13x16 - Pursue Byakuya! The Confused Gotei Divisions

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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13x16 - Pursue Byakuya! The Confused Gotei Divisions

Post by bunniefuu »


Their shape and abilities are based on their Soul Reaper's soul.

Soul Reapers gain power

by learning their names and synergizing with them.

They are born with Soul Reapers and die with Soul Reapers.

That is what Zanpakuto are.

Let's have fun! Byakuya Kuchiki!


That's not working.

How fun

Looks like your speed is only good for running away!







You can't go near him right now!



I will not allow you to pass!

Damn it!


Don't concern yourself with me any further

Otherwise, next time I'll be forced to take your life

Take my life, you say?

Fine! Go ahead and try!

I've always wanted to have a fight to the death with you.

You're finally on board!

Come at me with that spirit Byakuya Kuchiki!

I see.

Then you leave me no choice.

What the ”?


Wait, Rukia!

Let go, Renji!

I must go to my brother!

Oh no!

What is that?




Wha ”?


How long do you intend to keep running?!

You dodged that nicely.

You thought you couldn't dodge it,

so you used your arm in that instant to counter.

That was a smart decision, but you just gave me more targets.

This time what shall I aim for?

Why? Our speed should be equal.

And yet

Is it so strange that you can't catch up with me?


You, the fastest Reaper in Soul Society,

and I, your Zanpakuto, are just about equal in speed.

But while my att*cks make direct hits,

your att*cks keep missing me.

"Oh dear, oh dear!"

That's written all over your face.

That's why you're completely hopeless.

Too bad! I wonder what it'll take to get me?

I'll bet you've never fought with anyone smaller than you.

When equal in speed,

the one who is smaller, me, will have the advantage.

Isn't that common sense?

Your thinking is way too biased.

Why, even the way you feel about Yoruichi

When she's gone, you hate her.

When she returns, you tag along wherever she goes.

Don't you ever walk the middle ground?

What would you know about Yoruichi?!

A lot!

I was your Zanpakuto.

She's the one making you rot!

What's with that look?

Oh, did I upset you?

You can't quite get me, can you?

Your att*cks never work, do they?

Well, I'll deliver the finishing blow!

Can you keep up with my moves?

Where shall I strike the final blow?

Right here!


Th-This is


I concentrated the power of Shunko

around the h*m* you aimed for.

A sword will not penetrate it.

Sorry, but I do not rely solely on my Zanpakuto.

That is what I was taught, how I trained to get to this point.


Found you!

Is this hide-and-seek?


Found you again!

Yay! Now let's play tag!

Wait, wait!


Ban k

Hey, thanks for interfering with my fight.

Because of you, Kuchiki got away.

So how are you gonna make up for that? Huh?!

What the?

That is my Zanpakuto.

You can't just do whatever you please with it.

It is my duty to administer the punishment

for betraying its master.

Why you ”

I must get back quickly.

Looks like you had a rough time.


What is it, Soi Fon?

Stop! Please, not that!

“ What are you saying? “ Let go!

Your body has been infused with a deadly poison.

You must be treated quickly, or it will be too late.

I don't need that stuff!

I've already heard that your treatments don't really work!

Goodness! Who told you such a thing?

Ishida! Ishida told me!

Oh That Quincy.

I knew I should have restructured him too,

so that he wouldn't talk unnecessarily.

"Too"? Did you just say "too"?

Which means, you intended to restructure me too!

You talk too much!

I just meant that since I'm treating you anyway,

I can restructure you without charge.

You should be grateful!

Why would I be happy being injected

with something that's totally suspicious?!


What?! What's going on?!

“ Hey! “ Please calm down.

Hold him down, Nemu.

“ Let go! “ Yo.

I don't care what you do to him,

as long as he's still able to fight me.

Kenpachi Hey, don't just stand there.

Stop him!


I don't care if you're a machine or a monster.

As long as I can have fun fighting with you.

Why you ”

Hang in there, Icchi!

By the way, how come the poison isn't affecting you two?

Well Umm

We held our breath so that we wouldn't breathe in the poison,

so we were fine!


The poison is supposed to enter your body

whether it's breathed in or not.

Maybe it doesn't work on idiots.

Or, I bet it's that

I'll bet Captain Zaraki's Spiritual Pressure repelled the poison.

Kyoraku! Ukitake!

Sorry we're late.

Are you all right?

Captain Kurotsuchi

Thank you for tending to everyone.

Squad will take over from here.

I'm saved!

Please be quiet.

Let me go!

My poison cannot be so easily treated

by those unfamiliar with it.

Please rest assured.

We just treated Isane and the others

who had been att*cked by Ashisogijizo

We've already analyzed its contents.

That was unwarranted!

Next time, I'll come up with a poison

that even you, Captain Unohana, cannot analyze so quickly.

I'm looking forward to it.

What are these two sparring about?

Captain Unohana

You said the Ashisogijizo att*cked?

Yes before coming here,

Konjiki Ashisogijizo infiltrated the Seireitei.

Hado , Shakkaho!

Ban kai

Oh no! It's catching up to us!


I'm sorry I think the poison has taken effect

You always overdo it.

I'm glad it went well


What's wrong?!




Not me too?

Fortunately, Ashisogijizo went on its rampage

close to the Squad barracks.

The four are being treated there now.

Their lives are not in danger.

They should recover after some bed rest.

Thank you, Unohana.

Captain Unohana!

Lieutenant Kira was discovered between the collapsed buildings.

In addition,

we found Third Seat Madarame in a corner of the courtyard

and Fifth Seat Ayasegawa beyond the forest ”

all of them unconscious!

I understand.

Everyone, I can handle things here.

Please go ahead.

“ Yes ma'am! “ Yes ma'am!

Hey, what about your Zanpakuto? Was it okay to break it?

It doesn't matter.

This was necessary in order to explicate

the way the Zanpakuto are being brainwashed.

Huh? So earlier, you made it submit?

Hardly. It simply self-destructed.

It's no different from that ruffian breaking Wabisuke.

Then you

Quiet already.

I broke it in order to discover new information.

And it's none of your business.

You don't care about losing your own sword

for the sake of an experiment?

Of course not!

You're so reliable at times like this.

Kuchiki, are you all right?

I'm sorry to cause you concern.

It's fine. Just stay still.


You couldn't stop Byakuya?


Just what does he intend to do?

Good work

Are you heading for the World of the Living?

Follow me.

Now then

I guess I'll go.

Where are you going, Zaraki?

Isn't it obvious?

I'm gonna find Kuchiki and challenge him.

Ken, that sounds like fun!

You won't find him just searching blindly.


Yoruichi Shihoin, you're back?

They really did a number on this place.

So, do you know where they are?



But I've located the Head Captain's whereabouts.

Wanna go?

It's here.

Renji, do you know where my broken Sodenoshirayuki is?

Speaking of which, Zabimaru is missing too.

Oh, Captain Kurotsuchi took them all.

He said he's going to repair them.

That's good ”What?!

We've got to get them back before he restructures them!


Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers!

Now that I've manifested myself,

I think I'd like to dress up a bit.

Oh, this is nice.

Hmm I'd like something cute.

Oh, this one's nice.

Well, that old lady wouldn't comprehend how cute this is.

Well, that young girl wouldn't comprehend how cute this is.

“ Excuse me, I'll take th ”! Huh? “ Excuse me, I'll take th ”! Huh?
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