01x28 - "The Night Before" / "The Night Before the Finals! Pegasus's Secret"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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01x28 - "The Night Before" / "The Night Before the Finals! Pegasus's Secret"

Post by bunniefuu »

[Echoing in]
your move, your move,

Your move, your move,
your move...

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to d-d-d-d-d-duel!

♪ yu-gi-oh

[Chomping and chewing]

Joey: gimme seconds
of that cheese.

Tristan: yeah,
and the ham.

And that weird jelly
cake-looking thing.

Teá: if this was a duel
munchers competition,

You two would win.

On behalf of
mr. Maximillion pegasus,

I'd like to congratulate
the finalists

And welcome them
to this final phase

Of the duelist kingdom

I trust you all have
your playoff entry cards.


In your invitation
to the duelist kingdom,

You received these cards:

Glory of the king's hand

And glory of the king's
opposite hand.

You must have one of these

To participate
in the final tournament.

Those without them
are disqualified.

So that's what they're for.

Each card provides
unique prizes.

The glory-of-the-king's-hand
card is needed

To claim the $ -million
cash prize.

The opposite-hand card
allows the winner

To challenge pegasus
for the championship.

Aah! [Thinking]
now he tells me.

I don't have either one.

[Thinking] of the millions
of cards I own,

I run across
the that I don't.

I have to get me one.

To make tomorrow's
tournament interesting,

Your host has added
a special ingredient

To your soup.


Ohh! It's
staring at me.

Hey, mine's eyeball-free.

Hey, this is worse
than having a fly
in my soup.

Open up the eye
and look inside it,
if you will.


Each of you has been
randomly assigned a letter.



What's this for?



Croquet: and now
the island's computer

Will pair up the letters
to determine

Tomorrow's duel match-ups.

Gee, I wonder
who's going to
have to face who?

[Thinking] good.
Once I know
who I'm dueling,

I can use tonight
to prepare.

[Thinking] it doesn't matter
who I'm up against

If I don't have
one of them glory cards.


Croquet: and tomorrow's duels
are as follows...

Who has c?

Me, runt.

All right!

It's payback for
trapping us in that cave.

Once I crush you,
you'll wish you were
still in that cave.


Looks like it's
you and me, mai.

I'm looking forward
to this duel.

Yeah. Me, too,

And may the best
duelist win.


The duels are set.

Yugi moto
versus mai valentine,

And bandit keith
versus joey wheeler.

Please enjoy
the rest of this feast

Because for
of you tomorrow,

Your long journey will end
in failure.


So it has begun.

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Joey: I'm stuffed
like a sumo wrestler.

that was good.

I can't believe
you drank the entire
eyeball soup.

Hey, there, joey.


We better get to bed.
We'll need our rest

If we're all gonna
be in top shape for
the tournament tomorrow.

what's the point?

Since I don't have
that card--huh? Wha?

Actually, this
card is yours, joey.

Why don't you
just think of it as
an early birthday present?

Ohh! Yugi!

But, yuge,
you need it.

The rules never said
we needed both cards
to compete,

So we each only need one.


If you give up now,

Who's going to save
your sister?

What kind of big brother
would you be

If you didn't even try
to win the prize money?


And besides, joey,
think about the odds.

If we're both
in the tournament,

It doubles our chances
of winning the entire thing.

So take it, ok?

Take it.


You're a real pal,


All this
lovey-dovey stuff

Is making
my skin crawl.

So good night,
boys and girls.

And catch you
tomorrow, yugi.


Good night, everybody.

Tomorrow's a big day.

Teá: good night!


Night, guys.




Thanks again
for bailing me out.

You're the best, pal.


Well, time
to catch some zs.

Don't snore
too loud.

I don't snore.

You kept us up
half the night
at the campfire.


[Crickets chirping]

[Thinking] well, grandpa,

I've made it this far.

A couple of more victories,
and we'll go home...


Ok. I'll have to
fine-tune my deck

If I'm to beat yugi...

Even if it takes me
all night.

[Mumbling] bavarian cream
would hit the spot right now,

Glazes and crullers.

Mmm, uhh, mmm.

Gigantic doughnut!

Hmm, mmm. Uhh.

[Thinking] the one night
I get to sleep in a decent bed,

And I'm wide awake.

[Knock on door]huh?

Who is it?


What's up, guys?

Trouble, teá.

Tristan thinks
that pegasus cheats
in all his duels.

