02x15 - Guilty as d*ck

Episode transcripts for the TV show "3rd Rock From the Sun". Aired: January 9, 1996 – May 22, 2001.*
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Four extraterrestrials who are on an expedition to Earth, the third planet from the Sun, which they consider to be a very insignificant planet.
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02x15 - Guilty as d*ck

Post by bunniefuu »

Oh, hi, nina.

Would you stand up on the
desk and adjust that vent?

It's blowing right in my face.

Oh, yeah. I'll get
to that real soon.

Until then, you
just do it yourself.

Fair enough.

Oh, hi, d*ck.

Would you adjust my vent?

With nina in the room?

Get up on the desk
and adjust my vent.

Oh, of course. Nina,
please leave the room.

No problem.

I, uh, I can't reach
it from here.

Put your foot on the chair.

Are you sure?

It's... It's wobbly.

I'll hold it down.

Well, all right.

A little further.

Uh, there. How's that?

Hold on. I'll check.


My foot! My foot!

Oh, I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!

It should've been you!
It should've been you!

That should do it, dr. Solomon.

This is unbelievable.
I feel no pain.

You may feel some discomfort
when the shot wears off.

No. Obviously, the fall has
made me impervious to pain.

You should go home and try to stay
off your foot as much as possible.

Keep it elevated,
keep ice on it.

Just use good judgment.

I have excellent judgment.

Nina, hand me the staple g*n.

Call me if you need me.

Oh, thank you, doctor.

I'll take him home right now.

I can drive myself.

Oh, don't be silly.
It's the least I can do.

I'll take you home, come
back here, pick up my car,

Go to the drugstore, the grocery
store, pick up anything you need.


I'll just bring the car around.

Why is she doing this?

Sit back and relax.

You're in pain. She knows
she caused it. She feels guilty.

Why should she be guilty?

I'm not in pain.

I have a superhuman
threshold for pain.

[sh**ting staples]


And voilä.


Harry: I'm in my room.

Harry, this isn't a room.

This is a shower
curtain in a hallway.

Is that so?

Then why are my linens here?

Because your linens fell
off the washing machine.

I'm sick of sleeping on
the washing machine.

Oh, sure, a vibrating
bed impresses the ladies.

But I want my own room.

d*ck said that I could have one.

No. d*ck said that under no circumstances
could you have your own room.

Let's not quibble
over semantics.

Besides, you guys
have your own rooms.

I sleep in a storage
space behind d*ck's chimney.

And my room is an uninsulated
alcove overlooking a toilet.

Room with a view.

Rub it in.

Harry, you can't
sleep in the hallway.


[d*ck moaning]

Sally: what's wrong?

Ooh. Ooh. She hurt me.

It was an accident.

Some accident.

We can make accidents
happen, too, lady.

Here. Let me elevate that foot.

Aah! Oh! No touchy! No touchy!

No touchy.

Oh, what did my body
ever do to deserve this?

What did I ever do to
you? Mary, turn it off!

I can't.

The doctor said he doesn't
give dr*gs for a sprain.

But that's good news, isn't it?

It's not broken.

I heard that sometimes a
sprain can be worse than a break.

Sally: is that one worse?

Yes! Yes, it is! Much worse!

I said I was sorry.

Can I fix you something to eat?

Just fix my foot.

I don't care if I starve.

Just fix my foot!

Mary: I'll get you some ice.

Look at my foot.
It's one big boo-boo.

d*ck, you sound pretty pathetic.

Is it pathetic to sprain your
foot worse than anybody ever

In the history of
the world? Sally!

I'm sorry, d*ck.

You know nothing about earth
pain until you've been a woman, ok?

One week every month I feel like
I've got a pair of pliers in my pants.

You've got a boo-boo? I'm in
the national guard of pain.

What was I thinking?

I'm so stupid.
Oh, I am so stupid!

Mary seems to
understand my pain.

d*ck, i, too,
understand your pain.

It's right here.


All right, pressman, 2 boxes.

Rafsanjani, one box.



You really think you can
sell 15 boxes of chocolate?


That's right.

After school, on the weekends,

Until every bar of
chocolate is sold.

No one's gonna
want to buy this crap.

It doesn't even have raisins.

I'll give you
raisins. Or nougat.

I'm gonna nougat you, solomon.

What do I get for
selling this crap?

You get the satisfaction of helping
to pay to send the band to washington.

How's that for compensation?

Oh, fine. Cool.

All right, good.

We're gonna practice
some bounce passes.

I want half of you over
there, half of you over there,

And the other half come with me.

I brought you some soup.

Let me just fix this for you.


Eat your soup.



Mm. This tastes sumptuous.

My mother used to make this
soup for me whenever I was...

Did she always
serve it this cold?

