01x26 - "Champion vs. Creator, Part 1" / "Save Mokuba! Kaiba vs. Pegasus"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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01x26 - "Champion vs. Creator, Part 1" / "Save Mokuba! Kaiba vs. Pegasus"

Post by bunniefuu »

[Echoing in]
your move, your move,

Your move, your move,
your move...

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to d-d-d-d-d-duel!

♪ yu-gi-oh

Joey: all right!
We finally made it!

Pegasus' castle!

race you there, joey!

Joey: you're on!

I'm comin', grandpa.


Oh, no!

No way you brats won
star chips each.

Oh, boy.

Get lost. This
isn't some clubhouse.

It's a place reserved
for the dueling elite.

Hmm. I guess that means
we'll fit right in.


Would you mind
tellin' housekeepin'

That I like my pillows
extra fluffy?


You're a doll.

Last one, and...


At last! We're finally
at the castle!



No, no, no!

You three don't even
have dueling gloves.

Arrhh!but you have to
let us in.

We're the cheerleaders.

Cheer what?!

What do you losers
think this is,

A high school
football game?!

No star chips, no entry!
You got that?

Mai: you're saying
you couldn't do us

This one little favor?


No even for me?


Uh...absolutely not.
Pegasus gave me
explicit instructions

Not to let anyone--
what? Hey!


Stop! Ohh!

Hmm. And
that's that.

You little
Open this door!

There's no time
to waste.

you heard the man.
Let's go!

[Thinking] the sooner
I find pegasus,

The sooner I can find
my grandpa.

Hey! Isn't that--

bandit keith.

I can't stand
this guy.


Well, what
do ya know?

If it isn't
big, tough joey

And his whole crew
of duelin' dummies.

You slime bucket!
I've been waitin'
to find you

Ever since you
left us trapped
in that cave.



Missed me.

Whoops. Too slow.

Can't this little grudge
of yours wait?

You wish, creep.

Ok. Suit yourself.

But the real action
is about to start.

The realaction?


yeah, the world champ
and pegasus.


It's kaiba!

I'd hoped
to get first crack

At the old man
myself, but you know

They save
the biggest match
for last.

Wait a minute.
Are you saying those two
are gonna duel?

That is correct.huh?

Welcome, finalists.
I'm croquet,

Chief tournament liaison.

on making it

This far.
is quite taken

With all of your
dueling talents.

In fact, he's
so impressed,
he wanted

To reward you
with some entertainment--

A special
exhibition match.

I think you'll all
be quite in awe

Of what you're
about to see. Hmm.

This match should
give you an idea

Of what's in store
for all of you.

So basically, it's meant
to intimidate us, huh?

Why would pegasus
do something like that?

'Cause he's
a grade-a nut case.

enjoy the match.


Yugi, thinking: this
should be interesting.

[Thinking] little brother,
I'm here for you now,

And I won't let
anything stop me
from rescuing you.



[Soft chuckle]


Where's my brother?

What? No "hello"?
No "how are you?"

I thought we were friends,
kaiba boy.

Don't tell me
that my kidnapping mokuba

And seizing control
of your company

Has put a rift
between us.

It was nothing personal.

Besides, it's not like
I hurt your kid brother.

He's perfectly safe.

In fact, you can
have him back if you like.

Just beat me in a duel
like we agreed,

And I'll hand him over.

I mean, one little victory
shouldn't be a problem

For the duel monsters
world champ.

that millennium eye
pegasus has

Could make it
a real big problem,
even for kaiba.

I can't believe
I'm saying this,

But I'm not hopin'
kaiba loses this duel.

I still say he's
a first-class jerk

For everything
he put us through,

But I can't help
but feel for him,

Tryin' to get his
kid brother back.

Far as I'm concerned,
anyone who stands up
to pegasus

Can't be all bad.mm-mmm.

[Thinking] joey
and tristan are right.

After all, what
could be more noble

Than fighting for someone
that you love?

I just hope that kaiba
has learned to fight

With his heart
as well as his head.

Come now, kaiba,
it's so gauche

To keep us
in suspense,

with an audience
waiting in the wings.


Hey there, kaiba.

Yugi! How could
you be in here
after I defeated you?

I should've known
you'd find a way.

I certainly did.

Yugi has passed
all the tests

That I have
presented him with.

I hope you're ready,

I've been looking
forward to this
for quite some time.

Kaiba: good.


Kaiba: then you'll
have no problem
dueling with this.



You want to duel me

With your latest

But I don't even know
how the silly device
even works.

Do I spin it
like a top...

Or roll it
like a ball?

Cut the theatrics!


Kaiba means business.

Ok, then. How about
we settle this

Like businessmen would?

I'll agree
to use your system

If you agree to a request
that I have.


Nothing that will change
the game, of course.

I just want someone else
to operate your little
device for me.

I smell a rat.

