11x11 - The Girls' Get-Together

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto: Shippuden". Aired: October 2009 to March 2017.*
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11x11 - The Girls' Get-Together

Post by bunniefuu »

It's boring when everything goes well on a trip.

Captain Yamato!

Do you have anything for me to do?

How about you, Aoba?

I wonder how everyone is doing back at the Leaf.

I wonder if someone will come by again.


You're starting early.

Good morning.

With w*r looming, we have to hone our skills.


They say the w*r will be centered on Naruto, but it's kind of hard to imagine why.

I wonder how he's doing.

He's probably eating some kind of local ramen special.

He didn't seem too concerned.

Lady Hinata!

It's almost time.


There's a clan meeting today.

We, the Hyuga Clan, will play an important role here in Hidden Leaf Village.

We will probably be assigned to Sensory-Type duties for the impending Fourth Great Ninja w*r.

Assignments will be varied, but in a dire situation we will need one person to unify and lead the entire clan.

However, I have been assigned to the rear guard.

And Hanabi is still too young for real combat.

Neji, I want you to command our clan on the frontlines.


From the Side Branch?

But there's Lady Hinata from the Main Branch.

Everyone in the clan is well aware of Neji's abilities.

We're counting on you, Neji.

The Girls' Get-Together Please reconsider!

Lord Hiashi, you know how hard Lady Hinata has trained these past few years.

She showed her bravery when she stood up to Pain all by herself.

A request for me?

What is it?

Please help me train in the Gentle Fist.

But Lady Hinata, you are the Main Branch's⦠Hanabi is the Main Branch's heir.

Naruto has set out to train with Master Jiraiya.

During that time, I want to train myself too, as far as I can go.

I don't know if my instruction will be strict enough, but if that's all right with you⦠Yes, please!

Gentle Step Twin Lion Fists!

That was impressive, Lady Hinata.

No doubt, she has the possibility to develop further.

Then⦠But, I'm not talking about being a Hyuga.

She does not have the disposition to lead shinobi.

What do you mean?

Hinata is too gentle.

Since I can't serve as captain anymore, Team 8 has been disbanded.

Everyone has scattered and gone on separate missions, haven't they?

I feel very badly about that.

Will you forgive me?


Thank you.

It's so easy when women talk with each other.

It wouldn't have gone so smoothly with Kiba and Shino.

Oh really?

Of course not.

Oh, it's Hinata.


Hello, Sensei.

You must be busy.

I'm on my way back from a mission, but I don't have it as rough as Lady Tsunade or my dad.

You left the village?

Tenten and I went to deliver supplies to Naruto's ship.


To Naruto?


He's doing fine.

Oh, that's why this morning, Tenten was⦠Apparently, Sakura, Ino and Choji also met him by chance during a mission.

Oh, by the way, Lady Tsunade was looking for you.

I wonder if it's a mission?

Who knows?

I'll stop by again, Kurenai Sensei.

She's always been like that when it comes to Naruto.

So, did you decide on a name yet?


For the baby.

I've been giving it a lot of thought.

Lady Tsunade!

How could it end up like this?

Where is Lady Tsunade?

Oh, Lady Tsunade just⦠Now where is she supposed to be at this time?

She's scheduled to be with the Cipher Division, but I doubt that things are on schedule.

I'll go and see.

Okay, fine.

Lady Tsunade left already.

I see.

The Cipher Division is working on a secret code to be used by the Allied Shinobi Force.

We were chewed out because we're running behind schedule.

She said she's going to check on the food supply situation next.

'I'll go and see.

'All right.

Lady Tsunade already left.

What's up, Hinata?

Are you here to help?

Well, no but⦠I wish they'd send more help here.

We're getting food deliveries one after another.

Well, we don't know how long the w*r will last!

Damn it!

Lady Tsunade mentioned that she was off to check on Ninja Tools.

Lady Tsunade has left.

Tenten, did you see Naruto while on your mission?

Yeah, when I delivered supplies.

Are there other missions like that?

Well, I wouldn't know.

