02x17 - Belle of the Bald

Episode transcripts for the TV show "L. A. Law". Aired: September 15, 1986 – May 19, 1994.*
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High-powered law firm of McKenzie, Brackman, Chaney and Kuzak handles both criminal and civil cases, but the office politics and romance often distract them from the courtroom.
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02x17 - Belle of the Bald

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on l.a. Law.

I'm thinking of having
my client testify.

Are you crazy?

I'm sorry michael, but your
client can't be my concern.


These are porno movies.

I was sexy, wasn't i?

God, yes.

Am I sexy now?


Do you think rogoff
would take me back?

Rogoff would chill
to have you back.

What about you?

Well, I just... I'm
just a sore loser...

But I'll get over it.

Are we gonna kiss and make up?



Here's a gift to be simple.

Hey, douglas.


I'm in need of your
wisdom and guidance.

I can help.

I don't know what
to do. I'm so confused.

Sheila again, ha?

No, I'm way past that.

This is a matter of far
greater complexity.

I'm in love with another woman.

I'm afraid when it comes
to matters of the heart,

Douglas, I'm no more qualified

Or for guidance
from an expert so...

I'm wild about her.

I'm obsessed by
this naked memory

Of her one sexual encounter,

An encounter so intense, so hot.

Douglas, I don't think I
should be hearing this.

Just tell me what to do.

Well, I don't know.

You enjoy yourself.

But she is older than I am.

Well, maturity can be
very inviting in a woman.

She is going to be 60.

Douglas, I'm extremely

With this conversation.

It's rusty.


Your father's rusty?


Oh, boy.

Leland, please I have
no one else to turn to.

I'm sorry. You're on your own.

When does gracy turning
back with the da's office.

Today is her first day.

Oh, any last minute givings.

I think she is ready to
hit the ground running.

What's that thing?

That thing is a new high
speed office shredder

Which will be set
up in the file room.

Sensor micro system has
retained as his council and insist

That we have secure
document disposal procedures.

What's their big secret?

Whatever it is asking us
to shred sensitive papers

Isn't an unreasonable request.

I suggest we get into
the habit of disposing

Of all potentially damaging
client material in like fashion.

Moving along davidoff
versus davidoff.

Yeah, we have a meeting
schedule for next wednesday.

I assume you will be
covering stock valuations

All corporate holdings?



Jonathan, I want
you setting in with...

All right.

In re of the state
of byron debeque.

I'm leaving for eau claire,
wisconsin this afternoon.

With any luck I
should be finishing

All my depositions by friday.

So what's the
inside poop, victor?

Tina bianchi was
left $30 million

In byron debeque's will.

Two of his children are claiming

Undue influence in that
testamentary capacity.

Come on, come
on, give us the dirt.

Oh, byron debeque
own a chain of theaters.

Tina was hanging
around backstage

And one of them
doing a rock concert

In hopes of beating the drummer.

When byron showed up to
check on the gates, bingo.

Ah, what kind of route of ages

Are we talking
about here, victor.

Tina was 19 and byron 75.

Anyway, they met
and they made it

And from next day she
was his constant companion.

The two older children
philip and marilyn

Claim that she
was his dominatrix

Who worked around
modeling various rubber goods.

That send byron
into such a frenzy

That he would assign anything.

I don't think they're
talking about glasses here.

The two younger
children holly and bren,

They claim that she
was a trusting wife

And loving confidant.

The trouble is holly and bren
are 24 year old identical twins

Who were last seen
in puertovallarta

With this man who keeps
them both as his mistresses.

Yeah, and who made happy?

Well, all I know
about him right now

Is that he is an avid
deep sea fisherman

And someone of weight in
the reagan administration.

Who? Oh, what?

That's what I'm
hoping to find out

When I go to eau claire.

Tina and the twins

They workout with
this acrobatics group,

It's headquartered there.

Plenty snapshots, victor.

I want you to bring me
back plenty of snapshots.

Folks, if we can finish up here,

State of california
versus megan penny.

