01x10 - The Forest of Chakra

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto". Aired: October 3, 2002 - February 8, 2007.*
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Anime series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, searching for recognitions and wishing to become the ninja by the rest of the village.
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01x10 - The Forest of Chakra

Post by bunniefuu »


Running like a fugitive,

Being chased by something

Inside my heart is pounding

My throat dry like it's withering

For no single one,

To none does belong,

This time is ours, right now...

Unraveling the pain,

Unraveling our hearts,

Unraveling shadows

Stifling our breath,

Reaching for beyond,

Tearing through the dark

In fighting and in love

To the distant light above,

Yes, we are on the way

I wanna rock...

Rockin' my heart

It seems I've overused
my Sharingan...

Are you alright, Sensei?

Not really... It will be hard just to
move for about a week...


It would be better if
you didn't move for a while.


Hey! Sensei's awake.

Come on!

Your Sharingan is fantastic,

but if it puts that much of a strain
on your body, it may not be worth it!


But you know...

He did take down
a real powerful Ninja like that!

We probably don't need to
worry for a while.

Anyway, that kid with the mask...
What was he?

He was an ANBU black ops
from the Hidden Mist village.

It's a mask that the elite
Ninja Tracking Unit wears.

The elite Ninja Tracking Unit?

They're commonly called the
"fire extinguishing corps,"

and their duty is to erase all traces
that a Ninja ever lived.

The body of the Ninja reveals
a variety of things...

Ninjutsu secrets and Chakra characteristics
which permeate the Ninja of their village...

the composition of secret medicines
used on a Ninja's body...

For instance, if I were to die,

every secret about my Sharingan
would be investigated thoroughly,

and in the worst case,

there's a danger that
my entire Jutsu could be stolen.

In other words,
Tracker Ninja are specialists

that prevent village secrets
from leaking out

by k*lling Rogue Ninja
who've run away from their village,

and completely eliminating
their bodies.

First, I'll cut the mouth cloth
and have him spit up blood...

It's alright.

I'll do it... myself...

You've already come back to life...

Darn, you really are rough...

You too, Zabuza.

Please don't pull them out
so violently or you really will die.

How long do you plan on keeping
that shady-looking mask on?!

Take it off!

It's a relic from the past,
and it's been handy for trickery...

But if I hadn't rescued you,
you certainly would have been k*lled.

If you were going to put me
into a state of apparent death,

you didn't need to aim for
the secret opening on my neck.

You're really a nasty one.

It couldn't be helped...

Besides, I didn't want to mark up
your immaculate body.

And also, I can aim more accurately
on the point on the neck

where there's not much muscle.

You'll be numb for about a week
and won't be able to move.

But since you're Zabuza,
perhaps you'll soon be able to move...

You're so innocent, smart,
and untainted...

That's what I like about you.

I am, after all, still a child.

The fog has lifted.


Will you be alright the next time?

The next time...

I'll be able to see right
through the Sharingan.

The Forest of Chakra

What is this?

Even though Zabuza is dead...

this indescribable uneasiness...

it must mean something
very important...

I have a feeling
I've overlooked something.

What's going on?!


Oh... so to continue my earlier story...

Ninja trackers...

take care of the bodies of people they've
k*lled, immediately and on the spot.

So what about that?

What did that kid with
the mask do with Zabuza?

How should we know?!

That masked one
took Zabuza away!

That's right...

If he needed proof he'd k*lled Zabuza,
he could simply have taken the head...

And the question is...

the w*apon the Ninja tracker kid
used to k*ll Zabuza...

A regular Senbon...

That's impossible...

Right... it's impossible?!

What have you guys
been clamoring on and on about?!

It's probably that...
Zabuza is alive!


What the heck do you mean?!

But Kakashi Sensei,
you made sure that he was dead!

It's true, I did make sure...

But, he was probably just in
a state of near-death.

The Senbon that Tracker Ninja used has
a very low ability to k*ll

unless it hits a vital spot...

