02x14 - The Runaway

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dukes of Hazzard". Aired: January 26, 1979 – February 8, 1985.*
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Cousins Bo and Luke certainly have a way of finding trouble with the law everywhere they turn.
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02x14 - The Runaway

Post by bunniefuu »

The Dukes of
Hazzard find a runaway

that keeps them all running.

- 'Here they go!'
- 'Here they go.'

Alright, get out.

We're going through.


We gotta get outta here.


As stock cars go, General
Lee is a county fair money.

The boys keep him that way
with an occasional test run.

'Look out, Bo!'

Don't you just hate it when
somebody runs right past you?

Specially when you don't
even know you're racing.


Alright, you two. Huh! I
caught you red-handed.

Don't try to snivel and grovel
your way outta this either.

I am Mitch Henderson.
This is Les Sloane.

We're private
investigators from Tulsa.

Well, big deal!

I'm Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane.
I'll still give you a ticket.

Oh, Rosco, hush your poo.

You say you two boys are
private investigators, huh?

Yeah, that's right.

- Here's our card.
- Oh.

Yeah, well. I'll just keep
this for future reference.

Say, what are you
two fellas investigatin'?

Our client's daughter is going
on a round-the-world cruise.

And we are escorting
her to the ship in Miami.

Oh! Well.

This is Miss Suzy Holmes.

- How do you do?
- Hello, Miss Holmes.

How do you do?

Her father is C.J. Holmes.

C.J. Holmes? Oh, of Tulsa?

Of Holmes Oil, Holmes Airlines,
Holmes minin', Holmes hotels

Holmes meat packing?
The C.J. Holmes!

You got it!

Uh, uh, uh. He's got it.

Mister, you almost
k*lled us back there.

I don't appreciate it at all.

Well, Bo, don't make
no difference anyway

"cause I've given
them a ticket right here.'

- When and if I say so.
- Uh, when and if he says so.

Rosco, you ain't
gonna give him a ticket?

Now, this ought to be fun.

You ought to take a
page outta the Good Book.

Temper justice
with understanding

and forgive these two gentlemen.

Good Book. I knew it
wouldn't do no good, Bo.

Thanks, Boss.

It's like flogging a dead horse.

Can you believe that?

Let them get away,
they don't let us get...

- No use wastin' our breath.
- I guess not.

- Les! She's gone.
- Gone?

'The Duke boys,
they took the girl.'

- The Duke boys?
- Who are they?

Them! The ones
that just drove off.

Judas Priest on a pony.

Oh, never mind who
is on a pony, jackass.

You fellas stay here.
Get your car fixed.

And we'll go get and
bring that girl back

quicker than a frog
can swallow a june bug!

Maybe even quicker.

Watch it. Watch it.

Them Dukes boys got
too much of a head start.

Call Enos, have him cut
them off down the road.

I can't do that. I
gave Enos a day off.

He's bass fishing.

What? Oh, call him anyhow.

I promise I'll let you go if
you're too little. I promise.

'Enos, uh, this is your superior
officer, Rosco P. Coltrane.'

'Uh, this is an emergency.
Twelve, come back.'


Enos, if you don't say, "Howdy,
sheriff" in the next two seconds

'you're gonna be up to your hip
boots in trouble, boy, come on.'

- Howdy, sheriff?
- 'Enos!'

I'm hot on the tail
of the Duke boys.

Now, I'm on Highway .

'You get over to Ridgeway
Road and cut 'em off.'

'Is that an affirmative?
Come back.'

Yes, sir! I'm coming.

Stay right there.
I'll be right back.

Okay, then.

- Give me another apple, cousin.
- Alright.

- We got company.
- Hm?

Oh, who are you?

I'm... a hitchhiker.

We ain't much in habit
of picking up strangers.

My name is Bo Duke. This
here is my cousin, Luke.

Hi, I'm Suzy Holmes.

Ms. Suzy Holmes, we
ain't strangers no more.

Why don't you make
yourself more comfortable?

'How did you get in here?'

You runnin' away from somebody?

How did you know?

When we are running
away from somebody

we always check
over our shoulders, too.

My daddy.

Faster, faster, Rosco.

There's money we can make here.