Lady Tsunade said she's going to see the Medical Corps.

I'll try there.

Lady Tsunade?

She couldn't come.

I was told just to submit a report later.

Everyone's been helping out here.

I know a little about medicines.

I'm in charge of the food pills.

Oh, there you are!


Tenten⦠What's up?

What do you say we get together tonight and do it up a little?

At Barbe-Q!



I'm in, I'm in!

Sounds great.

You guys aren't invited.



Because it's time for just us girls to hang out.


Let's have a girls-only get-together!

For combat unit one through five, we'll assign personnel according to their skills.

The surprise attack will be made up of the Ambush Unit and a few of the support units.

They'll be balanced out with shinobi from the Hidden Leaf and other villages.

Stop talking so fast.

Be more sympathetic to the elderly.

It's because of your age that I'm counting on you.


You have lived through two of the Great Ninja Wars.

I want you to pass on the wisdom of your experience.

Oh dear, I shouldn't have lived so long.

You two are lucky.

I've stopped drinking and gambling, and yet I still can't handle all this planning.

Lately, I've come to the conclusion that it's because I don't have colleagues.

Times were harsh for your generation.

Your class in particular, lost many.

These days, I even yearn for Orochimaru.

And if he were here, I doubt that he would side with the Hidden Leaf.

Forgive me.

I didn't mean to use you as a sounding board.

That's what I'm here for.

Pardon my intrusion!

What is it?

The Feudal Lord would like to speak to you.

Damn it.

This is why I can't get any work done.

Lady Tsunade⦠Oh, Hinata.

Did you have a mission for me?


I received Hiashi's report that Neji will be leading the Hyuga on the frontlines.


However, you must not take this as a rejection of your skills.

Just keep doing what you must do.

For now, that will suffice.

Lady Tsunade, the time⦠I know.

But Father thinks⦠I'm not strong enough.

BARBE-Q BARBE-Q So Barbe-Q reopened!

BARBE-Q I made a reservation!

Beef tongue with salt!

Beef tongue with salt!

The new menu has a special ladies combo!

It's a good deal too!

I just can't resist good deals!

Frankly, I love offal!

Did you decide on drinks?

Okay then.

Excuse me!

We're ready to order!

Thanks for coming.

Since they're having a girls' get-together over there, we're having a boy's get-together here.

Let's eat and drink until our bellies are full!

What did the Feudal Lord want to discuss?

As if that was a discussion!

He kept asking about what was going to happen to him.

What if this?

What if that?

Over and over again!

I'm done for today!


I'm going out to drink!

I thought you swore off alcohol?

I'm drinking tonight!




So, what's this gathering for?

Everyone's been so busy preparing for w*r every day, right?

We have to relieve some stress once in a while.

Yeah, you're right, once in a while won't hurt.

Usual missions are completely gone.

Every day is focused on preparations.

FrankIy, I really appreciate being invited, but how does everyone here know each other?

Now that you mention it, why do we always end up hanging out with each other?

Maybe it's because we all took the Chunin Exams together?

Oh right, right.

I guess we're like classmates.

We did go on a lot of missions together.

The Chunin Exam⦠You were such a nuisance then.

So were you.

To be honest, I still don't get what this Allied Shinobi Force is all about.

It's like putting short ribs, beef loin, heart, tripe, and liver all on one plate, right?

I think having variety is a good deal!

I'm not talking about meat here.

Besides the Sand, the Hidden Leaf doesn't have close ties with any other villages.

I heard that there have been many issues with the Cloud.

Without a doubt, it's not just the Hidden Leaf.

Other villages also have issues amongst themselves.

Every village has some grudge against another village.

And still, the Fifth Hokage agreed to an Allied Shinobi Force.

That must mean the Akatsuki is quite formidable.

Well, when w*r breaks out, we'll just have to fight our hardest.

We just won't know who will be next to us.

But Kiba, you've never been fearful of strangers.

Shut up!

It's just a pain to remember their scent.

When we're together like this, it brings back memories of that mission.

In the end, that Chunin Exam was cancelled midway.

