02x06 - Auld L'Anxiety

Episode transcripts for the TV show "L. A. Law". Aired: September 15, 1986 – May 19, 1994.*
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High-powered law firm of McKenzie, Brackman, Chaney and Kuzak handles both criminal and civil cases, but the office politics and romance often distract them from the courtroom.
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02x06 - Auld L'Anxiety

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on l.a. Law.

As many of you already know,

Jonathan rolans has
joined us as an associate.

My father kept a mistress
who made porn movies.

I was also the
mother of his child.

You're... My mother!

Not yours.

Your brother's.

Who is he?

His name is erroll farrell,

And I am very happy to say,

He is a lawyer right
here in los angeles,

Like you and like your father.

Erroll farrell, I'm
douglas brackman.

I see you've been decorated.

You've got quite an eye, judge.

You're the first
person to notice.

I make it a point of
noticing you, miss vasek.

What exactly are you
hoping to accomplish

By having lunch with my ex-wife?

It's just that if you are so
concerned about michael and me,

I think the person you
should be talking to is michael.

You're not interested
in a second go-around?

I don't know.

I think we ought to take
a little break, you and me.

I'm moving back to
my place, michael.

Do you think we need a
prenuptial agreement?

Yeah, you know, I'm
just being prudent.

Your willingness to
sign this agreement...

Is all anyone
could ever ask for,

And I certainly couldn't
ask for more than that.


You manipulated little bastard.

Ann, come on.

This had nothing to
do with your relatives

Or your family trust
funds, this was a test.

Look, it's all right here in
black and white, your honor.

We split the... Maker,

Which she took with
her, here is the bill

Half of which comes to $64.30.

Add to that what I
paid for the last case

A bv private reserve
1980, which was $248.40.

Her total indebtedness
to me $312.70.

Your honor, my ex
significant other

Conveniently fails
to take into account

That I regularly
pay the phone bills

Including phone rental
and monthly surcharge.

I have here records
of all 11 months,

And the phone calls I made
are indicated by initials.

That was part of our agreement.

Here is my bottom
line, your honor,

He owes me $374 inclusive
of finance charges.

Finance charges?

Enough! Both of you.

I must confess that I'm
thoroughly disheartened

By testimony from
both litigants.

People, you shared
a life together

And here you come
into this courtroom

Bickering over phone taxes
and who paid the wine bill.

Where are your enduring values?

Trust, forgiveness,
mutual support,

What is happening to our society

When young people are so blasé

About commitment and marriage.

If the relationship works great,

If it doesn't no problem
just settle up the phone bill

And no one's porra.

Well, let me tell you
we're all the porra.

Marriage and family
life is the bedrock

Upon which our
civilization stands.

Well, you didn't come
to hear a sermon.

I'm going to delay this
decision for 10 days

In the hopes that
you will work out

A more dignified and
honorable parting on your own.

We'll take a short recess.


I just wanted to tell you

That I was incredibly
moved by what you just said.

No, douglas, it's so sad.

What is?

The things that I love about you

Are the same things that
make our relationship so wrong.

What are you talking about?

The things you said
about commitment

And marriage being the
bedrock of civilization,

For better or for worse.

That's true.

But this, is a
different situation.

I couldn't live with myself,

If I thought I was
wrecking your marriage.

You're not. I swear.

You mean it?

The smell of your perfume
rockets me into orbit.

Oh, god!

Lock the door.

Take off your shirt.


I want to fondle your hooters.

Moving along, claflin
versus safari national.


Trial starts tomorrow.

What are our chances?

You know, I've been
thinking that maybe

It would it be better to
have leland try this case.

Me? What?

What we have is an
age discrimination case

With a senior citizen client,

Who was fired because
of his date of birth.

So what?

What better way to show a jury,

The sixty year olds don't
have to be put out to pastor

Then to have them see
leland's trying his stuff.

That's great.

And plus the fact, the
client loves the idea.

Hold on, just a minute.

Hold it.

Whence the last time

You actually tried
a case, no offense?

It was back when you
had hair, and no offense.

Ah, it's a very simple trail.

Look over the facts,
should be ready tomorrow.

Do it, leland.

