02x04 - The Man Named Fanzell

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Black Clover". Aired: October 7, 2018 – April 12, 2020.*
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Japanese manga series follows Asta, a young boy born without any magic power in a world where everyone does.
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02x04 - The Man Named Fanzell

Post by bunniefuu »

It appeared as if humanity will soon
be destroyed by the demons.

But there was a mage who fought alone
and saved everyone.

He was called the Magic Emperor
and became a legend.

Both of Asta's arms were injured
due to the ancient curse

cast on him by Vetto of the Third Eye.

The members of the Black Bull

set out to find ways to cure his arms.

Noelle and Finral

went to see a man to seek for clues.

I'm sorry to bother you!

I just got out of the bath--

The person that Noelle and Finral
went to see

is called Fanzell Kruger.

Who is this man?

How is he related to Asta?

The story goes back to five months ago.


That was right before Asta and Yuno
got the grimoires

and went to the Royal Capital

to take part in
the Magic Knights Entrance Exam.

At that time,

Asta was staying
in the forest near Hage Village

and training with his sword.

Is this the right way to train?

I have no idea.

I've never learned
how to use a sword after all.

I have no idea about the right posture.

Is this the right way to practice?

Young man, get out of the way!

It's dangerous!

Don't come over here then!

Jump to this side!


You managed to knock it off
with a single blow.

Jeez, I wanted to fish by the river.

But that place turns out
to be the boar's territory.

I see.

I'm Fanzell.

I'm on a journey.

-You can just call me Zell.

-I'm Asta from Hage Village.
-Asta, nice to meet you.

Speaking of which, is that yours?

Yes. Why?

You're a lifesaver.

I haven't eaten anything for two days.

I couldn't catch any fish either.


It's so dry.

It's like all the moisture in my mouth
is being sucked out.

I'm just more curious
as to why you are naked.

Because I didn't want to get
my clothes wet while fishing.

What is this?

You ate it without knowing what it was?

These are nomotatoes,
Hage Village's famous specialty.

So they are called nomotatoes?

Are you all right?

Drink this.

Thank you.

What is this?

It's quite bitter.

Moguro leaf juice is said to be effective
in enhancing one's magical power.

Thanks to you, I feel refreshed now.

To return the favor,

I would like to invite you to my house.

Your house?

I call it my house,
but really, it's someone else's.

I don’t know there was such a place
deep in the forest.

It's an empty house I happened to find.

Hold on. I'll put on some clothes.

A sword that negates magic?

It's my first time seeing one.

I'm going to use this sword

to pass the Magic Knights Entrance Exam.

That's why I'm training in the woods.

I see.

Old Man, what are you doing
in a place like this?

Old Man?

I'm only years old.

What? You're only ?

You look too old for your age.

All right. Let's drop that topic.

I'm waiting for someone.

So deep in the mountains?

For some reason.

By the way, Asta,
you're staying out in the woods, right?

Why don't you stay here
while you're training?

That'd be great, but…

Are you eyeing up my nomotatoes?

You should cherish your encounters
and connections with other people.

It might not leave
something tangible behind,

but it's all experiences
that will remain in your heart.

No way.

Whatever it is, he seems too suspicious.

You need to find out more about him.

All right. I'll stay here then.

Old Man Zell!

Okay, let's decide

who will be chopping up the firewood then.


Watch me!

It doesn't work.

Is it possible that you didn't put
your weight on your knees?

-After swinging the sword,

you always end up
unable to attack further, right?

This is because
you have lost your balance.

That's right.

Always remember

to point your toes
in the same direction as the sword.

Also, it's better
if you move your right foot forward.

Give it a try.

I did it!

-I didn't expect myself to be that good.
-You picked it up pretty quickly.

-Anyway, congratulations.
-All right.

Old Man, you are awesome.

So you know how to use a sword?

Not really…

-Hold on.

Wind Creation Magic, Slicing Wind Emperor.


Just like this, using magic
to take the shape of the sword.

Slicing Wind Emperor,
or "Wind Emperor" for short.