Oh, they offered
me mail slaughter,

I turned them down flat.

I don't understand they
have this woman rights.

I disagree.

Oh, I'm going to plead
temporary insanity in.

I expect to see her walk.

It doesn't sound like
what I've been reading.

Yeah, I mean, she k*lled
this guy like a pro.

How you gonna sell
a jury on insanity?

Easy, by hammering
on the context

In which it happened.

I mean, how do you
think a jury is gonna feel

When they find that they
are close to 40,000 people

Living in the united states
with full diplomatic community.

That means that they
can commit arson, r*pe,

Robbery, m*rder
and not be punished.

Fine, what does it have to
do with diminish capacity?


Megan penny was told that

Because of diplomatic community

It was basically okay with her
government this man r*ped her,

And infact it was okay
for him to do it again.

So what's the solution mike,

Do away with diplomatic
community all together?

Maybe it's not such a bad idea.

Did you ever stop and
think what would happen

To american diplomatic
personnel abroad

If we did away with immunity.

I'll tell you, I don't
have a problem

With an american diplomat

Getting sentence to
prison if he commits a r*pe.

They are still separate issues.

The only issue that I'm concern

With here is that this woman

Does not deserve to
spend 10 minutes in jail.

In another words two
wrongs make a right.

Please, I did not say that.

You know, you're
pandering to the jury.

You're wrapping
her up in the flag

And you're gambling
that no ones gonna

Worry too much about the law.

Look, I'm trying to represent
a client as best I can.

Are you guys gonna
wish me luck or what?

It's easy.

You can feed in about
a dozen pages at a time.

You don't have to worry
about paper clips or staples.

The machine just eats them up.


Now, benny,

If the machine jams up you
just push stopbutton here.


Then you push the
reverse button here.


And the machine
should clear itself.


Or else just come and get me.


Oh, that's about it.

Go ahead and give it a try.

Hey, looks like what you
throw out of the window

When they have a parade.

You're right and
next break in, benny.

Is that why we got it?

Not exactly.

We got it so that
people can't read papers

After we throw them out.

How come they want to?

People always look to
get an advantage, benny.

If they think they
can find out secrets

By digging through
the trash, they will do it.

With the shredder
all they will find

A quarter inch strips of paper.

It does it so fast.

Yeah, you can shred
about 60 pages a minute.

Good morning.


We were just talking about you.


Oh. Thanks.

Nice to have your back, gracy.

Well, it is really
good to be back.

So how things going,
you got instituted?

Yeah, pretty much.


Listen, you tell
me I want to do.

You want a couple of days

To kind of ease
back into things.

No, not a chance.

You want to give
her the murray case?

Oh, bruce, I don't know.

What is it?

Big m*rder trial.

I want it.

What do you think?

It's a gift.

Wait a minute
just... Oh, come on.

He m*rder*d a swan?

In broad daylight

Right in the pond
of the 17th tee.

Come on, why are we even
charging him with the felony.

Pc487, destruction of
property worth over $400.

I know what the codes is, bruce.

I'm asking why
are you pushing it?

Call it love of swans.

Call it the beverly
hills golf club's

Breathing down our neck.

Seriously, you
should see the letters

From the outraged members.

The hillside... Great.

Let get up, bruce.

I think she is gonna quit again.

There is no question here

That megan penny
k*lled wilfred arguayo.

Not only does she admit it

But a news crew got it on tape

And we're gonna show it to you.

The only question
here is why she k*lled him

And for that she is
claiming temporary insanity.

But as the facts will show
you ladies and gentlemen,

There is no burst
of insanity here.

This is a case of
flat out revenge,

Pure and simple.

The victim had r*ped
her three weeks before

And she decided to get even.

There was nothing insane about
the way she purchased the g*n

And registered
with the authorities.

She didn't seem nuts

When she ascertained the
whereabouts of her victim

While planning the m*rder.

As our psychiatrist
will tell you

This woman's behavior

Is the product of cool
reflective thought.

She deliberated
over this m*rder.