Go for it, leland.

Michael and i, will
discuss this later.

Move on, douglas.

Turning to the
o'hallor and divorce.

I'm deposing our client's
husband this afternoon.

Why is this matter being handled

By our first year associate?

It's just a few questions

On the disposition
of property, douglas,

Should take less than an hour.

Actually, I was thinking of
stringing this out a little.

The guy gets
frazzled pretty easily

And the long deposition
might wear him down.

Well, I wouldn't, johnathan.

We found that those types
of antics can alien nature

Among the legal community,

Probably best to just
stay away from them.

But I really think that.


Rohner versus gradinger.

Discovery is complete.

And I'm pushing for an
accelerated trail there

To try and steer up some action.

What are you
doing with this case?

I gave it to her and
she is doing great.

People, why are all our
starters on the bench?

She can do it douglas. Fine.

And when she looses,

You can let benny
handle the appeal.

Douglas, really
that's uncalled for.

Douglas, I can't believe you.

Hmm! You broke it.

I guess we're adjourned.

Ah, may i?

Michael, can I talk to you?

It'll have to be later.

Jonathan, come here man.

It's like we're
riding a bicycle.

I'm not so sure.

I haven't tried at
least for seven years.

Leland, I've never seen anyone

Who could stand up and inspire
trust in jury the way you can.

Ah, but it was a long time ago.

You know how hard it is to
win an aged discrimination case?

Which is exactly
why we need you.

And you can fire someone
for almost anything.

personality clash, uh,

All the dependent has to say

Is that he doesn't like them.

Leland, what is it?

Come here.

What's that?

Hearing aids,

Which I'm supposed to be
wearing only I'm too wane.

Michael, it's a chance

I won't even hear everything
that happens in there.

Well, maybe you
should just wear them.

They make me feel old.

I get beat up in
corridor, I'll know I'm old.

I don't think I can do it.

Oh, well, that's a
hell of a message,

The old guy can't cut it,

So they send in the young legs.

It's not the age.

It's just the symptoms.

Maybe you should
take the file back.

Leland, stick it in your ear.

And I note, sir, your financial
statement was prepared

By the accounting
firm of colby & bowdoin.

Could you tell us what
caused you to select them?

Yeah, I was going
to... Wait a minute!

You've spent an hour on
obsolete bank records,

And now you are asking why
he chose this accounting firm!

What possibility...
I'm sure you'll see

The relevancy in
the second council.

Why did you picked
that firm, mr. Erroll?

Well, they were
recommended to me.

I heard they did good work.

But having been
audited to the year

Prior on mclaughlin & gilmore,

Wouldn't they have been
a more expedient choice?

I wanted colby & bowdoin.

Perhaps based on the fact

That mclaughlin & gilmore
refused to discount

The value of the contents
contained in the residents

At 927, north palm,

The value of said contents

Being directly an issue
in mr. Walsh proceeding.

No, that had
nothing to do with it.


All right, then,
directing your attention

To the items label
household assets,

I'd ask you to go
through them with me.

Page 1. Item 1.

You're going to go
through that whole book?

We'll be here a week.

We seek the complete truth, sir,

It comes which can
only be ascertained

By contentious and
exhaustive effort.

Page 1, item 1. The brass.

Value recording the
disk at $75 the pair.

Oh! For god sake.

You got a minute? Sure.

I got you a little
piece offering.

Strasbourg goose
pate with truffles.

Oh, it's beautiful, stewart.

Though we might have a
little romantic tonight.

I can't.

I have a women's bar
association meeting tonight.

No problem.

Just, hold dinner to get home.

Oh, I don't know
how late I'll be,

And besides it gets
so much cholesterol,

Why don't you have it, stewart?

Look, ann, I was wrong, okay.

I was wrong.

I was testing your love.

I was too insecure to accept the
fact that you could love me, just for me.

Finally, I understand that

I just have to risk
everything, you know,

To fly without a net

And I'm prepared to do it, ann.

I love you.

I love you too, stewart.

Why don't we sleep together?

It's been like over a week.

I've been tired,
stewart, that's all.

Oh! Tired.

Yeah, I see.

Yeah, and I've got a
lot of work to do.