Even the name is so cool.

Because of that,

I know a thing or two about using a sword.

If so, please teach me how to use a sword.

Just a little will do.

Please teach me.




Thank you.

This is great.

It's just so great!

So great!

So great!

But I hope you will keep one promise.

Asta, why do you want to become stronger?

To become the Magic Emperor!

I see. Not bad.

Not bad. That's good.

Are you not going to laugh at me?

Why should I?

Saying things that seem impossible.

You can only find that out
if you give it a try, isn't it?

Promise me

that you won't use whatever I teach you

to do anything else
besides making your dream come true.

All right.

What should I do then?

Don't use it to harm the weak or innocent.

As long as you don't use it
in the wrong way, it's all good.

You don't have to tell me that.

So it's a promise.

Yes, a promise it is.

Okay, let's work hard together.

Okay, I'm counting on you.


Your left foot is too slow!

When making consecutive att*cks,

you can't pause between each attack.

All right.

Asta, you are really good.

You did well
in both attacking and defending.

You are getting better at it.

Old Man, since you are so strong,

you should have been able
to defeat a boar yourself.

I didn't have a sword
or grimoire with me at that time.

Besides, my swordsmanship
is not that great.

You are the one
who is good at using the sword.

I think you are a good instructor,
Old Man Zell.

I used to work
as an instructor or something.

I see.

But my students always looked down on me.

I have taught over a hundred students.

Given your standards,
you can be ranked in my top three.

Top three?

No, in my top two, perhaps?

The top one stretches beyond
the conventional students.

Or I should say he doesn't use a sword
like a sword.


I think you'll soon have what it takes

to pass the Magic Knights Entrance Exam.


Well, let's continue with the training.


I haven't finished eating yet.

A few days later, she finally arrived.

Mr. Fanzell, sorry to keep you waiting.

Who is she?

Mariella, what did you find?


She is one of my students.

I asked her

to help me find out
the whereabouts of my fiancée.

I see.

Wouldn't it be better

if you find her yourself
instead of staying here?

No, for some reason,
it's inconvenient for me

to go around
without bringing too much attention.

I'm Asta from Hage Village.

This old man here is teaching me
how to use the sword.

Nice to meet you.

He is not an ordinary old man.

Although he is one,

he is a really great person.

-I don't know where you come from.
-Old Man?

But he is not someone

that you can just call as "old man."

-I told you. I'm Asta from Hage Village.
-I'm years old…

He is really an old man.
What's wrong with me calling him that?

This is a matter of perception.

If you had known
how brilliant this old man is,

you would have shown him
a different kind of respect.

From the way you addressed him,

there is not an ounce of respect.

How am I going to make "old man"

-sound more respectful?
-Hey. Knock it off.

-All right?
-He is just an ordinary old man.

-I'm the one who gets hurt here.
-No, he is an old man.

Enough of that. Where is Dominante?

Where is Domina?

About that…

Ms. Domina

may have passed away.

Old Man.

Fanzell told Asta
about the situation he was in.

Fanzell and his fiancée, Dominante,

used to belong
to the Diamond Kingdom army.

They could not accept
how cruel the army was,

so they tried to escape.

But they were hunted down by the assassins

and got separated.

Fanzell received help
from his student, Mariella,

whom he helped escape before that

to search for Dominante's whereabouts.

If Fanzell had acted rashly, it would've
drawn the assassins' attention.

To prevent Dominante, who might be nearby
from getting in danger,

he had no choice
but to hide in the empty house.

I see.

This is Ms. Domina's wand.

It was left at the place
where you were att*cked by the assassins.

Also, there were a lot
of bloodstains on it.


Sorry, please let me be alone for a while.

But sir…

Please hear me out.

Do you remember helping me
and the other children escape?


Is everyone all right?

Did you just smile a little?

Actually, except for me,

everyone else is dead.

They have all been k*lled by assassins…

from the Diamond Kingdom.

You are…

Sending information to the Diamond Kingdom

and eliminating any defectors
are my jobs now.

