12x11 - A Miraculous Body! Ggio Releases

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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12x11 - A Miraculous Body! Ggio Releases

Post by bunniefuu »

Other than being able to see Spirits,

I, Ichigo Kurosaki, was a very ordinary high school student.

When I met Soul Reaper Rukia Kuchiki,

I obtained Soul Reaper powers that allowed me to protect people.

As I began my work as a Substitute Soul Reaper,

I was sucked into a maelstrom of battle.

Orihime Inoue was taken away

by the treacherous Soul Reaper, Aizen.

Together with Chad and Ishida,

I headed into Hueco Mundo to rescue Inoue

and began my battles against the enemy, the powerful Arrancar.

In order to stop Aizen, who invaded the World of the Living,

the Thirteen Court Guard Squads moved into action.

An all-out w*r was about to begin.

In order to prevent Aizen from wiping out

Karakura Town, an Enriched Spirit Zone,

the Soul Reapers moved Karakura Town

to safety in the Rukon district

and took up positions in a replica of Karakura Town

that they had placed in the World of the Living.

Upon Genryusai's order,

each of the Soul Reapers faced off against the Espada and Flacciones.

Soi Fon, captain of Squad ,

faced off against Barragan's Flaccion, Ggio.

Soi Fon engaged in a mid-air battle with Ggio

in his released form, Tigre Estoque,

but Ggio's increased speed and strength of att*ck

gradually began to run her down.

Meanwhile, Omaeda,

who faced off against another of Barragan's Flacciones Nirgge,

also struggled against Nirgge's released form, Mamut.

Omaeda could only run away from Nirgge,

who swung his trunk and chased Omaeda

with speed that did not match his body.

It appeared Nirgge's att*cks had finally caught up with Omaeda, but

How did you?!

Who do you think I am?


I am lieutenant of Squad , and concurrently the leader of

the Stealth Force Second Unit, "Patrol Troops," Marechiyo Omaeda!

That's the "Stealth Force."

There's no way I'd be slow.

Smash 'em,


All right!

You fool! I won! Serves you right!

Talk smack to me, will you?!

Look at you now, pauper!

Hopping like a bunny with that huge body of yours!

You've got no substance!

You've got a face like a vacuum cleaner, you bastard!

Shall I tear off this funny nose of yours?!


I see. So it was all an act, huh?

Uh, no, I'm sorry!


I said wait.

Oh Ow ow ow!

My nose is still here, right?

What?! What just happened?!

What the



Are you all right, Captain?!

I mean, what's gotten in to you, Captain?!

You look like you're in serious trouble, Captain!

Shut up!

Don't make a fuss over something so minor.

You're stifling me.

But Captain?!

Turning your back to an enemy during battle is inexcusable,

even if your superior is down.

But what subordinate wouldn't rush to their fallen superior's side?!


That guy has overwhelming strength

to be able to put this much pressure on Captain.

We have to fight him together, Captain!

Is that compassion for your superior?

Or is it loyalty?

That's not it at all! It's just that

Just what?

I don't ordinarily even feel like dealing with your arrogance,

but don't forget that sometimes it leads to insulting me!

Move. You're in my way!

Have you completed your farewells with your second in command?

Why would I have to do that?

Because you're going to die. Isn't it obvious?

Even if I should die, I have no need to tell him farewell.

Glad to hear that.

What's the big idea of treating me like a nuisance

when I'm just concerned about her!

No matter how you look at it, that was mean!

She landed on her butt. She hasn't got any leeway!

Damn, she really pisses me off!

That bastard's impressive

He's keeping up with Captain's moves!

In fact, he's evenly matched against the Captain!


Can you really call that even?!

Isn't it nice that our weapons are similar!

You can fight using familiar fighting techniques!

You can make full use of all your strength!

In other words

Even if you use all your strength, this is the best you can do!

I knew it. Captain is getting pushed back.

Is she putting on an act?!

No, even if she were putting on an act,

that prideful captain who shoved away my offer to help

would never pretend to be losing.

Should I go to assist, after all?

No, if she says something like she did the last time,

even my natural reaction would be "don't monkey with me!"

That's right, see if I go to assist!

I don't care what happens to her!

Is that so?

Oh, damn right!

Don't forget about me!

Worried about your subordinate, after all?

If I have to worry about my subordinates each time,

there'd be no end.

I wonder.

But it looks like there won't be anything

about your subordinate to worry about.

Why is that?

I doubt your second will be alive.

What do I care? It's his fault for being weak.

He gets what he deserves.

You are quite a cold captain.

Maybe I overdid it. I should've held back a bit.

That fatso was a real wise ass and annoying,

but it's not fun if it ends like this.

Well now, you have nothing more to worry about, right?

I think I'll settle this now.

Worry, you say?

Sorry, but I hold no such feelings toward my subordinates.

And besides

Oh that hurt.

Damn you!

I wonder why it is.