So I'll promise

We'll talk about it
when we get home.

Okay. Great.

Here, try some...

This is beautiful. What is it?

Strasbourg goose
pate with truffles.

No, keep it. Keep it.

Make sandwiches
for erik with it.

Stick in his lunch
box with his twinkies

And his chocolate milk,
too high in cholesterol,

But five year olds

Basically aren't conflicted
about stuff like that anyway.

Forget it, scott, this is
your third continuance

And if your client has
not paid your fee yet,

That is seriously
not my problem.


Excuse me.

Mrs. Van owen? Yeah.

They said I should
see you about this.

Oh, great.

The premium is
not till tomorrow,

But that's okay, as long
as you're here, mrs. Sweet.

I've been wanting to go
over your testimony anyway.

Yeah. But that's just it.

I'm not going to
be able to do it.

Mrs. Sweet, I'm not
sure you understand.

This is a subpoena, an
order from the court

That you have to
come and testify.

Oh! I changed my mind.

Well, you can't really do that.

I've got your
statement to the police

That you saw morris crewmen's
gunned down tanya drummonds and...

And if you would try and go
back on that statement now,

I would have to do my job

And ask the judge to hold
you in contempt of court.

So what are you
telling me, jail?

Try and understand
my position, mrs. Sweet.

An innocent six-year-old
has been m*rder*d.

And if you don't testify,
I can't prove my case.

Yes, but if I do testify,

I'd be just as dead
as that little girl.

Has someone in crimmin's
g*ng threatened you?

They don't have to.

You live and watch,
you just know.

Things you have no idea about.

Can I buy you a cup
of coffee mrs. Sweet?

What you said before mrs.
Sweet, that there are things

That I don't know or
understand, actually I do.

I was shot by a g*ng member

And I remember what
my first reaction was.

I was going to get as far
away from here as I could,

Get a job and a
house on the west side

And just pretend
another world didn't exist.

But I didn't.

I couldn't.

Because I care about the
time you dream of this world.

And so do you.

You tried to save that little
girl's life after the sh**ting.

You helped the police
arrest her k*ller.

You're not the kind of woman

Who can just walk away.

I have a son mrs. Van owen

And thank god he is not
like those other boys.

So far he stayed away

From the dr*gs and the gangs.

Last year, he brought
home four a's and a b.

His counselor said that
he can get his scholarship.

But if I take that
witness stand,

That g*ng is going
to come after me

And worse yet my boy.

We have a witness protection
program, mrs. Sweet.

We can move you and
your son to a new place,

A safer place,
away from the gangs

And the dr*gs and the v*olence.

Where is that? Disney land?

I've seen too much to believe

In fairy tales, mrs. Van owen.

Okay. No fairy tales.

This is a hard thing
I'm asking you to do.

But you are a very brave woman.

That is why you did
the right thing before

And that is why you
are going to do it

Tomorrow in the courtroom.

And in the meantime,

You are going to
have to trust me

That I can protect
you and your son.

And if I don't, you're
going to put me in jail.

I wouldn't have
any other choice.

Really, mrs. Sweet,
it's going to be okay.

I promise.

And the active wearline
was your concept, was it not?

It was.

And then they decided
my division should be run

By a younger person

More commenced with
the image of the clothing.

Your honor, please.

Council is leading the witness.

The responses are conclusory,

Self-serving, this
is very upsetting.

I'm sorry, your honor.

I'll try to evoke more
enjoyable answers.

Sidebar, your honor.


I know it's been years
since he has been in court,

But that doesn't excuse him

From the evidentiary
rules currently in effect

Which were adopted
I believe in the 1950s.

You are out of line.

We all know why he is here judge

To show the jury
that senior citizens

Can still dress up the
late productive lives,

But that's not... If
mr. Mackenzie deviates

From any proper
court room procedures,

I'll rule on it councilor.

So far he is not done so.

Now step back.


And could you
state for the record,

Your salary at the time
of your termination?

I was making $152,500 year.

And did you attempt
find other employment

After the discharge.

I still try, every single day.

Nobody is breaking down the door

To hire a 64 year old
who just got fired.

Thank you mr. Clapland.