Oh, you mean during the destruction of Hidden Leaf Village?

So many things happened, but we didn't lose anyone, and we're all here now.

It must mean we're part of an exceptional generation.

Yeah, I guess the only one gone is Sasuke?


I shouldn't have said that.

Hey, come on back!

You mean that time when we went to get Sasuke back?

But we failed.

That's because you didn't take me along.

Are you still upset about that?

It was a tough battle, but we all made it somehow.

Yeah⦠That turned out to be a good experience.

Now both of them are depressed.

'I'm not depressed!

'I'm not depressed!

I'm glad I took the Chunin Exam.

You lost to Neji, but you really gave it your all, Hinata!

It's because he cheered for me then.

Because Naruto cheered me on, I was able to do my best.

Naruto, huh.

He was unpredictable even then, but who could have imagined that he would become the village hero?


Now it's our turn to protect Naruto.

Our turn to protect Naruto.

He can still be such an idiot though.

No kidding!

Oh, those are ready to eat.

Let's eat!

So you finally found your appetite?

Yes, I need to become stronger.

Here are the pork jowls!


Pork jowls!

Pork jowls!

You're going to turn into a pig.

What are you talking about?

This is full of collagen!

I thought someone was missing, and it's Naruto.

Naruto would make our group complete.

I wonder what he's doing right now.

He's not having barbecued meat, that's for sure.

Besides, he's at sea.


Not fish again.

Some barbecued meat would be nice once in a while!

I've got to have meat with my drinks!



'Next, I want meat with my drinks!

âLady Tsunade, please slow down.

Come on!

Let's snack on something around here!

What's all this?

A girls-only gathering?

'Lady Tsunade!

'Lady Tsunade!

Well⦠It's a girls' get-together!

A girls' get-together?

Move over, move over.

But Lady Tsunade⦠You're not really a girl anymo'Is it my chest?

Are you saying they're too big?

First things first, bring me a shochu!

It's way past your first drink.


What's happening?

Are you talking about the boys you like?

We were talking about the Chunin Exam days.

Just reminiscing.

With things the way they are now, we thought getting together and having fun once in a while would be nice.

I see.

Please help yourself.


Hinata, about what I said earlier⦠I'm all right!

I know what I must do.

Thanks to all of you.

You are all so lucky.

All right!

We're gonna gamble!

Time for the Princess Game!

Lady Tsunade!

Who is the Princess?


Did Tenten invite Lady Tsunade to their girls' gathering?

Talk about daring.

The Fifth must be pretty stressed too.

BARBE-Q Boy, did I eat!

It's been a while since I ate my fill of barbecue!

BARBE-Q Time for the afterparty!

Let's go!

What'll we do?

I'm going home.

I have an early start in the morning.

Me too.

I'm going back to work!

Oh yeah, I wanted to finish up some work tonight.

I'm sorry, Lady Tsunade.

We're going to call it a night.

'Thank you!

Good night!

'Wasn't that fun?

I'm going to get some ramen for dessert.

What a dedicated bunch.


All right, let's drink until morning!

Lady Tsunade!

That's what I want to do, but let's get back to work!


Neji⦠I want to become much, much stronger.

You are strong enough as you are now.

This next w*r is to protect Naruto.

So I have to be much, much stronger.

I want to be strong!

It's because of Naruto that I've been able to come this far.

Lady Hinata, I'm just like you.

Thanks to him, I'm free.

Welcome back.

I'm home.

I'll be all right.

Thank you, Ko.


You are from the Main Branch, so you should be leading the clan on the frontlines.

Right now, there is no Main or Side Branch.

You are the ideal one for the job, Neji.

Unless we join forces, this w*r cannot be won.

You've been livelier than usual Bushy Brow Sensei!

Of course!

The feeling of standing firm on your own two feet is the best!

Well, it's only until we reach the next harbor.

By the way, Naruto, I overheard this at the harbor, but it seems some imposters may show up.


Just what kind of imposters?

Next on Naruto Shippuden: "Naruto's Imposter" What?


Who are you?

Tune in again!
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