Well, he does!


Teá: no! You really think
he beat kaiba this morning

By cheating?

Yeah! I mean,

Kaiba's one
of the world's
top duelists,

But pegasus beat him
like he was an amateur.

That's true.

No one can beat kaiba
that easily,

At least not playing
fair and square.

The way he was dueling,

It seemed like
he knew what cards

Were in kaiba's hand
the entire time.

I'm telling you the truth.

Pegasus is as bogus
as a $ . Bill.

He's a punk!

You can't trust
that guy.

Even if you're right
about pegasus,

What can we do,


We'll find out
how pegasus cheated.

There has to be
some clue down at
the dueling platform.

We'll expose pegasus
for the fraud that he is.

With all the guards

We'll need help
from yugi and joey.

No. They have to rest
for the tournament.

And besides,
a herd of elephants
won't wake joey.

It's up to us.

We have to do this
all by ourselves.

I'm with you.

[Sighing] hmm.

Grandpa's voice,
echoing: yugi.


[Gasps] grandpa!
Is that you?

Yugi, I must
speak with you.

where are you?!

Follow my voice.


Huh, hmm. Ach.

Keep searching, guys.

There has to be
a hidden camera
or something.

Maybe pegasus
isn't a cheater.

He could be good
at guessing cards,

Like a psychic
or something.

I once spoke to a psychic.

The lady said
I'll have a nice girlfriend

Within months.

It's been a year,
not a single date.

I don't believe
in psychic powers.


What's wrong, teá?


Tristan, your back.

Hmm? Something
on my back?



Isn't that

How can moonlight
enter this room?


Go stand on
the dueling platform

And pretend
to hold a card up

Just like
you're dueling.


[All gasp]

what do you see?

There's a tower
right across the courtyard.

And isn't it convenient

That the window faces
in this exact direction?

It'd be a piece of cake
for one of pegasus' g*ons

To hide in the tower
with a telescope

And spy on kaiba's hand.

Hmm. Then the goon
relays kaiba's cards.

Pegasus could be
hiding a receiver
under his hair.

Good thinking, sherlock.

There's bound to be
tons of proof

Hidden in that tower.

Let's get over there
right now.

Aah, what about
the guards?

Hunh, uhh!

You'll be safe
with me.


Beware of pegasus.

You must stop him,

Or he could destroy
the entire world.



I'm coming,

Teá: oh, this castle's
like a maze.

Tristan: shh.
Keep it down.

There's g*ons
around that corner.

Bakura: there's g*ons
around every corner.

I said, shh!
This way.

We're running around
in circles.

It'll be daytime
before we get to the tower.


Look at what I found.

What's that for?

This grappling hook
gives me a great idea.

Harpy lady combined
with cyber shield.

[Thinking] yugi's
already familiar
with this combo

Because he saw my duel
with joey.


He knows my deck
almost as well as I do.

If I'm to beat him,

I can't rely on
my same old bag of tricks.


well, time to snatch me
one of those special cards.



Where are you?
I can't find you!

Grandpa, echoing: yugi!

Beware of pegasus.

Pegasus wields shadow powers
of incredible strength,

Much stronger than anyone
could have imagined.

But how?
How's that possible?

[All grunting]


Both: huh? Hmm.

[Muffled grunts]

Ohh! Uhh!

I can't believe your plan
is to enter the tower

From the outside.



You wanted to avoid
all the guards.

I don't see g*ons
up here.

Grandpa, tell me, how can
pegasus' shadow magic

Still be growing in power?

Every soul he traps
in the shadow realm

Increases his strength.


He's got to be stopped!


Grandpa: ooooohh!



No! Kaiba!



This is wrong.
This is terrible.

Save me, yugi.

Save me, yugi.



All right.

Teá, take the lead,
and we'll follow you.

That way, in case
you lose your grip
and fall off,

One of us can catch you.

you're next, yugi.

he wants you, yugi.

Why is pegasus
after me?

Pegasus unlocked
tremendous magic

With his single
millennium item.

How much power
do you think he will wield

If he has your puzzle?


[All grunting]

Bakura: tristan,
that's not the rope,
that's my leg.

Tristan: well,
climb faster!

Grandpa, how can
I stop pegasus?

Grandpa: just as pegasus
learned to harness

The magic of
his millennium eye,

You must also learn
to control

The power of
your own millennium item.

My puzzle?