Your witness.

Mr. Clapland, when
safari national

Made the decision to
franchise two years ago,

This meant more
work for you didn't it?

I made the decision
to franchise.

It was my dad who opened
up the outlets and...

But, the point is,

They gave you more job
responsibilities, didn't they?

They didn't give me anything.

I created the position
and revised its functions.

Move to strike non responsive.

It's directly responsive.

You are implying I couldn't live

Up to the job requirements

When it was province to
define those requirements.

Your honor, please
instruct the witness,

He has a lawyer to help
argue the evidentiary matters.

Your honor, please
instruct council,

I never offer help to
those who don't need it.

I object, I object, I
absolutely object.

This damn bureaucracy
drives crazy.

I promised this
woman, detective.

Don't detective me, grace.

What am I supposed to do?

I've been on the phone
all morning long.

I keep running
into the same van,

Without proof of a direct threat

We cannot get her
immediate relocation.

That is the lamest.

Most mur...

That whole community is
so intimidated by the gangs.

Their mere presence
constitutes the direct threat.

God, milton, how am I supposed

To force this woman to testify,

If I have no way
of protecting her.


I'll get her to the courthouse.

I'll take her home,

I'll sit with her
in the courthouse

And I will protect
and patrol her home

As best as I can.

I thought you said you
were going away vacation.

Looks like I lied.

I owe you.

We realize it's not
end here, can we?

After the meeting a
bunch just went out.

Carol fogies split
up with her husband.

You kidding!

So we can measure it

Over a couple bowls of peanuts

And too much cheap wine.

I didn't get any
time after 2 a.m.,

So I didn't want to wake you.

I slept in the guest room.


Well, here is a four
ounces of beluga 000

And a bottle of
pink dom perignon.

I thought we jump into
bed, have a little snacks,

And see how it develops.

Oh, stewart that is so sweet.

And normally I'd love it.

But I'm a little hung
over, and I'm holding water

From all the salt
in the peanuts.

There is so much
sodium in the caviar.

I think I better just
stick with celery

And mineral water today.


Hi, stewart.

Hi. You like caviar.

Oh! I love it.

How about expensive champagne?

Well, if it suits man.

Now you wouldn't by any chance

Have a hot date
tonight, would you?

As a matter of fact,
stewart, yes I do.

Yeah, well, watch this.

Have yourself a party,
maybe you'll get lucky.

Mrs. Sweet, what
is your occupation?

I'm a licensed vocational nurse

At @ martin luther
king hospital @.

Drawing your attention
to september 18, 1987,

Did anything unusual
occurred as you were

Returning home from work?

I just got off the bus
and I was on my way home.

When I saw this blue
car turned to corner

And stopped near
the grammar school.

How many people
were in that car?

Three or four.

Do you recognize any of
them in this court room today?

Him. He had the g*n.

Let the record reflect
that the witness has indicated

The defendant morris crimmins.

Lying bitch.

Bayliff, remove that individual.

Now the next person who
speaks out of line in this

Court will be held in contempt.

You all understand
that back there.


What happened after
the car slowed down?

He stuck the shotgun
through the window.

He yelled the name of his g*ng,

Then he started
sh**ting at these boys

Who were standing
in front of this fence.

And the boy started running.

I don't think he
hit any of them.

He drove off, so I just
wanted to go home.

But then I heard a crying.

Who was that?

A little girl!

Tanya drummonds, she
was on the playground

Behind the fence.

The b*ll*ts must of have
gone through the chain link...

And hit her instead of them.

So what did you do?

I yelled to somebody
to call an ambulance.

Then I tried to help her.

I tried to stop the bleeding.

I tried to get
her the breathing.

When the police
came she was gone.

What did you tell the
police when they arrived?

I told them morris
crimmins shot her.

Now you knew him by name.

He was the only one I did know.

His mother and his sisters
used to live next door to me.

Thank you, mrs. Sweet.

I have nothing
further at this time.

As the hour is late,

We will recess until 10 a.m.

Tomorrow morning at which
time mr. Muhlenberg you may begin

Your cross examination.

This court is in recess

Until 10 o'clock
tomorrow morning.

You were great. Thank you.