[Chuckles malevolently]

I assure you,

I'll still make all
the strategic decisions.

The game play
won't change at all.

So why the request?

Why not fight
your own battle

For once in your life?


simple-minded fool.

For all your titles
and technical innovations,

You still haven't
learned that fighting
isn't the only way

To inflict damage
upon an opponent.

A man's spirit can be broken
in much easier ways.

Show kaiba the lad
who'll play as my pawn,

And he'll understand
my request.


Kaiba's brother!


It's me.

not right.

It's like he's
been hypnotized.

Pegasus: I apologize
if he doesn't seem
quite like himself.

But I happen to find
that the captives I keep

Are far easier to manage
after I've made
an extraction of sorts.

You monster!

[Chuckles evilly]

Now, now, kaiba boy.

Petty insults
aren't the way

To get your brother's
soul back.

Ha ha ha ha ha!ohhh!

his soul?!

What's pegasus

He must've done
to mokuba what he did
to yugi's grandpa.

Heh heh heh
heh heh.

I told you
your little brother
was perfectly safe,

And he is. But how long
he remains that way
is up to you.

Beat me in a duel,
and I'll release him
as promised.

But fail, and
not only will his soul
remain in bondage,

But yours will join it.

To save your brother,
you'll have to defeat me.

Defeat you?
I'll crush you!

I had no idea!

I knew pegasus
kidnapped mokuba,

But I had no clue
that he snatched
his soul, too.

[Gasps] of course!

That's why kaiba
went to such lengths
to beat me.

His brother's
even worse off
than he thought.

Mokuba's like
my grandpa now.

I have to help kaiba
any way I can.

Pegasus: so it's settled.
We'll use your new invention,

But your brother
will operate it for me.

Wait! Pegasus!

What's the matter,
kaiba boy?
This was your idea.

Using your own system
is sure to give you
quite the advantage.

What's the problem?

[Thinking] ohhh!
I can't duel
my own brother,

Even if his soul
is in another place.

[Laughing] what's up,
big brother?

I miss you, kaiba.

You came for me!

He's been through
enough already.

Ok, then, pegasus.
You win.

We won't use it.

But that's
his edge!

We'll duel
on your terms.

Just keep
my little brother
out of this.

So rather than duel
your empty shell

With the device
he's perfected,

He'll give me
home field advantage.

Fine with me.
Take him away.

You creep.

Watch yourself, kaiba.
You're in myworld now.

Uhh! Ohh...

Wow! Check out
the automated bridge!


forget the bridge!

An entire arena's
coming down!

That, or
the biggest elevator
ever built!

This should be good.


Mai: the biggest legends
in duel monsters

Going at it?

This is what
it's all about.

[Oscillating tone]

Ready, kaiba?

Your brother's fate
hangs in the balance.


Kaiba, you gotta
believe in the heart
of the cards!

It's the only way
to rescue mokuba!

Huh? Keep out of this.
I'm fighting this duel
my way.

Just don't forget
that it takes

More than
a strong monster

And clever strategies
to win this.

That millennium eye
pegasus has
changes everything.

You have to--

Yuge, don't forget
kaiba's the guy

Who took
of your stars.

I know. But I also know
what it's like

To be dueling for someone
you care about,

And I couldn't
live with myself

If I held back on anything
that could help kaiba
get his brother back!

Easy, buddy.

Yugi, you're a good duelist,
but I don't need your help.

It's my battle
to fight now,

And I will win.

[Chuckles] poor fool.

He needs all the help
that he can get.

We've known each other
for a long time,

And now we'll see
if the master

Is the duel monsters
creator or the champion!

You have nowhere left
to hide, pegasus.

Time to duel!
Time to duel!

Look at you--
the first move, and
already you're nervous.

Here. Defense move.

Feel better?

Oh, and I'll play
this card, too.

But I think I'll keep it
face down for now,

Just to keep you guessing.

[Thinking] I doubt that.

Pegasus must already
be scheming something.

It's my turn now.

[Thinking] hmm...

Blue eyes
on my first draw.

Not bad. But I can't
risk attacking with him

Until I have
a better idea of which
card pegasus put down.

Still, that doesn't
mean I can't attack
with something else.

I'll lay a card
face down, too.

And also I play
rude kaiser face up,

In attack mode.

Kaiba: go, rude kaiser!

Attack pegasus'
defense card

With forearm slash!

Oh, no!

I'd expect more
from you, pegasus.

I had no idea that you
had such powerful cards

At your disposal, kaiba.

I don't think I have
a beast in my entire deck

That could compare
with that creature.

Hold on. I may have
spoken too soon.

Yes, here's
the perfect card--

Parrot dragon.


Bombarding beak!

Not so fast.
I placed a card

Face down, too,

You what?

And I'm activating
its magic right now.

The mesmeric
control card

Entrances your
monster and reduces
its attack power

By points.