If I didn't do that,

I'd be k*lled like the other children.

But I'm not going to k*ll you

because they want me
to bring you back alive.

Also, this place has been surrounded.

You won't be able to escape.

The other warrior has entered
the final stage.

Your advice is needed

for them to make
the necessary final adjustments.

That's where you should be.

It's Mars.

That boy's name is Mars.

Don't talk about him like he is a w*apon.

-Right, it doesn't matter actually.
-Watch me!

Old Man, are you all right?


What's wrong with you?

Don’t you feel grateful to him?

Of course I do.

I survived, all thanks to him

because he taught me how to fight.

So I still have
the utmost respect for him.

That's why I corrected you
for calling him "old man."

If so, why are you doing this?

If I'm too concerned about all that,
I will never be able to do my job.

So can you stay out of my way?

You wouldn't want to die for an old man
that you don't even know, right?

I know this old man damn well!

No, Asta.

Mariella is right.

You should run.

Didn't we make a promise?

Use what I taught you

to make your dream come true.

It'd be wrong to use it to save an old man
that you don't even know.

Quickly run.

Like I said,
I know you damn well, Old Man!

It's all right.

Even without you,
I can handle these people myself.

But you have been stabbed.

I'll give you my word.

I can surely escape from them.

Keep your word.

Before we meet again,

don't you dare die.

All right.

Asta, I'm sorry.

You have to run.

As for me…



It's fine, Asta.

I don't care anymore.

I have lost the will

and reason to live.

Just leave me be.

I'm tired of this kind of life.

Stop joking around!

Be it the will or the reason to live,

it's normal not to have any of it

because these things

are to be sought for.

If you get it, get on your feet

and fight with me now!

Wind Creation Magic, Slicing Wind Emperor.

Wintry Wind.


Magic that distributes
so much slicing of the wind emperor.

I call it "Flying Moves."

That's a great name.

You had to see me like that just now.

But I'm all good now.


Don't let your guard down.

I'm not!

It negated my magic?

Old Man, what's the matter?

You can't take it already?

We are the ones who should decide
when we are done.

You taught me this isn't the time.

How can I let these people
finish me off just like that?


I'll take care of the rest.

Don't forget
to take the injured ones back.

You are retreating just like that?

When making a sneak attack,
prepare three times the opponent's force.

If half of your men are down,
change your tactics.

If only half of your men are left,
you should pull back.

Someone once taught me that.

This is not over yet.

I'll spend the rest of my life
hunting you down.

That's great.

I'm done running.

I don't want to run from you or myself.

I won't be a coward anymore.

I believe Domina
must still be alive somewhere.

I'll search far and wide for her.

So you'd better keep up with my pace.

Did you hear that, Mariella?

Prepare yourself to be covered
with this old man's stench.

Shut up, will you?

I'm going to burst into tears.

All the best then.

Also, your tone is better now
when you said, "old man."

Don't forget that.

Are you leaving already?

Yes, I'm going to keep looking for Domina.

I want to make up for all the mistakes

I have made in the past.

I haven't decided on how yet,

but I'll probably spend
the rest of my life doing that.

So I won't die that easily.

All thanks to you,
I have made up my mind on this.

I see.

All right. If we keep this going,
it will make it harder to say goodbye.

Well, I shall take my leave.

Hey, are you really going to leave
just like that?

Of course.

Because the flow of time is different

between people with goals

and those with none.

I have to try my best to save time.

Save time?

You have goals to achieve, don't you?

Go on, Asta.

You have what it takes

to achieve your goals.


You start acting like an instructor
only at times like this.

Well, see you again, Old Man.

You have to become the Magic Emperor!

All right.
I should return to the village now.

Asta, this is the last lesson!

Get rid of it!

You should take care of it yourself!

Speaking of which,
why are you naked again?

I don't have time to explain it!

Don't come this way!

Domina, where are you?

I believe you are still alive.

Miss, I have something to ask you.

Stop! Don't go!

Black Clover, Page ,

"The Man Named Fanzell Continued."

Don't let me be naked to get to you.
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