She conceived it.
She visualized it.

She picked the time, the place

And with icy precision
she ex*cuted it.

That having been
said I'll come clean

And admit right now

That this woman
is a victim herself.

The man r*ped her,
the police let him go

And she had every right
to be hurt and angry.

But that doesn't change the fact

That she willfully decided

To take the law
into her own hands.

That doesn't change the
fact that she deliberately,

Methodically ended the
life of another human being.

That makes her a criminal,
ladies and gentlemen.

She may be the most
sympathetic m*rder*r

You ever heard tell of,

But she is nevertheless
a m*rder*r.

Okay, that's wilfred
arguayo there

Right crossing in
front with his back to me

And he is walking
into the crowd.

Now you can see his face
right in the top middle here.

That's his father the ambassador

Over on the right

Next to the waiter
holding the drinks.

Now after these
people pass through,

You will see ms. Penny come in

On the left side of the screen.

Okay, there she is
in the blue dress.

Now she is gonna
cross to the right

Toward mr. Arguayo

And the rest is pretty
self explanatory,

I'll run at slow motion.


Get her out of her.

Get her out.

Lights please.

You may continue

With your questioning,
mr. Angeletti.

Did you hear what ms.
Penny was saying there

As they were pulling her away?

Ah, yes.

She said I guess
diplomatic community

Can't stop b*ll*ts, can it.

Now she said it twice.

Thank you, sir.

No further questions.

We were coming
up to the 14the tee.

Liddle was driving the cart

And I was writing
down our scores

That's when I heard it, that
awful thwacking sound.

What do you mean by
thwacking, mrs. Graham?

I mean thwack, thwack.

You know thwacking.

I see.

Did you have occasion

To ascertain the
cause of this noise?

I did.

I turned and saw
that hideous person.

Objection. Mrs. Graham?

Mrs. Graham, please just
state the facts of the case

Without any personal
remarks about the defendant.

Jury will disregard
the characterization.

Continue, mrs. Graham.

That man was just whopping

The swan with a sand wedge.

Oh, the blood,

The feathers, the yellow gut.


Mrs. Graham.

It was a vicious m*rder.

Mrs. Graham, I'm
going to ask you again,

Please just state
the simple facts

Without any embellishments.

Now do you think you
can do that please?


Thank you.

You may continue, ms. Van owen.

What happened next, mrs. Graham?

I had a reaction.

What kind of reaction?

You may elaborate, mrs. Graham.

I threw up on liddle.

Your honor. Okay.

It just gushed out as soon
as I saw the whopped swan.

Mrs. Graham?

This is unbelievable.

It was that little piece of bill
just dangling from the club.

That is enough.

Sorry, you honor.
No further questions.

Boy, was it dead?

Mrs. Graham?

And based upon your
examination ms. Penny doctor,

Did you make a diagnosis
with respect to her sanity?

Yes, I did.

It was my conclusion

That she knew exactly
what she was doing.

There was nothing delusion
all about her behavior.

No evidence of psychosis.

I think she was completely sane.

Nothing further.

Have you ever been
r*ped, dr. Klepp?

Objection, that is inflammatory

And has no relevance to
the case being tried here.

She claims to know

What's going on
inside my client's mind.

I'm simply trying to find
out if she has been there.

Objection overruled.

Have you ever had a man

Force you into your own
apartment at knife point?


Ever had a man put a
knife to your throat

And threatened to k*ll you?


Ever had a man make you
take all your clothes off,

Lie face down on your own
bed while he sodomized you?


And is it your testimony
that you could know

What that's like just by reading

About in medical text books?

I didn't say that.

Is it possible, dr. Klepp,
that if you were r*ped,

Violently r*ped and
then the police told you

That they left the man
go after he had confessed,

Is it possible that just
might make you crazy mad?

I would certainly feel
raged but I don't think...

Thank you, doctor.

Oh, one more question.

Based upon your
examination of ms. Penny,

Do you think that her release
would pose a threat to society?

No. I don't.

No further questions.

Can you hold, please?



