03x39 - Pure Terror! The House of Orochimaru

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto". Aired: October 3, 2002 - February 8, 2007.*
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Anime series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, searching for recognitions and wishing to become the ninja by the rest of the village.
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03x39 - Pure Terror! The House of Orochimaru

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey boys, listen up!

Humans aren't such a big deal

Who needs tomorrow anyway,

so don't hide your fists

You're not old enough

to sell your dreams away to uncertainty

Hey boys, you're the only ones

who can pull the trigger in your heart

All the kids said

We're living in this senseless, ridiculous,

awesome world right at this moment,

All the kids said

Don't forget every truth or lie

All the kids said

We're way too young to die

In this empty town lined with empty faces

All the kids took off

into this windless night

Because they want to change something

It's unforgivable!

Those guys...
the Fuma Ninja...

Their feelings towards the clan
are the same as our feelings!

Manipulating the Fuma's feelings of
wanting to restore their clan...

I'll kick Orochimaru's butt,
no matter what!

Pure Terror
The House of Orochimaru

How did the Pervy Sage,

who was once so easily defeated by
Old Lady Tsunade's numbing medicine

detect Sasame's medicine this time?

Isn't it strange that
Master Jiraiya's that sharp?

Hey, hey...

Remember when Sasame talked
about Hanzaki and said he's a traitor?

That's how I knew...

Hanzaki told me everything...

When Orochimaru came to this land,
there were those among us

who wanted to use his strength
to revive the clan

and those that saw his evil intent
and said we should not join him.

Hmm... so that's why you guys
were chased out of your village.

Yes. It was probably Orochimaru's idea
we were chased out of our village

as traitors who were getting
in the way of a revival of the clan.

When Sasame called Hanzaki a traitor,

I knew that Sasame had ties to a group
that was on Orochimaru's side.


Hey, Pervy Sage!

Just wait a minute!

I'm prepared!

Sasame, you did it so that
you could meet Arashi... Isn't that so?

I'm sorry...
that was the only thing I could do.

Master Jiraiya!

Sasame did it only because
she wanted to see her cousin.

Please forgive her!

I'm asking you to forgive her too!

The law of the Shinobi
is a strict thing...

I can't just acquit her like this.

Then punish me first!

I promised I'd help Sasame
see her cousin Arashi!

If I don't fulfill that I'll have twisted
my Way of Ninja!

Master Jiraiya, me too!

Now now, wait a minute!
It's not as if I'm gonna eat her alive.

- Huh?!
- Oh?

Sasame, Hanzaki was worried that

you might leave your village to
look for Arashi...

After you escort us to
Orochimaru's hideout,

you'll immediately head to
the inn where Hanzaki is

and wait there for our return.

That is the punishment given to you.

Master Jiraiya...

Pervy Sage,
I've gotta give you more credit!

Thank you, Master Jiraiya!

Well, Hanzaki treated me to
a lot of special service at the Fuma Bar

and asked me to look after Sasame...

I thought it was something
like that anyway!

I feel cheated that
I gave you more credit!

He, hey...
It's all right once in a while, right?

There's something called
socializing for adults...

There it is...

Leave the rest to us.

Sasame, be careful going back
to the inn.

Don't worry! I will absolutely
bring Arashi back!

Please take care of Arashi!

Leave it to me!

Just wait, and rest assured that
I'll do everything I can!

Stop getting so carried away Naruto,
you idiot!


That's where...

Sasuke is...!

So this is the only entrance...

If they're lying in wait,
we'll be picked off.

But there's nothing we can do but go!

Well, don't panic.

If three large rats go, we'll stand out.

First, let's send out one
that won't stand out.

Summoning Jutsu!


Th The frog spoke!

Hey, it's been a while!
Sakura, this is Gamakichi.


I wanted to ask you to do
some reconnaissance.

All right! That's a simple task.
Leave it to me!

I can't help it,
frogs give me the creeps...

There doesn't seem
to be anything fishy...

There doesn't seem to be
a trap at the entrance.


There's nothing to it around here.


What shall we do?

It seems there's no choice
but to split up into three.

My instinct tells me
it's the middle one!


What the heck?!

At times like this, it's especially
important to move carefully...

All right, I'll go this way!

That's it?!

So what's so different from
my instinct and that, Pervy Sage?

Well, it's a question of feeling...

If you haven't found anything
after minutes, come back.

Got it?


Naruto, Sakura, the two of you
should proceed together.