- How do you know that, Boss?
- Well, here's how.

A year ago, C.J. Holmes
lost his little cocker spaniel.

Oh, well, it's a
shame. I love puppies.

Yeah, well.

You know what he gave the
boy who returned that dog to him?


- 'I'll tell you.'
- What?

- A genuine oil well.
- 'An oil well?'

You rascal! You're
kidding with me, aren't you?

Would I kid you about
barrels of black gold a day?

Oh, no.

And if C.J. Holmes
gave an oil well

for the safe return of
his little cocker spaniel

what do you reckon he'd
give for the safe return

of his own flesh
and blood daughter?

Ooh, ooh, I get it.

I love it. I love it.

Let's go get that reward.

No, ma'am, that
ain't your father.

That's Rosco P.
Coltrane himself.

Duke boys, stop... in
the name of the law.

And Boss Hogg is with him?

Duke boys, I ain't playing
anymore. Stop right there.

This is an order. Do
you hear me? Stop!

Enos makes three.

'We busted no law,
what do they want?'

Me. Please don't
stop. I can explain.

Boss Hogg's after you, that's
enough for us. Now, hang on.


Aleman left and dosey doe.

Step on the gas and away we go.


You okay, sheriff?

No thanks to you, you dipstick!

Mr. Hogg, you alright?
Mr. Hogg, I'm afraid they got away.

Oh, I got me a sheriff,
who can't find nothing

and a deputy who
can't even find that.

No offense, Mr. Hogg.
But I did catch some.

Ha-ha, look at that.

If it ain't a Duke,
it don't count.

What does count is the sheriff
and his deputy helping me

recover the Holmes
girl and get my reward.

Daisy, I can't thank you enough
for lending me the clothes.

I got a hunch Bo and Luke
are gonna feel the same way.

- Come on.
- Okay.

I'll tell you this much, if
that is C.J. Holmes' daughter

in there, you can bet your
bottom dollar that this farm

is going to be the first
place that Rosco will look.

Not that you ain't
welcome, dear.

Oh, you can say that
again, Uncle Jesse.

Suzy, why are you
runnin' from your pa?

Well, that's because of a very
special fella I met in college.

His name is Fred.

He was studying agriculture,
and we had absolutely nothing

in common, except
that we fell in love.

That's havin' a lot in common.

My father forbid me
to marry just a farmer

who wasn't good enough for me.

What does he
mean, just a farmer?

I'll have you know the
farmers is the back bone

of this U.S. of A
nation, young lady.

My father doesn't always
appreciate that, Mr. Duke.

Well, not many people do.

But, I'll tell you this much,
it ain't just the postman

that delivers rain,
sleet, or snow.

Us farmers do, too.

'There's a lot of people
in this whole world'

'that ain't starving
just because of'

just us farmers.

And us, without
much thanks or money

in our pockets to show for it.

'You know, I kinda feel
sorry for your daddy.'

With all of his millions, he
can't make his daughter happy.

To my way of
thinkin', that makes me

a lot richer than he is.

Oh, Rosco, what a walk.
I'm worn down to the nub.

Now then..

If one cocker spaniel
is worth one oil well

then, how many cockers
is a lost daughter worth?

- Let's see, uh..
- Now, say... ten.


So, ten cockers
times ten oil wells

producing say a
hundred barrels a day..

Eh, eh..

Say $ a barrel..


What does that come to, Boss?

This calculator
don't go that high.

So, daddy decided
to send me on a cruise

to think things
over, as he put it.

Your father paid
two thugs to take you

and put on that boat, whether
you wanted to go or not.

- Yes.
- Hello.

Yeah, oh, oh, sure,
Myrtle, I'll tell her.

Uh, Suzy, it's Asheville.
The line's clear now.


Oh, I've been
going out of my mind

waiting for you to get back.

Honey, I thought you'd
be on that boat already.

No. And I am not going
to get on that ship, ever!

Now, these here two
city dude investigators

wanted to find Miss Holmes
worse than Boss Hogg.

And not being
short of ol' smarts

they come to the
Hazzard phone company.

Oh, I can't tell you where
the Duke boys went.

This is very important, miss.
It's a matter of life and death.

