02x03 - Cannon of Ethics

Episode transcripts for the TV show "L. A. Law". Aired: September 15, 1986 – May 19, 1994.*
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High-powered law firm of McKenzie, Brackman, Chaney and Kuzak handles both criminal and civil cases, but the office politics and romance often distract them from the courtroom.
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02x03 - Cannon of Ethics

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on l.a. Law...

That's hamilton schuyler.

He's a gifted trial lawyer.

Now this young
man is kevin talbot.

Three years ago he
was wearing pajamas

Made of fabric manufactured
by the defendant.

Those pajamas caught fire.

What is wrong with you?

Stop being so negative.

Abby, if I failed the
bar again, I'm dead meat.

I kind of wonder there are
auctions looking for a date.

Five thousand pounds.

What are you doing?

Relax, mr. Becker.

What would you be looking
for in the way of compensation?


He's a winner.

I want him to be our winner.

The patient of yours tells you,

He's gonna go chop up a woman,

Then he goes out
and does just that

While you do absolutely nothing.

I honestly didn't think
mr. Rob was capable

Of committing this
kind of v*olence.

We the jury, find in
favor of the defendant.

I m*rder*d allison.

You son of a bitch.

Please hang on, man, if
you would tell the court

Exactly what occurred on
the morning of july 16th 1987?

I was leaving my dentist office.

I had my teeth cleaned,

When that man james
beaumont exposed himself to me.

And under what circumstance
did this take place?

It was an underground
parking garage,

I'd gone to my car and while
I was rummaging in my bag

Looking for my keys,
this man, that man,

Said to me, I won't
ever forget this.

Excuse me, ma'am,
and when I looked up,

His pants were wide open,
he was holding his shirt up

And out of the way
and there it was...

There what was?

It... Could you
be more specific?

Do I have to be?

I am afraid so for the record.

It, his male equipment,
everything that works.

And during this time did
mr. Beaumont say anything?


Disgusting, perverted things.

Specifically what?

Sexual things he
wanted me to do to him.

They were lewd
and horrible things.

Miss engelman, I
know this is difficult,

But I'm afraid you will
have to tell the court

Exactly what mr. Beaumont said.

Your honor, please,
I would rather die

Than repeat those
things out loud.

Your honor.

Perhaps we can solve the
district attorney's problem

By having miss engelman
write it on a piece of paper

Which can be shown to the jury

And then enter
into the transcript.

Fine with me.

I guess that will be all right.

Let the record
reflect, your honor,

That I am showing each
member of the jury individually.

Miss engelman's
written recollection

Of what mr. Beaumont
said to her.


Excuse me, sir.


Shall we get started?

Now before we do, as
many of you already know

Jonathan rollins has
joined us as an associate.


I invite all of you to take
time in the next few days

To introduce yourselves.

Make him feel well.

New business.
Atkins versus atkins.

Where's arnold?

He hasn't come in yet.

I don't think he was
in yesterday either.

Maybe he jumped to another firm.

Moving along and
for whatever is worth,

We advised the mckenzie brackman

That all has terminated
his representation

Of dr. Peter warren.

It's worth exactly
nothing, douglas.

Out of the circumstances
there's nothing else we can do.

How about go to the police?

How about you
could be disbarred?

Yeah, plus, major
financial exposure for you,

For the firm.

An innocent man rots in jail

While an arrogant self
confessed k*ller goes free.

Don't talk to me about
financial exposure.

Excuse me, may I remind everyone

Particular our new associates

That has regards this matter
client privilege binds us all.

And maybe we could
avail ourselves

About side legal
council to advise us

On our rights and obligations.

Otherwise known
as passing the buck.

You know, if there's
legitimate way to nail this guy,

I think I know someone
who can find it for you.


Wendell gleason, my old mentor

When I worked
in the d.a's office.

I thought he died.

No, he's had a couple
of major surgeries

During the last year
but he's got a great mind.

And if he's up for it,
there's no one better.

Let me see if I can
set it up for you.

All right, thanks.


Now a housekeeping matter.

We advised in the last
month that this firm has spent

$1,873 On messenger services,

Accordingly may I suggest less
dependants on these gadgets

And a greater reliance
on the postage stamp.

