16x10 - Coup d'État

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto: Shippuden". Aired: October 2009 to March 2017.*
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16x10 - Coup d'État

Post by bunniefuu »

Coup D'état You're part of the ANBU now and this is one mission you cannot avoid.

What kind of mission is this?
When the Nine Tails incident occurred six years ago, the higher-ups suspected the Uchiha Clan was behind it.

Since then, the Uchiha district has been under 24-hour surveillance.

Lord Third!
The Nine Tails!
The Nine Tails has suddenly appeared in the Village!
I'm aware of that!
I will suppress it.

You and the others, protect the civilians!
Yes, sir!
You should have ordered the Uchiha Police Force to guard the civilians and kept them in the rear.

We can use the Visual Prowess of the Uchiha to suppress the Nine Tails!
They can also manipulate the Nine Tails!
If they take control of the Nine Tails, and use it to their advantage, it will be like the second coming of Madara Uchiha.

I will leave you to protect the civilians.

Order the ANBU and security units as you wish.

Guard the village youth as well.


This way, hurry!
Calm down!
You're safe here.

Captain, we should go and assist.

The Police Force will guard the civilians.

But Captain!
That's the order from the Village.

It's over there!
There, there.

You're scared, huh?
Now's our chance.

Let's get you to safety.

There are too many unanswered questions surrounding this recent Nine Tails incident.

I thought that Kushina's seal had been broken.

But that doesn't explain why Biwako and the ANBU were k*lled.

Which means someone is behind this.

Like someone from the Uchiha?
Why do you say that?
Even if the Nine Tails broke free, it would have just gone wild.

Without someone to control it, it couldn't have caused this incident.

Hence, the Sharingan The Uchiha can control the Nine Tails with their Visual Prowess But for what purpose?
To regain their position of power within the Hidden Leaf Village.

I see That's just conjecture.

We must increase our surveillance of the Uchiha.

We must keep them under 24-hour watch.

That's bound to incite them unnecessarily!
Let the ANBU do it secretly.

Better to be safe than sorry.

We don't know if the Uchiha are responsible for this.

That's precisely why this is necessary.

And if nothing comes out of it it will be to the Uchiha's benefit.

HIDDEN LEAF HOSPITAL Kushina Time to switch.

Nothing to report.

This is This isn't the only surveillance center around.

Lord Danzo's ANBU are also watching them.

Now what'll you do?
Notify your clan about this?
What is my job here?
Just keep watching through that.

Okay, Captain.

We're going.

Stay alert, Itachi.

This is part of our job as ANBU.

It's not assassination but it's still dirty work.

A mission is a mission.

You'll be spying on your friends and family.

It's even dirtier.

I can take this shift, if you want.

No, that's not necessary.

Besides Besides?
The Uchiha Clan is aware that they're under suspicion.

I guess you would be.

Go to hell!
What the hell was that for?
You're the one that It's your fault.

- It wasn't me!
- Sure, it was!
Hey, stop that!
Hey, what's going on?
Calm down!
Why you!
Who needs the Police Force?
Just go and hide like you did with the Nine Tails!
What did you say?
Ow ow ow!
We're taking you both into custody!
Let me go!
Be quiet and walk!
It was just a drunken argument Couldn't they just stop the fighting?
Complaints about harsh treatment by the Police Force are on the rise.

People have started to distrust them.

The Uchiha are growing impudent.

No, it's backlash.

The negativity from the Nine Tails' incident six years ago still hangs over them.

The Uchiha didn't suffer any damage that time.

That is the cause of suspicion Furthermore, the Uchiha viewed our distancing them from the Nine Tails as a sign of the Hidden Leaf's distrust.

Our strategy of isolating the Uchiha is a fundamental policy of the Leaf put in place by Lord Second.

Why are they raising a fuss after all this time?
The Lord Second's intention wasn't isolation.

He was just concerned for each clan.

Have you forgotten about our friend Kagami Uchiha?
I haven't forgotten.

He saved me many times with his Visual Jutsu.

The Uchiha Clan is a friend of the Hidden Leaf.

We must ensure they stay that way.

If we can Calm down!
A genjutsu!
But when did that happen?
We're retreating!
But Captain!
It's Shisui Uchiha, the Teleporter of the Leaf.

We're no match for him.

That should keep the Hidden Mist quiet for a while.

Team Shisui has returned and our mission was successfully completed.

That was a long mission.

Thank you for your hard work.

Go and rest.

I have a request, Lord Third.

I'm very troubled by the suspicion cast upon the Uchiha Clan.

So am I.

I'm hoping that my clan and the Village will be able to trust each other again.

Will you assign this mission to me?
Do you want to be released from your regular duties?

And I'd like to be given a certain amount of authority.

All right.

Let's say I ordered you on a top-secret investigative mission.

If anyone objects, tell them my name, and I will take full responsibility.

Thank you.

You remind me so much of my old friend, Kagami Uchiha.

I am nowhere near his caliber.

Big Brother!
Are you done with your mission?
If you are, help me train!
Sorry, Sasuke.

I have an urgent summons.

We played here a lot.

So you were back.


We finally chased the Hidden Mist away.

Why did you want to see me?
I want to hear your honest opinion.

How serious do you think Fugaku is?
What do you mean by serious?
A coup d'état.