Well, I'd love to help
you, but Boss Hogg

who owns this here company,
made company rule number two.

Well, that extra twenty just hit

on Boss Hogg's rule
number two which is..

Never turn down cash
on the barrel head.

Especially when
your barrel's empty.

Those boys went
to the Duke farm.

'And where is that?'

Out on Mill Pond Road.

And where would that be?


Hang a left at the next corner

and go miles
to Mill Pond Road.

- Got it?
- Thank you.

- I'll get a car at the airport.
- 'You can?'

I can do that.
Man, you bet I can.

Oh, that's wonderful.
Fred's flying to Colonial City.

He's gonna rent a car
and pick me up here.

Excuse me a minute.

- What's his name?
- Fred.

Hello, Fred. This
here is Jesse Duke.

Oh, Mr. Duke. Oh, hi.

I don't think this
farm is gonna be safe

for too much longer, so
when you get into the airport

'come north on Highway ,
till you get to the county line.'

When you rent a car,
make sure you get one

which has got a CB in it
and keep tuned to channel .

'In case of a change in plan.'

Okay. I can't tell you how
much I appreciate this, Mr. Duke.

Yeah, and with any luck, we'll
have Suzy there to meet you.

- Can you put Suzy on?
- Oh, yeah, yeah, here she is.

Thanks. Fred, did you get that?

- 'Yeah.'
- Great.

I love you.

'I love you too, sweetheart.'

See you soon. Bye.

He said he can be
there by o'clock.

Then, it's settled!

We'll get you to that preacher
in Chickamahani County.

And you'll be married.

And you'll be my maid of honor.

- Oh, yes!
- Great!

And, and will you
give the bride away?

Oh, I'll be glad to.

And you two... will you
be Fred's best men?

- Sure.
- Uh, that'll be yes, ma'am.

Well, if that don't be though.

I figured that when
the whole family eloped

that Daisy would be the bride.

Nobody's gonna be the
bride if these fellas are

who I think they are.

Take a look here.

They say the path of true
love never runs smooth.

And these two ain't
droppin' by to play no cupid.

What y'all think's gonna happen?

Alright, here's
what we gotta do.

Daisy, you take Suzy in your
car and hightail it out of here.

Oh-ho. Unless
these guys are blind

ain't they gonna see 'em
runnin' across the yard?

I know. I'm countin' on that.

They got more
horsepower than you have

but you can outdrive
them for a few minutes.

Then, you can make the
switch at the old playgrounds.

Now, get out the back door.

- - .
- Good luck.

I sure hope this thing works.

'There she goes.'

We'll catch her in no time.

She suckered 'em in.

Look at her drive.

- Whoo!
- You boys know what to do.

- Yes, sir.
- Get goin'.

- Let's do it, Bo.
- Alright.

I must've been crazy
to think I could get away

from daddy's men.

Now, I've got your
whole family in trouble.

Do you love Fred?

More than that.

Then, it's worth it.

Thank you.

They're gaining on us.

Not anymore.

Okay, now, when I get
around these bushes up here

I'm gonna slow down
and I want you to jump out

and run back, the boys
are gonna meet you.

- Okay, Suzy.
- Bye.

Alright, come on.

Here you go.

You all set?

- Where are we goin'?
- Well, we...

We're heading to Sumner Farm.
It's so far off the beaten track

even the bloodhounds
can't find it.

We'll hide out there until
it's time to meet Fred.

Okay, Suzy, climb out.

Aw, and here I thought
you two big handsome hunks

were after me.

Now, this is the Sumner Farm.

Ol' Nate Sumner grows
weird stuff, don't he?

Uh, this is Enos
to Sheriff Coltrane.

'The General Lee's approaching
Sumner Farm, sheriff.'

Oh, that's good news,
good news, Enos.

They got that girl
with 'em? Come back.

Yes, sir, the girl's
with 'em, sheriff.

Listen, Enos, now, you
just hold your position

and I'll come around and bag 'em

'cause we got 'em surrounded.

I'm gone.

Is, um, is that what they call
a tumbleweed in these parts?

No, ma'am, that's
what we call an Enos.

Hang a .

Shawnee Injun
Cave ain't too far off.



'Enos, what are you doing?'