All right, finishing
up new business.

I'm pleased to report
that miss kelsey

Has brought in haywood
engineering on retainer.

Old business rohner
versus gradinger.

Oh, I've had a chance
to review the files.

I'd like to talk to you about
it when you have some time.

Douglas, this is...

I thought you could
use some assistance

And as miss kleinberg asked
for additional responsibilities,

I suggested that she
familiarize herself

With the terrain.

Mr. Sifuentes, talbot versus
pellet air manufacturers.

I understand we lost
on the directed verdict.

Yes, but I still think,
we won on merits.

How's hamilton schuyler?

Manipulative, unethical
histrionic short.

Finally mr. Markowitz,
we've seen nothing from you

And mr. Gianelli on
the spanko prospectus.

And we've run into a few
more problems, douglas.

Few of the projections
were offline.


A client could be facing
criminal exposure here.

Get off my back,
douglas. I'm on top of him.

And another thing,
sooner or later

We're gonna have to discuss

The implications of
your pending nuptials.

What implications?

Just that most other firms
around town find it awkward

To have married partners
working together.

Douglas, this is not the time.

I'm only suggesting that perhaps

The more expendable
partner could resign.

That's enough.
End of discussion.

End of meeting. We're adjourned.

Is this typical around here?


Arnie, for god sake
where have you been?

I tried your house, your clerk.

Arnie, are you all right?

No, I'm not all
right, I'm in love.

You mean the auction lady?

Separating myself from her

It's like part of my
body's been cut off.

Do you realize you missed
six appointments yesterday?

There must have been 30 calls.

The women were lined up
out there creaming at me.

Don't you think
you at least owe me

The courtesy of a call?

I'm sorry, roxanne,
but I was tied up.

Too tied up to make
a simple phone call?

Tied up.


Don't make it sound like that,

It was just an experiment

To see if I was secure
enough as a male

To surrender to my
receptive vulnerable side.

Roxanne, she is incredible.

The first woman that
I've been able to relax

But really let down
the armor and be myself.

Relax with these.

Who do you want to start with?

That's it, huh?

I spill my guts and all
you want to talk about

Is phone messages.

I've heard it all before, arnie.

How you madly in love
and then a week later

You find something
wrong with her

And then you're ready
to move on to the next one.

No, roxanne, this is different.

It's like I've been
searching for all of my life,

My missing part, my soul mate.

That's fine.

If you personally
never experienced it,

There's no use in my
even trying to explain it.

Do you want me to start
with christine emmer reilly?

She phone yesterday to ask
if you are free this weekend.

Kiss her off but kindly, okay.

Do you want me to explain
why you can't go to hawaii?

Or just the generic too busy?


Celebrity tennis tournament,
suite at the mauna kea,

All expenses paid.

Well, I guess it would
have been fun but...

Sometimes a person has
to make sacrifices for love,

Don't they?

Hi, benny.

I'm sorry to keep you
waiting mrs. Stulwitz.

That's okay.

We were early.

Honey, I have to
talk to miss perkins.

Why don't you wait right there?

Okay. I'll read my book.

Come on in.

Thank you.

Please sit down.

So, how are you?

I've got leukemia,
miss perkins, I'm dying.

Oh, my god, I'm so sorry.

No, no, no, don't.

I'm not afraid for myself.

It's benny I'm worried about.

I wrote out a will
leaving everything to him.

This is it, right here,
plus my bankbook

And a $20,000 life
insurance policy.

The deed entitled to the house,

It's paid for but,

Suppose if he gets
to pay the taxes

Or suppose somebody
cheats him out of his money,

He's always been
so dependent on me

That I'm afraid of
what will happen to him.

He has no other family?


And any other additional
sources of income?

Oh, it's in there.

He gets a small
monthly check from ssi.

Well, I can establish
myself as benny's trustee

And we can invest
his insurance money

And take care of his bills,
put him one allowance,

But I don't honestly
see enough income here

For a decent standard of
living unless he gets a job.

Nobody is willing
to give him a chance.

He can read?

Yes and he can follow directions

And he knows how
to use the buses.

I don't want to
get your hopes up

Before I talk to my bosses,

But there may be a job for
him here as a messenger.

Oh, if there was,

Miss perkins, you
would never regret it.