My home phone number
is written on the back.

If you need anything,
I want you to call.

I'll take you home now

And pick you up in
the morning, okay.

And for the time being,
you shouldn't have to leave

Your apartment for anything
except to come to court.

I'll make arrangements
to have your shopping

And whatever else
you need done for you.

I don't like having people
to do things for me.

I am used to doing for myself.

We're still working
on relocating you.

It's taking a lot of
kicking and screaming,

And it may not even happen
before the prelim is over,

But by the time
of trial I promise.

The soon the better.

Sooner, better.


Hey, man, hold the door.

Page 37, item 206, the
royal copenhagen

Christmas dishes.

I have no idea.

More than $20?

Yeah, I suppose.

More than $50?

No way, $30 tops.

So when you stated on the record

Just now that you had no
idea that was a lie, wasn't it?

Mr. Rollins, I really must
object to this protracted...

Well, whoopee.

This little snort grills
me for two straight days

And you finally get
around to objecting.

Can we go off the record?

No, on the record item
207 the easter plates.

Oh, damn it.

I know for the record
that attorney kilbourne

Is trying to disrupt the
orderly flow of this...

You want to see disruption?

I'll show you disruption.

Let it reflect that
attorney kilbourne

Has risen manifesting
violent propensities...

Excuse me, mr. Rollins,

Could I see you a minute?

You know, what this kid's doing?

Pardon us for a second.

As my understanding
that this reposition

Should have taken
an hour at most.

I'm wearing them down, sir.

He is about to
give it if I can... No.

What if other
firms did this to us?

Tying up michael
kuzak or arnold becker

For two full days,
do you have any idea

How much that would
cost us or the client?

I'm mindful of your job
to look at the big picture

Of running a law firm, sir,

But my job is to take each case

One at a time and try to win,

Which is what I'm going
to do with this case.

What you are going
to do is compromise

The integrity of this firm.

It violates every norm
of professional courtesy.

Our client is not paying
for professional courtesy.

She wants a satisfactory
settlement which is...

Don't push us, young man.

The partners are very upset,

Including leland mckenzie.

Now wrap this
thing up immediately.

Yes, sir.

Sorry for disturbance.

Now mr. O'hallor, we're
turning out attention

To the danish seasonal dish
specifically the easter series

That's page 37, item 207.

And this is the news.@

So then, we get a
message from the firm.

One of the jurors
refusing to deliberate

Until he knows the
defendants astrological side.

Oh, you're kidding.

Judge already
dismissed the alternates.

I say, judge, it's
open and shut.

A drug deal went undercover cap.

Can't we just excuse
and can't proceed with 11?

No say. Missed trial.

Guess, I start all over again.


Mickey you know jim alling?

Hi. How you doing?

Sit in. I got to
get home anyway.

See you tomorrow, jim.

You know, I called
you a couple of times.

I've been so underwater
with this m*rder prelim.

I'm sorry.

You know, I can hardly
hear myself thinking here.

You want to go someplace quiet.

Mickey. I'm so beat.

I'm sorry, just
ordered a hamburger.

Cancel it.

Cancel it?

Grace, you were right.

Look, we have a
lot to talk about it.

I know.

And it's not that
I don't want to.

It's just that now
is not a good time.

Well, what do I have to
do, make an appointment?

The trial of maurice crimmins

Accused in the drive-by sh**ting

That claimed the
life of six-year-old

Tanya drummonds took a
dramatic turn tonight... @

Billy turn that up.

Where gene kazavian

Is live with more
on this tragic story.

Jerry, the friend and
neighbors of natty sweet

Are grieving tonight
over her brutal m*rder.

Investigators told me
she was gunned down

A short time ago in the
entrance way of her home

Here in watts.

Police are now looking
for any possible witnesses

To that sh**ting.

Earlier today
sweet had testified

That the preliminary
hearing of morris crimmins,

The g*ng member
charged with the m*rder

Of little tanya drummonds,
a crime that shocked

And saddened this neighborhood.@

Thank you, gene.

I got to go. I'll call you.

Excuse me ma'am,

We'd like to talk
to julius sweet.

That's me.