Ooh, you just-look
at what I did here.

I done scuffed my vehicle again.

- Do I look alright, sheriff?
- You look like a bush.

That's what I'm supposed
to look like, sheriff, a bush.

Good thing there's
just horses here.

Good thing there ain't no dogs.

Ha ha.

I wish I was a dog. I
know when you just..

'Yes, sir. Anything
you say, sir.'

Mr. Holmes.

Or his money says.

- Well, are we fired?
- Not yet.

He's flying in, wants us to
pick him up at the airport at : .

I'm not picking anybody
just so he can fire me.

Let him take a taxi.

I do that, he's liable
to take it out of our pay.

Plus the tip. Come on.

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.

'Go around him, Bo.'

It's Rosco.

I got you Dukes
this time. I got you!

Forget the Shawnee Injun Cave.
Head over to Putnam's Creek.

'Fraid not, cousin. The
bridge is out. I can't jump that.

Yeah, but that old
barge might still be there.

You might get your
boat ride after all.


'Sure looks like a
nice day for a swim.'

That's what I like
about you fellas.

Y'all don't lie.

We are going swimming, ain't we?

Looks that way, don't it?

Alright, freeze it right there.

'Bring that barge back
here. Bring it back here now.'

'Now, I ain't foolin' with you.'

That's private
property you're stealing.

Now friends, you're
watching history.

The slowest chase ever
recorded in Hazzard County.

'Now, you have the
right to remain silent'

but if you give up that right...

- Rosco, I got an idea.
- What?

If you write some
music, we'll sing it for you.

Well, you..

Get your hands of me. Hush, Bo!

Rosco, this kidnapping
charge is a joke.

I don't know why
you're wasting your time.

I wasn't kidnapped. I
asked them to help me.

She leaving 'cause she wants
to marry the guy she loves.

Well, her daddy says he
ain't good enough for her.

And that's good enough for me.

Because when C.J. Holmes talks

'people listen.'

- God bless you, sheriff.
- Oh, now, Enos. Don't bless me.

Just go get me a
cup of hot coffee

before I die the
death of a june bug.

- How you want it, sheriff?
- In a cup, you dipstick.

Yes, sir.

I'm going to go
make a phone call.

So sorry about that.
Just, ah, oh. Now, uh..

I've gotta have some, uh, vital
statistics here for my report here.

The two detectives were
on their way to the airport

when the modern wonder
of science intervened.

Yeah, go ahead.

J.D. Hogg, here.

Say, Miss Suzy Holmes
is in protective custody now

in the Hazzard
County Sheriff's office

'and she's available
for immediate pickup.'

Just as soon as you
fellas have a little talk

with Mr. C.J. Holmes
about my reward.

'We'll be there.'

They've got the girl

just in time to get us off the
hook with Mr. Holmes. Let's go.

Now while the detectives
were getting off the hook

L.B. had hooked
on to the General

and fished him out
for a quick overhaul.

, barrels a day,

at least, times... uh..

Oh, it's going up with the OPC.

So maybe $ , $ . a barrel.

You know, Rosco. That
sneeze might not be from a cold.

Maybe, you're allergic
to something in this room.

There's nothing
here in this room

that hasn't been
here for years.

Well, sure there
is. Suzy's here and..

You know, Rosco, I bet
you're allergic to her perfume.

Oh, I'm not allergic
to her perfume.

Oh, sure you could be.
There's one way to test.

Why don't you stand over
there next to the door, Suzy?

- It's just ridiculous.
- Just try it.

See, it doesn't-doesn't
make any difference.

Look, it's because you
ain't far enough away.

- Now, come on. Stand up.
- Oh, what?

- You just back off here easy.
- Oh, this is ridiculous.

You-you ought to
feel better in a second.

Don't scuff my uniform.
Now, get your hands..

You see, it doesn't make
any difference whatsoever.

- Now, Rosco, you...
- Ooh, whoo!



- Rosco!
- I'm sorry.

Get outta here. Come on.

'What're you doing here?
You should be watching the girl.'

I don't have to watch her.

She's in there with the
Duk.. Oh, Boss, listen.

I can't. I can't go chasin' her
if you're going to hang on me.

Alright, oh!