Benny is a very special boy.

I know, mrs. Stulwitz, I know.

And, mrs. Talbot, on those
occasions that you do go out,

Who looks after kevin?

I have a sitter come in.

Do you ever leave him
home alone for the evening?

No, never.

But in fact, ma'am,
kevin was left alone

On the night of
the fire, wasn't he?

Well, I ran next door
for about 10 minutes,

Then I came right back.

You testified at your deposition

That you went to
see your neighbor...

John simpson.

Is that right?

Yes, sir.

And you said that as
you arrived to his house,

Mr. Simpson was watching
the television game show

Jeopardy, correct?


I watched for a minute or two

And we discussed our
plans for lunch the next day

And then I went back home.

And what happened upon
returning home ma'am?

Well, um, as i, as I
got to the house...

I saw smoke coming from,

Coming from kevin's window

And I rushed up to his
room and saw my baby.

He was, he was on fire.

I know this is
difficult, mrs. Talbot,

But would you tell
us, what you did next?


I see no relevance in
making this woman relive

That awful night.

Your honor, please.

Objection is overruled.

Please try to answer.

What did you do next, ma'am?

I threw blanket over
him to try to... Oh, god.

He was so burned.

And I called 911.

I told them my baby was dying.

He was dying.

Mrs. Talbot, about
how many minutes

Would you say elapsed between
the time you returned home

And the time you dialed 911?

Three minutes,
four minutes maybe.

The police blotter indicates
that your call was recorded

At 11 minutes past
9, is that accurate?

I don't know, I guess.

And the television
air time for jeopardy

Is 7 to 7.30 that means,

If you watch this
program at your neighbors

And you dialed 911
upon returning home,

You were absent from your house

For at least an hour and
40 minutes, maybe longer.

Objection, the time is of
no relevance whatsoever.

Your honor, I am
trying to establish

That if she had been
home with her child,

She might have averted
this tragedy entirely

Or at least prevented
the severity of the injury.

I object to this vilification.


In fact you were gone
much longer than 10 minutes,

Weren't you, mrs. Talbot?

I can't remember, I don't know.

And isn't it possible that had
you been home with your child,

This never would have happened.

Stop it.


I mean, how can
you do that to her?

Look at her son.


How can you be so cruel?

Ma'am, if you don't' stop,
I'll hold you in contempt.


Jury shall disregard
that outburst.

Your honor, I move for mistrial?

I'll take that request
under submission.

We'll reconvene in my chambers
tomorrow morning at 10.

The jury is
dismissed until then.

How can it not be a mistrial?

They are obviously
completely prejudiced?

It was only one juror.

Oh, remove the juror,

But I still think the
rest can be objective.

I see no reason to call...

But, your honor, I don't...

Charged these repeated
motions for a mistrial

Or a travesty of justice.

He should be sanctioned.

Oh, will you get off it?

Don't you thr*aten me? Hey.

I don't care how
short he is, judge.

You can't let him
keep pulling this.

I object to this. That's enough.

His constant manipulation is
disgraceful and you know it.


If any other lawyer walked
in here and pulled the stuff

That he pulled there
be a mistrial and jail time.

I said that's enough counselor.

Don't tell me how to do my job.

This trial goes on,

I'll make note of your objection
for the record and that's all.

Thank you, your honor.

Can I talk to you for a minute?

My client wants out,

Against my advise he's asked me

To offer you 300,000 in
a trust fund for kevin,

Conditioned on the
stipulation of no liability.

Sorry, no deal.

Oh, wait a minute.

300 Matches your initial demand?

That was then,
now it's a million.

Are you crazy?

Mr. Sifuentes, I'm
gonna beat you.

There's nothing you
can do to stop that.

That's what this
is all about, isn't it?

You're gonna jeopardize
your client's interest

Because you want the
satisfaction of a big win.

And you're suddenly throwing
out fat settlement offer,

So you can avoid that fat loss.

You got a problem, counselor.

You got a problem, I got a case.

You know, sometimes
I can't believe

How incredibly lucky we
are, we found each other.

I know.

But in some of the
relationships I've had,

Some of my friends
relationships... My god,

It is so easy to become cynical

And give up on
love all together.

