look. You've heard from us.


Excuse me. Ahem...
Heard from us.

You've heard from
the psychiatrists.

I just wish you
could hear from her.

She would say

That her name is
kelsey markowitz

And that she lives
at 495 kenter avenue

In brentwood, california,

And that this is her mother,

And I'm her father...

And we would all just
like to go home now.

Diana... Are you
eating with anybody?

Just picking up.

I want to talk. Grab that table.

What you going to do with that?

Have it for dinner.

Listen... I was dense yesterday.

There's a very obvious
way for me to help.

Let me represent
you in the divorce.


No. We're just going
to do it ourselves.

There's nothing to split up.

Sure there is...
Furniture, a car.

You want him running
off with the dishes?

This was a no-frills marriage.

It's going to be a
minimalist divorce.

Besides, daryl and I have been
very careful to keep this clean.

I don't want him to think
I'm taking advantage of him

By rolling in the
heavy a*tillery.

Yeah. I'm flattered.

Ok. Promise me two things.

Number one, let me go over
everything before you sign it.

Two, if it's get at all
sticky, you come get me.


And a third thing, what?

Talk to somebody about this,

'Cause if you don't you're going
to start walking into doors.

All right.

All right.

10,000, Huh?

- 10,000.
- Tell you what.

Here's the 10 you're asking for,

And here's another 10 I
just feel like giving you.

Just pay me my fee, frank.

If I wanted to work for
tips, I'd still be a waitress.

Counselor, counselor.

I really think you could
k*ll children, you know that?

What are you talking about?

You threatened louie perez.

I didn't have to thr*aten him.

Yeah, well, I can't represent
someone that I can't bear to look at.

Go find yourself
another lawyer, frank.


- Abigail perkins?
- Yes?

I'd like you to leave everything
exactly the way it is, please.

Stand up. Put your
hands on your head.

- What?
- I have a warrant
for your arrest, ma'am.

You're being charged with
engaging in a monetary transaction

Involving criminally
derived proceeds.

I'm going to ask you once again.
Stand up, put your hands on your head.

Would you please stand
with your legs apart?

You do this to every lawyer
who beats you, terrance?

Your lawyer broke
the law, frank.

I'm just doing my job.

Since when is it against
the law to be paid?

To be paid in drug money?

Ever since they passed the
money laundering control act.

It's always been against the law

To thr*aten a federal witnesses.

You think I threatened
a federal witness?

I know somebody did.
I just can't prove it.

As for your taking drug
money, though, that I can prove.

Whenever I get a case like this

I secretly hope one of you
will turn out to be a monster,

Or at least unfit,

So as to make my
decision an easy one.

That didn't happen here.

Miss kelsey,
mr. Markowitz, miss harris,

You're all worthy parents.

And I have no reservations

About any of your
respective abilities

To love and care for this child.

Which makes this decision
all the more difficult.


The markowitzes
are better positioned.

There's no question.

Nor is there any doubt

A change at this time
will traumatize the child,

Though there's no proof it
will cause any long-term harm.

I'm a working woman.

My children had
successive nannies.

Yet they were loved
by their mother,

And they knew it.

But when I consider

The essence of parenting

Then I must consider who's
is most likely to provide

Continuous emotional support?

Who's most likely to
be there for the child,

And be with the child,

During these very
crucial formative years?

Mr. Markowitz, miss kelsey,

I know this will cause
you devastating pain.

Oh, no.

Unfortunately, that pain

Cannot factor into
my judgment here.

I hereby find the circumstances

Of tammy harris' life

To have significantly changed,

Making reasonable

The withdrawal of her consent.

I further grant her
petition for habeas corpus.

Bailiff, please deliver
the baby to miss harris.

Your honor,

Could we at least have
another day to say goodbye?

I'm sorry. No.

You have to say
your goodbye now.

Goodbye, honey.

We love you.

Goodbye, kelsey.

Be good. We...


I've never even held you before.

Hi, carol.


Hi, carol. It's your mama.

Uh-huh. You're
finally back with mama.

Yes... Yes.
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