14x12 - Fade into the Moonlight

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto: Shippuden". Aired: October 2009 to March 2017.*
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14x12 - Fade into the Moonlight

Post by bunniefuu »

Hang on!
Bring me a hemostat!

Sakuraâ ¦ Yugao, take her away.

All right.

Digital Shrapnel!
Damn it!
Fang Over Fang!
â 8 Trigrams Air Palm!
â 8 Trigrams Air Palm!
Beetle Sphere!
I would say the body count has increased by now.

I guess I'll begin.

Fade into the Moonlight Are you awake?
Did you miss this world?
You'reâ ¦ Kabuto Yakushi!
Show a little discretion, will you?
Keep in mind that I'm now your master.

Whatâ ¦happened to me?
Ohâ ¦ You smell blood?
It's not just ten or twentyâ ¦ Is this w*r?
Don't tell me Hidden Leaf Villageâ ¦!
It's so funny when there's a time lapse with you dead people.

The destruction of the Hidden Leaf Village ended long ago.

What's going on with the Hidden Leaf?
That doesn't concern someone dead like you.

Anyway, the w*r is entering the middle stages and working alone is boring.

So I don't mind keeping you company.

The last thing I remember is that I was tailing you, Orochimaru's spy.

That was three years ago.

Under Lord Orochimaru's order, I acted as his liaison with the Hidden Sand.

That was about a month before the destruction of the Leaf.

You're late.

You're the one who requested this meeting.

My apologies.

I had to check the area to make sure I was not seen.

The same goes for us.

We can't afford any leaks whatsoever.

Now, hand over the plans and whatever else you have.

First, I need to verifyâ ¦ Is he the one?
What's your intent?
Noâ ¦ We the Sound value the Sand as partners.

However, for this endeavor, the Sand dispatched only four including you.

You don't trust us, do you?
No such thing.

But if something happens, we're going to have to watch each other's backs.

That's why we want to make sure about him, since he's the key to our plans.

Oh, it seems he's here.

What a fool!
He'll be k*lled!
I give upâ ¦ Don't you ever sleep?
What do you want?
To be blunt, I was planning on taking you out, to change the match-up in the finals.

That would open up the possibility of me fighting Sasuke.

I know all about your Sand att*ck.

Which is faster, I wonder?
Your sand or my sound?
Not feeling too well?
Then I'll put you out of your misery real quickly.

Don't get riledâ ¦ His bloodâ ¦ goes wild during a full moon.

Just what the hellâ ¦are you?
So you are the ultimate w*apon of the Sand.

However, I cannot let you have Sasuke.

For Lord Orochimaru's sake.

This is bad I have to find an opportunity to get out of here.

So fast!
I see.

So this is the One Tail!
I don't believe it.

A Tailed Beast, brought into this villageâ ¦!
There's no denying its power.

But are you able to control it?
At that level, yes.

But when the One Tail transforms completely and activates his Playing Possum Jutsu, there's no stopping him.


So don't agitate him now.

I'll look forward to seeing him run amuck when the time is right.

But are you all right with what happened?
He's one of the Sound'sâ I'm sure.

He outlived his usefulness long ago.

I thought you would use him to observe how strong this Sasuke is.

There's no need for that.

I have already been ordered to recapture Sasuke.

But I failedâ ¦ What?
Yesâ ¦ The fact that I was working for the Sound was exposed.

I understood that you're Orochimaru's right-hand man.

Now the Hidden Leaf know who you are, and you had the gall to come and meet me?
What kind of fool are you?
Oh noâ ¦ I should put it another way.

They didn't find out my real identityâ ¦ I let them find out.

I want to see what actions the Hidden Leaf take.

From the start, this has been the Sound's plan.

The Sand will only act behind the scenes.

That is Lord Kazekage's wish.

What on earth?
Here are our plans.

It's about time we let them in on this plan.

The Sand, an Allied Nation, has been colluding with the Sound?
By the way, I'll clean up things here.

No, I can take care of it.

There's just one rat.

Piece of cake.

Something isn't sitting right.

You were there at the location.

Why didn't you help the Sand?
It didn't matter to me who d*ed.

Baki didn't have the strength to stop the One Tail's rampage.

There are always replacements available.

Besides, at that time, the Sound didn't have an effective intel route to the Sand.

The Sand easily disavowed their alliance with the Hidden Leaf.

To keep tabs on the Sand's true intentions, it didn't hurt to have a corpse.

I drafted a temporary report on the status of each company.

Casualties spiked up during the night.

I hesitate to bring this up, butâ ¦ The bodies of the shinobi are full of secret information.

If those bodies get into the hands of the enemy, DNA data could be takenâ ¦ In a worst-case scenario, the enemy will use their jutsu to turn them into m*llitary weapons.