I know exactly what you mean.

And then this, I mean, I
know it sounds corny

But the answer is there
really is prince charming.

And his princess.

And they rode off into
the sunset together

And they both lived
happily ever after.

It's like a fairy tale.

Though but I can't believe
is that it's not a fairy tale,

It's real.

When I look at you, arnie,

I see something I have
never seen before.

What's that my love?

The man I want to
share the rest of my life.

My god, I used to
make fun of people

Who even talk this way now,

Ever since I met you
it's all I can think about,

Only old traditional
values, marriage, commitment,

Home, children,
growing old together.

What is it too soon for me

To be talking about
this line of security.

No, of course no.

And let's drink to us.

To love and happily ever after.

May i... I better not...

Sometimes the stuff gives me
a headache in the afternoon.


How goes it?

It's going, douglas, it's going.

Think you'll have
something for us soon.

Maybe tomorrow.

Splendid, splendid.

Mr. Gianelli, would you
excuse us for a moment please.

Oh, yeah. Yes, sir.


We're trying to wrap
things up here, douglas.

Is there something you
wanted to say me, doug.

Miss kelsey accosted
me in the garage

This morning on the way in.

She demanded apologies
for my remarks yesterday

Regarding your
hypothetical resignation.

She implied that
if said apologies

Were not forthcoming

You'd both resign.

She said what?

Stuart, I never meant
to malign your abilities

Or your value to
us as a partner.

All I was trying to suggest

Is that in a small
shop like ours,

Any fusion of voting
partners represents a threat

To the integrity
of the power base,

Not to imply that
you and miss kelsey

Aren't of independent caste

Or would necessarily
vote as a block.

There's no need to elaborate.

I'm sure you understand,

But in the event my remarks

Caused you any apprehension
or embarrassment...

I certainly apologize.

So note it, douglas.

Then if we straightened out,

I'll leave you to it.

Thank you.

This wasn't so painful, was it?


Proving that the shortest
distance between two points

Is a straight line.

Excuse me.

Be a man next time.

Don't send your girlfriend
to fight your battles.


Poor deluded man
falsely imprisoned

A cold brutal k*ller who
confesses the perfect m*rder

To his bright and
beautiful attorney

Cynical old xda
with a b*mb ticker

Brought in as outside
legal counselor.

I think I have the solution
to your dilemma, miss kelsey.

Tell me please.

Resign or write it as a novel,

Sell it to the movies and
live happily ever after.

Actually what I was hoping was

That you could find a way for me

To hang this bastard out
to dry in the real world.

However, but I'll settle for

Is your opinion of
my legal obligations.

Unfortunately off hand,
I know of no precedent

In the law that allow you
to circumvent privilege.

You know, I find it
ironic to say the least

That a man without an
unethical bone in his body

Is using my professional
ethics against me

To prevent me from
doing what's right.

Smart knows his law
not your average dolt.

I know it's a long shot,
but if there is anyway,

Anyway at all.

Nothing would please
me more miss kelsey

Than to be your
hero of the moment.

Thank you.

This is the complete file. Yeah.

Good. Hah-hah.

You know, I think of myself

As a pragmatist
most to the time.

Since I never had a case
where the stakes were so high

Or the consequence is so tragic.

You should've been a da.

It sounds interesting.

I don't know a lot about it,

But I understand these people

Are very happy
fulfilling menial tasks.

And he's incredibly diligent
about following instructions.

He really knows the bus system.

His mother says that he travels
all over the city by himself.

Plus, it could save
us a lot of money.

If you figure at
five dollars now...

Five? Minimum wage is 335.

Douglas, we're talking
about a 36-year-old man.

You just said he
was more like ten.

A ten-year-old doesn't
have to pay the rent

Or buy groceries

We're talking about $200 a week

And you said yourself,
that we're throwing away

More than twice
that on messengers.

I like your thinking.

Of course any
decision in his favor

Would only be on a trial basis.

But it's possible?

I'll recommend it
to the partners.

Thank you.

Opposing counsel
on several occasions

Has accused me of making
myself an issue in this trial.

Well, if that's
true then did god,

I'm very much ashamed.

Now if any of you
are thinking right now

About my adversity or my
handicap or my hardship,

I beg you with all my
heart to please stop.

