16x13 - Team 7

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto: Shippuden". Aired: October 2009 to March 2017.*
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16x13 - Team 7

Post by bunniefuu »

Squad Seven Regarding the next group of genin that you'll be in charge of Me?
Now don't look so upset.

Guy has already formed his squad and has gone out on missions with them.

Aren't you eager to set out with your own apprentices?
I'm sure this new batch of genin will hold your interest.

Where are we?
This is Naruto Uzumaki's house.

Lord Fourth's orphan.

So that child is a genin.

Are you a little interested now?
So this is where Naruto lives.


This milk is way past its expiration date.

Minato Sensei was so meticulous.

I can't believe this is his son.

He's a bit of a fool, but it would be best if you looked after him.

You have good instincts.

That Uchiha boy, Sasuke, is also on your squad.

I wish you the best of luck.

What have I gotten myself into?
Next up is a kunoichi Welcome, Lord Third!
And Kakashi Sensei as well!
Our Sakura, will be under your supervision!
Come in and have some tea!
I'll hurry and get it rea-tea!
I couldn't resist saying that!
Oh, stop!
You're so silly!
I'm here unofficially.

So if I accept an invitation for tea at a student's home, other parents might frown upon it.

Oh, please don't be so formal.

Thanks to you, we live in peace and have nothing to worry about, Lord Hokage!
No one would dare complain.

Please, you too, Kakashi Sensei!
After all, you're going to be our daughter's sensei.

So please come in!
This is really not looking good The last up one is Sasuke Uchiha's house.

At one time, the Uchiha lived in a special autonomous district.

Now, only Sasuke remains Sasuke's father Fugaku Uchiha was very strict.

Seems the boy is very disciplined.

His older brother Itachi was very meticulous as well.

Yes, I remember.

I assigned him under you.

Look after the younger one as well I'm asking in place of their father, Fugaku.

I didn't have to teach Itachi a thing.

His Sharingan was far more effective than mine.

Regardless, you are the only Leaf Shinobi who possesses a Sharingan now.

We don't know yet if Sasuke will be able to activate his but if he does, you must be there for him.

Obito, you !
This is where I'll protect my friends!
Obito Kakashi Rin The shadow of tragedy trails this eye.

It might be best not to activate the Sharingan at all.

But But for better or for worse, this eye holds a key into how I feel about my comrades.

If one thinks that there is a downside to having these kinds of feelings that it attracts tragedy then I must see to it that they treasure their comrades, in order to prevent that from happening.

It seems your judging criteria remains unchanged this year.

Still This room is quite a contrast from Naruto's.

Why what?
Why did you put me in charge of those three?
Well, there's a hopeless fool, a skilled protégé and a clever kunoichi I'd say it's much like Minato's old team.

S-So you chose me on purpose?
Listen Kakashi, I am the Hokage.

I would never base my personnel decisions on personal preference!
It's all about the right man for the right job I carefully consider each of these assignments Separately from what the teachers at the Academy believe.

Sasuke and Naruto will be on the same squad?
That's brilliant!
Sasuke graduated at the top of his class out of 27 students Whereas Naruto was last in class.

It seems you did that to keep the squad balanced!
These are times when a squad's composition greatly affects shinobi and their actions, and subsequently, their success rate.

It is the duty of those who govern to maintain special teams that possess a variety of skills.

For example, Guy's team that was formed last year.

It certainly doesn't have the kind of balance the instructors at the Academy recommend.

It's a squad that specializes largely in taijutsu.

You're right.

This year, they have really come into their own.

I also intend to organize specialty m*llitary squads that utilize Secret Ninjutsu.

From that perspective, Naruto is the Jinchuriki of the Nine Tails and Sasuke has the potential to activate the Sharingan As I mentioned earlier, you are the only one who can advise Sasuke with his Sharingan.

Looking ahead, it is imperative that Sasuke awaken his Sharingan that can control the Nine Tails That night's tragedy must never happen again.

I understand that those two are special.

But what about the girl Sakura?
Well, I believe she has the potential to be a good kunoichi.

Right now, she's average.

However Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu!
He's already picked up one of my jutsu!
Good one, Orochimaru!
I can do that too!
You too, Jiraiya?
Shu Shuriken Whatever Jutsu !
Talent attracts people Men notice women And rivalry matures both So they say.

Go get 'em!
Do it!
So you've even considered how the squad will develop?
That's right.

Without a doubt Obito was desperate for Rin to acknowledge him.

But I understand your logic behind this Lord Third.

But I failed twice with squads that you organized.

I don't think I'm cut out to be a jonin leader.