It's something that was originally used
for medical treatments

such as acupuncture therapy.

Ninja trackers know all about
the structure of the human body...

putting people into a state of apparent
near death is probably simple for them.

First, he went to the trouble of
taking Zabuza's corpse

which was probably heavier
than he is.

Second, he used a Senbon,
a w*apon with a low ability to k*ll.

From these two factors,

that youth wasn't aiming to
k*ll Zabuza but to save him.

Aren't you reading
way too much into it?


If something seems fishy,
make preparations before it's too late.

That's also an iron clad rule
of the Shinobi!

Humph... To hear that Zabuza
may be alive and to be pleased...

Sensei, what do we do to make preparations
before it's too late?

You won't even be able
to move for a while...

I'll assign you training!

W-Wait a minute! Even with training,
we're not gonna be that strong!

Our opponent is a Ninja whom even you,
with the Sharingan, had a tough fight with!

Are you trying to k*ll us?!


Who was it that saved me
during my difficult battle?

You've all quickly grown...
especially Naruto!

You've grown the most!

He clearly does seem somewhat
stronger than before, but...

So you noticed, Kakashi Sensei!
Now it's getting interesting!

It's not interesting at all...

Who the heck are you?

Hey, Inari!
Where've you been?!

Welcome back... Grandpa...

Inari, what sort of greeting is that?!

These are the Ninja
who escorted your grandpa!

It's okay, it's okay.
Right, Inari?

Mom, these guys will die...

There's no way they can
oppose Gato and win.

Say what, you little brat!

Now listen up!

I'm a super hero who's gonna become
an awesome Ninja

named Hokage in the future!

I don't know if it's Gato or
Chocolat or whatever...

I'm not worried
about those guys, at all!

Huh, a hero. That's ridiculous!
There's no such thing!

W-What did you say?!

Stop that!

If you don't want to die,
you'd better hurry up and go home...

Inari, where're you going?

The sea...
I'll be looking at the sea...

I apologize.


That brat... I need to tell him
a thing or two!


Is he crying?!


So, now the training begins!

Yes, sir!

So... before that, let me again explain
Chakra power for a Ninja, from the basics.

At this point...

Of course we know about that!
Chatora, right?

It's Chakra...

Yes, Sakura...?

Are you listening, Naruto?!

It's tiresome, so I'll explain it simply!

Chakra is energy that
a Ninja needs when he uses a Jutsu!

It's made up of two energies:

1) Physical energy gathered together
from each and every cell in the body and

2) Spiritual energy accumulated based
on numerous trainings and experiences!

In other words, Jutsu wrings out and
combines these two energies

from within the body,

and this is called
"combining the Chakra."

Then Chakra is activated
by forming hand "signs."

That's exactly right!

Iruka Sensei really does
have good students.

Whatever! I may not understand
difficult explanations,

but I'll just learn it with my body!

Naruto is absolutely right...

We're already able to use Jutsu...

No! All of you still haven't used
Chakra efficiently.


Hold on and listen...

As Sakura explained earlier,

combining Chakra means picking up
both the physical and spiritual energies

and mixing them together
within the body.

And of course the amount of each energy,
the preparation of the energy,

changes based on
the Jutsu you want to activate...

All of you at present aren't
using Chakra efficiently!

Even if you're able to combine
a lot of Chakra,

if you're not able to control it
in a balanced way

the effectiveness of the Jutsu
not only will be cut in half

but it may not even
be activated at all.

Wasting energy will prevent you from
battling for long periods.

These are some of
the weaknesses that can occur.

W-What should we do...?

You need to learn to control
the Chakra with your body!

It's difficult training that requires you
to put your life on the line to master!

W-What will we do?


Tree climbing...

Tree climbing?!

That's right.

But it's not just simple tree-climbing!

You will climb
without using your hands.

What? How?

Well! Just watch.

He's climbing...