This case is about
that little boy.

A boy whose future lies
to a large extent with you.

Now I don't mean to suggest
you can take away the hurt,

You can't.

I don't mean to suggest
you can make him whole

Or normal again, you can't.

I don't even mean to suggest
you can make him smile,

But you can give him a
chance for an education,

Experimental treatment,
you can give them hope

And you can reaffirm in his mind

And the minds of many others

That it is wrong
for a corporation

To so willingly dismiss
safety in the name of profit.

I've noticed many of
you find it difficult

To look at this boy's face.

Well, painful as it
is, I want you to take

A good long hard
look at kevin right now.

And then perhaps when
you go back into that room,

You can do something
to make sure

The defendant thinks
twice before he does this

To the next
innocent little child.

Every expert who took that stand

Expressly stated that
my client's fabric was safe.

That it complied with
government regulations

And that every brand of
pajamas known to mankind

Would likely catch
on fire if you lit them

After dousing them
with lather fluid.

There is no evidence whatsoever

To suggest that
this fabric is unsafe.

This accident had nothing
to do with my client's product

And everyone of you knows it.

Nobody is asking me
not to cry for him.

Nobody is saying that
this is not a terrible,

Terrible tragedy.

But you can't punish my
client when it wasn't his fault.

You know, you took
on an obligation

When you walked in here

And became a
member of the jury...

To be impartial, to be objective

And to return a verdict

Which was supported
by the facts.

It's okay to feel compassion.

I just ask of you that
you not be blinded by it.



Can I buy you a cup of coffee?

I have a hot meeting
with miss kelsey.

I'll find you after.

Oh, how is that going?

Interesting situation.

But have you got an
interesting solution.

Basically, you're
dead in the water.


Let me pose a question
in the best of our worlds,

What do you want to accomplish?

The doctor goes to prison,
the patient goes free, right?

Asked and answered.

Question number
two, in the real world

Would you settle for
the patient goes free

And the doctor is
publicly exposed?

Can we do that?



You let me blow
the whistle on him.

You can't.

Our conversations didn't
breach my client's privilege,

They just extended it.

You're missing the beauty here.

What I propose to do

Is breached our
attorney-client privilege.

That's just is unethical.

Ah, but here's the difference.

If you breach privilege
then you're subject

To severe disciplinary
action warrant

Can sue you and your firm
for every dime you have,

Where as, knowing your
appreciation of irony,

Try this one on.

I am terminal,
year ago invincible.

If I were willing to disregard
the ethics of the law,

I would do it myself.

The last thing I want is for
you to do it on my behalf.

I trust you'll honor that.

I can't convince you?



Then I'm sorry, I
wasn't able to help.

It's a go on your retardo.

Excuse me?

You're mrs. Stulwitz,

The partnership okayed
to done a trial basis.


You see that, he didn't even
acknowledge my existence.

Sorry, I know I'm
being paranoid again.

You have to relax, you're
going to make yourself crazy.

That's easy for you.

Your whole life isn't
hanging in the balance.

You're right, I'm being extreme,

Everybody loves me and
I have a blazing future.

I know, I'm being a jerk.

It's just letting down marko
with some spangled things,

Sweating out the bar results

Which I had to do out this week,

Plus, I had to have dinner
again at the compound.

The compound, you mean...

Yeah, I really hate the place.

My whole family lives there,

Aunts, uncles everybody
and they made it very clear

That if I don't pass this time,

I have to go to
the family business.

Can't you just tell them no.

Are you kidding?

Do you have any
idea what happens

When someone says
no to my father?

You are terrified
about this, aren't you?

How about I can end
up dead or worse?

I'm making myself sick.

I'm gonna go call the
bar association again.

Excuse me.


Ann, I've got to talk to you.

What's up?

I know, this is
gonna sound crazy,

But tony gianelli
is in the mafia.


I'm not kidding.

If he funds the bar, he's
gonna have to go back

And be the head of
this whole mob family.

He told you that?

I know, it's unbelievable.

Look, he's italian.

They live in a big compound.

He keeps talking about
how people in his family died.

He really told you this.


And you don't think,
maybe he was just

Making it all up
to sound exotic?

Why would he do that?