- Now, go get her!
- I'm going.

Don't let 'em get away.

My reward!

Whoo-hoo! We
got him all tied up.

Well, we still gotta
keep her safe till : .


Suzy, she's in that orange car.

Oh, don't you point your
nozzle at me, you dipstick.

Get that out of there.


Will you hush?

Listen, will you
get out of there?

Hey, hey, you-you, listen.

Will you get that vehicle out
of there? Get that out of there.

Hey. Hey, fella. Move
that thing out of there.

Will you hush?




Enos, 'em Duke
boys have escaped.

Now, get out on Highway
and cut 'em off.

Yes, sir.

'Move it!'

He's moving now.
Come on, get in, let's go.

Boy, are you gonna
look good, honey.

Daisy must have
been expecting a call.

She left her window open.

'Daisy, this here's
Luke. You read me?'

- 'Daisy, come back.'
- I read you, Luke. What's up?

Alright, we got Suzy,
but Rosco's hot on our tail.

Now, you remember that
place we used to catch

the school bus? How
fast can you be there?

By as fast as I did when we used
to cut school. I'm on my way, cousin.

Ain't it amazing what some
people do for real love?

Well, speakin' of love
you might like to know

that good ol' Fred is
getting closer and closer

to his meeting with
Suzy, at the County Line.

And Suzy's daddy is rushing

to stop her from going
anywhere with Fred.

Enos, this is Sheriff
Rosco P. Coltrane.

Listen, get your butt
over to Highway

'cause I got them
Duke Boys by their tail.

'Is that an affirmative?
Come back.'

Uh, yes, sir. You want me to
get my butt over to Highway

and of course, you got
Duke boys by their tail.

And that's an affirmative.
Is that right, sheriff?

Enos, just hush.

- 'Just-just hush and do it.'
- I'm done.

Not a sign of 'em up ahead.

Let's face it, we blew it again.

All we can do now is pick
up Mr. Holmes at the airport

and take our medicine.


Daisy, you gonna have to take
the General and decoy Rosco.

- Okay.
- We're gonna borrow your car.

My car? I just waxed it, Luke.

Well, don't worry
about it. We'll be careful.

Yes, you will be careful,
because one speck of dust

on this car and you two
are in cold grits for a week.

Daisy, hurry up, please.

Listen, we promise. Now, Rosco's
gonna catch us if you don't hurry.

I mean it.

One speck of dust.


Rosco'll take that bait any harder
he'd be munching under rod-n-reel.

Let's go hide out
at L.B.'s garage.

- Come on.
- You got it.

Now, the detective
dudes went to the airport

to pick up the man with
the hat, the hoss in charge.

The point is you spotted
her, then you lost her again.

You're not using your heads.

Now, how many orange-colored
cars with a confederate flag

painted on top, do you think
there could be in Hazzard?

Check with the local garage.

The local idiot mechanic is
bound to know who it belongs to.

Yes, sir, Mr. Holmes.

- We're on our way.
- Yeah.

Daisy's gotta outfox two
hounds instead of one.

And I guess that just
about makes it a fair race.

Especially when you
know how Daisy drives.

Daisy was doin' a good job
of getting Rosco and Enos

off the General's tail.

Enos, this is the sheriff.

I'll take the right fork,
and you take the left.

If that girl'd take her driving
serious, why, she'd be a champ.

- Say, neighbor.
- Hi.

Seen anything of an orange car

with a confederate
flag painted on it?

Every day.

Belongs to them Duke
boys. Ornery critters.

They got a mean streak
in 'em, a mile wide.

Must run in the family.

'When did you see it last?'

Hmm, about two minutes ago.

Come screeching
around the corner there

'and headed down towards
the Hazzard drugstore.'

Bye, y'all.

Okay boys, they're gone.

Alright. Hey, Suzy, you
alright? Come on, babe.

- Thanks.
- Now, you stick here with L.B.

We'll be back in plenty of time for
you to make your date with... Freddy.

Now, where are you going?

We're gonna go distract
them two g*ons and your father

so they don't come back here.

- Alright.
- Be careful.

- Take it easy, L.B.
- Gimme my hat.

Sorry, Mr. Holmes.
They're nowhere in sight.