Listen, from this point forward,
it's the first avenue of hell.

A demon might appear,
or a snake might appear.

Take them on mindfully!


I understand!

We're going down the middle!

Then I'm going this way...

See ya...

Hmm... the smell of face powder.

I'm being invited in...

In that case, it might be good fun
to accept the invitation.


Because guests would be
arriving from far away,

I was directed by Lord Orochimaru
to entertain.

I'm guessing
it's a type of fox raccoon ghost...

If you're saying
I'm some raccoon or fox,

you ought to come over here
and check to see if I have a tail or not.

Oh, this path was right on...

How about yours, Naruto?

Sakura, be careful!

There's no telling what sort
of traps there might be...


- Oh?!
- Naruto?!

And you were the one who
said to be careful!

It was an ingenious trap floor!


What the hell is next!



It's my fault...


What the hell...

I can't get out...

What're you doing?!

You screamed in such
a misleading way, I totally thought...

Give me a hand!

You're really a handful!

Ya saved me...

Really! I'll go first!


It's all right now.







Naruto?! Are you all right?

Don't worry about me.

You need to hurry and
get out of this trap hallway!


I said go! I'll follow behind for sure!


Yeah... I'll catch up in no time!

You'd better come, no matter what.

It's a promise, you know...

The sake doesn't seem
tampered with.

So what kind of plot has been prepared... ?

Just as I'd expect from
the Village Hidden in Sound...

Are you planning to put a Jutsu
on me using music?

The music isn't only for guests.
It's for myself...

I see...

What do you play for your heart?

Music for my own funeral...

Trying to seduce me...
You've underestimated this Jiraiya!

Escorting the guest to
the underworld is my last mission.

A suspended ceiling?!

I need to hurry up
and get out of this place!

Shadow Clone Jutsu!

This is t*rture!

What the hell?!

Give me a hand!

We need to build up our Chakra
and create the Rasengan!

Don't be absurd!

We can't stretch
our bodies beyond this!

My muscles are cramping up!

Man! I've gotta do something...

- What!
- Huh?!


- Water?!
- Water!

Looks like I've been saved.

Hey, get outta my way!

Oh, it's you, Naruto.

Gamakichi, is there
a way out somewhere?

Don't know!
I was flushed down here too.

So it's no good...

Hey, are you all right?

How could I be all right!

Naruto's taking a long time.

Maybe I should go back...

It's admirable that
you made it this far, Sakura.

Is that Kabuto's voice?!

Isn't it ironic?

During the Chunin Exam
in the Village Hidden in the Leaves,

you were the only one
that dragged the team down,

but yet you're the one
to make it this far.

I'm not by myself!

Naruto and Master Jiraiya
will be here right away!

Where's Sasuke?
He is all right, isn't he?

Shouldn't you be worried about
Naruto and Master Jiraiya,

and not Sasuke?

Well, it may very well be that those two
are no longer in this world anymore.

No way...

There's no way Master Jiraiya and Naruto
would be taken down that easily!

I wonder if that's so?

Maybe you dragged Naruto
down like you always do?

So I'm right...


If you're worried
you should go and see...

Or perhaps you're afraid
of me attacking

and you can't come out
from behind the pillar.

If someone like you were
on my team,

I don't know how many lives
I would need.

I can too...

I can too!

Substitution Jutsu?!

Substitution again?!

I can too...
When I fight, I fight!

As I thought, this is all you've got...

It's about time I put an end to this.

I can't keep Lord Orochimaru waiting
for no reason any longer, you see.


Now...shall we see...

just who will be stealing
scrolls from whom?

We'll fight to the death!

No! I'm different from how I was... then!

I wonder if that's true...

It can't be...

Even if you put up a bluff,
I can foresee...

You are already... finished.

When I recalled the parts one by one,

I felt as though
I had understood everything

Faded words which I kept so close to me

Speechless nights, a hint of warmth,

and this distant yearning for you

I live, simply repeating this cycle

Held in my two hands
A droplet of time

Softly clutching forgotten memories
Lost words

I'll keep these thoughts...

I'm scared.
What is this intimidating feeling?

My legs are weak and
I don't have any strength in my body.

I thought I'm not the same person
as I was in the past.

I must stop. Calm down.

These guys are here,
which means Sasuke is definitely here!

I need to fight!
I came here to save Sasuke!

Next time, "Two Heartbeats:
Kabuto's Trap"
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