Dissatisfaction towards the Village is growing among the Uchiha.

If the Village doesn't change, the Uchiha won't stand for it anymore.

If the Village changes, so will the Uchiha.

But if the Uchiha doesn't change, neither will the Village.

As long as the two sides distrust each other, things will only get worse.

I want to clear up that suspicion.

You think you can?
I don't know, but I have to try If the Uchiha attempts a coup d'état, it will bode badly for both sides.

I'm against a coup d'état as well.

But it will take something big to stop it.

I know.

But you shouldn't do anything.

Why's that?
Some members on the Police Force are suspicious of you and I've been ordered to spy on you.

Do you know what day tomorrow is?
You don't understand your own position!
I'm setting out on a mission tomorrow.

What kind of mission?
I can't tell you It's top-secret.

Itachi You also serve as the Uchiha Clan's pipeline to the Village nerve center.

You know that, don't you?
Yes Bear that in mind.

And come to tomorrow's assembly!
The Uchiha are assembling again tonight.

I know about it as well.

But we cannot interfere with their clan rituals.

Rituals indeed!
They're going to fan the flames of distrust against us, then use it to unite the clan.

They are preparing for a coup d'état.

And the one to nip it in the bud is Shisui!
Shisui Uchiha?
Shisui will attend the assembly.

And if Fugaku Uchiha incites a rebellion I will use my Kotoamatsukami.

Your Visual Jutsu He will have no clue that Shisui is controlling his actions.

He will believe that his words are his own.

I'm going to make Fugaku think about co-existence with the Village.

I don't think that controlling only Fugaku will put an end to the Uchiha's dissatisfaction.


If the Uchiha will change, then we of the Leaf must change too.

Let us improve our relations with the Uchiha.

That is my hope.

I will assign one ANBU behind the scenes.

I'm counting on you, Shisui.

Yes, sir!
Itachi isn't coming, is he?
He's late.

What is it, Lord Danzo?
It's almost time for the assembly to start.

Even if you use your Visual Jutsu on Fugaku to get the clan to cooperate, what if the Village doesn't change?
Lord Hokage has promised to make it change.

Even if Lord Third is satisfied, the distrust among the Leaf will not go away.

I realize that.

But in time Besides, someone who's always suspicious like me will never change.

What will you do then?
But Lord Danzo When the time comes, will you use your Kotoamatsukami on me too?
I'm Your Sharingan shall be in my safekeeping!
Forgive me.

It's only genjutsu You'll snap out of it shortly.

I'm going to take it to replace this eye.

Give me the other one too.

Fire Style!
Fireball Jutsu!
Water Style!
Raging Waves!
It's a Teleportation Jutsu!
Is that you, Shisui?
Come with me.

It's too late to stop the coup d'état by the Uchiha.

If civil w*r breaks out in the Leaf Village, other nations are sure to att*ck which means a full-scale w*r.

I was going to try to stop the coup d'état with Kotoamatsukami, but Lord Danzo took my right eye He doesn't trust me.

He intends to protect the Village his own way, no matter what it takes or how it looks.

I suspect he'll come after my left eye as well.

So I want to give it to you before he has a chance.


You're the only person I can count on, my best friend.

Please protect this Village and the honor of the Uchiha name.

I accept it.

What will you do now?
If I die, several circumstances will change.

I've left behind a note already Wait, Shisui!
Don't stop me, Itachi.

If you're my friend Shisui!
Shisui Oww!
What are you accusing me of?
Just be quiet!
Don't be so rough.

Captain You are a suspect and you're coming to Headquarters with us.

F-Fine Remember to follow our investigative procedures!
Yes, sir!
C'mon, move.

Shisui Uchiha was a core member of the Uchiha.

His su1c1de demoralized and lessened their fighting power all at once.

So the coup d'état has been foiled.

Are you saying there was no other way but for Shisui to give his life?
I shouldn't have pushed him There are a few among the Uchiha who believe that you k*lled Shisui.

The ones who believe that did not know that Shisui and I were working towards the same goal.

Shisui did not appear at our rendezvous point.

He had secrets, so he was suspected.

I will notify the ANBU that it was officially a su1c1de.

Agreed, Hiruzen?
That's the Lightning Blade!
You'rethe Copy Ninja of the Leaf!
Kakashi You've become quite well known.

Do it long enough and you're bound to become famous.

Clear the area.

Leave no trace of the Hidden Leaf.

Yeah, yeah.

I know.

Dirty work is part of the ANBU's modus operandi.

You said that a friend gave your Sharingan to you.

Along with a wish.

Do you need to honor that wish?
Yes, I intend to.

I know about the Shisui Uchiha incident.

Is it about that?
No, I'm fine.

I see Anyway, there's not a lot I can do, but let me know if there's anything.


You're the only person I can count on, my best friend.

Please protect this Village and the honor of the Uchiha name.


Things have gotten much worse since then.

I don't think I can protect everyone.

It seems someone has been infiltrating the Village recently.

The only thing we can do is to ask the Police Force to step up their patrols.

What happened?
I went to the Uchiha District for the first time in a long time.

It felt like they didn't want any outsiders there.

Next time on Naruto Shippuden: "The Night of the Tragedy" I see THE NIGHT OF THE TRAGEDY Tune in again!
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