Maybe because he's
got a crush on you.

No. No. Yes.

What if he makes you an
offer, you can't refuse.


I'm gonna end up
sleeping with the fishes.

Madam foreperson,

Is this the verdict of the jury?

It is, your honor.

What say you?

On counts one and
two of the complaint.

We the jury find in
favor of the plaintiff

And order the defendant
to pay compensation

To the plaintiff in the
amount of $4.5 million.

Your honor, the defense
moves for judgment

For the defendant not
withstanding the verdict

And then the
alternative of new trial.

I'll take it under advisement.

Court is adjourned.

I'll see counsel in chambers.

You better want briefs on this,

But I must say mr. Schuyler,

I'm extremely inclined to
grant the defendant's motion.

You must be joking.

Oh, I see enough facts
here to support liability.

I don't think, it's a
reasonable verdict.

The jury heard all the evidence,

You can't throw out the verdict

Just because you don't like it

Or is it me you don't like.

Truth is, I should have
granted the directed verdict,

But I was hoping the jury
will let me off the hook

And comeback with
the right result,

Since they didn't,
I have to act.

This is despicable.

It's a gross abuse of
discretion and I completely...

Spare me, counselor!

Every ounce of discretion
cut in your favor.

Well, how can you
do it to that boy?

It's offensive.

I have a responsibility here.

Just because I'm a
dwarf you think you...

Now you listen to me!

You should have
settled this case,

Instead you chose
to roll the dice

With an untenable claim

And the only thing that's
offensive around here

Is your indifference to
your client's interests.

I want this attack

I'll put it on the record.

Twelve juries saw
it the same way.

You chose... Because
you cloak the facts

In a blanket of self-serving
sympathy and pity,

But the evidence stands
naked in here, mr. Schuyler,

And strip right down
you've got no case.

Briefs due in 10 days.

Get out.

We have no idea
what we're doing,

We're in the boat, we're
trolling in the boat,

We're going like 60 miles an
hour in the boat, you know.

Do you understand
what I'm saying?

We were going way too fast.

I look back, I look back,

The worm is water
skiing, all right.

The worm is one hook...

I bet, I can be more
entertaining than that.

I was right in the
middle of his monologue.

Is that my shirt?

Oh, there was something
that smelled like you.

Well, it was a clean shirt,
it didn't smell like anything.

Now it smells like me.

I was gonna wear that
tomorrow with my choc stripe.

Then I'll take it off.

Forget it.

It's, it's ruined now.

Arnie, why are you making
this into such a big deal?

I would appreciate it,

If you show little more
respect for my things.

It's one stupid
shirt for god sake.

No, it's not one stupid shirt.

Do you know that every
time you put your feet

Up on the dashboard
of my porsche,

Totally scuffed the leather.

Each time you jump
into the hot tub,

With your moisturizer,

You leave a scummy
film on the tile.

Not to mention,
how you continually

Slammed the front door
and rattle the stain glass

Which just happens to
be imported from italy.

What exactly is
the point of all this?

The point is, if you
cared about me,

You show a little more
concern for my feelings.

Your feelings?

We're talking about
a bunch of stuff,

A bunch of material stuff.

Stuff that I have
worked very hard for,

Which happens to
me and a lot to me.

But you're born with a
silver spoon in your mouth,

Obviously I've no
appreciation for.

Oh, please.

Oh, that's it.

That's it, go ahead and
make fun of my feelings.

You know, you have
been talking like this

Ever since I starting
talking about

Marriage and commitments.

That has nothing
to do with this.

Like hell you've been making
a list against me ever since,

Just looking for the
escape hatch, admit it.

You really don't
understand me at all, do you?

The only thing I've
ever been looking for

Is someone to love me
and to respect my feelings.

You know, I had really hoped
with all of my heart that,

That person would be you.

You're so full of it, arnie.

I just can't believe I
didn't see it coming.


I hope you can get to smell out.

Nina, come on.

I've expressed myself and
you've expressed yourself.

There's plenty of time to
assess the damages tomorrow.


Nina, come on,
what are you doing?

Oh, come on.

The life doesn't have to be
over just because of this.

No, just the relationship.

And I'll try not to rattle
the stained glass this time.