- Willie?
- Well, if it ain't Jesse Duke.

How you been, Jesse? I
ain't seen you in a dog's age.

Well, that's a young dog 'cause you're
just over at the house two weeks ago.

- Did he say Duke?
- Yes, sir.

Isn't that the name of the
boys that ran off with my Suzy?

It is.

Alright, gentlemen.

I think it's time we played the
same game by the same rules.

Have I made myself clear?

This is shepherd.
This is shepherd.

'Bo or Luke, you out
there somewheres?'

We're here, Uncle
Jesse. Come back.

Listen, I just saw them two
private detectives in town.

- 'Is our little girl alright?'
- Yeah, she's fine now.

'You didn't happen to notice
which way them two were drifting?'

I think I know.

'Uncle Jesse, you there?'

Uncle Jesse, come back.

'Uncle Jesse, you alright?'

Alright, get out.

What you suppose is wrong?

'Uncle Jesse, you alright?'

Your uncle's real fine, boys.

Now, you listen
to me, both of you.

Don't make any kind of
a deal with them, Luke.

- Alright, what do you want?
- A fair and square swap.

'Give us the girl, you
can have your uncle back.'

We're gonna have
to have some time.

We'll listen in on this channel
again in exactly one hour.

'If we don't hear from you by
then, you can blame yourselves'

'for whatever happens.'

Cousin, they got us over barrel.

They've got Uncle Jesse.
We gotta get him back.

Fellas, you know Uncle
Jesse is not gonna sit still

for a deal like that...

Bo, Luke, forget I ever
came into your lives.

'I don't mind going
back with them. Honest.'

Suzy, Uncle Jesse would have a fit if
we gave in to your daddy and his friends.

That's for dang
sure. Listen, Daisy.

Y'all hang in there at home base. Luke
and me got us some serious talking to do.

You got it. - , cousin.

It's gonna be alright, Suzy.

Alright, get in, pops.

Put that g*n away, or
pops will put it away for you.

Rosco and Enos.

Ooh, ooh, here they come.

"Come into my parlor,"
said the spider to the bee.

Sheriff, I think that's
suppose to be a fly.

Hang on, cousin,
we're going through.

You can't squeeze
in through there.

- Here they come, sheriff.
- Whip out your w*apon.

- He's-he's still coming.
- They're coming!


Enos, they're heading
for the Kissing Cliff.

'Now, you head for Black
Tar Road and try to cut 'em off.'

Yes, sir.

'Set course for Kissing Cliff, we
ought to be able to lose them there.'

Well, Kissing Cliff. Now what?

Simple, we just double
back on Old Tar Road.

'Slow down, you ain't
gonna make it this way.'

'Well, I'm trying to. I can't.
The accelerator's stuck.'

Luke, we can't make it. We
gotta-we gotta get out of here.

Wonder what that'll
do to the wax job.

Gyuh. Ooh.


You sure ain't got much
respect for her wax job.

Daisy is just gonna k*ll you.

Me? What are you talkin' about?

Well, you could've at
least tried to stop me.

Oh, not the way
you drive. Come on.

What? Hey, wait!

'Come back here!'

They got my keys,
and they got your car.

Why'd you leave the
keys in your car for, huh?

You left 'em in yours, sheriff.

Oh, don't try to blame me.

Look at that. Just... freeze!

Mr. Duke... I have every
right to prevent my daughter

from ruinin' her life.

You're wrong, Holmes.

You're the one
that's ruinin' her life.

I'm afraid we disagree.

You know, Suzy and I care
a lot more for each other

than your boys care about you..

Considering the circumstances.

Wrong again.

'I know them boys
care about me.'

But what's more important,
come hell or high water

them boys care about
doing what's right.

You been so busy
making money all your life

'you never learned that.'

I'll tell you somethin' else.

When it comes to you
and your hoodlums here..

You're way out of
them boys' league.

'Uh, this is Sheriff
Rosco P. Coltrane.'

'Uh, Boss, you got
your ears on? Come on.'


'Now, tell me.'

I take it that you already
have got the Holmes girl

and the Duke boys
in custody, over.

Uh, uh, not exactly,
Boss. Come back.