I'll heat it up some more.

Thank you, mary. Thank you.

Oh, oh, ohh...

Is something wrong?

Oh. No, but could you
also get me some crackers?


Oh, oh, ohh...

Are you ok?

Oyster crackers?

Oh, oh, ohh...

Oh! Oh! Ohh!

Mary, I just wanted
to say I'm so happy

That it was you who
hurt me so horribly.

All right.

I'll be right back with
your soup and crackers.


Mary: oyster crackers!

My god!

I have a magic foot!

Sally, what are you doing?

Eating your soup.
You can't do that.

It's not that terrible.

You put a bunch of
oyster crackers in it,

You can barely taste it.

Don't eat all of these.

d*ck is lying in there hurt.

Well, I'm fine, and I'm hungry.

Besides, I'm not the
one who broke his foot.


Have a little compassion, sally.

We're healthy. We
have to help him.

I say he's lame. sh**t him.

And voilä!

Harry, what are
you doing in here?

Dancing to the natural
sounds of plumbing.

Ok, well, get out, 'cause I
gotta use the bathroom.

You can't kick me
out of my own room.

Ok, pilgrim. It's your funeral.

Ohh! No, no, no, no.

Hi, my name's tommy solomon.

I'm selling chocolate bars

To send the high school
band to washington.

Hey, fat guy, is this
a dream or what?

Candy, door to door...

Hi, father.

I'm trying to sell
these chocolate bars

So the high school band
can go to washington.

And learn about christianity.

And, uh, become priests.

Tommy: fine, then.

They'll stay here in
rutherford and worship satan!

Now, this is what I call a room.

I've got everything
a man could need.

A piece of plywood, the gnome,

A very thin blanket, no food,

And my new friend the crow.

[Caw caw]

[Cawing] hi, neighbor!

Caw! Caw...

Not exactly the
housewarming gift I'd hoped for.

But you can't pick
your neighbors.

Tommy, make me a sandwich.

You have a sandwich right there.

I know, but mary cut it in
half, and not diagonally,

And that hurts my foot.

Well, you can chalk it
up to me being a teenager,

But I just don't care.

Mary won't be back from the
coloring-book store for half an hour.

You know, this
day has been hell.

I think I met one
nice guy all day.

How many bars did he buy?

Oh, none, but he sold me
this nice set of encyclopedias.

Oh, tommy?

Tommy, it's an emergency.

I need the remote.

Sally! Sally!

Ohh, ohh, ohh!


I can't reach the remote.

It's right there.

I can't get to it.


Oh, lieutenant.

Do you know what it's
like to feel helpless?

To be robbed of your
freedom by an injury?

To be a burden on your family?

Oh! God, how you must hate me.

I'm experiencing the
strangest sensation.

I feel bad that you feel bad.

Even though I know it will be
annoying, I can't seem to fight it.

d*ck, can I get you anything?

Make me a sandwich,
and cut it diagonally.


Oh! You forgot the remote!

My foot! It's better!


Go on, doctor. Give
it to me straight.

The ankle looks great.

Are you sure?

Yes. You're all better.

Don't you think you should
break it and set it again,

Just to make sure
it heals properly?


Doctor, you don't understand.

The moment I sprained that foot,

My life went from
vcr to vcr-plus!

You've got to help me!

d*ck, the ankle is healed.

I won't be treated this
way by your heartless hmo.

I demand control of
my treatment options.

Because it's not the length
of our time here that matters,

It's the quality of our lives!

And if you're not
qualified to break my foot,

Then, by god, I'll find
a doctor who will!

So you're telling me

That in this colorful monochrome
wrapper is a bar of chocolate?

That's right.
Delicious chocolate.

Now, how far would you
walk for a bar of chocolate?

To get a bar of chocolate,

Or at the request of
a bar of chocolate?

To get one.

Oh, 53 miles.

Well, now you can have
chocolate in your own home.

In my own home?

That's right. Now, how
much would you pay for that?

For my own home or
for a bar of chocolate?

For a bar of chocolate.


Well, we tried.


Excuse me. My
friend hurt his leg.

Can you help us out
and buy a chocolate bar?

Oh, nina, I can't tell
you how good it is

To be around people who
brush their own teeth.

You're not brushing his teeth?

Do I have any messages?

1:00, Dr. Solomon called.

Wants to know where you are.

Oh, god.

1:05, Dr. Solomon called again.

His foot feels hot,

Doesn't know if that's a
good thing or a bad thing.

1:12, Dr. Solomon
called. He's hungry.

Can you come make him
a personal pan pizza?

1:17, Dr. Solomon called.

Wants to know if
you've forgotten

That you were the
one who hurt his foot.

[Telephone rings]



[Imitating old woman] hello?

No. You have the wrong number.