I don't really know why myself,

but my body's been sturdy since the time I was a kid.

Maybe it's because rich people

are built differently than the average joe, after all.

I'll fix that wise-ass mouth of yours

so it'll never speak again!

I'm not falling for the same thing twice!

Smash 'em, Gegetsuburi!

Here goes!

C'mon, c'mon!

What happened to the fight you had earlier?

Are you afraid of my strength?!

I'm doing well! Did you see that, Captain?!

What's she doing? She'll get k*lled!

Oh no!

No fair, you bastard!

One more time!

Looks like our roles have switched, captain of Squad .

It seems your second in command's battle will be settled soon.

It's about time we settle this side, as well.

Now you know.

Damn it!

It's useless. You can't run away anymore.

It looks like your boss's fight will end first, though.

That's not my concern.

She's in quite a peril over there

Do I go to help her No But

If I don't do something about this guy first,

he'll att*ck me from behind!

I can't do anything unless I get this trunk off of me

A Cero?

Here I go!

I wonder what'll happen if you get hit at pointblank range.

Come to think of it, I told you my name,

but I didn't have the time to ask for yours.

Not that it really matters, though.

See you, captain of Squad .

What is this? You're in the way. How'd you appear all of a sudden?


Didn't Nirgge k*ll you?

Nirgge? Oh, you mean that elephant bastard?

I can use this force against him

Idiot! I used the strength of your pull!


That's how it happened!

Anyway, I did it, Captain!

I got him!

Now, Captain! This is your chance!

Got me?!

Who are you saying that to?

Blow away.

Who told you to come and rescue me?

Didn't I tell you earlier?

Your arrogance can sometimes be an insult to me.


I wanted to observe the strength of an Arrancar's Resurreccion.

In preparation for the next battle against the Espada.

Well, never mind. I've seen enough of his limits.

Y-You-You don't have to put it like that!

I came to rescue you, Captain,

because I thought you were going to be k*lled!

But what's with that?!

"Who told you to come and rescue me?"

That's so mean!

You said it like I did something I shouldn't have!

Miser! Ogre! Meany! Wicked!

Lend me your ear, Omaeda.

What is it?

You moron.

My guess is that you were worried that if I was k*lled,

you would be next, that's why you came to help.

Well? Am I correct?

I never

Besides, let's say I was k*lled.

Have I ever taught you to come to my rescue?

I thought I taught you,

if a fellow squad member is k*lled, think of it as a good opportunity.

Don't get in-between. s*ab the opponent from the back.

If there is that big a difference in ability

between you and the enemy that you can't even do that,

then let your fellow squad member be k*lled.

That's the way of the Stealth Force!


Your enemy is still alive and well.

Hurry and get going.

That's harsh!

You don't have to treat me like a nuisance!

Never mind and go.


defeat him quickly.

Sorry to keep you waiting, Arrancar

I'll show you

what you mocked as the "best" a Stealth Force fight could be.

A real assassination


That bastard!

He's seriously lost it. I can't get close to him like this!

Unforgivable! I'm never going to forgive you!

That was an anticlimactic ending! You're mine now!


Where are you?!

I learned something earlier.

I thought I taught you,

if a fellow squad member is k*lled, think of it as a good opportunity.

Don't get in-between. s*ab the opponent from the back.

It's not only when a fellow squad member goes down.

One's own crisis can be an opportunity, as well.

You bastard You mean you went down on purpose?

It's over!

You're going to show me a real assassination, you say?


Wait. I take back what I just said.


Someone of your low level might not be able to see it.

Don't Don't mock me!

W-What was that?

Look you!

I'm going to show you what true strength is!


This is Tigre Estoque's actual battle form!

Tigre Estoque Sable!


I said my Suzumebachi kills in two stings,

but you probably felt only one, didn't you?

Damn it.

All right!

You did it! Way to go, Captain!

But I don't get it.

So Suzumebachi is effective even if it

doesn't sting twice in the same place?

It did.


I gave him two strikes to the same location in his right lung,

once from the chest, and once from the back.

I went for the organs instead of the wound from the very start.

Never mind that. Don't talk too much, Omaeda.

A new opponent.

Don't give out anything that might put us in jeopardy.


And follow me so you don't get in the way.


That Mamut what's-his-name wasn't much of an opponent.

Wrong! My name is Nirgge Parduoc.

Mamut, written "giant elephant soldier,"

is my Resurreccion form!

It doesn't matter. You're already dead.

Oh shut up!

Today's Zanpakuto is Renji Abarai's Zabimaru.

Roar, Zabimaru!

When Zabimaru is released it can extend and retract

via its segments, allowing it to destroy even enemies at a distance.

It is a frightening w*apon.

When it takes form,

it is a baboon's body with a snake for a tail,

each with its own personality.

Renji is fond of saying that the two

often complain to him together.

You'll have some, won't you, Rukia?

Now I understand why you get a lot of complaints.
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