Listen, you dodo.

'If I don't give Mr. C.J.
Holmes back his daughter'

I'm gonna make
youpay what I lost.

'And I don't take IOUs'

'from unemployed
sheriffs, got that?'

'Uh, we're burnin'
rubber. Over and out.'

'Faster! Will you..'

Will you get faster..

Now, get those things..

Will you just..

'It's a pretty day, sheriff.'

Just hurry it up here.

I'll arrest you for..


I hope there's no manure
in there. I hate that.

Suzy, look, you're
just plain outvoted.

Now, we ain't gonna bring you
to your father, we promised you

Freddy, and that's just
what you're gonna get.

- Alright?
- Okay.


I sure hope Freddy's monitoring
channel like he's supposed to.

Les, this here is Luke
Duke. Got your ears on?

Yeah, go ahead.

Alright, here's the deal.

Now, we're gonna
agree to the swap.

'Uncle Jesse for Suzy. But
to keep it all on the up and up'

'we wanna do it
out in the open.'

'In the middle of
Crystal Lake Bridge.'

'Now, in case, Uncle Jesse's
not particularly inclined'

'to show you the
place, you can find it'

'on any county road map.'

Alright, be there at : .

- 'Alright?'
- You got it.

Exactly : , at
Crystal Lake Bridge.

'And no tricks.'


Rosco, Enos

we got ourselves here
a sure thing daily double.

The reward for the Holmes
girl and the Duke boys

behind bars for kidnapping.

Let's go nail 'em!

Gimme my hat. Gimme my hat.

- There you go.
- Oh.

There you go.

Enos, after me, you loser.

Well, Mr. Duke..

It appears we know
those boys of yours

a lot better than you do.

Don't y'all blink an eye now.

You're gonna miss the best part.

Dang fools.

I'd have let you fellas rot
before I'd a-give in to you.

Wish us luck, L.B. Come on.

Get 'em, boys.

Better wait here, Mr. Holmes.

Well, you two
are somethin' else.

They had us, Uncle
Jesse. We did all we could.

Oh, horse feathers.

- Bye, Suzy dear.
- Oh, bye-bye.

'Okay, Suzy, let's go.'

Your father's mad
enough as it is.


Thank you for everything.



I'm sorry, I can't
go through with it..

- Wait a minute, we made a deal.
- I got 'em. Alright.

Take the girl and
get out of here.

Here's mud in your eye.


Come on!

Come on! Ya-ha-hoo!

I just knew you..

- Here they come.
- And here they go.

After 'em, Rosco!

I just seen the Holmes girl
and my new fortune flash by.

You can start blinkin' now.

'Cause Hazzard County
ain't seen a chase like this

since the Dukes helped
old Cale Yarboro get away

from Boss Hogg and Rosco.

'They're gaining on us.'

The old water tower.

'I hope there's
water left in it.'

I guess it's still
got water in it.

- Here we go!
- Yaa-hoo!

Whoa, whoa.

- Oh! Oh! Oh!
- Oh. Oh.

That was.. That was thrillin'.

Boy, it's a good thing
I was drivin', Boss.

I mean, if Enos
here had been driving

we could've really been hurt.

Speak for yourself, dodo.

Oh, I'm sorry about
your cigar there.

I think it's
scuff-scuffed a little bit.

- Now, I'll scuff you!
- It's Enos!

Gentlemen, now, I understand

why she didn't
wanna ride with ya.

When they told
Daisy about her car

she took it pretty good.

Get over here!

Boss took losing them oil
wells with his usual grace.

Oh. Oh..

It's gonna get.. It's alright.

It's gonna be alright.

- Enos!
- Ow! Oh! Oh!

And the very next
day, Suzy and Fred

got themselves all hitched up.

Just like the Dukes planned.

With all of C.J Holmes'
money and power

he couldn't stop mother nature.

Besides that, he figured
if Fred was man enough

to whoop him and
his two bodyguards..

Then, he should be
good enough for Suzy.

For you.

No, oh!

Daisy gets herself
a bridesmaid's gift

a car named Dixie.

And like a lot of
folks in Hazzard

Suzy and Fred lived
happily ever after.

And all because of
the Dukes of Hazzard.
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