Julius, I'm grace van owen

From the district
attorney's office

And this is detective yvonne.


We want you to know how deeply

We regret your mother's death.

I hear morris crimmins
is going to get out of jail


How can that be?

Because your mother...

Because your mother was
k*lled before his lawyer

Could cross-examine her,
the judge is going to have

To dismiss the case.

We're going to get
your mother's k*ller son,

Count on us.

Someone is going to
get her k*ller, son,

But it ain't going to be you.

Yeah, well, give me a chance
to prove you wrong. Okay?

How you're going to do that?

I mean who's going to testify?

Everybody in neighborhood
knows who k*lled natty sweet.

Everybody in neighborhood knows

What happens when
you open your mouth

And everybody knows you
got no power to change it.

Julius, if I believe that,
then I'd believe there is

No chance here, not at all.

But I don't believe that
and neither did your mother.

That's why she was willing to...

She was not willing.

You made it and then
you didn't do a damn thing

To protect her.

Now her death is
on your hands, lady.

You k*lled her. Both of you,
just get out of my property.


Now what matter to your
mother more than anything else

Was that you stay

Out of the gangs
and stay in school

And make something
out of yourself?

Now don't dishonor her life
by trying to avenge her death

That'll be very,
very stupid, julius.

Do you hear me? Very stupid.

It was a difficult conclusion,

And I would never have made
the decision of discharging

If I hadn't been 100%
certain it wasn't

In the best interest
of the company.

The man simply
couldn't do the job.

Thank you, mr. Ackerson.

Nothing further.

Mr. Ackerson, when it came time

To replace my client,
you told your head hunter

To look for someone preferably

In his 40s or
younger, didn't you?


So it's fair to assume if
two candidates come in

Equally qualified,
one 60 years old

And the other 40,

You choose the
younger man, correct?

But you see that
isn't really fair

Because regardless
of their present abilities

One is going to have

Many more years of productivity.

So certainly one of the factors
that I had have to look at is...

Which person is going to develop

And grow and
contribute to the company

For the longest period of time.

I see.

And which person would that be?

A forty year old.

Or did this presumption
in favor of you,

The impact on your decision
to discharge william claflin?

No, he was fired because
sales in his division

Went up to expectations.

There was potential
that he wasn't realizing

And we felt we could do better.

Your honor, may I
approach the witness?

You recognize
these annual reviews

Regarding the
performance of my client

For the last four years.

Yes. I wrote them.

1983 Increase sales of
28% growing accolades

With recommendation for a raise.

1984 Sales up 27%,

More appraise and another raise.

1985 Sales up 31% more credos

And still another raise.

1986 Sales up 37%, that's
the biggest jump yet...

And he gets fired.

Well tell me, mr. Ackerson...

What did mr. Claflin
do or not do in 1986

To cause this sudden
change of opinion?

We felt there with
more aggressiveness,

More zealous leadership
we should have been

Generating even higher revenues.

Did you ever tell my
client be more aggressive,

Be more zealous? No.

Did you ever make
one single suggestion

That he do anything differently?


Isn't it true, sir,
every candidate

That you interviewed to replace

My client was
under the age of 45?

Yes, but it doesn't mean...

And isn't true, sir, of
the seven executives

You fired in the last two years,

Six were over the age of sixty?

But that doesn't
mean anything. I...

And isn't it true, sir, with
all the annual reviews

You wrote only one
made mention of his age

And that's the one that
says he should be fired?

That's just a coincidence.

1986 Review, mr. Ackerson,

Read the second to
the last sentence.

Your honor... Overruled.

Read the sentence.

Mr. Claflin is now 63 years old.

Now read the line immediately
following that sentence.

This is all taken
out of context.

Ah, read it, read it.

It's my suggestion that
mr. Claflin be terminated

At this time.

Don't you just love
a good coincidence.



Nothing further.

Want one?

What is it?

Open it.

Oh, stewart, my favorite.

White lickerish drops.

Take one.

Kind of early.

Besides, you know me,
once I've one of them

Have them all.

I can't stop once I get started.

Good morning, benny.

This one is for you miss kelsey.

Thanks. Benny,
do you like these?

What are they?


How come they are not black?

Taste one.