Yes, yugi.
Your millennium puzzle.

But how?

That you must discover
on your own.

Whatever it takes,
pegasus must be defeated.

If he wins, with his
unlimited shadow powers

And the magic of
the millennium items,

He can unleash armageddon
upon the entire world!



You can do this, yugi!

I believe in you!

[Lock clicks]

We're in.


Your plans
are horrible.

I got you up here
safe and sound, didn't i?

Unh, hmm.



not even a telescope.

How can that be?

Who do you suppose
this is?


Whoa. That's
a mighty big painting.

Can you find
a light switch?

Ohh! Huh?

Did you turn on
the lights?


Then who did?

maybe the light's

I've seen
this portrait before,

In the dining hall,
I think.

She must be very important
to pegasus.

But I haven't seen
her at all

Since we've been
in the castle.

Do you think maybe
she's pegasus' wife--


Isn't it
past your bedtimes?

Teá: pegasus!

How'd you find us?

A little birdie told me.

It saw you
climbing up the walls.

Yeah, well,
we're onto you, pegsy.

Listen up!

You've been spying
on kaiba's cards
from up here.

The jig is up.
Why don't you
just admit it?


You break into
my private sanctuary
through the window

And accuse me
of wrongdoing?

Absolutely no one
is allowed in this room,

And I'm afraid you
have seen too much.

What do you mean?

You should've
stayed in your rooms.

Instead, you will now
be disciplined.

[All gasp]

Oh, what's going on?

The floor!

All: aaah! Aaaah!

Men, chanting:
realm of shadows,

In this twilight hour,

Accept these souls
and grant us power.

Realm of shadows,
in this twilight hour,

Accept these souls
and grant us power.

Where are we?

Do you hear

Men: ...twilight hour,
accept these souls

And grant us power.

Let's go check it out.

But why?

Must you always
criticize my plans?

Realm of shadows,
in this twilight hour,

Accept these souls
and grant us power.

Realm of shadows,
in this twilight hour,

Accept these souls
and grant us power.

Tristan: who
are these clowns?

What do you think
they're up to?

I don't know...

But they're
creeping me out.

...accept these souls
and grant us power.


There's a blue eyes
on that tablet.

I don't like this.

Let's get out of here.

Oh, look there.

It's that painting again.

Who can she be?

Tristan: hey,
those two look like
they're dueling.

Pegasus: you lose.

Uhh! Aaah!


All: what?



Oh, no.



Grandpa: yugi!


Unlock the secret
of the millennium puzzle.

Only then
can you defeat pegasus.

Kaiba: yugi!

Mokuba: yugi!

The millennium puzzle,




It was all
just a dream.

Or was it?

Where did that
robed guy go?

Hmm, the shadow realm.

Shadow realm?

Not again!

This is how the shadow games
were played

Thousands of years ago.

These duel rituals
release the magic
of the shadow realm.

And every soul I trap there

Increases the power
of my millennium eye.

You can't imagine
the strength of my magic,

But one power
still eludes me:

The ability to control
life over death!

For that magic
I must capture more souls,

Like yours!

Whoa! He's gonna
send us all to
the shadow realm!

No way!

It's not my fault.

I can't simply
allow you to escape

After you've snooped
around my castle

And learned my secrets.

I hope the accommodations
in the shadow realm

Are to your liking.

And my dear, bakura,

Your capture will do more than
strengthen my shadow powers,

For I shall also gain control
of your millennium ring.


Ha ha ha ha!

What's this?

Yami's voice: ha ha ha!
Change of plans.

Can this be?!

I sense a dark soul
within your ring!


You may indeed
sense me now,

But you won't remember
any of this later.

Erase their minds!

Oh! Oh, my head,
it hurts.

What a horrible

But was it a dream?

It seemed so...
So real.

I feel like
something terrible's
going to happen.

Yami's voice:
you cannot hide
from me pegasus.

Your millennium eye
will soon be mine.

Ha ha ha ha!


You snooze, you lose.

hey! Let go of that!


That's my pizza.


keep dreaming, dweeb.

It's game over for you.

Oh, I've done it.

This strategy
is perfect.

Hmm. Sorry, yugi,
but your next duel
is your last.

that wasn't any ordinary dream.

I know grandpa was trying
to send me a message
from the shadow realm.

But what is the secret
to my millennium puzzle?

How do I control it?

I still don't know,

And I'm running
out of time!
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