Perpendicular to the tree
and with his feet!

So see, kind of like this...

Focus the Chakra on the bottoms of your feet
and make them stick to the tree trunk.

If you use Chakra well,
you can do things like this.

Wait a minute!

How does something like that
make you strong?

So this is the main point...

The aim of this training is
to accumulate

the required amount of combined Chakra
to the required spot...

This is surprisingly difficult
even for an expert Ninja.

The amount of Chakra used
for tree climbing is very subtle.

And the bottoms of the feet are
the most difficult place to gather Chakra.

Anyway! In other words,
if you master that control

it will be possible to master
any Jutsu. In theory, that is!

The second aim is to maintain
that combined Chakra.

Ninja combine the most Chakra
during battles.

Under such situations,

"control" and "maintenance"
of Chakra becomes most difficult.

So anyway, nothing's really gonna
happen with me saying this and that...

You'll need to learn it with your bodies

Use that Kunai to put a mark
at the spot

where you can climb up to
under your own strength now.

Next make an effort to
put a mark further from it.

You aren't good enough to
walk up from the start,

so run and use your momentum
to get used to it... You got it?!

This training is nothing!
Hah, it's too easy for me!

After all, I'm the man
who's grown the most!

Enough with the talk...
Now get to it. Try climbing any tree.

OK, so first I need to gather
the Chakra on the bottoms of my feet...

Ready!! Here I go!

I didn't think it'd be this difficult to
maintain a constant amount of Chakra...

If the Chakra is too strong
you get pushed back...

But if the Chakra is too weak,
there's no sticking power and that happens.


The difference between Naruto and Sasuke
seems about right.

This is pretty easy!



So, it looks like the one with the best control
of the Chakra is Sakura, the girl...

Wow! Way to go, Sakura!

Just what you'd expect from
the girl I set my sights on!

But it does sort of tick me off!


I wanted Sasuke to notice me...

Why does this always happen?!

Well, not only does Sakura have
knowledge about Chakra,

her control and stamina
are pretty good.

It looks like...

She might be the closest one to
becoming a Hokage... unlike someone else.

And also, the Uchiha Clan
isn't really that great...

Shut up Sensei!

Sasuke won't like me then!

Having said that... Naruto and Sasuke...

Those two have an incredible amount
of Chakra hidden in them...

that Sakura can't even match!

If this training goes well,
this will become an asset to them...

OK! First I'll catch up to Sasuke!

I'll do it... for sure!


Even if they do that,
it's just a waste...


Even you got beaten and
had to come back?

The Ninja from the Hidden Mist Village
look like total weaklings!

You can't even clean up after
your subordinates,

and you think you're a "demon"!
Don't make me laugh!

So they're drawing swords...

Hold on. Wait.

Hey... There's no need to stay silent!

Why don't you say something?

Don't touch Zabuza
with your dirty hands!

I-It's gonna break...!

N-No way...

He moved...in an instant...

I wouldn't do that...
I'm ticked off!!

Next time...

If you lose again next time...

remember that there'll be
no place for you here!

I'm leaving!

Haku... Such unnecessary actions...

I know...

But it's too early to take down
Gato right now...

If we make trouble here...

We'll be pursued by them again.

We must restrain ourselves for now.


You're right.



I'm totally worn out!

How much stamina
can those two have?

But Naruto isn't getting
any better at all.

He'll soon give up and
start throwing a tantrum.


See! He sure is
an easy one to figure out!

Hey, Sakura!

Can you give me some tips?


Let's keep it a secret from Sasuke!
Come on, come on.

He's getting stronger and stronger...
How strong will he get?

At any rate Naruto...

the amount of your dormant Chakra
is probably more than Sasuke's.

And it's even more than mine!

I look forward to it... I really do.

That Inari...
He was crying all by himself.

He was looking at the sea
and crying the entire time.

He's always crying all alone.

What's that gonna do?

What happened
that made him so sad?!
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