Here take them all.
Save me from myself.

Cheese, thanks miss kelsey.

No, thanks.

Ann... Yeah. Are you
trying to punish me?

Of course not.

Well, with all due respect,
I think that's exactly

What you're doing.

You know, you're being
just as controlling

And manipulative as
you accused me of being.

Stewart, that's just not true.

You won't accept one
single gift from me.

You don't want to make love,

You don't let me hold you.

I call that punishment.

I played nolo contendere.


I'm not saying you're right.

But I'll take it
under advisement.

Oh, great!

Thank you very much, kelsey.

Thank you.

You wanted to see me, arnie.

Yeah jonathan.

Two things, first
of all mr. O'hallor

Caved in under the
divorce settlement.

That's great.

He said he couldn't
take it anymore

And signed a
fantastic agreement.

Our client is ecstatic.

Ah, I knew it.

Second, mckenzie and
brackman aren't ecstatic.

They didn't like your attitude.

They didn't like your tactics.

They want me to reprimand
for your behavior.


Bad boy, jonathan.

Bad, bad boy.


Don't less ever catch you
doing anything like this again.

Very clear?

Absolutely. All right, my man.

Go away, I said go...

Ah, you down
there, did you find it.

My bailer have lost
her contact lens.

Got it.

I'll be out of your way now.

State your business?

Dougie, am I sensing a
less than cordial reception

For your only brother?

Yes, I have a very
full calendar.

What's on your mind?

I've got a live one,
dougie, get this.

I'm at a new stand on

When all of a sudden ba boom,

An old lady in a jaguar
plows into a crosswalk,

Lays this poor guy out flat.

Plus which now I discover

She has a bit of a
drinking history.

Erroll, I have no
interest in hearing about

Your low rent ambulance chasing.

Correction, high rent.

The guy in question
happens to be

Part owner in the
nest of video stores,

All over the south coast
which is where you come in.

Hey look the minute
attorney guy like this,

Walks into a dump like
mine I'm finished, right?

So I'm thinking how
about I tell my partner

Mckenzie, brackman.

Are you crazy?


Well, I'm asking it
as a little favor,

Which is let me partake in

Some of your primo office space,

When no one's using
it, where is the harm.

The answer is unequivocally no.

Now if you'll excuse
me, I've work to do.

Out of curiosity,
does your wife know

You're carrying on with
that nearsighted tutsi

You had under
your desk just now.

That is a slanderous

And completely false assumption.

Not to worry, we're
brothers, remember.

Brothers help each other,

Like you're going to help me,

With office space
nights and weekends.

I need some letterhead
stationary tool

While you're at in.

Nice seeing you, dougie.

Your lovely bride,
what's her name?


What about the three of us
putting a night together in

Sometime, huh?


Did you find out
how it happened?

Right about 7 o'
clock last night,

She sent her neighborhood
kid to the store.

Damn it.

I told her we do her shopping.

May be she figured she
could get a quarter milk

Without us.

Anyway they must have
been watching her house.

They beat the kid up,
send a trigger man back

When she opened the
door, he k*lled her.

Well, the kid
testified anything?

He says he doesn't
know who they were.

That's great.

Crimmins and his g*ng
walk away from both killings

Scar free.

Crimmins is dead.

Oh god, julius.

He is in custody.

Detention hearings
tomorrow morning 10 a.m.

Any witnesses?

Crimmins was shot on a
crowded street in broad day light.

Of course, there is
no witness, except us.

The da expects us to
testify to the fact that

Julius expressed his intent.

Well, I guess it wasn't
enough for me just to get

His mother k*lled,

Might as well ruined
his life too, huh?

Come on, grace.

It just happened to
land on your desk.

That's right.

But when it landed,
one person was dead.

Now there are three.

There is a common belief

That the elderly are
people without promise,

Without capacity to
develop or improve,

Without the ability to
perform safely as our youth.

So in trenched is that
mindset that I won't even bother

To take issue with
it because I know

If my case comes down
to having to prove

That old folks can still
cut it as well as young.

I might as well quit
and go home right now.

Fortunately, I don't
have to do that.

