16x02 - Minato's Death

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto: Shippuden". Aired: October 2009 to March 2017.*
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16x02 - Minato's Death

Post by bunniefuu »

Minato's Death Many shinobi from small villages that survived by taking advantage of the turbulent situation, have no wish to be controlled by the nations of Fire, Wind and Earth.

There's no doubt they will continue to cause disruptions.

But we must maintain peace, which was attained through the sacrifice of many.

I'm counting on all of you.

Five shinobi, all approaching rapidly!
What does their headband show?
The Hidden Stone.

We have a peace treaty with them, don't we?
Maybe they have urgent business?
Why are you breaking the treaty?
We're the Leaf Village!
You must be making a mistake!
Thanks for saving us!
The Hidden Stone betrayed us!
This isn't a Hidden Stone shuriken.

So they were fakes?
But why?
They want to cause a rift between the Stone and the Leaf.

Don't chase them too far!
How have you been?
Are you ignoring me?
It's only been a short while since Kakashi transferred into the ANBU, but some of his actions are quite astonishing.

One Four!
You're Cold-blooded Kakashi that everyone talks about!
Wait, Kakashi!
Help me!
All five were k*lled with a single blow to their vital points.

If you kept at least one alive, we could've gotten intel Lord Hokage, regarding the issue that you were concerned about We have not seen any evidence of psychological trauma in Kakashi associated with taking Rin's life.

Is something on your mind?
No HIDDEN LEAF HOSPITAL Congratulations.

Your due date is let's see October 10.

Oh then, yeah!
A baby ?
I'm going to be a mother, ya know!
And I'm going be a father A mother, ya know!
I'm going to be a father!
A mother, ya know!
Imagine that, I'm going to be a father!
A mother, ya know!
Kakashi, I want you to leave your current mission and take on a special mission.

Was there an issue?
It's nothing like that.

It's more like a top-secret errand.

Kushina's pregnant!
Oh Congratulations.

Thank you.

But when a female Jinchuriki becomes pregnant, the energy that keeps the seal in place transfers to the fetus, weakening the Tailed Beast seal.

And so it will be roughly ten months until she gives birth.

I want you to guard Kushina against any incidents.

Yes, sir!
Thank you for protecting Kushina.

But It's standard for the ANBU directly under Lord Third to take over the guard during the birthing period.

Then I'll be returning to my duties in ANBU.

There's no need to be so hasty.

Why don't you take a break for a while?
RIN NOHARA I'm sorry I haven't been by.

It's not that I've forgotten I've been sworn to secrecy but Minato Sensei is going to be a father.

This generation won't know w*r.

If only we were born a little later RIN NOHARA I should tell Obito too.

So I'll be going, Rin.

Thank you!
Thanks, I'll come again.

Watch where you're walking.

Why don't we just do Rock-Paper-Scissors again tonight?
Not that again!
Think of something more exciting!
How can you call yourself my rival?
We have an early start tomorrow.

So let's pass for tonight.

Don't use a mission as an excuse!
I have all this hot pent-up energy inside me!
Now is the time for diligent training!
Honest-to-goodness discipline and hard work lead to success in future missions!
Are you listening to me?
You've gotten awfully cold since joining the ANBU.

I've heard the gossip.

They're calling you cold-blooded.

Well, I know that I'm not supposed to talk about your being in the ANBU.

Still, that's no reason to forget about our friendship!
Youth is short!
Say, Guy Do you sense anything weird?
There's been a chill in the air It's your attitude that's causing it!
There's nothing like the present for youth!
What is this feeling?
There, there It's a strange feeling.

Of all times for Mom and Dad to be out Don't cry, Sasuke.

No matter what happens, your big brother will definitely protect you It can't be Summoning Jutsu!
That's !
N-No way The Nine Tails!
It's the Nine Tails!
Go, Nine Tails!
Lord Third!
The Nine Tails is !
The Nine Tails has suddenly appeared in the village!
Damn you, Nine Tails!
This is the moment I release my fiery pent-up power!
Don't be hasty, Guy!
Come on!
I'll be your opponent!
Gather immediately in the guardroom!
It's the Third Hokage's orders!
Lord Hiruzen?
You heard him.

Let's go, Guy!
BIND You young shinobi are to stay away from Nine Tails.

What do you mean by that?
This is not a battle between villages This is a domestic issue.

There is no reason for you all to risk your lives.

Speak for yourself!
Calm down, Kurenai!
You're a shinobi too.

We are not guaranteed to live a long life.

But, my daughter, you are a woman.

At least, pass on the Will of Fire to my grandchild.

Make that your oath to your father .

For I do believe in you.

This is no time for a family argument!
I can't take not being able to do anything at a time like this!
The barrier has disappeared!
Lord Fourth!
Lady Kushina!
Take her to Leaf Hospital immediately!
Summon the Medical Ninja!
Lord Third Kushina !
Please take care of the child.

Of course, you don't need to worry.

His name is Naruto Minato and I picked it from Jiraiya Sensei's novel Naruto, you say?

I take full responsibility.

So, for the child's sake, you must rest!
I promise Minato Kushina You both gave your lives to protect the Hidden Leaf Village and its future.

Minato Sensei We repelled the Nine Tails, but the sacrifice was much too great.

This is no time to lament.

The Hokage's seat is empty.

We must decide on someone quickly.

Perhaps someone from the age group below Minato?
We have nurtured fine jonin, but they all lack the experience to rule over a village.

Is there anyone else?
Well It cannot be helped.

This is a critical time.

I shall take over.

Oh, will you do that?
If you are willing You stepped down once Are you up to the task?
Truth be told, even though you went after the Nine Tails, you failed to save the Fourth Hokage That remark is uncalled for.

And where were you at that time, Danzo?
Just indulge this old man.

Let me fill in as Hokage until we can groom the next one.

Kakashi Hatake, correct?
Lord Danzo Come and work under me.

What do you say?
But I was Minato Sensei's Lord Fourth, the one who recruited you into the ANBU is no longer with us.

If you stay where you are, you will end up working directly under the Third who will reassume his position.

It was his foolhardy ideals of peace that dragged the w*r on and drove Obito and Rin to their deaths.

But Furthermore, on the night of the Nine Tails' rampage, you were not able to join the fight because of Lord Third's orders Isn't that why Lord Fourth lost his life?
I don't want to believe that he planned this to return to power but the future of the Hidden Leaf cannot be entrusted to someone like him.

A few ANBU will be selected to guard the Feudal Lord's procession back to his prefecture.

Yes, sir!
Yes, sir!
This is the plan.

Wood Style?
Wood Style!
Giant Forest Jutsu!
I called him.

Yes, sir!
Thank you for coming.

Here The time has come.

Good work, Kakashi.

The First Hokage who founded the Village Hidden in the Leaves, Hashirama Senju, could freely use Wood Style Ninjutsu.

He was the only one who could.

But there's another who can use the Wood Style.

What's going on?
Next time on Naruto Shippuden: "Hashirama's Cells" How is he able to use the Wood Style?
HASHIRAMA'S CELLS Tune in again!
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