Thanks, I've already seen it.

Psychiatrist arrested and
t*rture slaying of patient

To confess her to be released.

Nice work, wendell,

You must have called
in a lot of favors.

A few.

You did exactly what
I asked you not to do.

But you expressly told
me you would not do.

I didn't do easily.

Oh, good.

You violate both my
privilege as a client

And my trust as a human being.

I'm glad you had a few
doubts along the way.

You've done nothing improper,

The exposure here is all my own.

Assuming that's true,

It does not alter the
fact that what you did

Reflects on me both
personally and professionally

And I feel betrayed.

You had an obligation
if you're gonna

Fight my battles to
abide by my principles.

You are rearranging
deck chairs on the titanic.

A k*ller is found out and
an innocent man goes free,

Isn't that what you wanted.

And isn't that really
more significant

Than the violation
of an attorneys

Ethical code of conduct.

Please, wendell, not
the end justify the means.

After two bypasses
you stop being quite

So tired to the comings
and goings of this earth.

The rules man make up
to govern their conduct

Toward one another seem
less and less important

In scheme of things.

I looked at this situation
which you presented me

And I felt it cry it
out to be corrected.

And I also felt that there
was a better ending possible

Than the one required by
a strict reading of the law

And so I am leaving it
better than I found it.

Am I not?

Arnie, leland's been
looking for you.

Never mind that.

You need you to
call my travel agent

Book me on the 705 to kona.

You got a couple of aspirins.

You're going to hawaii

With christine emmer
reilly, aren't you?

As a matter of fact, yes I am.

So what happened to nina,
the great love of your life.

Look, if you don't mind,
it's just a little too painful

To talk about right
now, okay, roxanne.

You're two days ahead
of schedule you know,

Before the big blow up

Usually it takes
at least a week.

Thank you very
much for all of your

Emotional support, roxanne.

My life just happens
to be in shambles

And you just have to get
the last wording, don't you?

Some shambles.

A celebrity tennis
tournament in hawaii.

Okay, all right, you wanna
know what happened?

She broke my heart, roxanne.

It's a fact, there's
nothing I can do about it.

The only thing I
can do is determine

How I'm gonna react to
that fact in the way I see it

I can either lie
here like a victim

And I can feel sorry for myself

Or I can do whatever it takes
to try and get over the pain.


Roxanne, just call
the travel agent.

Thank you.



I'd like you to meet
benny stulwicz.

Benny is gonna be
our new messenger.

Nice to meet you, benny.

Nice to meet you.

Look, abby.

It's a midget.


I'm sorry.

What's your name?

Benny stulwicz.

Hi, benny, I'm
hamilton schuyler.

Nice to meet you.

I work here.

Oh, you're very lucky.

This is a nice place.

I know.

Bye, benny.


This is a surprise.


You said your client
was genuinely interested

In helping kevin.

I was wondering whether
the offer for the trust fund

Might still be open.

I can check.

And personally I think
if we had another try,

I'll still win.

But I can't justify
putting the boy

Through that ordeal again.

I'd try to give an answer
for you by the end of the day.


But either way here,

Perhaps we can
have dinner tonight

And you can let me know
then, if you got no other plans.

No, I don't know,
dinner sounds good.


Well, how about
if I swing by here

Around seven tonight
and you can pick the spot.


I'll see you at seven then.

I appreciate. Thanks a lot.



I just heard, I'm so sorry.

Three years of law school
out of stupid fantasies.

All gone, poof.

Look, maybe if you talk to them,

You can get them to let
you stay on as a clerk,

Until you can take it again.

So I could flunk the third time.

Abby, whom am I kidding,

I never had it in
me to be a lawyer.

Mr. Markowitz carried me
the whole time I was here

And still I was one
screw up after another.

What you gonna do?

Go in and quit.

Save them the trouble
of having to fire me.

No, wait.

I mean with your life.

Tony, you're too smart a guy,

You don't have to
capitulate to them.

Now maybe you're not
cut out to be a lawyer

But you are not
a mafioso either.


I know what business
your family is in.

For mafia.

I swear, I wont say a word.

Come here.

Come here.

The flying gianellis.

That's my uncle baldo.

He set the world's
distance record

Being shot from a cannon
at the 1936 world's fair.