There's no need to worry about that!
I've taken care of it.

But there are many corpses on the b*ttlefield that cannot be recoveredâ ¦ These three are the bodies of elite shinobi.

I'm certain.

Then I'll place them into safekeeping immediately.

Thank you.

This one too.

He's an elite.

All right.

Please line him up over there.

All right.

The ones with Kekkei Genkai and their relatives, and those families with special ninjutsu abilities, are being given highest priority in handling and safekeeping.

When everything is over, SPECIAL we'll send them back to their villages with the rest of the deceased.

I'll be returning.

Thank you very much.

She's very skillful and efficient.

Well, word is that Miss Yugao used to belong to the ANBU Black Ops.

A former ANBU?
Why's someone like that here?
I don't know.

But it helps.

Corpses make such useful tools.

You can revive them and get information.

You can use them as weapons.

You can get unusual data from their flesh.

Although, I wasn't able to get Baki's corpse back then.

You're mine!
How unexpected.

I thought that it would be settled right away.

I have to sayâ ¦ That proctor was very slick, slipping past me.

He's sheathing his sword?
Leaf Styleâ ¦ Crescent Moon Dance!
It won't come loose!
Your swordsmanship is impressive.

However, the blow from a real sword can be stopped.

Butâ ¦ a Wind Sword cannot be stopped, no matter who you are!
How unfortunate.

You should have tried a little harder.

But, oh well, considering your jutsu wasn't compatible, you fought a good fight.

Maybe sometime in the future, you'll be useful.

It's so quiet.

The report said it was around here.

Hey, you!
We got a report that there was something that sounded like a skirmish around here.

Do you know anything?
I'm sorry.

I'm just passing through.

I seeâ ¦ Because of the upcoming Chunin Exam, there have been a lot of disturbing rumors.

Let's go.

You'd better get out of here quickly too.

Thank you for your concern.

I completely erased the smell.

It'll be a while before the body is discovered.

If I return and get caught, that would be a pain.

Oh wellâ ¦ Just his hair should be sufficient.

After that, during the final round of the Chunin Exam, the One Tail went on a rampage and descended upon the Hidden Leaf.

And what happened to the Leaf?
Regrettably, they're still around.

The world has changed drastically.

The Third Hokage d*ed in that battleâ ¦ Three years later, Sasuke got rid of Lord Orochimaruâ ¦ And I gained new powers.

Are you still an enemy of the Leaf?

And right now, you're on the same side as me.

You're a pawn that I resurrected.

Presently, the Five Great Shinobi Nations have formed an alliance and a terrible w*r rages on.

It is an all-out w*r with every village committing every man available.

What a great opportunity to collect samples!
And this is where you come in.

May I ask you a question?
I'm just a little curiousâ ¦ If it's a simple question.

I understand you were once a member of the ANBU Black Ops.

With such skill, what are you doing helping in the medical camp?
Every company is shorthanded now.

Someone like youâ ¦ Iâ ¦ I can't fight anymore.

Yugaoâ ¦ I'll be right there!
Please wait.

Right now, this work is what's best for me.

You should return to your station quickly tooâ What was that?
That explosionâ ¦ It was from the vault!
That man isâ ¦ Hayate?
The scroll he has is the KIA list!
The bodies of the elite shinobi have been taken!
Get them back!
Do not flinch!
Get a taste of this!
This is fun!
That's enough.

Let's go!
Where's Shizune?
She just went into surgery.

All right.

Notify HQ about this immediately.

And get the wounded inside the tent!
As for the scrolls with the bodies of the eliteâ ¦ I saw the faces of the assailants.

I believe one of them was a Hidden Leaf Special Joninâ ¦ Hayate Gekko.

I seeâ ¦ This medical tent must be guarded too.

Looking at the situation, we can't spare many people.

We'll have to contact HQ and ask them to send reinforcements.

But Iou, Yokaze, will you two go?
â Yes.

â Yes.

I'll go too.

My battle and healing skills will increase the odds of success for this mission.


Also, Yugaoâ ¦ I want you to go too.

I know that you are not part of the combat force.

But a Sensory-type is essential in order to track the enemy.

You're the only one available nowâ That's impossible!
I can'tâ ¦ Yugao?
This is an emergency.

State your reason!
That manâ ¦ Hayate Gekkoâ ¦ was my lover.

Yugao, you've come.

Hayateâ ¦ I'm now an enemy of the Leafâ ¦ also an enemy of yours.

So I want you to stop me.

I don't want to hurt youâ ¦ Please!
I can'tâ ¦ I just can't!
Next time on Naruto Shippuden: "Night of the Crescent Moon" k*ll me, Yugao!
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