Can we talk a minute, please?

Ah, sure.

Come on in.

Would you like some coffee?

No. I'll only stay a minute.

Hold my calls.

I came because you didn't
return any of my calls.



I could lie to you.

Give you some excuse
but the truth is...

You don't want
to see me anymore?


But not for the
reasons you think.

Doesn't matter.

It's okay.

Listen to me.

You are the sexiest
woman I've ever known.

I haven't been able to sleep
nights thinking about you.

It's just emotionally
I can't handle it.

It's too confusing, too intense.

I'm not asking anything
from you, douglas.

I just thought we
had fun, that's all.

Oh, it was more than fun.

It's just who you are.

My father, your son erroll.

It's just all too complicated.

I don't want to
be a complication.

Is there anything I can
do, anything you need?

I'll be all right.

I just want you to be happy.

Oh, thank you, rusty.

You're a great lover, honey,

Strong like your father was.

You know, where to
find me if you want me.

And so I walked down to
the pond to retrieve my ball.

I could see it there
in the shallow water.

Suddenly it just
started coming at me.

It, meaning the swan?

I know how crazy it sounds

But it was just
charging me with its,

This dreadful honking sound.

It scared the life out of me.

Then what did you do?

Well, i... I just swung
my club to fend it off.

I'm not kidding I was terrified

And I hit it once like this

And then I think
I caught it again

When I brought the club back

And I must have
gotten it on the head

Because he just kind
of dropped in the water.

Mr. Murray, you heard
mrs. Graham's testimony

That you repeatedly
whopped the swan.

No. No, it's just not true.

I mean, I did hit him and
yes I did accidentally,

You know, k*ll it.

But it was purely self-defense.

I would never k*ll an
animal intentionally.

My god, especially something
so beautiful as a swan.

Anyone who knows me knows that.

Thank you, sir.

No further questions.

You had a thousand dollar bet

On this golf match, didn't you?


And when you hit
your ball into the pond

On the 17th hole you screamed

It was the swan's
fault, isn't that right?

No. It honked
during my back swing.

So you charged in, in a
fit of rage, didn't you?

No, no.

I just went to retrieve my ball.

Mr. Murray, you
ruined these slacks

And these shoes to
fetch a $2 golf ball?

I never intended to go in.

I must have just slipped
in when it scared me.

Oh, yes, the dreadful,
frightening honking.

Well, it's the truth.


The jury is entitled to hear
the sound that supposedly...

That is a duck call, it is
completely irrelevant.

It is a goose call
which fairly...

I don't believe this.

Which fairly resembles
the swan mating sound.

It was not looking
to mate, believe me.

Quite everybody.

Mr. Roitman, I
don't see the harm.

Thank you, your honor.

Is that what scared you, sir?

No, it was much worse
than that little chirp.

Here's one for you.

Why don't you show us?

Fine, I will.

Your honor, may i?

Why not.

Well, it was huge.

Its wings span must
have been 8 feet across

And it was just coming
at me wild and crazy

Sounding like this.

Motion describe this honk sound.


You gave it to him.

It's inaccurate.

Swan's honk in little
short of burst like this.

What the hell?

I object your honor,
she is testifying.

She has no confidence
to run the swan

in a court of law.

Everybody shut up.

I said shut up!

Counsel in my chambers now.

Are you having a good time?

The fact that it's really

Is exactly my point, your honor.

Nobody could be
threatened by those sounds.

Can't you plead
this stupid thing?

Your honor, my
client is innocent.

I have a rebuttal
witness tomorrow.


I just learned about
him this morning.

He goes to defendant
state of mind

On the golf course
and then I rest, I promise.

God help me.

Come on, let's go back in.

You want to redirect?

Funny question.

And what happened
after you identified

Mr. Arguayo in
the police line up?

I went home.

The detective told me
that he would be in touch.

The next day he called and
said that they had let him go.

Now, megan, I know that
this is very difficult for you,

But I want you to tell the jury

Exactly how this made you feel.

At first I just...