That's my grandfather fabio.

They used to call him
the man on the moon.

Five generations
of flying gianellis.

Now, it's gonna be six.

A cannon.

They want to sh**t
you out of a cannon.

I'm the only one left
who's not in a wheelchair.

Stop it.


Roxanne, what
are you doing here?

I thought you were
going to the travel agent.

I sent benny.


Arnie, I've got a million
things to do here.

You sent a moron?


What about my shirts?

What about my drug store stuff?

I cannot believe
that you would try

And sabotage my weekend.

Here I am.

Let me see those.

Where's the sun blocker?

In the bag.

Number six.

Good work.

I kept your change separate.

Benny stulwicz.

You and I are going
to get along just fine.

Come in.


You got a minute?

What's wrong?

I know you've been troubled,

That's why I had to
bring up this issue before.

What issue?

If I have a problem
with douglas brackman,

I'll solve it myself
and I'll do it my own way.

Stuart, I was angry with him.

It's a natural instinct

To stick up for
someone you love.

Yeah, but the result
was you embarrassed me

And you belittled me.

I think his exact quote was,

Don't send your girlfriend
to fight your battles.

I'm sorry.

It won't happen again.

Thank you.

What in a case to write it down?

The truth is I'm sitting
here now secretly relieved.

So this is good then.

I wish it were that easy.

If it were right
thing to have done,

I would have done it myself.

I would have been
willing to take the risk.

Can I make a suggestion?


Let's say, we
drive to dan tana's

You get the carbonara,
I get the lasagna,

And we crack a really
good bottle at borella.

Now all the while of
course we will be tossing

Around the various philosophical
unethical questions of the day.

Afterwards we get back in car,

Stop by the video rental store,

Checkout your basic
dirty movie, drive home,

Put it in the vcr and
see what pops out.

Ann. Peter warren is here.

Do you want me tell him
you're gone for the day?

Hell, no.

Ann, he's an ex m*rder*r.

What you've done is really
massive self-destructive,

I think you should know that.

Will you be billing me for that?

The limitary hearing is
already been scheduled.

My embarrassment
aside we both know

All charges against me
will be dropped at that time.

And I'll then have the
additional satisfaction

Of suing you and
this entire firm

For violation of privilege.

You want to sue me? Let's go.

I'm dying to take
you on in court.

You're a m*rder*r
and we both know it,

And the jury is gonna it.

And if you have the
stones to sue me,

This is where you
serve the papers.

Be careful what
you wish for, lady.

Is that a threat, doctor?

I'm merely suggesting

You think about
what you're saying.

You better pray
that poor elliot rob,

Doesn't figure out
what you did to him

Because when he does
he will turn on you

And then the da's
office is really gonna be

Breathing down your neck.

Think about that, doctor.

Mighty mouse, superfly,
I've heard them all.

Last year I had
a trial in boston

And opposing council
called me the pit-bull.


Well, I bit him.

Just a little nib.

Let me share that.

No, no. This is... Thanks.

I must say this is the
best wine I've ever tasted.

Well, I believe there are
certain pleasures in life

You cannot go with out

In a good french
bordo is one of them.

It has been quite an
experience, schuyler.

Me too. I'm not used to losing.

Oh, you didn't.

And not as far as
the jury is concerned.

One on one you
beat me hands down.

It's a generous submission.

Look for whatever it's
worth gimmick society.

It was a real treat
to watch you work.

Standing on the trial
bag, do you always do that?

You should be glad I didn't
fool off at that really.

You know, I just like to say,

I appreciate what you did for me

The other day in the toilet

Where those punks
from and with your client.

Hey, he wanted to do
something for kevin all along.

I think we all did.

I don't know,

Sometimes I think you get so
caught up in winning the case

That you lose sight of
your client's real interest.


Well, I've got an
early plane to catch.

Can I give you ride
back to the hotel?

No, thanks I'll walk.
The air will do me good.

Please, sire.

I'm a solitary man, victor.

I'd rather be
disliked than pitied.

Consequently I don't
have many friends.

Like us to be friends.

It would be my great
pleasure to say...

You're hell of a
lawyer, sifuentes.

If you were little short,

You would be a real
threat to my practice.
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