Did you fail them because of your own personal feelings?
No It was unfortunate for them.

But this is the strict world of shinobi.

It's better that they learn this when they're young.

Ultimately, this will prove to be a valuable lesson for them.

But it wasn't planned.

It just happened to work out.


But I had faith that it would work out.

I trusted you.

Lord Hiruzen It was the same with Minato too.

Minato Sensei?
Judging from only the practice reports, it would seem that Kakashi acted arbitrarily.

Kakashi is leagues ahead of the other graduates in terms of skill and intelligence.

It's exciting just thinking about this genin's development.

Perhaps due to the incident with Sakumo, he's very headstrong.

But I have faith that he'll realize the importance of teamwork.

Faith, huh?
Yes, you're right.

I shall have faith in your faith.

Minato Sensei knew all along about my selfish and shallow strategy.

But he had faith that one day, I would realize it To believe in one's student and to watch over them is also part of being a teacher.

Father I spent my life denying you I believe that the White Fang was a true hero.

Sure, in the world of Ninja, one who breaks the rules and regulations is regarded as trash.

But those who abandon their comrades are worse than trash!
But I can't repeat that tragedy again with a new generation.

Are you going to be our Sensei?
I'm Naruto Uzumaki!
And I'm going to be the Hokage!
Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akimichi, Ino Yamanaka!
- Yes, sir!
- Yes, sir!
I'm the jonin leader of your squad, Asuma Sarutobi.

We're going to have a meeting now.

Follow me.

See ya!
So long!
See you again, Sasuke!
Get lost, Ino Pig!
He's their sensei?
Well, the next one will be ours!
Nope, it'll be our sensei next!
Right, Akamaru?
Kiba Inuzuka, Shino Aburame, Hinata Hyuga I'm Yuhi Kurenai and I'll be your leader.

Nice to meet you all.

The loser squad gets a loser sensei too!
- He's late!
- He's late!
Have you been waiting for me, Tenzo?
Stop calling me "Tenzo," Senpai.

Then drop the "senpai.

" You'll always be my senpai.

That will never change, even if you're no longer ANBU.

So what do you want?
I've heard the rumors that it's been very difficult trying find my replacement.

Or did you come all this way to laugh at me, the genin babysitter?
Not at all!
But that was such a long time ago.

You haven't changed a bit, Senpai.

Sorry, but I'm busy today.

I can't stand around and chat.

It's way past the time you were supposed to meet your genin.

Well, see you later.

"See you later," huh?
Maybe he did change a little.

For someone who was fixated on the past and present to hear him say, "see you later" A silly prank Still, if this prank was the result of teamwork He fell for it!
So Naruto's the perp.

I'm so sorry, Sensei.

I tried to stop him, but Naruto Sakura makes excuses and tries to protect herself Sasuke minds his own business He probably doesn't consider them as comrades.

There's not even a shred of teamwork There are two bells here.

Your task is to take these bells away from me by noon.

The one who fails to take a bell gets no lunch.

This exercise is to try to split the team.

I hope you figure it out.

And failing the exercise means failing the mission.

In order words, at the very least, one of you will be returning to the Academy.

Let's get started.

Ready Start!
Considering the prank in the classroom I doubt if they'll work as a team to att*ck me.

I knew it.

Well, guys!
I'm going to give you one more chance.

However, the afternoon scramble for the bells will be much more difficult.

If you accept the challenge, eat your lunch.

However, don't let Naruto eat.

That's your punishment for breaking the rule and attempting to eat lunch alone.

If you give Naruto any food, you will be immediately disqualified.

I am the law here.

Minato Sensei had faith in me So should I have faith in them too?
But what if I'm wrong to begin with?
Don't you have any kindness in your heart?
All you ever think about are rules, rules, rules!
It's annoying!
That's right.

I'm still trying to stick to my rules Come on, let's go, Captain.

Obito For the sake of the team, you walked over to me that day If only I had accepted the friendship you extended If I had embraced that little sign you gave me Here.

Obito, did you see that?
I'll never forget you or Rin.





But I think I'm going to move forward with some new comrades.

Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura I'm going to believe in you.

And Obito, Rin I'll make a promise.

I'll believe in my comrades and I'll never let them die!
That ends the survival exercise.

You all pass.

Squad Seven will start its mission tomorrow!
Hey, untie me!
I couldn't keep my promise to you.

I'm trash.

But you're a hero of the Leaf.

You don't have to become trash too!
Obito, your once strong will is still alive today, right next to me!
What the current me can do is Next time on Naruto Shippuden: "Kakashi's Resolve.

" protect the current Naruto!
KAKASHI'S RESOLVE Tune in again!
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