You see there is a law that says

You can't fire someone
because of his age,

And the only thing
I've to convince

You people off,
is that he broke it.

That's easy, not
only is the statistical

Evidence overwhelming

But he has testified
right here in court

That a 40-year-old
better than a 60-year-old.

Now his case is so bad,
ladies and gentlemen,

One has to wonder how did

He think he could
get away with it.

Well the answer is
employers get away with it

All the time.

The worst thing about
age discrimination

Is that it's so damn forgivable.

You fire someone

Because of the
color of his skin,

And everyone
thinks it's repugnant.

You fire someone
because he is 60 years old,

Because you think he won't grow

Or that he has little future
or that he has past his prime

And everyone nods and
says, hmm, make sense.

Now I'm not asking you
to look at the defendant

And be morally
outraged at what he did.

I would like you to be,
but I'm not asking for that.

I just want you to
recognize what he did,

And recognize its illegality
and I want you to remember

That the defendant's
illegal conduct

Serve to deny my client
over a million dollars

In salary.

Not to mention his self-worth

And his very identity.

Now all you have to do is
go back to that jury room

And follow the law.

If you do that,
you can give back

To my client his pride,

You can give him his self-esteem

But most of all
members of the jury,

You can give him the money.

Oh! Thank you, your honor.

Do you have anything
further miss farrow

To tie the defendant
to the crime?

Not at this time, your honor.

Then based on the
insufficiency of the state's case,

The court will ran
the defendant's motion

To dismiss charges
against julius sweet.

Defendant is hereby
released from custody.

Any witnesses come forward,
you can always re-file.

Thanks. You're right.

So you have to join the g*ng.

The one thing your
mother was afraid of.

My mother is dead.

And you're k*ller.

That make you feel good,
you're proud of yourself.

Just get out of my face.

I'm in you're face.

Detective. Step off my man.

Just shut man, just shut up.

See man, you had something
that these two don't have,

You had a future.

Now you've got nothing,
now you're just a punk,

Usually the punk who
probably wind up face down

In the pool of blood.

Way to be julius, way to be.

Let's go.

We are losing down
when our side is losing.

We the jury find in
favor of the plaintiff

And order the defendant to pay

Damages in the
amount of $1.8 million.

The jury is dismissed

With the appreciation
of the court.

Congratulations leland.

I don't know how to thank you.

Well, thank you.

We make a suggestion.

Let's settle this for $900,000.

But they just gave
me almost $2 million,

Why the hell should
I settle for that?

Because they'll appeal,

Tie up the judgment for
two years maybe longer.

You told me you want to
start your own business

If you're really
serious about that,

You're going to need the money.

You're not getting
any younger you know.

Yeah, but 900,000.

Well, keep waiting
two years for a verdict

That could possibly
be trimmed down

Or maybe overturned.


My advice is take the 900 today

And get on with your life.

May I see you mr. Lewis?

Excuse me.

Tell your client will
cut the judgment in half

If he inks the check today.

I'll think it over maybe.

Tell him now, the offer
is good for five minutes.

Look, I can appeal
this thing, you know.

Well, do yourself
a favor mr. Lewis.

Exercise a little of
that, personal growth

You young people are so good at,

Get your ego and do
what's best for your client.

And do it now.

I'll recommend the
offer to my client.

Tell him he has got
four minutes left.

Put it over there.

Miss kelsey.


What is it?

Sign here please.

Smells like fish.

Thank you.

Now, benny, would you
help me open this box please.

Sure, miss kelsey.

Lobsters, they're alive.

Yeah, they're delivered
specially from a place called

Lobster shag, a wonderful name.

Oh! Stuart.

My favorite thing
from my favorite place

In the whole world.

How did you know?

Remember you told me a
story about this little girl

Who loved the lobsters

They're exactly
two pounds apiece.

Four of them.

Oh, stuart, I can't believe you,

You remembered.

Sure I remembered,
ann. I love you.

Stuart, you were right.

I was just as controlling
and manipulated

Because you were...
I wouldn't admit it.

You're the sweetest,
the most generous,

The sexiest man I've ever known.

And I want desperately to
take these lobsters home

And eat them big, and
passionate about you.

In which order.

Don't do that.
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