[Awk awk]

[Awk awk]

Kaiser, forearm slash!

Carve up that bird!

[Awk awk awk--]

Oh, no!

[Thinking] wait.
Something's wrong here.

I don't get it.
Pegasus talks
a big game

But duels
like a kid.

It's almost
like he's toying
with him.

Yeah. Wait!

Didn't he pull
this act with you?

Yep. I guess

He doesn't even take
the world champion

Yugi: I just hope
kaiba catches on
before it's too late.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

something's not right.

This is all too easy.

Pegasus doesn't even
seem to be trying.

I've taken out
of his monsters

Without him even
putting up a fight.

It's almost like he
expected me to do it...

Like he knew exactly
how I was going
to attack him.

My turn, pegasus.

[Thinking] hmm.
Another good card.

But if I'm right
about pegasus

And he is
just playing with me,

He might be able
to counter it.


[Thinking] I'm not
falling for this bit.

No way. I'll just
play something

That I know he can't
defend against--

My blue eyes!

Stop right there!


I'd like to play
a little guessing game

With that card
you're about to throw
out on the field.

A game?
We're in the middle
of a duel here!

What? I'm allowed
to play a game.

My trap card says so.trap?

I played a card face down.
Don't your remember?

It's called prophecy,
and it gives me the right

To guess whether the card
you're about to play

Has an attack power
higher or lower than , .

And if I manage to guess
correctly, kaiba boy,

Then the card in question
becomes mine.

You can't just--

And I think I'll prophesize
that it is indeed over ,ooo.


But, wait. Wait.
Something else is coming.

Yes. Yes. I see blue.

I see white!

Could it be?
Yes! Of course!

I see the blue eyes
white dragon!


Was I right?

Tell me I was right.

I was right, right?
I so hope I was right.

Enough! Here! Take it!

[Chuckles playfully]

Now the most valuable card
in your deck is mine.

that's impossible.

There's no way
he could've seen
my blue eyes

Before I played it.

How did he know?

Pegasus must be up
to his old tricks.

You got
that right.

he must be using

His millennium eye
to look at kaiba's

Just like he did
with me.

Poor kaiba. Even
his great skills

Don't stand a chance
against pegasus'

Now I have things
you care about, kaiba--

Your dragon and
your brother.
[Chuckles playfully]

Hmm. Let's see
what else I can take.

After your turn,
of course.

Without my blue eyes
white dragon,

I have no choice
but to switch
my monster

To defense mode.

Goody. Now
it's my turn again.

[Thinking] hmm.
Kaiba looks so anxious.

I wonder why.

Perhaps I should look
into the matter.

[Whirring sound]

Yes. Let's look
at what cards he's holding.

Ah. A virus card, eh?

And saggi
the dark clown.
I see.

You're planning
to contaminate my deck

By using those two
in a combo attack.

Brilliant. And normally
a move like that

Would clinch
the match for you.
But not today, kaiba...

Because as soon as you try
and make that move on me,

I'll have a little
something of my own
waiting for you.

Ha ha ha ha!

I'll lay one card
face down on the field

And one monster
face down in defense mode.

And I'm afraid
that's the best move

That I could
come up with.

My turn!

[Thinking] and my chance
to finish this duel
in one move!

Combo attack!

infecting saggi
with this crush card

And then
having him attack

Will spread a virus
through pegasus' deck.

Every monster he has
with over
, attack points

Will be disease-ridden
and useless.

Wait. I remember
this move.

It's the same thing
kaiba used on yugi

In theirduel.

But this time, pegasus
is gonna catch the bug.

Yugi: don't count on it.huh?

Pegasus knows
that it's coming!

Since you just played
your crush card,

I think now would be
an opportune time
to activate this.


Negative energy!

It doubles your clown's
attack points.

And since the crush card
can only be hosted

By monsters with less
than , points,

My magic makes
saggi the dark clown
too strong for the job.

So sorry.
Hah hah hah hah!

[Thinking] he had
the perfect defense
all set up

Before I even att*cked.

But how?

Oh, what's wrong, kaiba?
You look so sad.

Keep your chin up.
I'm sure it was
just a lucky move

On my part.

But you know
what they say, kaiba...

It's better to be lucky
than good. Ha ha ha ha!

Ah! Talk about luck.

My dark rabbit.

And thanks
to my dark energy

He's twice as strong.


But I'm sure
he's still no match

For your stalwart clown.

Hah hah hah--
uh--oh...ho ho...


Oh, my!

And I always thought
a rabbit punch
was a wimpy move.

I've never seen kaiba
so shaken before.

This is bad.

Yugi: the duel
just started,

And kaiba's already
, life points behind!

[Gasping nervously]

[Chuckling malevolently]

[Thinking] now you see
how feeble your skills
truly are,

Kaiba boy,
world champion.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

I make you look
like a novice.

And I've only just
begun to make use
of my millennium eye.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
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