16x09 - An Uchiha ANBU

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto: Shippuden". Aired: October 2009 to March 2017.*
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16x09 - An Uchiha ANBU

Post by bunniefuu »

An Uchiha ANBU Damn it!
As usual, your Lightning Blade is as brilliant as ever, Senpai.

There's no such thing as brilliant or unsightly in assassination A k*ll is a k*ll, that's all.

By the way, what happened to the replacement?
Our team is short a member.

There's no rush.

We're not in the middle of a w*r or anything.

Sooner or later, someone will show up.

Hey, Kakashi.

What's up?
You look tired.

Did you just get off a mission?
You're such an idiot, Guy.

Members of the ANBU can't discuss details of their work!
That's how it goes.

We're going out for some sweet dumplings.

- Care to join us?
- Sorry, I don't really like sweets He's gotten so antisocial lately.

Maybe it's because of all the secrecy in the ANBU No!
No way!
Kakashi is my lifelong rival.

He's got a heart that's filled with burning passion.

All right, since it's come to this, it's up to me to do something!
Please let me join the ANBU!
It's the best thing to do for Kakashi's sake!
Now, now, Guy.

I understand your concern for Kakashi.

But the saying "the right person for the right job" applies to this situation Your skills will not be optimized in the ANBU.

It's not about what's good for me, Lord Third!
As Kakashi's partner, I Silence!
You are not suited for the ANBU.

Notsuited L-Lord Danzo What is it?
Please accept me as one of your ANBU!
You lack it.

Lack what?

A new member will be joining your team.

Is it the one we previously discussed?
Yes, he's extremely capable.

But he's young.

Danzo recommended that he gain more experience.

Here's your equipment.

Thank you very much.

I've been assigned to the ANBU from today.

My name is Itachi Uchiha.

I'd appreciate your guidance.

I see.

So you're the one.

Use the locker that's the farthest one in the back.

Yes, sir.

Is that him?
They say he's eleven years old.

Doesn't that make him the youngest ANBU ever?
Team Ro is to assemble at the Third Training Ground in five minutes.

Yes, sir.

What are you doing?
Explain yourselves!
We wanted to make sure he had the skills to be one of us.

Since he's too young.

Do you have a problem with the decision of your superiors?
No, it's not like that Haven't you already sensed that he isn't ordinary?
I'm Kakashi, captain of Team Ro.

You're new, but I want you to learn the ANBU rules and formations quickly.

Yes, sir.

He's good.

He is talented, but making an exception for someone so young is rather unusual for the ANBU.

Lord Danzo recommended him.

No kidding?
He doesn't fit the mold though.

What do you mean?
Lord Danzo has his own personal set of criteria for ANBU and Foundation agents.

I just can't see him I started my duties today.

Is that so?
That's my boy.

I'm very proud that you've joined the ANBU.

But you must never forget one thing.

Before you are a Leaf ANBU, you are first and foremost, Itachi of the Uchiha Clan.

Yes, sir.

The Uchiha Clan has been entrusted with the security of Hidden Leaf Village.

But because of that, our clan has been relegated to living outside the village boundaries.

It is essential that our clan has one of its own there.

I am counting on you, Itachi.

Fugaku Uchiha stood out as one of the shrewdest security captains throughout the generations.

I'm not surprised that he's your father.

This is not a criticism.

Because the Hidden Leaf ordered the Uchiha Clan outside the village limits, but granted them self-governance, we cannot intervene in their matters.

Hence, we need our own set of eyes and ears there.

I'm counting on you, Itachi.

Are you getting used to the job?
Not yet.

That's unlike you.

I haven't gone out on a mission yet.

Protecting the Lord Hokage is a mission in and of itself.

Isn't the ANBU an assassination and special tactical unit?
Well, we're not at w*r right now.

- Kakashi - Sir?
As the Hokage, every deployment I order is an official one.

However, I cannot ignore Danzo's view that there is an underside to this mission.

Hence, a separate unofficial team will be dispatched.

One that the Hokage didn't order?
You will work under Danzo.

On the surface, this is a diplomatic mission.

We will be exchanging intel with the Hannya Black Ops of the Land of Woods at the border.

However I believe this is an enemy trap.

Lord Third agrees with me on this.

The ANBU will guard the team on the official mission.

When the enemy turns on the team and att*cks, k*ll them.

Leave no survivors.

Total annihilation?
We must show them that the Hidden Leaf does not tolerate betrayal.

I'd like to be in a two-man squad with Itachi.


If I may take my leave Kakashi I recognize your worth as an ANBU I'm even tempted to pull you away into my Foundation.

Surely, you jest I'm serious.

You have the right qualities.

A quality called darkness.

You will conduct a secret exchange with the Hannya Black Ops of the Land of Woods.

The Hidden Leaf will hand over this scroll.

And you will accept a scroll from them.

Do we verify the contents?
This is a test of mutual trust.