Felt numb...

And then I would get
angry and I would...

I was threatened.

There was nothing to
stop him from doing it again.

I hardly slept and
when I did sleep,

I would have these...

I could see his face...

And I could feel that
knife up against my...

So what did you do?

Cried mostly.

I was in counseling
and everyone told me

That I should try
to go back to work

In order to put it
behind me and I did.

I went back to
work but I couldn't...

I couldn't function.

How was I supposed
to put it behind me?

It wasn't finished, that
man was still out there.

So then at some point...

You decided to do
something about it?

He lived in my neighborhood.

We shopped at the
same grocery store.

God, what kind
of country is this?

This foreigner r*ped
me and then he is allowed

To walk around smiling,

Enjoying his freedom.

Do you realize that he left

The police station
riding in a limousine?

I couldn't live with that.

I couldn't let him live with it.

I just couldn't.

And I want you to tell us
exactly what happened, sir.

Mr. Johnson, you
are under subpoena,

Under oath and I want
you to tell the court

What you saw when
you were caddying

For mr. Murray
on june 20th 1984.

The... Have just
teed off on the trail

And we started
heading for the fairway.

I've gone about 30 yards or
so and I noticed mr. Murray

Wasn't with me.

I turned and I've seen
him still up on the tee

In the middle of a backswing.

I thought sure he
is hitting a mulligan.

What's a mulligan, sir?

That's when you
hit a bad tee shot

And you want to hit over
again not supposed to really.

Anyway I've seen him
swinging and all of a sudden

It's just coming right at
me and it wasn't no mulligan.

What was it, sir?

The bullfrog. Objection.

He teed up a bullfrog.

That was an accident.

Your honor.

I object, that's
totally inadmissible.

Goes to state of mind.

This is a travesty of justice.

Overruled mr. Roitman,
please sit down.

You may continue, ms. Van owen.

Do you know what
occasion mr. Murray

To strike the frog, mr. Johnson?

Well, he was real mad
at this frog croaking

In the middle of his tee shot.

He sort of just tapped the ball,

Didn't get much of it.

And all of that frog though.

Objection. Sustained.

Nothing further.

Benny, can you bring
copy of everything

You get it of file
for today's meeting?


Bring them back, okay.

And shred this one,
will you, mr. Stulwicz?

Sure, I think.

Oh, benny, give me a hand
with this computer terminal.


Just put it over there.

Thank you, benny.


We've all heard the argument
that you can't let people

Take the law into
their own hands

That if victims go
running around

Exacting revenge from people.

You gonna have anarchy.

That's why we
have law and order,

Courts, trials.

The system is all about.

But the system is imperfect,
ladies and gentlemen.

If a man can r*pe at knifepoint

And walk free because
he happens to be

The son of a diplomat,

Then you know the
system is imperfect.

Nevertheless we
endure that system

Because we also know
that whatever its flaws,

Its underlying
objective is justice.

Now when you go back
into that little room,

I want you to look at
these events very closely

And ask yourself
whether megan penny

Did anything to
contravene that objective.

This woman was brutally r*ped

And she did exactly what
she was supposed to do.

She notified the police,
she went to the station,

She eye deed the suspect,

She stood ready to go to court

To tolerate the pain of a trial.

In other words,
she jumped through

All of society's hoops
and then they let him go.

Because he was the
son of a diplomat,

They let the r*pist go.

And this woman was
left with nothing

But violent memories.

No sense of indication.

No guarantee that
this immunized psychotic

Wouldn't be back.

So she because consumed
with despair, with terror,

With rage to the point where

This young victim felt
driven to strike back.

And when she did strike back,

We all know in our bones

That that was the one
and only moment of justice

In this whole horrible story.

Now the district attorney,

He is talking about
law and order

And public policy
and all of that,

But what he really wants,

What he is really
asking you to do

Is to punish megan penny.

Even though the
system couldn't punish

Wilfred arguayo,

He is asking you to
find it in your hearts

To punish this woman.

No, you don't have
to cheer her actions.