Oh, your foot hurts.

Have you tried hitting
it with a hammer?

I've cold-called.
I've direct-mailed.

I can't afford a pay-per-view
special. Nothing works.

It's not my problem, buddy.

Just help out an incredibly
screwed kid and buy a chocolate bar.

If I bought every stupid
thing that came to my door...

Tommy, forget it. The
guy's not buying anything.

I'd be living up to my pledge

To help every kid
who came to my door.

Cash or check?

How about both?

Oh, come on! That
is just so cheap!


I... I really want some candy!

[Radio plays rock music]

What is that?

93.9. The wave.

The best of the seventies,
eighties, and today.

I know what it is, but
where is it coming from?

From my new tree
entertainment system.

Oh, look!

The squirrels are getting
it on to marvin gaye.

So it's nice up there?

Only the best room in the house.

See ya later, d*ck.

But... But... Wh-wh-what...

Oh, sally.

Thank god you're here.

You know how I hate
asking for your help,

But could you just please
do me this one little favor?


I want to see harry's
cool tree house.

Carry me?

No way.

Oh, please, sally.

I have so little joy in my life.


Look, sally, I ask
you for so little.

Couldn't you just once...


You're right.

What good is a tree house visit

When death is only moments away?


Tonight's meal may be my last.

And you know what that means.

Mexican night!

I think I hate you, d*ck.

Tommy, harry, we gotta
go back to the store!

It's mexican night!

Oh, great.

It's so weird, d*ck.

I don't know if it's
what you're saying

Or how you're saying it,

But, um, all that stuff that
used to make me want to help you,

Well, now it's
just pissing me off!

Oh, and, sally.


Corn tortillas, not flour.

Sí, señor.

No way!

You guys, you gotta see this.

Sally: hoh! I should've known!

Mary: what are you looking at?


That bastard!

There goes mexican night.

Oh, it's mexican
night, all right.

Mexican prison night.

I say we stick a
bucket on his head

And whack him with
a bat, like a piñata,

And we don't stop
till candy comes out.

Tommy, harry, let's go.

Wait a minute, sally!
What about me?

He's taken advantage of
me worse than any of you.

He made me cut up his
food and feed it to him.

He made me sing to his foot.

He made me take his temperature.

The hard way.


Besides, I don't think you
have what it takes to get even.

I have a metal bucket
and 3 softball bats.

That's a pretty good start.

Oh. Oh, hi.

The ladder appears
to be disconnected.

Funny how that happened, eh?

That must be painful
up there on that ladder

With that terrible,
terrible sprain.

Uh, oh, yeah. It,
uh, hurts a lot.

Hey, d*ck, how'd
you get up there?

Well, you know how it is.

No. Tell us.

Could one of you just
grab the end of the ladder

And pull it in?

Mary: gee, I don't
know. It's awfully far.

My arm hurts. My
neck's sore. Mine, too.

Why don't you let me down,

And I'll have a look at them?

Admit it, d*ck. You're a liar.

Sally: you manipulated
us. You tortured us.

It just happened.
It's nobody's fault.

Ok, ok. It's my fault.

Your servitude just felt
so good. So appropriate.


I'm sorry.

Mary: that's better.


Oh, now, that's gotta hurt.

Not as much as that.

All right. Everybody
line up into a circle.


Sorry I'm late, coach.

Hey, anybody who can sell 15
boxes of chocolate in my class

Can be a little tardy.

What's your secret, champ?

Uh, you know, I just kept thinking
about sending the band to washington.

Yeah. They're going to
owe you some real thanks

When they get back next week.

What, they're coming back?

Well, yeah.

All right,

Which one of you tools
sold enough chocolate

To buy them a return ticket?

Hey, you look at me when
I'm talking to you. Come here.

Guilt is like a bellybutton

That doesn't even collect lint.

It's a wasted emotion that just
nags and nags and nags and nags...

Until d*ck falls
out of the tree.

Ohh... Ohh... Ohh...

Maybe guilt is some kind
of ancient guidance system,

A stealth emotion designed to
make people help each other out

Even if they don't even want to.

Well, if I could just
break that code,

I could get you all to serve me.

You don't need guilt to
get anyone to serve you.

We proved that when
we were selling candy.

All you need to do is
remind people they like sex.

Oh, wouldn't it be scary if
sex and guilt were connected?

Sex and guilt connected.

Harry, you're an idiot.

I know. I know.

d*ck, I've been watching tv,

And I think you can walk
without these crutches.

No, I can't.

This man says he cannot walk.

But I say that he can.

I say feel the spirit
of d*ck solomon.

Stand up and walk.

My foot is broken.

Oh, foot, broken.
Those are just words.

Now reach inside and
walk my brother. Walk!


Stay in bed, my brother.
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