If they hand over a fake scroll, it will prove that the Land of Woods has no interest in an alliance with the Hidden Leaf.

So if nothing happens, we just bring back the scroll?

Presently, we have no hostility with the Land of Woods, but we cannot be certain.

Be very careful.

Leave it to us!
Hey, Itachi.

So it's your first ANBU mission.


I heard it's just Captain Kakashi and you in a two-man squad.

Watch your back.

If it's for the sake of a mission, the Captain won't hesitate to k*ll a comrade.

He's a shinobi of the highest degree.

Okay, everyone!
Fire up your youthful passion andlet's go!
Please wait, Captain!
I'm way past my youthful days So they weren't told of the true nature of this mission?

The only ones who know are the top ranks of the Leaf and the two of us.

You're a godsend on long-distance missions, Kosuke.

Please have seconds.

Everyone, eat up and replenish your energy and chakra.

But Captain, is it wise to burn a fire out in the open like this?
It's like we're just announcing that we're here.

What if the enemy att*cks?
If they want to att*ck, so be it.

I have a hunch this mission is to clarify whether they're friend or foe.

That's amazing.

He's only been told the superficial facts of the mission, but he's figured out its true purpose.

We should eat too.

Yes, sir.

In a way, this symbolizes the ANBU perfectly.

What does?
They sit out in the sun and enjoy a hot-pot together.

While we sit in the shadows and eat food pills.

I don't mind.

I realize that this is part of the job.

I see.

You're with the Hannya Black Ops of the Land of Woods, correct?
Indeed we are.

Now hand over the scroll!
- All right then at the same time - You first.

Fine then.

There's no mistake.

And your scroll?
Here it is.

We're supposed to exchange scrolls, not fire!
The Hidden Leaf reneged on our agreement and att*cked us.

We shall seek retribution.

What a bold-faced lie.

You're the one who broke the agreement!
They planned on betraying us from the beginning!
We'll take over from here.

- You guys get away from here.

- You guys?
- Reinforcements!
- Earth Style!
- Earth Style!
- Rock Collapse!
- Rock Collapse!
Earth Style Mud Wall!
Get out of here, you two!
Yes, sir!
Rumor has it that you'd k*ll a comrade for the sake of a mission.

I'll never let my friends get k*lled.

That's why I was entrusted with this Sharingan.

You get away from here too.

Like I'd turn my back on a mission!
Get on with it!
- Earth Style!
- Earth Style!
- Rock Collapse!
- Rock Collapse!
Eight Inner Gates: Fifth Gate of Closing!
He did that of all that using only taijutsu?
Save the admiration for later!
Your mission's complete.

Return to the village.

Hey, what are you doing?
This is the mission we were assigned.

Even still.

Stop, Kakashi!
What kind of idiot calls someone by their name while they're on an ANBU mission?
Not to worry, Captain.

No enemy survivors remain.

I'm going to report back to Lord Danzo.

Your part of the mission is complete.

Captain That Sharingan wasn't originally yours, was it?
No Aren't you uncomfortable about possessing a power that wasn't your own?
You're not an Uchiha.

But you possess the Sharingan, so you wield the same power as the Uchiha.

Whose side are you on?
I've never thought about it in that way.

A friend entrusted this Sharingan to me who made me promise never to forget what's important.

A friend?
To never let a friend get k*lled.

I see, well done.

Lord Third I understand why you said that the ANBU is not suited for me.

I see But I don't think that Kakashi is suited to be in the ANBU either.

Is that so?
How did the newbie do?
He passed with flying colors.

He'll be a better ANBU than me.

No, you're an exceptional ANBU, Senpai There's a darkness associated with ANBU missions.

Why are you saying this all of a sudden?
All of a sudden?
You're right.

Deception and k*lling is all part of the mission Big Brother!
Let's go home together, Sasuke!
So you're done with your mission?
Big Brother!
Guess what?
My Sensei praised me at the Academy today.

Hey, Kakashi Sorry about what happened during the mission.

No I'm sorry too.

Some of you may be aware, but my son Itachi has joined the ANBU.

Being in close vicinity to the Hokage and the top ranks means access to more information.

And that is a boon for the Uchiha Clan.

Itachi, do you have anything to report?
Well I'm still new, so there's not much to report.

However, I don't think there's solidarity in the higher ranks of the Leaf.

It's my belief that how the Uchiha Clan deals with this will determine the future of the Hidden Leaf.


By all rights, the Uchiha Clan must be involved in the future of the Hidden Leaf.

- That's right!
- Right!
- Yeah!
- Yes, that's right!
That's the Since you've been in the ANBU, this is a mission that cannot be avoided.

What kind of mission is this?
Six years ago, during the incident with the Nine Tails, The top ranks suspected that was the Uchiha's doing.

Since then, there's been round-the-clock surveillance in the Uchiha district.

Next time on Naruto Shippuden: Coup d'tat A mission is a mission.

COUP D'TAT Tune in again!
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