You don't even
have to forgive her,

But my god after what
this woman's been through...

You can't put her in jail.

No, you have to
find that my client

Was temporarily insane.

You have to...

Because that's the only
way you can let her go.

You don't see anything
wrong in doing that?

I don't see much wrong
with keeping her out of jail.

Oh, come on, mickey.

You know, you basically
winged that jury and said,

Look we all know she was sane

But since the guy deserved it

And it's the only
way the acquitter

Is to find her temporarily nuts,

Let's find her insane, okay.

So what is so
terrible about that?

Hey, pal, you told the jury
to do exactly what she did.

Disregard the law,
take the fastest route

To their interpretation
of justice.

In the big picture,
grace, I agree with you

But the bottom-line
here is this girl

Should not be
doing a life sentence.

Now the bottom-line counselor

Is that you endorse
street justice, that's wrong.

We wouldn't be doing what we do

If we thought it was right.

Fine, so what would
you have done?


I don't know.

I guess that's why I'm
glad to be back to d.a.'S.

Look, I hear what you're saying

And we're not in
disagreement here.

But if you spend five
minutes with this woman,

Let her tell you herself
what she went through,

You would see it differently.

That's all I'm asking
the jury to do.

This is why america
is a great country

Because while you're out there

Wrestling with
the big picture, mr...

I'm making the world the
safer place for swans.

When david murray
came home that night,

He had to look his 6
year old daughter sara

Straight in the eye
and admit to her...

That he had taken
the life of a swan.

And if you could imagine
the sense of remorse

That he must have
felt at that moment.

Try, try ladies and gentlemen,

To comprehend the
utter humiliation

That he must have felt

When telling his 8
year old son jimmy

That he was afraid of this bird.

It was no more embarrassing
people then it was true.

The swan scant him, it
suddenly flew at him.

He was startled, he
was afraid and he swung.

If it had been a mountain lion,

There would be no trial here.

But since the district
attorney believes

That no man has the right

To be afraid of
a beautiful swan,

That no man has the
right to be timid or jumpy,

She is looking for a
criminal conviction.

David murray is not heroic

And david murray is
certainly not proud,

But members of the jury,

David murray is
definitely not guilty.

Thank you.


Ms. Van owen.

I'm sorry, your honor.

That was really good.

Your honor.

Ms. Van owen.

I apologize.

I really do.

But let's all...

Try and imagine the humiliation,

Little 8 year old
jimmy would have felt,

If he had been on
the golf course

To see daddy tee
out the bullfrog.

I mean, come on,

He bashed in that bird's head

Because it cost him a golf bet.

And I do feel
badly for laughing,

Ladies and gentlemen,

And the fact that
we have all chuckled

A little during this trial

In no way undermines
its severity.

Human nature covets sick jokes.

If there is a defense mechanism

Or it's a release

Or simply as a means
of coping with events

We find tragic
and this is tragic.

What he did is cruel,

It's sick and it's
totally unforgivable.

And for you to excuse it
would be equally unforgivable.

He shamelessly and brutally
k*lled a beautiful swan.

His behavior is unacceptable

And repugnant to
decent human beings.

I'm asking you to tell him that.

Thank you.

Benny, they are waiting
for the davidoff file.

They want to get set
up for the meeting.

Oh, ah, there it is.

Benny, this isn't
the davidoff file.

I made copies of the wrong file?


Oh, no.

Benny, you made
copies of the file

You were supposed to shred.

Roxy, where's the file?

Oh, hi, i... I can find it.

I can put it back together.

He got two files mixed up.

Oh, no.

People, how long does it
take to get a file around here?

We got a problem.

I accidentally
shredded it, leland.

You what?

I fed the davidoff file into
the shredder by mistake.

I'm sorry.

You're sorry.

You very well may
have cost us this case.

It's not a problem.

I'll go over to wayne o'connor

And photocopy their files.

There were original
documents in that file

That wayne o'connor
doesn't have copies of.

That some davidoff
doesn't have copies of.

Give me a chance to
reconstruct them.

We can reschedule the meeting.

Right now, sir, that is the
least of your problems.

We the jury in the matter of

People versus david murray

Finds the defendant
guilty as charged.

Mr. Murray, mr. Roitman,
three months probation,

$2000 Fine, full
restitution on the bird.

Your honor, may
I say something...

No, you may not.

Mr. Murray, your attack on
that swan was reprehensible

And my only regret here
is that I can't find a way

To nail your for the frog.

Your honor, it hopped
on top of my ball.


Mr. Murray, you will not
play golf for one year.

You will perform 200 hours
of community service work

At the culver
city animal shelter

And if you ever do anything
even remotely like this again,

I will personally
throw you in jail.

Is that clear?

Oh, yeah.

Take your client to
probation, counselor.

Yes, your honor.

Case adjourned.

Come in.

Mr. Mckenzie.

Yes, benny.

It wasn't jonathan
who shredded that file.

That was me.

I know you can't let me
work here anymore so,

Here are my keys.


Close the door.


Did I fire jonathan
when I thought he did?


Then why would I fire you.

Because I might get mixed
up and make another mistake.

There isn't anybody I know
who doesn't make mistakes.

But this was a really big one.


Yes, it was.

But you are part of this
firm and you work very hard

And the work that
you do is appreciated.

We care about you.

We don't turn away
people whom we care about.

Is there anyway that
I can fix what I did?


But what you can do is
learn from your mistakes.

Yes, sir.

There are lot of smart
people in the world, benny,

Never would have had the
courage to come in here.

You showed honesty

And that has nothing
to do with being smart.

You understand what I'm saying?

Yes. I do.


All right.

Oh, benny...

Take, you forgot the keys.



I'm fine. How are you?

Good. Good.

Look I might as
well just say this.

I want us... I need to see you.

Are you free tonight?

Good. Good.

I don't know, it doesn't matter

Wherever you want to go.

If that's what you want to
do, that's what we will do.

I'll pick you up at 8.

Me too, bye.

This court will come to order.

Please be seated.

How are you doing?


Will the defendant please rise.

In the matter of people
versus megan penny,

The jury finds the defendant

Not guilty for reason
of temporary insanity.

Your honor, I move you
set aside this verdict.


This matter is not adjourned.

Psychiatric evidence is
uncontroverted here.

She testified herself
that she could distinguish

Between right and wrong
at the time that she k*lled him

And there was no evidence

To support their finding
of temporary insanity.

They just went back in
there and with blind sympathy

They completely disregarded...

Motion denied.

The defendant is free
to go, case adjourned.

Can we go?


I though that I would
never be free again.

You are not a
criminal, jury saw that.

I own you my life, mr. Kuzak.

We got your clients.

For my brother.

Hey, come out.

I'm a diplomat!

I have immunity!

I have immunity!
Call my embassy!

Call my embassy!

Human laws, human laws!

My embassy, call!

Your perfume is intoxicated.

Thank you, brackman.

I guess all those
childhood dancing lessons

I took paid off.

Love you.

Do you want to sit down
for a while or get a drink?

Just one more dance first.

I can't explain this.

If this is wrong
why am I so happy?

Why is it wrong?

Don't you think
it's a little strange,

The fact that you
were my father's lover.

Do I make you happy?

Oh, I've never been happier.

Am I a good lover?

You're an amazing lover.

I never thought it
could be like this.

I never thought I
deserved it like this.

Oh, honey,

You deserve all the
happiness you can get.

I don't think I've
ever known anybody

As generous and as kind as you.

I try to keep life simple.

Sometimes it's good,
sometimes it's bad.

If you wade out the bad,
you start getting bitter...

We could close around again.

I don't know what's
gonna happen with us,

But when I'm with
you it doesn't matter.

I guess because...

Because I love you.

You come to rusty, honey,

Because she loves you too.



Dougie and mom.

Coming to bed soon.

Yeah, soon.

I won my case.

Me too.

Are you okay, kuzak?

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